In the depths of the parking garage, the trunk of someone’s beautiful old gold Cadillac was going to need buffing. I was enjoying watching my cock slide in and out of Rachel’s asshole, glistening with saliva and stretching her anal ring lewdly in and out as the car rocked and groaned in time with her moans and bucks. The Dhanush's power surged through me as I ravished the curvy bombshell in front of me.
Rachel is a stunningly hot voluptuous blonde with big blue eyes and a smile that would light up a deep cavern. Her beautiful huge breasts were squashed against the trunk deck while her long blond curly tresses whipped from side to side, her eyes closed in rapture, breath coming in ragged bursts as pleasure continuously swept through her body. I made sure of that by pushing orgasm after orgasm through her body and mind!
The short chubby woman to the right – not unattractive but nothing I was interested in – was leaning heavily against the van next to us had just flooded her tan security uniform pants. Her squirting orgasm making a big dark wet patch from her crotch to her knees as she rapidly fingered her cunt and squeezed her pointy tits in time to my fuck strokes, her eyes glued to the anal slamming happening in front of her.
I didn’t know her but that’s part of the fun of being able to control mind and matter with an ancient power that has claimed you as its master. The guard had come down to break up the lewdness she caught on her cameras, clearly visible in her security nest with dedicated intent to arrest us, but I had other ideas about that.
Cut to an hour before….
I had been up in an office tower meeting with my finance and legal people to shift some assets, strategize my two most recent acquisition targets, divest a couple of holdings and generally take care of quarterly business that was a requirement of not only maintaining but growing my financial holdings around the globe. Today was the culmination of the end of a half-month-long series of meetings and strategy sessions that had left me staggered and haggard with a thirsty need to unload.
Normally, I would just take what I wanted but in this circumstance, there was little prodding needed. Rachel had been a part of the finance team – a junior partner with the firm I had engaged several rounds ago. She was young for her position at thirty-one, extremely sharp and painfully detailed. Normally I run circles around these folks but she not only had me running, she commanded the floor, the room, the meetings with her razor-sharp intelligence, keen insights and brilliant if unorthodox strategies for accomplishing what I had planned in half the timeframe I had budgeted for.
Not only that but she was totally fucking hot in every sense of the word. Curvy and a little chubby, her breasts are big – really big, filling out her business blouses and jackets in a way that those clothes were never designed for. Her ass, though usually draped half-way over with the tails of a business jacket was magnificent – full, round, perfectly heart-shaped and bubble-icious.
Hourglasses were envious of her torso but aside from her obvious sexual-goddess appeal due to the contours of her body, her face is what sealed the deal. Long shimmering curly golden tresses, flawless peaches and cream skin, wide-set big blue eyes, an adorable button nose, two sweet dimples and a smile that would turn a lifelong celibate into a sex fiend in a second. To top all of her obvious enticements she also exuded confident and direct sexuality. I was hooked and willingly so.
By the second day into the month of scheduled meetings and committee action, we were flirting. By the end of the third day back at my suite I had her pinned against the wall and was slamming my big cock into Rachel’s’ gripping dripping pussy and she clawed my back pulling me deeper and faster into her cunt. How did this come about? Let me tell you a story. It is a bit long so sit back, relax, play with your clit or stroke your cock while I transport you to an exotic world of bliss.
The problem of wealth is that you are always on guard against those who discover that secret and will do anything to take advantage of the situation to their own designs. I retired early after being the third member of what wound up being a 20,000+ employee technology company that changed the world. With more money in the bank than many nations' GDP, funds were never a concern. This is the problem I have back home in America which is why I am single.
I do not take dates back to my place - it is an old grand mansion; twenty-eight rooms of Tudor splendor in the northern wine country of California on seventy-five acres of grapes, manicured grounds with an extensive outdoor art collection. There is no way to hide wealth like that for long so I opt for masturbation and porn movies. Yes – it is a lonely life but I’ve dealt with it since my ship came in – because every time I became involved with someone who I thought worthwhile, she eventually tried to weasel her way into my accounts rather than becoming a true and trusted partner in life – wherein I would be more than willing to share everything I have.
