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Trucker Fucker, Chapter 1

"Julia had found her calling and her office was a truck stop parking lot!"

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We've all heard of those ladies of the night that have been rumored to roam truck stops seeking out lonely drivers. Affectionately known as "Lot Lizards", "Pavement Princesses", "Sleeper Leapers", they tend to move from truck to truck soliciting drivers seeking money for sexual acts, drugs, or even a ride down the road.

Just like regular street hookers, each of these ladies has her own reason for doing what she does. Some suffer from drug addictions, some are homeless seeking a warm place to stay, and some are just looking to turn a quick buck.
The following is a story of one such "trucker fucker"...


Julia Parker looked in the dirty mirror of the even dirtier gas station bathroom as she applied her makeup. She had to use this gas station bathroom even though it was a block away and on the other side of the interstate because the truck stop she worked had gotten wise to what she was doing and had chased her off. It was a hassle but then so was getting rousted by the cops.

She had been pretty lucky so far–she had only been bothered by the local sheriff a couple of times and both times she had been able to sweet-talk her way out of it because her trucker client didn't want the hassle of pressing charges, missing work for a court appearance, and all the associated inconveniences.

Besides, everyone knew that these cases usually result in a fine or maybe a few nights in jail, then they were back on the streets. Meantime the poor trucker had at the very least missed a couple of runs (and a paycheck) and more likely gotten himself fired for associating with illegal activities.

Julia checked her appearance one last time. Her makeup was acceptable, her white tie front crop top was alluringly open in the front and showed she was well-equipped for a night of fun and games. and her ultra-short black patent-leather mini-skirt told her prospective boyfriend she meant business!

She slipped into her black six-inch spiked-heel open-toe platform pumps and she was ready to go to work. Julia was only five-foot-four-inches tall without her shoes, but these CFM's brought her up to a respectable five-foot-ten-inches... which also happened to be a good height for getting in and out of an 18-wheeler! 

Julia picked up her makeup and put everything in her small silver rhinestone covered clutch purse, taking note that she would have to pick up some more makeup supplies soon. She stepped cautiously out of the ladies room and took a careful look around. A girl can't be too careful and the police had been known to lie in wait for a girl like her.

But the coast was clear and so she started the short but necessary walk to where she would see if she could find a willing cock to play with.

Julia walked down the side of the road swinging her hips like a Victoria Secret model on the runway. As cars passed by her there would be an occasional whistle or catcall and she would smile and wave at the occupant in the car.

It made her feel good when she got such responses–it let her know that her efforts to look attractive were really working. At thirty-five-years-old, she was getting on the high side of the "working age" and so any little ego boost helped.

It wasn't as if this was her only source of income. Actually, she was fairly well off. Her father had left her a sizable inheritance and that, plus her late husband's life insurance, provided her with a comfortable living income. She wasn't rich by any means, but she managed through some shrewd investing, to make a good "middle income" lifestyle.

No, the only thing she lacked was companionship and more to the point, sexual companionship. She wasn't doing this for the money, although she never turned down a "little something for her" as the trucker's usually called it. Julia was mostly looking to whet her sexual appetite–which was quite voracious, to be honest.

Julia loved sex in all its forms and variations. And although she was getting a bit mature compared to others in this line of work, her sexual drive was going full steam ahead!

Julia reached the underpass that would allow her to cross under the interstate and get to the other side. This part of her daily walk to work made her the most nervous. Unfortunately, she had to get to the other side of this six-lane divided highway and this was the only way to do it on foot. 

But going under the overpass scared her–it was dark, abandoned, and usually had some kind of unsavory element taking shelter in it. So before she started through the dark underpass, she tucked her purse up under her arm and took a good grip on her spray can of mace... she wasn't taking any chances!

But she got through the scary section of her trip without incident and breathed easier once the traffic lights started back up. She shrugged off the worry of the tunnel and proceeded on to the truck stop.

