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Don't Go Swimming Alone...

"A girl lives alone in the woods and discovers a hidden lake. She decides to start going for nightly early-evening swims. One such evening, however, things take a turn for the.... tentacled."

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Going for an early evening swim in the stifling summer months is one of my guilty pleasures, and really, it’s only a guilty pleasure because I like to go alone. I know I need to think about my safety and blah blah blah… I’ve heard it all before. People really need to stop worrying so much. I take care to make sure my swims are safe and sensible – never when it’s too dark, or with an injury, on a full stomach or anywhere where I might be at the mercy of a stranger with sinister plans. All that good stuff.

I live in the middle of nowhere, which just so happens to be in a densely wooded area, roughly two minutes steady trekking distance away from the most enchanting, secluded lake you could ever hope to stumble across, as I did, when I first moved here. Why it wasn’t listed on any local maps or on the perks of the property when I rented it was a mystery to me, especially considering its breathtaking beauty. But I wasn’t about to complain - it seemed that the lack of advertisement about this little slice of heaven meant that I never saw another soul here. Ever!

I thought it was pure luck the first time, but I’d been for a handful of swims now and never encountered so much as a footprint of another human being. It’s more than I could have ever dreamed of when I packed up and moved away from the city, and I’ve relished my good fortune ever since, soaking up the natural charm at every opportunity.

Tonight, I’d embarked on my usual journey, bikini on underneath my shorts and t-shirt combo, a towel, a drink and some snacks and a jumper in case I got cold. And yes, before you ask, of course I brought my cellphone with me. We’ve all seen Friday the 13th and I’m not about to get slashed up by some mommy’s boy with a bad attitude just because I came unprepared.

I stood at the edge of the lake for a moment when I arrived and took in a deep breath of the still-warm summer air as I beheld the sight before me. A beautiful, crisp lake, edged with dark dense forest, glistening in the reds and golds and purples of the setting sunlight, refracting in captivating, dancing beams of light across the surface of the water. The air was so still, it always was, and only the sound of crickets accompanied the steady inhale and exhale of my own breathing.

I laid out my towel on the sandy edge of the lake and began to undress, pulling my t-shirt and shorts off with an eagerness that betrayed my excitement at plunging into the cooling embrace of the water. I kicked off my shoes, ripped the socks off of my feet and with about as much grace and dignity as a 3-legged giraffe, I ran into the water, giggling to myself at the childish act.

The water enveloped me like a soothing blanket, wrapping me in a delicate caress of relaxation. My sticky, sweat-coated skin immediately transformed into a canvas of fresh, silky-smooth alabaster and I sighed out my contentment as I kicked my feet off the bottom of the lake to float on my back, eyes closed, with a satisfied smile lighting up my face. I would never get tired of this place.

It was as I floated, lost in my blissful reverie that I felt… something… brush against the back of my thigh. There were a few fish in this lake, not many, but enough that one might accidentally brush past me, I reasoned, and quickly brushed off the sensation as I continued to float.

It was only when I felt the same brush, in almost the same spot that I thought something strange might be happening. Perhaps I’d cut my leg before I got in the water and the fish were feeding on my open wound… gross!

It was as I went to right myself and check out the back of my leg that it happened. The brushing came back, this time not a quick brush over my skin, but a long and languid stroke. I lay, floating there in shock for a beat. I was pretty sure fish didn’t move… like that.

As I tried to reason what on earth might be happening to me, a second something began stroking my other thigh. The same motion and slow, almost reverent movements across my skin. It wasn’t that I was scared at that moment, I was just plain confused. What on earth was going on?

As I again decided to right myself to find out exactly what it was that was exploring my thighs in such an unusual way, the most unexpected thing happened.  Two large, black-purple tentacles emerged slowly from the surface of the lake, on either side of both of my legs. The tentacles were an odd colour, like the sky before a storm at twilight, and glistened with some sort of mucus coating which seemed to repel the water somewhat.

Whilst I studied these bizarre appendages and their fascinating hue, my eyebrows drawn together in confusion, they moved with both a grace and speed that made me jolt. As I watched, they began to wrap themselves with a force that should not be possible, around the thickness of my middle thighs. The tentacles were cool and smooth - lubricated in that odd, viscous liquid and seemed to ripple and flex with pure muscle as they wrapped tightly around me and, to my horror, began to gently but surely pull my thighs apart.

I was floating there, staring up with wide eyes at the dusky sky, in utter disbelief at what was happening. Just as I began to feel like my upper half might slip below the water, another something lay across the length of my spine to prop me up and keep me floating on the surface. My heart was thundering now, thrumming noisily in my ears. I wasn’t about to drown which was my biggest concern, but now… what the hell was happening?!

The two tentacles on my thighs continued their slow tugging motion, and my knees were now a good few inches apart. I considered shouting for help and began to try sitting up to wrestle these tentacles off of my legs, thrashing my torso in my struggle, when two more of the things splashed out of the dark water below me and wrapped themself, with much less slow and tender exploration, around each one of my wrists.

As the tentacles bound themselves around my delicate forearms, and pulled my arms back down to the surface of the water with frightening ease, I heard something break the surface of the water behind me.

Something big.

I tried to tip my head back to look at it, but it really was starting to get dark now and looking at whatever it was upside down whilst the water of the lake sloshed around my face was no easy feat. All I knew was, it was watching me. I could feel a pair of eyes burning into me. Eyes that were far too knowing for something that had just emerged from the depths of a secluded lake.

