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Hypno-Submission Pt. 02

"College girls stumble on an erotic hypnosis video on YouTube"

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Part 2: Katie


Master Boratus stood before her, although he just seemed a silhouette of a man.


Katie knelt in front of him, a few feet away, naked with a collar around her neck.


“Have you been a good girl?” he asked.


Her body shuddered at the words.


“Yes, Master,” she replied. “I haven’t cum like you ordered. I only cum when you let me.” She thought for a moment and felt into the words. “I only cum for you.”


“Good girl,” he said, smiling.


She shuddered again, a wave of pride and pleasure flowing through her.


His pants dropped to the floor. His cock dangled in front of her, still soft, but so perfect. Strangely, she couldn’t tell if it was big or small, thick or thin. She only knew that it was perfect.


“Make me cum,” he told her, “And I may let you cum.”


Her smile was that of a cat seeing its prey. And like a cat, she stalked on hands and knees to him. He admired the sensuousness of her movements, his cock lifting slightly in response. She wanted him to see her body, her full breasts, her thick spankable ass. She looked up at him through her curly brown locks that had a wildness to them, her hazel eyes sparkling with desire.


When she was in front of him she took his cock reverently in her hands, caressing it as she looked up into his eyes. He gave a slight nod. She understood his meaning and slipped his perfect member in her mouth. It felt so good sliding between her lips, along her tongue. Her head bobbed back and forth slowly, her need to please him increasing with each motion. She almost came when he stroked her head.


Speeding up the pace, she soon had the tip of his cock hitting her throat. She wanted as much of him in her, all of him if she could, not just his cock. She wanted, somehow, to pull his whole body inside of her, to pleasure all of him with her mouth.


When she felt his cock expand, she readied herself. His hand gripped her hair, signalling his climax. Sperm shot into her mouth, which she greedily swallowed. He shoved his cock deeper into her throat. She almost came again from the control he took.


Slowing her strokes, she waited until his grip released, then slid off him and gave a few licks for effect.


“Good girl,” he told her. “You did well. You may –”


The alarm caught her so off guard that she bolted up to a sitting position.


“No!” she cursed. “I was going to be rewarded. Master was going to...”


Hearing her own words she stopped herself.


Not “Master.” Just some guy. Fuck I’m horny.


She got up and jumped in the shower. The water felt so good as it flowed over her body. Her brown curls flattened against her, stretching down from being at her shoulders to almost the middle at her back. As she soaped herself, she cupped her breasts.


I like my tits. They may not be as big as Cynthia’s gravity-defying double Ds, but I beat out Brenda’s As easily.


Her hands followed the curves of her body down legs.


Thighs need a little work, but boys love my junk in the trunk.


Her fingers found her trimmed bush.


So horny.




She began to play with herself. 


One good orgasm before school and I’ll be good for the day.


But like the night before, she could only get to the edge of orgasm.


Good girls obey.


“Fuck!” she exclaimed before giving up and leaving the shower.


“I’m fucking horny and stressed,” she muttered as she dried herself off. “I need to calm down before I go or I’ll snap at everyone I meet.”


I’ll just text him and tell him to let me cum so I can be done with him. No. No contact. This’ll wear off.


Somehow she got dressed, had breakfast, and packed her bag for school. In that time she managed to calm down. The horniness remained, but not at such a high level as when she woke.


I can do this. I just need to get through … the fuck? How did I lose half an hour?


Twenty-three minutes.


I gotta hurry!


She met Brenda and Cynthia on campus where the three shared a few classes. Katie wanted to tell them about her night, but Cynthia would lose her mind, and Brenda would probably make fun of her, so she just talked about classes.


Their group dynamic felt a little awkward. No one mentioned the video, but Katie could tell it was on everyone’s mind. Cynthia seemed on guard. She’d glance nervously around once in a while. Katie wondered if she thought the hypnotist would suddenly appear and take her mind. Brenda seemed happier and full of mischief. When the blonde looked at the black girl, Katie could see the wheels turning in her brain as she devised a way to mess with their distraught friend. Once or twice, Brenda gave Katie that same look.


Do I look like I’m nervous? I don’t feel nervous.


The day dragged on like time had soaked itself in molasses, but eventually Katie’s last class ended. She met Brenda as she came out of class.


“Coming to my place again?” the Brenda asked.


“I’ve... I’ve got some shit to take care of at home,” Katie replied.


“No problem,” Brenda replied. “I can fuck Kyle then.”


Katie was a little envious of Brenda and Kyle. They made the cutest couple. He treated her so well. Katie’s last boyfriend had chased her relentlessly, but when they were finally a couple he’d taken her for granted. Kyle made sure Brenda knew she was loved and desired.


“But we should tackle that physics assignment soon,” Brenda added.


“Oh right. Tomorrow,” Katie assured her.


When she arrived home, she opened the chat app on her phone.


Didn’t try to chat with him once during my class. Now we end this game.


KK: Hey


No reply.


Yeah. You figured he has no life and is sitting there waiting for you to text him.


