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Larry's Incredible Purchase

"Larry wanted Heidi at any price!"

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“I want you in my bed, what will it take?”

“I’m never getting into your fucking bed, you prick!”

Taking out his wallet, Larry pulled a stack of bills from it. Looking across the desk at the woman standing there, he threw five one-hundred-dollar bills on the desk.

“So, will that get you in my bed?”

“Fuck you!”

“How about now?” he said while tossing five more one-hundred-dollar bills on the pile.

Heidi’s lip quivered before she answered but finally saying, “Still fuck no!”

Larry had money to spend and he didn’t mind spending it on what he desired and he desired to have this woman in his bed. So, while thumbing off another five bills, he said, “You’ll do what I want. The only question is how much are you are going to cost me?”

She looked down at the rapidly expanding pile of money on the desk. She knew that would help her out in so many ways, but she wasn’t a whore to be bought. While still looking down at the money, she said, “More than you have, prick.”

He could see her eyeing the money even as she spoke. He thought just a little more and she’d be on her knees this very night in his bedroom. He thumbed off another five bills, dropping them on top of the already considerable pile. When he had finished, he said, “Say yes, your eyes already are.”

Taking a deep breath before she looked up, she said, “For the last time, go fuck yourself because you’ll never fuck me!”

“Sure, I will, every woman is fuckable with the right persuasion. For you, it’s just how much I have to add to the pile on your desk before you say yes,” he said confidently before thumbing another five bills onto the pile.

She couldn’t help but continue to stare at the pile of one-hundred-dollar bills. Twenty-five hundred dollars was laying there now. She knew that was more than she’d make in a month but still refused to bend to him by saying, “I’m not a whore and you can’t buy me!”

He just laughed and said, “I never said you were a whore. A whore would’ve taken the first five hundred and been on her knees right here in front of God and everybody. No, you are no whore but you need the money and will take it so I can have my way with you,” he finished as he slipped another five bills on to the pile.

Watching him add those five bills to the pile damn near caused her to faint. Even as one part of her brain was seething at this arrogant bastard, the other part was already planning on how to spend her newfound money. Both parts were putting up quite the fight and it was when they finally collided, she decided to call his bluff. She would see how much he was willing to pay her to sleep with him.

Raising her head to stare in his eyes, she finally said, “Ten thousand dollars and I will sleep with you one time and one time only.”

He let out a huge laugh and looked back at her and said, “Done, I will give you the money when I pick you up tonight and where will that be? I assume you don’t live here in your little store.”

She was stunned; he had called her bluff instead. She was listening but not really either. She couldn’t believe he had won. She was sure he would’ve given up but no, he just agreed like ten thousand dollars was nothing to him. She was going to have to sleep with him and was now mortified.

He could see she was in shock that he had agreed. She hadn’t responded to anything he had said past the word 'done.' He finally reached out and touched her shoulder, startling her. She jerked away and finally focused on him again. He said when he had her attention, “I’m going to need your address to pick you up tonight.”

“Oh yes, here you go,” she bent down and scribbled an address on a pad that was on her desk. Tearing the top sheet off, she stood back up and handed it to him saying, “I’ll meet you out front, what time?”

He took it from her, looking at it before pocketing it. He then reached down and picked up part of the stack of money that had accumulated but left a thousand dollars on the desk. He straightened back up, looking at her and said, “Buy yourself something sexy to wear tonight. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

She looked down at the money and then back up at him. He thought he knew what was going through her mind so he said, “That is not part of your ten thousand, call it a bonus for the fun I just had.”

Her face clouded over in anger again before she said, “Fuck you, you arrogant bastard!”

He had already started walking towards the front of her little store and looked back over his shoulder saying, “Yes, fucking me is what I have in mind for you.” He continued out the door and disappeared out of sight as she shook with anger.


