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The Shy Asian Student Part 6 The Dutchman

"Part 6 of the true story of us"

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I have read countless stories about wife sharing, or the derivation of wife sharing, cuckolding, yet few convey sufficient emotional depth to those of us who have experienced it. This is our tale of when our relationship underwent a dynamic change and provided the foundation for the experiences that followed. Reading our previous parts will allow you, our reader, to understand how we arrived at this point.

I had endured five long, torturous months of patience testing waiting before my young Thai girlfriend finally let me fuck her. Yet twice in the previous few hours since we had arrived in Krabi, she had ridden me with incredible enthusiasm. My first sexual experience with an oriental girl had proved to be far more exciting than I had imagined. May too, had found her long fantasized about first white cock, to be more thrilling than she had expected. For her, in addition to the contrast in colour and culture that added to my arousal, the forbidden nature of dating me, an older white man compounded her enjoyment. And our holiday was only in its’ first morning.

As we sat at breakfast, the beach beyond the restaurant beckoning, I continued to be surprised by May. Her painful shyness, the purity that she espoused from her every action, not least from her traditional culture and the innocence in her pretty face contrasted with the secret sexual appetite that lay hidden beneath. I had expected her to be tentative, I hadn’t expected her to straddle me and ride me with such lustful energy. I could not help but smile to myself and know how shocked my friend would be if he knew.

We were in a hurry to get to the beach and back in our bungalow, May had unpacked a swimming costume favoured by traditional Thai girls, that of shorts covered by an outer skirt and wide top. When she casually asked my opinion on whether she needed a new one, no, was the obvious answer, it was cute, it was her and it represented the modesty of her culture. Yet, no was not what I thought and not what I replied. We would have a look at the store in the resort.

May was firmly favouring Thai style bikinis; I was encouraging her to wear something more Western, more revealing. I felt a desire to show off my new girlfriend, although I did not know why. Did I want men to look at her body, having worked so damned hard to see her body myself? Was it the tease? Did I enjoy the thought of them looking at what was unobtainable to them, but now available to me? Or did I, in the darkest corner of my mind want more than them to just look? Or was it an act of selflessness, a desire to share the visual treat of my loved one’s body. I did not know the answer then I understood only my desire for her to wear the bikinis that I chose, the pink one and the brown tie up bikini.

As reached the beach May was infused with a puerile excitement. It was her first time at the beach without her parents and she was amazed to see so many people lying openly in the sun, wearing so few clothes. Eventually, she summoned the courage to take her shirt and white shorts off and we headed into the warm transparent water. The brown tie up bikini was the sexier of the two, skimpier and the little tie up bows made it look wonderfully fragile, as if a strong gust of wind would pull it off her. Tightly tied, it displayed her slim body nicely, hugging her firm Asian tits and pert ass.

As she collected shells I found myself wanting men to look at her body and the stab of jealousy when they did, was surpassed by the thrill of them finding her as sexy as I did. I noticed several men followed her tiny, skimpily clad body with their eyes. Her eyes too, had a furtiveness that I had not seen before. I suddenly realized it was the first time in her life she had seen so many barely clad white males. Her eyes were hopping intriguingly from one to another, hoping none of them would notice.

After lunch, we escaped the searing midday humidity in our bungalow and it was then that we met him. Or rather I met him, when I went outside. On the little terrace adjacent to ours sat a tall, well-built man with a wizened face and blonde grey hair. He stood abruptly as I walked out onto the terrace, offering his hand with over friendly zest. Jan, his name was, Dutch, first day in Krabi, fifth day in Thailand, on his own and overawed by the beauty of the country and resort.

Jan was not obviously good looking, in his early fifties, yet he looked like he once was. His face was lightly tanned and heavily lined and he looked like he had worked hard to enjoy the luxuries that money can afford. He had clearly kept himself fit and his body, in shorts, looked like it was only just beginning to lose what must have once been a previous perfection. Most striking were his eyes that exuded the aura of confidence, tinged with arrogance, that only serial seducers have and as May emerged in her wet, tie up bikini, those eyes casually feasted on my girlfriend’s sexy little body.

‘Well hello!’ He grinned as his eyes flitted past me and over her. ‘And this must be your pretty wife, or girlfriend?’ He asked, as if immediately telling my girlfriend she was pretty was entirely conventional.

‘Girlfriend’ I corrected him, as May averted her eyes, her face flushed with the usual embarrassment she felt when Western men spoke to her. ‘Her name’s May,’ I added, in her shy abstinence of a reply.

