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A Very Effective Solution

"Sally finally finds lasting satisfaction and love."

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Author's Notes

"I had some enquiries about what happened to Young Sally in my series A Very Effective Treatment. The question was asked but never answered. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope this answers that question. This is a standalone story, but please feel free to read the others."

Sally Tennant smiled at her mother-in-law across the table. Although she was only a decade older than her, Adelaide Tennant had certainly taken a motherly role to Sally and enjoyed being a grandmother to Sally’s children. They never talked about the first time they met. It would not be appropriate, but they knew they remembered it well.

Adelaide Tennant asked her daughter-in-law how her stepson Gerald was doing.

“Is he well, my dear?”

“He is in fine form, thank you.”

“You and the children have made him so happy. In turn, that makes me and the Colonel happy, too. It was the best thing we did to call you in to tend to him. Little did we know that your treatment would be quite so effective.”

Sally smiled behind her teacup, remembering how she met her beloved.

Gerald had returned from the Crimean War, barely alive. In fact, if it weren't for sheer luck and the Colonel’s contacts, he would probably have been left for dead in the Battle of Inkerman, like over six hundred of his countrymen and a hundred and seventy-five French allies.

He survived the journey home, but after many months, the man who returned was just a shell of the boy who had left for battle. The Colonel tried to get him to talk man-to-man about his experiences, but Gerald was not forthcoming. He barely spoke at all, and when he did, it was in one-word, almost inaudible answers. He had lost the lower part of his left leg. It had taken a long time to heal, but Gerald was reluctant to use the crutches he had been given or leave his room. As time passed, he seemed to retreat into his mind more rather than less. Even his younger half-siblings, who had always admired their dashing big brother, could not reach him.

Gerald eventually took to his bed and became reluctant to eat. The Colonel eventually conceded to Adelaide’s command to send for Dr Helliwell and perhaps Young Sally to attend to him and check on his wound.

The Colonel began to blush before turning it into his typical bluster. He was still embarrassed to remember how Young Sally had helped raise his flagpole so effectively when he and Abigail started their married life together.

“You are wise, my dear, as always,” he smiled indulgently at his beloved whilst turning to the window to try and rearrange the stirring in his britches that the thoughts of Sally had caused.

Dr James Kirkham had already left for London, so Dr Helliwell now ran the practice as he waited for his stepson Edmund to complete his medical studies and take over. In truth, the practice was run efficiently by Sally, who kept everything in order for him.

On their arrival at the Tennant’s home, they were ushered into the drawing room, where the Colonel outlined his son’s low mood. When he had finished with the war talk, Adelaide Tennant smiled at Sally and said,

“It might be, Miss Harper, that he will require more specialised treatment to bring him out of this low mood.” She turned to Dr Helliwell then. “I must also apologise for the state of my stepson. For the past few days, his melancholia has been so intense that he has refused to bathe, shave, or pay close attention to his personal needs.”

“Do not worry at all, Mrs Tennant. We will soon have him cleaned up for you. Perhaps a man could prepare some bowls of hot water for us?”

Tennant rang the bell for assistance as Sally and Dr Helliwell were escorted to Gerald’s room.

As was customary, Dr. Helliwell entered first. The room was dark with the drapes drawn, and it smelt as musty and sour as the pale young man in the bed. Without introducing himself, Dr. Helliwell marched over to the window and drew back the drapes.

The sudden glare of sunlight startled Gerald, and he covered his eyes. As he lowered his hands, his vision cleared, and he saw young Sally for the first time. He quickly pulled up the covers to his chin to protect his naked chest from her startled gaze.

Dr Helliwell watched her reaction. Young Sally, although technically still a virgin, had seen many naked men before, pleasured them with her tongue and fingers and allowed them to do the same to her. He had never seen her act so demurely before.

Sally could barely look at Gerald; one part of her seemed frozen to the spot. Another part of her wanted to run and jump in that bed with this handsome young man. His gaze had already given her tingles in her special place. That had not happened before.

“Now, then, young man. I’m here to examine you, and Sally here will assist me.”

Dr Helliwell proceeded with all the usual medical checks before pulling back the sheet. Gerald tried to protest, embarrassed that Sally would see his naked form and that with the loss of his leg, he was no longer a complete man.

For her part, Sally just took in Gerald’s body: the dark hair on his chest, his slim torso, and his long manhood resting on his furry thigh. Goodness, if it grew any more, he should be called Gerald Ten inch, not Gerald Tennant. She was so distracted that she didn’t even notice that the lower part of his leg was missing. When she came to her senses, she realised that Dr Helliwell was examining his stump.

“Well, young man, you are fortunate. This could not have healed any better, but you risk further infection if you do not keep yourself thoroughly clean. You are quite ripe, young man.”

