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Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 01

"Tainted sports drink transforms women into the ideal girlfriend of the nearest guy."

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Author's Notes

"Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of sex and mind control, so if it’s illegal or immoral for you to be reading this, stop now! All characters are explicitly over eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for reading, and check out my profile for contact links!"

"Wait, what do you mean you changed the recipe?" the CEO asked his genius but socially inept lead mixologist.

"Well, I didn't realize you wanted the drink to actually make a girl into your Perfect Girlfriend, so once I saw your incredibly sexist ad campaign, it inspired me to go back to the drawing board and craft something that would make your dream a reality. Now whenever a girl drinks Perfect Girlfriend Juice, she'll develop a crush on the first guy she talks to afterward, feel compelled to ask him about his Perfect Girlfriend, and will immediately become whatever she hears him say! What do you think?"

"I didn't mean it literally! Jesus, Christine, that should be impossible, how on earth did you manage to... you know what, nevermind. At this point, it doesn't even matter. Just get the head of distribution in here so we can start the recall. I just hope no woman actually drank that stuff, or we're gonna be in for it…"


Cut to Leslie and Dan, two twenty-year-old undergrads eating lunch at their local college.

"What's that?" Leslie asked Dan, pointing to the brightly colored can sitting on his tray as the mousy brunette plopped down next to him on the bench.

"Something called Perfect Girlfriend Juice," Dan mumbled self-consciously.

"Why would you drink something with a misogynistic name like that??"

"Hey, don't get mad at me! They were giving out free samples, so I grabbed one before I got a chance to look at it. Here, you can have it then," he said, thrusting the can at her to demonstrate that he meant nothing by it.

She hmphed a bit as she reluctantly accepted it, before popping the top and hesitantly sniffing the carbonated liquid inside. It smelled like any other energy drink, so Leslie took a tentative sip, and was surprised to discover that it actually tasted pretty good, like tangy bubblegum.

"How is it?"

An odd shiver ran through her body as she looked back up at the sound of his voice, and she suddenly found herself admiring his face more closely than she had in the past, taking in his dark eyes, cute nose, and strong, attractive features. She'd never really thought about Dan this way before, but she had to admit that he was cute and that she was feeling more and more drawn to him as she continued sipping on the potent, bubbly liquid, and the shivers, now tinged with arousal, continued to travel up and down her spine.

"It's actually kinda good," she answered, but as she glanced back down at the can in her hand, still cool and wet with condensation against her fingers, she felt a new curiosity building up inside her, and couldn't stop from asking, "So, speaking of perfect girlfriends, what kind of girls do you like?"

"Oh, uh, I guess I like cute, girl-next-door kinda girls," Dan started, embarrassed at the forwardness of the question, especially since he'd always felt a slight attraction to Leslie (along with most other girls, to be fair), and didn't want to accidentally offend her with his answer. "... who are smart and confident and uh, value self-improvement," he concluded, looking down at his tray and wondering if he'd said the right thing.

Leslie, however, had focused her attention on his words, free of judgment, open and intensely curious as the information seeped deep into her brain and her body began to discreetly modify itself accordingly. She snapped out of a brief, trance-like state a second later, feeling a bit uncomfortable and out-of-sorts both physically and mentally, but unaware of her changes as her facial features tightened up into a cute, button nose and a welcoming smile.

She noticed Dan's discomfort and changed the subject. As they chatted, however, Leslie thought her wit felt a bit quicker than usual, and she experienced a warm, giddy sensation at making Dan laugh, feeling an unexpected familiar closeness to her recent acquaintance as her body toned a bit under her clothes to give her pleasant softness some shape and curve.

"Did you do something different with your makeup today?" Dan asked suddenly, aware that something seemed different about his friend's features. She looked especially cute today and felt so familiar and easy to talk to, almost like they'd been close for years, instead of only having met a few weeks prior. "It looks good."

Leslie felt herself blush with pleasure at the compliment, especially coming from Dan, and she practically glowed with happiness as they went their separate ways a few minutes later.

During her next class, despite how frequently her thoughts of Dan filled her body with warm, exciting tingles, Leslie somehow felt much more attentive than she usually did, and with much higher information retention. She was a Psych major, but she'd always felt that the subject matter was just a bit over her head. Apparently, that was no longer the case, and Leslie found herself devouring the finer points of the lecture with an ease she'd never felt before.

Not only that, she felt driven by an unfamiliar need to get better at Psych, to see herself making visible improvement in her mastery of the material. In fact, it seemed like she now felt that way about pretty much every aspect of her life. She needed to make herself better, and moreover, she had full confidence that she could do so. And besides, Dan had said that his Perfect Girlfriend valued self-improvement, and she suddenly found herself caring an inordinate amount about what her erstwhile casual acquaintance saw as attractive.

