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Midnight’s Embrace

"A rewrite of one of my first stories. My thanks to Jwren for his excellent editing efforts."

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In the darkest hours of a moonless night, she quietly awakens, not stirring, somehow sensing she is no longer alone. Her limpid eyes peer through the veil, searching wearily, hopefully, for he who has visited only in her dreams. Seeing nothing, she sighs deeply, and lays back into her pillow, resigned to another long and lonely night. Only then, as she gives up hope, does she discern the silhouette of her midnight visitor.

There is no fear or anxiety in her heart. She feels only a sense of cherished love emanating from this strange but welcome apparition. His presence is a calming warmth, comforting her and pushing aside the chill of the long winter night. As he approaches, her heart flutters and butterflies dance in her belly, but she is reassured by the strange connection they’ve shared through the void that has kept them apart.

His love and desire, being as strong as hers, have brought him on the wings of the wind to be with her on this special night. This night that will fulfill a promise made in a dream, binding them together across the Land and Sea. He gently lifts her hand to his lips, kissing it reverently, as if it were a great and delicate work of art. His voice is a whisper. “Anna, my love. Far too long have we waited. Rejoice with me. For on this night, we are finally together.”

With tears in her eyes, she tries to speak, but he rests his finger on her lips. “Speak not beloved, for mere language cannot express the love we share.”

Slipping into his arms, she is relieved to feel the softness of his touch and the warmth of his breath on her neck. This time it’s not a dream; he’s not a phantom presence that disappears into smoky vapor at her touch. A hand caresses her cheek, wiping away the tears and sending shivers of excitement coursing through her young body.

With a finger under her chin, he tilts her head and their lips meet. Gently they kiss, their passion growing, an ember into a flame. His tongue caresses her lips and she welcomes it, playing it against her own. His mouth captures hers and gently sucks at her succulent lips. She feels him tremble in excitement, like a ripple on a pond, and it speaks, more clearly than words, of his desire to have her.

He glides a hand up her lithe body and cups a breast through the material of her gown. Her breath catches in her throat when his thumb makes delicious circles around her hardening nipple, prompting her to moan into his mouth. He squeezes and fondles her pliant flesh until the ecstasy of his touch becomes more than she can bear. In that moment, she whimpers and breaks the kiss. Her head lolls back and she arches, pressing her breast into his palm.

He holds her tightly. Entranced by her beauty, his gaze roams her body. He is intoxicated by her; by her hair flowing down over her shoulders to her shapely breasts. He kisses her neck, savoring the wonderful taste of her skin. Sucking and nibbling at her sensitive flesh, he’s aware that her breathing has become deeper, that her heart is pounding.

Anna is overcome by her feelings. 'Is he but a man, or some unearthly spirit?'

The question fades from her mind as quickly as it formed. Whether man or spirit, he has aroused her to levels of love and excitement that go far beyond anything she thought possible. She welcomes these feelings with an open heart, accepting his love and the inevitability of the pleasure he will bring.

She reaches to touch his bare chest. 'How strange it is,' she thinks. 'I would have sworn he was dressed.'

This thought, too, is fleeting. So many things about him make no sense, but his body feels real, warm and strong. She runs a palm over him and feels the rapid cadence of his heart beat. His skin feels hot and alive as she caresses his almost hairless chest, fingertips tracing the lines of his well-defined physique. Her hand trembles slightly as she explores and she is entranced by how perfect he feels. She is brought out of this rapture when his breath catches as she brushes his smallish nipple.

“Oh yes my love, your touch is like the finest silk. It feels so good to finally have your hands upon me.” His voice is still but a whisper, yet it sounds so clear and loud in her mind as if he were not merely speaking, but placing his words straight into her thoughts.

She looks up into his eyes and they seem to glow in the darkness, reflective like a cat. They are piercing in intensity and riveting in effect. She has no will to resist him and would not think to try if she could.

He stands before her and guides her hand to his shaft. She places it on him and almost gasps at what she feels. He is longer than she expected, thick and rampant. His staff feels alive in her hand, pulsing and hot. She strokes him until a drop of moisture appears at the tip. Gently caressing her cheek, he moans delightfully in response.

She wants to see him more clearly but the room is too dark. Yet, as the thought crosses her mind, he reaches out and draws back the drapes. Starlight pours into the room, illuminating him in eerie luminescence. His skin, which had seemed quite dark, now glows in the brilliance of the night’s light. His jet black hair is smoothed against his head. He looks down at her, offers a comforting smile and she again feels his love warmly embracing her.

Anna turns her attention back to his manhood. Tracing her fingers up and down his length, she memorizes every contour and ridge, from its crown to the heavy sack below. With a smoldering excitement, she slides off the bed and kneels before him. Slowly, she moves forward, licking her trembling lips. She inhales his masculine aroma and his powerful pheromones fill her senses. Her mouth feels almost dry until she flicks out her tongue and brushes the tip of his throbbing member.

