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Who said hospitalization must be unpleasant?

"Not only time heals all wounds."

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Sometimes a fraction of a second is enough to ruin someone's life. Jim found out about it the hard way when, as a result of a stupid accident on a motorcycle, he broke his leg in several places and faced a long hospitalization. He was supposed to regain full fitness, but no one would give him back the time he lost. The stay in the hospital mainly consisted of long bed rest with an immobilized leg and difficult rehabilitation.

Time dragged on endlessly. The only "entertainment" he could do was take occasional walks around the hospital grounds. It was during one of these walks that he saw her.

The black-haired beauty was moving around the corridors, carrying auxiliary devices for patients or some documents, and, sometimes, she just sat down and talked with patients. Jim thought that he also caught her attention, as she always smiled broadly when she saw him and sometimes waved him hello. They even talked several times, her presence always cheering him up.

For obvious reasons, he had never told her that there were nights when she appeared in his dreams.

Jim fidgeted in bed. His hitherto peaceful sleep turned into an unpleasant nightmare, until he woke up, exhausted. Out of habit, he reached for the phone next to him to check the time. Only then did he notice that the figure, surrounded by a yellow glow, was standing motionless above him.

He was scared at first, but when the mysterious figure still did not move, he calmed down a bit. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. After a while, he woke up enough to be aware of his surroundings.

“Who's there?” he asked looking at his visitor.

“Did you sleep well?” The man heard a velvety, female voice. “Hope I didn't scare you,” the voice continued.

The figure moved. The light source, which turned out to be a candle, shifted, revealing a previously hidden face. It was a very attractive face, Jim thought. Yes, not necessarily beautiful, but attractive. Relatively symmetric with a slightly upturned nose. The eyebrows were even and the eyelashes were long and thick. Jet-black hair framed her head. The man wasn't sure if they really were like that, or if it was just a result of poor lighting. What definitely stood out on that face was the full, blood-red lips. They were smiling playfully at him. It was only after a long moment that the man realized that he knew who she was.

“You're that nurse, aren't you?” he asked uncertainly.

He associated her with the girl he saw in the corridors. His heart leapt up in his throat with nerves. However, the nerves quickly turned into a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

“You don't even know how nice it is for you to recognize me!” Jenna rejoiced and shook her hair.

He, too, had caught her eye. When she had some free time, she would sometimes secretly peek into the room where he was lying or track his progress in rehabilitation.

“But what are you actually doing here? What time is it?” he started asking her questions.

The girl put down the candle in her hand, without haste, and leaned over to the man. On a sign pinned to the lapel of her smock, Jim read the name, "Jenna," or so he thought. It was hard for him to confirm this because his gaze almost immediately fell on her protruding breasts, which were locked in too little space, only freed by a few unbuttoned top buttons, screaming loudly to release them.

Jenn looked deep into his eyes.“How's what? I will help you recover faster, of course.”

“And how are you going to achieve this?” he asked, slowly surrendering to her charm, which he was unaware of.

“You've been here for several weeks. Your body and psyche are back to normal, but you're missing something, aren't you? You hide well with it, but I've seen you... masturbate a few times. Tell me, have you ever done this thinking of me?” She clearly underlined the last word.

Jim blushed with embarrassment, but he wasn't going to admit anything.

“You're crazy. I have no idea what you are talking about. Get out of here or I'll call the nurse,” he threatened her.

“Do it, if you like,” she said without fear. At the same time, she put her hand on his immobilized leg, which caused him a slight pain. After a while, she slowly dragged it lower until it reached his crotch. “But I know what you want so badly, and right now, only I can give it to you. If you want, I'll go out and you'll never see me again. Or, I can stay and give you a delight you have never experienced. The decision is yours.”

The man thought for a moment. He liked the girl more than he was willing to admit, and he was tempted to have sex with her. The only problem was that she had control over him, and he was not used to giving it to anyone. Ultimately, however, he decided to accept her offer.

“Agreed. I'm all yours,” he said, resigned, but at the same time with growing excitement.

“Good choice,” Jenna smiled to herself. “I will look after you very well,” she smiled again, but this time, her smile resembled a cat that had just hunted another prey.

