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A Venus Fly Trap Ate My Pussy

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Author's Notes

"So ... obviously I have lost my mind in the Pandemic of 2020. If you happen to find it, please return it to me. This is the result of too much isolation. Please be kind."

Ahhhh! New Orleans! I twirl around in the French Quarter, taking in all the sights. I can't believe I am finally here. To most, this city is known for cajun cuisine, Mardi Gras, beignets, and Bourbon Street. But to me, it's known for its darker side - vampires, ghosts, voodoo, and swamp things. I hope to experience it all!

After I enjoy some beignets and coffee for breakfast, I head out to tour one of the filming locations for The Originals - one of my favorite vampire TV series. The series often filmed scenes at Lafayette Cemetery No. 1, a historic 19th-century cemetery, in which many Hollywood films have been shot. As I leisurely stroll around the above-ground tombs, I think about how odd it is to think of a cemetery as beautiful and peaceful. But, these are my feelings as I meander among the ornate carvings and sculptures surrounding the dead. Photography is a new hobby of mine, so I capture many great pictures along my walk.

As I peruse the grounds, I stumble upon a friendly, elderly man - the groundskeeper. We engage in a lovely chat and he obviously is an aficionado of all things NOLA. I tell him I am into the more mysterious aspects of New Orleans, and he gives me directions to an off-the-beaten-path property of some of the city's oldest live oaks near the swamplands. An odd woman lives there and allows visitors to walk her grounds, enjoying her trees. But, she is rumored to be a voodoo witch. She also grows an unusual variety of plants - supposedly for her spells and incantations. Wow! I am a huge nature lover too, and this is a must-see!


I follow the groundskeeper's instructions and arrive at my destination. It really is out in the middle of nowhere. But, it already intrigues me. I drive down a path flanked by live oaks, with their long catkins draping gracefully from the ends of their branches, forming a canopy overhead. This definitely adds an air of spookiness to my trip already. 

As I get out of my car, an elderly, petite woman approaches me. It is a warm day, but she is wearing a black cape of sorts. Very odd. 

"Hello, deary. Have you come to admire my trees?" she asks with a cracked voice. 

"Yes, I have. Your property is beautiful. Oh, what a quaint cottage over there," I say pointing over her shoulder. "So, do you live here?" I ask.

"Yes, I do. I live alone now. My husband, Vincent, met with an unfortunate circumstance some years ago. And I like to dabble in witchcraft, or more accurately voodoo. Some folks in the city don't take kindly to that, so I stay out here where nobody bothers me."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. And voodoo, you say?" I respond, with my interest piqued. 

"Yes, voodoo. I have perfected many spells over the years, and, well, a few didn't go as planned."

"Oh, well, ummmm," is all I can manage to say. 

"You are welcome to walk the trail. Please stay on the mulched path and take all the pictures you want, but don't go near the large greenhouse behind my cottage."

"Oh? What's in there?" I ask, unable to contain my curiosity.

"I just have some special plants that require isolation. Stay away from that greenhouse, deary."

"I will."

"Now, I have the herb greenhouse I can show you. It keeps my lovelies that I use in my spells, my dear. Would you like a tour?"

"Yes! Please! That sounds very interesting!"

She extends her crooked fingers towards me and I take her hand. She chats away about her spells as she leads me to the herbs.

We walk inside her small glass-enclosed shed and an odd assortment of plants grows everywhere. A variety of pleasing aromas hits my nose as well. Very interesting, indeed. She leads me to the first set of plants by the doorway and begins her narration.

"Chamomile and rosemary are used in my spells of protection against evil spirits. A little mint will purify and protect and even break some hexes and jinxes. Oh, my dear, this is star anise," she says pointing to a large tree-like plant in a pot. "It is one of my favorites as it boosts my psychic awareness."

"Mmmmm, some of these smell divine. I love chamomile. And you use these ... for real spells?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, deary. Oh, I must show you this one. The Ruda plant can make a powerful love spell. Do you have a lover, my dear?"

