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The Tailor

""A dangerous enforcer, a desperate tailor, and a debt that sparks a fiery encounter.""

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The door chime echoed through the opulent tailor shop, its soft ring a stark contrast to the heavy footsteps that followed. Luca stepped inside, his imposing frame filling the entrance. He scanned the room with piercing blue eyes, taking in the dark wood paneling and the plush red velvet chairs.

The scent of expensive fabrics and colognes filled the air, a subtle reminder of the shop’s exclusivity. Mannequins wearing custom-made suits stood silently, highlighting Sofia’s exquisite workmanship.

Sofia looked up from her work, her green eyes widening for a split second before she composed herself. She straightened, smoothing the front of her form-fitting dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Long, raven-black hair framed her face, cascading in soft waves down her back.

Luca approached the counter, his tailored suit accentuating his broad shoulders and lean physique. He didn’t waste time on pleasantries; his gaze locked onto Sofia’s as he closed the distance between them.

“You know why I’m here,” he said, his voice low and tinged with steel.

Luca had a reputation as a feared mafia enforcer known for his icy demeanor. His presence signaled one thing: a debt had to be paid. The shop’s location in a protected neighborhood meant regular payments to ensure safety and continued operation. Sofia had missed her last payment, which is why they sent Luca to collect.

Sofia’s heart pounded, but she maintained her calm exterior. “I’m aware,” she replied, meeting his gaze. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the money this month.”

Luca’s jaw tightened. He leaned in, the scent of his cologne mingling with the shop’s air. “That’s not acceptable, Sofia.”

She took a step back, her fingers gripping the edge of the counter. “I just need a little more time,” she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. “Business has been slow, and—”

“No more excuses,” Luca interrupted. “You’ve had enough time.”

Sofia’s mind raced. “I can make it up next month, double the amount—”

“And what happens when next month comes, and you’re still short?” Luca’s eyes narrowed. “You think this is a game?”

“No, I don’t,” she said, her voice softening. “I understand the seriousness, but—”

“But nothing,” Luca snapped, cutting her off again. He leaned closer, his gaze intense. “Debts need to be paid. You know the rules.”

A silence stretched between them, thick with tension. Sofia trembled as she took a deep breath, a bold idea forming in her mind. She reached out and brushed her fingers against Luca’s hand, her touch light but deliberate.

“Perhaps there’s another way I can satisfy the debt,” she suggested, her voice steady but laced with hidden anxiety.

Luca raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in his eyes. “I’m listening.”

Sofia took a breath, her heart pounding in her chest. “Follow me,” she whispered, heading to the fitting rooms.

Sofia led Luca towards the back, her hips swaying seductively with each step. Her long hair flowed behind her like a dark river, catching the soft light that illuminated the shop. She glanced over her shoulder, her green eyes meeting Luca’s with a mix of determination and vulnerability.

He followed her every movement, appreciating the elegance with which she carried herself. His eyes traced the curve of her back, the dip of her waist, and the gentle sway of her hips. He could feel a stirring within him, a primal response to her allure.

They entered the largest fitting room, where the plush surroundings created an intimate atmosphere. Dark wood paneling lined the walls, and a small pedestal stood opposite a full-length mirror. A velvet chaise lounge sat in one corner, and soft lighting cast a warm glow, enhancing the rich colors of the fabrics that adorned the shelves.

She turned to face Luca, her fingers brushing against the silk curtain as she pulled it closed behind them, and said, “We won’t be disturbed here.”

He took a step closer, the tension between them palpable. “What did you have in mind, Sofia?” he asked, his voice low and edged with curiosity.

Sofia’s heart raced, but she maintained her composure. She walked towards the middle of the fitting room, positioning herself in front of the mirror. Her eyes met Luca’s reflection as she pulled down the zipper at the back of her dress.

The fabric parted, revealing smooth, creamy skin. It stopped tantalizingly close to the curve of her buttocks. She let the dress fall off her shoulders and pool around her feet, leaving her in just panties. Standing in her heels, Sofia crossed her arms over her chest, concealing her breasts, her eyes fixed on Luca’s.