She backed away from the "patient's" bed and began to undress. Starting at the top, she unbuttoned, button by button. She did it carelessly, deliberately prolonging the whole process. Jenn could read a man's body movements as if from an open book, so she knew that playing for time aroused his cravings. She was not wrong.

Jim followed her with his eyes, longing for more and more. She played with him, imposed her domination on him. On the one hand, it pissed him off, but at the same time, lust began to boil inside him. She hadn't even touched him yet, and he could already feel the blood rush to his penis, making him come to life, stiffening under the covers.

To the frustrated man's delight, the girl finally ended her game. She opened the lapels of her costume wide, showing him her impeccable shapes. The man struggled to suppress his admiration for her beauty. He was staring eagerly at the black bra and the same black thong, tearing them from her in his thoughts, the last bastion protecting her otherwise defenseless body.

Jenna dropped her smock and it fell to the ground with a rustle. “Oops, I'm sooo clumsy,” she admitted insincerely, turned her back to him, and bent down for the item, sticking her buttocks towards him.

This time, Jim wasn't just about to enjoy the view. He reached down to grab her buttock, but as soon as his fingers were about to touch her plump skin, the woman quickly straightened.

“Now, it's done,” she said and put her clothes on the chair next to her.

The upset man clenched his fists, but somehow remaining calm, he asked, “What kind of nurse are you?”

“Who said I'm a nurse?”

“W-wha?” Jim's eyes widened in surprise as he tried to ask her, but then she placed a finger with a fingernail the color matching her lips, stopping him.

“Shhhh,” she silenced him and started to gently comb his hair with her other hand. “I said I would take good care of you,” Jenn assured him with a flirtatious voice looking deep into his eyes.

She looked at him for a moment, then leaned over him, brought her lips to his, and without asking for permission, put her tongue in his mouth, giving him no time to react.

Their tongues began to dance fiercely, though a trained eye could see that their movements were more like a duel of swordsmen fighting for the final victory. For both of them, this kiss was the most intense kiss of their lives, a one-in-a-million experience. Though passionate, it seemed to go on forever.

Eventually, Jenna let go. “Not bad,” she praised him and licked her lips ostentatiously. “You can't move your lower body too much, but your upper body is still functional, right?”

“Of course,” the man answered.

“Means you have no excuse not to take care of me while I work...there,” she said, pointing her finger at his taut boxer shorts.

The girl kissed him lightly on the cheek, then straddled him and began to unbutton the shirt of his pajamas. After undoing the last button, she turned her back to him and brought her face to his crotch. She sniffed the fabric of his boxers, then took it to her mouth, where his hardening penis was hiding, and sucked until the fabric was soaked with her saliva. At this point, she pulled off his underwear enough to expose his cock. The stiff cock released from prison shot up and stood almost to attention in front of her.

“Why hello there,” Jenn greeted happily, embraced it with her hands, pressed it against her face, and began to move it over her face and lips as if she was putting lipstick on them. At the same time, she stretched out, sticking out her buttocks towards her partner.

Jim placed his hands on her smooth-looking legs and slowly moved them towards her thighs and away. When he finally reached her buttocks, he grasped them tightly and played with them, delighting in her plump skin under his fingers. Driven by his excitement, he slapped her once on each buttock without sparing his strength. There was a loud impact sound across the room, and a reddish imprint of his hand appeared on the girl's pale skin, clearly visible despite the low lighting. For a moment the man was terrified he might overdo it, but the woman seemed to ignore it, continuing to play with his penis eagerly. 

Jenna finally decided to get down to business, seriously. First, she licked his cock with her tongue, and then took it into her mouth. At first, just the tip, focusing her attention only on it. At the same time, she caressed the rest with her hands, gently massaging it from the base. When she was done with the preparations, she took his cock out of her mouth, scooped up saliva, and spat on it. She spread it over the entire surface with her hand, making sure it was completely covered. Satisfied with the effect, she grabbed his dick, squeezed her fingers tightly on it, and started stroking it, this time seriously.

