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Hypno-Submission Pt. 05

"College girls stumble on an erotic hypnosis video on YouTube"

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Part 5: Brenda

The title of the video piqued Brenda’s curiosity. “Hypno-slave Induction for Women.” Her last boyfriend was an asshole. She stayed in that relationship far too long, despite almost every friend telling her to leave him. They couldn’t understand why she put up with him telling her what to do like he owned her. He’d get angry and jealous when whenever another guy even looked at her, let alone talked to her. And her friends would find the occasional bruise. Why had she stayed for so long? Because when he gave her an order, her pussy leaked. When he took her sexually, her orgasms were off the chart. When he acted like he owned her, she felt safe somehow. And the spankings. Why did that pain make her orgasms volcanic? She knew it was weird. Hell, she knew it was a certain level of insane. But that didn't change how being controlled like that turned her on like nothing else.

She was able to leave eventually. Frank kept upping in the control, but not in a good, sexy, erotic way. He did it in the misogynistic, overbearing, abusive way. And that eventually became too much for Brenda. She dumped him, he got angry, she called the cops, and now he was away for a very long time.

Then along came Kyle. He was sweet, kind, hell, he was chivalrous. He was the kind of boyfriend that made other girlfriends jealous. When they made love, he cared about her needs, her pleasure. The problem was that when he could make her orgasm, which was rare, not one of them was as powerful as the ones with Frank. Although he was loving, she craved to be taken and used. Although he valued her opinion, she missed the feeling of being controlled. She didn’t want to be asked, she wanted to be told.

At first, she thought something was wrong with her. She read about captives that fell in love with their kidnappers and thought this might be what she was experiencing with regard to Frank. Eventually, however, she came across a BDSM video. She discovered submissives and slaves. The world was full of them, all with their own personalized kinks. She knew what she was. She knew what she wanted.

It was no coincidence that this video had popped up in her feed while the girls were over. She hoped the others wouldn't wonder about it. She’d watched enough videos at this point that YouTube knew what she liked, never mind the other sites she frequented. She’d never considered the hypnotic aspect of what she desired, however, and now that it had been presented to her, she didn't want to let this opportunity slip away.

“Should we watch it?” she asked.

Katie turned her head to face Brenda, her curly brown locks lifting in the swing. Brenda quickly masked her desire, showing only playful curiosity.

“Hell no!” Cynthia chimed in before she could answer. The black girl shook her head adamantly, her thick afro bouncing a little. “There’s no telling what that thing will do to us.”

Brenda took that moment to go through the comments. She wanted this to be real. She needed this to be real.

LL: So relaxing and a joy to listen to. I feel wonderful and would like to feel this pleasure again and again.

JL: I feel wonderful and eager to be given more commands. I will obey.

Not bad, but not great.

“You don’t even know if it’ll work,” Katie said. “It’s a YouTube video. It’s probably just crap.”

AN: Master that felt really good. I was so blank and empty. please can I have more commands?

TS: I obey and serve my master. He gives me pleasure.

Mmmmm, that’s better.

“I dunno,” Brenda said. “Look at the comments.”

Brenda scrolled down so the other girls could read.

LK: I love knowing I cannot fight. Giving in and surrendering is the only way.

Oh hell yes.

“Oh my God,” she gasped. “It looks like it works.”

Cynthia scrunched her face in disgust, though her brown eyes held some fear in them. “Why would people even want to watch this, knowing how it affected those other people? You’re setting yourself up to be controlled by a complete stranger!”

Because being controlled is sexy as fuck, not that you’ll ever know.

“Some girls have a control fetish,” Brenda said as calmly as she could. “This video has thousands of views, so there’s definitely something to it.”

She glanced at Katie. Something was going on in her, but she couldn't tell exactly what. Desire? Fear? Both?

What if she feels the same way about this as I do?

Cynthia huffed. “The idea of handing over my mind to someone else is just so..”