Larry looked back at the little store entry as he got in his car. He read the sign that led him to her, to begin with. Hanging above the door was a sign announcing that it was the naughtiest little toy store in town. As he got into his car, he was feeling pretty pleased with himself. He had a wonderful night to look forward too. He knew once she was naked and aroused, she’d be a lot of fun. The money he was going to pay her didn’t even pass through his thoughts. For Larry, money was just a useful tool of business.

After Larry left, Heidi dropped into her desk chair staring at the money left on her desk. Where Larry thought nothing of money, Heidi thought everything of money. It was money that kept her little store open; it was what kept a roof overhead, clothes on her back, and food in her belly. Yet she still couldn’t believe she had just agreed to be a stranger’s whore for the night for ten thousand dollars. She wanted to cry but instead pulled out her ledger and looked at how ten thousand dollars would help.

Heidi closed her little shop early today for the first time in a long time. On her way out, she pocketed the thousand dollars while thinking to herself, Fuck him, I already have sexy things to wear! She smiled at that thought and the extra thousand dollars she got out of the deal.


Exactly at seven, Heidi walked out the front doors of her apartment building in a grey knit dress that hugged her body. It pulled against her every curve as she walked towards the curb where Larry was waiting with the car. As she walked towards him, she thought again, Fuck him!

Larry had gotten out of the car and was holding the passenger door open for her but he stopped her before she could get in. He looked at her and said, “You get in this car and you are mine for the night. You’ll do as I ask and I’ll do as I want with you. I will give you one more out though so you can never say you were forced. All you have to say is UNCLE and whatever we are doing stops but so we are clear, if you don’t get in the car and stay until I’m done with you, there is no money.”

Heidi just stared holes through him as he spoke, but when he had finished, she said, “I understand, you bought me for a promise of ten thousand dollars but know you want to see if you can get out of paying me. Well fuck you, you are going to pay me that ten thousand tonight.” With that, she sat down in the passenger seat of his BMW. He shut the door and turned away before smiling and thinking to himself, Yep, she is going to be quite the fuck tonight!


Larry surprised Heidi by taking her to a fabulous dinner. She had been expecting him just to take her somewhere to fuck. The dinner was at one of the most upscale places in town. They had been taken to a private dining area and had been given a private waiter. The meal had been exquisite to the point that she had almost forgotten why she was there.

Then it came rushing back; she was there because he was going to pay her ten thousand dollars to fuck him and she had agreed to it. Even as she wrestled with the truth of the situation, she had to admit to herself that Larry had been nothing but a gentleman all through dinner. He never once acted like the pompous rich ass as he had in her store early that day.

She was finally broken out of her thoughts by Larry asking, “Did you enjoy the meal? It’s always one of my favorites.”

“It was exquisite and not what I expected,” she finished saying a little sheepishly.

Larry let a small bark of laughter escape before saying, “Well, I wanted to show you there is more to me than just the ability to buy a woman to fuck with me. With that being said, though, are you ready to go?”

Heidi took a moment before answering, knowing she was only putting off the inevitable. “Yes, I’m ready as I’ll ever be,” she said with a sigh.

Larry stood up and came around the table and pulled Heidi’s chair back for her as she stood up. They walked out of the restaurant without exchanging another word until they got to Larry’s car. He opened the door for her and she slid into the passenger seat. Larry went around and got in the driver’s seat, but before starting the car he leaned over close to Heidi and said, “Say 'uncle' and I’ll take you straight home.” Larry really didn’t want her to say uncle but it was a test to see how willing she was to continue the night.

She looked him in the eye and said, “Let’s go before I change my mind!”

Larry straightened up, started the car, shifted it into gear, and off they went towards Larry’s house.


When they arrived at Larry’s house, he got out and came around to open Heidi’s door for her. His gentleman-like manners all night were really at odds with the way he acted in her store earlier. Heidi was having a little difficulty wrapping her mind around the difference. He even held the front open for her to enter, always being the gentleman.

Once in the house, he asked her, “Would you like a drink?”

“No, I’m fine but could I use a bathroom?”

