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The Shy Asian Student Part 3

"The third party of the true story of us."

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I sensed my long wait was over. Our plan had been agreed; we would buy food then return to my apartment, for the first time. The shy, eighteen-year-old Asian student I had pursued for months and who referred to us as being in a relationship, was about to finally reveal the hidden beauty beneath her clothes.

As she approached, her choice of outfit revealed her mood and my hopes rose. May was wearing a pink cotton top, with white lace trim that hugged her little tits and left her gorgeous brown shoulder and slender arms bare. Beneath it, she wore sexily short, green shorts that revealed the full beauty of her toned teenage thighs. As she turned I saw they were tight enough to allow everyone to see how pert her little ass was. Teeny, white trainers completed her outfit, and her smile, her radiant, excited smile framed by her glossy black hair. She looked the epitome of a sweet, oriental beauty. My heart quickened.

As we went up the escalator to the food hall, I stood behind her staring lustfully at her pert Asian bottom in her teasing little shorts. She was happy and relaxed and was either content with what lay ahead, or oblivious to my plans. I hurried her through the food hall, agreeing to everything she wanted to put in the basket. Her outfit seemed to accentuate her shy, girlish mannerisms and I couldn’t take my eyes off her perky tits in the pink top, her sexy ass and kept glancing at the front of her sexy shorts, wondering about the young Asian pussy they concealed. I had never felt such lust for her or anyone before.

Thankfully, we were soon heading to my apartment in a taxi, then waiting for the lift. As the doors closed, her hand slipped into mine and I planted a lingering, pressing kiss on her lips. And finally, finally, she was in my apartment and I closed the door behind us. As I unpacked the food, she wandered around my apartment, seemingly unimpressed, but then again from the background she was, I hadn’t expected her to find my small two bedroom apartment awe inspiring.

I let her relax and sat out on my cramped balcony. I had her where I wanted her and now I had to show patience. The door slid open and she joined me, leaning over the railings and studying the view, trying to point out landmarks between the adjacent tower blocks. Her gorgeous bottom was irresistibly close, facing me in those shorts as she bent over the railing and I edged my chair closer until my knee was brushing against the back of her leg. Accidentally, then purposefully, I brushed my hairy leg against the back of her silky smooth legs. My fingertips brushed gently up the back of her legs. She didn’t move.

‘You have beautiful legs,’ I noted, my fingers tracing upwards and feeling the firm, polished smoothness of her young thighs. My fingers became my hand stroking gently, lovingly up and down the back of her thighs. She stopped talking. My hand smoothed up to the hem of her little shorts, where her thighs began to curve into her bottom, then slipped round feeling the inside of her thigh.

‘You are such naughty man,’ she giggled, turning round. I apologized, sitting back in my chair. She leant back against the railings, smiling sweetly and I looked at her, silhouetted against the Bangkok backdrop, my young Thai girlfriend, and felt so lucky. I patted my knees and she sat on my lap, her petite body perched easily on my knee, asking when I would start cooking. I asked her what time she needed to go and she said not until evening and smiled. We had hours. My arm slipped behind her and my hand turned her face towards me.

Again that shy look of innocence before the kiss, which I had come to love as my lips pressed onto hers, lingered then relaxed as my tongue licked along her sweet lips. Her lips opened and my tongue slipped in, welcomed by hers and her kiss was quickly passionate. She was ready. My hand stroked along the front of her thighs, over her shorts, then crept up under her pink top. As my hand reached her bra, her lips parted from mine.

‘People can see,’ she whispered, her eyes fixed on mine and not looking at the sheer window-filled walls with surrounded us.

‘I don’t care,’ my hands caressed her bra. I didn’t care.

‘Let’s go inside,’ she said standing up and leading me in with her hand. She immediately drew the curtains, then came to me and my arms wrapped quickly around her, pulling her to me, my tongue returning to her mouth and our kiss became intensely passionate, sexual as her hands slid under the back of my shirt up, over my back. My hands gripped her tight little ass and her body weakened in my grip, her parted lips panting with desire. My lips smothered her pretty face with urgent kisses, licking their way down to her neck and when my tongue curled into her ear, she gasped.

Her shyness faded in the curtain dimmed light of the front room, no longer was she afraid to show me she was aroused and having her ear kissed and licked was visibly arousing her, as it still does to this day. I turned her to face the back of the sofa, her back to me as I whispered, between kisses, into her ear how badly I wanted her. She placed her palms flat on the back of the sofa, head bowed as I licked her ears and neck and I lowered myself and pressed my hips firmly against her.

