Last night went well. I had another argument with the boss about his business dealings, his personal affairs, and public persona. I guessed it was time to tender my resignation. I could not continue to work for someone whose morals were, hell; I do not even know what happened to his. To think I was once in love with Sly and accepted his marriage proposal. That was some twenty-odd years ago, when he was only a millionaire and a truly nice man, or so I thought.
Time for coffee, I flipped the TV on as I passed by on my way to the kitchen. A cup of coffee accomplished, pen and paper at the ready, background noise from the TV, now how best to resign.
Breaking news! Billionaire, Sly Bucks, found naked in his back yard during one of his infamous soirees. Money cannot buy happiness or wings when diving off the 3rd-floor balcony! Freak accident or did he have help? Updates soon!
"Oh Fuck!" I nearly dropped my coffee cup as the reporter shouted from the TV.
Sadly, I couldn't say I was surprised. Between the drugs and alcohol at his events, and the enemies he had made in the business world, it was a wonder this has not happened long before now. I know I did not sound too upset by this, but I was. I was upset at losing the man I once loved, but I lost him long ago when he lost himself.
"Yes, this is she?"
"Detective Steelie Balls you say?
"Yes, I heard the news just now."
"Yes, I will be home"
An hour later…
"Come in Miss Balls. Can I get you coffee, tea, or anything?"
"Thank you, Miss Butkis; I will stick with this sucker. Nasty habit smoking, I hope to quit if this case does not sabotage me."
"How can I be of help?"
"Were you at the soiree last night?"
"Yes, I was there, as usual, a few hours before his guests arrived. I left about an hour or so after things got rolling. They are not my kind of party."
"I am told you are Mr. Buck's right-hand woman. How long have you been in Mr. Buck's employ?"
"I have been with Mr. Bucks for just over twenty years. I worked my way up from the bottom."
Cough- cough "Yes that is what I have been told. How was Mr. Bucks when you left? Was he in a good frame of mind? Did he have any enemies that maybe wouldn't want him to see another day?"
"I know the kinds of stories you have probably heard, that I slept my way to the top. That is far from the truth and irrelevant. Mr. Bucks was very much alive when I left. He had started celebrating before the party; my opinion is that he had already had a few too many drinks. As far as any enemies; I would say the shortlist would be those that did not do business with him!"
"Can you tell me what you were doing before the arrival of his guests?"
"Sly's main squeeze, for now, Miss Cheeks likes to play the hostess; but she is hardly capable of coordinating what is required to meet the expectations for one of Sly's parties. Miss Honeypot would be more than willing to step up, but that would scuff the open toes of Miss Cheeks' designer shoes. So, I normally take care of things. I arrive a few hours beforehand to make sure everything is set up. I rarely stay more than an hour after things get rolling."
"Witnesses say it sounded like you two were arguing. Anything you would like to share?"
"Sly and I were discussing business. We had words as I was questioning a decision he was making about a few of his holdings here in the US. He is about to move some manufacturing to another country where labor costs are far less. This would put many out of work here and they have already given him concessions on insurance, retirement and other benefits. I have seen the quality of the products from this other country and in the long run, it will cost us profits as we lose customers. To be honest, I was about to write my resignation letter when I heard the news report this morning."
"It must have been some argument, were you aware that he was about to terminate your employment?"
"Why that bastard! No, I was not aware. We have been butting heads on business matters lately and I guess it looks like we were both headed in the same direction. I just thought it would be me breaking the news to him!"
"Did you notice anyone new or suspicious at this soiree?"
"The usual hangers-on were there for the free food, drink, drugs, and sex. There were several girls from his strip club, no doubt making extra money with "special dances" for the guests. Mrs. Purity was working late as she normally does for these events. Of course, Miss Cheeks was there playing hostess and Miss Honeypot was there as well, putting on a special show, I would imagine. I think Sly liked having two women competing for his attention at these parties. I believe I saw Father Bottomore's car parked out back when I left. Perhaps he was there to save some depraved souls?"
