Chrissy stifled a yawn as she passed her ID card over the timeclock’s scanner. A shrill beep let her know that she was punched in for the night while the screen flashed “10:53pm.” Her eyes were already heavy as she turned and made her way down the back hall toward her post.
“It’s only one night. You can do this,” she mumbled as she dragged herself down the corridor. She considered grabbing one of the energy drinks from her bag then and there, but decided if she couldn’t even make it to the security desk without caffeine she was doomed. One thing was for certain – Chrissy was not a night person.
Most days started around 5am for Chrissy. After breakfast, jogging, and waking up her husband, she’d head off to work in time for her 7am shift. Not every afternoon was exactly the same, but like clockwork, Chrissy was nearly always in bed and sound asleep by 9pm. Her routine was so set that part of her still couldn’t believe she decided to pick up an overnight shift.
For the last few years, she had been working as a security guard at a research lab. It was a great job, but it didn’t pay the most. That typically wasn’t a problem – her husband made more than enough money to cover the bills. But their fifth anniversary was coming up next month. He was her everything, and Chrissy wanted to splurge and take him out of town. So when the girl on the night shift left for maternity leave, and she saw that she could make an extra $350 by picking up a normal shift or an extra $600 for picking up a holiday shift, she jumped and signed up for Valentine’s day.
Rounding the corner into the main lobby, Chrissy wondered if that decision was an abysmal mistake. Everything in the complex was so quiet. Gone were the usual sounds of people working. Gone was the bright sun shining through the overhead skylights. In their place was a quiet, dimly lit building that was only going to make it more difficult for her to stay awake.
Chrissy approached the vacant security desk and looked around. The other night guard, Danny, was supposed to be here. Chrissy figured that he was probably doing a patrol round, and tossed her bag under the desk. Taking a seat, she checked the phone for messages and logged into her computer. She was just about to reach for an energy drink when a loud, booming voice from behind her nearly scared her out of her skin.
“Well hey there, sunshine! How ya doin’?”
Chrissy let out a shriek and spun in her chair to find an older man in a security uniform standing behind her smiling. Realizing who it was, she regained her composure and playfully punched him in the arm.
“Holy fuck Danny!” She started. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Danny kept smiling as he took a seat in the chair next to hers.
“Sorry there, sunshine,” he said with a chuckle. “I didn’t realize you hadn’t seen me. Hey, I hope you don’t mind, I already did the shift change with the evening crew and sent them on their way.”
Chrissy laughed. “I don’t mind at all. Thanks for getting that out of the way. So what’s new with you?” She dove into making small talk with Danny while they reviewed the evening shift’s log. Chrissy had chatted with Danny nearly every day, as her shift overlapped the overnight crew’s by half an hour. He was a genuinely friendly, outgoing guy. He’d been working at the lab for 22 years, nearly as long as Chrissy had even been alive. Everyone knew Danny, and Chrissy was pretty sure that Danny had a nickname for every person on staff. It was definitely a relief to have someone like him to work with on an overnight shift.
As their conversation started to wind down, Chrissy found herself letting out a long yawn.
“A yawn?” Danny asked. “Now, don’t go startin’ with that this early. What happened? Things got wild on your Valentine’s day date or something?”
“Ew, cut it out!” She mock-scolded. As nice as Danny was, he was old enough to be her father, and definitely not her type. Even if he was, she wasn’t the sort of girl who talked openly about that sort of stuff with work acquaintances. As quick as she could, she changed the subject. “I just don’t know how you’re so perky anyway,” she joked as she grabbed her bag and started rifling through it.
“What, because I’m old?” He quipped.
“No, because it’s freaking 11:00 at night.” Chrissy pulled out her energy drink and set it on the desk. “I’ve got two of these, and I think I’m going to need both of them to make it to 7:30.”
“Oh, no way,” Danny frowned at the drink. “Put that garbage away. Those things will give you a heart murmur.”
“Well, I’m going to need something if I’m going to make it through the night. I guess you’re just going to have to cart me off to the Emergency Room if my heart explodes.” Chrissy went to pop the can open, but Danny gently placed his hand over hers, stopping her.
“I’m not joking,” he said. “You don’t need that. In fact, I’ve got something better.”
“Better?” Chrissy asked. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at her coworker. “Danny, don’t tell me the sweet old security guard thing is a ruse and you’re really some sort of drug dealer.”
“Oh, heavens no!” Danny laughed. “No, this is all natural. It’s light. A special light. You know Funky Glasses up in lab 302? It’s a project he was working on. Before he abandoned the project, I managed to get the prototype. Seriously, it will knock your socks off. Here, let me show you.”
Danny reached into his back pocket and produced what looked like a miniature flashlight. He rolled it around in his hand before aiming it at a wall and pushing the button on the back. A bright blue-ish light lit up the wall.