My hard, bulging cock probed against her little sexy ass. She sighed, bending forward and I gripped her hips, pushing my erection rhythmically into the rear of her sexy shorts. I pulled her upright and tugged her pink top up, her arms stretching as I slid it up and off, casting it to the floor as I hurriedly unhooked her bra. As it fell, I held her upright, reaching around and sliding both my hands over her taut stomach and up over her perky Thai tits. My fingers gripped her sharp nipples and gently teased them, pulled them as her head dipped to watch.

‘Is look so nice,’ she panted.

‘What does?’

‘Your white hands, on me..’

Every difference of ours was a source of sexual arousal and none more so than the contrast of our skin colour. I sighed, and could wait no longer, my hands moving down to the button of her shorts, popping it open and tugging her zip down. I yanked her shorts down to her thighs and let them fall to her ankles. I hadn’t expected to find a sexy thong, but neither did I expect to see pale pink Hello Kitty panties, with a kitten winking at me from her bottom. I smiled at the innocence, the cuteness and realized then that she had probably never thought of wearing sexy panties in her life. They were tight over her firmly curved ass and I turned her to face me. Her hand shyly slipped down between her legs to block my view.

‘I will go shower,’ she said. I moved her hand and gripped the elastic of her panties. She tightened her grip on them, insisting on showering for sex, as she does to this day. I leant back as she slipped away, shyly escaping to the bathroom and locking the door. Forced to wait, I did so impatiently until I heard her go into the bedroom and tell me the shower was empty.

My erection had been so close to penetrating her it refused to subside and I glancing down at her neatly folded pink panties on the bathroom floor, I wrapped a towel around me and found her laying on the bed, texting her friend, in my dressing gown and towel. The white of the towel contrasted erotically with her long black hair and golden brown skin.

The break in passion had meant starting again, but we had time and I knew now, beyond doubt, that I was moments from fucking her. I lay on the bed and she smiled sweetly, tightly wrapped, her shyness returned. She showed me photos of her pet dog and I moved closer, my arm around her, waiting. Her head moved to rest on my shoulder and I stroked her hair as she shyly continued to thumb through her photo gallery. My fingers stretched down and eased the dressing gown open until her tits were revealed and I stroked them tenderly with my fingertips.

‘I love your cute breasts,’ I said, kissing her hair.

‘I like this,’ she giggled, her hand stroking through the hair on my chest. I took the phone from her hand and lay it beyond her. ‘So different to Thai man’.

‘Was your ex-boyfriend hairy?’

She shook her head and turned herself towards me, her head on my chest, my fingers still tracing circles on her firm breasts. She rubbed her face on my chest, feeling the hair on her lips and nose and giggled that it tickled. Then she kissed, so softly, shyly on my chest. I sighed in encouragement. Her lips hovered above my chest, leaving occasional delicate kisses as they moved across. She paused over my nipple and lowered her lips, her tongue licking with a feather like touch. I sighed loudly as the new sensation surged through me.

She was exceptionally gentle with her licking, teasing tongue as she moved across to my other nipple. I sighed her name, tugging her dressing gown down her back. Her silky, black hair was showered over my chest, her lips kissing, tongue licking in sensual ecstasy. I was desperate for her to grasp my cock, but I didn’t want her to stop. My eyes closed, my chest tingling with new sensations, her tickling long hair, her soft lips, her dainty flickering tongue. And her lips moved down, tongue tip sliding over my chest as her hand brushed over my bulging towel. Then I felt the towel being tugged slowly down, her lips kissing my stomach.

I looked over my chest and through her hair saw that the thickened stem of my cock was becoming visible, my shaft concealed under the towel. Her hand cautiously patted the hard bulge, like she might burn her hand. She giggled, but then her fingers closed around it. I sighed feeling her cautious, gentle grip on my stiff cock. She tugged my towel further down my thighs, slowly revealing my bared, hard cock until it sprang up into her face. Of course, I had hoped she would thrust her sweet lips down onto it, but she clasped her hands to her mouth in surprise and let out a sharp intake of breath.

‘Scary,’ she whispered, without looking up.

‘What do you mean, ‘scary’? I laughed.

‘So different to my ex Thai boyfriend’.

‘Tell me,’ I smiled, hoping she would tell me what a big cock I had. She didn’t.