She opened her laptop on her bed, sat cross-legged, and put the phone next to her as she started her calculus homework. This time, it was easier to concentrate.


Twenty minutes later her phone beeped and she lunged at it.


MB: Hello


Play it cool.


KK: Hey. I need you to make me cum.


That wasn’t cool.


KK: I mean I need you to make it so I can cum

KK: this was fun n all but I just wanna go back to my normal life again


MB: You didn’t cum since we chatted?


KK: no sir


Sir? Where did that come from?


MB: Good girl.


The wave of pride and pleasure washed through her.


I’m a good girl!


KK: God


MB: So you’d like to be able to cum now?


KK: yes I mean not right now but when I need to


MB: I see

MB: I’ll tell you what. Let’s play one more game and then I’ll let you cum. Sound good?


KK: um

KK: what game?


MB: Did you enjoy yesterday’s tests?


KK: I guess


MB: Truth pet, did you enjoy yesterday’s tests?


KK: so much!


What the fuck? Something just happened there. Why was I so truthful?


MB: Good girl.


Oh God…


KK: mmmm


MB: I’m just going to put you under for a moment.


KK: wait I


She felt amazing. Relaxed and yet energized. A glance at the clock at the top of her screen told her ten minutes had passed.


MB: How do you feel?


KK: wide awake now a bit confused though


MB: Why is that?


KK: I can’t really remember what we've been chatting about I mean I have a terrible memory though so no surprise there I guess lmao


Wait. I have a good memory. No. Wait. I don’t.


MB: Lol. I did a little programming so we could play a game

MB: I didn’t let you remember because that would spoil the surprise.

MB: Want to play?


Yes. So much!


KK: um.. sure


MB: Neck


KK: oh now that’s weird it feels like someone is kissing my neck


It amazed Katie how real it felt. She turned her head to make sure no one was in the room.


MB: Good girl


Mmmmmm. Keep saying that.


MB: Shoulders


KK: ahh that one feels nice kinda like a massage


She relaxed and let the hands soothe her muscles.


How is he doing this? Who cares? It feels so good.


MB: Arms


Fingernails lightly skimmed her arms, causing their hairs to raise. Goosebumps spread out as she squirmed. She noticed the kissing on her neck had stopped.


KK: ah now it just tickles!


MB: lol

MB: Tits


Hands grabbed her tits firmly, almost forcefully. She pushed her chest into them.


KK: Mmmmmm

KK: that one is the best so far mmmm


MB: Feet


Fingers played along her soles. She tried to kick them away, but they moved with her, continuing their assault. She giggled, loving and hating it at the same time.


KK: anddddd it tickles again lol


MB: Calves


Now caressing began, firm and sensual. She understood the game now. However she wanted the body part he named to be touched was what she felt, and the feelings only lasted a short time, about thirty seconds, she guessed. He kept adding feelings before the last ones stopped so they cascaded across her body.


KK: this is such a weird game but it feels sooo gooood


MB: Thighs


Hands kneaded her flesh but also began to spread her legs. She was getting horny. She needed more.


KK: Mmmmm


MB: Stomach, ass


She loved having her ass grabbed as fingers gently traced along her stomach.


He can do more than one part at a time. Nice.


KK: im getting sooo aroused now

KK: this game took a turn lol


MB: Head, clit


Hands massaged her head while fingers played with her clit. She began to bring her own hand in to help, but the fingers seemed to know where to touch, so she just leaned back a bit to give them access. She laughed when she reminded herself that they weren’t real and had all the access they wanted.


KK: im getting soo weett mmmmm the last two were my favorites


MB: Nipples

MB: Ass, tits, clit

MB: Nipples, head, pussy

MB: Inner thighs, clit, head

MB: Enjoying that?


It was as if ten different lovers played with her. The massaging on her ass had turned to spanking. And all the sensations had increased in intensity.


I can’t believe how turned on I am!


KK: Ssoooo muchh pleasures


MB: Have you ever experienced things like this?

MB: Clit ass pussy


She laughed out loud.


KK: are you kidding?? I didnt think this was even possible!


MB: Back neck mouth thighs clit ass pussy tits


She could barely keep track of the sensations. Pleasure came from everywhere.


Holy fuck! Real sex never felt this good. If he can do this everyday he can fuckin’ have me.


MB: How was that one?


KK: overwhelming

KK: im getting so wet and close


MB: Mmmm

MB: Good girl


I’m a good girl!


MB: What do you do before cumming?


KK: I ask my Master for permission


Master Boratus is my Master.


MB: Good girl


I’m a good girl!


MB: Back head neck mouth thighs clit ass pussy tits

MB: Back head neck mouth thighs clit ass pussy tits


Master Boratus is my Master.


KK: please Sir


A slave needs permission to cum.


MB: Yes?


KK: I need to cumm


His response didn’t come for a while. She struggled to hold the orgasm back, then sighed as the sensations across her body faded. Just as she felt she had a handle on things, a new text appeared.

Online Now!
Lush Cams


MB: Back neck mouth thighs clit ass pussy tits


Her body went into pleasure overload. She arched her back, almost dropping her phone, while struggling to hold in her orgasm that had swelled once more.


