The blinding snow of the blizzard battered the windshield, unphased by the wipers. The midsize sedan skidded momentarily as it lumbered its way along the snow-covered Interstate. Vanessa’s hands were white on the wheel as she did her best to stay on the road despite the impossible driving conditions. Wind rocked the car as they passed the umpteenth vehicle stuck in the ditch.
“There’s another one. You were right – we should have stayed someplace back in Denver.”
“Listen, Claire,” Vanessa breathed, her eyes never leaving the road, “what’s done is done. Right now, we need to stay focused. Did you find a place where we can stop until the storm blows over?”
“I think so.” Claire’s eyes went back to her phone. “We’re almost literally in the middle of nowhere, but if you can make it to the next exit, there’s a little town about a mile north on that road with some kind of motel.”
“That sounds great. Call ‘em and let them know we’re on our way.”
“Sooo, that’s the problem,” Claire replied. “The motel doesn’t have a website, and I can’t find a phone number.”
Vanessa couldn’t help but sigh. “Well, that’s a small-town business for you. Let’s hope we get lucky and they have a couple rooms for us.”
As she did her best to keep the car on the road, Vanessa’s thoughts drifted to her colleague. Claire had a lot going for her. At 22, she was the company’s youngest and newest saleswoman, and she was seriously good at it. In less than six months her monthly sales numbers were second only to Vanessa’s. It was no shock when her boss moved her into Vanessa’s sales team, and when their top client started balking over this year’s contract, management had Vanessa bring Claire with her to Denver to close the deal.
Initially, Vanessa had reservations about going on the sales call with Claire. They weren’t rivals per se, but Vanessa couldn’t help but admit that a part of her felt threatened by her new, young sales protege. She’d been in the company for twenty years – almost as long as Claire had been alive – and in a few months, this new girl was riding shotgun on the company’s most important sales call. It left Vanessa wondering if her days as the company’s top salesperson were numbered.
For her part, Claire always seemed to look up to Vanessa. She was always eager to learn from the older woman, and had told her on many occasions how much she loved being on her team. In the last couple months, they had gotten to know each other, and while Claire could be a little pushy at times, the two ladies generally got along pretty well.
Still, Vanessa couldn’t help but have moments of insecurity. Industrial heavy machinery sales was a male-dominated field. When she came into the company she fought tooth and nail to prove herself, and it took over a decade of determination along with being passed over for promotions in favor of less competent men time and time again before she claimed her spot as the senior sales executive. Now, in less than a year, this young girl was in the number two spot, and made getting there look easy.
After an arduous drive, Vanessa finally pulled up at the office of a motel that appeared to be straight out of the ‘60s, right down to the faded avocado, straw, and coral color scheme. She sighed in relief as she spotted the neon sign hanging in the window that read “vacancy.”
“Thank goodness,” Claire chirped. “Here, give me the purchasing card, I’ll go get us rooms.”
“Sure thing.” Vanessa fished the company card out of her purse and handed it to Claire. Pushing the door open against the wind, Claire jumped out of the car and ran through the snow into the motel office.
With the car to herself, Vanessa decided to call up her husband to let him know what was going on. As she told him about the weather and shared that they were safe and at a motel, she watched the conversation unfold between the motel manager and Claire through the large glass window of the motel office. The old man in the office looked out the window at her, then turned back to Claire and shook his head as he spoke. Claire scowled a bit and said something back to him. Vanessa watched as the two went back and forth, apparently in some sort of debate. At one point it became animated enough that it distracted Vanessa from her call.
“Hey ‘Ness, babe, you still there?” her husband asked over the phone.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry, just trying to figure out what these two are talking about.”
“Well, I gotta get the kids to bed, so I’m gonna go. But hey, I’ll call you later tonight when the kids are asleep.”
“Sounds like a plan, baby. Love you!”
As Vanessa ended the call, she watched the old man pull a key from the wall behind him and toss it on the desk in front of Claire. She grabbed the key, but before she could leave, he pointed at her, said something else, and then pointed at the car. Claire nodded, and while the old man flipped a switch that changed the neon sign to read “no vacancy,” she dashed out the door and back into the car.
“Brrrr!” Claire shivered. “So, that was definitely weird.”
Vanessa arched an eyebrow at her colleague. “Wanna tell me about it?” she asked.
“You know it, but not up here,” she responded, eyeing the old man who was staring at the duo from his desk. “Look for room 14, on the far end of the building.”
“Sounds good,” Vanessa responded, backing out of the parking spot and driving slowly through the snowstorm towards the end of the motel. “Which one of us gets that room?”
“We both do. Turned out he only had one room left. Didn’t want to sell it to us, either.”
“What do you mean?”
“Girl,” Claire began, “that guy was a little cuckoo in the head. I guess all he had left was the motel’s ‘Honeymoon Suite.’ He kept saying that the room was special, and he couldn’t let two girls share it.”
“Seriously? Why not?” Vanessa spotted the door marked 14 and pulled the car into a parking spot.
