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Dr. Katherine Made Me Hard Again

"A busty redheaded doctor solves a man's ED woes."

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Author's Notes

"I'd like to thank my good friend, Artistman, for planting this idea in my head and allowing me to create a story around it with my imagination. I was struggling to write a story in this Medical category and had come up with something I thought might be good. <p> [ADVERT] </p>His idea was better! While he says he was more of an idea giver than a collaborator, I feel like I wrote a MUCH more interesting story thanks to him. I hope you all enjoy it!"

I sat in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot. I knew I wasn’t the only one in this boat. A quick glance around the room showed several other tapping feet and drumming fingers. We all tried really hard not to make contact, but we all know why we are here. The dreaded ED, Erectile Dysfunction.

As embarrassed as I was, I was also a bit hopeful. I’d already tried seeing a urologist and a psychologist, and neither of them had been able to give me any real answers as to why my dick wasn’t getting fully hard anymore. But my buddy suggested that I see a sex therapist that was recommended to him by another friend. He convinced me that it couldn’t hurt to give her a try. Plus, she took my insurance, minus a co-pay, of course.

“Kelly McDermott?” the nurse called.

“That’s me,” I said, jumping out of my seat a little too eagerly.

“Dr. Katherine will see you now,” she says kindly. Inside my head I wanted to scream, I’m a great lover and I used to have really hard boners, honest! But, unlike the previous two health care professionals that I struck out with, I don’t get that judging vibe here.

Holy fuck! Within five minutes, a gorgeous, voluptuous redhead stepped into the examination room.

She smiled, “Hi, Kelly, my name is Katherine, I hope you don’t mind me using first names. I find that a less formal atmosphere goes a long way in making my patients feel comfortable.”

I shook her outstretched hand trying hard to not drool. As I felt her soft hand in mine, I felt a little stir in my groin. Was that the secret? Send me to a hot-as-fuck redhead to make my dick wake up?

I worried that I held on to her hand a little too long. But if she thought it was creepy, she didn’t let on. She looked at the paperwork I had filled out and nodded.

“Okay, so I see here that this has been going on for at least six months, is that correct?” she asked as she looked at me with big blue eyes.

“Uh-huh,” I managed to utter.

“And how has this affected your intimacy with your partner?” she inquired.

“Well, I can’t really get hard enough to, you know, fuck her. But she likes oral and my fingers still work. She’s happy enough, it’s just, well, you know…” I fumbled to find the right words to describe how I felt without feeling like a jackass for wanting to have a rock-hard cock again.

“It’s frustrating to not be able to penetrate her and thrust,” she said. Clearly, she’s had this conversation with many patients. “Are you able to cum?”

I was surprised by her casual use of the word cum. But I had to admit that her demeanor made me feel a lot less self-conscious.

“I can cum every once in a while, but only when I jack off,” I admitted quietly. “I have to watch porn or read erotica to get excited enough to shoot my load. I do it when I am alone because I don’t want my wife, Sarah, to think that it has anything to do with her. She’s beautiful and sexy and she does everything right. I just can’t get hard enough to fuck her the way I used to. It pisses me off, I’m only fifty years old. My dick shouldn’t have stopped working yet, should it?”

“Nope, it shouldn’t have stopped working. But, no worries, I’m confident I can help you fix it,” she grinned.

I decided to trust her. After all, just by sitting next to me, she had me semi-hard. And, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“Honestly, I could probably go on limping along, no pun intended, but I feel like my wife deserves a man who can fuck her the way I used to,” I blurted out. I figured it was silly to hold back if I was going to put myself in this doctor’s hands.

“Not to mention it would feel better for you if you could enjoy fucking again,” she said earnestly.

I chuckled a little. I couldn’t help myself; she was so damned blunt!

“Is something funny, Kelly?” she asked, looking a tad annoyed.

“Oh, gosh, no,” I said apologetically. “It’s just, well, I didn’t expect you to use words like fuck and cum.”

“We can call it intercourse and ejaculation if you’d prefer,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, no, I prefer you saying it like it is. I honestly feel like you might actually be able to help me,” I explained. “It’s been beyond frustrating.”

She smiled gently, “I can imagine it’s been discouraging and disappointing as hell to not have answers. And, while I don’t know that I will be able to pinpoint the exact issue at hand, I can offer treatment that has been successful with nearly one hundred percent of my patients.”

“I don’t want to take pills, doc. And I don’t think I need my psyche probed. I just want to get a boner and have my sweet, sexy wife ride up and down on it. Can you make that happen?” I implored.

“Yes,” she stated matter-of-factly. “I can make that happen.”

I waited for the but, however, it never came. She made some notes in my chart and said, “My methods are considered unconventional, but I’ve helped many men achieve full boner status again.”