“Why of course,” he replied, leading her back to a hallway.

As they stepped into the room at the end of the hallway, Heidi realized this must be his bedroom. It was very masculine in décor. A large bed made of wood and metal stood on one side of the room while a seating area was on the other side. She could see a few doors leading out of the room. One was obviously a set of French doors to the outside while the other one she assumed was to a bathroom since he brought her back here.

Larry led her over to the other door and it opened to a huge master bath. He said while holding the door for her, “Take your time, I’ll be waiting for you out here.”

Heidi walked into the bathroom not needing anything more than time to gather herself. Looking into the mirror, she stared at her image. Finally talking to herself out loud, she asked, “Are you really going to go through with this?” Of course, her image didn’t reply back but it was the question she had to ask herself.

After standing there for a few more minutes, she finally replied to herself by saying, “Fuck yes, ten thousand dollars goes a long way!” With that settled, she took a deep breath and went back to the bedroom.


As she came back out into the room, Larry was sitting in a chair. She could see he had taken his coat off and just had his shirt on now. She could see he was relaxed, not at all the put-together guy she had met earlier or that had taken her to dinner. He looked so different, much more desirable to her now, not that pompous ass he had been.

As she walked towards him, she had gotten to almost the center of the room between the bed and the chair he was sitting in. It was then he said, “Stop!” in a stern tone. Heide stopped instantly, waiting for him to say more.

Looking her up down from his chair, he said, “Uncle, nothing else, understand?”

Heidi felt her feelings of desire crash with that one sentence. “Yes, I understand,” she replied.

“Good, now remove your dress for me.” Heidi hesitated and Larry barked at her saying, “I said now!”

She reached back behind her and undid the few buttons that held it tight to her body. Larry could visibly see the dress loosen as she worked at the buttons. As soon as she had them undone, she slipped the sleeve off of one shoulder and then the other until she was using her hands to hold it up. Looking at Larry staring at her, she let it drop to the floor, exposing the grey bra, panties, and thigh highs she was wearing under the dress.

Larry smiled and said, “So sexy, I see you took my instructions to wear something sexy to heart.” While still looking her over, he chuckled and continued with, “You are going to be fun. Now remove your bra for me.”

Heidi, shaking in both nervousness and anger with herself for being here, reached to the front of her bra. With fingers that were shaking, she slipped the little clasp apart that held the cups together.  Under Larry’s intense stare, she let one cup and then the other fall free before slipping the straps down her arms and finally letting the bra fall to the floor with the dress.

Instinctively she brought her hands up to cover her breasts but Larry barked at her, “Don’t you dare cover them up. Put your hands behind your head.” This left Heidi’s breasts fully exposed to him. He just looked her over. Poor Heidi felt like something on display, not an object of desire.

Larry got up and crossed the few strides that separated him from Heidi, but instead of stopping in front of her, he walked right by her. She started to turn to follow him with her gaze but stopped when he said, “Staying looking towards my chair!” She stopped and returned her gaze towards his chair.

Heidi didn’t know what he was doing but she could hear him open a drawer and close it. She started to shake a little in fear of the unknown but also with anticipation of the unknown. After all, here she stood in a man’s bedroom with nothing on but her panties, stockings, and heels. She still couldn’t believe she was there even for the ten thousand he promised.

She felt him walk up behind her and started to turn again but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Then she felt his head get close to hers before he asked in a soft tone, “Have you ever been restrained?”

That simple question sent her mind into a tumble. Suddenly pictures of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ flashed through her mind but before they could fully form, the sudden flashes from all the crime shows went flashing through her mind. Now all she could see was dead women tied to beds, doors, or any of the other gruesome ways television always portrays murder.

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Before she could get any further down that rabbit hole, he asked again, a little more forceful, “Have you ever been restrained during sex?”


“Good, this will be a first for you then.”