Oh God. Why won’t he let me cum? I need it so bad. I need to cum for him.


KK: need cum


MB: You need to ask

MB: Perhaps beg


Good girls obey.


KK: please Sir let me cum please ill do anything


MB: Cum pet


The orgasm was unlike anything she’d felt before. It exploded from her pussy like bomb.  Shock waves of pleasure spread out, up and down her body. They raced through her mind. All she could think about was the orgasm. She came and came and came. She was so happy her mom wasn’t home. The woman would have come running in wondering what was wrong.


On and on it went, a full minute at least. At the back of her mind she felt her defences disintegrating. She’d do anything for this kind of pleasure. She’d let him trance her. She’d let him fuck her. She’d let him own her.


When it was over, a single word pulsed within her.




KK: thank you Sir that felt amazing

KK: im still twitching from the pleasure


MB: Scale of 1-10?




KK: 15/10 lol


MB: Lol

MB: Ok. So that was a taste of what you can experience with Me


A taste? Is he kidding?




KK: im looking forward to seeing wuts next then!


MB: you’ll find out tomorrow.


KK: tomorrow Sir?


MB: Yes. That was enough for today.


KK: but cant we play a little more


MB: Good girls obey.


KK: good girls obey

KK: yes Sir

KK: tomorrow

KK: ill be here waiting


MB: Good girl


I’m a good girl!


He signed off.


Katie sighed.


Oh my God. That was intense. Wait. Did I call him “Sir” again? I don’t even remember typing that.

I was going to end things and then he did that. He did that to keep me from ending things. This is getting a little crazy.




Fuck, I’m horny. Why am I so horny after such an amazing orgasm? It’s the control. Even though it feels like it’s happening too fast, it’s hot as hell. Why am I even resisting?




Because you don’t even know who this guy is. That’s why!




Maybe if I meet him. Get to know him.


Seriously, Katie? You want to meet a stranger from the internet?


I mean, if he can make me feel this good online, what’s it going to be like in person?


He may take complete control of you.


And the thought of that just makes me wetter. What the fuck is wrong with me?




She imagined opening the front door and him standing there. She let him in, stepping back to admire him.


As the images flowed into her mind, her fingers slid to her pussy and began to stroke.


“I am obedient. I am owned,” she said, not even realizing the words were flowing out of her mouth.


She saw herself undressing at his command. He ordered her over to the couch, but instead of sitting on it, she bent over the end.


He asked her if she wanted his cock.


“Yes, please,” she replied.


He shook his head. “You can do better than that, slut.”


Widening her legs, she reached back and spread her ass cheeks, giving him better access. “Please, Master, fuck your obedient slut. Fuck my mind out of me. Make me yours.”


“I am obedient. I am owned,” she whispered unconsciously as her imagination played out the scene. Her fingers furiously stroked her clit.


Master Boratus stepped up behind her. “Good girl.”


She shivered. Looking back, she saw his pants drop and his perfect cock come into view. He lined it up and shoved it in hard.


“Yes!” she screamed. “Fuck me, Master!”


And he did. He grabbed her hips and thrust hard and deep. She felt it through her body, not just her pussy.


“I am obedient. I am owned.”


She could see her eyes glazing over as he fucked her. The beat of his cock going in and out of her pussy was like the ball going back and forth. He was fucking her mind away, making her blank, setting her up to be programmed by him any way he liked. And she loved it.


“I am obedient. I am owned.”


The orgasm built quickly. She knew it would be wonderful. She knew if she came she’d be his. And she wanted to cum so badly.


“Katie!” her mom yelled. “Dinner is ready!”


“Fuck!” Katie exclaimed. Her fingers slipped inside her pussy, pumping quickly.


“Katie?” Her mom asked. “Are you okay?”


“Uh, yeah. Yeah, mom!”


Please ignore me. 


“I am obedient. I am owned.”


Footsteps came up the stairs.


Not now. I’m almost there.


They came toward her door.




She quickly pulled her pants up and zipped up.


Her mom knocked at the door. “Katie?”


“I’m fine, mom!” she said sharply.


“Don’t take that tone with me,” her mom snapped back. The door opened. “You sounded hurt. I was just checking up.”


Katie let out a breath to calm herself. “Sorry, mom. But I am fine. Just .. Um .. Just died on a crucial level in my video game.”


“You kids take those things way too seriously.”


“Really, mom?” she replied. “I’ve heard all sorts of obscenities come out of your mouth when your basketball team loses.”


“Touché,” her mom said. “Dinner is ready though.”


“How can dinner be ready?” asked Katie. “You just walked in the door.”


“Pizza,” her mom replied. “Come on.”


“Give me a minute,” I’ll be right down.”


Katie looked at her phone. “What am I going to do about you, Mr. Master Boratus? Part of me feels like I’m already in too deep, but then again, if I’m wondering if I’m in too deep then I must not be in too deep. That’s right, isn’t it?” She growled. “I wish I could talk to someone about this. Maybe Brenda. Would she understand, or would she make fun...

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Written by Boratus
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