“How can I not trust a sex doctor that calls an erection, ‘full boner status’?” I laughed. “When can we start?”

“Today’s visit was just a consultation. But I had a cancellation in my schedule tomorrow if you can be here at 9:00 a.m.” she explained.

I was a little bummed that we couldn’t start right away, but I agreed and left the office feeling better than I had in months.

I took the brochure in the house to look over with Sarah, as Dr. Katherine had recommended.

“It says here that her treatment involves intimate touching. Are you okay with that, babe?” I asked her, hoping she would be supportive.

Sarah looked at me for a moment and sighed, “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, because you’ve done such an amazing job pleasing me despite your difficulties in the erection department. But I won’t lie, I miss being fucked hard. I miss the way you used to bend me over, grab me by the hips, and plow right into me, banging against my cervix.”

I was stunned. After months of telling me that it didn’t matter, it made me sad to hear how much it really did.

She continued, “I want that again. For you, for me, for us, babe. And if this Dr. Katherine can actually find a way for us to have that back, I don’t care if she does mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on your cock. It’s not like you are cheating on me if she makes you cum. It’s you, doing everything possible to help our sex life be incredible again.”

“Thank you, baby,” I said, hugging her to me. “If mouth-to-mouth was all I needed, you’d have already cured me with your amazing oral skills.”

She smiled, “Thanks. I spent a while thinking that it was somehow my fault that you couldn’t get fully hard when neither specialist could give us any answers. But I know that it’s something that isn’t either of our faults.”

“Do you want to go with me tomorrow?” I asked, secretly hoping she’d say no. If it didn’t work, I don’t think I could stand the look of disappointment on her face.

“Nope,” she answered as she kissed me softly on the lips. “I don’t want you to feel pressured. Just go, relax, and do whatever it takes to get your mojo back!”

The next morning, I got to Dr. Katherine’s office a half-hour early. I know that made me appear eager and needy, but I was excited at the thought of getting my prick back in working order.

Unlike the previous day, I was the only one in the waiting area. The same nurse, Becky, took me back into the treatment room and appeared to read my mind.

“You’re the only patient this morning. Dr. Katherine believes in giving her full attention to whomever she’s treating. Please try to relax. You’re in good hands. She helped my hubby and things have never been better!” she assured me.

“Thanks,” I answered sheepishly.

Moments later, Dr. Katherine entered the room. She smiled and took off her lab coat, and my jaw nearly fell to the floor. Whereas she’d been very professionally dressed at our consultation, her “treatment outfit” was a halter dress that had her very impressive breasts spilling over the top. I imagined myself sliding the front zipper down and letting the skimpy little costume fall to the floor. My cock twitched.

She leaned down to whisper in my ear and I could smell her perfume, subtle yet intoxicating. “I’m going to be performing several procedures today that will make your cock hard as a fuckin’ rock,” she said in a breathy, seductive voice. “But I need you to relax and understand that this is treatment, not cheating, okay?”

“Um, Sarah, um, my wife, she um, said that she’s fine with um, whatever it takes,” I stammered as Dr. Katherine’s tongue did something wicked with my ear.

“Excellent!” she said. “Now take off your clothes and lie down on the exam table for me.”

“Just my pants?” I asked, my heart racing.

“Nope, I want you completely naked. No clothes, no gown, no sheet. Just you and your birthday suit,” she grinned.

I nodded and took off my clothes, got on the table, and waited for her next move. My dick was in its typical semi-hard state. I was grateful it wasn’t lying there flaccidly. With as sexy as she was, it would have been insulting to not have any reaction.

She put on a pair of gloves, “No worries, these are latex-free. I just need to examine your junk.”

I laughed. I appreciated her bluntness and the whole informal way she was going about this, putting me at ease as best she could.

Her delicate fingers went to work as she gripped my penis with one hand and massaged my balls with the other. I thought for a moment that I was going to have a full-blown erection. But she stopped touching me before that could happen.

“Everything feels normal. I reviewed the reports from both the urologist and the psychologist and they both agree there is no medical reason for you to not get fully hard,” she explained. “So, you are the perfect candidate for my treatment plan.”

Then she looked at me with her big blue eyes and asked, “Do you trust me to help you, Kelly?”

I nodded, “Yes, Dr. Katherine, Both Sarah and I are on board. Do whatever it takes to make my dick hard again.”

She went over to the counter where she had some supplies laid out. She put what she needed on a tray and rolled it over next to the exam table.

“For you to get the full benefit of the treatment, the pubic hair has to go,” she said.

“Pardon me?” I asked, not fully understanding.

“I’m gonna shave your dick and balls,” she explained more bluntly.

I felt like I must have turned eight shades of red. “Um, okay, sure,” I managed to answer.