‘So nice to meet you May,’ Jan extended his hand, refusing to accept her shyness as a reason for impoliteness.

May momentarily flicked her eyes up to his, smiled and hurried back into our bungalow. His eyes roamed down her back and onto her cute little ass before returning to mine without any trace of wrongdoing.

‘How’s the beach?’ He grinned.

I felt wrong footed, unsure whether to meet his grin with coldness or politeness, unsure of my own emotions, unsure whether it was not just my imagination that he had just signalled to me that he found my girlfriend sexually attractive. I told him the beach was great and we would head down again later in a voice that I hoped sounded as neutral as possible.

‘Probably see you down there,’ Jan smiled warmly, ‘enjoy your rest!’

When we returned to the beach after lunch, May had changed into her pink bikini and Jan appeared to make a point of finding us. I noticed him wandering along the sand apparently looking for a place to sit and upon seeing us, he nodded and lay his towel a few meters to our right. It was the first time I felt that emotionpush-pull-pull that was to return, greatly accentuated, in the months to come. I wanted him to look at her, I enjoyed him looking at her, yet it stung me when he did. I simultaneously felt like covering her with a towel and like pulling her bikini down.

I was restless, my eyes furtive and uncertain. Every time May stood to adjust her towel, I watched his eyes, yet they stayed firmly in his book and I began to think my imagination was working overtime. My anxiety began to fade and I lay back as May was, eyes closed, listening to the gentle waves, the cries of children. Until a while later, when her gentle, persistent nudging made me aware I had dozed off.

She was sitting up. ‘Look!’ She hissed, ‘how can he wear that?’

Jan was walking towards us, but the eyes were unavoidably drawn to what little he wore. Unfeasibly tight blue swimming trunks were stretched around his groin and his clearly thick and heavy cock was obscenely visible. May giggled beside me.

‘I can see everything,’ she whispered in a voice that blended shock, disgust and more than a hint of wonder.

He took his towel and began drying himself, towering over us, his hips forward, and cock protruding in an almost vulgar way. Yet, he made everything seem so normal as he enthused about the warmth of the sea. Sensing her gaze was safely obscured by her dark sunglasses, my side view of May revealed the truth, her eyes were not letting go of his big dick. My heart began to quicken, I thought of things to say to him, to keep him there longer, to let May see what she wanted to see.

‘May I join you?’ He asked already spreading his towel out in front of us.

Jan sat, knees up and open, his bulging cock staring directly at May, whose eyes obediently followed it. He talked of the places he had been, his work, his love of Thailand and when listening to his strong accent proved too much for May and she stood and walked slowly to the sea, his lust for Thai girls. With her out of earshot, he told me how, from the moment he landed, he found Thai girls exotic, mysterious and blessed with beautiful faces and perfect bodies. He asked if I knew where he could meet one, bars, clubs and restaurants, anywhere. I didn’t know, this was a family resort I reminded him.

As May returned, her wet bikini clinging revealingly to her tiny body, his eyes openly scoured her body for any trace of what lay beneath. The wet cloth was betraying the shape of her nipples and May felt his eyes and shyly wrapped a towel around her tits, yet his eyes were not giving up and simply dropped between her thighs to where the pink cloth clung to my girlfriend's cunt. I followed his eyes anxiously, hopefully, to see what he could see.

May was beset by uneasiness caused by her emotional confusion. Never had she publicly displayed her body so much and never had she been the subject of such obvious sexual interest. Yet whilst obviously unnerving her, it was the other affect it had on her that confused her more and that came from his explicit confidence. He made no attempt to hide his admiration of her body, his desire to see more, from either of us and he made us feel that staring lecherously at my girlfriend was completely normal.

Earlier than planned, we headed back to our bungalow and I sat out on the terrace expecting her to join me. I was unaware of how much it had affected her until, when she failed to join me I found her standing in front of the full length mirror, studying herself in her bikini worriedly.

‘Why he did that?’ She hissed, shaking her head.

‘It’s ok,’ I assured her, wrapping my arms around her tiny body, stroking her damp hair. ‘Some men are like that. He likes you, that’s all.’

‘Why you not tell him to stop?’ I couldn’t answer that. Her voiced was laced with frustration and there was a faint hint of anger in her voice, an anger I feared may blow up into a teenage tantrum.