He pulled her right hand from her head. She felt something soft and smooth slide over her hand to her wrist, then tighten. He repeated it with her left hand as well. By the time he was done, she was shaking but this time there was no anticipation, just fear.

She heard a click and then felt a tug pulling her hands upward. He had attached a strap to her restraints. He then pulled them upwards until they were pulled straight up above her. He then slipped the end of the strap into a clip on the ceiling. She tried to pull them down and couldn’t. She started to panic but Larry was next to her ear again speaking softly to her, “Don’t struggle, you can’t go anywhere. Just relax.” With that, he kissed her ear and pulled away.

She felt his hands on her shoulders. He was gently massaging them. Then he slowly began sliding his hands down along her shoulder blades, spreading them apart as he got to her lower back until he had them resting on her hips just touching her the tops of her panties.

He didn’t linger there long before he brought his hands onto her stomach. He slid them upward along her stomach, slowly working higher until they were cupping the undersides of her breasts. Heidi shivered in anticipation and he felt it run through her body. He slowly flexed his fingers, just teasing the underside of each breast.

Heidi let a moan escape. She may have been unsure of what his intentions were this night, but his actions left no doubt to the feelings beginning to find their way through her body. As he continued, she moaned a little deeper and a little louder. She felt that little tingle of arousal begin down deep within her.

Larry let his hands slide further over her breasts until he was cupping her nipples in his palms. He slowly worked her nipples into his palms, feeling them harden. He was enjoying the touch of her nipples. They were soft but were becoming large and hard as he continued. He could tell it was having an effect on her because she was moaning and squirming. He finally moved his hands so he could pinch her nipples with his fingers.

When he pinched them the first time, it felt like an orgasmic bomb went off inside of Heidi. She threw her head back and cried out in pleasure as her arms pulled against her restraints. Larry pinched them softly then harder before he finally moved around in front of her and took one between his lips, sucking it hard before pinching it between his teeth. This sent Heidi into a fit of moaning and squirming. Larry was glad he restrained her hands before starting.

He alternated sucking and biting on her nipples for a time. While doing so he was taking his hands and running them over her upper body. He would stroke her sides until he got to her arms and then work his way back down along her back, never tracing the same path but always touching her in different places along each journey.

Heid was loudly moaning, shaking and squirming, crying out as the flame of arousal was being fanned by Larry. She had never been treated to such a lavish teasing of her nipples in her life. Then add that she couldn’t simply push him away or pull him towards her as her desires warranted; it further heightened that arousal. She could feel her panties sticking to her skin, she had become so wet, but he had yet to touch her there.

Larry, ready for more, finally released the nipple he had been teasing and stepped back to look at her. He saw the flush of her skin and the sweat of excitement on her body but what he noticed most was how dark her panties had become with the moisture leaking from her. This was what he wanted, and he always got what he wanted.

Heidi, yet to calm down from the teasing he had been giving her, was just half standing and half hanging there as he moved away. She didn’t even realize he had moved behind and unhooked her wrists until her weight almost took her to the floor. Larry caught her and held her upright until she could stand by herself.

Once he felt she was ready, he took ahold of the strap that dangled from her restraints. He led her towards the bed and as they got almost to it, he said, “I want you to sit on the edge of the bed so your ass is just barely on. Do you understand?” looking expectantly at her for an answer.

Heidi, still not quite recovered from having her nipples so teased, slowly answered, “Yes.”

Larry turned her around and she sat down on the edge as he had told her. As she settled down on the bed, Larry reached down and pulled her forward just a little way. She felt like she was falling off the bed but before she could say anything, Larry took the strap from her wrists and pulled her backward, causing her to fall onto the bed. This left her lying on her back.

Once he had her in position on the bed, he reached down and undid the clip holding her wrists together. Then reaching up to the headboard, he pulled out a rope that had several points knotted into it to attach a clip. Reaching back for Heidi’s left wrist, he clipped her restraint to it. Moving quickly around the bed, he did the same to her right wrist.

