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Through the Storm

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Felicia had just opened her laptop and was ready to start working on her project when the loud pulsing rock music began in her neighbor’s apartment. Since the new neighbor moved in over a month ago, he had been playing his music at top volume during the day, evening, and night.

Previously, she was able to put her ear buds in and ignore it, but now she had had enough. It was time to tell her neighbor that he could not play his loud music at all hours of the day.

“That’s it!” she said, irate as she put her things aside and went out the door. She walked down the hall to the next apartment and knocked forcefully until the door was yanked open from her, mid knock.

“Hey, can I help you?” a tall, white guy asked as he leaned against the door. He wore a faded red flannel shirt over a white tank and loose fitting denim jeans. He was handsome in a very classic, all-American way with short cropped blond hair, twinkling blue eyes, and a chiseled granite jawline.

“Please, can you turn down your music?” Felicia asked nicely.

“What? You think my music’s too loud?” he asked teasingly as he shouted over the music.

“Yes! It’s too loud!” Felicia shouted back, noting his mocking tone. “Are you going to turn it down?”

“Maybe.” He smiled, looking her up and down, his eyes lingering on her chest.

Felicia was an attractive girl with a smooth chocolate complexion, dark brown eyes, and a small button nose. She wore her naturally curly hair up in a messy bun. Although short and petite, she was endowed when it came to breasts and often got that look from guys.

“Really?” Felicia rolled her eyes with her hands on her hips. “My eyes are up here.”

“I don’t think that we have properly met before.” He smiled, then introduced himself. “I’m Will.” He extended his hand.

“Felicia,” she said, shaking his hand reluctantly.

“Nice to finally meet you, Felicia,” he said with a smile.

“So, your music? Are you going to turn it down? And I don’t mean to sound bitchy or anything, but your music is way too loud, like all the time. I’m in grad school, I need to study and I can’t concentrate with your music blaring like that, all the time. Maybe you can take it down just a few notches?” Felicia asked.

Will finally turned the volume down with the remote. “Better?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said as she turned and walked away.

She wore a long tunic top over leggings that complemented her curves well. Will enjoyed the view as she walked away, he smiled to himself before closing the door.

Later that evening, Will sat in bed, playing games on his computer, when he heard loud moaning from his neighbor’s apartment. Since moving in last month, he had only heard them twice before and he was able to tune it out by putting on his headphones or going to another room. Now that he had actually met his neighbor, Felicia, he had a face and body to put to the loud moaning. He found himself intrigued and a bit turned on.

As he listened to her muffled moans he tried to picture her naked, petite, chocolate body. Will imagined her large breasts and wondered what they would be like bouncing up and down. He was aware of her fast build up to climax; he waited with bated breath for Felicia to scream out in an orgasm.

Will could no longer ignore his own erection as he reached his hand into his boxers. He held his thick head in his hand, and slowly began rubbing it. He closed his eyes and thought about her large bouncing breasts and what he would like to do to them. Will cringed when instead of a feminine orgasm, a deep husky male voice overrode her moans. Confronted with the reality of what just happened, Will felt pity for Felicia for not knowing completion and satisfaction from her lover.

With his own cock in his hand, Will had to take care of his own satisfaction. He continued to jerk himself off until he shot a load in his boxers. The pity he felt for his unsatisfied neighbor transferred to himself as he made his way to the bathroom to clean up.

“Fuck, I need to get laid,” he murmured to himself as he grabbed a washcloth.

The next day, Will was transferring his wet laundry to the dryer in the shared laundry room in the basement of the apartment building. Felicia came in carrying a basket of laundry on her hip. Will just smiled as Felicia loaded her laundry into the washing machine.

“So, you had a busy night last night, huh? Studying?” he asked.

“Um, yeah, I was,” Felicia said.

“Then your boyfriend came over.” Will grinned. He couldn't help but notice her ass as she bent over the machine. She was wearing a loose tee shirt and cut off jean shorts that gloriously showed off her curvy hips and smooth cocoa legs. “Don’t worry, you didn't have me up all night. Actually, it was over rather quickly,” he teased.