“He wouldn’t tell me. He just kept saying the room was special. Of course, some grumpy old hotel manager is no match for the number two saleswoman at Valley Industrial. I wouldn’t give in, and he finally agreed to give it to us. So yay me!”
Vanessa found herself chuckling at Clair’s exclamation. “Yay you, indeed. Let’s get our stuff in there and pick our beds.”
“Oh yeah,” Claire cut in. “That’s one thing. There’s only one bed in the room. That was one of his arguments. I told him one of us could sleep on the couch, or we could both share the bed and it was none of his business who sleeps where.”
Vanessa paused. Sharing a room with Claire was one thing. Sleeping in the same bed with the girl who was giving her a run for her money at work was definitely another. She hoped the sofa was comfortable. “Oh, one bed? What else did he say?”
“Well, he made this super big deal about not using the robes in the bedroom closet.”
“Yeah, I guess there are robes in the room. He kept going on about how they were for newlyweds only, and then he was like ‘I won’t be responsible if you decide to wear those robes. Leave them in the closet and don’t touch them!’ Weird, right?”
“Weird is right. I’ve seen a lot of interesting innkeepers, but it sounds like this guy takes the cake. I guess we should go in and see what makes his honeymoon suite so special.”
With that, the girls exited the car and ran through the storm to the motel door. Claire put the key in the lock and a moment later they burst inside.
“Holy shit,” Vanessa groaned. “I’ve died and gone to 1965.”
As the women hung up their purses and coats on the brass coat rack by the door, Vanessa took in the two-room suite. Plush orange shag carpet adorned the floor. A faded floral wallpaper complimented the uncomfortable-looking pale green sofa and matching easy chair. Across from the sofa, a very out-of-place looking flat-screen TV was the only indicator that they were still in the present day.
In the bedroom, a hot pink heart-shaped hot tub took center stage, which almost perfectly matched the comforter on the king-sized bed. A faint musty smell permeated the air being recirculated by the old heater, faintly clanking away from its place on the wall.
“This is the super special honeymoon suite?” Vanessa asked. “Wow. I’d hate to see a standard room.”
“Hey,” Claire chuckled, grabbing a handful of the orange crushed velvet drapes hanging in front of the window, “at least the carpet matches the drapes!” The tension broke, and both women found themselves giggling.
“Come on,” Claire said to her older colleague as their laughter died down, “the good news is that we’re going to have a great story to tell when we get back tomorrow. Now let’s go check out those forbidden robes!” Claire slid past Vanessa and raced into the bedroom. Vanessa followed her, and the two came to a stop at the closet door.
Claire grabbed the handle on the closet door and gave it a yank. The door flung open, revealing a pair of soft-looking velvety robes hanging inside, each with a heart embroidered on the left breast.
“Aw, aren’t those adorbs?” Claire asked. “Cutesy robes for the newlyweds. So hey, don’t you think we should try ‘em on?”
“I don’t know,” Vanessa replied with a laugh. “That old innkeeper would probably have our heads if we did.”
Claire smirked. “Aw, he’ll never know. Come on, let’s live a little.” Claire reached in and grabbed the robe on the left. An instant later she pulled back her hand and let out a yelp. Vanessa’s eyes went wide.
“What happened?”
“Damn shag carpets!” Claire exclaimed. “I just got zapped by the static. No biggie.” She tentatively reached back in and tapped the robe. When it was evident she wasn’t going to get zapped again, she grabbed it and pulled it out. “See? No worries.”
The girls’ eyes met for a moment and Claire ran her fingers over the robe’s soft material. “Hmmm, this feels really nice,” she purred as her hand stroked the robe. After a moment’s pause she added “Okay, I’m gonna go put this on. Grab yours and let’s get comfy, girl!”
Vanessa watched Claire walk to the bathroom and pull the door shut. Something felt a bit off, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Deciding the damage was done, the woman reached into the closet and grabbed the robe hanging on the right side. A spark of electricity ran through her fingers and she yanked back her hand with a loud “Oh fuck!”

“You okay?” Claire called from inside the bathroom.
“Sure,” Vanessa replied. “Static charge got me too.” She looked back into the closet at the robe. It really did look nice, she realized, and it would be nice to have on something soft. Reaching back into the closet, she touched the robe tentatively. Seeing she wasn’t going to get zapped again, she ran her hand over the material. It really was super soft. She just had to try it on.
She pulled the robe from the closet and held it up. It was a fairly simple robe, with a tie at the waist to hold it closed. For a split second, she thought of just putting it on over what she was wearing, but for some reason that felt wrong. More than wrong, really – disgusting. She and Claire had come straight from their meeting, and Vanessa just knew wearing the robe over her pantsuit would be so uncomfortable. No, the only way to wear this robe was to be naked so she could feel it everywhere.
