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Not Scrambled Eggs

"A man with a plan and the money to follow it better know where the plan is taking him."

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Competition Entry: Kinky Fetishes

I don't know what it is about cooking eggs. If I try to cook sunny-side up, the yolks break. If I try to cook a simple fried egg, it disintegrates when I try to flip it. I can't even seem to fold and flip an omelet without making a mess. I'm pretty good at a lot of skills in life, but when it comes to eggs, all I can do is scramble them. If someone wants anything better than that, they better take over the cooking.

Of course, I only mention the eggs because the warm body in the bed with me woke with a start, and she instantly asked, "Did you forget to set your alarm? You're on for breakfast."

Right on cue, my alarm went off. I had to gently stretch over the top of her body to silence it. She gave me a playful smile as we both tried to shake off our sleep.

"Good morning, Sweetness," I offered. With a gentle kiss on her cheek, I added, "Thank you, as always, for the unexpected pleasure of waking with you beside me."

She offered a gentle smile.

"Always so formal," she teased. "I've told you many times that it is my pleasure as well."

I couldn't stop myself from giving her a lustful smile as my eyes caressed her body. She was as beautiful as ever, and she smiled as she flexed into a pose for me. Her nipples hardened and small droplets formed on their tips.

"Don't even think it," she teased with a laugh. She quickly moved to her knees and covered her breasts with her hands. "You should be sleeping in to gather strength for your party," she admonished, and then added, "You know the penalty for being late for a chore."

"I wrote the rules, and I am the one that assigns and enforces the penalties," I laughed. "I'm pretty sure my allowance won't get docked." As I argued my case, I caressed her body and slid my hand up toward her swollen breast. She playfully blocked me, and then pushed me out of the bed.

"You got away with more than you should have last night," she chastised. "Besides," she added, "these breasts are reserved for their natural intended purpose this morning. Go make breakfast for the rest of us!"

"Come shower with me!" I teased and begged. We both knew I would try to get away with more in the shower.

"And face everybody else's scorn when you tap out later?" she rejoined. "Go!"

I went, with a smile that matched hers. If I didn't know better, I would almost think that she liked me.


Giselle was waiting for me in the kitchen, although she had already started making food. I really liked Giselle because she always kept things real. She was here for the money, and nothing more, and just seeing her reminded me that the same thing was true of the other women as well.

Looking at all of the ingredients she had prepared, I said, "Hey, I was just going to make scrambled eggs."

"I know," she answered with a playful scowl. "That's why I got up to help you." Her tone changed as she teased, "Laura didn't let you take liberties last night, did she? Today's the big day, you know!"

I couldn't help but to smirk as I shook my head. Giselle smirked back, and she almost winked at me as she turned back to the prep work in front of her. Meals for ten adults, four nannies and nine toddlers take a lot of work, so I quickly moved to help her.

As my hands got to work, my mind wandered. I liked that Giselle would smile and wink at me as if she liked me, but the one thing I could count on was that she was in it for the money, and it was finally the big day.

Whoever said that money can't buy love was probably right, but it can sure buy a lot of things to make a guy happy. I was pretty depressed with my life before I won the lottery. My wife had left me and I never see our kids. I was in a dead-end job that I hated.

When I won, somebody asked me what my biggest dream was, my biggest fantasy, because I had the money to make it come true. I never answered them, but I took their message to heart.

First came the house. Then came the women, but at the same time came the contracts. The contracts clearly defined what was expected, and what the women would get in return. The entire plan was timed to come together on this day, my fortieth birthday.

One of the few arguments I had with the women was about chores. I certainly had enough money to hire a large household staff, but I felt we would be more tightly knit as a group if we did most of the chores ourselves, myself included. In the end, I settled for a cleaning crew every other week, but all of the household chores are assigned on a rotating schedule.

My plan worked well, so I didn't mind at all that I had to help make and serve breakfast.

Giselle broke me out of my reverie.

"Hey Eggman," she teased, "How many eggs do you want?"

"A nice three egg omelet sounds good," I answered.

She answered with a teasing smile and a head shake.

"Hey Tonya," she called toward the pantry, "can you give me a hand here?"

Tonya was already putting supplies away and getting ready to clean up the kitchen. She had a knowing smile on her face as she joined us.

"Sure, Chef-Lady," she answered. "What can I do to help?"

Giselle produced two juice glasses and a measuring cup.

