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Wanna Play

"It all started with a game of Monopoly."

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"Wanna play?"

"What's the point? You never win."

"I beat you once."

"That time I had mono doesn't count."

"C'mon, what's the harm?" he said as he laced his hands behind his head. "It’s only one game."

"It’s still amazing to me that after all these years, you still can't beat me at Monopoly."

"Well, I have taken the years to develop other talents." At his words, Bree took a moment to steal another glance at her best friend. The talents he was referring to, she had never personally experienced, but from what she heard, she wouldn’t mind. And neither would her panties based on how damp they had become.

Wearing his favorite Guns 'N Roses T-shirt and ripped jeans; this was the most relaxed and unguarded she'd seen him in a while. With his head tilted toward the ceiling, she took a moment to study his profile. Finn possessed a rugged look and Bree had no doubt he would only look better with age. The strong line of his jaw and prominent ridge of his nose guaranteed there was never a lack of her classmates tagging along behind him. His dark brown eyes always flickered with a hint of mischief, and they never offered a promise they couldn't keep.

Bree's eyes trailed down the side of Finn's neck where her gaze landed on a tiny scar, she'd nearly forgotten about it. Usually Finn's hair was too long to see it, but with his buzz cut, she could just make out the jagged scar clearly through his blond hair.

Finn shifted, dragging Bree’s eyes from his smooth skin. "Yea, well, I've heard about your talents, Finn," she said tossing her hair over her shoulder. She didn't want to tell him exactly how much she heard, but she'd heard enough.

"I hear I'm actually quite good. Well," he added with a shrug. "At least that is what’s written on the bathroom stalls in the girl’s room, anyway."

"Hubris is bad for your complexion." She said as she stood and walked toward his closet to get the Monopoly board. It was in the same place it'd always been. "Since when do you take trips into the ladies room?" she asked tossing a look over her shoulder.

She watched as his smile widened, and he unconsciously puffed out his chest. "Sometimes my talents lead me to the women's bathroom. Sometimes it’s the backseat of my car, sometimes their mommy and daddy's bed. I'm not picky; I go where the work is. Its part of the job description," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Of course it was, he was every bit the walking epitome of the American boy next door; high school senior, incredibly good looking and athletic. Everything a girl would want, right? Conrad G. Finnigan was the boy all the girls wanted to go to prom with, the boy girls routinely threw themselves at in the hall. Girls at Jefferson High never failed to let him know when their parents were going out of town. When Bree thought about, she found it quite funny.

They'd been friends seemingly forever, but didn't exactly run in the same circles.

She was too sure of herself for most boys, and too reserved for the girls. Bree didn't see the point in being like the other girls in her grade and throwing herself at a guy she liked. Instead she'd befriend them. Of course, this always lead to her being the best friend and never the girlfriend, but at this point, she understood her role in the universe. Case in point, her current situation.

"You are so disgusting." As if it were possible, his smile got even wider. She couldn't tell him what she was really thinking.

"You're just jealous," he said as he slid down onto the floor across from where she opened the Monopoly board.

She scoffed, and it sounded pretty convincing. "Jealous? Of what? Your tiny pecker and bad breath? I don't think so, love." She only called him love when she was telling him something she didn't mean.

"Tisk, tisk, you've seen my pecker before," he said as he raised his eyebrows at her, "and it’s nothing to sneeze at." The thought of the time she caught him changing out of his bathing suit brought heat to her face, and she hoped he didn't see it.

"If you were three feet tall, you'd be perfectly proportional."

She giggled loudly as he pulled a pillow off his bed and hurled it at her face.

"Don't make me tickle you."

"No, okay, seriously. Don't do it." She watched as he wiggled his fingers at her, making her squirm. "I promise, I promise," she said between giggles.

"You promise what?"

"That I won't tell anyone about your impossibly small pecker!" she shouted as she tried to scramble backwards to get away from his approaching form.