‘Don’t worry, he didn’t see anything’. I tried to turn her from the mirror to me.

‘I’m not going to the beach again!’

‘Don’t be silly, my guide book says that at low tide it’s possible to walk around to the next beach, which is deserted all day.’

‘I don’t care, I will wear a big coat. I will cover everything like the Japanese girls do.’

I laughed, recalling how we had watched a large group of Japanese girls dip their toes into the water sadly fully clothed, holding umbrellas. I pulled her to me as May buried her head in my chest, stroking my hand down her cold, damp back. Her little body pressed against me, I kissed her forehead. My cock, semi erect, rubbed through my shorts against her.

‘Why you hard?’ She glanced up suspiciously.

I didn’t answer, I couldn’t. The clink of ice against glass outside told me that Jan had returned and sat beyond our curtain, which was being blown gently by the breeze through the open door. For all the wrong reasons I lowered my hands until they cupped her sexy ass through her wet bikini. I glanced at the curtain, Jan sat less than two meters from where we stood. I pulled her ass to me. Her hand slipped back between us, gently massaging my hardening cock through my wet shorts.

I sighed as I kissed over the top of her head until my hand tilted her chin upwards. Our eyes locked in suggestive combat, our lips met hungrily, tongues cavorting as our bodies pressed tighter, as her hand slipped down the front of my shorts. Her fingers curled then tightened around my cock, gently pulling it. I tugged the string of her bikini top and smoothed it from her nipple sharpened tits with my hands as May pushed my shorts down. My cock sprang up, fiercely erect.

Stepping out of my shorts I held my cock and slid my hand up her thigh until I found the little groove of her pussy in her bikini bottoms. I readied to rip them off her and fuck her, but she dropped to her knees, guiding me backwards, in front of the mirror. Looking up at me with those innocent Asian eyes she, grasped my cock, looked in the mirror then slithered her tongue over my swollen tip. I moved her hair, I wanted to see my hard white cock against her cute Asian face and this time she didn’t stop me, she wanted to see too.

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For both, the visual sensation heightened the physical sensation.

I sighed quietly, ‘May that’s good, lick it all over.’

Her tongue, filled with a desire to please me, flattened and curled as it slid sensually along my cock with her eyes fixed on the mirror. I stifled my gasps with difficulty, aware of the proximity of the unspoken source of our arousal just meters away. As her soft young lips opened and wrapped tightly around the tip of my cock, as the sensation of being sucked by an oriental girl returned, it was hard to stay silent. Her lips gently gripped and lovingly sucked. I took a chance, I couldn’t resist.

‘Did you like men looking at you May?’ I asked casually.

She smiled as shyly as possible with my cock in her mouth.

‘You were looking at him anyway, hey?’ I whispered down to her, saying the unsaid.

I wasn’t expecting an answer and none came. Her eyes flicked up to mine as she tried to guess my thoughts, her face contorted by the openness of her mouth as her lips thrust and her mouth sucked.

‘It’s ok, it’s fine,’ I assured her, unaware then of what a pivotal moment this was going to prove in our burgeoning relationship. Was I seriously telling her it was fine for her to look at other men? I was, I could have stopped then, but I didn’t.

Her lips began to slide sensuously along my cock, easing back then pushing further forward. I loved the sight of my hard white cock penetrating her innocent Asian face which kept glancing up to check the results of her attempts to pleasure me. I sighed my answer and her lips widened and began thrusting. My cock was in sensual paradise in her mouth and it felt like every muscle in her mouth was working harmoniously to give my cock pleasure. The angelic cuteness of her face and innocence in her Asian eyes, gave no hint of her incredible inherent ability to suck cock.

‘You had a good look didn’t you?’ I continued. Her lips slowed, eyes betraying the uncertainty she felt.

Again, I wasn’t expecting an answer. ‘I saw you, your eyes all over his… cock.’

Her mouth retreated, withdrew and her face looked up as if to apologize or deny she had. I didn’t give her the chance and guided her head forwards, her sweet mouth back onto my cock.

‘Mmmmm May,’ I sighed, ‘you suck me so good’. Her thrusting lips quickened, her sucking lust fuelled.

‘His big cock, his big white cock and it is big isn’t it?’

She moaned, her lips thrusting as I thrust his cock back into her memory. I wanted an answer and pulled my wet cock from her mouth.

‘It is big isn’t it?’ I repeated loudly, too loud, loud enough for him to hear. ‘He has got a big cock hasn’t he May?’