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“Ahh…hah…!” a groan escaped Jim's throat.

Jim really didn't want to show his partner how much he liked her game. In order to distract himself, but also her, he took off her thong, revealing some remnants of her dignity, and set to work as well. He put a finger to the groove between her buttocks and dragged it from the anus to the vagina. There, he noticed that it was damp. The man admitted silently that he was very excited about it. He grabbed the girl's bottom, yet again, and spread her buttocks. He leaned in as far as his position allowed and brought his face close to her pussy. Finally, he pulled his tongue out and began to slide it over her labia and clitoris.

Their mutual caresses lasted for a few minutes.

The girl worked on his penis, her brow sweating. She ended each stroke with a strong squeeze, further stretching the already tense skin. Over time, her movements became faster and more intense. She didn't have to wait long to feel the throbbing. She tilted her head to the side and let his shifting cock keep hitting the side of her cheek, her hair dancing to the beat of her body, tickling his genitals.

But that wasn't the only thing that was happening.

At the same time, Jim was eagerly caring for his partner's pussy. First, he licked her pussy with the entire surface of his tongue, slowly and thoroughly spreading the saliva over the hole. Then he "swallowed" the labia with his whole mouth, sucking it hard. Finally, he opened it, spat inward, and then spread it over the rim with his finger. Finally, using the very tip of his tongue, he ran it over her skin, focusing only on the clitoris. He put his tongue against it, pressed it several times, and spent the last seconds hitting it at high speed. He devoted the greatest amount of time to this activity.

However, at one point Jim was no longer able to continue. 

“Huf… huf...” red in the face, panting heavily, he fell back on the pillow.

Jenn stopped shortly after him and turned to face him. Her eyes sparkled happily, and her face was embellished with red cheeks and a smug smile.

“Pretty good for someone in your health. I believe you deserve a reward, what do you think?” The man didn't answer but looked at her curiously.

The girl, without coming down from him, took off her panties, which soon landed somewhere nearby, moved closer, reached behind her back with her hands, and unbuttoned her bra, which immediately fell off, revealing her shapely breasts. She took the bra and tossed it into a corner, then took both breasts in her hands and shook them ostentatiously in front of the horny invalid.

“They are yours, you can do whatever you like with them.”

Jim swallowed nervously, his heart pounding with excitement. Without hesitating, he grasped her breasts, which turned out to be not much larger than his hands. He squeezed them tighter a few times, then used his index fingers to play with her nipples, which were already stiff by this point. After that, without warning, he pinched her nipples with his fingers, twisted them, and pulled them toward him, forcing the girl to lean toward him.

Jenna almost inaudibly groaned, then gritted her teeth in a grimace of pain. She did not defend herself, did not make any claims, did not move away, but leaned meekly as he wanted. The man knew he was risking such a move, but her reaction made him feel a rush of adrenaline. He began to desire her even more, and his penis began to throb harder.

He grabbed her breasts together again and decided to move them around, testing them for firmness. This time he pulled them more gently, in different directions, until he finally began to move them in a circle. Then he took them by the sides and pressed them against each other. He started rubbing them against themselves.

“Mmm... yes, that's it... Suck them, suck them dry,” she demanded.

There was no need to convince him to do that, Jim happily brought her breasts up to his face. He carefully ran his tongue over the skin around the nipples, then began to caress the nipples themselves. Finally, one by one, he put them in his mouth and began to suck. At one point, he gritted his teeth against her skin and sucked even harder.

Jenn felt a tingle all over her skin. Her nipples were trapped but in the best sense of the word. Bliss radiated from her breasts and spread out in waves all over her body. She put a finger in her mouth and bit lightly, holding back the moans of pleasure that tugged at her. As promised, she allowed her partner to play with her breasts a little longer, but eventually, she made him stop and pulled away slightly.

“You were sweet as a baby when you played with my breasts like that,” she said with a smile and tossed her hair back.

The man blushed with embarrassment, but his eyes shone like fire.

“I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the grand finale”, she winked at him knowingly and grinned broadly. “As I mentioned earlier, I'll take good care of you,” she assured him and made her way towards his crotch.