With that, he went to see if the bowls of warm water had been left outside the door as instructed. Carrying them to the cupboard behind Gerald's bed, he excused himself, saying,

“Now, I will speak to your father whilst Sally thoroughly cleans you.”

In his horror, Gerald did not notice the wink that Dr. Helliwell had given Sally or her sly smile as she closed the door behind her boss and benefactor.

Gerald tried to find his voice; it felt scratchy and alien to him.

“No,” he said, “You mustn’t. I am ashamed.”

“Ashamed, you are a hero; you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m no longer a real man, a whole man.”

“Well, you might have suffered injuries,” Sally said, smiling. “But from what I can see, you are every inch a real man and certainly the best I have ever seen. Now, let's get you smelling as good as you look.”

She leaned over him then and gently began to wash his face with the warm water. The cotton cloth is scratching against his unshaven face. Gerald lay back as he gazed into her eyes and inhaled her intoxicating scent. Relaxing, he closed his eyes and felt the warm water drops on his neck and chest as she cleaned him.

She swirled the hair on his chest as he cleaned and massaged his chest muscles; she washed his tummy, lower and lower, before stopping and cleaning his arms and fingers. He began to feel a stirring in his relaxed state as his root began to stiffen. Sally was now washing his feet, touching the delicate skin between his toes before washing his good leg and then his damaged one. She didn't flinch as she washed his wound; it was as if she didn't notice. She moved higher and higher up his thigh until she came to her prize. He was now fully erect and standing to attention.

“I am sorry,” he started to mutter.

“Why be sorry? He is magnificent, and I would have been disappointed if he had not come up to say hello.”

She dropped the cloth then and used one hand to stroke him while the other hand gently massaged his heavy balls. She soon realised that she would need two hands to pleasure him effectively. Possibly two hands and her mouth, too; she smiled as she took his freshly washed mushroom into her mouth for the first time. Licking all around his head, her hands pumped up and down his shaft. The soft sucking of her warm, wet mouth and the stimulation of her delicate hands were too much for Gerald-

“Stop or I will –“

But Young Sally carried on her administrations, and when Gerald roared his release, she took all that he had to give.

Afterwards, she wiped her mouth delicately with one of the washcloths. She smiled down at this beautiful man. She had promised her mother she would save herself for marriage, but this man had gotten to her. It had taken all her willpower not to drop her bloomers and climb aboard him. She kissed him then as she covered him with the sheet. It was not a kiss goodbye but a deep kiss, their tongues twirling around each other’s. It was a kiss of promise.

She giggled as she went to join Dr Helliwell.

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“Was that effective, young lady?”

“Very effective, Doctor, when are we returning?”

“Tomorrow and daily for a little while, I think. However, I think you can handle this treatment alone. My presence will not be required.”

Sally returned daily. She could see that Gerald was coming out of his shell. He was eating again, and he smiled whenever she arrived. He was talking more, though still quietly. Sally found herself thinking about Gerald all the time, dreaming about Gerald. He had affected her as much as she had affected him. Sally decided she needed to push the treatment forward,

“Next time I come, I expect to see you out of bed and in that chair waiting for me.”

As Sally went to open the door, she heard Gerald say in a strong voice, “Next time, you come. I will make sure you do, too,” Gerald said.

She asked that a bath be drawn for him tomorrow morning. Upon her arrival the next day, she was greeted by Adelaide Tennant, who told her.

“Oh, my dear Sally, you have worked your magic once again. Gerald is talking to us again. He even let his younger siblings sit and chat with him on his bed. We heard him laugh; we had not heard that for a long time. The Colonel did not say much, but I know my beloved feels like he is starting to get his boy back.”

Sally climbed the stairs smiling and knocked on Gerald’s bedroom door. She found him sitting in his armchair with a large enamel bath in front of the fire. His beard was now neat again and his hair looked clean and freshly trimmed.

He smiled when he saw her come in.

“You came!” He smiled. “I am always worried that you may never return.”

“I will be here whilst you need me.” Sally smiled as she reached to help him stand.

Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, his arms wrapping tightly around her as he kissed her deep, his tongue once again exciting her. His hands found their way under her skirts, and he parted her bloomers to find her moistened core. Sally did not pull away; instead, she parted her creamy thighs to allow him easier access to her treasure. He rubbed his hands in her moisture as he continued to kiss her. He felt like each of her kisses was bringing him back to life.

He rubbed her before inserting one, then two, fingers in her honeypot. She reached her climax quickly, and he smiled at her as he licked his fingers. He had never tasted something so delicious.

When Sally had gathered her wits, she said, “Let’s get you in the bath.”

She helped him stand, and he dropped his woollen dressing gown. She helped him get in the tub, the water still warm. She then began to soap him as she had during her other visits.

“This would be easier if you joined me,” said Gerald smoothly.