"Ummmm, no. Not at the moment."

"Do you want one? I can whip up a powerful concoction for you," she asks hopefully.

"Ummm, thank you, but I will just find love the old-fashioned way. Thank you though," I respond smiling. "So, are all your spells ... good spells? Or, ummm, do you do any, not so nice ones?" I ask hesitantly.

"Ah, you are wondering if I cast any hexes. Well, sometimes a hex is needed, called for, you know. If someone truly bothers me. Oh, this one is really important - bloodroot. If someone were to cast a hex on me, I could use this root to defeat the hex," she says excitedly. 

"What herb is used for hexes?" I can't help but ask.

She leads me to another area of the greenhouse and points to a plant with heart-shaped leaves she calls, knot weed.

"This is powerful, deary. I stuff it into a voodoo doll, sew it up, and then bury the doll and it gets rid of my enemy," she says nonchalantly.  

"What do you mean by 'gets rid of my enemy'," I ask, growing a little freaked out. She doesn't respond but continues our tour.

After we have made our way around her greenhouse, she leads me back outside. I am not going to lie, this woman is a more than a little creepy, but so far, very sweet. I don't know how much stock I put in her spells and such though. 

She turns to me smiling, "I have some things to attend to on the other side of my property, so I bid you a good day, dear. Remember to stay on the path and enjoy your afternoon. And stay away from the greenhouse," she reminds me as her voice grows serious.

"Yes, good day to you ma'am," I respond, smiling. I watch as she slowly walks away.

I stroll around taking pictures of her magnificent living oaks, magnolia trees, and weeping willows. She really has an assortment of foliage on her property. But, I can't keep my thoughts off her greenhouse. It has always been hard for me to be told I can't do something. I just want to do it all the more. Maybe, I can just sneak over and peek in a window. What would a little peek hurt?

I look around and don't see her, so I briskly walk to the greenhouse. Standing on my tippy toes, I peek in the nearest large window. It looks much like the other greenhouse, only the plants are bigger. A lot bigger. Many have grown as high as the ceiling and I must have a closer look. 

I carefully open the door and peep in. The coast is clear, so I quickly usher myself through the door, closing it behind me. Just a quick peek around.  What an odd assortment of plants. SuddenlyI feel something brush against my ankle and look down to see a green leafy stem encircling my foot. Before I can react, it captures me, flipping me upside down, hoisting me into the air. I am dangling like a helpless animal caught in a trap. 

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I scream as I swing back and forth in the air, maybe 15 feet up. Spinning around, I see the stem that binds me is attached to what looks like the largest venus fly trap plant I have ever seen. Good grief! Like something straight out of the Little Shop of Horrors movie. I scream until my throat hurts. 

"Oh dear, you didn't listen to me," she says in her ragged voice.

I turn my head to see the little voodoo witch staring at me. "What is this?" I shriek, hanging from the tightening stems. 

"Why this is my pet, of course," she answers as if I asked the most ridiculous question ever.

"Pet? Make it release me! Please!" I yell, growing more frightened by the minute. Her pet's tentacle-like stems quickly rip my clothes off me and I am dangling helpless and naked. 

"Oh, I can't do that, deary. He has to finish eating now," she responds, in her casual manner.

"Finish eating! Like me? Finish eating me?" I yell louder, trying desperately to wriggle free from its stems. And why is she calling 'it' a 'he'?

"Why yes, my dear."

"So, its gonna kill me?" I say, starting to cry now.

"Oh, heavens no, my child. He just needs to finish eating once he starts and then he will let you go. You know, eat your pussy until you cum."

"Eat my fucking pussy?" My ears must be deceiving me.

"Please watch your language, deary. It is quite enjoyable, you know. He needs to be fed about three times a day. And since you wandered in here for lunch, I guess I won't feed him again until dinner time," she says smiling.

She walks over and pets its head. I guess that is its head - the biggest part with a mouth of sorts with a slimy pink tongue dangling. I have to be dreaming. This can't be happening. Then, a leaf-covered stem circles my breast and begins teasing my nipple. 