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She took off her exam gloves, which surprised me a little, but I didn’t mind. Her hands were so soft that I enjoyed the feel of them touching my skin. She spread shaving cream around my dick and on my sac, which elicited an involuntary moan from me.

She smiled, “Look, we haven’t even gotten to the actual treatment part yet, and your shaft is already responding.”

She was right. While it wasn’t rock hard by any stretch of the imagination, it was definitely rigid enough that I could envision me sliding between her gorgeous tits. It was difficult not to covet them, as they were practically falling out of her dress.

The feeling of the cool razor was exquisite as it glided across my balls. I’ve done basic manscaping before, but never a total shave like this. Lying there while she shaved my most intimate parts was erotic as fuck! I felt my dick pulsing a little under her touch. It was divine!

She continued shaving in slow, seductive strokes, lifting each ball to remove the hair from my sac. Then she did some sort of massage thing, rolling my nuts around till I felt my cock stiffening more. She applied some more cream around my asshole and cleaned that up as well. Then she ran her fingers across my freshly shaven areas, checking for missed spots. Her red fingernails looked so decadent against the pale skin that had been, until moments ago, tucked away under a mass of brown curls.

After my parts were as smooth as I imagined her breasts were, she took a hot washcloth and wiped away any residue of shaving cream. “I have to make sure the area is clean before the next step,” she cooed.

I felt my whole body become aroused as she went back over to the counter, “I’m going to mix some essential oils to apply to your newly bare skin. Any allergies to either cinnamon or nutmeg?”

“Uh, no, no allergies,” I murmured.

“Awesome. There are many oils I could use, but I find these to be a delightful combination. They smell good and taste good, too,” she explained.

She brought over the bowl with the mixture of oils, diluted with water, and used what looked like a pastry brush to coat my dick, balls, and asshole.

“Mmmm, your junk smells like apple pie, I could just devour you!” Dr. Katherine blurted out. Then she started to massage the oils into my skin with her talented fingers.

Before I realized what was happening, she had a finger in my ass and was probing around. She found my prostate and started to stimulate it while her other hand was stroking my cock. I felt a tingling sensation everywhere the oil covered and suddenly, my shaft was standing at attention.

“Holy fuck!” I cried out. “My dick is so fucking hard!”

“Yes, it is,” she said grinning. “Time to practice edging with you.”

She hit a button to make the top half of the exam table rise up, so I was in a sitting position. Then she took my hand and placed my fingers on the metal zipper pull at the top of her dress.

I didn’t need to be told what to do next. I unzipped her dress and shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor as I had pictured in my mind. Then she sat down on her rolling stool, adjusted the height so that her face was level with the table.

Another button separated the bottom part of the table and my legs along with it. Then she scooted her stool and leaned in so that I could feel her tantalizing breath on my pole which was now hard as steel. She told me to close my eyes for a moment while she began the procedure.

Her finger was back in my asshole and she found the sweet spot again. With her other hand, she massaged my taint and it felt like heaven. My only concern at this time was that I might cum too soon. I shouldn’t have worried because, just when things started feeling a little tingly, she stopped.

My eyes flew open, “What the fuck?”

“Close your eyes,” she chided. “This is a multistep process. You need to relax and let me do the work here.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay,” I agreed. “You’re the doctor.”

“I am, indeed,” she said nearly purring.

I closed my eyes again and imagined my hands squeezing those beautiful round breasts. This time, after the finger was in place dancing on my prostate, her other hand gripped the base of my cock. Then she took both of my balls into her mouth at the same time and massaged them with her tongue.

“Mother of God, that’s so fucking hot!” I shouted.

She moaned with my sac in her mouth and then licked a slow, deliberate trail up my prick to the very top. I was pretty sure I was about to see God when she stopped again.

“Dr. Katherine, you’re killing me here!” I protested.

“How does it feel to have a good solid hard-on, Kelly?” she asked.

“It feels fucking fantastic,” I moaned.

“Precisely! We don’t want to rush to completion until you’ve had time to enjoy the feeling of a steel-hard cock again, do we?” she asked pointedly.

I sighed. She was right again. “No, we do not,” I agreed.

“Good answer!” she said. “Now, do you want me to suck your cock, Kelly?”

My heart was pounding. Was this a trick question?

“Is it part of the treatment plan?” I asked shyly.

“Indeed, it is, but you have to beg me to suck it, Kelly,” she teased.

I opened my eyes again and stared into hers, “Please, Katherine! Please suck my cock!”

“Keep your eyes open this time,” she said. “I want you to see your cock disappear into my mouth.”

I felt like a horny college boy about to get lucky with a sorority house hottie. I kept my eyes on my crotch as I watched her lick several long teasing trails from the base to the tip. I moaned when she took the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it in a most erotic manner.

