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Hypno-Submission Pt. 04

"College girls stumble on an erotic hypnosis video on YouTube"

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Part 4: Katie


Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.

God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …

How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.

Jesus, that man is doing a number on my mind. Maybe I'm taking things too far. Maybe I should stop this, stop talking to him, even block him.

Oh well, I'll deal with it later. Got to get ready for school.

She slipped out from her bed and stretched.

Ooooooo, muscles are a little sore today, and my ass hurts. What's with that? Oh well, hot shower should help with all that.

She headed for the bathroom, humming a song along the way. Despite the dream, she still felt great. Today was going to be an amazing day. She could feel it.

Walking into the bathroom, she slipped off her panties then pulled off the shirt she wore to bed. Her butt still hurt. When she saw herself in the mirror, her eyes widened and her breath caught.

Written across her chest in red marker, "obedient slut” glared back at her.

“What the fuck?”

She glanced down and, on her stomach, she read, “Master's cum dump" with an arrow pointing down to her pussy.

Her hands gripped the counter as the memories of last night came flooding back.


“Hello, Sir,” said Katie, her voice slightly distant.

“Hello, pet,” replied Master Boratus.

"I came as you ordered," she said almost robotically.

"Yes, you did," said Master Boratus. "Good girl.”

A wave of pleasure moved through her body.

“Ohhhhh. Thank you, Sir.”

"Are you enjoying our game?" Asked Master Boratus.

She nodded.

"Consciously, I am resisting. It feels so delicious. But I know, ultimately, I will become yours.”


Katie’s hand went to her clit as the memories continued. She had never remembered what happened while she was in trance before, but apparently, Master Boratus wanted her to experience this over again.

She glanced at the words on her body again and realized that they had been written backwards on her so she could read them properly in the mirror.


The milk chocolate coloured man smiled at her, his expression of satisfaction evident. She took in his shaved head, slim body, and angular face. His deep brown eyes pierced her, and in them, she saw the spiral from the video. The longer she looked, the deeper she felt herself slip into trance.

“Perhaps, after you submit completely, I will reset everything and make you fight your submission over and over again.”

She moaned at the thought. "Yes, Master. I would enjoy that."

"Or perhaps I will simply keep you, completely controlled, completely owned. Would you like that?"

She nodded. She was soaked, and yet she was tranced. Hypnotism was new to her so she didn't think she could be aroused and in trance at the same time. But every word he told her increased her arousal while simultaneously deepening her trance.

"I've been waiting for you to contact me and tell me you've submitted completely. What has stopped you up until now?.”

"I have been interrupted every time I came close to cumming. I know that cumming while following your orders will drop me completely into your control. I'm still resisting it consciously, but I need it. I need it so badly."

The dark man nodded. “Yes, you do. You need to submit. You need to obey. Tell me."

"I need to submit. I need to obey."

"Tell me again, and feel it become more true when you say it.”

"I need to submit. I need to obey."

"Tell me again, and feel that need grow."

"I need to submit. I need to obey."

"Tell me again, and feel yourself becoming the complete hypnotic slave you truly are."

"I need to submit. I need to obey."

She was so wound up that if something touched her clit she would explode in orgasm.

"What are you?"

"I am your obedient slave.”

"Do you love being obedient slave?"

"Yes, Master, so much."

And must you obey all my orders?"

"Yes, Master, while I am in trance I must obey all your orders."

"Only while you are in trance?"

"Yes, Master, until I cum while following your orders, I am not your slave while I am awake."

“And when you cum while following my orders you become mine both consciously and subconsciously?"

"Yes, Master."

"What if you cum while following my orders while you were still in trance?"

"If I cum while following your orders I'll become your slave both consciously and subconsciously.”

"Good girl.”

Again, pleasure washed through her body mixed with happiness and pride. "Ohhhhhh."

"And while you are in trance you must follow all my orders?"

"Yes, Master. While in trance I am yours. I am owned. I cannot resist. I do not want to resist."

"Good girl."


"Get up and follow me."

Master Boratus rose from the table and headed back out the door. Katie obediently trailed behind it.

They arrived at his car, a blue Tesla. He opened the passenger door.

"Get in,” he ordered.

Katie slipped into the car while Master Boratus walked around and got in the driver's side.

“Put your seatbelt on.”

Katie obeyed.

"In a moment I'm going to wake you. When I do, you will be fully alert and able to talk and react as your normal self. However, you will not be able to leave the car, do any damage, or disturb my driving in any way. Understood?”

"Yes, Master.”

"Good girl."


"When I tell you, ‘Begin,’ you will start playing with yourself. You will not be able to stop playing with yourself unless I tell you, ‘Release.’ You will continue to play with yourself until you need to cum. You will not be able to cum without my permission. You will not be able to stop playing with yourself unless I tell you, ‘Release’ or you cum. Understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"What happens when you cum while directly following my orders?”

"I become completely yours, Master, whether I am conscious or unconscious.”

“Good girl.”


"Wake pet."

Katie glanced around the car, stunned. "What the fuck? How did I get here?"