That night, as she looked at her body in front of the mirror, she noticed that the slight physical discomfort she had felt earlier seemed somehow reflected in the face and physique of her reflection. She had noticed that her clothes were fitting her a bit more loosely than usual that afternoon, and now she looked, for lack of a better word, cuter, a bit more petite overall, with boobs that were smaller but somehow perkier, and it seemed like her facial features had softened and even her hair somehow looked more vibrant, giving her an overall vibe of open sweetness that matched how she had felt all day. Especially about Dan.

Over the next few days, as her crush got the better of her, Leslie found herself seeking Dan out more and more often. It was clear they both felt comfortable around each other as if they'd known each other for years, and their friendship quickly deepened. Dan thought he sensed a bit of chemistry between them and caught Leslie staring at him a few times when she thought he wasn't looking, but it was good to have a friend that he felt so close to, and he decided not to make a move.

Every once in a while, Leslie would get that irresistible urge to ask Dan about his preferences in women, but each time, he answered with the same noncommittal "smart and confident" line that she'd gotten the first time. Even so, Leslie listened just as closely whenever he repeated it, and, unrelatedly, she also noticed that her Psych grades were continuing to improve and that she was feeling much less anxious around other people than she usually did.


One day, as they walked down the hall together, Leslie noticed that Dan's head had turned and that his gaze was intently following the ass of one of the cheerleaders as she bounced her way the other direction.

"Hey, Dan!"

"Uh-huh," he mumbled in response, clearly still distracted by the sight of young, firm ass.

"Whacha lookin' at?" she asked innocently, leaning against his arm. This immediately got his attention, and he snapped his head back around in panic.


"You were looking at Emily, weren't you?"

"Uh... no, of course not!"

"It's ok, I just want to know what you find attractive about her. No tricks, I promise - I'm just curious," Leslie wheedled, overpowered by that same odd compulsion to seek out information about what Dan was attracted to.

"You seem to be asking about this kinda thing a lot recently. Well, I like that she's strong and athletic, and I like that she's probably the smartest person in school, professors included..."

Leslie's pace slowed and her face slacked, trancelike, as her mind absorbed this new information and her body discreetly put his words into practice. Once again, Leslie only felt a sensation of slight physical discomfort, completely unaware as her thighs and calves strengthened and her arms and core toned, but she did notice that her body was suddenly filled with energy, like she could drop everything and run a mile right then and there.

Dan seemed to get more comfortable with his explanation as he went on, especially now that they'd become so close, and Leslie immediately picked up on this with her improved mental acuity, which somehow seemed to have gotten even better in the past few seconds. She felt an urge to take advantage of his honesty, hoping to finally get a straight answer as her powerful muscles put a new spring in her step and she bounced down the hall beside him.

She uncontrollably blurted out, "You weren't staring at her because she's the smartest girl in school, silly! What were you looking at, specifically?"

"Fine, you caught me. I'm a guy. I like the way her tits fill out that top, I like the way her waist flares out to those hips and the way that tight toned butt fills out those stretchy pants. I like the way that she takes pride in her appearance and wants to be as sexy as possible. If she had jet-black hair instead of blond, she'd be pretty close to my ideal woman."

Whereas in the past, Leslie would have scoffed at an answer like that, now she completely understood where he was coming from as she felt her own desire to become as sexy as possible growing within her. Why on earth had she worn such dumpy clothes today? Her baggy t-shirt and loose jeans were hiding her body, especially with how petite she had looked the past few days when they should be showing it off?

She thought about her own tits in comparison to Emily's, concealed by her top, perky and small, perfectly fitting the cute, girl-next-door vibe she had been giving off recently, complete with darker brown hair that now felt woefully inadequate. She knew that lots of guys found that look sexy, and was certain that Dan was attracted to her body, but now she realized that what Dan actually liked was toned, athletic, cheerleader types with big tits and firm asses. He liked a girl who seemed cute and innocent, but whose wholesome demeanor did a poor job of hiding her curvy, invitingly fuckable body, which was further emphasized by the revealing clothing that clung to her shapely form and welcomed the male gaze. Rather than be offended at how stereotypical his preferences were, however, Leslie instead integrated that tidbit of important information deep into her psyche like all of the other info she had pieced together, and as before, her body began to subtly conform to her new, sexier mental outlook.

She didn't pay it any attention at the time, as enraptured by Dan's presence as she was, but as Leslie continued to strut down the hall, her breasts and hips began to feel odd, almost swollen, and as her conversation with Dan turned from sexy girls to more mundane topics, her loose t-shirt and jeans began to feel tighter, and in certain places, much tighter. Meanwhile, struck by an uncharacteristically sexy impulse, Leslie began to arch her back and stick out her chest a bit as it grew, but the combination of her new posture, stronger back muscles, and the weight of her bookbag all worked together to mask her changes as she continued to unwittingly ripen into Dan's Perfect Girlfriend.