‘Just different colour, shape…’ her fingertips brushed fearfully along my stiff length. ‘They look bigger on the internet’. There was no doubt what ‘they’ meant and I knew then she had been secretly searching for pictures of white cocks. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t talk about him’.

‘It’s ok, I don’t mind.’ I suddenly felt like I wanted her to talk to me about him, tell me everything. Her innocence had already caused her to make the faux pas of discussing a past lover when in bed. ‘When did you lose your virginity?’

‘Four months ago,’ she whispered soulfully, ‘I don’t want to talk about him’. I worked it out, it was just a few weeks before I had first seen her at the wedding.

The answer shocked me and made me wonder how over it really was. I wanted to ask more, but now was not the time and her fingers were wrapping around my cock. I sighed in encouragement and pushed her dressing gown down to her lower back, which was as far as I could reach. With incredible slowness, her hand began to move up and down my cock, holding it lightly, wanking me gently. I wanted her grip to tighten, her hand to quicken, her mouth around my cock, but her nerves and shyness were frustrating my desire. I placed my hand on the back of her head and guided her face closer.

‘Kiss it May, please.’ I begged.

She pressed her lips tentatively against the solid stem of my cock. I sighed with encouragement. She giggled and then kissed again, her lips lingering enough for me to feel their softness. Then I felt her tongue slither uncertainly up my cock. Her hair, cascading over my stomach, hid my view and I moved it. I wanted to see her pretty oriental face licking my cock. Immediately she replaced her hair to obstruct my view. Her tongue began reached the swollen tip and daintily flickered across it. I cried out with pleasure. For years, I had fantasized about how it might feel to have my cock sucked by a pretty oriental girl and now finally, my pretty new girlfriend, the girl I had fallen in love with, was about to suck me.

‘Oh May, suck me,’ I cried, applying pressure to the back of her head, trying again to move her hair.

Her kisses slowly smothered the tip of my cock and then I felt her lips open and the tip of my cock felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Her lips stopped when the tip of my cock was in her mouth and I felt them tighten their grip and suck. I cried out her name. Her lips released me, and she flicked her silky hair back and smiled at me.

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‘Finished,’she giggled childishly.

‘Please don’t stop! May, please suck me’.

She shook her head slowly.

‘Did you suck your ex boyfriend?’

‘Not really’, she shook her head.

‘How did you make him cum?’

‘Stop! I don’t want to talk about him! I told you.’


She wrapped the dressing gown around her, leapt up from the bed and hurried into the bathroom, locking the door. I was in no mood for a teenage tantrum and when I heard her sobbing in there, I sat out on the balcony.

It was some time before she emerged and when she did she was fully dressed in her sexy little shorts and pink top. She sat on the sofa. I sat next to her in my towel and apologized. There was nothing to say and we sat in silence for a long time. I was relieved she had not walked out and we had time, the whole afternoon. Be patient, I told myself. She watched television.

‘Look Chaisee,’ I said, using her real name, ‘I am sorry I asked too much, I don’t want to upset you, but I just wanted to get an idea of how much you have done. I don’t want to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable.’ It was suitably reassuring and it worked. And it all came out.

She told me how they had been friends for years then became boyfriend and girlfriend when they were 16. He wanted sex with her, but she refused and he stopped trying. They dated for nearly two years and only kissed, stopping themselves when they became too passionate. Then he took a fancy to her friend, who wasn’t a virgin and began fucking her behind May’s back. Until May found out. In desperation to win him back, she had given him her virginity, but it was too late. For a few weeks he seemed to enjoy both of them without the other knowing, but when May realised he hadn’t left her friend, she walked away from him. I consoled her, my arm around her, pulling her closer.

‘It’s ok May, I won’t do that to you. I have never wanted someone as much as I want you.’ It was true and I told her everything, how I had pursued since seeing her at the wedding. She listened intently, still hunched, staring at her knees. The she lifted her head and smiled and we kissed, a quick kiss, then a lingering, licking kiss, as our eyes lingered. Then we threw our bodies together, our lips meeting hungrily and our kiss rapidly became as intensely passionate as it had in the temple, only, this time, no one was watching.

Our mutual confessions had brought us closer before I could feel she wanted sex, but now I could feel she wanted sex with me. Her mouth twisted to take my tongue, we clawed at each other and I could feel she was more aroused than I had seen her before. I thrust my hand up, under her pink top and tried to slide them under her bra. To my delight, she lifted her arms and pulled her top off, then reached behind and unclipped her bra. She wanted her firm tits sucked and suck them I did. My lips and tongue feasted on her erect, dark nipples, sucking noisily as she sighed sweetly, gripping my hair.