Her heart races as she touches him. His skin, smooth against her lips, has a pleasant, tangy flavor and her mouth instantly moistens in anticipation. With his hands lying gently on her shoulders, Anna takes him into her mouth, closing her lips around him. As her tongue begins to explore his length, she hears his quick intake of breath and feels his body tense. She is greatly pleased with his reaction and moves her moist lips up and down his alabaster-like flesh.

Although he is large, she has little trouble taking him in. Her tongue swirls around his head and he rocks his hips as she sucks his cock. Each time he pushes toward her, his hands on her shoulders draw her closer and his cock moves farther back, approaching her throat. 'How far can it go?’ she wonders. 'He’s too long for me to take him all.’

But even as the thought forms, she somehow knows that she can. With a relaxed confidence, Anna slides her mouth down and he easily passes beyond her mouth into her hungry throat.

The man caresses her hair as he buries deeply into her. “That’s it, my dear, your mouth feels so good on me. I am so hard for you.”

Anna is pleased and excited that she is able to take him so, and she sucks his cock with a growing confidence and excitement. Her mouth travels up and down his length, tugging and pulling at his flesh, and at his control. She hears his breathing becoming rhythmic as if in time with her motions along his cock.

Anna wonders if he will cum for her. The thought of making him fill her mouth with his seed is exciting, and she redoubles her efforts. Using her tongue and lips, she draws him deeply in, sucking with a skill she had never before possessed. It's as if she is being guided by him, yet he has not spoken. His labored breathing is the only sound to pierce the darkness.

She wraps a hand around his shaft and strokes him up and down in rhythm with her wet mouth. He groans in approval, thrusting his hips forward a bit more as she rotates her hand while stroking him. She understands now that the special connection they have shared is why she knows these things. He is willing her on and guiding her movements through that bond. They are one soul in two bodies.

“Yes Anna, you have sensed the truth: we are as one, and as you love me I will ever love you. As you have given me pleasure, I will return it to you a hundredfold.”

Anna whimpers as he pulls his glistening organ from her grasp. He raises her easily to her feet and kisses her with such tenderness that her knees almost fail her. Only his gentle hold on her hips keeps her upright.

He slowly raises her nightwear over her head. Her body, pale in color and wonderfully curvaceous in shape, comes into view one lovely inch at a time. He gazes intently at her nudity.

“You are beautiful Anna, and incredibly sexy. But that is nothing compared to the purity and beauty of your inner being. It is this I have sensed from so far away. It is this that brought me to you tonight.”

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He kisses her again and effortlessly lifts her in his arms. Laying her on the bed, he reclines next to her. She is confused by everything that has happened. Naked on top of the covers, she knows it is freezing outside but, amazingly, she is wonderfully warm in his presence. There is no explanation for it, but it is all real. He is real and the love she gets from him has more reality to it than all walls of her home. She has been a prisoner of her life for so long and now he is here to set her free.

Slowly, he runs his fingers between her bare breasts, lightly caressing her body in ways that make her skin feel as if a wonderful electricity is dancing over her. Her nipples harden and a sweet moisture appears in her passage. He continues to stroke her skin, drawing circles around her bellybutton and moving lower toward her pubic mound.

He kisses her deeply while touching her and she cups her breasts. When his fingers trace over her wet opening, she arches her back and flicks her tongue hungrily against his.

Her heart races as his fingers dip into her pool, sending sensations of pleasure exploding through her mind, and she writhes under his touch. He teases her clit with his fingertips and her legs quiver uncontrollably.

His skill is unequaled, his touch feather light and insidiously insistent. He brings her to the brink of ecstasy only to back away, teasing and drawing out her pleasure until she feels she will explode if she doesn’t come, and faint if she does. In her mind, she begs for relief, silently pleading to be allowed to reach that glorious peak.

He smiles at her knowingly and begins kissing down her body. He pauses at her nipples, sucking and lightly biting, adding to the almost unbearable pleasure she's already experiencing. It is almost with relief that she feels him move lower, leaving her tingling nipples to dry in the cool, night air.

Her relief is short-lived, though. His mouth comes down upon her soaking pussy and his tongue takes up the rhythm his fingers had started. As he clasps his soft lips on her button, she screams in pleasure. Pressure explodes from her core and an immense wave of sensations flood her body. Delightful contractions roll through her while bolts of white-hot pleasure erupt in her mind. Flashes of color blaze before her eyes and she willingly succumbs to the wondrous torture he is putting her through.

Her body tingles from the force of her orgasm and her eyes close as sleep overcomes her ecstasy. Her lover moves up and takes her in a caring embrace, holding her like a delicate flower. She coos quietly in his arms while he caresses her body.