It was just past 11:00 pm when she got to the truck stop parking lot–late enough that is was getting dark so it would hide her from interfering eyes, but early enough that most of the truckers would still be awake and relaxing in their rigs. A good time to start "honey hunting"!

And her hunting grounds were unusually active that night, which was always a very good sign. Julia licked her lips eagerly at the prospects in front of her. Over forty big rigs sitting there, some of them idling, some shut down but the possibilities looked very promising tonight. Julia could feel her panties getting damp already.

She sauntered up to the first rig, a 1989 GMC sleeper cab with a box trailer. Julia had gotten pretty good at picking out possible clients by the look of their rigs. This truck was shut down and the engine was cold. The lights were out–this driver was more than likely asleep so there was no point in trying this truck. 

She moved on to the next one, a newer 2007 Kenworth with a huge sleeper! This one looked like it would be fun! And the rig was running... this one had potential! Julia climbed up on the passenger side steps, hanging onto the handrail with one hand and tapped the window with her long red fingernail. Luckily for her, the driver was in the sleeper reading as he tried to wind down from the days' driving.

Julia's husband Ron had been a long-haul trucker so she was familiar with all the talk and knew how to converse with these men. She had been to his trucking company office several times and had made a few friends along the way. It had been a good life all in all, but it did leave Julia alone a lot. 

It was this loneliness that had driven her into becoming a "lot lizard" in the first place. Julia hated that term, though. She was no reptile! She preferred "sleeper leaper" or "parking lot princess" or one of the more appealing terms. Hell, even being called a slut or a whore would be preferable to being thought of as a reptile!

Then, about three years ago, Ron was killed when a drunk driver crossed into his lane and smacked a car ahead of him. He swerved to avoid the tangled cars and crashed through the guardrail, going over the 100-foot embankment and rolling several times before coming to rest on the driver's side.

The driver rolled down the window of his truck partway. He was no fool–he knew that some of these women weren't after sex, they were just straight-out thieves looking for a loose wallet or anything else they could grab and get away with.

He rolled the window down just far enough to hear and be heard, but no one could reach in and unlock the door.

"Yeah, what do you want darlin'."

"C'mon mister, let me in it's dark out here and I'm cold!"

He looked at her skeptically, but then opened the door. This woman didn't look like the drugged-out half-starved young kids he had seen prowling around other truck stops.

In fact, aside from the way she was dressed and the surroundings they were in at the time, she looked like she could have just come from a PTA meeting or something! 

"I don't doubt your cold, considering what you're wearing! What's a nice looking woman like you doing in a greasy old parking lot with a bunch of road rascals like us anyway?"

"Me? Oh, I'm just looking for a friendly face! Someone to talk to and... maybe a playmate if you are interested?"

"I don't know about the friendly face part. I'm not exactly known for being Mr. Sociable you know! That's why I'm a trucker–I don't deal well with people!"

"Well, you are doing pretty good with me, honey! So what are you known for?" Julia took the lead in this dance and began rubbing his crotch. She was pleased with what she found there. This guy may not deal with people conversationally, but his hardening cock was talking up a storm!

"Mmm baby, I think I found that playmate I was looking for!"

Being a trucker's wife was hard, but it wasn't any easier on the trucker's either. And because he was on the road so much he didn't have a chance to have a wife or girlfriend at home when he got there.

So when Julia started cooing and caressing him, he quickly responded! He sat back and opened his legs a little wider as she rubbed his hardening cock through his old blue jeans.

"So what's your name, baby?"

"My friend's call me Tommy, but my handle is The Grump!" 

"Well, I'd like to call you Tommy then–The Grump doesn't sound at all sexy!"

"So what's it gonna cost me to be your playmate tonight?"

"Well, that depends on the games you wanna play. I get $40.00 for a blowjob, $80.00 for sex, and $100.00 for both."

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"Hmm, I see. I'll tell you what... it's been a long time since I had something warm to sleep up next to–and a truck cab heater isn't very soft, let me tell you!