"That's it. I'm gonna tickle you `till you piss yourself." He launched himself over the game board, scrambling on all fours to try and get to her. He grunted as the little silver terrier piece implanted itself in his knee.

She backed up quickly trying to move her legs out of his reach. She was nearly around the other side of his bed when he latched onto her ankle. Before he even started his assault, she was laughing.

"No, no, please. I didn't mean it," she gasped out between fits of laughter.

"You're only apologizing because I caught you," he said as he sat on her shins and started to tickle right above her kneecaps. He didn't understand it, but she was irrationally ticklish above her knees.

"Nooo!" she shouted as she tried to buck him off her, but she couldn't. He was planted firmly on her legs, and she couldn't move him. She tried swatting at him with her hands, but he was too fast for her. "Stop. I can't breathe. Please!" she managed to get out.

He slid up her legs and sat on her thighs. "What do you say?" he said in his singsong triumphant voice.

"You're an ass?" she asked with a wicked smile. He pinched her sides and she yelped. "Fine," she said with a huff. "Conrad G. Finnigan, you are master of all. Except Monopoly," she added under her breath. He pinched her again, and she squealed.

"You're not finished," he said with a grin.

She rolled her eyes before continuing. "You are smarter, faster, and better looking than me, although I think you look like a toad." His fingers hovered above her threatening another attack, and she rushed on. "You win."

"Good," he said with a nod of his head. "You may always win at Monopoly, but I always win a tickle match."

"That's because you cheat."

"I do not," he said as he brushed his hand over his buzz cut trying to look mildly hurt. It didn't work.

Bree's heart began to beat faster as she tried to ignore the weight of his body on her. She tried to ignore the feeling of his strong thighs securing her to the floor, the heat emanating from him. "You're not ticklish, Finn. That's cheating."

"Oh, but I am," he said into her ear as he leaned down over her. "You just haven't found the spot yet." Bree felt her panties moisten further, and she hated herself for it.

Sitting astride her, staring down at her, he opened his mouth to say something when the buzzing of his cell phone cut him off.

"Aren't you going to get that?" She asked when he made no move to get off her.


"It could be one of your harems vying for your attention."

He shrugged and moved off her. She was relieved and saddened at the same time. "Doesn't matter. It’s probably just Kelly trying to persuade me to take her to prom again."

"I think the fact that she calls you Connie and gets away with it speaks volumes."

"Shut up." Finn hated the nickname, Connie and refused to be called by it. He hated the name Conrad too, which is why everyone called him Finn. But Kelly got away with it calling him Connie. He'd say he is too distracted by her jiggling chest to notice what she was calling him.

Finn moved away from her and placed himself back on his side of the Monopoly board. She watched as he fixed his gaze on the board and straightened his money. He didn't lift his eyes when he asked her who she was going to prom with.

"Yea right, Finn," Bree said rolling her eyes. "All the guys I know are going with their girlfriends, and every other hot-blooded male won't come within 30 feet of me. No thanks to you."

Finn's head snapped up. "What do you mean, 'no thanks to me'?"

"We hang out with all the same guys. The least you could do was put in a good word for me, but no." Finn leaned back against the foot of the bed and waited for her to finish. "You say nothing and everyone assumes I'm some kind of leper."

"Well, what would you have wanted, Bree?" Finn added with an attitude.

"At the very least, a fucking date to my senior prom."

Finn watched in amusement as she huffed while separating the Community Chest from the Chance cards. The pout of her lips was tempting as she tried but failed miserably to hide her grimace. Finn crossed his legs Indian-style and leaned slightly forward with his elbows resting on his knees. He reached out a hand and tugged on one of the long luscious curls framing her face.

"Why don't we go together?"

He wasn't sure how she was going to react, but why not? They'd known each other forever, they wouldn't get on each other's nerves, and he wouldn't have to worry about Kelly, or any other girl trying to show him off like he was a prized pony.

