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Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 02: The Mayor's Wife

"A mayor's wife wants to become more stately, but her husband has a secret kink for bratty nymphets."

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Author's Notes

"This is a fun commission from one of my readers. Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of sex and mind control, so if it's illegal or immoral for you to be reading this, stop now! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Enjoy!"

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military wives who insisted on going by their husband's rank, but the difference here was that Eleanor was actually making a positive difference in her community.

But, while she loved the respect and attention, she felt like she wasn't quite suited to it, somehow. As much as she enjoyed her role, she was still a bit of an introvert, and always felt some slight discomfort when going out in public with her husband. She knew that she had good ideas, and that people valued her insight, but it was difficult for her to bring herself to speak when so many others were listening. And she knew that the mayor deserved better.

Etymologically, Benedict had been an almost prophetic name for her husband. Blessed with a silver tongue, morally unimpeachable, and with a model home life, he was the perfect politician and an ideal husband. After 25 years of marriage, Eleanor still knew just how lucky she had gotten, and was still madly in love with him. She knew that he felt the same way about her, and was clearly attracted to her even after their decades of successful marriage. She had birthed two children who were now off at college, but was still only in her mid-40s, with a face mostly clear of wrinkles and a curvy body that her pregnancies had only emphasized. Benedict's physique had improved with age and an active exercise regimen as well, and Eleanor still swooned when he held her in his powerful arms. Such a man deserved a perfect wife who could actively help him achieve his lofty goals, and Eleanor was determined to do whatever it took to become that for Benedict.

She imagined herself a stately, elegant, raven-haired beauty, like Jackie O, with the power and the political savvy to rule alongside her husband publicly, all while taking their sex life to new heights privately as her success and acumen fueled his desire for her. She foresaw them becoming a political dynasty whose influence knew no bounds as they worked their way up to the governorship, Congress, and even the presidency. Why not? And all it would take to turn her fantasy into reality was a few sips of a banned energy drink she'd managed to get her hands on online, and which had arrived in the mail that day, "Perfect Girlfriend Juice".

Later that night, she'd drink the juice, ask her husband what he thought the perfect mayor's wife was like, and let the juice make her dreams a reality. She'd be just like the powerful, sexy, capable female antagonists she'd grown up watching and secretly idolizing in cartoons. Only her plan would succeed, and she wouldn't be evil, obviously.

When she got home after clandestinely picking up her purchase from their P.O. box, the mayor was already in bed. Wasting no time, she popped the tab on the can and took a tentative sip. Once the potent liquid was inside of her, however, she couldn't help but quickly drink the rest. She recognized the effects immediately, knowing what to look for from her research. As expected, Eleanor was suddenly filled with an incredible urge to seek out the nearest male, and she knew what would inevitably happen once she did. It was a good thing her husband was already sleeping in the next room, otherwise she likely wouldn't have been able to stop herself from running out into the street and begging a random stranger to tell her what his Perfect Girlfriend was like.

Her body on autopilot, Eleanor was drawn through the open bedroom door where the enticing form of her sleeping husband was waiting for her. She began to feel a bit weird, almost off-balance, as she drew closer, and her gaze fixated on her husband's peaceful face. This must be the imprinting stage the website was talking about, she thought distractedly, but the feeling was so much stronger than she had expected. She loved the mayor dearly, but, for the first time in decades, she began to get actual butterflies in her stomach just from looking at him. She felt like a silly teenager again, who had laid eyes on a cute guy for the first time, and she recognized the feelings for what they were. Thanks to the Juice, she now had a huge, irresistible crush on her husband, and it was deepening by the second.

This is even better than I thought! Eleanor thought to herself as she continued to stare at his chiseled features and her body practically shook with newfound desire for him. God he's sexy! Eleanor would do anything for this man, and as she felt a powerful curiosity beginning to bubble up inside of her, she knew the Perfect Girlfriend Juice was about to ensure that she did just that.

Needing to be closer to him, Eleanor quietly disrobed and slid into bed beside the mayor, giddy at being so close to the object of her new, overwhelming desires, and the heavy breathing that came with the incredible arousal coursing through her body soon woke him. Benedict suddenly found himself looking up into the flushed face of his wife as she stared down at him with surprising intensity, not knowing that she was deep in the irresistible throes of Perfect Girlfriend Juice and feeling a growing compulsion to ask him a very important question.

"Honey, are you ok?" he slurred as he slowly returned to consciousness.

"Oh, yes! I was just thinking..." She felt her urge continuing to grow stronger, and was soon compelled to ask the fateful question: "Honey, what kind of women do you like?"