"I have $250.00 available if you will spend the night here with me. I'll give you $100.00 of it now and the rest come morning. That should give us plenty of playtime!"

"That sounds wonderful, baby! This is gonna be lots of fun! I hope you can use that big fat stick shift I am feeling in your Levi's!"

"You just get on back there and get ready to play darlin'! It might have been a long time since I been on the playground, but I still know how to use the equipment!"

As she climbed back into the sleeper area, he gave her a swat on the ass. 

"Oooh, baby!" Julia giggled and hurried back to get ready.

Tommy watched as Julia got undressed. Tommy's sleeper cab was tall enough that she could stand upright easily and had enough room to move around some. It had all the comforts of home including a microwave, a small fridge, a cable-ready color TV, and a couch that folded out into a double bed. 

"This is really nice, Tommy!"

"Yeah, it's home. I spend more time here than I do back in Kansas City."

Julia untied the knot in the front of her crop top and peeled it apart revealing her admirable 34D tits. Julia had taken great pains to keep herself looking as good as possible.

She knew that her looks were key to her getting what she wanted–sex–and so she put in the time at the gym at least twice a week and watched what she ate so she would look her best.

Her efforts were not lost on Tommy either. His eyes scanned her very shapely and attractive form carefully taking note of every delicious curve and hollow. A shiver ran through Julia's body when he licked his lips... he looked like a big cat looking at a helpless young deer.

"Damn, girl.... you sure are looking good!"

"Why don't you come back here and get a better look baby?" she said as she unzipped the back of her leather micro-skirt and dropped it at her feet.

Tommy didn't need a second invitation. He moved back into the sleeper, not taking his eyes off her. He pulled the sliding pocket door of the sleeper closed behind him until he heard it the latch click.

Julia moved to one side as he came into the sleeper and he took her into his arms, crushing her to his chest and kissing her like he hadn't kissed a woman in years. 

Which wasn't all that far from the truth–he hadn't felt the softness of a female body in so long he'd nearly forgot what it felt like. But she reminded him.

She was soft and warm and she returned his kiss with equal passion. He pressed himself against her, enjoying the feeling of her body. And when he did, Julia felt him as well.

"Ohh, Tommy!"

Julia's hand moved to caress the enormous bulge in the front of his jeans. This was what she wanted; this was the reason she was out here in a truck stop parking lot at this hour. She pushed her hips towards the tantalizing bulge, rubbing her panty-clad pussy over it. 

"Oh God, Tommy, I'm so horny for you right now! Please give me that big fat cock. Please, I need to feel you fill up this hungry pussy!"

She maneuvered him around until his back was toward the couch and she pushed him gently back so that he sat down on the couch. She knelt down in front of him and began feverishly working to unbuckle his belt. She then went to work on his jeans and within seconds she had his pants undone. 

Tommy raised up slightly to allow her to pull his jeans down. As she pulled his jeans and boxers down his cock head peeked out above the waistband.

"Hello there! Would you like to come out and play with me?" 

She gave his cockhead a kiss and then pulled his pants down the rest of the way and removed them. She placed her hands on the top of his thighs and pushed them apart scooting up closer between them. In front of her was seven inches of hard, throbbing cock.

She could see the swollen purplish head with a glistening drop of pre-cum waiting for her. She wrapped her small hand around the thick shaft and felt the soft silky skin contrasting with the hard rigidity of its internal structure.

It always amazed her how something that once was limp and flabby could grow to be so hard. And how good that hardness felt inside of her!

Julia didn't even ask for permission, she just went at his hard cock like she was starving and it was a t-bone steak! She started by licking the full length of the underside of his cock from base to tip. When she got there, she scooped up the drop of sweetness at the tip.

"Mmm... yummy!"

Then she swirled her tongue around the mushroom cap before she moved back down and licked his shaft in long slow full-length licks like a kid with a popsicle. She went around the whole shaft like that until she was certain he was entirely coated in her saliva.

