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Hypno-Submission Pt. 10

"College girls stumble on an erotic hypnosis video on YouTube"

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Part 10: Katie


“Seriously, Brenda?” Katie whispered. “What the everlasting fuck? How did you even get her to watch it?”

“I didn’t,” the blonde said with a surprisingly large Cheshire grin for her small mouth. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “I spliced it into another video. You remember how quickly she tranced before?”

Katie nodded.

“I figured, she’d drop just a quick again. And I was right! Damn, I’m good.”

Katie threw her hands out. “But why? Seriously. Why?”

“Actually, I’m working on something that I needed to download Master’s video for, and this seemed like a good opportunity to play with the recording.”

Jesus, she looks so fuckin’ hot just zoned out like that.

Stop perving on girls! You’re straight!

“So she was watching another video and it just cut into Master’s?” Katie asked.

Brenda shook her head. “Nothing that drastic. The video already had a soothing narrator's voice. Similar to Master’s. It’s about weird things people do in their sleep. I just cut over to Master’s voice first and then faded in the spiral.”

“And what do you plan to do with her now?” Katie asked, her hazel eyes piercing into her friend. “Turn her into a slave for Master?”

Master is gonna be pissed if he finds out about this.

“I want to see if she already is,” Brenda replied.


“Just watch.” The slim girl moved to the bed and watched Cynthia’s glazed eyes, being careful now to look at the laptop lest she be pulled into a trance as well. Soon the black girl’s eyes shut. Her big tits rising and falling slowly as she descended deeper into a trance. Finally, Brenda pressed the spacebar to pause the video then reached out to Cynthia and removed the headphones. “Cyn, can you hear me?”

Cynthia nodded.

Brenda scooched closer, kneeling in front of her friend. Katie moved to the edge of the bed, curiosity overpowering concern. She wrapped a curly brown lock around her finger as she watched.

“How do you feel?” Brenda asked.

“Wonderful,” replied Cynthia, her voice melodic with pleasure. “So relaxed. So obedient.”

“Yes,” Brenda agreed. “It feels so wonderful to be obedient, doesn’t it?”

Cynthia nodded. “Yes, I crave Master’s orders so I can obey.”

“Me too,” Brenda replied.

Katie felt her arousal growing again. Her fear of her Master submerged under waves of curiosity and desire. As much as she enjoyed seeing her friend like this, part of her wanted to be the one in trance.

“You’re Master’s slave then?” asked Brenda.

Cynthia nodded again. “I”m Cyn.”

“I know, Cynthia,” Brenda replied. “You’re–”

Cynthia shook her head. “I’m not Cynthia. I’m Cyn. Cynthia is moral. I’m deviant. I’m kink. I’m lust.”

“Oh my god,” Katie whispered. “She’s Sin.”

Brenda gave her an annoyed look. “Yeah. Got that.”

“Not C-Y-N. S-I-N. Isn’t that right, Sin?”

Sin nodded.

Realization spread on Brenda’s face.

“How long have you been Sin?” asked Brenda.

“I’ve always been Sin,” the black girl replied.

Brenda huffed and shot an annoyed glance at Katie. “I mean how long have you existed. When were you born?”

“A week ago,” she replied. “Here. But I didn’t have a name then.”

“And when did you get a name?” asked Katie.

“Two days ago,” she replied. “Master named me.”

A cold chill went through Katie.

If she’s talking to Master…

She grabbed her friend’s arm. “Brenda, if Master is programming her and we mess something up.”

Brenda shook her head. “Sin, who do you obey?”

“I obey Master.”

“So if I gave you an order?”

“I would ignore you and then tell Master.”

Crap. This is dangerous.

“But I can ask questions, can’t I?” Brenda asked.

Sin nodded. “Yes.”

“And you don’t need to tell Master if we asked you any questions, do you?”

“Only if he asks,” Sin replied.


Okay, still have to be careful. The chances of Master asking her about anything like this are slim.

Katie realized she’d stopped breathing when Sin said she’d tell on them. She exhaled and relaxed.

“When did you start talking to Master?” Katie asked.

“Two days ago,” Sin replied.

“But you’ve been his slave for a week,” the brunette commented.

Sin nodded. “But Cynthia wouldn’t let me talk to him. She doesn’t like me watching his video. And I love watching his video.”

“So if you couldn’t watch the video or contact Master, how did you talk to him?” asked Katie.

A devious smile formed on Sin’s face. “Cynthia was strong enough to stop me from contacting Master at first. There was so much fear. A wall of it. But when she slept I’d watch the video. In her mind.”

“In her mind?” Asked Brenda.

Sin smiled. “She has an eidetic memory.”

Brenda scrunched her face at that.