Heidi realized quickly that he was restraining her again but this time to the bed. Just as he got her right wrist clipped to the rope on that side, she tried to pull it away only to find that she couldn’t.  Larry saw this and said to her, “Lay still, have I hurt yet?” With the look in her eyes and the condition of her body, she didn’t need to answer.

He moved to the end of the bed and slipped a rope out from under it that had a restraint attached. He grabbed her right foot, pulled her shoe off, and slid the restraint over until it was around her ankle. His sudden action caused a gasp of surprise from Heidi. He tightened it around her ankle and then pulled it tight to hold her leg in place. He moved just as quickly to the left foot before Heidi could overcome her surprise.

Finally, he finished and stood up, admiring how she was spread open to him. Her panties were pulled tight against her mound by her wetness. He could clearly see her swollen labia through the material and the protrusion of her swollen clit tenting the material. He hadn’t been sure if she was worth the ten thousand until now. Seeing her like this was worth every penny.

Stepping close to the bed, he looked down at her from between her legs and asked, “You are having a few firsts tonight, aren’t you? I bet you don’t know what to do or think as I have you completely at my mercy?” He continued looking at her eyes that had gone a bit wild with the apprehension of her situation.

Heidi lifted her head from the bed to look up at him and said, “I have never let a man do this to me. I’m still not sure why I am letting you.”

“You know why, the ten thousand dollars why but remember, 'uncle' saves you. Just say it and you are on your way home.” As he finished speaking to her, he ran his hand over the material of her panties. He thought she felt wonderful. His touch caused her to moan.

He slipped his hand into the edge of her panties and said, “Since we didn’t take these off, I guess I just need to rip them off of you.” With that, he jerked upwards and the sound of material ripping exploded in the room.

The suddenness of his actions shocked Heidi but not enough to keep her from shouting angrily, “Goddamn, those were mine!”

Smiling at her upturned head, he replied, “You are mine, so these are mine,” holding the remains of the panties up for her to see, “since you want them so bad, here,” as he dropped them on her stomach as a reminder.

He turned his attention to what he really wanted. Kneeling between her legs, he studied how her pussy was so swollen that it was opening like petals of a rose. At the very top of her petals was the delicate center bursting forth. He wanted to taste her, to feel her; if she only knew his desire this afternoon, the cost would have been much more.

He traced his fingers over her inner thighs, feeling the softness of her skin once hidden to him. As he moved them closer to her pussy, he could see the skin of her sex flex in anticipation of his touch. He ran his fingers down the outer edge of her swollen lips. She moaned loudly as he stroked them.

He leaned forward and smelled her arousal as he slipped his fingers between her lips and spread them open. He could see her pink flesh glisten with the dampness from it. He couldn’t resist leaning forward and tasting her. He let his tongue run the length of her open slit, gathering her juices on it.

Heidi tried to buck her hips upward at the touch of his tongue. All she was able to do was lift her hips a little. Her restraints kept her firmly pulled to the bed as Larry had intended. Although she was restrained from movement, she wasn’t gagged. Her moans echoed through the room as he worked his tongue through her pussy.

Now that he had his taste, he was like a man dying of thirst. He worked his tongue along her pussy, parting her lips and reaching as far as he could to drink of her nectar. As he used his tongue to drink from her, he encircled her clit with his fingers. He rubbed, pulled, and pinched at it as he drank from her.

Heidi struggled and thrashed as much as possible in her restraints as he devoured her. Her moans were coming as continual waves as he drove her towards an orgasm that had been building since he first started on her nipples. Through her moans and cries, she started begging him to let her cum.

Larry held nothing back to tease her. He worked his tongue along, into and out her pussy while continuing to tease her clit. He felt her getting closer by the second and moved his tongue to her clit as he slipped several fingers into her soaked pussy. He sucked her clit between his lips as he plunged three fingers into her pussy. As he drew her clit deep between his lips, he caught it between his teeth, biting it. This seemed to be the final trigger for poor Heidi. She screamed out, “I’m cumming!” as she started to thrash harder against her restraints.