Jenna sat facing him, taking care not to damage his immobilized leg. At first, she took his dick in her hand and began to move it unconsciously over her abdomen and thighs. Then she hit her pussy with it several times, and then she bent it towards the man's torso, pressing it with the weight of her naked body. His stiff penis reluctantly underwent this procedure, causing a wave of pain to spread through Jim's body. Not wanting to show any weakness, the man clenched his teeth and fists and let her continue the game.

The girl pressed the sore cock with her pussy. She allowed his dick to conform to her labia and began to stimulate it by moving her body back and forth. Her movements were slow, but to the boy's delight, surprisingly intense. All the time she looked deep into her partner's eyes. Her body juices oozed from her vagina and covered his penis more and more. Finally, she stopped and stood over the man's crotch while his cock came to attention again.

Jenn let him admire her curves for a few seconds, then crouched down, grabbed his dick, and ostentatiously, in front of the man, slipped it into her pussy. She fell on it, then rose slightly again and fell down again. She repeated this action without haste. Over time, the damp walls of her vagina began to tighten over her partner's vulnerable penis, intensifying the feeling.

Jim would like to join her, but with a broken, immobilized leg, he was unable to move his hips. However, after the girl's quick breath and a look that went back to the back of her head from time to time, he found that she didn't mind.

“Aaah...! Fuck...! Haa...,” Jenna moaned more and more.

The girl leaned forward, dug her nails into her partner's body, and began to move back and forth, this time only the pelvis. Sweaty hair stuck to her face. Her breasts bounced with every movement, occasionally hitting each other.

After a while, the first orgasm passed through her body. She trembled, but did not stop moving; on the contrary, she accelerated even more.
The man's thighs hit her buttocks. A wave of pleasure made her pussy clutch even more tightly against Jim's cock.

The man stretched his arms towards her to support her, but instead, she grasped them and pressed her hands against his, resting her weight on her partner.

“Yes! Yes! Fuuuck! Yes!” she screamed louder and louder in the man's face each time another orgasm tore her body apart.

Jim's penis trembled as if in convulsions. Red-hot, it pulsed more and more, heralding a need for relief. Eventually, Jenn reached her limit. The final orgasm flooded her like a tsunami, destroying the last barriers that protected her mind.

She only managed to shout, "Ahhhhh...!" and her body refused to obey her. Her muscles went limp and she lost her strength.

Though exhausted, she still pulled herself together, stepped off the man, grabbed his swollen, sore cock, and began rubbing it with all her might. Within seconds, Jim's penis exploded like an active volcano, ejecting a stream of sticky sperm from within that landed on his stomach. When it was completely empty, it softened and fell, twitching from time to time.

Jenna carefully scooped up the white contents with her hand and put it in her mouth, then swallowed. She licked her fingers one by one, after which, satisfied with her work, tired, finally lay down next to Jim and hugged him. They lay side by side for a long moment, only their heavy breathing breaking the silence. 

Finally, the girl got up and started getting dressed. When she finished, she grabbed the candle she had brought with her and headed for the exit.

“Wait,” the man called after her as she was in the doorway. “It was amazing. Thanks. I really needed this. I mean it.”

He didn't see it, but Jenna smiled. “I wish you a quick recovery,” she said, then blew out the candle and closed the door as she left.

A Few days later...

“Your leg is getting better, you are making great progress in your rehabilitation, we will definitely let you go home soon,” the nurse turned to Jim.

“That's great news, thank you. I would also like to ask...I haven't seen such a nurse in a long time, young, black hair, is she at work?”

“Hmm… I don't know anybody like that. Maybe you mean the volunteer who helped here? I think she might fit that description. A few days ago, she ended her volunteering with us.”

“Oh, I understand. Thank you.”

“Let me remind you that you have a rehabilitation session in two hours. Believe me, you are making tremendous progress. I'll see you soon.”

Jim was l in the hospital for less than three weeks. However, not once had he forgotten this mysterious girl and that night. To this day, there were nights when, in his dream, he saw a badge with the name "Jenna" pinned to a smock.

Written by Warzkos
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