"You got in as ordered."

"I what? This is kidnapping."

"Only if you're here against your will.”

Katie wanted to punch him, but held herself back, though she wasn’t sure why. "Do I sound like I want to be here, asshole?”

“Your words and your actions are two different things.”

"Look, Master, I mean Mister, I've been enjoying this game, but it's just been a game. This is way too real. I'm done and I want out.”

She glanced at the door, but made no move to open it.

"I have a better idea,” he said, his voice smooth and sure. “Let's play another game.”

"Are you fucking crazy? I said I'm done with games, and I want out.”

She didn’t notice that he’d stopped at a light and she wasn’t using the opportunity to bolt.

"One last game,” Master Boratus said calmly. "If you still want to leave when we're done then I won't stop you. I will take you right back to the restaurant and leave you and never bother you again."

"And what's involved in this game?" Katie asked, wary. "Are you going to see what it takes to fuck me? That's what this is all about isn't it?"

"This is all about control, pet. Truth pet, you love being controlled, don't you?”

"Of course I do," Katie replied. "Shit. How do you get me to say that?"

"But it's true, isn't it?"

"What if it is?" she challenged. "That doesn't justify what you're doing?"

"It does if you asked me to do it."

"What do you–“


Katie’s hands reached down to her skirt, pulled it up, slipped into her panties, and begin working her clit.

"What the fuck?"

"Feels good doesn't it?"

"Make it stop."

“Truth, pet, does it feel good? Do you love it?"

"It feels amazing. I love it. No! Make it stop!”

"If you really don't want my control, you can make it stop and you can leave. But if you want my control, if you crave it, like I know you do, then you're going to keep playing until you cum.”

Katie didn't know what to feel. Her arousal was growing rapidly but, at the same time, she wanted to resist. She wanted to stop him. Master Boratus reached over and flipped her visor down, then lifted its vanity mirror cover. She stared at the girl in the mirror. She barely recognized herself. Lust filled that girl’s eyes. There was a wildness to her that was both enticing and scary. That girl was a slut. A horny, needy, slut.

“Oh God,” she moaned as her fingers worked their magic. "What happens if I cum?"

"When you cum,” he corrected. “You become mine. My slave. Mind, body, and soul.”

She almost came right then from his words. Despite the insanity of them, the ridiculousness of her becoming his slave completely, the idea turned her on like nothing before. Still, she resisted. She loved the idea of control. She couldn’t deny that. That’s what brought her down this path. But complete slavery?

“No!” She exclaimed. "That's not what I signed up for? Control games, sure. But your slave? What does that even mean?”

"It means you follow any order I gave you, anytime, anywhere."

"Are you kidding? What about my life?”

"Slavery will be your life.” His voice was so matter-of-fact, so confident.

Just the way he talks makes it sound so good.

"But if you're worried about your education,” he continued, “and your interactions with others, on the surface that will remain the same. For now anyway.”

"You're insane. I'll never agree to that."

"You're missing the point, pet," Master Boratus said. “Cumming means that you agree to it wholeheartedly.”

Do it. Give in. You want this.


She focused her will into resisting. Her hands slowed a little but didn't stop. And then, as if in defiance to that resistance, one of her hands slipped two fingers into her pussy and pumped.

“Oh God!”

So much better.

"Problem, pet?"

"I … I need to cum." She was panting. "I don't want to, but I need to."

"What's stopping you?”

Obey your Master.

"I don't know. It’s there. I can feel it. But it won't come."

"Yes," he said with a chuckle. "That's the guarantee we put in. We want to make sure that this is what you want and not what you're being forced to do. So, if you want to cum you must ask to cum.”


"Basically, if you want to be my slave, you must ask to be my slave. We're just using your orgasm as a metaphor.”

Her body was on overload. She needed this orgasm. What it meant terrified her, but if she didn't cum now she felt she would go mad.

"Fine," she spent. "Make me cum."

"That's an order, not a question. Try again.”

A slut obeys her Master.

“Fuck! OK, OK, can I cum?"

"Ask nicely."

"May I cum please?"

A slut cums for her Master.

"Better, but that's not quite it."

"Jesus, what the fuck do you want me to say?"

"May I cum and become your slave, Master?"

"No, no fucking way!”

Yes. Every fucking way. How about this?

Another finger slipped inside her while she worked her clit strategically, her subconscious making every move she loved.

Boratus smiled. "I have all night."

“Oh God. Oh God please. I can’t take it!”

"May I cum and become your slave, Master,” he repeated.

Her hand pumped furiously into her pussy. She cursed it for being on his side.

"Please, I'm begging you, may I cum?"

"May I cum and become your slave, Master.”

Say it. Say it, slut!

It was over. She felt it. She knew it.

“May I cum and become your slave, Master?" She begged.

"Cum, pet," he said as if it was something inconsequential.

Her body spasmed out of control. Her mind seemed to explode in white light, as though all resistance to remain who she was was being incinerated.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I’m cumming for you, Master!” She screamed.