Felicia turned to him. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Will shrugged. “Just saying, I think our bedrooms share a mutual wall.”

Felicia tried not to show that she was embarrassed and blushing. “Um, what? You were listening? What are you a pervert or something?” Felicia asked disgusted.

“I couldn't help but listen. You got some lungs on you for a small little thing,” he teased her.

Felicia slammed the lid close on the washer. “You’re pathetic!” she said as she walked out.

Later that week, Felicia was taking the trash out to the garbage chute when she saw her neighbor, Will, enter his apartment with a cute blonde wearing a tight skimpy dress and teetering on high heels.

As Will unlocked his door he turned and smiled at Felicia. “Hey, not going out tonight, huh?”

“No, I’m in for the night. Michael is out of town visiting some family for the weekend,” she said, noticing how the girl clung on to Will, even running her hand up the back of his shirt. It was obvious this girl had only one thing on her mind right now and chatting with his neighbor wasn't it.

“C’mon, Will, lets go inside,” she said tugging on his arm.

“Totally his type,” Felicia said to herself as they disappeared into his apartment. Sure, Will was an attractive guy, Felicia thought, he probably had no problem picking up girls. So why did he get the most skanky one? As she returned to her own apartment, she wondered why she even cared who her neighbor brought home.

As she settled in bed with a book to read, she heard the unmistakable sound of a creaking bed frame followed by loud moans. Her neighbor was having sex, she thought, as she tried to tune them out and concentrate on her book.

After reading the same paragraph over five times, Felicia realized that she couldn't focus on the words on the page. Will and the blonde were steady at it. She looked over at her clock, at least fifteen minutes has past since she got in bed and the moaning started. She would give him another minute, two tops, as she shuffled out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Five minutes later, she returned to her bedroom where she was met with the sound of her neighbor’s vigorous copulation.

“Geez.” Felicia rolled her eyes as she climbed back in bed.

She turned the television on to watch a late night movie. Felicia was only superficially into the movie, she didn't even have the volume up that much, but she didn't want to admit to herself that the marathon next door was getting to her in a way she didn't expect. As she lay in bed, her body began to respond to the sex sounds of her neighbor.

Her hand, casually laid across her breasts, slowly began to massage her nipples, and within seconds they were hard. The moans from next door were getting louder, and Felicia had a growing curiosity about how long they could actually go on. She imagined the endless pounding, in awe at the stamina Will must have. Her hand moved further down her torso, across her smooth dark stomach, down even lower to the elastic band of her pajamas. She hesitated for a second, feeling a little voyeuristic. It was just earlier this week that she accused the same neighbor of being a pervert for listening to her during sex.

But it was too late, she was too far gone and feeling very horny. Her hand slid under the elastic band of her pajamas and inside her panties. She was already wet as she moved her hand against her clit and gently prodded herself with a manicured finger.

Felicia let out a soft moan as she stroked her finger along the slick walls of her sex. She was getting really hot and worked up as she increased pressure and slid her finger deeper. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine her handsome boyfriend Michael rubbing her like this. Instead the image that kept coming to mind was that of her neighbor Will, pounding away like an Energizer bunny.

She moaned louder as her hand kept pace with the bed thumping next door. “Oh my god, I’m going to cum,” she said out loud, feeling her orgasm build. She brought herself to a satisfying orgasm then lay back in bed regaining her composure. The moaning and bed thumping next door ceased.

A few weeks later, Felicia was sitting on her couch working on her laptop when all the lights and power in her apartment went out. It had been raining with high winds outside for the past hour. Felicia guessed that the power must have been knocked out.

She went to look out her window and saw that the whole block was dark. She lit some candles and arranged them around the room. They cast a soft flickering glow that left most of the room still in shadows but she could work from the light of her laptop. Felicia just hoped that the power and lights would be restored soon or her battery would be drained.

Fifteen minutes later, Felicia was getting worried and a little frightened of the storm. She called her boyfriend, Michael. He was supposed to stop by later after his shift at work but he informed her that the wind and rain was too heavy for driving and that he was staying at his job until it cleared up.

