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The Rent

"A single mother does whatever she needs to do in order to pay the rent"

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Author's Notes

"This is the story that several of my followers requested that I write. I hope that you guys like it."

“So, she took her panties off and leaned over this washing machine right here,” Tommy said as he patted his hand against one of the washers. “I unbuttoned my pants as quickly as I could, crept in behind her, and…”

“Whoa, Tommy! Hold on a second!” I interrupted. “Dude, you have to give me some details here. You can’t just run through this shit at one hundred miles per hour.”

“Damn!” he fired back. “I didn’t know that I was going to get you that excited. If you want, I can show you my cock. That way you will get the full picture.”

“That won’t be necessary, Tommy. I think a thorough description will be sufficient.”

I didn’t know Tommy very well before that day, but it seemed like we were old friends. The story that he would go on to tell completely blew my mind and I didn’t see it coming at all.

“Yeah, so I had just headed back to the laundry to move my clothes from the washers to the dryers. Kat was already there and she didn’t look very happy that I had left my clothing in the machines. I offered to quickly transfer my clothes so that she could have her turn at the washing machines. I don’t think that she was completely forgiving, but she forced a smile and said that it was alright.”

“Before I could even get my clothes moved into a dryer, she started to go on about how the rent was due in a couple of days. She said that she was short on money and asked if I could spot her a hundred dollars. Just joking around, I asked what she was going to give me for a hundred bucks. Without hesitation, she offered to let me fuck her on the spot...I'm talking right in the laundry room.”

“I was shocked by the offer. Even though my question was a bit flirtatious, I didn’t expect her to start the negotiation with the offer of a quickie. I also wasn’t going to turn it down. After pulling out my wallet and counting my cash, I told her, ‘I have eighty-four dollars’.”

“She thought about it for a moment, and casually said, ‘Okay, make it really quick, though’. Kat pulled her panties down and worked them past her shoes until they were completely off. Then with her panties in her hand, she leaned over this machine as if to say, ‘Go ahead, get on with it’!”

“I unbuttoned the front of my pants and closed up tight behind her. My cock hadn’t even had the opportunity to get fully erect, but it was stiff enough to go. I had no more than pushed it inside of Kat, when she turned around and gestured for me to hand her the money. With all of the formalities already complete, it was time for me to get what I had paid for.”

“She barely made a peep as I drove my cock all of the way inside her. Despite all of her kids, it still felt pretty damn good! As I started to thrust, I grabbed the inside of her right thigh and lifted her leg off of the ground. She was fully in my control, at that point.”

“I gave it to her quick and hard. The sound of my body crashing into her jiggly ass and her body clanging into the washing machine echoed through the laundry room. I kept looking at the doorway, nervous that somebody would either hear us or happen to wander into the room. Before I knew it, I was pumping my load into her pussy.”

“As I pulled out, I wondered if she had intended for me to cum inside her. She didn’t seem upset that I had, though. Kat turned around, still clenching a wad of money, as well as her panties, in her right hand. She put her panties back on and left the room without saying anything.”

“Fuck! That is some crazy shit!” I exclaimed. “So, is that the only time that you have fucked her?”

Tommy said that it was, but he had heard other guys on the floor claim to have done the same. He kept joking about my obvious interest and excitement over the story. I excused myself and returned to my apartment. Alright, I may have masturbated…a few times.

The funny thing is that I had never paid much attention to Kat, previously. I wasn’t even sure what her actual name was. Some have said it was Katarina, others that it was Katja. There were a few other variations, as well. I didn’t know where she was originally from either, but she had a bit of an accent, perhaps Russian or Czechoslovakian. What I did know was that she had five male children all under the age of ten. They didn’t look very much alike, either, leading me to believe that there was an assortment of absentee fathers.

Kat's apartment was directly across the hall from me, and I had never seen her have an adult male visitor. She and her next-door neighbor, Naomi, would take turns watching one another’s kids while they were at work. Naomi worked during the day and Kat worked evenings.

Although Kat was an attractive woman, I never paid her much attention up to that point. She wasn’t rude, but she was not exactly friendly either. I would occasionally wave or greet her in passing. Her response was usually pretty mild and she never gave me the impression that she had any interest in carrying on a conversation.

She was probably just a bit over five feet tall. I would describe her as average in build, but she was very shapely. She had a plump backside, a narrow waist, and large breasts. Kat had a very pretty face, and long, straight brown hair. Her build would best be described as “womanly” or “motherly.”

Over the next couple of weeks, I started to pay a lot of attention to Kat. She was still as dismissive as ever, but I was determined to start up a conversation with her. The more that I watched Kat, the more that I found her attractive. I was determined to get some time alone with her, even if it did cost me a few dollars.