Luca devoured Sofia’s figure, his eyes tracing every inch of her exposed skin. From her shoulders, the graceful curve of her waist, and the seductive dip of her hips, down to the inviting dimples on her lower back. The delicate lace of her panties accentuated her perfect ass cheeks, and her sculpted legs seemed to go on forever, ending in a pair of high heels.

He moved towards her, each step deliberate and measured. His gaze never wavered from the reflection in the mirror. Sofia’s eyes, wide and green, locked onto his, a mixture of trepidation and anticipation swirling within them. The tension in the room was palpable, charged with a forbidden electricity.

Luca reached out, his fingers brushing against her neck. Sofia flinched at the contact, a shiver running through her. He smirked at her reaction, his touch growing stronger as his hand glided down her back, savoring the smoothness of her skin.

Her breath hitched as he explored the contour of her spine, moving with both a possessive and gentle pressure. When he reached the small of her back, he paused, feeling her heartbeat quicken under his palm. The heat radiating from her body drew him closer, their reflections in the mirror capturing the charged moment.

“You’re trembling,” Luca whispered, his voice a low rumble.

He witnessed the flicker of emotions in her eyes, taking pleasure in the control he exerted over her.

“It’s... the anticipation,” Sofia replied, her voice wavering despite her attempt to remain steady.

“Put your arms down,” Luca instructed, his eyes never looking away from hers.

Sofia hesitated, a silent question hanging in the air as she struggled to commit to her bold decision. Then, with a deep breath, she dropped her arms, revealing herself to him.

His gaze darkened with lust as he took in the view of Sofia’s plump breasts, her large, light brown areolas topped with thick, inviting nipples. Her natural beauty was accentuated by the slight outie belly button dotting her flat stomach. He gave her a wicked smile, a promise of what was to come, as he stepped closer, his hands reaching out to wrap around her torso.

With a sudden motion, he pinched each of her nipples hard between his fingers. Sofia flinched, a sharp gasp escaping her lips, but her nipples responded to his touch, hardening between his firm grip. Her whole body reacted to the sensation, a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Luca leaned into her, his warm breath tickling her ear. Sofia felt a large bulge straining in his trousers, pressing firmly against her lower back. The heat of his body, combined with the pressure, caused a shiver down her spine.

“How will you repay your debt?” he whispered, a dangerous murmur that sent a thrill through Sofia.

His hands remained on her breasts, fingers playing with her nipples, teasing and tormenting them. Sofia’s mind raced, her body betraying her uncertainty with a tremble. She could feel the raw power and control emanating from Luca, a stark reminder of the precarious situation she found herself in.

Her breaths came quicker, each one a struggle to maintain her composure in the face of his overwhelming presence. Despite her trepidation, she felt her panties getting wet at his touch, her body responding to the intense mix of dominance and desire that he exuded.

“Let me turn around,” Sofia whispered.

Luca gave her a sensual grunt of acknowledgment, releasing her breasts. He couldn’t resist giving her a hard slap on the ass as he stepped back. Sofia jumped again and let out a soft groan, the sharp sting blending with the growing heat between her legs.

Sofia slowly turned to face him. Luca’s eyes locked onto her chest, seeing just how stiff her nipples were, the light brown tips tinged red from his rough play. A smirk curled at the corners of his mouth at the sight of her. Her upper chest flushed, with a rosy hue that spread up her neck and cheeks.

She moved closer, removing his jacket and tossing it aside. Her fingers were deft and practiced as she unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his hard, chiseled torso. The muscles beneath his skin flexed as she worked, each defined line a testament to his strength and control. She bit her lip, a mixture of anticipation and desire flickering in her eyes.

As she slid the shirt off his shoulders, her hands moved with reverence over his chest, tracing the hard planes and ridges. Her fingers lingering over the warmth of his skin. She could feel his heartbeat, steady and strong, beneath her palm, a reminder of the raw power he possessed.

Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. Sofia still had a sense of trepidation, but now it was mixed with a boldness that stemmed from embracing her decision. Gaining more courage, she took a deep breath.

“Sit back on the chaise lounge,” she said, her voice firmer than she felt inside.

As Luca sat down, Sofia walked toward him. His gaze traveled over her, drinking in every inch as she approached. The dim lighting of the fitting room highlighted the curves of her figure, casting tantalizing shadows.