"What? Where's this coming from all of a sudden? I think you're perfect the way you are, dear," the mayor responded sleepily, ever the politician.

"I know you love me just like I am, and I promise this isn't a trap or anything." He's so considerate! I love him so much I just can't stand it! "I'm just curious about what kind of girls turn you on the most, and what your idea of a Perfect Girlfriend is-"

Eleanor immediately realized her mistake. She'd allowed herself to get swept up in the moment, and had inadvertently asked about his Perfect Girlfriend, not about his perfect mayor's wife or perfect goal-related political companion like she'd meant to. But, she hadn't been able to stop herself - Eleanor had severely underestimated how euphoric it would feel to be in a man's presence in her current state, how much she would want to please him. She knew how strong her husband's sex drive was, and she was suddenly so fixated on his pleasure and sexual preferences that she couldn't help but ask the way she had. And, now that he was preparing to answer, she couldn't bring herself to correct him. She was just so filled with intense, artificial curiosity that she could only eagerly await being helplessly transformed by his response, regardless of the consequences.

Sure enough, Benedict had always had a secret fantasy that he'd never told his wife about. He'd always assured himself that he'd tell her eventually, but it had never felt like the right time. Now, however, she'd asked him directly, and he felt that she deserved honesty. "Well, I do have this stupid fantasy about being seduced by a petite young woman - of legal age, of course - and having her become my girlfriend." He cringed in embarrassment at finally coming clean, expecting Eleanor to blow up at him, and thinking he probably deserved it.

This was far from what Eleanor had been was expecting to hear, even with the way she had phrased her question, and she would have been incredibly indignant at his answer if she were still capable of it. She was supposed to become a vision of stately elegance, not some childish slut! She should have been horrified at this revelation, especially given the gravity of her current vulnerable condition, but instead she found these ideas becoming more and more appealing as her drug-induced curiosity left her feeling surprisingly open-minded.

"What else is this girl like?" Eleanor found herself asking as her body began to tingle. "Do you have a picture of her?" She knew he probably did. Benedict snuck off for some private time every few days, and she hadn't begrudged him, both because he kept her well satisfied and because she knew what men's needs could be like sometimes, but she had no idea her husband had developed such... specific... tastes.

A bit apprehensive, Benedict grabbed his phone off the bedside table, navigated to his password-protected porn folder, and decided on as tame an image as he could: a pale, somewhat petite woman with pale purple hair in her late 20s, dressed in tight pink PVC covered in countless cutesy little black skulls, making a heavily stylized face of intense sexual ecstasy at the camera.

Once she showed it to her, however, he was surprised to see her eyes widen with intense curiosity as she devoured every detail. Wow, maybe I can be more honest with her about this kind of thing than I thought, Benedict reflected. He'd see how she reacted this time, and then consider being a bit more open if they ever had a talk like this again.

"Why does she wear that plastic stuff?" Eleanor couldn't resist asking as the tingle in her body became more intense. It felt like her weight and center of balance were starting to subtly shift, and she knew that the Juice was performing as advertised, forcing her body to conform to her man's preferences. Rather than being concerned about her changes as she thought she would, however, she instead found herself welcoming them, knowing that with each passing second she was growing closer to being the mayor's Perfect Girlfriend, now that becoming his perfect wife was apparently off the table. Either way, it was far too late to turn back, and the Juice's effects on her body and mind were automatic, irresistible, and absolute.

"It’s called PVC. I dunno, but I like to imagine that it's because her skin is so sensitive that if she weren't wearing it, she'd be orgasming in public all the time." Oh no, Eleanor started to think before her concern was washed away and replaced by giddy eagerness, and then her body was lighting up with arousal as the sensation of the air caressing her supernaturally sensitive skin began to intensify. It was all she could do to keep herself from jumping her husband right then and there, but her unrelenting, irresistible curiosity about his ideal girlfriend delayed her advances for a few more minutes.

"So, tell me more about this fantasy girl of yours," Eleanor purred as she pressed her increasingly nubile body against his and began exploring under the covers with her hand.

Encouraged by her attentions, and getting a bit turned on in spite of himself as her light touches trailed closer and closer to his crotch, Benedict decided to risk a bit more honesty.

"Well, um, she loves being the center of attention, and is in her element when in front of people, but she's also pretty selfish and immature. She gets incredibly turned on by the attention and likes to arouse the men watching her. The thought of sex where others can see her excites her, mostly because of the knowledge that she's using her audience for her own pleasure."