"As far as there being anyone new, that is hard to tell, as Sly invites almost anyone. He enjoys showing off his mansion and all his possessions; human and otherwise. These parties of his have become his way of showing off to the have-nots or have-less and rubbing some people's noses in how successful he has become. His success has been at the expense of some very good people; any number of which may have a grudge against him."
"Well, I believe I have enough information for now. Please do not leave the city as I am sure we will have more questions as the investigation progresses. I will show myself out."
I met Mr. Sly Bucks at Le Chapeau Vert, where I was working as a bartender. I was eighteen and in college; I needed money, so I took a job tending bar at a topless bar. The salary was crap, but the hours were flexible and the tips were very good due to the wonders of big boobs and a low cut top.
One night we were two dancers short and had a large crowd. The three dancers that were there had already done their various sets and there was another hour until closing. Sunshine, one of the dancers convinced me that I could make a bundle if I went up on stage. They would bill me as an amateur (that was a stretch), she loaned me one of her fancy bras and covered the bar for me. Now I am no dancer, but I did manage to get past my nerves and jiggled just right. I cleared almost two weeks wages in just two fifteen-minute sets. I continued to tend bar and filled in dancing as needed.
Mr. Bucks was in the audience that first night. He made a point of introducing himself to me and proceeded to come in on the nights I was working; those nights my tips seemed to double. He would sit at the end of the bar and we would talk. It was mostly about business and I did glean a lot from him. He was a nice man and had several local charities he was a major benefactor to.
One night during my third year of college, he asked how I was doing with my tuition. I explained that I had been taking the extra money from the nights I danced and invested it. I had listened to him when we would talk and learned what to look for and had built up quite a portfolio. He was impressed and offered me a job at one of his companies. He would make sure that my hours were still flexible, and I gained some practical experience in my last year of classes.
One could say that he made me an offer I could not refuse, and it would get me out of the bar. I accepted and he had one of his trusted executives show me the ropes. I did start at the bottom; coordinating meetings, scheduling catering, making travel arrangements for Mr. Bucks and his executives, even picking up the dry cleaning when needed. I was allowed to sit in on some of his meetings and I often took notes for my classwork.
Over the next year, we grew close and I was well aware of not wanting to appear to be sleeping my way up the ladder. I fought hard to keep my feelings for him buried. He did show an interest in how I was doing in school, often offering advice should I have a difficult project. I graduated with honors and was promoted at work upon doing so.
I was made assistant to Susie O'Maker, the assistant to the top executive and would often be called upon to assist in Mr. Bucks' travels. Susie got pregnant after I was there a year and decided to cut back on her hours and stay home with her baby. Mr. Bucks kept her employed on a limited basis and I assumed her position. At that time, he took an interest in his employee's lives and knew she would need the additional income, so he worked it out that she could take care of her new family and still have an income. She was a wonderful wealth of information for me and whenever I had a logistics issue or other problem, she was always willing to help me.
Sly continued to pursue me and as we grew closer, I eventually accepted his invitation for dinner. I did not know that we would be flying across the country to a little mom and pop Italian restaurant that he loved. The food was wonderful, he was most charming and respectful the entire evening. The young children of the owners of the restaurant could not wait to show him their report cards and a few art projects; they even called him Uncle Buck, which made me giggle. He left a sizeable tip for the waitress, said his goodbyes and we were taken back to his private jet.
He asked if I had ever seen the full moon setting in the ocean, which I had not. So, he had our flight plan changed and we flew out over the ocean and watched as the water swallowed the moon. On our way back we watched as the sun rose out of the water, and I found myself holding his hand.
Sly asked if he had been doing something wrong these past couple years as this was the first time I seemed to be opening up to him. I explained my reservations about being involved with the boss and that I wanted to make my way in the business world on my merit, not how well I did in bed.