She reached for him and placed her hands on his thighs, the warmth of his body radiating through his trousers. She could feel the strength in his legs, the power he held even in a seated position. Slowly, she knelt in front of him, her eyes never leaving his.

As Sofia ran her hand down his chest to his waist, she couldn’t help but notice the bulge straining against his slacks. Her fingers moved with a mix of confidence and trembling anticipation as she unbuckled his belt, the metal clinking in the intimate space. She unbuttoned his pants, savoring the buildup of the moment.

Luca lifted his hips, allowing her to pull down his trousers and boxers in one smooth motion. Her breath caught as his large cock sprang free; not yet hard, but already impressive in its size.

Her gaze widened at the sight, the reality of his manhood surpassing her expectations. Sofia swallowed, her eyes flickering up to meet Luca’s. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest, her breaths coming in shallow, rapid bursts.

Luca saw the look of awe and trepidation in Sofia’s eyes as she took in his size. He couldn’t help but smile, a mix of pride and lust dancing in his eyes. His cock twitched under her scrutiny, responding to the heat of her gaze.

She traced the veins along his erection, feeling the pulse of his arousal under her touch. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, her grip firm but gentle, and stroked him. Each movement Sofia made was deliberate, coaxing him to full hardness. She could feel him growing thicker and longer in her hand, the heat of his skin almost searing against her palm.

Luca’s smile widened, his hand reaching down to tangle in her hair, guiding her closer. The look in his eyes was a mixture of command and encouragement, pushing her to take the next step.

“I know how talented your hands are from your suits,” he said, his voice gravelly. “I want to see how talented your mouth is.”

Sofia hesitated for a moment before leaning in, her lips brushing against the tip of his cock in a soft, tentative kiss. The warmth and slight saltiness of his skin and his musky aroma made her pulse quicken. Slowly, she ran her tongue around the head; her strokes deliberate and teasing.

Luca grunted, his grip tightening in her hair as she traced the sensitive ridge of his frenulum. The sound of his pleasure sent a thrill through her, bolstering her courage. She continued to stroke him, matching the rhythm of her tongue’s explorations.

With a soft moan, she wrapped her lips around just the head, her tongue flicking against the underside. The taste of him filled her senses, a heady mixture of lust and power. Luca’s reaction was immediate, a deep, primal sound that resonated in his chest. His hips gave a slight, involuntary thrust, pushing him deeper into her mouth.

Sofia’s confidence grew with each moan of Luca’s pleasure, her movements becoming bolder. She took in more of him, her lips stretching around his girth. She swirled her tongue along his length, tracing the veins and exploring the texture of his skin.

The taste of his salty pre-cum tingled her taste buds. Her hand continued to stroke his shaft, the slickness of her saliva making the motion easy. She felt his grip in her hair tighten, urging her on. She glanced up, meeting his gaze through her lashes, and saw the raw hunger in his eyes.

“You’re doing so well,” Luca murmured, his voice rough with pleasure.

His words spurred her on, filling her with a sense of accomplishment and power. Sofia pulled back, allowing his cock to slip from her mouth with a wet pop. She kissed her way down his shaft, her tongue tracing a path to his balls. With a gentle nuzzle, she warmed his skin with her hot breath before taking one between her lips. She gently sucked, rolling her tongue around it, savoring the musky taste.

Luca groaned, his hips bucking slightly. “Fuck, Sofia,” he muttered, the words slipping out unbidden.

She moved to the other ball, giving it the same attention, feeling the weight of it in her mouth. After a few moments, she returned to his shaft, licking her way up again before taking him between her lips again. This time, she pushed herself to the limit, swallowing as much as she could. She felt the head brush the back of her throat, and she suppressed her gag reflex, determined to please him.

Luca’s breaths came in heavy, ragged gasps, his control slipping with each movement of her mouth. She moaned around him, the vibrations adding another layer of delight. Sofia continued to work his cock with a determined rhythm, her mouth and hand moving in perfect sync.

Each time she took him deep, her lips stretched tight around his girth, and when she pulled back, a slick trail of saliva connected her lips to his throbbing shaft. Her hand pumped rhythmically, twisting at the top, coaxing more pre-cum from him. The salty taste mixed with the natural musk of his skin, an intoxicating blend that spurred her on.