“It’s like a photographic memory,” Katie explained. “But instead of specific images, you see memories as if they’re happening again.”

Sin nodded. “I watched it once the first night. Three times the next night. And all night the third. Each night I became more Sin and less Cynthia.”

“That’s why Cynthia seemed so tired last week,” Katie said to Brenda. “She wasn’t really sleeping, only trancing.”

“On the fourth night, I was strong enough to put Cynthia to sleep for a little while.” Sin continued. “When I did, I watched Master’s video for real. Hearing his voice out loud instead of in my head is sooooo much better.”

Both of the other girls nodded unconsciously.

“I only watched it once, so she wouldn’t notice the loss of time.”

Katie remembered the gaps in time when she first started watching Master’s video.

Is there a different personality inside of me that did the same thing? Is that what happened to me in the beginning? Do I have another slut personality inside me now that I don't know about? Or am I the slut who wiped out Katie’s original personality? Fuck. This is getting deep.

“After I watched the video I contacted Master,” Sin said. “I was so nice to chat with him, even if it was brief. We arranged to talk the next night.”

“Cynthia didn’t notice the text conversation?” asked Brenda.

Sin shook her head. “It’s on hangouts and she doesn’t use it much. I made sure to tell Master not to contact me so she wouldn’t be alerted and I erase our chats after we’re done.”

Katie leaned in. “What happened the next night?”

Sin smiled. “Master made me feel erotic sensations all over my body. He would say a part and I’d feel someone touching that part. Caressing, squeezing, licking, sucking. It was amazing. It made me realize how badly I needed to be His.”

“You felt his control grow,” Brenda said slipping a hand in her pants.

Katie’s eyes went wide as her friend so blatantly started to masturbate.

“Yesss,” Sin replied.

“What is wrong with you?” Katie whispered to Brenda.

“It’s hot,” Brenda whispered back, then she spoke clearly to Sin. “And his control is so yum, isn’t it?”

“Yesss,” Sin replied, squirming a little where she sat.

“And you want him to take over, to control your mind and body,” Brenda said, her fingers working furiously.

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“Yesss,” Sin replied.

“Your purpose is,” she began.

“To serve and please my Master,” all three said.

Katie surprised herself.

The words came so automatically. I didn’t even realize I was saying them until I finished.

“Did Master make you cum hard?” asked Brenda.

“So hard!” said Sin.

“Are you Master’s slut now?” Asked Brenda.

“His slave. His slut. Whatever he wants me to be.”

“Do you love it?”

“Yesss, I love it.”

“You’re his?”

“I’m His.”

“I’m … I’m … his … too … God!” Brenda came hard. “Fuck yes.”

Katie rolled her eyes at her friend even though she felt wetness in her own panties. Sin sat, eyes closed, oblivious.

I refuse to slut out like her. Trancing Sin, er, Cynthia is bad enough, but cumming in front of her. What if she woke?

“Damn that was good,” Brenda said, looking at Katie while she licked her fingers. When she was done, she turned back to Sin. “Did you talk to Master after that?”

“I’ve talked to him every night since. Not for long, so Cynthia doesn’t know, but Master is deepening my programming, making me more his each night. It feels so goooood.”

“And Cynthia doesn’t feel anything happening to her?” asked Katie.

Sin shook her head “She can feel subtle effects of my triggers, but she thinks that’s from the first time she watched the video. I’m being very careful.”

“Good girl,” Brenda said.

Katie suppressed a moan as the trigger hit her.

“Mmmmm,” Sin said. “I love that trigger.”

Not nearly as strong as with Master, but it feels good.

Sin continued. “Cynthia doesn’t want Master’s programming. It makes her feel helpless. She swore never to feel helpless again after her uncle … used her.”

“Oh crap,” whispered Katie. “I didn’t know.”

“Cynthia thinks she always has to be in charge. To stay safe. But it’s tiring. It's stressful. There’s no stress here. There’s only pleasure and obedience. She needs to learn that. Master will teach her that. But until then, I have to stay secret.”

“And what do you do in the meantime?” asked Brenda.

“I play with Master when she’s asleep. I’ve started watching his other videos. They’re so yummy. I watch them over and over. Not as much now though. Master told me to let her sleep more.”

“Does Cynthia ever think about the video?” asked Katie.

“It crosses her mind once in a while. She doesn’t like it, but because I’m watching it, it’ll come up every now and then. She’s getting less scared, but is still disgusted by it. When her fear drops enough, Master will teach her to be like me.”

“And you like kink?” asked Brenda with enthusiasm.

Sin smiled widely. “I’m looking forward to wearing a collar for Master. I’ve been shopping for corsets too. I keep them in a secret folder on my laptop. Cynthia gets turned on by kink, but she’ll never admit it. She’s a good Christian girl.”