"I need about a quarter cup," she offered as she gave me a challenging smile and whipped out one of her swollen breasts. I tightly gripped the counter to keep from lunging at her as she started to express milk into one of the glasses.

"Sure thing, Chef-Lady," Tonya purred. I gaped as she pulled her breast out. Her milk came out in streams as she worked her own flesh. My eyes flashed back and forth, following the squirting sounds as they filled the cups.

Quicker than I would have thought possible, they poured the liquid into the measuring cup. Giselle gave me a teasing look as she poured most of it into a bowl with some eggs. She quickly started to whisk the mixture together for scrambled eggs.

"What about the extra?" Tonya asked with a teasing look at me. "We don't want to waste it."

"No, we don't," Giselle answered as she poured the egg and milk mixture into the frying pan.

She quickly tossed back the remaining milk and then just as quickly kissed Tonya. The kiss was sloppy as they shared the flavors.

"So good," Tonya teased.

"To think that we used to think he was a pervert for wanting that," Giselle added. They kissed again.

For a moment, I wondered who would object if I bent Giselle over the counter and fucked her while I ate the eggs she made for me. I was rock hard, and none of the others would blame me. This was part of the game, and I forced myself to maintain control.

I reminded myself that Giselle was in it for the money. They were all in it for the money. If I could survive until the party I had planned, I was going to get my money's worth. Giselle and Tonya were smiling as they turned to me. If they enjoyed the game, that was all the better.

For the record, the eggs were phenomenal.


Party or no, my day had a schedule. Breakfast was followed by a meeting that had cropped up. After that was playtime with the kids, and yoga for the women. I had an early, light lunch, and about one in the afternoon, I headed out for a several mile jog.

As I returned home, I should have known something was up. I saw one of the nannies sitting out sunning alone on the patio by the house. She got up and went inside as soon as she saw me.

The house was empty and quiet. That wasn't unusual because it was the kids' nap time. I would have expected to see some of the women lounging or reading. I didn't see anyone as I made my way up to the third floor and back to my rooms.

Laura was waiting in my bedroom, wearing only a towel.

"Come on, Stud, it's time for us to shower together," she offered. The towel hit the floor, as did my jaw as I spied her pert nipples. Instead of turning into my private bath that was behind her, she pushed past me to cross into the larger bathing room in the hall. I quickly got naked and followed her.

I started to frown when I heard the soft sound of water spraying from multiple shower heads. The sound of the spray barely covered the sound of several teasing voices. I stopped short at the shower door, and the smile on my face grew almost as fast as my cock did.

All nine women were in the shower with spray coming from several nozzles. Giselle, Tonya and Carol were sitting on one of the wall benches, teasing and checking out each others' tan lines. Becky and Julie, and Mary and Beka were paired up under separate shower heads, with each pair touching and helping each other rinse away soap. Kathy was standing nervously by a sturdy looking shower chair.

"Cool your jets, Loverboy," Laura purred as she pulled me under the closest running stream of water. "Rinse off quickly, and then we need to talk."

I could barely drag my eyes away from the other women. As Laura spoke, they all turned to smile at me, and with lustful eyes, they all lifted their milk-filled breasts to display them for me.

"I'm not sure this is a good time for talking," I objected. "I thought the plan was to start this later tonight."

"We started a pool on how long you would last," she laughed as she pulled me out of the running stream. She pushed me over to sit on the chair as she added, "Since none of us wants to miss out, we've planned several sessions around nap times and dinner."

"I guess that would fulfill the contract," I teased.

She seemed pleased with my words. "Speaking of the contract..." she offered as she straddled my legs and sat on my lap. The other women all moved towards us, but I was singularly focused on Laura.

"Don't forget the condom," I worried as she thrust her heated lower lips against my shaft. She ignored my warning and her smile got even wider. I had no idea why she was teasing me like that. We certainly didn't want any unplanned pregnancies! Although the contract wasn't specific on this point, none of the women were using contraceptives because all of them were still breast feeding.

Laura had to have known what I was thinking, but her smile never wavered.

"I want a new contract," she declared.

"We are not negotiating like this," I argued, glancing at our naked and aroused bodies.

"Two little changes," she teased. At the same time, she lifted her breasts and gave them a squeeze. Milk dribbled out to fall between our bodies.

The last vestiges of thought fled from my brain as I leaned forward to stop her from wasting more. Two pairs of hands caught my head from behind and pulled me back in the chair. Laura felt my body react to the feel of the other two women's breasts against my back, and her smile returned.