Luca watched intently, his eyes dark with lust as he saw his cock disappear between her lips and then pop back out, glistening with her spit. The sight of her so eagerly pleasuring him sent waves of desire through his body.

“God, you’re so good at this,” he groaned. “You suck me so well, Sofia.”

The room filled with the sounds of her slurping and the occasional soft moan mingling with Luca’s heavy breathing. The scent of their combined arousal hung in the air, thick and heady. He could feel the pressure building, his orgasm approaching. Just as he was on the brink, his grip on her hair tightened, and he pulled her off his length with a wet squelch.

“You’re not getting off that easy,” he said. “Stand up.”

Sofia obeyed, her legs unsteady as she rose to her feet. She looked at him, her lips swollen and glistening, her breath coming in quick, shallow bursts. Her eyes reflected both trepidation and excitement, her body tingled with anticipation. She couldn’t believe how wet she was from sucking on his cock, the heat between her thighs a testament to her own arousal.

Luca stared at Sofia, taking in every inch of her figure. His eyes roamed from her flushed cheeks to her heaving chest, lingering on her hardened nipples, and then down to the curve of her hips. He savored the sight of her, his desire clear in the way his gaze devoured her.

“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice low and authoritative.

Sofia complied, her movements slow. She felt his eyes burning into her back, her skin tingling under his scrutiny.

“You have a great body,” Luca said, his tone appreciative. “But you’re still overdressed. Take off your panties.”

Sofia hooked her fingers into the sides of her thong, the delicate fabric tugging against her skin. She bent at the waist, lowering her panties down her thighs and calves. The movement was both an act of submission and a tease. Each second stretched out as she revealed more of herself.

As she stepped out of the delicate lace, Luca had a perfect view of her glistening, plump, dark pussy lips. The sight was mesmerizing, her arousal evident in the way her mound glistened in the soft light. He let out a low, appreciative growl, his cock twitching in response to the tantalizing sight before him.

Sofia stood up, the cool air brushing against her exposed skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She felt vulnerable and powerful all at once, her body laid bare for his pleasure. Anticipating what was to come next heightened her senses. Every nerve ending tingled.

Luca’s eyes darkened as he took in the image of her standing naked before him.

“Turn around,” he ordered, his voice a low growl.

Sofia obeyed, their eyes locking as she turned. A wicked smirk played on his lips as he drank her in.

“Climb on,” he said.

With a mixture of trembling and desire, she moved closer, climbing into Luca’s lap. She felt the heat of his body against hers, his cock pressing against her slick folds. The feeling made her shiver with excitement as she positioned herself on top of him, her thighs on either side of his hips.

Luca’s hands gripped her waist, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as he drew her to him. His kiss was rough and demanding, his lips and tongue exploring her mouth with a fierce intensity. The taste of saliva mingled with the remnants of his pre-cum, a heady combination that made her pulse race.

He pulled back, his breath hot against her lips. “Put my cock inside you,” he said.

Sofia’s hand shook as she reached between them, her fingers wrapping around his thick rod. She could feel the heat and hardness of him, the slickness of her own arousal coating his length. She positioned him at her entrance, the tip of his shaft pressing against her wet folds.

She rubbed his head back and forth across her soaked lips, feeling the warmth of his cock against her sex. Each movement sent a shiver of anticipation through her. She bit her lip, knowing Luca was bigger than anyone she had been with before. The thought both excited and intimidated her.

Luca’s eyes narrowed with impatience. “Stop being a tease,” he growled, his hands tightening on her hips. With a firm, possessive grip, he pushed her down, his cock sliding into her in one smooth, unrelenting thrust.

Sofia gasped, her eyes widening as she felt herself being stretched open more than ever before. She let out a deep, guttural moan as he filled her, his length reaching places inside her that had never been touched. The sensation was intense, a mix of pleasure and a sharp edge of pain that melted into pure bliss in an instant.

Luca’s hands guided her hips, his grip firm as he helped her adjust to his size. He watched her face, the way her expression shifted from surprise to raw delight.

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“That’s it,” he said, his voice a rough whisper. “Take it all.”