On her last lick, she stopped at the head and looked up at him with a kittenish smile. She put the tip to her lips and, keeping her eyes locked on his, she began pushing him into her mouth, using his cock to force her lips apart.

Tommy let out an involuntary groan as he felt her hot mouth surrounding his aching cock. Her mouth felt so fucking good! Julia slid further down his shaft as his eyes rolled back in sweet bliss.

It was hard to tell who was having more fun. Julia loved sucking cock–it was one of her favorite sexual activities. And she had gotten very good at it.

She looked at each cock as a new and exciting challenge and she met them all with equal enthusiasm and a desire to do her best, whether it was the first cock of the night or the last. She gave her all to each of her clients.

Tommy was having the time of his life as well. He sat there semi-reclined on the couch moaning and reveling in the feeling of warm sweet rapture that Julia's mouth was producing. He couldn't remember anything feeling as incredible as this woman's mouth around him and he didn't ever want it to stop. He wasn't sure what heaven was like, but this had to be pretty damned close!

Julia pulled her mouth off of his cock just then and pushed the shaft up against his stomach. She moved down a bit and began to lick and suck his balls. She coated them with saliva as she licked them then when she was happy with that, she sucked each one in turn into her mouth swirling her tongue around the hairy nut. 

She liked the sweaty, salty, slightly tangy flavor of a sweaty man's balls and the days' driving in this summer heat had given them an extra delicious taste.

She sucked each one in turn onto her mouth until she had gotten all that she could from them then she moved to his perineum and on down to the crack of his ass.

She couldn't quite rim him with him sitting there but she made a point to do that before she left in the morning. After all, he had paid good money for the full treatment and she liked the way it drove men crazy when she tongued their assholes!

"Baby, you taste delicious and I really love sucking your fat cock, but there's someone else here that wants her turn!" Julia looked down at her sopping panties. Tommy knew just what she meant and he pulled her to her feet.

Julia went to remove her white thong panties, but he stopped her. "Let me do it. You got to taste me, now it's my turn to taste you!"

Tommy reached up and began to slip her scant panties down her long smooth legs. They stuck to her a bit because of her wetness, but that only made him more excited, knowing the sweet honey that awaited him.

When the wet garment slipped past her knees it fell to the floor making a very pretty picture draped over her black platform pumps. Julia stepped out of the panties and stood there wearing only her heels now. Tommy picked up the panties and inhaled her scent deeply then licked the wet spot–a move that nearly caused Julia to fall as her knees went weak! 

He set aside her panties, then lifted one leg up and put her foot on one of the built-in shelves one the cab wall. Julia leaned back against the door and held on to the sides as he leaned forward to inhale her scent again–this time straight from the source. He took hold of her support leg to help hold her up knowing she would need it and he fastened his mouth on her dripping pussy.

"OH MY GOD! Oh, Tommy! Oh yes, baby yes! Lick my pussy! Eat my whore cunt darlin'! Oh, fuck yes!"

One of Julia's hands instinctively came off the wall and went behind his head, pushing his face deeper into her crotch, wanting his tongue deeper inside of her. She laid her head back as the truck cab began spinning. Now it was her turn to taste heaven!

Julia loved to be eaten out and Ron used to do it whenever they had sex. The only problem is that wasn't very often. And when she started this little hobby of whoring herself out to the truckers, she found that most of them wouldn't go down on her because "they didn't know where it had been"!

So even though she was getting more sex than ever, it wasn't the oral sex that she wanted–she wasn't getting her pussy peach eaten. But Tommy didn't have such concerns. He loved eating pussy and hers was calling to him, offering up delicacies he wasn't about to turn down.

"Oh fuck Tommy! Oh God, you are so good at that! Yes, baby right there! Lick me right like that! Ohhh!" Julia moaned and ground her pussy into his face, using his nose to rub her clit against as his tongue drove her out of her mind.


Written by Master_Jonathan
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