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"The contract specifies that we will be faithful to you while we live under this roof," she explained.  "We want it added that you will be faithful to us as well."

I couldn't even process her request enough to nod. Someone even further behind me had pushed their hands in to manipulate the breasts at my shoulder, and I could feel hot milk escaping to dribble down my back. Luckily, Laura didn't wait for an answer.

"The second demand will cost you a bit, but not nearly as much as the original terms," she said sweetly. "We want the same financial arrangement already in the contract to apply to all of our children."

"It does," I was barely able to croak. One woman behind me had slid her breasts up to rest above my shoulders. The hands that teased her continued to play, and her milk ran freely down my chest. I couldn't find the control to speak to warn Laura that their teasing was going to make me explode prematurely.

Laura may have sensed my dilemma. She gave me a sad smile.

"I don't think any of us realized how much we would enjoy sharing your kink with you," she explained. I had no idea why she wasn't sharing as we spoke. I needed her more than ever. I hope she saw it in my eyes, because I was beyond words again.

"It's been three and half years since my son was born," she continued. She pushed forward, sliding her body up mine and lifting her breasts. I eagerly opened my mouth.

"What if my breasts dry up when he stops feeding?" she worried as she let a single drop of milk drip onto my tongue. My body shook in need, but the hands that held me from behind held me fast.

"Just say 'yes,'" she teased. "Include all of our children, not just the first ones."

I honestly don't think I heard all of her words. I was focused on the building pearl of moisture on the tip of her nipple, and I needed that bit of sweetness more than anything in the world.

"Yes!" I gasped as I lunged to get my tongue under the drop before it was too late.

The hands from behind suddenly released, and my head smashed forward. I expertly caught Laura's nipple and half of her breast in my mouth. With a bite, suck and squeeze, she filled my mouth with the pure love of life.

Laura was one step ahead of me. She caught my head and held it to her breast as she plummeted down to impale herself on my straining hardness. She cried out in ecstasy as I filled her over and over. Her body consumed every drop it could squeeze from me as eagerly as I consumed every drop that I could squeeze from her. We were both left exhausted and panting.

"Thank you, Love, thank you," she breathed as she lifted my head to kiss me. I almost answered her in kind. Luckily, she interrupted me as the kiss ended.

"I get another turn later," she insisted. "The next time, I expect you to make me cum with you!"

I barely had the strength to chuckle with her. My exhaustion didn't phase her at all.

"Carol, you're next," Laura laughed as she eased off of my lap. "Who's up to helping her out?"

Carol must have been holding one of the pair of breasts at my back. Her hands slid clear as she stepped around in front of me. She gave Laura a teasing look, but she also glanced my way to be sure I was paying attention.

"Is this the only way I will get to taste your flavors?" Carol teased Laura. "Sometimes I think you're afraid to see how much I might enjoy you."

With a challenging look, Carol slid to her knees in front of me.

"He's probably forgotten how much I love tasting myself," Laura declared as she slid down to join Carol. "I won't lick condoms," she added.

Without delay, the two of them started licking and moaning as they enjoyed the flavors they found. They soon added kissing each other to the action, and I was sure to quickly recover. Nothing was going to distract me from watching them.

Giselle and Tonya decided to test that theory. I barely noticed them as they teased Becky and Beka about flavors, and they really didn't have my attention until Beka laughed at them and then gave her breasts a squeeze. Her milk shoots out a mile, and it splashed across my chest to hit Tonya's stomach.

With Giselle and Tonya standing at my shoulders and Becky and Beka standing at my knees, the first two took turns suckling each of the other two. Each time they had to lean across my body, they purposefully let some milk spill onto the two women between my legs.

"Tell us which is sweeter," Giselle teased. She quickly took a mouthful from Beka as Tonya took a mouthful from Becky's breast, and then they each quickly kissed me. The flavors were delightfully different, but I don't think I had an answer for Giselle.

Carol saved me from answering. While the other four were distracting me, she had slid onto my lap and she was skillfully riding my fully erect cock.

"Tell them I'm the sweetest," she teased as she pulled my face to her breast.

Carol had the strongest flavored milk of all the women, and I had told her so before. She also knew she wasn't the sweetest. With my hard cock stroking inside of her, I don't think she cared.

"Oh, wait," she gasped, and she pulled my face up. I tried to lunge for her other breast, but she pushed me back. "I want a new contract," she gasped, "same as Laura's."