Sofia gripped his shoulders for support, her nails digging into his skin. She moved slowly at first, lifting herself up before sliding back down, feeling every inch of him inside her. Luca’s hips pushed up to meet her, matching her rhythm and pushing deeper with each movement.

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Luca groaned, his hands moving to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her hardened nipples.

Sofia’s moans grew louder, her body responding to every touch, every thrust. As her pussy opened to Luca’s size, she began sliding up and down his shaft faster, her movements more confident and eager. He relaxed back in the chair, a satisfied grin playing on his lips as he let Sofia take control. He watched intently as her breasts bounced with each movement; the sight fueling his arousal.

With a sudden motion, Luca pulled her closer, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the hardened peak, and she moaned, the sound a mix of surprise and bliss. Her rhythm faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained it, her hips moving in a sensual dance that drove him deeper inside her.

Luca’s teeth grazed her nipple, and then he bit down. Sofia gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders harder. The mixture of pleasure and pain sent a fresh wave of arousal coursing through her.

“Luca,” she breathed, her voice trembling.

He could hear the slick sounds of her wetness, each thrust producing a delicious friction that coated his shaft and balls with her juices. It was intoxicating, heightening his own arousal. He released her nipple with a wet pop and moved to the other, giving it the same rough treatment. His lips latched onto the sensitive tip, his tongue teasing it before his teeth clamped down.

Sofia’s body responded immediately, her back arching as a moan escaped her lips. She rode him harder, her movements driven by the intense sensations radiating from her breasts and the deep pleasure of having him inside her. Luca’s hands moved to her hips, guiding her pace, urging her on.

“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he murmured against her skin.

Sofia trembled with the force of their shared passion. The sounds of their bodies moving together, the wet slaps of their connection, and the mingled moans of pleasure filled the room. She leaned back, placing her hands on Luca’s knees for support as she continued to ride him. Her movements were fluid, her body gliding with an unrestrained rhythm.

His gaze dropped to where their bodies joined, watching his cock slide in and out of her. Her dark lips were swollen and wet, shimmering with her juices. Her skin, completely shaved, shone with the evidence of her arousal. Tearing his eyes away, he looked up at Sofia.

Her head thrown back, Sofia’s long hair cascaded down her back, and her breasts jiggled with each thrust, her nipples still showing little signs of his bite marks. Her moans filled the room; each sound, a testament to the pleasure they were sharing.

Unable to resist the urge to control the pace, Luca gripped her hips and slowed her movements. She looked down at him, her green eyes shining but tinged with worry that she had done something wrong. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her still. He pressed his lips to her neck, kissing the sensitive skin there.

“No need to rush,” he murmured, his voice a reassuring growl.

Sofia’s worry melted away at his words. She gyrated her hips, grinding her clit against his pubic bone. The new angle sent sparks of pleasure shooting through her, and she let out a moan, her hands sliding up to rest on his shoulders for balance. Luca’s arms tightened around her, their bodies moving together in a slow, deliberate dance of desire.

Luca leaned Sofia’s body back, his firm grip supporting her as he lowered her just enough to capture her nipples with his lips again. He sucked and nibbled on the sensitive buds, each tug sending jolts of pleasure through her. Sofia continued to grind on him, her movements becoming more urgent. She could feel his thick cock pulsing inside her, filling her.

The combination of Luca’s mouth on her nipples and the fullness of his length stretching her pushed her dangerously close to the edge. Her breathing grew ragged, her moans louder as she rode the waves of pleasure building within her. Her pussy tightened around his shaft, the telltale sign of her approaching orgasm.

Luca could feel her inner walls clenching around him, and he knew she was close. He took his lips off her nipples and held her tight, stopping her movements. Sofia’s eyes opened in surprise, her green gaze locking onto his, a mix of need and confusion reflecting in her expression.

“Not yet,” Luca murmured, his voice a deep, commanding whisper. He kissed her voraciously, his tongue delving into her mouth with intensity.

When he pulled back, his eyes were stormy. “Stand up,” he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Sofia’s breathing quickened, her body shaking as she fought to delay her climax. She hesitated for a moment, the ache between her thighs almost unbearable, but the look in Luca’s eyes was enough to make her comply.