Now, even more worried, Felicia felt isolated and alone. Without thinking about it much, she went out in the hall and knocked on her neighbor’s door. She didn't know if anyone was home and she almost turned away when the door finally opened.

“Hey, what’s up?” Will asked, concerned. He was bare chested and wearing just grey sweatpants that hung loosely around his waist.

“Um, I’m sorry. I was just wondering if your power was out, too?” Felicia asked, trying hard not to look at his hard muscular chest and six-pack abs. She averted her eyes when she noticed the little blond trail of hair leading down to his waistband.

“Yeah, I think the whole block went out,” Will said then added, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just kind of hate storms,” Felicia said, then added, “I should probably get back to my apartment, I left some candles burning.” She excused herself and went back to her apartment.

She leaned against her closed door, smiling. She had not expected he would answer the door bare chested like that. She especially didn't expect herself to get so flustered at the sight of him.

A short while later, there was a knock on her door. She thought that Michael was able to navigate through the weather but when she opened the door, it was only Will, now wearing a shirt with a flashlight and a smile.

“I thought you might want some company,” he said.

“Um, sure. I guess anything to keep my mind off this awful storm,” she said, letting him in.

Felicia offered him a drink as she headed into the kitchen. She came back with two bottles of beer, that had started to get warm since the refrigerator went out.

“Here, it might be a little warm,” she apologized, then sat on the couch across from him.

Will took a swig, then asked, “Where’s Michael, your boyfriend?”

“He’s stuck at work. Apparently the roads are terrible,” Felicia said, then jumped suddenly from a loud thunder boom followed by the sound of a tree cracking.

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“It sounds scary out there.”

“It’s okay. You’re inside, safe,” he said soothingly. “You’re with me.”

Felicia smiled weakly. “Is that suppose to make me feel better?”

Will smiled back. “At least it made you smile.”

Felicia couldn't help it, his smile was infectious. “Because you are silly.” She smiled, again before taking a drink from her beer.

“So, what do you suggest we do to pass the time and keep your mind off the storm?” Will asked.

Felicia shrugged. “I don’t know.” In her mind, she had several ideas, but pushed those thoughts away.

“We could play a game,” Will suggested.

“Okay, sure. What game?” Felicia asked.

“Um...” Will laughed. “How about Truth or Dare?”

“Really? I always hate that game. I always get dared to do something that I regret doing,” Felicia said.

“Okay, then. How about Never Have I Ever?” he asked.

“Never heard of it. What is it?” she asked, curious.

Will explained the rules. “I say something like ‘Never have I ever. . . cheated on a girlfriend’ and if you have cheated on your girlfriend, or boyfriend, you take a drink. Easy, right? Now it’s your turn.”

“Okay, sounds fun,” Felicia said, trying to think of a good one. “Never have I ever had a one night stand.”

Without hesitation, Will took a drink. “I guess I will be getting drunk tonight.” He grinned.

After a few rounds of the game, Will was starting on a second beer. Felicia was still on her first yet feeling a little buzzed and relaxed.

It was Will's turn now and he was fishing for more details about Felicia. “Let’s see, never have I ever masturbated in front of someone,” he said, then took a drink himself. He was surprised and raised a questioning eyebrow when Felicia did that same.

Felicia smiled and shrugged. “Sometimes you have to show them what to do.”

“You wouldn't have to show me,” Will said under his breath, then said, “your turn.”

“Never have I ever intentionally got someone drunk to have sex with them,” Felicia said.

“No, I have yet to do that, but you should keep drinking,” Will joked.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Felicia asked.

Will smiled. “I think the latter part of the statement is the question you should ask.”

“You want to have sex with me?” Felicia asked, curious.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Will grinned, moving closer to her on the couch.

Felicia moved away. “Um, no, I did not ask you to have sex with me. I was asking if that was the question you were referring to.”

Will leant closer. “Yes, that was the question and yes, I want to have sex with you.”

Felicia turned away from him, his devilish smile was too tempting for her. “I’m in a relationship, with Michael. You know that.”