I loved the sharpness of her nipples in my mouth and could not resist brushing my teeth over them. She gasped, but I closed my teeth slowly, holding her Asian nipple between them as her grip on my hair tightened. Taking as much of her breast in my mouth as I could, I released it slowly until again my teeth trapped that excited nipple. I let my teeth open and close, biting her breast, keen not to hurt her, but surprised at her apparent pleasure from it. Her grasping fingers did not push me away. Her little chest was heaving faster and faster with every suck, every bite.

Then I felt her hand easing my face back, easing me back until I sat upright on the sofa. Her hands were opening my towel, grasping my semi erect cock in her small hands. I immediately felt her silky, black hair smothering my hips as her lips lowered again to my cock. Only this time, she was not shy and tentative, her arousal had swept away her shyness and I could feel how much she wanted to suck my white cock in her slithering tongue, her urgent kisses and then the tip of my cock once again was treated to the exquisite sensations that lay in being inside an oriental girls mouth.

As much as I had enjoyed the rarity of my ex-wife’s thrusting, hard sucking lips, May’s mouth was an altogether different sensation. Her lips, her tongue worked in absolute harmony, her lips gently pushing down, tightening and relaxing as her tongue massaged my cock tip inside her mouth, curling and swirling in sensual perfection. My cock was basking gloriously in sensations it had never enjoyed before.

Although I didn’t find out for sure until months later, it was clear May was living out a long held fantasy in sucking my white cock. And despite less than half of my cock being inside her mouth, the pleasures tingled throughout my body. Yet I was denied the pleasure of seeing her pretty face sucking me off, her shyness had not completely gone yet and she cloaked her moving mouth with a curtain of hair.

My body began to tremble with pleasure and I was losing control. I knew any moment it would be too late and my long awaited climax with her would be an explosion into her pretty face. I had to stop her. I eased her gently bobbing head up and she looked at me with an uncertain smile.

‘You make me feel so good May, too good,’ I panted.

She smiled cheekily, still holding my hard, wet cock in her tiny brown hand. I wanted her naked. I stood her up in front of me and let my eyes run up over her. Her little bare feet, her sexy legs, those small shorts, her unfeasibly perky tits, the nipples still erect and glistening from my sucking and her cute, smiling face.

Once again I unbuttoned her shorts, tugged the zip down and let them fall to her ankles. Once again the kitten on her panties winked at me. Now to see the young oriental beauty that lay beneath. She looked down anxiously, biting her fingernail as I smoothed my hands over her panties, feeling her little warm mound, her taut ass cheeks, but as my fingers gripped the elastic of her panties, she dropped her hands, hovering near mine.

‘It’s ok May, I want to see all of you’.

‘Shy,’she said, biting her lip as she felt her panties being slowly lowered.

I had slipped her panties past her slim, girlish hips and as my heart quickened, silky black hair was beginning to peep out of the hem. Her hand suddenly blocked my view.

‘Would it be easier like this?’ I asked, turning her round so her back, and sexy ass, was facing me. It was she replied.

And I pulled her panties down to her thighs, then off, before she could change her mind. And in front of me was the freshly revealed exquisite pertness of her teenage Asian ass.

My eyes gorged on the firm, perfect curves of her naked brown bottom. Her bottom cheeks thrust out in front of me, rounded, firm and ripened to perfection by her tender age. I pressed my lips against each of her cheeks, delighting in the softly, yielding firmness of her bottom. I couldn’t stop and my lips began to smother her sexy bottom with pressing kisses. She wobbled unsteadily with the force of my kisses and I knelt behind her, gripping her hips to keep her still as my lips scoured her sexy Thai ass.

My hands slipped slowly to her front until my fingertips stretched and found the neatly trimmed hair of her pussy. As my lips peppered her ass with urgent kisses, my fingers slid down in front of her until they found the soft, slippery lips of her pussy. Her body jerked as she felt my fingertips glide over her pussy lips. She was wet with arousal and my fingers slid teasingly along her moist lips as she sighed cutely. She whispered we should go to the bedroom, I ignored her, guiding her back to the sofa and turning her to face me. I kissed my way around her hips, until finally, finally, my eyes found her young, naked Thai pussy. A neatly trimmed little thatch of black hair sat between her thighs which she had hurriedly clamped together.