On her knees she looked up, her Asian eyes wracked with guilt, with submission. ‘Yes.’

‘Yes, what May?’ I said, rubbing my cock tip over her cute face. ‘Say it, don’t be shy.’

Her eyes closed and she spoke in a whisper. ‘He’s got a big cock…really big.’

‘Louder May’, I wanted him to hear, as I slapped my cock gently against her face.

‘He has such a big cock,’ May gasped, loudly, submissively offering her cheeks for me to slap my cock against.

‘And you liked looking at his cock didn’t you?’ I knew it was dangerous new territory, but I couldn’t stop myself.

‘Yes,’ her eyes closing in disbelief at the rawness of her confession, the truth of her confession. ‘Sorry.’

I was shocked how powerfully her answer aroused me and suddenly I was struggling to control myself. I nosed my cock tip to her lips. ‘It’s ok May, really it’s ok. Now suck it.’

May obeyed, wrapping her two little hands around my cock and thrusting her lips hungrily along my cock, as far as her mouth would allow her and I knew it was not just me who had been so aroused by her confession. I leant back, watching my sweet oriental girlfriend suck my cock with a passion and lust that her innocent face gave no hint that was capable of doing. I recalled my friend saying after the first time he met her that ‘she looked like she had never had a cock in her mouth’. Oh, if he could see her now.

‘Did it turn you on May? Looking at his big white cock?’

She nodded, moaning, her mouth full of my cock. Maybe it should have filled me with anger, the confession that my precious new girlfriend, the girl I loved, was aroused by another man, her young Asian cunt wet for his cock, but it didn’t. It nearly made me cum in her mouth. I had to stop her. Reluctantly I withdrew my cock from her mouth.

‘Did you want to see his cock May?’

‘Yes,’ she answered, eyes down. I placed my hand under her chin, lifted her mouth and gently fucked her mouth.

‘Do you want to suck his cock?’ I took my cock out, waiting for her answer.

It didn’t come. I asked again, panting, knowing that the answer that would hurt the most would arouse me the most. She didn’t look up, she didn’t answer and I knew I was pushing her too far. I helped her to her feet and cuddled her tightly, telling her it was fine, I wasn’t angry. I grabbed her face, my eyes wild with a lust I hadn’t remembered ever feeling before. Her eyes betrayed the conflict of emotions she felt.

‘I need to fuck you May.’

She turned towards the bed, but I grabbed her and pushed her towards, over, the back of the armchair by the terrace door. She didn’t resist, draping herself over the back of the chair, her head and hair hanging down and her sexy Asian ass propped up, over the crest of the chair. Her feet dangled in midair. I yanked her pink bikini bottoms down and threw them dismissively away.

She didn’t move, she couldn’t move, her head filled with the guilt of her confession and her apology was her offered holes. She waited inert, draped like a blanket over the back of the armchair while I fitted a condom onto my raging erection. My eyes not leaving the sight of her perfectly presented ripe Thai ass and tight brown slit.

Standing behind her, I nosed my swollen tip up against her quivering little quim and glanced up at the fluttering curtain, he was going to hear this, I was going to make sure of it. I lifted her back up and she propped herself up with her palms on each arm of the chair. Then I pushed, easing my tip between her tight, wet pussy lips.

‘This is what you need May isn’t it? A good fuck.’ My voice was unusually stern , dominant and I was loving every second. Ever since I had seen her at the wedding, the cute little shy Thai girl, I had wanted her. Yes, to love her, but a part of me ached even then to fuck her hard.

I let her feel my cock tip inside her, let her prepare for the inevitable, but it was the third time in twenty-four hours my cock had been in her and her pussy was ready. My hands gripped her small hips and I leant back, I wanted him to hear and I made sure he did. I rammed my hips forward thrusting my cock suddenly and forcefully, deep into her tight Asian cunt. May screamed, the unmistakable sound of a woman being fucked flooded out of our room and assuredly to his ears.

She was gasping, head bowed, fingers gripping the arms of the chair tightly, as I slid my cock out slowly, then slammed it back up her, forcing her to cry out again, but her cry wasn’t asking me to stop. My cock felt so snugly wrapped by her tightness it was reluctant to be pulled out, but anyway it was only fleetingly as the moment it felt in danger of slipping out of her little body, I thrust it back up again, right up her.