Sofia rose, her legs unsteady. Her nipples were deliciously sore, and her pussy was quivering, desperate for release. She glanced down and saw his stomach, cock, and balls coated in her juices. His shaft throbbed, and the head was thick and glistening.

Luca’s eyes once again roamed over her body. She had a light sheen of sweat on her chest from her effort, and her hairless mound and thighs were slick. Luca noticed her thigh muscles quivering, a wicked smile curving his lips at the image of her barely contained desire.

Sofia stood still, her breath coming in shallow pants, waiting for his next command. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with anticipation. Luca’s gaze was intense, a silent promise of what was to come.

“Walk to the mirror,” Luca instructed, his voice firm.

Sofia obeyed, feeling the slickness between her thighs with every movement. She reached the mirror, her eyes meeting Luca’s in the reflection as she positioned herself in front of it. In the reflection, she saw herself through his eyes: her flushed face, heaving chest, and the slick trail of juice glistening on her inner thighs. Her hair was tousled, and her eyes were bright with lust and expectation. She watched his expression, reading the hunger and satisfaction in his gaze as he admired her.

Luca stood up, his eyes never leaving Sofia. He walked over to her, the sound of his footsteps soft but purposeful. He positioned himself behind her, their bodies almost touching, the heat between them palpable.

“Spread your legs,” he commanded.

Sofia complied, spreading her thighs, her pulse quickening. Luca’s hands came up to her shoulders, sliding down the length of her arms in a slow, deliberate caress. He reached her hips and pulled them back, adjusting her stance to his liking.

“You’re beautiful like this,” Luca said, his breath hot against her ear.

He lowered one hand to her dripping folds, his fingers slipping between her swollen lips. Sofia gulped, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment as he stroked her clit with firm, steady pressure.

“Look at yourself,” he murmured. “Watch how I touch you.”

She forced her eyes open, staring into the mirror. The sight of Luca’s hand working between her legs, his other hand cupping her breast, ignited a fresh surge of desire within her. His fingers moved with skilled precision, circling her clit and dipping into her wetness before returning to tease her sensitive bud. Her breathing grew ragged, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. He pinched her nipple, the sharp sensation sending sparks through her body.

“Tell me what you want,” Luca demanded, his voice rough.

His eyes bore into hers through the mirror, his touch relentless. Sofia’s hips rocked against his palm, her need overriding her hesitation.

“I want you,” she breathed, barely able to form the words. “I need you inside me.”

Luca’s wicked smile returned. “Good girl,” he praised, withdrawing his hand and positioning himself at her entrance.

He pushed into her slowly, savoring the way her pussy stretched to accommodate him. Sofia let out a passionate moan, her head falling back against his shoulder as he filled her. She braced herself by placing her hands against the mirror, her fingers splayed wide as she steadied herself for the intensity of his thrusts.

Luca drove into her with a relentless rhythm, each thrust rough and forceful. He could feel every ridge and curve inside her, the sensation driving him to push even harder. The sounds of their bodies meeting filled the fitting room, a symphony of wet slaps and breathless moans. He kept his fingers on her clit, circling and pressing with perfect pressure, while the other hand alternated between teasing and pinching her nipples.

Sofia felt incredibly tight around his thick girth, her inner walls gripping him with every stroke. She switched back and forth between watching him in the mirror and looking at herself. Her eyes flickered from the dark intensity of Luca’s gaze to the way her own body responded to his movements.

In the reflection, she saw the raw power of their coupling. Her curves rippled with each of his thrusts, her breasts bouncing, and her skin flushed with a sheen of sweat. Her ass met his hips with a satisfying slap, the force sending waves of pleasure through her. The mirror reflected her parted lips and the lust-filled glaze in her eyes, a stark contrast to the composed image she usually maintained.

The heady scent of their arousal, a mix of perspiration and sex, filled the room and hung heavy in the air. Luca’s grunts and Sofia’s breathy moans intermingled, creating a primal soundtrack to their encounter.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Luca growled.

He increased his pace, slamming into her harder.

“Look at you, taking me so well.”

Sofia’s eyes fluttered, her fingers pressing harder against the mirror for support.

