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Short Stories Vol 1

"Collection of mind control short stories."

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Author's Notes

"There are three stories in this volume: 1 - Last Train; 2 - House Party; 3 - Responsibility"

Last Train

His hand was up her skirt, his fingers inside her soaked, hungry pussy. Slowly (but with no skill), he violated her; yet, she loved the feeling of him. She knew this wasn't right, and tried to piece together the last half-hour of the night, while pulses of pleasure surged through her.

The group of friends had been waiting in the train station for their train home after a successful night out on the town.

"Oh, my God!" She squirmed in the seat of the public carriage, biting her lip and looking around to see if the young couple a few seats back had noticed. She concluded that they hadn't, nor had the two older gentlemen further down the train; suddenly she was thankful for the seat between them, which blocked the view of her pants around her ankles. Not that it would have mattered; she didn't think she could have stopped herself, anyhow.

She fought again to think back. 'We were in the burger place getting a bite to soak up the alcohol of a great night. I wasn't drunk, and I'm not drunk... I just remember following this guy, once I smelled his aftershave, all the way to a train... and then the doors closing at my back.'

Her hand was now rubbing the bulge hidden inside his trousers. He was hard, but didn't feel overly big, by her guess. She suspected he liked it because his fingers became more aggressive; his rhythm more frantic.

'Why am I letting this guy do this to me? I don't know him. In fact, why am I enjoying it? He's clearly not my type, and much older.'

A vision of her friends, knocking at the train window and running to keep up with the train as she kissed this guy, flooded back.

He slipped his fingers out while straightening in his seat. She tried to slide with them, trying her best to keep them inside her and extend the pleasure. The thought of the dirty cloth public seat beneath her bare cheeks would normally have sickened her, but just now, she was unfazed from her quest.

He brought his fingers to her lips, and she took them in her mouth with zest. She swallowed them to the second knuckle before closing her lips around them tight and took hold of his wrist before sliding his fingers from her mouth, allowing her to drag all her wetness from them.

She continued to suck her juice off them while hungrily looking into his eyes. She knew eye contact was important, that guys liked that, but this was her first proper look at his face. She noticed his bad skin underneath the untidy stubble and the missing teeth that should have been between the slanted yellow ones.

'Am I really doing this? Am I really going to do that?' She was suddenly aware of him unbuttoning his stained jeans.

He glanced around the carriage as she glanced at his cock; it was small, slightly thicker than she had expected, but definitely hairier than she would have guessed.

With speed and agility, she was bringing her mouth to his cock. She kissed the tip, then, moistening her lips with as much saliva as she could, slid herself along his length. She glided over his member smoothly as she found his hands squeezing her right breast over the fabric of her bra and dress.

She wanted to know why she was so passionate for this guy when she had a boyfriend at home and she had never thought about cheating before. This was so wrong, and so out of character! She should stop him! She felt his hand slip over her back and down her dress before he fumbled with her bra.

Any thought she had, of objecting or stopping, disappeared when her bra hooks released and her breasts dropped inside her dress.

She had intended to stop sucking him, and possibly move him to the floor in order to straddle him, wanting to ride his cock. She calculated the odds of the others in the carriage noticing, before concluding she didn't give a FUCK.

She let him go from her mouth grip and was about to tell him to move when he grabbed her neck and pushed. Being a clever girl, she knew he wasn't finished yet, so she took him again in her mouth. This time, he moved his hand to her front and down her dress. He clutched and squeezed her breasts while pinching her nipples between his fingers.

A moan escaped her before his other hand was on her head, his fingers interlocked with her blonde hair. He pushed her deeper and faster, her nose hitting the top of his thigh, as she smelt stale sweat from him; but she moved now without his guide, knowing the pressure and speed he desired.

'I want to be fucked!' she thought. 'You've had your fun, fuck me, now!'

She knew by his grip he wasn't ready for sex, so she continued her assault on his dick. She heard him groan and felt his dick twitch before he pumped his semen into her mouth. Her mouth tasted a man's full load for the first time; she had never taken a load in her mouth before and had been disgusted by the thought of it! Even now she was disgusted, but she continued to pump him with her mouth.

She felt a wave of pleasure as he jerked in his seat at the sensitivity of his eruption inside her. His grip released from her breast and her head. She gathered as much cum in her mouth as she could before sitting upright in the seat. He had already begun to button his jeans as she showed him the cum on her tongue. A little dribbled onto her new dress.

'Is he going to take me to his place and fuck me? I hope so, please. Wait, what am I saying? Oohhh, just finger me again, until we get someplace quiet and alone!'

She reached for his hand to guide it back to her hole, but he pulled away. Shocked, she watched him as he grabbed her handbag and began to rummage through the contents. He took her coin purse, cards, and all the cash she had.