He assured me that all my advancements and the opportunities I was offered while working for him were earned. The only advantages that I had been given were the opportunity to learn in my first position and Mrs. O'Maker's new family starting a year earlier than she anticipated. He pointed out that I had a good head for business and dealing with the public, and I was willing to do some uncomfortable things for the good of the business (like that first night we met).
We talked about any number of things, except business, on the way home. I believe he may have had the pilot take the long way as it took longer to get back than it did to get there, even with the time over the ocean. I thought that was probably the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.
Our romance continued to grow over the coming months, and it was after dinner at the Italian restaurant, that we first made love. It was on his jet with the full moon sinking into the sea outside the window. He was tender and sweet, taking his time, making sure I was comfortable, making sure I came first. I was amazed at how fat his cock was, and he was very careful not to hurt me as he slid into me. Waiting for my body to adjust to him before pushing in further, then when fully in, he just waited until I was ready. He said the only witness we had was the moon peeping in the cabin windows. I cannot say that I have ever felt so full and as he began to throb, I felt another wave coming over me. This was the first time I had experienced an orgasm at the same time as my partner.
Being in his arms, as the sun rose, painting a golden streak of fire across the calm water was the perfect ending to the perfect night. The flight crew had been sworn to secrecy and, I am sure, paid well for their discretion. We kept things strictly business at the office, and on the trips, I accompanied him on. I managed to see a great deal of the world and had fallen head over heels for this man.
Two years into our intimate relationship he proposed. I accepted but we did not set a date right away. I felt gradually letting others see us as a couple before the big announcement would be best for the business and me. I had managed to become his executive assistant and he was grooming me to become second in command. I was given a seat on the board and he heeded my opinion on a few business matters that, thankfully for me, worked out wonderfully.
Little by little, we would be seen out together socially. Then little things like a peck on the cheek as I left his office. Eventually, others at work and in our social circle knew we were a couple. Sly even quit going to the topless bars, even though he owned a couple.
Our relationship grew more interesting. I must admit, I am fairly straight-laced when it comes to the bedroom. He did convince me to let him blindfold me and he touched me just his fingertip at first, then something cold and hard (a glass dildo I would find out later), he had a paddle that he used on the bed next to me, ice cubes over my breasts and then down my abdomen to my pussy. I will admit that this got me very turned on. He would spray whipped cream on me and lick it off, spending extra time to make sure my pussy was really clean and ready for his monster cock.
This did keep things interesting in the bedroom, but the more we tried, the more he wanted. During one of his parties, I was wearing a lovely designer gown and one of the guests tripped, knocking into a table. As one of the wait staff tried to catch a plate of hors d'oeurves, he slipped and the plate landed on my chest. The comedy of errors of the whole thing had me laughing and Sly insisted on helping me get up the stairs to change.
Once in the bedroom, he licked my exposed skin as he unzipped my dress. Once my dress was off, he continued to lick my chest, cleaning all of the residual food off. He then said I may need a quick shower and led me to the bathroom where he proceeded to strip and wash me; taking care not to mess up my hair too much. He took the shower head down from its perch and put my hands against the wall. From behind he washed my back, my bum, and my legs.
As he moved up my legs he pushed them apart and used the shower head to rinse me very well. He then put his hand on my pelvis, pulled me back so I was partly bent forward, aligned his cock, and while he sprayed my pussy with water, he entered me. He kept one hand on my pelvis to steady me as he pushed in deeper and deeper.
Just as I was about to cum, he made the oddest remark.
"Who's my dirty girl? You like this don't you?"
Confused as to where this was going, but on the verge of an orgasm I whispered, "Yes."
He started to pound me harder and I found I had to brace for each thrust to keep from slipping. The spray of the water on me was hitting all the right places and I did not last long. When I finally came, I let out the loudest moan and a few expletives, something I had never done before. I am sure they heard me downstairs over the music. He said he wanted me to be more vocal from then on. He liked hearing how pleased I was with him and his cock. Returning to our guests we were greeted with applause, which embarrassed the hell out of me, but made him puff up like a peacock!