“Don’t stop,” she begged, her voice a desperate whisper. “I’m so close.”

Luca’s lips curled into a wicked smile.

“Not until you scream my name,” he commanded, his thrusts growing even more forceful as he drove them both toward the edge of ecstasy.

Luca kept pounding into Sofia, his hips driving forward with unrelenting force. He could feel her pussy clamping down on his cock, her inner muscles tensing in anticipation of release. Sofia moaned louder, mingling with the wet, rhythmic sounds of their bodies colliding. Her hands braced against the mirror, fingertips leaving smudges on the glass as she struggled to maintain her balance.

She felt the heat spreading from her pussy, a fiery sensation that coiled in her lower abdomen. Luca’s intense pounding, his tight grip on her nipple, and his fingers expertly working her clit combined in a symphony of pleasure that pushed her to the brink. Her vision blurred with the intensity, the reflection in the mirror a hazy image of their entwined bodies.

“Luca,” she gasped, her voice a desperate plea. “Please, make me cum.”

Luca’s eyes darkened, his grip on her nipples tightening as he leaned in closer.

“Say it again,” he commanded, a hint of a growl underlying his words.

“Please,” Sofia repeated, her tone trembling with need. “Make me cum.”

His response was immediate and forceful. He drove hard into her, his thrusts deep and powerful. Sofia’s body tensed, her muscles contracting around him as the wave of her orgasm began to crest. Her moans turned to cries of ecstasy, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

“Luca!” she screamed, her voice echoing in the small room as the first shudder of her climax ripped through her.

It hit her like a tidal wave, her body convulsing with the force of it. Every nerve ending seemed to light up, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her core. She felt her pussy tighten and spasm, her wetness increasing as her juices flowed, dripping down her thighs and coating him even more. The scent of their combined arousal filled the air, thick and tangy.

Her vision blurred, but she forced herself to look in the mirror. She saw her own reflection, blushing and wild, her hair disheveled and sweat glistening. Her breasts bounced with each of his powerful thrusts, the bite marks on her nipples standing out against her flushed skin. Her eyes, half-lidded with ecstasy, locked onto Luca’s reflection behind her. His eyes looked like those of a caged animal, dark and intense, filled with primal lust.

He watched her in the mirror, taking in every detail of her orgasm. His chest heaved and his breathing became ragged as he fought to maintain control. He sensed Sofia’s pussy clamping down on him, the tight, rhythmic contractions milking his cock and driving him closer to his own release.

He reveled in the sensation of her slick pussy enveloping him, the way she shuddered and writhed against him. Each spasm of her orgasm sent ripples of pleasure through his body, and he could feel the pressure building at the base of his spine. The sight of her lost in ecstasy, combined with feeling her pussy clenching around him, was almost too much to bear.

“Fuck, Sofia,” he groaned, his voice strained.

He could feel her juice dripping down his balls, a constant reminder of how completely she was giving herself over to him. The wet sounds filled the air, mingling with her cries of pleasure.

Sofia’s head fell back against his shoulder; her eyes closed as she rode out the waves of her climax. She felt consumed by the pleasure, her body trembling uncontrollably. Every muscle was taut, her thighs quivering as she struggled to stay upright.

Luca’s thrusts slowed as Sofia’s orgasm began to subside, her pussy still quaking with the aftershocks. He was close to his own release and didn’t want to take the chance of coming inside her. He slid his cock out, his hand lingering on her hip as he gave her a moment to steady herself.

“Turn around and get on your knees,” he ordered.

Sofia, her legs shaky from the intensity of her climax, almost collapsed as she lowered herself to the floor. She was still catching her breath, her chest rising and falling, when she looked up to see Luca standing over her. His large penis was aimed straight at her, coated in her cum.

“Unless you want to mess up your makeup,” he said with a wicked grin, “you better get your lips around my cock.”

Sofia’s eyes widened, but she didn’t hesitate. She wrapped her lips around him, taking the head of his cock into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it.

Luca groaned, his fingers tangling in her hair, as he guided her movements. He watched as her lips stretched around his shaft, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked him deeper.

Sofia’s hands moved to his erection, stroking him in time with her sucking. She could taste herself on his skin, the salty tang of his pre-cum mixing with the remnants of her own climax. The heady scent of their bodies filled her nostrils, making her head spin.