Master Boratus drove calmly as though this was something that happened every day while she bucked and moaned, while her brain overwrote who she was using pleasure to erase any mental obstacle.


Katie picked herself up from the floor. The orgasm she had experienced from the memories was not nearly as powerful as the one in the car, but it was still strong enough to make her knees buckle and drop her.

"I belong to Master," she whispered, remembering herself repeating it over and over again in the car until the orgasms finally stopped.

She looked back in the mirror. The story hadn’t ended yet. She hadn't seen how the writing got there.


Katie breathed heavily, calming down from the most powerful orgasms of her life. She looked over at the man beside her and smiled lovingly. “Hello Master.”

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He smiled back. “Hello, pet. Did you enjoy that?”

She nodded. "Very much, Master. Maybe we can do it again later?"

"Maybe, pet, but there's still much adventure ahead for you yet. I'm taking you home to fuck you.”

“Mmmmm, yes, Master. You deserve my body in every way after putting up with all my resistance.”

"You're right, I do. Plus I have a surprise waiting."

"I love surprises, Master. I can't wait.”

“Now, I have to check,” Master said. “I can turn around and take you back. Do you want to go back?”

“No, Master?”

“Do you want to stay with me?”

“Yes please, Master?”

“What are you?”

“I’m Master’s obedient slave. I belong to Master, mind, body, and soul.”

“Good girl.”



They entered his home. Katie realized she didn't remember anything from the time he told her, “Good girl,” until this moment.

Master must've been programming me. Yum.

His large living room contained two black, leather couches facing each other with a glass coffee table in between them. To one side of the couches -her left from where they came in- sat two black, leather reclining chairs, with built-on cupholders, separated by an end-table on which sat a few remotes. A lower compartment contained video game controllers. On the wall on the other side of the couches hung an 80-inch television. She spied surround-sound speakers around the room. This was definitely a bachelor’s place.

Bay windows behind the two recliners gave a view of the street when the curtains were opened, which they weren’t at the moment. An entrance in the wall just before the TV led to the kitchen while another hall beyond the far couch led to other rooms.

"Pick a couch and stand in front of it," her master ordered.

Katie happily obeyed, placing herself before the closest couch. She already fantasized several times about him taking her, and now it was about to happen. He took off his jacket and came to stand in front of her.

"Just as sexy as in your pictures," he said.

Her eyebrows scrunched. "I don't remember sending you pictures, Master."

He smiled knowingly. "You didn't."

"Then how-“

“Hush.” He put a finger to her lips. “Stand still." Turning around, he moved the coffee table until it sat against the far couch, giving them plenty of room. An area rug that extended under both couches, but ended just before the recliners, gave them a soft cushion should they take their activities to the floor.

Boratus turned again and sat down on the couch. "Strip," he ordered.

Katie hurriedly removed all her clothes, then stood facing him. Her large breasts stood out proudly. Her inch long nipples were so hard they ached. She wanted him to put his mouth over them and suck. Her master simply leaned back in the couch one arm along the top, his legs spread casually, as he admired his slave. He glanced to her dark bush, trimmed and neat. A trickle of cum ran down her leg. Her tummy wasn’t flat, but neither did it hang. And though her thighs were thick, he nodded appreciatively at them and her round ass.

“You love being helpless, don’t you?” He asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.”


Even though she’d given herself to him, those waves of pleasure continued to reinforce his control. They trained her to behave so he could call her “Good girl” again. A part of her realized he was programming an addiction into her. The rest of her didn’t care.

"I must say, having a girl request that she struggle and fight through submission is a new one, but it was fun. I will probably try it out slowly over weeks next time. But other factors were at play this time around."

"Other factors, Master?”

"You'll see soon enough." He reached into the cushions of the couch and pulled out a ten-inch doll. It resembled her, she noticed, with its long, curly brown hair.

As she wondered what it was for, he raised one of its arms and one of her arms shot up into the air.


He lowered the arm, and her arm fell as well. He lifted both arms down and her body mimicked the movements she saw. Holding the doll back, while reaching out to her, he felt her pussy.

“Soaking," he said. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them. "And tasty.”

Placing the doll in his lap, he began to play with its breasts. She immediately felt pleasure through her own tits. She took in every movement he was making on the doll, her mind processing what it must feel like, and sending that feeling through her body.

"Oh God, Master," she moaned. "It feels so good."

"I can do this over video chat from now on," he told her. Then he lifted the doll to his mouth, turning his head sideways so she could see as he ran his tongue along its clit and pussy.

Her eyes roll back as an invisible tongue began to work on her. “Master!"

Pulling his head back, he smacked the doll’s ass. Katie jumped.


“So useful, this doll,” Master said, slipping it back between the cushions. “But more fun with it later.”

He stood up and undid his shirt, removing it, and throwing it onto the other couch. His chest was hairy, but not too much. Just above his belt on the right side was an appendix scar.

His pants came off next, along with his underwear. When his cock swung into view, she began to drool. Master smiled at her as he stood. He began to shift his body to make his cock sway. Her eyes followed. He smiled as he...

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Written by Boratus
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