“Scary?” asked Brenda. Her question was directed more to Katie to see if they were on the same page or not. The others didn’t notice.

“Ridiculous,” said Cynthia. “Disgusting even. And definitely dangerous.”

Brenda rolled her eyes.

Girl, you don't know shit. OK, maybe the dangerous part, but that depends on the person not the idea.

Cynthia was beautiful with big tits, small waist, and thick thighs. Brenda had never been turned on by her dominant personality though. She wasn't sure why, since dominance was such an aphrodisiac to her, but she suspected that part of her felt that men should be dominant and women submissive. That was the dynamic in Brenda’s household. Although her dad wouldn't be considered a Dom, he was definitely in charge when it came to her mom, herself, and her sister.

Brenda quickly memorized the name of the video, so she could come back to it after the girls left.

“So, something else?” she asked.

As Cynthia began to nod her agreement, Katie piped in, “I kind of want to see what it does.”


When Cynthia turned to Katie in shock, Katie added, “Not to get hypnotized. I’m curious to see what he says and what the video shows that would make girls get hypnotized.”

Aw. That's not as much fun, but okay.

“We can play a bit at a time,” she suggested. “Do it in spurts, so it doesn’t affect us.”

“I don’t know…” Cynthia said.

“Just the first minute,” said Katie. “One minute’s not gonna do anything to us. I mean, the video’s twenty-three minutes long. And we can stop every couple sentences.”

Cynthia gave a resigned shrug. “Fine. Just the first minute. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Brenda pressed play and the video started. A deep voice told them to make themselves comfortable while a spiral rotated on the screen and a ball moved back and forth like a pendulum. The girls had all seen shows where a pendulum was used to hypnotize people and the combination of this and the spiral pulled their gaze in powerfully. Brenda hit the space bar to pause the video. They were only twenty seconds in.

“I like his voice,” she said. “It’s soothing.”

Katie nodded. “Me too. I wonder what he looks like.”

“Did you notice that when he said take a deep breath, we all did?” Brenda asked.

“Did we?” said Katie. “I was focused on the screen. Wow. I guess it works fast.”

Cynthia didn’t say anything, but neither of the other two girls expected her to compliment the maker of the video. Brenda hit the space bar again.

The voice continued, “Your body is beginning to feel heavier, your movements sluggish... It could be that you just don’t want to move... because moving means you need to stop listening... And you definitely don't want to stop listening…”

Brenda was reaching for the space bar when she heard those words. He was right. She didn’t want to stop listening. She definitely didn’t want to stop listening. She let her hand drop to her lap, and the three girls continued to watch the video.

The words she had longed to hear started to come from the video. Control. Obedience. Submit. Good girl.

He repeated, "good girl," every so often. And each time it felt better when she heard it. He told her to feel proud when she obeyed. He told her to feel pleasure in control. He told her to breathe in submission and breathe out resistance. He told her he was her Master.

Master. Oh God, yes, I need a Master so badly.

Finally, he told her she could consciously forget what he had said, but absorb it all. She didn't want to forget. She needed to remember, because this was what she needed so badly. Still, some of it receded into her subconscious. Orders he had given her that she must obey whenever he gave them again. That was okay. She wanted to obey orders. She didn't actually care which ones they were specifically as long as she could obey. It had been so long since she obeyed.

Then he told her to contact him when she woke. She was going to do that anyway, but she was happy to hear that he wanted her to. The next thing she knew she was wide awake, refreshed, energized, and happy.

“That wasn’t that bad,” she said. “I mean, parts of it were over-the-top,” she continued trying to downplay the experience, “but on the whole, it was relaxing.”

“You remember it?” asked Katie.

Brenda nodded. “Most of it. I zoned out now and then, but I do that during lectures, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t go under.”

God, I hope I went under. I want this to work.

Cynthia gave both of them a confused glance. “What are you two talking about?”

“The video,” said Brenda. “Do you remember much of it?”