I waited, expecting her to stop. Instead, she slowly worked my very rigid pole into her mouth. As I watched, in delicious agony as inch after inch disappeared between those soft lips. I was so tempted to grab her head and force my cock into her throat, but I remembered the whole point was to keep my rod erect for as long as possible.

Up and down she bobbed on my knob, while I sat back and enjoyed the show. Her hands were cupping my balls while she sucked, and I was sure I would need to let go sooner than later.

She squeezed my balls and stopped sucking, “Not yet, Kelly. I wanna ride you now. The objective here is for you to make me cum before you do. If you can do that, I will let you shoot your load anywhere you want.”

It was an offer I couldn’t refuse, and one I wouldn’t even if it were possible. My fifty-year-old cock felt half its age and I wanted, more than anything at the moment, to slide into her and watch her tits dance as she bounced up and down on my engorged prick.

She pressed the button again that moved my legs back together. Then she climbed up on the table and rubbed her drenched pussy along the length of my shaft.

“Beg me to fuck you, Kelly!” she demanded. “Beg me to let you fuck this hot, wet pussy!”

“God, yes! Please let me fuck your pussy, I want you to ride me, Katherine,” I pleaded.

She managed to maneuver her body to take my cock inside her without using her hands or breaking eye contact. I felt like my dick might melt in her, she was so hot.

“Grab my tits, Kelly! Pinch my nipples hard!” she cried out, grinding her clit against my body as she fucked me.

Her pussy was so tight, it felt like a vise clamping down on me. I rolled her nipples between my fingers and thumbs, then I pinched them hard, making her cry out.

“Fuck, yeah! Twist and pinch my nipples, Kelly. Make me your bitch!” she screamed as she slammed her pussy down on my dick.

“That’s right, Katherine. Be a good girl and cum on my cock!” I ordered.

As she panted and moaned, I felt her body tense up. I could tell she was close. I reached down and used my thumb on her clit, sending her over the edge.

“Fuckkkk!” she cried. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” she cried as she flooded my lap.

As she worked hard to catch her breath and panted, “Where do you want to cum, Kelly?”

“I want to fuck your big tits and cum on your chest and face!” I blurted out.

She hopped off my lap and lowered the table. Then she positioned her big, beautiful melons over my lap and said, “Fuck my tits with that big, hard cock!”

Still not believing that my hard-on hadn’t disappeared, I reached down on my lap and coated my fingers with her juices. Then I spread a nice, wet trail between her giant globes. My dick was still covered in her cum and slid easily between those delightful mounds of flesh as they engulfed my pole.

“You like having your tits fucked by my cock, don’t you, Katherine?” I asked gruffly as I realized this was the first time since I walked in the door that I was in control of the action.

“Mmm-hmmm,” she moaned as she stuck out her tongue to lick the tip as my wickedly hard boner poked up through the top of her bouncing boobs.

Over and over I thrust, enjoying the feeling of her silky, smooth skin. I was fucking the biggest pair of tits I had ever seen in my life, and I was harder than I’d been in many months.

“I’m gonna cum on your face, slut!” I cried out as I felt my balls tighten. She didn’t stop me, she let me pump furiously until I exploded, covering her face and tits with what seemed like a river of cum.

As I leaned back against the table, heart beating wildly, panting as if I’d just run a marathon, she wiped some of my cum off her tits and licked it up. “Mmm, you taste delicious!” she beamed.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that we’d been at this for nearly two hours. I had managed to hold a full-on, Rock of Gibraltar-style erection for at least half that time or more.

She handed me a warm, wet cloth and a dry towel and left the room. I stayed in place for a few moments, relishing the fact that the last two hours had been amazing. Then the guilt started to surface. I had just cum on tits that weren’t Sarah’s.

I got cleaned up and waited for Dr. Katherine to come back into the room. When she came back, her wet hair indicating a quick shower, she smiled at me.

When I didn’t return the smile, she asked, “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t thank you enough, but I feel really guilty about the fact that I could do all this with you and not Sarah. She’s so beautiful and sexy, I should be able to get and keep a hard-on for her,” I explained.

“And you will,” she reassured me. “Especially since your treatment plan comes complete with essential oils, explicit instructions, and a video of what transpired here today.”

“Oh, God, Sarah’s not going to want to watch a video of me fucking your mouth, pussy, and tits!” I gasped.

“Why not?” Dr. Katherine said slyly. “She watched the whole thing live-streamed in my office. Oh, and she said to tell you that the co-pay on my fee was worth every penny!”


A month later, I have to admit, I’m not sure if it was the essential oils, the prostate massage, or just the whole spicing things up that did the trick. But I will say this. Dr. Katherine made me hard again and my sex life with Sarah has never been better!

Written by techgoddess
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