Luca’s breathing grew heavier, his grip on her hair tightening as he fought to control himself. He watched as his cock disappeared between her lips, then reappeared, soaked with her saliva. The sight was overwhelming, and he could feel his orgasm growing, the pressure becoming unbearable.

“That’s it,” he groaned, “Just like that.”

Sofia kept sucking and jerking his shaft as he felt the tension building in his body. His balls pulled up, and his muscles tightened, signaling his impending climax.

“Look at me,” Luca commanded, his voice urgent.

Sofia looked up, her green eyes locking onto his. Without warning, he gave a loud grunt, and she felt the first warm, thick stream of cum shoot into her mouth. She was caught off guard, her eyes widened in surprise.

As Luca came, a wave of intense pleasure washed over him, starting from his core and radiating outwards. His cock throbbed between her lips, each spurt of spunk bringing a moment of exquisite release. The sensation was almost overpowering, his entire body tensing and then relaxing in rapid succession.

He poured all his tension and desire into Sofia, gripping her hair tighter with each pulse. Luca’s orgasm was powerful, his cum filling her mouth rapidly. She tried to pull back, but he held her in place.

“You better not spill a drop,” he growled.

Sofia had no choice but to comply. She could taste the salty, slightly bitter flavor of his essence as it coated her tongue. It was warm and thick, almost overwhelming in its volume. She struggled to swallow it all, her throat working furiously to keep up with the steady flow.

Her mind was a whirl of sensations–the roughness of Luca’s grip, the warmth of his cum, and the relentless pressure to take it all. She felt like she was drowning in him; her senses flooded with his presence. Finally, the last drop fell on her tongue, and Luca released his hold on her. Sofia took his dripping cock out of her mouth, gasping for breath.

She looked up at him, her eyes wild and her face flushed. He gazed down at her, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. She looked like a feral animal, her lipstick smeared, her hair disheveled, and her chest heaving with each breath.

“Good girl,” he said, his voice low and approving. He reached down, wiping a stray drop of cum from her lip with his thumb. “You did well.”

She could still taste him on her tongue, the lingering bitterness mixing with her own saliva. She felt a strange sense of satisfaction, knowing she had pleased him.

Luca’s gaze softened slightly as he looked at her, his hand brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

“You’re something else, Sofia,” he murmured, almost to himself.

She sat back on her heels, her body still vibrating from the incredible orgasm. Her skin shimmered with sweat, and she felt juice dripping from her pussy, a reminder of the intense encounter. The air in the fitting room was thick with the mingling scents of sex and sweat.

“Stay where you are,” Luca said, his voice firm yet satisfied.

Sofia nodded, her eyes downcast, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. Luca dressed, his movements unhurried. He glanced at Sofia, taking in the view of her flushed, trembling body. Her legs were still quivering, her nipples still hard and showing bite marks. His own legs felt shaky, a testament to the intensity of his release. He would never admit it to her, but that was the best orgasm he had experienced in a long time.

Once dressed, he walked over to her and lifted her chin with his fingers. He kissed her, tasting the remnants of their passion. She responded, her lips soft and yielding. As he straightened up, Luca adjusted his coat, giving Sofia one last look.

“I’ll put the closed sign up so you can get yourself together,” he said. “You just earned yourself a week’s extension on your payment.”

Sofia’s eyes widened, anxiety crossing her features.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She refrained from arguing that she thought this was the payment.

Luca smirked, a wicked glint in his eyes. “You better have it by then,” he said, pausing at the doorway.

Then, rethinking, he added with a smirk, “But I hope you don’t. I’d love to see what you’ll do for another extension.”

He turned and left, his footsteps echoing in the quiet shop. Sofia stayed on the floor for a moment longer, her mind reeling from the intense experience. The room felt both empty and charged, the air still heavy with the scent of their union.

She gradually got to her feet, her legs unsteady. She could feel the cool air against her damp skin, her body tingling with the aftershocks of pleasure. Taking a deep breath, she gathered herself, replaying Luca’s parting words in her mind. “What would I be willing to do?” She thought.

Written by DadBod1133
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