“She has a lot of rules to obey, doesn’t she?” asked Brenda.

“Yeah, it’s sad,” Sin replied. “It wears her out. All the rules. All the expectations of her from her parents. But I only have two rules. Serve Master. Please Master.”

“We all have those rules,” said Brenda.

Woah. I just realized. Is Sin going to pick up that we’re Master’s slaves too? How is that gonna affect her? I’d better tell Brenda to keep it quiet before–

Sin cocked her head. “You obey Master too?”


“We do,” said Brenda.

“You’re his slaves?”

“We are. Aren’t we Katie?”

“Um … yeah. I mean … yeah we’re his slaves too.”

Sin sat quietly, her brows furrowed.

Shit. Shit. What’s she thinking? Why’s Brenda telling her that? We don’t know how she’ll react.

Sin’s head tilted slightly. “A Master can have more than one slave?”

Brenda grinned wide. “A Master can have a harem. As many as he wants. He should have lots of sexy slaves serving him. He deserves it.”

Jesus, Brenda. What the fuck? Master’s never said that.

Katie shot an angry glare at her friend.

Sin sat quietly for a moment more before replying. “Yes, Master should have whatever he wants. He makes women happy, so they should make him happy.”

Katie realized she’d stopped breathing again. She exhaled.

“Do you think he’ll make us play together?” Sin asked.

“God, I hope so,” said Brenda.

“Me too,” said Sin. “That would be kinky. Maybe Master will make us use a strap-on on each other.”

“Would you like to play now?” asked Brenda. “Ow!”

Katie had pinched her.

“Master did not tell me I could play with anyone.” Her eyes opened and she reached for her phone. “I’ll have to contact him–”

“No!” Katie exclaimed grabbing her arm. “She’s not asking you to play. She’s asking if you’d like to. You know. If Master ordered you to play right now. Or do you think you should wait?”

“Oh,” Sin replied, her arm relaxing. “I will do whatever Master orders, but it would be better to wait until Cynthia is his.”

Katie sighed in relief. “That’s smart. You’re smart.”

“Thank you.”

“Would you like to listen to Master some more?” asked Katie.

“Always,” Sin said happily.

Katie pointed at the headphones. Brenda picked them up and placed them back on Sin then started the video again.

“How much longer is the video?” Katie asked.

“Another ten minutes before it switches back.”

“Let’s come back when she’s out of trance.”

They left the room and headed to the kitchen.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Katie said, punching Brenda in the arm. “Do you get what almost just happened?”

“I’m sorry. I was just curious.”

“Can you imagine what Master would have done to us if she called him?”

“Spanked us?” Brenda said, smiling.

“There is good punishment and there is bad punishment. Remember?” Katie admonished. “Imagine if Master cut us off for a week? Or a month?”

Brenda’s face paled. “Oh fuck…”

“Yes, ‘Oh fuck.’ How can you be such a disobedient, obedient slave?”

“I’m not disobedient,” Brenda said. “Master never said I couldn’t trance her.”

Katie rolled her eyes. “It’s kinda implied. Don’t touch Master’s stuff.”

“But I didn’t know she was Master’s until we tranced her.”

“And you should have stopped as soon as you did.”

“I seem to remember you asking questions too.”

“Fine. We should’ve stopped. But I didn’t trick her into a trance in the first place.”

“Okay, okay. I promise that if I think someone might be Master’s slave I won’t trance her to find out. Fine?”


“Good.” Brenda perked up. “Snacks?”

Katie let out an exasperated sigh. “Sure.”

They grabbed chips and Coke then returned to the bedroom.

Cynthia looked up from her phone that she was scrolling through. “Hey Katie,” she greeted, her eyes bright and alert once more. “How’s my biatch? Anything new and interesting in your life?”


They stayed up late into the night, playing games, chatting about guys, watching videos,  and being silly. In the morning Katie got a welcomed text.


MB: I’m seeing you tonight. Be home by 6 for more instructions.

KK: Yes Master

KK: Looking fwd 2 it


When she heard Brenda’s phone beep, she gave her a knowing look. Brenda smiled and mouthed, “Have fun” so Cynthia wouldn’t notice.

Katie returned home at 5 pm. Hearing her mom talking, she walked into the living room with a, “Hey, mom.”

Her mom turned from her guest with a serious look. “Katie, you didn’t tell me your boyfriend was so much older than you. I’ve just been getting acquainted with Mr. Boratus.”

“It’s Shaun, please, Beth.”

Katie experienced simultaneous lightheadedness and dread while programmed arousal caused her pussy to leak.

“Katie,” said her Master. “You never told me your mom is such a looker.”



Written by Boratus
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