Bree heard the words, and her movements stilled, but she knew he was only humoring her. "In your dreams Finn, I'd want a real date." She didn't want pity, least of all from him. The words came out sharper than she'd intended, but still, she needed to stay grounded in reality, and this was borderline extraterrestrial.

"Fine, brat. I was only trying to do you a favor."

Bree's eyes locked on her best friend's. Finn only called her a brat when he didn't get his way, but this time, was that hurt she heard in his voice too? She noted his brown eyes were hard stones now. His lips were set tight. He was pissed.

Finn watched as she pushed a mass of dark curls from her face, her light brown eyes shimmering brilliantly against her mocha colored skin. He watched as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, a move she made when she was choosing her words wisely.

"It’s not that I wouldn't want to go with you," she slowly started when his features didn't soften. "But, it's my senior prom. It's supposed to be special."

She sat chewing on her lip, hoping she didn't just piss him off further. She really wasn't in the mood for his temperamental nature.

"Who said it wouldn't be special?" The words came out barely above a whisper through clenched teeth.

"C'mon Finn. We both know that me going with you would be just like me going alone. You'd be fine at first, then Kelly or some other girl would come along and I'd loose my date for the rest of the night. If I'm going to be seen alone, than I'd rather just show up alone. Besides," Bree bashfully looked down at her hands. "Bobby's been paying some extra attention to me --"

"Bobby Scott?" he shouted nearly making her jump. "What the fuck are you thinking?" His voice had taken on an irrationally harsh tone.

"What's wrong with him? I was kinda hoping he was gonna ask me. I know prom is almost here, but there’s still time for him to ask." She said as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"He's known as the Cherry Popper, Bree."

"So," she said looking at him defiantly. The word flew out of her mouth before her brain had time to process it. The one syllable utterance forced color into his milky skin and caused his jaw to tense. Bree smiled at him. The fact that his light skin color couldn't hide his true feelings was always something she exploited.

"So?" he grumbled, the vein in his forehead pulsing. "What happens after he pops your cherry? Because I know you still have one."

"First of all," she said shaking her hair out of her eyes again. "It’s none of your business if I am a virgin or not, and second, who said it would get that far?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said sarcastically, "big, bad Breanna can defend herself."

"Of course I can."

"Right, Bobby is 5'11 and 200 pounds. He plays football and pushes people around for fun. But 'lil 5'6 Breanna Reade whose 120 pounds soaking wet can defend herself."

"Yep," she said, her voice trembling slightly. She could see the holes in her plan, but he didn't have to know that. "I just want a date to prom."

Finn's eyes narrowed into slits, his eyes still stones. He was fighting to control himself, and Bree loved every minute of it.

Her smile disappeared when he shoved the game board out of his way and sent all the tiny pieces slamming into the wall.

"Just a date, huh?" he said as he leaned forward onto his hands and knees. "Well, what happens when the prom is over, and everyone's going back to the Hotel for the after party, huh?" He stalked toward her, trying to intimidate her. She didn't want to let him know it was working.

Slowly, Bree began to inch away from him. "What happens when he grabs you and you can't get away?" She felt his steely grip latch onto her ankle. Bree tried to keep moving but she couldn't, his grip was too strong.

"Stop this, it isn't funny, Finn."

"And it won't be funny when he bunches up your dress and manages to get his hand down those Little Mermaid panties I know you still wear." The thought of another guy touching her sent white-hot anger coursing through him.

"Finn, STOP IT!" she shouted. He was on top of her now, a far away look in his eye. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, but he was scaring her. Bree balled up a small fist and tried to hit him in the face. He laughed at her, easily catching her hand. She started struggling in earnest now, trying to buck him off her, but it only seemed to fuel him on. Bree managed to punch him once in his bad shoulder, but he didn't stop. Instead he grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head.

"You can't even win a fucking tickle match. What makes you think you can defend yourself from someone that really wants something from you?" His face was just inches from hers as she sat trembling from both anticipation and fear.