My interest in her was quickly turning into an obsession. I started to ask the other men on our floor about her and all of them seemed to have a story of some kind. While some of the stories seemed to be similar to Tommy’s, others were in different locations. The dollar amounts that she was asking for seemed to fluctuate quite a bit, as well.

There were some elements of these stories that were reoccurring. The fact that she was asking for rent money a few days before it was due was the most common. It was always just for sexual intercourse and there was never any sort of foreplay. The men always seemed to do all of the work and she made no effort to pretend like she was enjoying herself. Interestingly enough, they all claimed to have came inside her. I did have to wonder if she was on some sort of birth control, or if her attempts to pay the rent was only contributing to her small litter of children.

Although the locations of these interactions varied, it was always somewhere in the apartment complex. Most were in public areas, although one man claimed that she joined him in his apartment. The prices varied as well. Tommy’s claim of eighty-four dollars was the lowest, but many of them were around the one-hundred dollar mark. From what I could see, Kat increased the price for some of the less desirable men. Marlon, who was a married man in his early seventies, claimed to have paid over two hundred dollars for a quickie with Kat in the basement. I wouldn’t describe Marlon as a handsome man, so she earned every bit of that one.

Strategically, on one particular weekend, I kept a lookout for Kat. It was five days before the rent was due and I was determined to try to bump into her in the laundry room. I think I had washed everything in the apartment at least once, including all of the bedding and curtains, before I encountered Kat.

It was an uncomfortable subject to bring up to a complete stranger. To be honest, I nearly “chickened out” of asking her, even after all of my efforts to bump into her.

“So…rent is due next week, huh?” I mumbled in some sort of strange amalgamation of a statement and a question. Kat didn’t respond, but she glanced in my direction. “I heard that you sometimes do extra jobs around the complex to help pay for rent.”

Without hesitation, Kat volunteered, “One hundred dollars, cash only.”

I was slightly stunned. That was far easier than I had suspected it would be.

“I don’t want the usual arrangement, I have a special request,” I responded. That was when things felt uncomfortable, particularly because of what I was about to ask. “I want anal sex, and I am willing to pay double for it.”

Kat immediately accepted the idea of taking double her usual rate. She didn’t agree to the anal part, though. That didn’t surprise me. I was already prepared to increase the offer, but this was part of my negotiation strategy.

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“Three hundred dollars for anal sex,” I offered.

Again, Kat tried to renegotiate the deal. After claiming that she didn’t do that, she offered me the best time of my life for the three hundred dollars. The one thing that was evident, though, was that she wanted that three hundred bucks.

This was all a prelude for my real offer. I had never paid for sex of any kind before and I didn’t know what the going rate was. All that I knew was that I didn’t want to be just like the other apartment residents who told the same story about paying around a hundred bucks for a quickie with Kat. It was worth paying extra to have a story that would be legendary. Besides, it turned me on to coerce her into doing something that she clearly didn’t want to do.

“I’ll pay you five hundred dollars for anal sex in my apartment later today.”

Kat was silent for a moment. Finally, she relented, “Alright, give me… two hours.”

I had plenty of time to get ready for my upcoming adventure. Although I wasn’t completely sure of how my romp with Kat would go, I ran many scenarios through my head while I awaited her arrival. The difficult part was trying to avoid getting overly excited and popping-off ahead of time.

Since this certainly wasn’t going to be a romantic affair, I didn’t anticipate bringing Kat to the bedroom. I cleared away an area in the middle of the living room that would provide a soft, carpeted base and I stashed a handful of supplies that could possibly be needed.

Kat didn’t bother to ring the doorbell. I assume that she was trying to be discreet. Instead, she timidly knocked at the door. I wondered if she was hoping that I wouldn’t hear her and she would get out of whole ordeal.

Surprisingly, she was dressed just as she normally would. I guess that I thought that she was going to wear something sexy for me, but perhaps she didn’t really have those sorts of outfits. After letting her in, there was an awkward moment of silence. Kat broke the silence by, once again, offering to please me in any other way than the one that I had requested. It was also apparent that she wasn’t going to leave my apartment without the full five hundred dollars that I had promised.

With the negotiations ending up back where they started, it was time to time to get things rolling along. As much as Kat didn’t want to do it, she was clearly eager to get it over with and get back to her kids.

I led her into the living room, wearing only my bathrobe, and took a seat on the couch. She seemed to know exactly what I wanted from her as she slowly removed her clothes. Kat was as curvy and voluptuous as I had hoped that she would be. There were lots of different things that I would have liked to have done with her, but this was a business transaction, plain and simple.

I asked her to get down on her hands and knees and turn away from me. While she did that, I removed my robe and stood at the ready. Kat panicked a bit as I approached her, but I assured her that I wasn’t going to start out with anal sex.