Eleanor devoured his every word, her head spinning as her psyche embraced each fascinating new possibility. She knew the Perfect Girlfriend Juice was making her feel this way, but she couldn't get over how in love she was at this moment, feeling her husband's manhood starting to stiffen and rise as he continued to speak. The mayor was clearly turning himself on telling her all of this, and as she stroked his cock and felt herself beginning to crave male attention, especially in public, she marveled at how wonderful it all felt. She had wanted to become more outgoing and extroverted, and it looked like she was going to become just that, with a few additional tweaks, of course. She briefly worried about how self-centered the little cock-tease her husband had described seemed to be, and wondered if his words had turned her into an exhibitionist as well, but ultimately decided that it really didn't matter. Eleanor knew that she deserved to be this hot, and that she deserved all of the attention her sexy young body was going to get. She liked who she was becoming, and it was pretty clear that the mayor did too.

Finally, unable to resist her need for his body any longer, Eleanor swung a lithe, muscular leg over his torso as the combination of his sexual interest in her body and the sensation of the air caressing her naked skin lit her pussy on fire.

Benedict thought his wife seemed much more enthusiastic than usual as she climbed on top, but decided not to worry about it as she slid his cock deep into her warm, slick pussy. Even so, there was definitely something different about Eleanor as she began to ride him, but he couldn't quite tell what in the low light. She seemed significantly lighter for one thing, much more lithe and animated, almost... sprightly even, and it was like she suddenly couldn't get enough of his cock. Eager to indulge her, he continued to thrust himself into her body with a growing intensity as she repeatedly enveloped him, moaning in a voice that was slightly higher pitched than he recognized.

Benedict figured that this must be a bit of role-play on her part in response to what he'd just told her, but nonetheless his wife's seductions and tight, slick pussy were quickly driving him closer and closer to orgasm. Knowing her husband's body like the back of her hand after so many years, Eleanor noticed how much faster her husband was approaching his climax than usual. This recognition that she was already well on her way to becoming his Perfect Girlfriend was more than her new, hypersensitive body could take, and she slammed herself down onto him one final time as her slender new frame began shaking with the first of countless orgasms to come. Feeling the walls of his wife's unusually tight pussy pulsing encouragingly around his cock triggered the mayor's own orgasm, and he moaned in pleasure as he throbbed with release and spurted himself deep into his wife's depths.

He held her tightly when she collapsed onto his chest, her body again feeling somehow unfamiliar in his arms as his cock continued to twitch inside of her with the aftershocks of his orgasm. They'd always had good sex, but this was the best fuck he'd had in years.

When Eleanor looked in the mirror the next morning while Benedict prepared his famous eggs for the two of them downstairs, she was both shocked and completely unsurprised by what she saw. Her face was still very much her own, though with some more color in her lips and a new, seductive pout as her neutral expression, and the wrinkles on her face were noticeably shallower, but her body looked like a perfect blend of her own and the picture of the petite seductress from the night before. She couldn't be older than her late twenties, and she felt more energetic than she had in years.

Eleanor's voluptuous breasts, formerly large and heavy from nursing her two sons and the pride and joy of her curvy body, had clearly shrunk by at least two cup sizes to a small, perky B. Worse, though, she couldn't help but feel glad about that fact, like they had always been large, gross, and unwieldy, and only now were beginning to edge closer to perfection somehow. She also noticed that she was significantly shorter. Eleanor had once thought her height was one of her best features, giving her a presence she thought was almost commanding, but after learning the night before that her husband liked them short, she had lost at least three inches of height, if not more.

Even her skin was different. Eleanor had always tanned easily, and her skin held a significant amount of color on its own, but now, thanks to the snow-white nymph from the night before she had become noticeably paler. Still, she couldn't help but appreciate her small, creamy white boobs in the mirror, knowing that it wasn't at all what she had wanted, but unable to stop cupping and fondling them in happiness nonetheless.

Her sandy brown hair, just starting to show a few streaks of gray, saw the most stunning change, however. Instead of darkening to black, it had lightened to a pale pink, and now fell in luxurious curls around her smooth face. Her new body was nothing like she'd thought it would be, but it all felt comfortable and natural somehow as she danced around a bit with her newfound youthful energy while her perky little tits bounced and wiggled in the mirror.

The air on her naked skin was already turning her on, thanks to her husband's careless words the night before, but, knowing that he preferred her this way, she fully welcomed the tingles of need starting up in her horny little pussy. Intellectually, Eleanor recognized that the Perfect Girlfriend Juice had made her feel this way, but even so, it seemed like she had always looked and felt like this, and she couldn't help but love it. It all seemed so... perfect somehow.

She had chosen to wear a sweater to hide the noticeable differences in her body as long as possible, and also selected...

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Written by fidgetwrites
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