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Model wife Kate part 3

"Kate, the model, is smitten with the Kirk, wouldn't it be amazing if he were a model hubby."

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Chapter 3

Kate awoke with a start, sweat glistening on her skin from yet another torrid dream involving Kirk. Kirk was no longer next to her, her head was not resting on his chest like it had when she had fallen asleep.

Her head spun around, she was alone in the bed.

Fear smothered her, and her breath caught as she scanned the empty room.

Her eyes darted wildly around the room, searching for any sign of Kirk. Where could he be? Had he left her here alone? Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes. She refused to cry, however. Instead, she took slow, measured breaths, trying to calm herself. Her heart raced, her mind spinning with the possibilities. Perhaps he had gone to get something for breakfast, perhaps he needed a drink. Maybe he was in the bathroom. Anything was preferable to him simply leaving her.

In a panic, she got out of bed. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest, she could hear its thump. then she heard sounds from outside the room.

Kate stepped out of the room, still dressed in the heels and silk nightie, her nipples poking through the sheer material. She stepped down the hall towards the kitchen.

Each footstep echoed in the quiet house, the air thick with tension. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew. What if something terrible had happened to him? She couldn't bear the thought.

Reaching the kitchen, she noticed he was at the cooker. He turned as she stood in the doorway. his belly stretching the material of his once-white vest.

"Wow, you look good in that nightie," he told her.

Kate raced over, kissed, and hugged him tightly.

"What's all this?" he asked.

"You disappeared while I was sleeping. I was worried sick," she said, hugging him.

"I'm making breakfast," he told her or tried as she hugged him, her tits pressing against him.

"A man's gotta eat, even this old man," he told her with a touch of annoyance.

Kate grinned, she felt embarrassed. "Sorry, I guess I overreacted."

"It's alright, darling, I just don't want to get used to having someone around me all the time."

His words stung her a little, she realized that he wanted space sometimes, she had been so consumed by her feelings for him that she had forgotten that he too had his own needs.

Kate smiled apologetically, trying to mask her hurt. "It's okay, I understand.”

"Here, sit. I'll cook," she told him and led him to a chair, she turned the chair towards the cooker and sat him in it.

Kate went back to the cooker and oiled a pan, she then cracked the eggs into a bowl and added salt and pepper before stirring them. She kept turning to check on him.

Her body was aching for another round of passion, but she knew that now was not the right time. She busied herself with setting the table.

She poured the eggs into the pan, and as she waited for the edges to cook, she turned and lifted the back of the nightie to expose her ass cheeks, She laughed as Kirk's eyes widened.

She moved her rump playfully, feeling the cool morning air on her skin. Kirk's attention was divided between her and the food, his erection straining underneath his pants.

"You may as well enjoy the view while you wait," she teased.

"I am enjoying it," he replied, trying to sound casual.

Kate stepped back and spread her legs, she pushed out her rump and let the nightie rest on her lower back, leaving her cheeks in full view, she then turned back to the pan and the cooking eggs and began to fold the cooked edges into the pan.

Kirk watched every movement she made, captivated by her graceful movements. His arousal grew stronger as he fantasized about what she might do next.

Kate eventually plated up the eggs and brought the plates over, she took a seat next to him and waited for him to begin.

Kirk picked up his fork and started eating, he commented on how much he enjoyed the breakfast. His comments were interspersed with glances at her nipples still poking through. she knew he wanted more.

Happy he liked her cooking, she poured two glasses of OJ and then began to eat herself.

"Thank you for the lovely breakfast," he said, looking at her face for the first time.

"Thanks for the company," she replied.

"Seriously, these eggs are amazing," he insisted as he ate the last bite and drained his glass.

Without finishing her eggs, Kate pushed her plate back and stood, she came towards him, and in one graceful move, she stepped her long smooth leg over him and sat down straddling him in his seat.

She draped her arms over his shoulders, tilting her head. "You know what I think is amazing?" he asked. She leaned in and kissed him. "I think your orgasms are amazing." She let her lips linger on his again.

She rubbed her bare, wet pussy over the bulge in his white pants.

"How about you give me another right here!" she told him.

Kirk reached down and pulled out his hard cock.

Kate was just as quick and eager. "I see I'm not the only one gagging for it this morning," she said as she lowered herself and her pussy onto his cock.

Her eyes locked with his, they shared a mutual understanding, and they were both hungry for each other. He grabbed her hair and held her head steady as he let her drop her full weight, her cunt clenching his cock in response. Their bodies rocked together, moans and gasps escaping them both.

Kate rode his cock, her hips swayed as she did.

She felt the strap of her nightie begin to fall, and she let it, her hard nipple coming free.

Kirk leaned forward and captured it between his lips, sucking gently. He slid his hand up her thigh, and then cupping her ass, he squeezed. She pushed herself harder on his lap, taking him deeper inside her as her eyes rolled back.

As they continued, Kate wrapped her legs around Kirk's waist, pulling him closer and tightening the grip on his shoulders. Kirk's fingers r digging into the flesh of her ass cheeks. He sucked hard on her nipple.