The weight of his body was now pressed firmly against her and she couldn't move. "Fine. You made your point, now get off me."

His beautiful features contorted and he bent his head towards hers like he was going to kiss her.

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She held her breath and closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes," he commanded. She felt like she had no other choice but to do what he said. She opened her eyes and watched as he placed feathered kisses along her jaw. She moaned involuntarily and turned her head away from him in shame.

Finn nibbled on her ear and licked his way down her neck and gently nipped at her collarbone. He teased and sucked on the flesh there enticing a love mark to the surface of her brown skin. He moved under her chin and kissed her throat relishing in how responsive she was. With each kiss, he could feel her body bucking, trying to get closer to him.

"Is it going to be this easy for Bobby, Breanna? A few kisses and you're putty in his hands?"

"Get off me," she said with more confidence than she felt. She had to at least act braver than she felt. Right now she wanted nothing more than for him to continue.

"Make me." He said through gritted teeth. He was having a tough time controlling himself, and her squirming was driving him crazy.

"I hat-" before she could finish the sentence, he swallowed her voice with his mouth. His kiss was gentle at first, in sharp contrast to the controlling way he held her. She gasped into the kiss, allowing him to slowly snake his tongue into her mouth teasing another whimper from her. His grip on her hands loosened and he expected her to smack him, but she didn't. Thank god. For now, she wanted this as much as he did. She probably would hate him for doing this to her later, but for right now, this was perfect.

He nibbled on her bottom lip trying to communicate to her just how good things with him could be. Her eyes fluttered closed as he began to pull away from her. He was only going to continue if she wanted him to. He'd already crossed the line with her and hoped she didn't want to go back.

Finn watched as she opened her eyes and her face flushed with color. "I couldn't let you finish that sentence. It sounded like you would've really meant it."

She blinked for several seconds searching his features for the truth. Her heart swelled as she realized he wanted this as much as she did. Honestly, she was surprised he hadn't noticed her massive crush earlier.

Bree opened her mouth to speak, but fearing what she would say, Finn kissed her again, this time not holding anything back. He kissed her until she couldn't breathe, then he kissed her some more.

Finn let go of her hands completely and she moved her hands to his face where she traced the strong lines of his brow and jaw. When her fingers gently brushed over his lips, he pulled her thumb between his lips and sucked gently. He felt her hips buck at the sensation, and she felt her heart beat at the apex of her thighs.

There was no going back, and she wasn't sure if she ever wanted to. No doubt there would consequences, but right now, in this moment, this was perfect.

Finn, enjoying the feel of her underneath him shifted his weight. He watched as Bree's eyes grew wide and she stilled. She could feel the heat of his length pressing into her hip as he shifted above her, and it scared her.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll go slow." Bree's caught her lip in between her teeth as she nodded her head. Trying to ease the growing intensity of the slow burn between her legs, Bree spread her legs wider and forced her mound onto Finn's leg, making them both moan.

Bree was about to ask him where he was going when he sat up and moved down her body. She thought she'd done something wrong and he'd changed his mind. The concern on her face was wiped away as Finn slowly lifted her tee shirt exposing her belly button. He dipped his tongue into the depression in her smooth stomach and she squealed.

He kissed his way up her torso as he exposed more of her skin with his hands. Bree ran her fingers along his shaved head loving the prickly feel of his hair on her fingers. Sliding up her body, he pulled her shirt from her and smiled at the view before him.

He'd seen her in bathing suites plenty of times, in her underwear too, but this was different. He could see her breasts trembling as she drew in shaky breaths. Finn smiled down at Bree erasing her doubts. She tried to cover herself self, but he gently pulled her hands away. With one arm, he lifted her body from the floor and unclasped her bra with the other.

Bree giggled. "Lots of practice, huh?"

Finn grinned back at her sheepishly. Yeah, he'd had a lot of practice, but this was different. This was special. He slid her black bra from her small frame and kissed the spots where her straps had been. He teased her unmercifully as he refused to touch her sensitive and puckered nipples.