"Oh, he is ready. Would you like some privacy, dear? Or would you prefer I stay? He is perfectly safe, I assure you."

I whimper, "Please stay, ma'am."

"Oh, call me, Helga," she says sweetly. "I will be sprucing up some of the others and you just call if you need something. I suggest you just try to relax and enjoy it. I do think you might like my pet," she says turning her attention away to another one of her odd-looking plants.

One of its leafy stems swooshes back and then smacks me across my ass. 

"Ouch!" I yell.

It does it again and again as if it is giving me a good switching. Owwwwwwww! I had to fetch a switch for my mom a few times when I was younger, and this is much more painful than I remembered. I know welts must be raising on my ass. I use my arms to try to spin myself away from its thrashing stems. 

Thwack! Thwack! Its spanking continues as I continue hollering until Helga reappears.

She walks over to her pet and scolds him for spanking me, telling him he isn't playing nicely with me. What the fuck kind of nuthouse is this?

My hands rub my stinging ass as its tentacle-like stems wrap around my legs, stretching them apart, so my pussy is fully exposed. Those little fucker branches bind my arms now too. I am defenseless and unable to move. Frightened doesn't quite cover my emotions. Its head moves in front of me as his long, slimy tongue shoots out to lick one of my nipples. I gasp in horror. It continues licking and my little buds betray me and harden. Oh! Oh! Oh! My body wants to writhe, but leafy stems won't allow any movement from me.

I look down and scream as I notice my legs turning green. "Helgaaaaaaaa!"

She peeks her wrinkled face around a lush plant and answers a cheery, "Yes, child?"

"I ... I .... I am turning green!"

"Oh, it's temporary, my dear. His stems ooze a little when he gets excited. The green stain will wear off shortly." And with that, she returns to her business of watering her plants. 

Her pet has what looks like a tail with another mouth and tongue. It is much smaller than the head but no less scary looking. It snakes its way up my leg and hovers in front of my clenching pussy as if inspecting me. My greenish legs quiver in the clutches of the stems, wondering what will happen next. I don't have to wait long to find out.

A mouth closes in on my pussy and I feel a tongue, seemingly ribbed, lick me from my clit to my ass. Back and forth. Back and forth. I am ashamed to say I feel my wetness leaking out my now-excited pussy. Its licks do feel good ... very, very good. And then it happens - penetration! Its tongue pushes through my lips into my opening and plunges inside, licking my pussy walls, as it extends all the way to my cervix. Oh, my God! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

"Are you alright, deary?" I hear her voice ask.

"Yeee ... yeeee ... yes," I stammer. This is fucked up, but I have to admit, its tongue is so pleasurable - like nothing I have ever felt inside my pussy before. It presses against my cervix, swirling around and around, and even hits my G-spot. Fucked up, I know. Its bumpy tongue feels so good maneuvering around inside my pussy. So good!

Ahhhhhhhhh! Oh, my God! Ahhhhhhhhh! I can't help it. My whole body betrays me now and gives in to this thing's pleasures. A slender limb snakes up and tickles my clit with its leaves. It is too much. My tummy tightens in that oh-so-familiar feeling as my pussy contracts, preparing for its needed release. Fuck!

I cum - hard!  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! And its tongue slides out of my dripping pussy, ravenously licking up every last drop of moisture between my legs. One by one, its tentacle-like stems recoil from my wrists and legs, releasing me from my bondage. And I fall to the ground with a clunk. My legs are still a little wobbly from my orgasm, but I scramble up as best I can, slipping on what's left of my ripped clothes. I race for the fucking door, counting my blessings I survived this weird-as-shit ordeal. 

"Leaving so soon, deary?" she calls out to me. Then, I hear her say "Did you enjoy her, Vincent?" as I scamper out the door of her little greenhouse of monsters.

What the fuck! If you ever doubted ... take it from me ... monsters are alive and well in New Orleans!








Written by KimmiBeGood
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