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The Cul-De-Sac

"Young newlyweds buy into a very interesting neighborhood"

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The wooded cul-de-sac sat hidden in a residential area about forty minutes from the city. It was in a middle-class town that urban sprawl was slowly but surely having its way with, and an attractive location for our young couple to purchase their first home.

“This is gonna be great Mindy, we’ll have little ones running around here inside a year I bet.”

“Woah slow down sharpshooter, don’t you wanna have some fun with me before I’m wabbling around like a Webelo?” She kissed him passionately, feeling a stir in his pants.

“Careful what you wish for” he replied, in a deep seductive voice.

They were very much in love and in lust, a scorching match of libidinous youth. Both were extremely young and sexy-looking, and this was not lost on the neighbors.

It was an extremely close-knit community, the cul-de-sac, largely due to the former owners of the Murray’s new home. They were also a young hot couple, who happened to become very open about the fact that they were swingers. Let’s just say this brought all the neighbors closer together, because the couple loved to throw parties and their doors were always open, in more ways than one.

The wife was a submissive, her husband a voyeur and a cuckold, and the next-door neighbors, Amanda and Richard, were both alpha types who were excellent social engineers and assertive, as well as very sexual. Especially after realizing the newfound possibilities next door, things escalated to a point in the dead-end that no one doubted was the reason the couple sold their house suddenly and moved away.

A rap on their new front door startled Mindy and Tom, as they were midway thru beginning to lose the outer layers of their clothing. It was Amanda.

“Hi hi, I’m sorry to intrude, I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you two to the neighborhood. I’m Amanda, I live next door.” She smiled and handed Mindy a good bottle of pinot noir. “You’ve bought a nice place, all the neighbors here are friendly, and helpful, do let us know if you find yourself in need of anything at all.” Mindy and Tom both greeted her, introduced themselves, and extended their hands. As she turned to walk away, Mindy caught Tom staring at her tight bum in her even tighter stretchy jeans.

“Nice bum,” she said, matter-of-factly and expressionless, only loud enough for Tom to hear.

“Pretty too,” said Tom, louder, caught off guard, but not one to be outwitted. The kissing and disrobing resumed immediately.


“There you go sugardoll, remember, it relaxes you, the way it massages your throat. You must focus on that reward, that sweet sweet nectar. Think about how good it tastes, how good it makes you feel afterward, after it’s in your system.” Amanda slid the realistic-looking and -feeling dildo slowly in and out of Mindy's throat all the way to its hilt, being sure to call her sugardoll often.

Sugardoll was the trigger word she had programmed her to both snap her into a trance, and fall deeper into a more relaxed and subservient trance every time she heard it. Amanda was a trained psychologist and hypnotherapist, and as it turned out Mindy was very receptive to her art. It started innocently enough when Mindy had mentioned that she had a hard time relaxing one day, during their pool deck meetings in Amanda’s backyard that had become common. Mindy had summers off as she was a teacher, and Amanda barely ever set appointments anymore as she didn’t need the money and didn’t like work. Except this kind of work, which let's face it, was really play, and she knew it.

It was common for her to delve into what makes people happy, once she gets them fully hypnotized, to use that to further their relaxed state by having them visualize themselves doing it. When Mindy said ‘sucking cock’, she had a hard time suppressing a giggle, but her professionalism kicked in and she immediately had her imagine she was performing fellatio, as she used other tricks and techniques to bring her deeper under.

So even bringing the dildo into the sessions started with good and ethical intentions, but when she realized this wasn’t a latent temporary fixation, but that the girl was obsessed with and very skilled at sucking dick, she became aroused and wondered where this could lead. Of course it was for research, for science. She laughed heartily at herself for the lame attempt at convincing herself of that early into their second session.

She was usually rather ethical and professional, but in her mind since these weren’t paid sessions, just two friends hanging out, everything was consensual. She was well aware only very weak-minded people would ever do anything under hypnosis that they wouldn’t do awake, and she didn’t believe Mindy to be weak at all. Perhaps a nymphomaniac, but not a weak one.

Amanda believed she had succeeded in turning the young lady's throat into an erogenous zone, which was her first goal, for her benefit. She would softly massage her neck and use post-hypno suggestions to stimulate her and it took a lot of work but eventually witnessed her orgasm from getting her throat fucked. She couldn’t take all the credit, as simply filling her mouth and throat with the latex cock visibly turned her on, very much, from the start. So far, and it took a huge amount of willpower at times, she had never touched her sexually directly, except for her neck.


“Can I tell you something private, can I trust you to keep something between us?” Tom inquired right before driving a ball right down the middle of the fairway.

“I mean, should you have a lawyer present?” They both laughed.

“Not at all, it’s just we’re neighbors, I like you, and this is almost too weird to bring up with friends. Plus your wife is super sexy too so maybe you’ll have some insight.”