"Please..." Bree huffed, she wasn't sure what she wanted, but she knew she wanted more.

Finn's eyes connected with hers as he kissed and licked a path to her nipples. Gently, he took a bud into his mouth and sucked. Bree thought she was going to explode. She felt tiny sparks explode behind her eyes and she felt her panties flood with her cream.

"Oh god," she moaned as her hands laced behind his head trying to pull him closer.

"That's not even the best part," he said wolfishly. He licked and sucked each nipple, making sure each got equal amounts of attention. He couldn't believe how sweet she tasted. He smiled as he kicked himself for not doing this sooner. She never seemed interested in him, and he'd always been afraid to take things to the next step for fear of ruining their friendship.

Finn watched as her eyes widened as he slid down her body. She sucked in her belly as he caught the zipper on her jeans with his teeth. As each part of her skin was revealed, he kissed the newly exposed flesh.

Bree reveled in the way he was looking and touching her, like he wanted to remember this moment forever. She smiled to herself. As many times as she had imagined and dreamt about this, it had never been this amazing. The smile on her face was replaced with a gasp as Finn finally managed to get her pants all the way off. He sat up and looked down at his best friend.

"Little Mermaid. See I told you." Bree's face heated at how well her best friend knew her. These were her favorite panties.

Her raven hair was spread across the floor of his bedroom, pillowing her head. Her bottom lip was tucked neatly in between her teeth as she waited for him to make the next move. As he tossed her jeans over his shoulder, he picked up her leg and made sure he kissed a definite path to his prize. By the time he'd reached her knee, she was trying to hold back giggles. Finn smiled as he shook his head. He kissed higher, and her giggles increased. "This isn't the part where you laugh, sweetheart."

She couldn't help it. "It tickles," she said bashfully.

"I'll give you something to giggle about," he said as spread her legs as wide as they could go, and before she could process what was about to happen, he planted his face between her legs began to lick at her throbbing pussy through her panties. Her giggles died in her throat and were replaced with low, guttural moans. She didn't know what he was doing, but she didn't want him to stop.

Her scent was intoxicating as he buried his face in her panties, trying desperately to taste as much of her as he could. He placed a hand on her stomach to try to keep her still as she bucked and thrashed into his face. Using one hand, he pulled her panties to the side and watched her juices flow out of her.

Finn licked the line where her thigh met her mound and was supremely pleased when he heard her moan his name. He flattened his tongue and ran it along the length of her slit. Bree screamed and tried to pull his face closer to her sex.

Using the skills he'd been perfecting for just this moment, he began to tease her as he slid his tongue in and out of her body, ignoring her pleas. Finn couldn't stop if he wanted too, the taste of her was addicting. He spread her pussy lips apart as he tried to taste every inch of her throbbing pussy.

He circled her clit with his tongue causing her to buck her hips uncontrollably. She could feel pins and needles starting at her toes. She didn't know what was happening, and she told him so. He said nothing as he waited until she was close to coming, then he latched onto her clit and sucked as hard as he could while flicking his tongue across her hardened nub. Bree opened her mouth in a silent scream as she felt wave after wave of pleasure washing over her, tensing her muscles.

She cried for him to stop, but Finn wasn't going to quit until he was satisfied. With his mouth still firmly on her clit, he swirled a finger in her juices and slowly pushed his digit into her scorching sex. He could feel her body clenching at his finger as she rode out the waves of her orgasm.

He ate her until she came again, and his jaw was ached. He hadn't even touched himself and he was ready to burst, but he was intent on making this last. He sat up on his heels satisfied with the contented look on her face. Bree looked exhausted and sated.

He watched as Bree's head fell to the side and her eyes fluttered closed. "Oh no you don't, we're not done yet," he said as he easily lifted her spent body from the floor and placed her gently on his bed.