He held up her bank card for her to know what he meant. She realised it was the first time she had heard his voice; it was gruff and sounded even older than he looked.


He lifted her phone and dialled a number.

"Got another." He paused and listened, then said, "I would say seven out of ten. Better tits than the last one."

He hung up and tossed the phone to her.

"Don't lose that number. Save it as your new work number."

He then stood up as the train came to a stop, and got out. She watched him pass the window without a glance in her direction. The train began, again.

She stared out the dark window until she was brought out of her trance by someone, and she looked at him, out of focus until the words set in.

"Tickets, miss?"

She realised she had no money or card.

"You know, it's a serious offence, miss, not to have a ticket."

The guy was five foot four if that, bald and with thick glasses.

"I'm going to have to report you and have the police at the next stop if you can't pay for a ticket."

She just looked at him, from top to bottom.

"Have it your way, miss."

He reached for his walkie-talkie on his belt, before her hand took his.

"I'm sure we can work something out, handsome." She winked at him, before pointing to the pants around her ankles, and she knew he got her drift.




House party

The party was in full swing, and Marie had just popped into the kitchen for some more snacks. She reached over the counter and into one of the cupboards to get the spare packets; she felt a presence behind her.

It pressed against her, softly and confidently; she knew her husband's touch, and she moaned.

She wanted to tell him 'no', that they had guests waiting, but for the first time in months, she was horny! She looked around and found it wasn't her husband of the last ten years, it was Bill.

Bill, the neighbour who would get his ass kicked by her much bigger husband!

What's this guy's problem? If Mike comes in here, he'll KILL him! And he knows Mike's temper.

His hand traced her side, up past her hip and onto her abdomen, before fondling her breast. Although it felt good (no, it was better than good), she decided to push him back, and tell him to go get fucked.

Instead, she found herself bending over the counter and lifting her dress to her hips. She pulled her thong to the side and craned her neck around to watch him.

"Enjoy my juices."

Why did I just say that to him? Tell him he's out of order! And for God's sake, cover up!

"Oh, and the same back to you, you cheating little slut."

She had never been called a slut before and wanted to set the record straight, but her legs disagreed as she spread wider for him.

He pulled his shaft from his dress trousers before spitting on the tip with bull's-eye accuracy. He jabbed twice before the wet tip found her lips; he adjusted his stance before fully penetrating her cunt.

The wave of pleasure was superb, and she found her knees buckling. Thankfully, she could rest her full weight on the countertop as he thrust into her; her thighs banging against the unit.

'Tell this guy to get off you! You're married, and have never cheated before!' her mind shouted.

Biting her lip, she told him, "Fuck me harder! Fuck my dirty little pussy!"

His hands held her hips as he fired into her.

"Shh, Bitch! We don't want anyone hearing you getting a dicking, do we?"

Getting told off made her hotter for him! She craved his cock and she was getting it ploughed into her famished pussy!

Soon she heard the familiar sound of his breathing increase, and then his cock launched a flow of cum inside her. She felt his weight collapse against her back.

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'Tell him he had no right to violate you like that! Tell him you're going to expose him to everyone in the house!'

She waited until his softening cock slipped from her lips, with a little pop, before turning towards him; instead of a furious look, though, she was pouting and giving him her 'misty eyes' look. "Thanks for that! I was needing a good dicking."

'What the hell am I saying? Tell him I'm exposing him!'

He began to tuck his cock away and sort himself, preparing to go back to the party; she felt a slight concern at seeing it getting taken out of sight or touch.

"I so want to talk to all my guests, with your cum dripping from me!"

He slapped her ass.

"Just wait, Bitch, you ain't done, yet."

He took her arm and leaned close to her ear. "You're going to stay here and finger yourself until you cum; then you're going to return to the party. But before you mingle, I want you to find that husband of yours and play with his tie. I want you to wipe all our cum on it, so he's wearing it all night."

'No' I won't,' she thought. 'I don't know how he's doing this, but I won't do that to Mike!'

With that, he was leaving the room. As she watched him go, her fingers were already massaging the cum about to drip from her clit.

To be continued



Responsibility (Part 1)

Gavin had really noticed something a few days prior; he seemed to be getting more female attention.

He was forty-six and had been married for the best part of twenty years. He and his wife had been dating ever since school and, even though she wasn't the most attractive (she was plain), she was very pleasant, always had been. It was her nature.

Gavin himself had never drawn attention from any female other than his wife, as far as he knew. And with being forty-six and slightly overweight, he didn't have any expectations of another woman possibly finding him attractive (even when he was in his prime, never mind at present).