When they split up to go to their separate classes a few seconds later, Leslie caught Dan's eyes looking at her hair in confusion, before briefly flicking down to her body as he waved goodbye, and she felt a surge of arousal and pride at the success of her new, sexier posture. She put some sway into her stride as she walked away, hoping that his eyes were on her butt even as she cursed herself for her loose jeans, and committed to putting in the work to fulfill her goal of becoming as sexy as possible.


That night, free of Dan's inexplicably intoxicating physical presence, Leslie finally had the wherewithal to reflect on the odd physical sensations she'd felt throughout the day, which, upon reflection, closely reminded her of the discomfort she had experienced before discovering that she had somehow become more petite a few days ago. And, though she had been full of energy all day and her body felt lighter than ever, this time, her unfamiliar physical sensation was a satisfying, heavy fullness, which, when combined with the tightness of her clothing on her bust and hips led to one obvious conclusion.

Moving over to the mirror and shucking off her horrible clothes confirmed her suspicions, but with one additional surprise: her increased energy and strength was predictably accompanied by a much more athletic figure than she had ever had before, with larger musculature and visible muscle tone, and this time, her boobs had grown instead of shrunk, very noticeably so, and now uncomfortably filled out her B-cup bra to overflowing, but, for some reason, her hair was also much darker, practically black, and perfectly framed her face with its glossy tresses.

Too excited about her new body to be overly disturbed by her new hair, Leslie unfastened her bra, sighing in relief as her bra strap finally stopped digging into her back, and reveled in her new tits' sexy shapeliness as they jutted proudly off her chest, hanging high and heavy with large areolas and perky, upturned nipples. She had no idea how it had happened, but she was ecstatic to have already made so much progress toward her self-improvement goal of becoming as sexy as possible, to be measured by Dan's standards of course.

If anything, they're even larger and rounder than Emily's boobs... wait. Leslie suddenly felt an incredible clarity wash over her as the most intelligent brain at her school started making connections far more easily than she was used to, even after her first intelligence increase a few days prior. Each time, she had started feeling different immediately after Dan had mentioned what he found attractive in women. Her physical discomfort afterward and the physical changes she had noticed later had seemed unrelated at the time, but in hindsight, it was clear that her changes lined up perfectly with his words.

Suddenly, it all made sense. The Perfect Girlfriend Juice, her frequent, odd compulsions to ask Dan what his Perfect Girlfriend was like, and her sudden, almost debilitating crush on him, which had her pussy moistening even now in pleasure and anticipation at the thought of being in his presence again.

This led her to a much more damning realization as she continued to flex her athletic body in the mirror with pride, happily groping her sexy new tits as she appreciated their size and fullness. If Dan's words could alter her body, what was keeping them from altering her mind as well? She thought back to his comments over the past few days and noted that her sudden success in her Psych class had started immediately after Dan telling her that his Perfect Girlfriend was smart at lunch that day. Similarly, her recent desire for self-improvement must be the result of Dan and the Juice, along with her incredibly uncharacteristic need to become as sexy as possible.

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Still, knowing that the Perfect Girlfriend Juice had put these ideas in her head didn't make them any less appealing, and she also knew that she was just as likely to ask Dan about his Perfect Girlfriend the next time she saw him. Furthermore, she would be just as helpless to resist any further comments or suggestions that he made; whatever he told her would become her new reality, and she would love it, whether she liked it or not. Even now, her Juice-induced crush was making her want to hear what he had to say, so that she would be forced to change even further into her crush's Perfect Girlfriend.

Still, though, this could have gone much worse. Intelligence and a desire for self-improvement are hardly bad traits, Leslie thought to herself, grateful for Dan's restraint as her brilliant yet altered mind continued to explore the possibilities of her current predicament. Inherent in the concept of self-improvement was the idea that she should approve of the changes being made to herself as well, and there didn't seem to be a rule against trying to influence how Dan expressed his thoughts about the kinds of girls he was attracted to. If he just so happened to word his desired characteristics the way she wanted him to, she would still be making progress toward her involuntary goal of becoming Dan's Perfect Girlfriend. Just, her way, and on her terms.

And in the meantime, being sexy isn't so bad either, Leslie thought as she gave her tight, toned body one more look in the mirror before deciding to sleep naked that night. As she slid under the covers, she shivered at the thought of how sexy she would become, and at how badly she would make Dan want her body.

Over the next few days, Leslie continued to spend as much time with Dan as possible, due to the addictive nature of the blissful happiness she felt whenever she was with him, even though it meant that her irresistible urges to prompt him to change who she was as a person came more frequently. Now, however, when her compulsion overcame her and she was once again forced to ask what Dan found attractive in women, she began to ask him leading questions instead of the open-ended ones that had unintentionally led to her current desire to show off her...

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Written by fidgetwrites
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