He smiled at her as he lowered his head to hers and captured her lips again. Thinking he couldn't waste another moment because she might change her mind, Finn ripped his shirt from his body and Bree's breath caught in her throat. She forgot what a wonderful body he had. Football had given him the body of a god.

Finn was well aware of the reputation he had. With other girls, he had used his reputation and took pride in it almost as a badge of honor. But, with Bree, it wasn’t about that. It was about the two of them, and only the two of them. It was about him getting the one thing that he had wanted for years, but was too afraid to go for - his best friend.

Finn was about to undo his belt when her fingers stilled his movements. For a second he feared she would tell him to stop. Her fingers brushed his out of the way as she clumsily undid his belt. She popped the button on his jeans slowly sliding the zipper down. Finn thought the very fiber of his being was going to shatter. He pulled her hands away afraid that one touch from her would ruin to moment for the two of them.

She looked shocked and almost scared that she'd done something wrong. "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you touch me, this might end before it gets started," he answered her unasked question.

She smiled back at him as he fished inside his pants and pulled out his throbbing erection. Bree's eyes widened in fear, the swollen purple head giving her pause. Bree had never seen a penis before; health class didn't count, and she was nervous.

"Don't worry, it'll fit," he said with a grin as he looked at her wantonly. Bree nodded her head as he covered her with his body again. The friction created from the roughness of his jeans against the smoothness of her skin was driving her insane.

Watching the expression on her face, he covered her mouth with his again, kissing her deeply. His fingers found his erection as he began to pull at himself.

"I need you. Now."

"You have no idea, baby," Finn said huskily. "How long I've wanted this."

He captured her mouth again, ravaging her with his tongue. His pants still hanging loosely around his hips, Finn poised himself at her seeping entrance, teasing her as he rubbed his head of his throbbing cock along her slit. Suddenly, he thrust into her hard and fast enticing another gasp from his best friend as he pushed past her natural barrier. He stilled inside of her and kissed her neck until he felt her body start to move in the rhythm that would push them both closer to orgasm.

The feel of him taking her, hadn’t been as painful as she had always imagined. It was uncomfortable, and stung, but it wasn’t terrible. Bree just felt full, like she was going to split in two.

The friction Bree felt was indescribable as Finn slowly began to move inside of her. He pressed his length into her slow and hard, slamming his pelvis into her clit each time making tiny stars float behind her eyes. Bree's eyes shot skyward as Finn began to move against her harder and faster. He watched as his pale meat slid in between her mocha thighs and willed himself not to cum.

She called out to god, she called out to the heavens. She didn't know what Finn was doing to her, but she knew she never wanted it to stop. The sounds of flesh smacking flesh began to fill the room and Bree began to pant Finn's name. The pins and needles were starting again, and the look on Finn's face was pure concentration.

He pulled her legs up around his waist as he tried to get deeper inside his best friend. He was slamming into her hard now, bottoming out, and Bree's groans seemed to spur him on. He could feel her tightness threatening to milk him dry, but he wasn't done yet. He grabbed her hips and pulled her tighter to him. She met each of his thrusts with one of her own, trying to delve into the delicious friction she was feeling.

Finn leaned down and latched onto her nipple with his teeth, making Bree scream as her orgasm began to take over. The combination of pain and pleasure pushed her over the edge and she screamed her release for anyone that was willing to listen. She felt Finn pump into her body erratically as his release ripped through him. He let go of her nipple and leaned into her neck as he pumped rope after rope of cum inside her body, branding her as his.

Finn fell on top of her enjoying the warmth radiating from their bodies. He looked down at Bree's face and watched as her eyes began to close. With a smile, he flexed his hips, causing her eyes to fly open at the sensation of him still being buried inside her.

"Does this mean you're going to prom with me?"

The vibrations of Bree's giggles started out slow until she was laughing uncontrollably. "You've got some above average persuasion skills," she said in between fits of laughter.

He nipped at her neck with his teeth being sure to leave her with another mark.

Written by BiancaDean
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