‘It’s beautiful,’ I sighed, stroking the short, trimmed, silky hair. ‘Let me see you.’ 

I tried to ease her thighs apart, but her shyness was taking hold. I eased her backwards, towards the sofa and she sat down. I knelt down, slid my hands under her knees, pulled her to the edge of the sofa cushion, then began to open her legs. She tried to resist, I could feel her thigh muscles straining as she felt herself being exposed to me. I could not stop myself.

Holding her under her knees, I pushed her knees up and yanked them open, forcing her to display her beautiful Asian cunt. She gasped and strained futilely to close her thighs, then gave up. She was already exposed and there it was, such smooth and moist brown lips, so fresh and ripe and such a tight looking slit lay between her luscious teenage thighs, hidden from the eyes of white men, until now. She was trembling with shyness, but could feel how tightly I gripped her little knees and accepted her position, sat on my sofa, with her thighs held wide open.

My eyes scoured the long imagined view, flicking between her beautiful brown pussy to her pretty brown face. So many hours spent picturing her pussy had come to reality and I could not hold back my lust. I thrust my face between her thighs, and her body jerked as I pressed my face into her pussy and rubbed it all over, feeling her wetness spread all over my face. My lust had evaporated my patience and disabled my ability to orally please a woman. Like a virginal teenager, I was frantic and forced my mouth against her pussy lips, sucking her slippery lips hard and noisily.

May’s fingers gripped my hair unsure whether to push me away or pull me closer, as she gasped and her hips writhed. Yet my lust was unstoppable. My hands slipped to her inner thighs and held them open, as my tongue slipped into her tight slit. With my mouth opening and tongue protruding, my tongue fucked her beautiful little pussy. She wriggled under my grasp and, as I felt her falling from the sofa, I gripped her hips and lay down, pulling her astride my face. With her thighs spread open by my face, her young quim opened further and I pushed my tongue up into it.

May lifted herself, turned her body to face my feet as I lay prone beneath her and then, beautifully, lowered her pussy back onto my mouth. It relaxed me, knowing now she wanted her pussy licked by me, that she was enjoying it. She would not now stop me. My tongue slithered up, massaging her sweet Asian cunt with greater control. It curled and licked over her little clit, her body shuddering as I did. Her hands rested on my chest, fingernails digging in, as she began to gently move her hips over my face. I lay my hands down flat, letting her ride my mouth.

With cute sighs, May rubbed her pussy over my flickering, outstretched tongue. I stared up at the exquisite sight of her perfect Asian bottom hovering over my face and felt her leaning forward. As her silky hair cascaded over my stomach, I felt her hand grasp me then her soft, sensuous lips wrap and tighten, around my cock. Her mouth slid down my cock as I gripped her hips to hold them steady and thrust my curled tongue as deep as I could into her Thai cunt. She sucked with muffled gasps as my tongue thrust rapidly into her. I could hold back no longer.

‘May!’ I cried, ‘I’m coming.’ 

Her head jerked back from my cock as it spurted uncontrollably, as I cried out uncontrollably. I wanted her to climax and knew she was close. I pulled her back onto my face and May’s pussy nestled once more over my wet face. Immediately as my tongue and nose became her source of arousal again, her hips began to quicken and her fingernails began to bite into my chest. My mouth lay open and ready as May began grinding her pussy into my face, rubbing and then pushing herself back down onto my eager tongue. Her gasps became faster, louder as her hips began thrusting along my face, faster and faster. Then her body tensed rigidly and then shuddered in a series of involuntary lurches. May shrieked loudly in Thai, and climaxed on my mouth.

As our panting subsided, May uneasily stood up and apologised to me. I didn’t know what for, but she hurried to the bathroom and returned with a damp cloth to wipe my face. I smiled at her sweetness as she embarrassedly whispered sorry. Using the towel as a blanket, we slept on the sofa clinging to each other.

When I awoke, she was not beside me, but came out of the bathroom, washed and putting clothes on that were more appropriate for going home to her parents. A white skirt and a green top. Darkness had called time on our passion, but as the lift doors closed, taking her from my view, I felt suddenly empty and lonely in the apartment I had lived alone for nearly a year. I recognised that painful feeling from many years earlier. It was the emptiness of being away from the one you love and love was taking hold.

Written by MyShyAsianWife
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