My pulse was thundering now as my confusion, fear and apprehension jostled for first place in my chest.  I just couldn’t understand what was happening to me. Was I being attacked? Was this some sort of bizarre prank? I just couldn’t seem to engage my brain enough to string a coherent thought together.

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In that moment, as I lay there frozen in my state of overwhelm, things took an even stranger turn. My thighs were wide apart now, not uncomfortably so, but wide enough that the position was obscene. My arms were bound and held out to the side of me as my body continued to be propped up, so I still floated on the surface of the water.

Laying there, prone and helpless, knowing it was futile to even try to shout for help given the remote location I lived in, not one, not even two, but three of these tentacles broke the surface between my thighs and writhed there above the surface of the water in an unusual, hypnotic motion. I tipped my chin down to my chest to watch these things squirming around. Tapered at the end to a dull point and increasing to the thickness of a soda can at the point they met the water, they began to move in unison towards the fabric of the bottoms of my bikini.

I think I realized then what was happening, because at that exact moment, my feelings of trepidation began morphing into something hotter, something more like tantalization.

All three of these thick appendages hooked around different parts of the fabric of my bikini bottoms with a dexterity that made me marvel, and with a very firm yank, ripped - actually ripped - the fabric away from my body. I gasped loudly and, in response, heard a deep, humming sound come from the ­whatever it was that was watching me from behind.  

My face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and intrigue at what was clearly about to happen to me. I was completely bare to this thing that confined me here and, with a combination of the whisper of a breeze across the damp fabric covering my breasts and the rising feeling of primal need within me, my nipples hardened to stiff, visible peaks. 

I watched in slack-mouthed awe as the three tentacles, moving as though one entity, lowered themselves cautiously towards my now bare and open pussy, all that I had on full display due to the wideness of my spread thighs.

One of the tentacles moved closer than the other and with a precise and achingly unhurried movement, rubbed itself through my waiting folds.

I moaned, an involuntary sound escaping my mouth at the feeling of this slick, cool thing pressing against my sensitive lips, my slightly slick entrance and the lightly throbbing nub of my clit.

Seeming to approve of the sound I made, the other two tentacles moved toward me now and whether I meant to or whether again I moved with an involuntary jerk of passion-fueled interest, my thighs strained even wider to allow them better access.

I groaned loudly and squeezed my eyes shut tight as one of the tentacles began a wriggling, writhing movement over my aching clit whilst another began lightly probably at my entrance. With each wriggle and jab, causing the tentacle to push ever so slightly inside my pussy, I moaned, and my limbs jerked in the water, causing a violent clash of ripples to skitter along the surface of the lake in all directions.  

The tentacle working on my clit was relentless, creating the perfect amount of lubricated friction as it moved over me, the sounds it elicited from me only seeming to make it move faster; to press more urgently and find the exact spots I liked most so it could flick over them more fervently.

I could feel my own wetness now, mixing with the strange slipperiness of these tentacles as about 4 inches of one of them was now snaking and writhing inside me. I could feel the tip of it inside me, exploring and rubbing against the sensitive walls, finding the spots that made me clench around it and moan and jerk with more ferocity. I was spellbound by the sensations and my nipples strained even harder in the dim light.

The tentacle working its way inside my pussy gave a demanding push then, and squeezed another 4 or so inches inside me and I gasped in shock and pleasure. I was feeling so impossibly full and so unbelievably turned on by the impossibly expert way this creature was working me.

Now it had filled me to its content, the tentacle inside my pussy began thrusting in and out of me, sloshing in the water around us and punishing my hole with its insistent pace. It felt incredible, like nothing I could have imagined and my uninhibited moans filled the cooling night air as my orgasm began to build and I let go of my reservations.  

Just as I became accustomed to feeling of my clit being assaulted so unbelievably perfectly and the brutal thrusting of the long, thick tentacle inside my pussy, the third tentacle began moving again.  

It snaked its way confidently towards my arse, probing its slick, snake-like form against my tight little hole. I screwed my eyes shut tight again, mostly lost to the building orgasm that this creature was forcing out of me, but a touch of nervousness at being explored there still came over me.

I had no time to worry though, and still riding the blissful feeling of my impending climax, the creature pushed the third tentacle, inch by exhilarating inch, inside my arse until it sat deep inside me. This time not thrusting, but gently pulsing and flexing just enough to send a ricochet of sensations through me that only seemed to speed up my approach to my orgasm.

As the tentacles pulsed across my clit and flexed deep inside my arse, and brutally fucked my now soaking wet pussy, I started to buck and thrash more wildly in the creature’s grip. My orgasm was barreling through me and it was going to be the most intense pleasure I’d ever received.

I twitched helplessly and screamed out my pleasure as the creature fucked and played with my bound body like it was just a delicious little plaything, and I came so hard at the idea of being used by some alien being that my throat grew hoarse as I shouted and moaned and whimpered, the waves of my orgasm pulsating through my clit, clenching around both of the tentacles that stilled inside me, only squirming slightly against the sensitive spots it found within me as I came and came, twitching and moaning and completely lost in my pleasure.

The only other sound I could hear, as my panting and moaning lessened, my orgasm finally starting to subside, was the unmistakable sound of a satisfied groan that came from the creature behind me, that had watched me come apart for it. Had, I assumed, been the one doing all of this to my body.

As I lay there panting and trying to come to terms with what just happened, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was now going to be set free, or if the creature still had more for me in store.

I tilted my head back again to look at the creature and as I did so, caught the gaze of a wickedly seductive pair of eyes glinting in the moonlight. 

Written by TakeMeToErotica
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