A hint of fear joined the confusion in Cynthia’s eyes. “But we haven’t watched yet, have we?”

Brenda chuckled. “Girl, look at the time. It’s almost half an hour later than when we started.”

Cynthia clenched her fists. “But… But… We were supposed to stop after a minute.”

“We stopped after twenty seconds,” said Katie. “Don’t you remember?”

“Oh my God!” Brenda giggled. “Did the high and mighty Cynthia get tranced after just twenty seconds?”

Maybe this will give you a well-deserved taste of submission.

More and more panic filled Cynthia’s face. “Oh my God. I just… I mean… What do you?… Am I?” Her breaths were quick and short, on the verge of hyperventilation. Her large breasts rose.

Jesus, if she heaves her chest any more, her buttons will pop.

Katie took her hands. “Calm down, Cynthia. Just try to relax.”

“Relax?” exclaimed Cynthia. “Don’t say that! What if I’m programmed to go into a trance whenever someone says that?”

Brenda rolled her eyes. “Seriously? If that were the case, does it look like it worked?”

I hope it worked.

Katie continued to try and calm her friend. “It’s okay Cynthia. Nothing in that video is going to suddenly turn you into some sort of hypnotic slave.”

I thought that was the point.

Cynthia’s eyes went wide with disbelief. “Excuse me?” she exclaimed. “Can you read the title of the video again?”

Katie looked over at the computer again, and sure enough, the words hadn’t changed. “Hypno–slave induction for women.” She shook her head at Cynthia. “No, I mean Brenda remembers almost all of it. And she doesn’t remember any codewords or, what are they called?”

Brenda tapped the tip of her small upturned nose, her blue eyes smiling at Cynthia’s predicament. “Triggers.”

She hadn’t actually known the word before the video, but she knew now, and she knew they were in there. She just didn't know which ones were there, and she didn't care. She wanted them there.

“Triggers,” Katie repeated. “Do you, Brenda?”

Brenda shook her head, her blonde hair flowing. “I think you’re good. I mean, do you have an uncontrollable urge to go out and suck cock or something?”

There was no mention of cock sucking in the video, so you shouldn't.

Cynthia shook her head, finally starting to calm down.

“Is that what he said in the video?” asked Katie.

Brenda shook her head again. “It was more stuff like ‘You love being obedient. You need me to take control. You feel horny… In need… So wet… Good girl.”

Woah, that was weird. I felt like I was slipping back into trance. And saying, “Good girl,” felt so good.

Katie gave a quizzical look to Brenda.

Did she just shudder?

“I don’t remember a thing,” said Cynthia. “And it’s freaking me out that I don’t remember any time passing.”

Maybe another dose will help. I'm certainly up for watching it again.

“If you’re worried about what was in the video,” she said, reaching for the keyboard. “I could play it aga–”

“No!” Cynthia propelled herself away from the screen. Her chair tilted backward, spilling her onto the floor. The scene didn’t embarrass her in her panic. She stood up and took another step back. “No way I’m ever watching another hypnosis video! I’m so done with this.”

“Okay, okay,” Brenda soothed. “We’ll watch some anime.”

“I’m just gonna head home,” said Cynthia. “I need some air.” She grabbed her book bag before glancing back and pointing. “And I need to get the fuck away from that thing.”

“I’m gonna head out too,” said Katie. “This was … Well, I’m not sure what this was.”

Brenda opened her mouth to say something witty, but realized her thoughts echoed Katie’s, but she also wanted them out so that she could contact Master.


BW: Hello Master.

She sat, staring at her phone.

Is he there?

The video had given his email, his google hangouts, and a couple other ways to reach him. It was a few years old though.

What if he created it and forgot it? What if he got the slave he wanted from it already?

Calm down, Brenda. This is the first master you’ve found. There have to be a lot more out there. You just haven't actually looked for any.