Gavin noticed that the female demographic had been achieving higher results than the males in his college class. They seemed to be far more engaged than the male students; although this alone wasn't the evidence that brought this very fortunate change in his life.


While attending a family wedding for his wife's niece and her new husband, he had been surprised that the young blonde wife had asked him to dance immediately after she had danced with her husband, then her father.

Not wanting to refuse the girl on her big day, he had accepted with an air of casualness. The song was a slow one, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable as she pressed her brilliant white dress against him. He could feel her pressing herself with some force against his groin area. The girl was normally very pretty, but today, she looked like a goddess.

"I'm so glad you made the wedding, Uncle Gavin."

"Your aunt wouldn't have missed it for the world; we wish you all the happiness in the world."

"As I said, I'm so glad YOU made it."

With that, she rested her head on his shoulder and finished the dance.

She seemed reluctant to let him go after the dance, but her bridesmaids whisked her away with chatter about something to do with flowers and photographs. He made his way back to the table, to find his wife and the rest of her family in deep conversation about a Christmas party from years ago.

Gavin sat in, laughing when he was suddenly aware of another presence at his wife's side.

"Aunt Faye, could I borrow Uncle Gavin for a dance?"

Faye's nineteen-year-old niece, the younger sister of the bride, was addressing her but looking at him.

"My, aren't we popular tonight, Gav? Sure thing. Take your uncle to the dance floor, Zoe, but watch his hip. He's at that awkward age," she joked, with a laugh.

"Very funny, Dear. I'll let you know that what I lack in dance talent, I make up for in effort!"

The table gave a small laugh, nothing more, but Zoe laughed that little bit more and gave a small snort, obviously slightly embarrassed by it, she held her mouth.

"Well. Lead the way, young lady, and let us rock the dance floor!"

"Be sure to bring him back in full working order, Zoe," Faye laughed.

He was surprised that Zoe had actually taken his hand and led him to the floor. He had always thought of her as a little girl; he could remember her being born. She was in the red bridesmaid's dress and it brought out her tan complexion; for the first time, he was seeing her as a sexy young woman, and not the pretty little girl she had been.

The next song again was slow, but faster than the last. He was going to wrap one arm around her and dance by her side, but her arms went up around his neck and she brought herself in close to him. Deciding not to be rude, he complied with her stance.

Looking at her, he thought about how much she looked like her older sister. Sure, her sister was slightly older, and her figure was more buxom than that of her younger sibling, but he knew she would have the same exquisite curves as her sister.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"It's been fab, so far. How about you?"

She looked into his eyes. "Oh, I'm perfect just now. Just perfect!"

He wasn't sure what to say; this sounded like some kind of come-on.

She can't be flirting with me! "Your sister looks amazing! They're a handsome couple."

"People tell me all the time I look like her when she was my age."

"You do. You can tell easily that you're both sisters; very pretty little girls." He felt slightly creepy saying it, but he meant it only as a compliment.

"Do you think I'm a little girl? I can guarantee you, I'm all grown up!" Her rhythm changed.

'Is she trying to grind against me? GOD, I'm getting hard! I need to stop this; she's my niece, even if it is only by marriage.' "Yes, but to me, you are like a little girl! I didn't mean to insult you, Zoe. It's just... Well... You know, you're much younger than me, for instance."

She almost stopped dancing, but her pressure against him was intensifying.

"Oh, I like the idea of an age gap between a man and woman. Don't you like younger women?"

'Is this really a come-on? She really IS flirting with me!' "Well, I suppose, in fantasy; but reality is, I don't think younger women can be attracted to many of us older men. I see the girls in my classes, and they seem to like the young, buff guys."

She began to move, again. "Well, I think you're super cute."

Her head rested on his chest, and he was happy at the silence; the situation had made him hesitant to speak, anyway.

The song finished and she looked up at him. "Let's have another."

"I guess I better get back to your aunt, my wife."

He was slightly annoyed he had emphasised the wife part, and worried he had upset the girl; it wasn't his intention to upset her.

"Thanks for the dance." She really couldn't be meaning things in that manner. It's been a misunderstanding. He turned to go back to the table.

"If you want to thank me proper later, I'll be waiting."

'No, that wasn't a misunderstanding!'

He composed himself on the way back to the table.

"Aww, did you hurt yourself, Baby?" his wife joked.

"No, why?"

"It's just, you look a little red."

"I guess I can't keep up with the young ones now."

He laughed, hoping she wouldn't press him on it.

Over the rest of the night, he noticed Zoe looking over every time he caught sight of her. A couple of times, he had gone to the bar and bumped into her, and there was no missing her innuendos and flirting. He did have...

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Written by Fiona69m
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