Will laughed. “Oh, Michael. Your boyfriend who can’t even make you cum. That’s right, I hear your loud moaning, but you never orgasm because he can’t make you cum. I know I can.” Will reached out and slowly turned her face to him. “Look at me and tell me I’m wrong.”

Felicia summoned up her strength and looked into his deep blue eyes. “You don’t know what you are talking. . .”

Will abruptly cut her off with a kiss. He pressed his lips to hers, then coaxed his tongue into her mouth, licking and teasing her tongue trying to bring it to action.

Felicia pulled away and stared at him speechless. That kiss was hot and made her really turned on.

“I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have done that,” Will said, but before he could say more Felicia leant forward and kissed him. She pushed her tongue into his mouth to play with his, Will was taken by surprised, but that didn't stop him from responding immediately as he met her tongue stroke for stroke.

“Mm, Felicia,” he moaned against her lips.

Felicia pulled away again. “What am I doing?”

“Just enjoy it, Felicia. I am. Come on,” he said, coaxing more kisses from her.

“Will, no, I can’t. Michael. . .”

“He’s not here and I am, and I want you. I want to make you cum.” As he spoke his hand moved up her thigh and between her legs.

“Will!” Felicia closed her legs as his hand brushed against her crotch.

“So, when was the last time you had an orgasm?” Will asked, curious as his hand moved to the button on her jeans. He began to slowly unbutton and unzip her jeans.

“Last week,” Felicia said, omitting that it was while masturbating and thinking of Will having sex.

“Really? I thought you said Michael was out of town last week.” Will grinned. “Either you cheated on your boyfriend or you’re lying,” he said, looking down as he hooked his finger along the elastic band of her blue cotton panties.

Just having his fingers inches away from her pussy made her dripping wet. Felicia could continue lying and say that her boyfriend pleased her enough, that he took care of her, but the truth was she wasn't satisfied during sex. She often faked orgasms so that Michael would think that he was a good lover. He was a great guy, a very romantic and sweet boyfriend, he just wasn't that great in bed.

“Ugh, okay, so maybe I was by myself and I was feeling horny from hearing you next door going at it like a bunny,” Felicia admitted.

Will got a big smile on his face. “So, you listened to me having sex? And that made you really horny? Are you horny now?” As he spoke he slipped his hand inside her panties.

“Will, don’t. Mmm, Will.” She couldn't help herself from moaning as his fingers skillfully caressed her clit. Felicia knew that she should do more to stop him, if she really wanted him to stop.

“Don’t what?” he asked teasingly against her lips as his fingers moved further, exploring her. She was wet and slick so he gently slid a finger inside her. “Relax, I’m going to make you cum.”

“Yes.” Felicia finally moaned in surrender as he began thrusting his finger inside her faster and harder.

“Oh, you feel so fucking wet. Mm, I want to see that good pussy,” he said as he pulled her jeans off and tossed them and her panties across the room. He laid her back on the couch and held her legs apart as he knelt before her. He lowered his mouth to her clit, flickering his tongue across the sweet pink bud.

Will loved hearing her moan his name as he ran his tongue up and down her slit before wiggling his tongue inside and licking her in a circular motion. Then he moved his tongue to her clit again as he inserted two fingers deep into her. He pumped his fingers back and forth rapidly inside her as his tongue softly and slowly teased her clit.

The two tempos were driving Felicia to the edge as she moaned and arched her body upward, opening her legs wider one moment then pulling them tight the next. She grabbed Will’s short blond hair, holding on to him as her hips raised up to connect with his tongue.

“I”m going to cum!” she moaned.

Will only kept up the rhythm as her silken walls tighten around his fingers and he felt her quivering from head to toe. He didn't stop until her body tremors subsided.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked as he smiled up at her.

Felicia sat up, weak from her orgasm but determined. She pulled Will to her and kissed him hungrily. As they kissed, her hands went to the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head, parting from his lips only to remove the shirt. Next, her hands went to his sweatpants, pulling the string to loosen them, then pulling them off him. Will’s erection, all eight thick inches, immediately sprung upward and ready.