I slid my cock inside of Kat’s pussy, but it was a strangely impersonal act. As I was pumping away, Kat didn’t bother pretending that she was enjoying it in the least. I decided that she needed “woken up” a bit, so I slowly slid my thumb inside of her ass.

She moaned and groaned as she tried to escape, but I grabbed onto her shoulder with my free hand and held her in place. “See how nice that is? You like that, don’t you?” I asked.

“No, I hate it!” Kat shrieked.

“Don’t worry, Kat, my cock will feel even better,” I taunted.

I continued to work my thumb in and out of her ass as I fucked her. Despite her protest, I was trying to do her a favor by starting to open her up. I continued until I felt the momentum start to really build up. There was no way that I was going to allow myself to have a quick finish and not get to enjoy what I was paying for.

As I pulled out, I stalled for time in order to let things cool down a bit. Kat started to get really nervous. I put on a condom, as per her earlier request, and grabbed a bottle of lubricant. She attempted one last renegotiation as I was slathering my cock in lube, but it was not meant to be.

I closed in on her and with one modest shove, pushed the head of my cock inside of Kat’s ass. Her torso seemed to melt onto the floor as her her feet flailed wildly. I gave her some time to adjust, but she screeched and wailed at my slightest movement. It did feel good and her ass was incredibly tight, but I felt terrible about the whole situation. After trying to work through it for a few minutes, I decided to let her off of the hook.

“Alright, I will make you a deal,” I offered.

“Anything!” Kat cried. “Anything but this!”

There was no doubt that she was being a bit of a princess about the whole thing. I couldn’t have been any gentler with her throughout the entire experience.

“First of all, nobody else in the apartments gets to fuck your ass…ever!” I demanded.

“Yes! What else?” she cried.

It should probably be noted that I kept my cock inside her throughout the negotiation process.

“If anybody asks, you have to tell them that you will never do it again because my big, fat cock tore you up too much.”

Kat agreed to that qualifier, as well.

“Lastly, I get to take this condom off and finish inside of you.”

When Kat eagerly agreed, I slowly withdrew my cock from her ass. I needed a moment to cool down, once again. With Kat’s tight ass clasping down on my cock and the intensity of the moment, I had found myself on the brink of climax, once again.

“Why did you agree to that last part so easily?” I asked Kat.

She shrugged her shoulders and didn’t respond to me.

“I have never seen you have a boyfriend around. Where do all of her kids come from?”

“They just happen,” she replied.

It was something that I had considered before, but it was now obvious that her kids were a result of her collecting rent money from the other tenants in the apartment building. When I asked her why she didn’t use birth control, she told me that she wanted to have lots of babies, but she didn’t like having a man around.

It seemed like a strange thing, initially. The more that I thought about it, though, she was getting what she wanted and getting paid for it. I had thought that she was unintentionally digging herself into a deeper financial and personal hole, but it was exactly what she wanted.

Kat was not the only one who had been keeping a secret, though.

I had been hoping that the situation was something like this. In fact, I didn’t really care whether we had anal sex, or not. I just wanted to have a better story than everybody else in the building. The thing that I had discovered about myself during this journey was that, much like Kat, I have some sort of primal need to reproduce. In fact, I had abstained from any sort of self-pleasure for two weeks leading up to this encounter. I had also made sure that I had built up momentum to near climax a couple of times prior to ejaculating.

“If you want another baby, I can give you one,” I confidently stated. I’m not sure what that was based on, since I hadn’t previously fathered any children, but it sounded good. “I know exactly how to put a baby inside of you.”

Kat’s tone changed completely. There was actually a bit of warmth in her voice as she invited me to breed her.

I tore the condom off and tossed it across the room. As I entered Kat, what was about to occur I could only describe as primal and animalistic. It was hard, fast, and it didn’t last very long either. Each slam of my body into her plump backside resulted in rippling waves of flesh. “Do it! Do it!” she shouted as she pleaded for me to fill her with my thick, creamy load.

I couldn’t take it anymore and I ceased movement. We both kept completely still as my cock started to throb inside of Kat. I could feel my urethra bulging with the thick, semen-filled promise that had made to her earlier. Kat gasped with each spray of hot cum that entered her. I made sure that every drop had been extracted before I carefully withdrew my cock, trying to prevent any of it from leaking out.

Without saying a word, Kat got dressed and I put my robe back on. I headed to the kitchen, where I had stashed the five hundred dollars. Before I could give Kat the money, she grabbed me and hugged me tightly. She whispered, “Thank you!” over and over. I handed her the money and she headed on her way.

Strangely, nothing really changed after that day. Kat still paid me little attention when we met in the hallway. That was the case until one day when she smiled in my direction and gently patted her tummy.

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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