I felt her body start to tremble around my hardness, and I knew she had mounted me without a condom as well. It made no sense to me that they would want this.

"Yes," I grunted as I thrust into her even harder. She released my head and I devoured her breast. A few strokes later, I started to fill her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she moaned. "Fuck, that feels so good! Please don't stop! I'm so close! I'm so close!"

It took every bit of my willpower to ignore my own orgasm to push on for hers. She suddenly pulled my face from her breast to give me a hard kiss. She moaned even louder as her own flavors filled her mouth, and suddenly my cock hardened within her. Several strokes later, she threw her head back to cry out as she came over and over.

I didn't think her orgasm was ever going to end. Her insides kept pulsing against me even as our thrusts slowed. I couldn't wait for her to recover so we could pick up speed to make her cum again. I was prepared to hold her and kiss her for as long as it took.

Suddenly, Laura pulled Carol's face from mine, and they shared a gentle kiss. Laura gave Carol a caring look, and Carol nodded as she turned back to me.

"Thank you for loving us as much as we love you," she offered. I was speechless as she stood and stepped away.

"Oh, look, a hard cock," Beka teased as she took Carol's position on my lap. She started rocking against me and squeezing my cock with her insides.

I seemed to lose track of the time as Beka and I fucked until she came. She and the others teased me with their breasts, and before too long, I came inside her.

She was off me and Mary was on before my cock had half a chance to wilt. I was over-stimulated, and my hardness never faded. With the others teasing and Mary joining me in suckling them, it didn't take long for her and I to cum together.

Laura was all smiles as Mary slid off my lap. Laura's smile turned to a scowl as Kathy slid into my lap and said, "You don't have to, but I'd like the new contract, too."

I offered an encouraging look as I answered, "Of course you are included." I should have stopped there, but I asked, "Why wouldn't I want to?"

Tears nearly sprang to her eyes as she forced my attention to her breasts. She kneaded and squeezed and stroked and finally pinched close to her nipple to produce the tiniest droplet on each nipple. Although her breasts had grown with her pregnancy, they never produced any more milk than that.

"I let you down," she said with tears in her voice. "You've always treated me as well as the others, but if you don't want me to stay..."

There were a lot of reasons to justify having her stay. She was the best teacher of all the women, and she as much of a part of the foundation of our unconventional family as Laura was. Those weren't the words that jumped to my mouth.

"Of course I want you to stay," I insisted. "You are part of our family, and I..."

I almost stopped myself in time. Laura was waiting, and she pounced on my suspended thought before I could think.

"Tell her," she whispered sharply. "She needs to hear it," she added, speaking softly, but with less intensity. "We all need to hear it," she finished. All nine women focused on my mouth.


I remember the first time I fell in love. I was eight years old, and she was the cutest thing in the whole class. I tried to steal a kiss to show her how I felt. She gave me a black eye and then made sure the whole school heard her as she called me an asshole.

I remember the next time I fell in love. I was a sophomore in high school and she was a senior. I wrote her a letter and a poem, and I bared my soul in dedication to her love. She tried to read the poem aloud in the lunchroom in front of everybody, but she was laughing too hard to finish. Her laughter didn't prevent her from calling me an asshole as she crumpled up the pages to throw them away.

I met my wife when she randomly picked me out of the crowd at a party. She took my virginity in front of everybody while she yelled obscenities at the guy that had just dumped her. Three weeks later, she came storming after me, mad as hell. Apparently, she misunderstood when I said I couldn't get a woman pregnant. What I meant was that if I did, my mom would kill me.

It turned out that she would lose a trust fund from her grandmother if she got pregnant before she got married. I told her I loved her and we got married. There wasn't a day of our miserable marriage that she didn't remind me of what an asshole I was.

When it comes to love, all I know how to do is make a mess. If somebody ever wants something better than that from me, they better know what they're doing.


Laura waited patiently. My eyes scanned the naked women around me, and lighted on Giselle. Even she wanted me to say it. I smiled as I remembered that she was in this for the money. They were all in it for the money. One simple word would end up costing me more, but I had plenty. I was sure there was no chance that they might want more. I had no idea how wrong I was.

"Kathy, it's true," I admitted. "I love you, just as I love all of you."

As I felt Kathy's body flush with increased arousal, I could also feel the glowing smiles on nine beautiful faces, and I knew that I was about to get fucked.

Written by bad_mann_ers
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