For a time he holds her so, patiently waiting for the moment of her passion’s reawakening. In her own time, she responds to his touch, turning her head and kissing him, sweetly, gazing into his eyes. In them, she sees depths of emotion as deep as the night sky, his love for her shinning from that depth as brilliantly as the stars.

Only in her dreams had she dared to believe that she could be so completely loved, but he touches her heart as skillfully as he touched her body. She breaks the kiss and, softly as a breeze, whispers, “Make love to me.”

He smiles, knowing this moment would come. He climbs over the trembling young woman until his knees rest on the bed between her own. He places her hand upon his now soft length, letting her command its rebirth. She squeezes and strokes his shaft, stoking the fire within, and he shivers as the sensations reach into his soul. A wonderful heat fills him as he becomes erect.

Anna is enthralled at the feel of him growing in her grasp and is reminded again of how his organ seems to have a life of its own. She smoothes her thumb over the crown, amazed that something so hard can feel so very soft. Her touch flows down to his sack and she gently lifts his balls, as if weighing them in her palm. 'What do they contain?' she wonders. 'The seed of a man? The essence of a spirit? What is the nature of this beautiful being?'

At another time these questions would have seemed relevant, but here with him tonight, they are but a tiny voice in the tumultuous choir of her emotions. With the tiniest of gestures she points his cock at her opening and he immediately understands.

He moves closer until he is touching her moistened folds. Anna places her hands on his hips and, in a singular cataclysmic moment, guides him into her body. She holds her breath in nervous excitement and is rewarded by the glorious feeling of penetration, his thickness spreading the walls of her passage. She gasps, arching her back off the bed, as he slides deeply into her trembling body. Her fingers dig deeply into the living flesh of his hips as he gives her his length. Her face, just inches from his, is a portrait of sensual beauty and he pauses to gaze into her half closed eyes. When he eventually begins to withdraw, her fingers loosen, letting him slip away.

The man thrusts again, harder and more forcefully. The sensation from his movement is heightened by his strength, but there is something more she feels. The heat of his body against her thighs and his well-balanced weight pressing her into the bed, register in her mind. But these physical sensations are only a small piece of the mosaic of pleasure that she feels.

The connection of thought and emotion they have shared is stronger now than it has ever been. Images that defy explanation flash before her eyes, images of unearthly places and beautiful vistas that hearken to a world above the clouds. Above all though, his love for her reaches out to her soul and holds it gently in its mystical embrace.

All of these feelings merge and dance in her being as he builds a powerful rhythm within her body. She is very wet and his cock slides easily in her tight channel. She moans loudly each time he moves into her and he matches her cry of passion.

Their bodies move as one in this symphony of love. He rides her quickly, driving into her with a controlled ferocity that promises to push her to heights beyond anything she has ever known. She wraps her legs around his thighs and pulls him even harder into her, feeling a powerful new sensation from a spark of pleasure forming in her loins.

Her clit tingles and throbs, the joyous friction of his movements stimulating it in the most amazing fashion. A tightness forms in her belly and then, like an unstoppable force, her orgasm pulsates through her submissive and receptive body.

She does not reach these heights alone. He also feels the moment arrive, and when she starts quivering beneath him, he stiffens and drives fully into her soaking body. Through the maelstrom of her pleasure, she feels his fluid pouring into her.

Time becomes meaningless in the afterglow of their coupling. They kiss and cuddle, clinging to the bliss they have found with all of their love. When sleep comes for her, she drifts off peacefully, sated of body and content of spirit.

In her dreams, she sees him beside her with that smile of compassion and love that she has come to know so well. In the clarity of the dream, she dares ask the questions that she had not the courage to ask in the waking hours.

“Who are you that loves me so? Where did you come from? How can you be so much a part of me?”

“I am the spirit of the night, my lovely Anna and I have looked down upon the world and been enchanted by the beauty of your soul. You are my morning star and I have come to love you as I can love no other.”

In his blazing eyes, just for an instant, she sees a great sadness appear and her concern causes her to reach out and caress his cheek.

“Why the sadness then? We are together, our love is real. I can feel that from within your heart. Yet, still you are sad.”

He sighs, kisses her hand. “Yes my darling girl, our love is real, but we cannot be together. The morning will come and I will go back the astral realm of the night. I am so sorry, but there are things that even I cannot change.”

As he speaks, his body begins to change, turning to immaterial smoke and fading away. She cries out for him to return to her, but somewhere deep down in her heart, she knows that he can never truly be hers in this life.

As tears run down her cheek, his words come back from the void. “Do not despair, my love. Though you may not see me, like the stars I will always be there. Know also that, though you may at times feel lonely, you shall never truly be alone.” He pauses and she can feel his smile in her heart. “When you feel the need of my touch, look up at the stars and I will return. When I do, you will again feel my embrace.”


By Milik the Red



Written by Milik_the_Red
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