His proximity, the feeling of her firm ass cheeks against my hips, the sight of her submissively bent over and the tightness of her warm Asian cunt were too much. Gripping her hips tightly, I fucked her hard, my thighs slapping noisily against hers, the chair creaking and moving. Pinned to the crest of the chair by my thrusting hips, May was trapped, able only to cry out with each deep thrust and as my hips quickened, her cries blended into one long, loud squeal.

Her body quivered, trembled with the force of my thrusts as my erection speared mercilessly into her teenage cunt. I took her like a rutting deer, none of my thrusts purveying the love I felt for her. Unlike the love we had shared in the darkness, where all my efforts had gone into heightening her pleasure, now I didn’t care, I used her tight body selfishly. Like I imagined he would. Closing my eyes I pictured him there, in front of her, May sucking his big white cock as he waited his turn to enjoy my girlfriend’s cunt.

It sent my arousal beyond the point I could control and I began gasping her name, fucking her faster and deeper and, amidst my selfish cries of pleasure, I only vaguely heard May pleading with me not to stop. It was too late and I unleashed my cum into the condom, embedded deep in her pussy, my climax suddenly spoiled by the all too late knowledge that May had been stopped on the point of her own climax.

As I washed and pulled my shorts back on, the reality of the situation hit me. For five months I had carefully shown May my kind, caring, good natured side and it was that that had enabled me to have her. Now she had seen a different side to me. Yet more tellingly we had spoken words that should have remained unsaid and out there, beyond the curtain sat a man who had heard every one of them.

I knew, that he knew, all the things that should remain private in a loving relationship. He knew May enjoyed seeing his cock, was aroused by it, that she had enjoyed his eyes on her and that not only had I just fucked May, but knew also that I had failed to satisfy her. I had to assume he knew, as I now knew, that May, contrary to her sweet looks, wanted to be fucked hard.

With my arousal sated, my mind filled with questions. What the hell was I doing encouraging the girl I had fallen in love with to take pleasure in looking at other men and to encourage other men to look at her? I knew there was a way back, I could return everything to ‘normal’, but most surprising of all, was just how much it had aroused me and that more than anything, was persuading me that I didn’t want to undo what had been done.

As darkness fell, I finally went out onto the terrace and sure enough there he was. He greeted me with an eyes closed nod, like a professor to a student to whom he has just shared knowledge. I wasn’t sure how to interpret it and once again felt wrong footed by him. We saw him again later, when we passed the resort restaurant, sitting with two Asian women and I was pleased he did not see us.

Rightly or wrongly, guilt coursed through me for the way I had tricked May into unknowingly speaking such private thoughts to the ears of the one she least wanted to hear them. Although she did not know, I knew and I needed to reclaim her as wholly mine, to chase away thoughts she may have of others and chase away thoughts I may have of showing or sharing her.

It needed to be a romantic evening and it was. The table set on the sand, our eyes rarely left each other’s and the whole world faded away beyond us. Throughout the dinner we could not stop holding hands, smiling, snatching a quick kiss and for now, love had purified the crassness of the afternoon.

As we walked back through the resort, Jan was sitting in the outside bar with a Chinese woman in her mid-twenties, her friend had gone. He glanced up, gave a second glance and smile to May, waved good night then refocused his attention on his new target. My fears about her meeting him could not have been more subjugated. I wrapped my arm around her, pulled her to me and kissed her right there in the moonlight, uncaring who saw and, for once, neither did she. Perhaps oddly, we did not make love that night. We cuddled and giggled and talked sense and nonsense until sleep took me.

I awoke some time later and opened my eyes. The bed was trembling slightly and in the darkness fear awakened my other senses. I could hear noises close by, a woman sighing and gasping and the rhythmic thuds of sex. My ears strained, but the movement was closer, it was on our bed. In the pretense of sleep I rolled over and as my eyes adjusted I saw May had drawn her knees up. Beneath the blanket I could see the dimly lit bulge of her arm stretched down between her thighs, making rapid movements. Her breathing was short and rhythmic and then I knew what she was doing and why.

‘Fuck me, fuck me,’ came the accented shrieks from the creaking bed behind us and as I listened to Jan relentlessly fucking his Chinese lover, as I felt our own bed shuddering gently with the erotic pleasure they were giving to May, reality returned. Our relationship, at such an early stage, was approaching a dangerous and exciting new path, one which we had already taken steps down. My fault or not, there was no way back and daylight would make sure of that.

Written by MyShyAsianWife
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