“It’s actually pretty simple. I shine this little light in your eyes for a minute, and it’ll wake you right up. Come on, give it a shot. And I’ll tell you what, if it doesn’t work I’ll let you go right back to your heart attack in a can.”
Chrissy arched an eyebrow. This all seemed pretty far-fetched. “Seriously, a wake-up ray? Sounds pretty sci-fi, even for the stuff they work on here. Plus, if it works so good, why bother asking? Couldn’t you just hit me with it?”
“I could,” he replied, “but it works a whole lot better if you know it’s coming and agree to it.” Chrissy crossed her arms. There was no way this thing worked. Still, if it could actually wake her up without leaving her jittery from the caffeine, why not give it a shot?
“Fine,” she relented with a sigh. “Hit me with it.” Danny’s smile grew wider, and without saying a word, he pointed the flashlight at her and hit the button.
In an instant her vision went white, and she felt as if time had stopped. Somewhere in the distance she heard a voice. It sounded like Danny, but she couldn’t make out any of the words, not that they mattered. Nothing mattered right now. She found herself basking in the glow that seemed to swallow her up. Eternity after eternity seemed to pass in the light. Then at last and just as suddenly as it started, everything came to an end and she was back at her desk.
Chrissy blinked a few times and shook the cobwebs out of her head. Returning to her senses, she knew that Danny’s light was definitely not an ordinary flashlight. As a few moments passed, she could tell that she was waking up more and more, until she reached a point where she was more awake than she’d be after one of her morning jogs. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something else felt different, too. It was like part of her world changed, but she couldn’t identify what it was.
“Well sunshine,” Danny chimed, “how do you feel?”
“Honestly?” Chrissy responded. “Really, really good. That thing really is the real deal.”
“I wasn’t joking,” he said with a chuckle as he stood up. “It sure beats that energy drink, doesn’t it?”
“Does it ever!” Chrissy looked at the energy drink and cringed. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what she ever saw in drinking those awful-tasting, dangerous things. She looked back at Danny and smiled. He didn’t just wake her up; he saved her from poisoning her body. “Seriously, thank you for stopping me from drinking that garbage. I don’t even know how I can repay you.”
“I don’t know either,” the older man said with a wink, “but I guarantee a kiss would be a good start.”
Chrissy stood from her chair and eyed the man up and down. She had a thing for older men, and as older men go, few could hold a candle to Danny. He looked so hot in his uniform, and the way he smiled just turned her on. She closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around him, and leaned in until their lips met in a kiss.
After their kiss began, Chrissy felt his lips begin to part, and her own lips eagerly followed suit. Before long, the two were making out in full force, their tongues dueling as Chrissy moaned into Danny’s mouth. Some small voice in the back of Chrissy’s head wondered if this was okay. After all, she couldn’t remember ever making out with one of her coworkers before, nor could she remember kissing anyone other than her husband since they were married. But before she could even give those thoughts any consideration, they were gone, lost to her arousal as Danny’s tongue expertly wrestled with her own.
As their makeout session continued, Chrissy felt one of Danny’s hands slide up and cup her left tit. It felt so good, and she didn’t want to stop it, but she knew she had to. Making out with her hot coworker was one thing, but copping a feel definitely crossed a line that she shouldn’t cross. As playfully as she could she swatted his hand away and gently pulled away from the kiss.
“Nuh, uh. None of that mister,” she said with a giggle. “I’ll have you know I’m a very happily married woman.”
“Oh, okay,” Danny grinned. “So I guess I should just stick to this.” With that, he leaned in, kissing her on her neck. Chrissy couldn’t help herself and let out a moan as her head fell back, giving him better access to her neck. Gradually he worked his way up her neck and across her cheek until the two were making out once again. After another minute, Danny broke off the kiss, and Chrissy’s face scrunched up in a pout.

“What, no more fun?” Chrissy inquired.
“Come on sunshine,” Danny said. “We’ve got to go on a patrol. There’ll be more time for fun later, and I’ll even give you another hit of that light when we get back, just to make sure you don’t doze off on me.”
Chrissy smiled at her colleague. He was right, they had to do their job. They stepped out from behind the security desk, and taking her hand in his, Danny led them down the hall.
About an hour later Danny and Chrissy were up in the second floor employee lounge, laughing and joking with each other. During their patrol, Chrissy got to know a lot more about Danny. She learned about his past, his pet dog Boomer, and even found out about the fling he had going with Mia, his partner on the night shift. Of course, Chrissy had to respond in kind, talking all about her husband, their upcoming anniversary, her favorite sex positions with him, and everything he does to her that gets her wet. It was really a great conversation, and Chrissy realized that Danny is someone she could easily become friends with outside the workplace.
“Hey sunshine,” Danny chirped as he glanced down at his watch. “You still feelin’ wide awake? I could give you another blast of the wake-up ray if you’re ready for it.”
“I’m still feeling pretty good,” Chrissy admitted, “but that thing was amazing. If you want to hit me with it again, I’m all for it. Anything is better than those energy drinks.”