As Sly's empire continued to grow, so did his ambition. He quit 'wasting money,' as he put it, on his charitable endeavors. He seemed consumed to grow bigger and bigger, swallowing up smaller businesses in his wake. He seemed to stop caring about his employees and only about his bank account. I expressed my concerns more than once and was told I just no longer understood the bigger picture.

He built the biggest mansion in town, bought the fanciest and fastest cars, a bigger jet, and a yacht on each coast. The business became multinational and soon we were entertaining guests from all over the world.
Our sex life changed along the way, he became interested in tying me up, which I tried and enjoyed at first. The first time I felt a whip drag across my ass, I knew we were going to have issues. He just playfully whipped my bum, telling me how bad I had been and needed to be punished. He started to take a very dark turn. Willing to try anything once, I did let him dress me in leather; corsets tied much too tight, bras that barely covered my nipples.
He even bought one of those butterfly vibrators for my panties, and he tormented me all day at work, leaving it turned on during an important meeting. I found it very hard to concentrate and the client from Japan was not pleased that I had to keep asking him to repeat himself. I did manage to clear that deal and was called to Sly's office immediately after to give him an update.
He locked the door behind me, showed me the controller and asked how I liked it. I expressed my concerns over wearing it during business hours as it was most distracting. He pressed the button; a shiver went up through my spine. He came closer and kissed me, pulsed the button again, my legs were shaking and he pushed me back to the edge of the desk.
He squeezed my tits and kept pushing that damn button. I tried telling him this was not the place for this, that others would hear, especially that nosy secretary of his. He told me not to worry and showed me his new sideboard. A handsome wood table, with legs that crisscrossed each other like scissors. He moved me over and down onto it and then pulled another small cube from his pocket and the table began to rise.
My legs dangling over the edge, he smiled at me, reached under the corner, and pulled out an arm about four inches wide with a cuff at the end. He placed one leg then pulled out the other side and placed my other leg. He pulled me down to the edge of the table and cuffed my ankles. He lifted my skirt and watched as I reacted to him increasing the intensity of the butterfly.
"Now, be a good girl, and cum for me. I want you to scream my name as you do!"
"But Sly, not here, let's take this to your place and I will scream until the wallpaper peels from the walls!"
He continued to push that damn button and I did cum, but I kept quiet, this seemed to upset him some. He let me loose and as I straightened myself, he sat and motioned for me to come over. He pulled me across his lap, pulled out a padded paddle and proceeded to paddle me. Not too hard but enough to be uncomfortable. He kept mumbling something about me being a bad girl and not following his orders. I protested and wiggled myself out from under his arm. I took off my panties with the butterfly and threw them at him. I informed him that if anyone was to be paddled in this office, it would be him!
For the next few weeks, things got back to normal and then he broached the subject. Would I paddle him? I told him that I would not be the one being paddled so. He sheepishly handed me the same paddle and he bent over the edge of the bed. At first, I was hesitant but let him have a pretty good whack. He lowered his pants and said to do again, and I did; several more whacks across his bare bum and he was now a nice shade of rose. I could see this excited him and we made love after that. It was nearly like that first time, but something was now different.
He grew more consumed with the business, stepping on anyone or anything in his way. The more he conquered business-wise, the more he asked to be spanked. First, it was just at his home, and then he insisted on it in his office. Sometimes, several times per day; usually after a questionable business decision, he would call me in to administer his punishment.
I realized that he had changed and I no longer liked the man he was becoming. After several long talks, we broke things off, yet I remained his friend and right-hand woman. He moved on quickly, usually with strippers from the various clubs he owned. I dated but had no one in particular; I concentrated on the business, putting out some of the fires he started with his exploits.
I even started my own small business and hired some of the people that were discarded as Sly became a billionaire. Susie O'Maker was now my top executive, running the day to day operations. I was now doing quite well on my own but enjoyed the international dealings I had with Sly.