His mouth was wet and hot, and her nipple responded with a deep, throbbing ache. Her moan escaped her throat. His hand was busy caressing her ass cheek, his fingers kneading and pinching, driving her mad.

Their rhythm intensified. She moved faster, desperate for release. The pleasure was building within her, like an unstoppable wave. His hands gripped her waist, holding her firmly, guiding her thrusts.

Their passion was intense, raw, and primal.

As Kirk drove deeper into her, Kate's moans grew louder, her body writhing and bucking. Kirk's grip on her hips tightened, his fingers digging into her soft flesh.

Their desire became more urgent, and Kate began to ride him harder, pounding her pussy on his cock, her breathing becoming labored. Kirk's lips found her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving tiny red marks.

Their bodies were covered in sweat as their pace quickened.

"Yes," he mustered and Kate rode harder, knowing he was about to erupt inside her.

She had to hold on tight. He groaned loudly, her name leaving his lips. His face twisted in pleasure, his muscles tensed beneath her. She tightened her grip on his shoulders, pulling him closer, urging him to release his seed inside her. His body shuddered, his orgasm washing over him.

As he released his warm semen inside her, Kate rode out the wave of ecstasy from her orgasm. His hips bucked upwards, sending a final pulse of pleasure through her. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation.

"So amazing," Kate said still, holding him tight.

Chapter 4

Days passed, and Kate found herself increasingly obsessed with Kirk. Her life revolved around him, focusing solely on their relationship. She no longer pursued her dreams of becoming a successful model; instead, she envisioned a future married to the older man. The idea of sharing her life with him became her ultimate goal.

As time went on, Kate's insecurities emerged. She couldn't help but feel jealous when she saw Kirk talking to women in town or admiring their beauty.

The small voice in her head whispered that he might prefer them over her. As the days passed, her anxiety grew, and she found herself constantly questioning whether she meant enough to him. Each encounter with another woman heightened her sense of insecurity, making her question their relationship and the possibility of them growing old together.

One sunny afternoon, as they sat in the garden, sipping tea, she broached the subject.

"Kirk, do you ever think about what our future would be like together?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Kirk took a sip of his tea and looked away for a moment, lost in thought. When he spoke, his voice was calm and reassuring.

"At my age, I don't plan much for tomorrow and more live for today," he paused, "And you mean a lot to me, you know that," he said hurriedly as he watched her face harden slightly in anger. He had become cautious of his words and even any attention he had given to a woman other than Kate.

It was a challenge because he appreciated the physical beauty and unique qualities of every woman he encountered. Still, he remained steadfast in his commitment to Kate, despite her constant reminders that he didn't love her.

Even women who could not hold a candle to Kate were watched warily by Kate. Kate would order food and coffee, and talk on the phone. She would try to intercept and control any interaction with other women.

It was exhausting, and Kirk found himself getting frustrated. He tried to make it clear that he wasn't interested in anyone else, but she couldn't seem to take it in. He thought of ways to make her happy and secure in their relationship, but she seemed unable to accept his intentions wholeheartedly.

The Park

Yesterday, they went for a walk in the local park. As they walked with her arm locked with his, Kirk bumped into an old friend. A woman in her seventies, like Kirk, she had always been friendly, but Kirk had never once thought of her as attractive, even when she was young she had been overweight.

Yet Kate, whose youthful appearance defied her actual age, was consumed by jealousy. As they chatted, Kate had become more and more agitated. She hugged Kirk as he spoke and nibbled on his ear.

"Oh sorry Mary, this is Kate," Kirk had told the woman.

Kate had stepped forward, towering over the woman. "Kate, Kirk's my boyfriend," Kate had announced proudly.

She shook the woman's hand, very firmly, "I'm sorry, but we are in a little bit of a rush."

Mary smiled politely, recognizing that the situation wasn't worth escalating, and excused herself. As she left, Kate pulled Kirk along by the hand, a mixture of anger and pride on her face. Kirk smiled, trying to reassure Kate she had nothing to worry about with Mary.

"Kate, Mary is just a sweet old Gal."

"Oh, she seems lovely," Kate said, unconvincingly, as she continued leading him.

"She is; she isn't even attractive, but she is sweet and friendly," he offered trying to defuse, AGAIN.

"Glad to hear it," Kate said, distracted, as she looked up and down the path. "Here, this will do," she told him and led him off the path to a wooded area with bushes.

"Kate, where are we going?" Kirk asked nervously with her ever-growing erratic behaviour.

They rounded the bushes and Kate turned to him, her hands made for his zip.

"Kate, it's the middle of the day... In the park," Kirk said as his head looked side to side.

Kate laughed slightly at his unease, "Don't worry, nobody's here to interrupt us," she whispered seductively, pressing her body against his. "Besides, I need to show you how much I love you, how special you are, what no woman would do for their MAN."

As they stood behind the thick foliage, Kate reached for Kirk's belt, undoing it swiftly. Kirk still tried to resist, but Kate was growing more forceful.

"Look," she told him. "You made me do this; you know I need to reaffirm my position whenever a woman tries it with you, I need to stamp you as mine."