Sally drew back. “I have given treatment to patients. I have pleasured and been pleasured by hand and mouth. I have disrobed to some extent, but I have never been completely naked in front of a man. I have never lain with a man. I am a virgin.”

“I’m different, though, aren’t I? You’ve never wanted to before, have you?”

“No, not before you, no.”

Gerald smiled at her confession. “Join me; I won't do anything you don't want to do. I promise as an officer and a gentleman.”

Sally looked intently at him as she started to disrobe. His eyes never left her as he drank in her luscious curves. Her round, full breasts, her curvaceous hips and slim waist. She was truly a goddess, and he needed her more than he had ever needed any woman.

Quickly, she slipped into the water with him. He began to soap her as she had done him. His hands wandered over her silky skin. He took particular care to wash her breasts, stroking her nipples till they hardened into peaks. He leant forward then and suckled on her breast. His tongue explored as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She stroked his hair as he did so before reaching down and taking his manhood in her hand. Together, they carried on pleasuring each other until, using her well-soaped finger, she gently entered his bottom.

Gerald was shocked as he experienced Sally’s special treatment for the first time. Not shocked enough to ask her to stop, however. All his worries and nightmares seemed to ebb away as she moved her delicate finger in and out of his tight hole as she sucked his length into her mouth. His sap was rising, rising, and his orgasm felt harder and stronger than any he had previously experienced. He groaned in his pleasure. Sally made him forget everything else. He felt alive when she was with him. It was a feeling that had grown more each time he saw her.

“Now it is your turn,” Gerald said, kissing her deeply and tasting the saltiness of his seed still on her tongue. It excited him in a way that surprised him. Standing her up in the tub in front of him, he encouraged her to bend forward and grip the edge in front of her. Her buried his face into her delicious honeypot for the first time. His tongue flicked and licked her like he was a starving man. In many ways, he was, such was his need to drink from Sally’s delicious furry cup. It was the nectar of the gods; he knew at first taste that it was the elixir that he needed to recover his sense of self fully.

Sally, for her part, was in heaven. She had been pleasured in this way by many men. She recalled that young Dr Kirkham had been particularly adept, but no man had ever made her feel as Gerald did. She moaned as she felt his hands run up and down her wet thighs as he licked and sucked at her very core before stabbing at her with his long, stiff tongue. It was all too much for her as she became undone. Her juices flooded Gerald’s handsome face as she came.

Collapsing back into the tub, she rested on his hairy chest. She felt like she was home.

“I want you completely, Sally,” he whispered in her ear before nibbling it. She moaned again. “I need you to be mine.”

“Oh Gerald, you know I can't. I must save myself for marriage.”

“Then marry me, make me happy every day, and I will endeavour to make you just as happy.”

“Gerald, I am a mere domestic. I have treated men, including your father. You are the son of an important man. You are an officer, a gentleman. You don’t marry the likes of me.”

“That’s just an excuse. Father already told me how you helped him and Adelaide. That doesn't matter to me; only you matter to me. It is because I am not a whole man. It is because you have seen me at my lowest ebb. You have seen me weak.”

Sally turned around, her eyes blazing. “You are the strongest, the bravest, the most beautiful man I have ever met. Don’t you dare call the man I love weak.”

She stopped suddenly when she realised what she had said. Gerald, too, was shocked. Not only had he never been called beautiful before, but the woman he loved, above all others, felt the same way as him.

He idly stroked her pink, wet nipples as he considered his next words.

“Sally Harper, you seem to think that marriage is optional. It is not. You said that you would be here when I need you. Well, I will always need you. We will be married, and I will make love to you for the rest of our lives. Vigorously.”

“Well,” sighed Sally, “That sounds like a very effective solution.”

Although shocked, the Colonel and Adelaide would have agreed to anything to ensure that their beloved Gerald was no longer lost to them.

He stood proudly at the altar in his dress uniform. He and Sally had eyes for only each other.

That night in bed, they enjoyed each other fully for the first time.

“You are the first and last man to enter me here,” Sally purred after Gerald’s oral ministrations had prepared her for his large member. He was gentle as he entered her, easing himself into her slowly until the worst of the pain had passed.

“Oh, that feels so good; I feel so full,” she murmured, and he picked up his pace. Deeper and deeper he went as he kissed and suckled her beautiful breasts. Sally, in her pleasure, clawed at his strong back and pawed his muscular buttocks, urging him on. Finally, as she felt both their climaxes build, she inserted her delicate finger into his special place to ensure that Gerald would never forget the first time that he made love to his wife.

When, only a couple of months later, the happy young couple announced that the Colonel and Adelaide would soon be grandparents, the Colonel merely smiled and whispered to Adelaide.

“A very effective treatment, my dear, very effective indeed.”


Written by Willbob69
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