Will let out a moan when she wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft and moved up and down. “Is that what you want? You want my cock?” Will asked between kisses.

“Yes,” Felicia answered with a moan.

“Say it. Tell me you want my cock,” Will said as her hands perfectly squeezed and caressed him.

“I want it,” Felicia said breathlessly. “I want your cock inside me,” she admitted then pushed him back on the couch and straddled his waist. She admired his well-toned abs with her hands as they moved up and down his torso, feeling his muscles tense as she raised then lowered herself onto his thick head, letting out a pleasurable sigh as he entered her moist pink. She swirled her hips on just the tip before slipping him in deeper. “Oh my god, yes,” she moaned feeling him completely inside her.

“Ah, baby, you feel so fucking good.” Will smiled at her as he allowed her to ride him.

“Mm, yes, so good,” Felicia said, leaning forward to kiss him.

Will teased her with his tongue before she grabbed his face and kissed him, sucking on his lips and mouth. Will moved his hand under her shirt and massaged her breasts and hard nipples.

“Let me see those titties, baby,” he said.

Felicia sat up and pulled off her shirt. She had on a blue satin bra that held her breast high and well supported. She reached around back to undo the hooks, then let the bra straps fall from her shoulders, revealing her 34D breasts with dark, silver dollar sized areolae.

“I've been wanting to do this, since the moment I met you,” he said as he sat up and shook his face between her breasts eliciting a giggle from Felicia.

“You are so silly.” She laughed, pulling his face up to her to kiss him.

“Baby, come on, I mean, your tits are incredible. I think about them all the time, and now here they are staring me in the face!” Will smiled as he rubbed his thumbs over her pebbly nipples. “My only dilemma is which one to start with first,” he said as he leaned forward and licked her right nipples, then her left one, before going to the right again. He covered her dark peak with his tongue and softly flickered it with his tongue.

Felicia let out a soft moan as he teasingly licked and sucked on each breast in turn. At the same time, she threaded her fingers into his hair as she rocked her hips back and forth on him. In a short while her moans were louder as she bounced up and down on him.

“Oh, mmmm, I’m going to cum again,” she said holding on to him tightly.

Will kissed her neck. “Yes, do it.” He moved his hands down to her waist as he held her steady, he began thrusting upward.

“Oh my god yes, don’t stop,” she cried out as he brought her to orgasm again.

When she regained her breathing, Will positioned her over the arm of the couch, he knelt behind her and she entered her again.

He liked the view of her smooth, round chocolate ass before him. He placed his hands firmly on her ass as he pounded into her over and over. She cried out that she was getting ready to cum, again. This time instead of taking her to climax, Will changed pace, pulling out slowly and entering her completely and deeply. He did this several times until Felicia began to push her ass back to meet his thrusts, wanting him inside her.

“Ah, baby, I’m going to cum.” Will finally groaned. He laid her back on the couch with her knees bent up to her ears as he entered her hard and fast as his own release built up.

Felicia was speechless as he pressed her deep into the couch. Her legs kind of ached, but she didn't care because Will was fucking her so deep and good, she didn't want him to stop. She reached down between them and started rubbing her clit.

“You want to cum again, huh?” Will asked. “You want to cum with me?”

“Yes.” She moaned as he moved her hand and took over rubbing her clit. His thumb drew circles around her clit as he pounded her. He felt her pussy tighten on him as she started another orgasm. The gentle squeezes from her soft, warm pussy were enough to send him over the edge.

“Ah, fuck, I’m cumming, baby.” He grunted as he stayed buried in her and released his semen deep within.

Just at that moment, the electrical hum of the refrigerator started back up and the lights in her apartment came back on. Will pulled out and lay next to her. “I guess the power's back on.”

“Um, yeah, the storm must be over,” Felicia said as her breath caught up to her.

“Want me to leave?” Will asked, knowing that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Felicia shook her head, tossing her disheveled curls back and forth, then smiled mischieveously.

Written by missluv2write
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