Sly eventually found stripper Rosie Cheeks and has been with her for most of the last ten years. She is not the brightest bulb on the stage, but has vast talents, so I am told. She keeps him happy and seems to be okay with his liaisons with others, as long as her monthly stipend continues. She does wonders with coming up with themes for his soirees but has no clue on how to pull them off. I continue to make them happen for him but have only stayed long enough to make sure everything is in place. Mrs. Purity normally stays the night, no doubt for the extra pay. She was often still there in the morning.
Porn star, Heidi Honeypot, has taken my place as Miss Cheeks' object of disdain. It is no secret that he plays around but usually not with the same bimbo for more than a few weeks. This time it is different, I do believe the glamourous pussy of Miss Honeypot threatens Miss Cheeks. At least she seems to have a brain in her head. I often have had to whisk one of them out of his office as the other is on her way in. If the walls of his office could talk, oh what tales they could tell.
I have tried to leave this job several times, but Sly keeps increasing my compensation, making it difficult to do. I have invested wisely, used my funds to help those left in the wake of destruction by Sly and have gained a reputation as a shrewd businesswoman. Unfortunately, by staying on it is rumored that he and I are still involved romantically. This does not sit well with Miss Cheeks, but I don't care what buzzes around in that vacuous head of hers.
Certain that I may know too much, where some skeletons are hidden as well as Sly's unconventional sexual interests, he has kept me on and has let me make some of the bigger business decisions. That said, he had been taking my advice less and less and I am not happy with the direction he has taken.
The secretary is sure that I am still sleeping with him based on the screams she hears, but little does she know that what she hears is one of his kinks. I am often called to his office after one of his daytime trysts with a local party girl or a business decision that harms innocent people and for some reason, after Father Bottomore's visits. I had always thought he was trying to atone through the church for becoming such a dick, but I suspect that there is more to it than that. Anyway, I get called in to administer a good paddling, and it is not me that is vocal. For a big man with a big dick, he sure screams like a girl when I whack him. I have found a little pleasure with this aspect of my job, and I have gotten good with a two-handed backhand backswing, often lifting him off the floor. I should take up tennis.
Perhaps with him gone, the board of directors will keep me on, and I can bring the business back around to what it should be.
Several weeks later….
Detective Steelie Balls phoned me, I ccould hear her slurping on a sucker, "Miss Butkis, will you be free to talk to me again in about an hour?"
"I am at my office, but I can clear some time for you. Have there been any breaks in what happened to Sly?"
There was more slurping on the other end of the line, "Nothing I can divulge, but I do have some loose ends to tie up."
I managed to clear up some pressing matters. The board of directors had allowed me to continue until the police investigation was over and they could get legal advice on whether the termination letter would be held up, given Sly's acrobatics.
"Miss Butkis, Miss Balls to see you," my secretary rang through to my office.
"Thank you, please send her in," I straightened some of the clutter on my desk as she entered.
I stood and shook her hand, "Pleasure to see you again; please take a seat. Now, how can I be of help?"
The Kojakesque detective pulled the sucker from her mouth, "We have several suspects that may have a motive. I just need to clear up who was where and when.
"Can you clarify what you were doing before your argument with Mr. Bucks?"
After checking my calendar, I reply, "I arrived a couple of hours early; most of his parties start around seven pm so I was there around five pm. I met with Mrs. Purity and instructed her on where the food tables were to be set up. I met with the caterers and instructed them to follow Mrs. Purity into the small ballroom where the food and bar would be set up.
"The bar had already been set up just inside the door and was fully stocked. Having signed for the delivery, the extra cases of liquor were placed in the small cloakroom behind the bar. I gave the young man a generous tip and showed him the way out.
"As I returned to the back door, I believe I saw Father Bottomore's car park behind the house. I did not see him, and I did not see him come into the house, but that car was not there when I left just before eight pm."
Looking over my calendar notes, I mentioned that I also met with the band and the magician.
Twirling the sucker in her mouth, I get a puzzled look from across my desk, "A magician, what kind of child's party is this?"