“Ok, now I’m curious, what’s on your mind?”

“Mindy goes crazy over sucking cock.”

“Congrats, you won at life, you lucky bastard.”

“Listen, I’m not bragging, at this rate, we’ll never have kids, she can’t get her mouth off the thing long enough to fuck.”

“Oh boy, I remember those days, barely. Trust me, young padawan, she’ll chill out after a while.”

“Dude, I’m not complaining, but I think there’s something going on, she cums, not just cums, she squirts all over the place, just from blowing me. I’m not talking about on my leg, on a pillow, or on a bedpost. No vibrator, no hands, she can cum buckets just from giving head.”

Richard stopped the cart at his ball. “I’m gonna have to see your magic dick.”

“I’m average at best. She’s always liked it, I mean, but she used to like fucking it too, now she can’t stop slurping on it long enough to take it in the pussy! And she’s got one hell of a pussy.”

“This is highly sensitive, privileged information, soldier, we must keep this classified at all costs,” Richard proclaimed with a serious face, after stopping the cart and staring at his friend as if he were serious as a heart attack, then smiled.


“How was golf sweety?” Amanda was wearing a negligee; she had been stepping up her sexiness lately and Richard liked it.

“Good, it turns out Tommy has a magic dick.”

“Oh yea, I wasn’t aware you were so inclined?” She smirked.

“Ha. He let me in on a little secret. Apparently, our demure little lovely neighbor Mindy is addicted to sucking cock. So much so that Tom’s freaking.”

“Oh? Are you jealous?” She sank down onto her knees in front of him after he’s on the couch, and freed his generous member, taking it half-erect into her mouth. She employed some of the sensuous techniques she’s learned from watching Mindy.

“Ooof, honey, are you two taking lessons or something?” She slowly sank her head onto his whole shaft swallowing repeatedly, like she was nursing him, milking him.

She came up for air to admit, “Uhm, sort of?” and tongue-lashed the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around it and once again tried to swallow it. He held that thought because he was also busy holding in his semen, and losing the battle fast. When he succumbed, she effortlessly swallowed the whole significant seed into her belly immediately, as if it never even existed. This was a pleasant surprise for Richard, as she hadn't done that for years.

After his bigger head started working again, he asked her what she was talking about, and she came clean about her pool deck hypnosis sessions with their lithe neighbor.

“Fuck Mandy I don’t know whether to be angry or horny. Is this why our last neighbor was so slutty? Aren't there rules against doctors doing this stuff?”

“She’s not a patient, we’re just two grown women hanging out.”

She knew exactly how to make sure it was more arousal than anger, as she worked him into erect again with her newfound skills. The second time he came, he envisioned the younger Mindy was the one swallowing his load.

“Besides I have all good intentions. Didn’t that feel good?” She smiled and licked her lips.


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For over a week Amanda was on her best behavior, it seemed she had apparently taken things a little too far and needed to let the girl breath, no pun intended. However, one afternoon when Mindy was taking a dip in the pool alone, with both their spouses at work, Richard had a very naughty idea while cumming on his window sill, staring at her young curves. One that consumed him until he got it off his chest after drinking quite a bit with his wife that night.

“No, no, no, my standards would never let me do that, and yes of course I’ve thought about it. I tell you what, if I ever change my mind, which is NOT happening, I’ll film it like you asked, ok?”

She would not admit to him that the idea was totally arousing to her, and now that he had suggested it especially so. Not that she needed his approval, that would have been a given. But that he was encouraging and would be open to it happening without him, and watching the recording of it with her later, excited her enormously.

One hot day after finishing some good weed, and with two glasses of wine in her system, Amanda lost control of her sense of values. She had been staring at a sleeping young Mindy, topless, as they had taken to being while getting sun recently. She set up her phone so it had a good view of her chaise, pressed record, and got up and went to her.

She whispered into her ear in a soft soothing tone, “Sugardoll, sugardoll, are you asleep?” She brought the rubber phallus to her lips, already becoming wetter from being triggered. “That’s it, so good sugardoll, so relaxing.”

“I want you to feel the stimulation in your tongue, in your lips, the cock is no longer the only catalyst, the only sustenance. Search out a new target that tastes sweeter, it is more nutritious, more delicious.”

Amanda dipped two fingers into a jar of honey and placed them up to her subject’s lips, their crease aligned opposite Min's full lips, up and down. As Mindy started to lick, and flick her tongue, Mandy felt her bottoms begin to moisten and her heart start to flutter. She nervously untied the bow on the side of them and stood. Mindy lapped from her small knuckles to her larger knuckles like a kitten, while Amanda slowly backed up to her chaise and began to get on her back. Mindy followed on all fours, eyes closed, with a faint smile between gentle licks. Once on her back Amanda dipped her other hand into the honey jar, and slowly smeared the sweet stickiness all over her vulva, clitoris, and its hood, sending a warm shiver up her spine.