She glanced at the bathroom door; Claire was still in there. She considered waiting to use the bathroom, but she really wanted the robe on right away. Vanessa figured she could get undressed before Claire came out. And if Claire came out and caught her undressed, they’re both adults. It’s not like they haven’t been in a gym locker room before. Plus, she wouldn’t admit it, but the idea of getting caught naked gave Vanessa a little thrill for some reason.
An instant later, Vanessa’s clothes were piled on the floor, and she was pulling the robe over her naked body. She was right, it really felt good to wear it like this. For a moment, a question flicked in her mind over whether Claire was going to be naked under her robe too, but she shrugged off the thought. What did it matter how Claire wanted to wear hers?
As Vanessa pulled the robe closed and started tying it shut, she heard the bathroom door open and turned to see Claire stepping into the bedroom wearing her robe. As soon as her eyes met the other woman in the robe that matched hers, Vanessa stopped in her tracks.
She had to admit, Claire looked great in her robe. Really great. She’d never in her life had a single sexual thought about another woman, but as the two stood there staring at one another, something about seeing Claire in that robe was undeniably sexy.
The only sound in the room was the rattle of the old furnace as Vanessa’s eyes roamed up and down her colleague’s body. She couldn’t help but pause on the outlines of Claire’s nipples through the velvety material.
“Hey,” Claire said, finally breaking the silence.
“Hey yourself,” Vanessa responded, shaking the cobwebs out of her mind. ‘That was weird’ she thought to herself. She’d never had feelings for any woman, let alone a co-worker. She shook it off as Claire spoke again.
“Soooo, it’s only 9:15, and I don’t usually go to bed this early. You want to watch a movie or something before we hit the sack?”
“Sure,” Vanessa replied through a warm smile. The senior sales executive followed Claire back into the main room of the suite, and she couldn’t help but watch her colleague’s ass sway as she went. Catching herself in yet another unwholesome thought about the younger woman, she shook her head clear once more.
‘Seriously, what’s your problem tonight?’ Vanessa thought to herself. ‘Point A - You’re straight. Point B - you’re her coworker. Point C - you’re married.’ Vanessa tried focusing on her husband, the love of her life. The man she’d been married to for almost two decades and had two kids with. The man she’d vowed to forsake all others for. But everything about him felt so far away tonight. So far away and so insignificant compared to the hot young girl sitting down on the sofa in front of her.
“Forsaking all others,” Vanessa murmured under her breath as she sat down on the sofa as far from Claire as she could.
“What’s that?” Claire asked, turning towards her. Vanessa’s eyes landed on Claire’s soft pink lips as she spoke. They were so sensual. She found herself slowly leaning in towards them. Realizing what she was doing, Vanessa snapped herself back in her seat and tore her eyes away.
“Oh, er, nothing,” Vanessa sputtered. “Just reminding myself of something. You go ahead and pick what we watch.” Vanessa fixed her stare at the TV screen, determined not to give in to any more intrusive thoughts.
Claire turned on the TV and flipped through several channels before landing on some romantic comedy Vanessa had seen several times before. “Is this okay?” Claire asked.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, sure, I like this one,” Vanessa responded, keeping her eyes glued to the TV.
“Oh good,” Claire purred. “I’m glad you like it.”
Vanessa gulped. Claire’s voice tone was dripping with sexuality. For the first time, she realized that whatever she was going through, it must be affecting Claire too. The thought was both scary and unbelievably hot. She could have Claire, she realized, before stopping the thought. No. She was married. She was faithful. “Forsaking all others,” she mouthed as she steeled her resolve and watched the movie sitting across the sofa from Claire.
As the film went on, Vanessa found herself getting into the film and relaxing a bit. By the time the main characters had started falling for each other, she was so into the film that she didn’t give it a second thought when Claire moved over and nestled into her side. Vanessa mindlessly brought her right arm up and rested it over Claire’s shoulder as the two continued watching the story on the screen unfold.
As the film played on, a hand landed softly on Vanessa’s thigh. Somewhere in the far back of her mind an alarm bell went off, but Vanessa dismissed it. Claire’s hand felt so nice there. She didn’t want to move it.
Instead, Vanessa stretched a little, allowing the arm draped over Claire’s shoulder to drop down. She started gently tracing circles on the velvet just inches above Claire’s right breast. Claire let out a long exhale, and slowly started sliding back the robe. Moments later, her hand was slowly tracing up and down Vanessa’s exposed thigh.
Vanessa let out a happy sigh, and found her right hand drifting lower, until it was directly over Claire’s breast. Initially, Vanessa’s fingers just continued drawing circles over her breast, every so often dragging across Claire’s nipple and eliciting a cute little moan. Everything felt so good to Vanessa that before long she began gently squeezing the younger woman’s tit, eliciting more moans from the younger woman.
Vanessa was lost in the bliss of the sensations, barely noticing the movie anymore. Claire’s hand kept moving up and down her inner thigh, coming closer and closer to her pussy with each pass. In return, Vanessa found herself involuntarily spreading her legs wider.
Claire turned her head up from the movie and stared into Vanessa’s face. Vanessa...