"I assure there were no children at this or any of Sly's other parties, they were very adult parties. It seems that Miss Cheeks is fond of magic and wanted a wandering magician to work the main ballroom. I suggested that instead of pulling coins from behind people's ears, he pull condoms. Miss Cheeks may still not understand that remark.
"The main ballroom had a stage set up on the far wall and there were maybe ten people total with the band and their roadies.
"I met with the wait staff and explained that Mrs. Purity was in charge once I left. Most had worked for these parties in the past and understood that what happened inside the mansion, stayed at the mansion. No pictures were to be taken of guests and I asked that they leave their cell phones in their cars as usual. They were compensated well for the evenings' work.
"I confirmed with the local limousine service that they would be sending a short bus to shuttle guests from the parking lot at the end of the street to the mansion and back. They would be on an approximate fifteen-minute schedule, so no one had to wait too long to get to either place."
The spiky-haired detective opened another sucker and I showed her where she could put her stick and wrapper, "Once all the arrangements were taken care of what did you do next?"
"I went to Sly's office to discuss some last-minute business matters for the next week. He had me follow him up to his bedroom so he could get dressed. Since we had been lovers years ago, it was not uncommon for me to be in his room as he changed clothes. I still care for the man, well the man he used to be, but I am not comfortable with some of his business dealings. I know he has a reputation as an unscrupulous letch, but I do not think that all of his secrets need be aired."
"What kind of secrets do you speak of? I cannot think of anything that could be worse than what is already publicly known."
I took a deep breath and explained why we broke up. "You see he had a few kinks; everyone knows of his love of strippers and porn stars. I believe I may be the only one that knows of his spanking fetish. I believe he knew what a dick he was and felt he should be punished in some way. You should have found a paddle behind one of the panels in his room. There were other toys as well, but only I used the paddle on him. Often after a slimy business deal, he would call on me to administer a spanking. He liked it hard and I often left him with rosy cheeks.
"Before our disagreement and before he put his pants on, he asked for several whacks as he knew he was going to be a bad boy that night. He screamed every time I hit him; I hate to say but he screamed like a girl. He said he also confessed to the church and hoped he would get into heaven at the end. I suggested that he just change his ways and treat people fairly again, but he said that he did not make money as fast. I gave him five or six firm whacks and we got back down to business.
"Our disagreement was over closing factories here and moving production overseas to less than par factories. This would put a lot of loyal employees out of work and I did not agree with putting profits over people all the time. So we argued, and yes we both got rather loud about it and when I saw I was getting nowhere with him, I left."
"Interesting," slurp, "so, how often did you administer these spankings?"
"Sometimes it was several times per day, here at the office and his home; occasionally there would be a few days between."
"Did anyone hear you or see you leave?"
Thinking about my exit that night, "I am certain Miss Cheeks heard us a she was in the bedroom across the hall getting dressed and her door was open. She gave me a rather dirty look as I passed by and I believe she may have gone across the hall as I was heading down the stairs.
"I passed Miss Honeypot on the stairs, she was headed up. We said hi to each other and I know that she often used one of the extra rooms to dress and get ready for the show she would put on. I am not sure having both of those women together, on the same floor of the mansion, is a good thing. They often fought when out of the public eye.
"I made a last check with the band, the magician, the caterer, the bartender, the wait staff, and Miss Purity. Some of the guests had already arrived and were in full party mode. Some were dressed, some were already naked. As I crossed the driveway to my car the party bus pulled in with the strippers from the club he owned. I had to wait for them to exit before I could leave."
"One last question, did you go straight home and can anyone vouch for your whereabouts the rest of the evening?"
"I stopped and picked up a pizza. I paid with my credit card, so that would have a time and date on the receipt. Once home, around 9:30, I changed into my pajamas, ate a couple of slices and spent an hour online, chatting with a friend in the UK. I was fast asleep before eleven pm. When I woke the next morning, I contemplated how best to resign."
With another slurp of her sucker, Miss Balls stood up, shook my hand and said, "Thank you for your candor, we will be in touch if we need any further information."