He gave a reluctant nod, finally giving in to her command.

She lowered herself onto her knees, her bare knees on the mud below them, taking his erection into her mouth.

He gasped, as she started moving her head up and down, taking him deeper into her mouth. She didn't bother with swirling tongues or kissing, she just hungrily enveloped her lips over him and moved her head back and forth aggressively.

Kirk arched his back and looked up into the trees.

"What have I done?" he asked.

Kate never stopped until his cum was down her throat.

After swallowing, she stood up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked up at Kirk with an air of triumph, as if she had conquered some great enemy. He stared back at her and began to worry.

Kate tucked him back into his trousers, then locked her arm with his and walked them back to the path.

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Kirk looked down to see Kate had muddy knees from the blowjob. "Kate, you are all dirty," he said, nodding down.

Kate looked down then shrugged, "It can stand as a warning to other women what I'm prepared to do to keep you mine," she smiled.

The restaurant

Another time they had headed for Sunday dinner, the restaurant had been crowded with families and couples enjoying their Sunday meal.

"Table for two," Kirk said to the waitress.

Kate had taken a firmer grip on his arm "Somewhere secluded sweetheart," Kate had said condescendingly. "We are on DATE night." She leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on Kirk's pale lips.

The waitress, slightly taken back but remaining professional, showed them to a table, and, walking hand in hand, they followed. Kirk would normally have checked out the waitress's ass, but he dared not with Kate beside him.

They sat down and began to look over the menu, Kirk then noticed Kate was watching him.

"What?" he asked her.

"Did you think she was nice, is that why you picked here?" she asked him, flat out.

"No, I chose this place because the food is good, and I like the atmosphere," Kirk replied defensively.

"Well, remember, I am your partner, and no one should be more important to you than me!" Kate responded sternly.

"Ok, ok. Let's just order and enjoy the food. You are my baby, baby," he said playing the game.

Instantly, Kate relaxed, and her smile was back.

"What you fancy?" he asked her.

"You, in my pussy," she answered.

Kirk's eyebrows raised.

"I'm joking," she said. "You order for me," she grinned.

The waitress came back, Kirk knew Kate was watching him, so he kept his eyes on the menu as he spoke to her.

The waitress wrote down the order of cheeseburgers. Kate didn't eat cheeseburgers because of her figure and model diet, but she didn't object.

"See," Kirk said as the waitress left. "I only have eyes for you."

Kate smiled, he could see her whole body relax.

They sat waiting for the food. Kirk began to feel less tense about Kate's behaviour. he began to relax and enjoy the evening and date night.

Kate too seemed content, smiling as they waited, her hand in his resting on the table.

the waitress came back, Kirk tried not to look, but she led three very attractive ladies to a table beside them. Kirk sighed.

Kate's eyes caught the presided threat. Her eyes came back to Kirk who had been caught looking over.

She pulled her hand away, "We are leaving."

"Kate, let's enjoy the date," Kirk tried.

"Is everything ok?" the waitress tried pleasantly.

"We are leaving, can you please do the food to go," Kate told her.

The waitress hesitated, then shrugged, "Sure, I can bring you your burgers to go."

Kirk wanted to protest but saw that Kate was determined.

"You! Car now," Kate told him.

"I'll settle the bill," she told the waitress.

The waitress hastily left to relay the change in the order.

Kate moved beside Kirk to help him from his chair. She rushed him past the women at the table next to them.

"Don't look at any of them; don't speak to them; got it?" she commanded, her tone severe.

Kirk sighed and nodded compliantly.

As they drove home, Kate took advantage of the silence to reiterate her claim on Kirk.

"I won't share you with anyone, remember that," she said, her voice low and threatening.

Kirk nodded again.

They walked to the counter, Kate took his arm. "Kirk, honey, Go wait in the car and I will be right out once I pay." Kate's tone had dramatically changed with rapid haste. She leaned into his ear, "In the back seat," she whispered before licking his ear lobe.

Kirk turned and, with his cane tapping the tiled floor, left.

He got into the back seat of the SUV, he knew what was coming, so he dropped his trousers and pants to his knees and began to play with his cock for Kate's arrival.

Kate turned to the counter as the waitress returned with the manager.

"Hello, I'm Ted, the manager. Hazel tells me you have decided to take away. Is everything okay?"

"Well, Ted, the smell of skank was too much for my husband," Kate told the waitress and manager; the lie of Kirk being married to her made her wet.

"Skank," the manager mumbled.

Kate nodded to the women chatting away.

"Listen, can I pay, and I will be back in five," Kate said.

She paid for the food and left, as she got to the car, she opened the back door.

"Well I am glad you got yourself ready for me," Kate said standing at the open door. Kirk's cock was rigid for her.

"I guessed there was a lesson coming, or the need to stamp yourself on me," he said, sitting back in the middle seat.

"It's more marking my territory with my scent," Kate said as she pulled her thong down under her skirt. She stepped out of it before reaching down and picking it up. She threw it onto the...

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Written by Fiona69m
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