She started searching hypnosis and BDSM. Erotic hypnosis was popular. She discovered they actually held conferences on it across the US. She found discussions. There were brainwashing forums.

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There are brainwashing forums!

The thought of losing her will to someone, being mindlessly obedient, had her frigging her clit to multiple orgasms as she read the threads.

MB: Hello pet

Her heart fluttered when she looked at the screen.

Oh fuck, he's here.

She quickly licked the cum off her fingers and wiped them on her bed.

BW: I watched ur video and contacted u as ordered.

Ordered. It feels so good to obey again.

MB: Good girl

A wave of pressure washed through her body.

There it is! I knew it was a trigger. It feels so damn good.

MB: How did you feel after watching it?

BW: I felt great. Relaxed.

She paused.

I have to let him know.

BW: Obedient

MB: Good girl

God, that's such a good trigger. It's not just pleasure. It's pride.

MB: Do you remember much of what was in the video?

BW: most

BW: I no u told me to submit n be obedient but I wanted 2 do that anyway

MB: You wanted to submit?

BW: yes, I realized recently I'm a natural sub.

BW: Being a slave is just what I've been looking for.

Once she started typing, she couldn't seem to stop herself.

BW: I miss being controlled

BW: my ex used 2 control me n turned me on like crazy

BW: r u gonna take control of me?

MB: I already have

She felt her panties get soaked.

Yes, take control. Please.

MB: Do you remember your triggers?

BW: no. but I remember that triggers were installed

BW: and obviously good girl is a trigger because it makes me feel soooo good when you type it

MB: It is. Good girl.

BW: Damn that feels good. How r u doing that?

MB: have you ever seen a bug crawling and then somehow felt something crawling on your skin? And then you look at there's nothing there? That's your mind making it real for you. It's the same principle.

BW: So anything u tell me to feel I feel?

MB: Essentially

MB: Would you like to see how well it works?

She smiled. Her body shivered with anticipation of what she hoped was about to happen.

BW: Are u going to trance me now?

She put a lock of blonde in her mouth in anticipation

MB: Who said I didn't already?

Something had changed. She heard his voice in her head when she read his words. It felt like he was narrating the text or that the text spoke. It made everything more powerful. The lock of hair wasn’t in her mouth either. But she’d just put it there.

BW: well when the video tranced me I could still remember things, so I would expect the same thing if u put me under

MB: that's only if you want to remember

MB: if you crave control, total control, then you'll hand your mind over to me completely and only remember when I tell you to remember.

BW: I guess that's true

BW: but we haven't gone that far yet

BW: we just started chatting

MB: Have we?

MB: What time is it?

Brenda looked over at the clock on her desk. Over an hour had passed.

What the fuck?


And then the orgasm hit. She felt it build quickly, realizing only then how aroused she was.

He had me under over an hour! I don't even remember being given a trigger word. God knows what he told me. What I told him! What I might've done!

Those thoughts only added to the power of the orgasm. It exploded out from her pussy, through her body. It was all she could think about. It was all she wanted. And then, finally, it began to subside. Panting, she searched for her phone that had slipped from her grasp in her throes of ecstasy. She picked it up, need consuming her. She had to tell him. It wasn't real if she didn't tell him. It couldn't truly happen if she didn't call him what he was.

BW: Thank you, Master

MB: Good girl

That wave of happiness washed through her again, but it was so much bigger this time. He was rewarding her for completing her task. He was rewarding her for knowing who he was. He was rewarding her for knowing who and what she was.

MB: What are you?

BW: I’m ur obedient slave Master

It felt so good to tell him that. A part of her felt she had told him that before. More than once.

MB: Good girl

MB: Do you like being my obedient slave?

BW: I love it Master

BW: I've needed it 4 so long

BW: ty for making me urs Master

MB: Good girl

MB: You're welcome

MB: Where do you live, slave?

BW: Ontario Canada Master

BW: I guess ur...

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Written by Boratus
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