“That’s the truth! Okay, let me get it going here.”
Reaching into his back pocket, Danny produced the flashlight-looking device and aimed it at Chrissy’s eyes. With a press of the button, Chrissy once again found herself drifting in a sea of brilliant white light as a voice just beyond her comprehension droned on. Moments later, the light ended, and she once again found herself trying to shake off an almost dizzying feeling, as though pieces of her life were being subtly rearranged. She let out a sigh as an energetic, peaceful feeling filled her. That, and something else, too.
“Well, that’s all she wrote for at least another hour.” Danny said through a grin as he slid the light back in his pocket. Looking her up and down slowly, he started back up. “How’re ya feeling now, sunshine?”
Chrissy blushed at hearing Danny’s nickname for her. It always got her so turned on when he called her that. Really, everything Danny did turned her on. He was probably the sexies man she’d ever known in her life.
“I’m feeling great,” she admitted. “Great, and super horny.” Danny grinned at her response.
“Horny, eh?” He asked, stepping behind her. “So you’d be okay if I did this then?” Leaning in from behind her, Danny started kissing her neck hard, sucking and nibbling on it. Chrissy let out a deep moan as she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter.
“Oh, fuck yeah,” she groaned. She felt Danny’s hands wrap around her waist from behind.
“So tell me sunshine,” Danny growled in her ear. “What would your hubby think about you standing here in the hall letting ol’ Danny mark up your neck?” He began kissing her neck again, being sure to suck hard enough to leave a mark.
“He’d, oh God,” she groaned, “he’d definitely think I was being naughty.”
“Oh really?” Danny growled. “And what would he think about this?” Chrissy felt Danny’s hands sliding up her body until they were groping her tits through her uniform. “What would hubby think about you letting another man play with these sweet titties?”
“He’d be so mad,” she purred.
“Well then, maybe I should just stop,” he chuckled as his hands continued squeezing her tits.
“God, no!” Chrissy pleased. “More. Oh please, I need more!”
Without saying a word, Danny began unbuttoning her work uniform. Button by button he moved, revealing more of her flesh with each popped button. Once he reached the last one, he slid the shirt off her shoulders, leaving her bra-clad tits completely exposed. His hands went to her bra clasp next, opening it up and slipping her bra completely off her body. Chrissy whimpered as the cool air hit her nipples, and let out a groan as Danny’s hands found her now bare tits, groping them with fervor.
“You like that sunshine?”
“Mhh, hmm.”
“How about we really get naughty?”
With that, Danny spun the girl around and gently guided her to her knees. Knowing what she wanted, Chrissy began unbuckling Danny’s belt. With the clasp undone, she pulled his pants and underwear to the floor, allowing his cock to spring free. It was so sexy, and even though she could barely remember the last time she gave a blowjob at all or wanted to, all she could think was how much she wanted him in her mouth.
Chrissy leaned in, tilting her head so she could kiss Danny at his base. Slowly, she drew her lips back along his length, taking in the moment. As she got to the tip of his cock, she gave it a delicate kiss before pushing herself down on him, her lips parting as she engulfed more and more of his length. When she had plunged down as far as she could, she drew back, and shifted into a bobbing motion. Starting slowly at first, her pace increased until she was frantically blowing him, gulping and gagging on his hard cock. Danny grabbed her hair and let out a long, low growl.
“Oh fuck, sunshine,” he groaned. “I can’t believe you don’t like blowing your hubby. You’re a natural.”
Chrissy pulled her lips off Danny’s cock and looked lovingly into his eyes. “That’s because nothing he’s got can hold a candle to you, stud.” With that, she resumed sucking off her work partner.
“Mhhh, yeah,” he moaned. “You’re such a hot little slut, sunshine. I’m, fuck, I’m getting close. Quick, get out of those pants and lean over that table. I wanna cum in your hot little pussy.”
As soon as the words left his lips, Chrissy was moving. Pulling off his cock with a wet pop, Chrissy rose up and hooked her thumbs under her waistband. With a good tug, they came down, followed by her panties, and a second later she was bent over the break room table, her pussy glistening as Danny stepped up behind her. He pressed into her, his cock rubbing against her pussy lips. Chrissy let out a groan.
“What do you want sunshine?” Danny asked as he rubbed his cock up and down her slit. “Go on and tell me.”
“Fuuuuck,” she moaned. “You. I want you inside of me so bad.”
“But what about that hubby of yours? What would he think about me fucking your fine little cunt at work on Valentine’s night while he’s at home sleeping alone?”
“Forget that tiny-dicked loser!” Chrissy hissed. “Just fuck me. Fuck my slutty pussy.” Chrissy reached back, taking hold of Danny’s cock and slipping it between her folds. Danny slowly pushed forward, filling her up and eliciting a cry of pleasure from the young woman. “Yes,” she groaned as he...