I am not the ugliest guy in the world but I’m no movie idol either. I keep myself in pretty good shape and have a big cock – nine and a half inches and thick like an overstuffed bratwurst. I know how to use it and love making a woman moan, groan and scream in bliss over and over again. I love everything about hot and nasty sex with a willing partner but am unwilling to compromise my life for the sake of a fuck. As I said, it is a lonely life but alas, such is the price of success.
Not so long ago I was traveling in Turkey, a country that has always haunted my dreams. I had always wanted to explore there since I could remember remembering. Dreams of Turkey had taunted me on a regular basis since I was a child and had been reading about the ancient world of trade in a National Geographic all those years ago. Sitting in an ancient bazaar, sipping sweet mint tea, playing backgammon, watching the pulse of an ancient society flow about me.
These thoughts had all been circulating through my mind as a really vivid fantasy my entire life so finding myself with several open months ahead of me (I had just wrapped up a demanding consulting gig and had not scheduled anything beyond the target completion date,) I decided to go for it. I never knew what was in store for me but my life changed with that trip in ways that only dreams and fantasy can provide. My name is Franklyn Jones and this is my story.
I landed in Istanbul on an intensely hot sunny day. I always travel light, preferring to purchase whatever I need from local shops when I travel. I would need to pick up some clothes and other daily needs as I only travel with what I’m wearing and a satchel bag for essentials – that way there is no need to wait for luggage.
After settling into my rented house, spending a day sleeping off jet lag and becoming acclimatized to the temperature, humidity and time difference it was time to go out shopping and exploring. I had spoken with the property manager prior to my arrival and arranged for a true local – with a list of requirements as to what this person should have in way of knowledge and professionalism - to guide me through the mazes of old Constantinople as I prefer to think about it. I wanted to shop where the locals shop… not the fancy newer malls and upscale shopping districts that have become ubiquitous in this grand old city.

At 10 am precisely on the dot the doorbell rang and there stood a well-dressed gentleman who introduced himself as Ayman and said he would be my guide for the day – anywhere I wanted to go and anything I needed, he was my source for everything Istanbul had to offer. I marveled at his perfect British accent, his dark intense eyes and huge bushy eyebrows as I shook his hand and asked him to come in. I gathered some items up slowly so that I could learn more about my prospective guide – a little vetting just to be more comfortable with someone I didn’t know. While I was sorting out my items and rummaging through my carry on I asked Ayman how he knew the city so well.
“I was born and grew up here. My family has been here for thirty-four generations which is as far as my research has been able to trace. I was orphaned at nine years of age when my parents and brother were killed in a terrible accident. I spent five years living on the streets at night but spent almost every day after school in the libraries and museums studying hard so I could go to a good school. A local community leader took me under his wing under advice from my headmaster and helped me gain access to resources I had no idea existed. I was a good student and made only the best of grades. To make a painful story short I wound up attending university in England and came back here to continue my family’s… legacy.”
I looked over Ayman with an appraising eye. There were things that he was not telling me but I didn’t feel that they were a part of the story that he wanted to share, yet. He had already divulged more than I anticipated but I got the odd feeling that there was much more.
“Here’s the deal Ayman,” I said after an appraising pause; “I am staying here for three months and in that time I will need assistance from time to time. I need to get some clothes today and some basic sundries but on other days from time to time I wish to explore some of the oldest parts of your city and the country at large. If you have the time I will pay you accordingly. I usually like to explore alone but there are times that I like having knowledgeable company to explain what I am seeing. I am a bit of an antiquities and history buff and I know that can be a bit boring for some but that’s how I like to see things – through the eyes of history.”