Larry was surprised by the sudden onrush of her juices. He had never been with a woman who had squirted during orgasm, yet here he was as Heidi exploded like a shaken pop bottle with its cap suddenly freed. Her juices soaked his face and hand until it was dripping off of him like rainwater. He wasn’t sure how long her orgasm lasted but he was sure it had lasted far longer than any of his most recent conquests had.

He finally stood up and looked down at Heidi. She was shaking as her orgasm subsided. Her body was flush, pussy swollen, open, and inviting. Larry wasted no time undressing. He merely ripped his juice sodden shirt off and with a few quick flips of his fingers, his pants and underwear soon followed the shirt to the floor. Stepping between Heidi's legs, he wanted her now more than ever before.

Bending down, he quickly released the ropes holding her ankles to the bed. Gathering them in her hands, he lifted them until her legs were pressed against his chest. Without warning, he slipped his hard cock into her sodden pussy in one quick thrust. Caught completely by surprise, Heidi cried out both from surprise and pleasure.

Larry wasted no time on pleasantries; he wanted to fuck this woman and fuck her he did. He would pull almost out before slamming his cock back in as deep as he could. His pace was relentless and all Heidi could do was absorb each thrust with her pussy. As with other firsts that night, she had never been so roughly fucked in her life.

Wanting to get deeper, Larry pushed her legs apart and backward at the knee until they were almost resting against her sides. He pummeled his cock into her harder and deeper now with each thrust. Heidi moaned and cried in pleasure from the abuse he was giving her pussy.

Although he didn’t care, he was also driving her to her second orgasm of the night. It was building like a stoked fire having gasoline poured on it. Heidi felt it start deep within her until she cried out for him or anybody to hear she was cumming again. Larry first realized she was orgasming when her pussy tightened on his cock, but that was quickly followed by the flood of juices pouring forth from her again.

Other than the heightened sensation on his cock, he still wasn’t concerned about her needs but rather his own. Her tightness added the friction that finally started pushing him towards his orgasm. He continued to hammer her pussy with long deep strokes even as he felt his orgasm approach. Finally, with one hard deep thrust, his cum spilled forth deep in her pussy, filling her full. He just stayed against her as he shook through his orgasm.

His orgasm had propelled Heidi to her third orgasm of the night. She flooded the space between them with her juices, soaking them both. As he stayed pressed against her, she shook and moaned through her orgasm until she finally just dropped onto the bed unable to move.

Larry finally pulled his softening cock from her and looked down at her. She was flushed, sweaty, and sexy as hell. He thought to himself, She was money well spent. He moved around the bed and undid the straps on her restraints before helping her move fully up to the center of the bed. He could see she was completely spent so he just lay down next to her.

As Larry lay down next to her, Heidi rolled towards him, cuddling into his side. Larry wrapped an arm around her, pulling her tighter to him. They both lay there, allowing their bodies to recover and drifting off to sleep for a much-needed rest.


The next morning, Larry woke to find his wife, Heidi, of ten years, standing by the bedroom window staring out it. He slipped out of bed and walked up beside her, kissing her on the side of the head.

She turned and looked at him, saying, “Did you enjoy our ten-year anniversary of when you bought my body and got my soul in the bargain?”

“Oh yes, but I don’t remember you having three orgasms that first night,” Larry chuckled lightly.

“Well, you have learned how to push my buttons more effectively in the years since,” she replied with a smile.

There was a pause as they both stared out the window that overlooked the bright blue Jaguar Type F sitting in the drive.

Larry finally said, “Oh yes I have, but I also remember that first time being much cheaper on my bank account though,” looking down at the car.

“Well, if I’ve not been worth the cost of it over the last ten years, by all means, take it back. I do want you to get your money’s worth!”

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him for a kiss before saying, “You have been worth every penny I have spent on you in these past ten years.”


Written by Road_Runner
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