As she led her friend’s pretty face to her swelling lips, she continued with more post-hypnotic suggestions.

“When you taste the vagina, it will be even more fulfilling, and relaxing, than sucking cock. The more you drink from it, sugardoll, the more you will salivate, the more sexual pleasure you will feel. You will feel it is your true purpose, to engorge it with your wanting mouth, to make it explode with nectar even more healing and delicious than sperm from a penis.”

She leaned back, slowly removed her hands, and spread her legs wide. Within minutes she was thrashing about with her back arched, in ecstasy under the grip and suction of the young pretty pussy eating machine she had helped to create. Whether Mindy had latent desires to service a woman with her mouth, or the hypnosis had her ravenous for it, Amanda didn’t know, but she had never experienced anything like the following hour of getting eaten alive.


Weeks later, on the golf course, Richard invited Tom and his lovely bride to dinner at his place.

“So, we are playing kind of an elaborate prank on a couple guests at the dinner. The entertainment is gonna be rather unique, and a little confusing, but it’s well-rehearsed, and when it’s over, you’ll know what’s going on and it will have been worth it. Whatever goes down, during dinner and after, just go along with it.”

“Ok. Anything specific I need to know?”

“Not really, just that the less you do or say the better. Promise me you'll go along with it?”

“Yea sure, sounds fun.”

Before they headed over, Tom asked Mindy if she knew anything about this evening’s prank, and she had been told the same thing by Amanda. They had rehearsed a little, but she was sworn to secrecy about the show, and also told to just play along with whatever happened. She also told Tom that between the two of them, there were a lot of optical illusions involved, and he was to not worry and to enjoy the performance. Although rather perplexed, Tom was filled with suspense and curiosity.

There were four other couples that had arrived for dinner, aside from the hosts and Tom and Mindy. Although there was a little bit of curious tension in the air, everyone was friendly and cordial. The first sign of anything strange was when dinner was served, Mindy was not given a plate. Neither Tom nor Mindy dared to comment, under the premise of playing along, but eventually one of the wives inquired about it, adding it seemed rather rude of the hosts.

“Oh, Mindy will need to be hungry for later. You’ll understand when the show starts,” Amanda proclaimed, “I can assure you her appetite will surely be satiated then.” A few in the room had no idea what this meant, but became instantly curious and titillated if it could possibly be something sexual.

As more eyes increasingly washed over her, she became self-conscious and looked stunning with her young cheeks a bright shade of pink. She placed her hand on Tom's package under the table, little did he know this was not rehearsed nor part of the prank.

After a few more drinks and everyone had finished eating, except for sugardoll of course, Richard clinked his glass. “Ok folks the time has come for our one-of-a-kind performance. Anyone not part of the act please make yourselves comfortable in the living room, help yourselves at the bar while we get things set up.”

Tom and one couple, as well as the wife of another couple, went and had a seat in the living room, while a large screen was set up in the large opening, essentially sealing them in. Soon all the lights were dimmed, except for a bright one pointed at the screen from the other side, creating a large shadow of the word “Sugardoll” in cursive. Some very Bassy techno/trance music began playing, with the same word being repeated in the undertones.

When eventually a very large shadow of a man with an erect cock filled the screen, it was apparent this was going to be a show of shadows, and a very adult-themed one at that. He was standing so he was profiled, and his engorged penis was at least five times life-size. Eventually, a smaller-than real-life woman was in the frame, on her knees and she was licking its huge tip, her hands clasped behind her. It was obvious there was some trickery going on with angles and the distances each person was from the screen and lights.

After a minute of this, more nude men entered the scene and a few women, surrounding the girl on her knees. Very gradually their sizes were balancing, the girl getting larger, the others becoming more life-sized. The girl raised both hands and wrapped them around the still larger-than-life dick, and began to push it into her much smaller mouth; the effect was very erotic. Although Tom was stunned, he felt paralyzed, and intended to see this entire display without interruption. When he glanced at the couple on the other couch, he noticed the woman’s hand was in her husband’s pants. Tom decided it was appropriate to start masturbating, that being the case.

As one woman pulled the girl's hair into a ponytail and began helping her bob her head on the giant appendage with her hands, faint sucking sounds and moans could be heard under the music, increasing the erotic intensity of the show.

The man, now life-sized, thrust his cock into her head, and grunted the telling grunt of a man climaxing, as the girl's throat appeared to swallow his nut. She was soon after stood and stripped by everyone, the outline of her nipples in a rather clear definition on the screen. Drops of liquid could even be seen dripping from her lips, after her legs were spread by the others, and she had been turned so either her back or front now facing the screen.

One man’s shadow laid down below her, his erect knob clearly standing upright. She sank down onto it and her head bobbed up and down, while they slowly rotated as if on some sort...

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Written by BlinkOneSomething
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