Ayman's face lit up in a big toothy grin. “Then I think I can assist you, Mr. Franklyn. You see, when I went to England I gained my Ph.D. in history focused entirely on my beautiful homeland, specifically the timeline and development of ancient Constantinople. I lecture here at the university and teach abroad from time to time but have enough time available in the near future that I can assist you in your explorations, as long as you call and set up an appointment a few days in advance.”
“Actually Dr. Ayman, Franklyn is my first name,” I laughed, pleased with the turn of events.
“Yes sir Mr. Franklyn,” he smiled in return speaking in his perfect British accent.
The day went perfectly. Clothes were both bought while some were ordered to measure. Beautiful silks and linens and cottons were available in every weave and hue when you knew where to look. I purchased a full wardrobe with delivery instructions to the tailors and shops. To show my gratitude for his excellent company, knowledge and guidance I took Ayman to an incredible dinner at a place one of the tailors had recommended during a hushed conversation.
He was delighted but concerned about the expense. I assured him that money was not an issue. Ayman didn’t press further and I didn’t elaborate. Throughout dinner, Ayman kept looking at me strangely both with an appraising eye but also something more that I couldn’t pin down – almost expectantly in some manner.
Over dinner, Ayman asked me what I wanted to do as the next part of exploring his world. “I am looking for some presents for friends back home but I find that a present – a perfect present mind you - needs to present itself to you. In other words, I don’t like to buy things just to give to someone – each item needs to speak to me of that person and their personality. I don’t expect to find things right away… especially some of the more unusual items I am thinking of… these things take time but I want you to take me to some places that sell older, unique local crafts that can only be found here.” I didn’t want to go to any of the new high-end malls like Sapphire or Istinye Park. I can get that stuff online.
Ayman smiled and said he knew several bazaars that would fulfill my every desire so I made an appointment to meet up a few days later.
Over the next two days, I explored my local neighborhood, cooked at home, received my packages and put things away. I was feeling settled and equipped for the next few months and decided to go out that night to explore the local nightlife as the next day was my appointment with Ayman to take me to some of the places that we had talked about.
I called him in the early evening and asked where I should go to have a few drinks. He made a few recommendations which I noted. After donning a beautiful navy blue silk and cotton blend casual suit I headed out to see the women of Istanbul. I was lonely and thought a long night in bed with a beautiful woman would be just the ticket to get my soul singing.
I was astounded at the primary place he recommended. The food was amazing and exotic (for me) and the décor was sensuous. One thing I had not anticipated the incredible beauty of the local women in Turkey. They were stunning, exotic and alluring and as I had not had a serious partner in a couple of years I was yearning for some seriously hot and messy sex. I went to a club called al Sook where a striking beauty captivated me like no other had in a very long time.
She stood tall at about five-feet-ten-inches with rust-colored hair that flowed down her shoulders to mid-back like a cascade of shining broad waves. Her olive skin was flawless and glowing and when she smiled, the room lit up. She was not slender but had a full hourglass figure with beautiful big breasts straining against a conservative but silken azure blue blouse, a narrow waist and a well-rounded ass that strained against her slacks - two glorious orbs begging to be worshipped.
The language barrier was something to behold but not as much as the attitude barrier. I knew that most locals speak at least some English but not one single woman would talk to me, thank me for drinks I sent their way, or even acknowledge that I existed. I managed eye contact with the main object of my fantasy a few times – noting that she had bright gold eyes – very unusual - only to be shut down with a scornful smirk. The friends that she was with – all very attractive, looked over after our last interchange and laughed amongst themselves.
Frustrated and alone I headed home to jerk off thinking about the dozens of amazingly tantalizing women that had been all around me tonight. I stroked myself to two unremarkable orgasms that night and drifted off into dreamland.
By the time Ayman arrived the following morning I was in a crummy mood after replaying the night in my head. I shook it off and swore that I would overcome the local obstacles and bed one of these beauties before I left.
To be continued in Chapter 2