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The Fires of Lust

"The fires of lust never really leave us."

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Sitting alone in the booth, Mickey was having lunch and reading the newspaper. Mickey was a quiet man, well read and confident in himself. He owned a small but profitable company. You could say that Mickey met life on his own terms. He owned a home and lived comfortably.

It was hard to say that Mickey had a routine, but he did enjoy his lunchtime, sitting quietly and reading. He was keen on politics and world events. He held disdain for people who he felt lacked concern about world and national affairs, preferring to be concerned with their own lives and entertainment. It was not uncommon for his friends or employees to come to him with questions about politics or current events. While he was anything but boastful, he was confident in his knowledge and did not suffer fools.

As a man of color, Mickey had two unique things about him that were gifts from his white father. Unlike his black peers, Mickey had a very un-African American name. His father had insisted that a son be named after his childhood sports hero, Mickey Mantle. The second gift was the result of strong genes; crystal blue eyes. Along with his soft caramel colored skin, Mickey bore little resemblance to the men of his race.

From his beautiful black mother, Mickey received her peaceful exterior and a fiery soul. She was a woman that loved all things sexual and was easily consumed in passion. On many occasions, Mickey had thought that he had a split personality. During the day he was his intellectual father, while at night he morphed into his mother’s version of an animal in heat.

For the most part, Mickey was content with his life. His work consumed most of his time, but he enjoyed an occasional round of golf or a game of racquetball with friends at a local club. At the age of 34, he didn’t consider himself an athlete, but he stayed in good physical condition. While it was unlikely that women would stop in their tracks to admire his looks, most would say that Mickey was handsome… in a quiet kind of way.

Through the years, Mickey had dated but never seemed to find the right woman. He found most young women to be what he termed, “airheads” or “fuckwits.” He had jokingly told a friend once that he wanted a woman that was a princess in the living room and a whore in the bedroom. He required a woman that could carry on an intelligent conversation as well as shriek with passion as she rode his face while hanging onto his headboard.

That combination of attributes had been difficult for him to find. There had only been one through the years, but that relationship hadn’t lasted. Mickey wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he did feel an emptiness in his life. He wanted female companionship but wasn’t willing to settle for beauty without brains.

Having finished eating, Mickey had folded over his newspaper and was reading the editorial page while he sipped a second cup of coffee. Feeling a presence beside him, he looked up to see an old girlfriend standing beside his booth seeming to glare at him with a look of displeasure.

Lisa had planned to see Mickey in this restaurant. In fact, he had been on her mind for the past several weeks. The two of them had been together for nearly a year, but that was five years ago. Standing beside the booth she felt intense passion rising up. She wanted to walk away, but he pulled her to him like a giant magnet.

Mickey looked up to see her luxurious honey blonde hair surrounding her beautiful face. He took in the big brown eyes that had always excited him. It was impossible for him not to check her out from head to toe, noticing that she had maintained her ‘centerfold’ body and her exceptional taste in clothes.

She was dressed in a gray skirt and a black silk blouse. A very simple combination, but on her, it was a classic look that would draw men’s eyes as she passed. As his eyes washed over her, he couldn’t miss the fact that she seemed to be breathing hard.

“Hi,” he said softly. “Would you like to join me?”

“I would like to punch your face,” she snarled through gritted teeth.

“Really?” he answered with a playful grin. “I guess your dislike for me is just as strong as ever.”

“Maybe stronger,” she snorted.

“Then why don’t you sit down and tell me about it,” Mickey said in his typical easy manner. “You appear angry and that is not a condition that you should maintain. It will put frown lines in that beautiful face.”

He had complimented her and it stopped her next words. “Beautiful?” she asked in a kinder voice.

“Absolutely beautiful,” he said with a smile. “Probably the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen. Now, why don’t you sit down?”

Her pulse was still pounding, but she sat down across the table from him.

“How long has it been?” he asked.

Her fire seemed to have left her. She sat across from him staring into his crystal blue eyes almost unable to think or speak. “It’s been five years,” she answered.

“Five years,” he almost whispered. “Where has the time gone? So, that makes you about 28 now?”

“Twenty-nine in two weeks,” she answered.

“And why was it you left me?” he asked. “As I recall you stormed out in a huff.”

Lisa was still mesmerized by his eyes, seemingly unable to look elsewhere. Her mind was remembering his eyes burning into her soul as she cried out in sexual ecstasy. How many hundreds of times had he left her a quivering mass, unable to move or speak?

Taking control of herself, Lisa answered. “I don’t remember exactly. We had an argument.”

“We did,” he said as his eyes drifted down her blouse and seemed to be stripping away the covering over her breasts. She could feel her body heating up and knew beyond a doubt that he would be able to see her hardening nipples through the soft fabric of her bra.

Trying to distract him she said, “I just remember that you were being a total ass and I left.”

His eyes met hers again, locking onto the rich brown color that he had loved to watch when he tortured her with sexual arousal. “We were having a political argument,” he said. “Do you remember what it was about?”

“No. No, I don’t,” she answered honestly.

“You were defending one of the President’s lawbreaking Executive Orders and I was explaining why it was wrong.”

Slowly she nodded. “I remember now.”

“You insisted on arguing.”

“I was tired of you always being right,” she told him.

“And you’re still mad at me?”

Lisa was getting her nerve back. “To be precise, I hate you.”

“That’s a pretty strong emotion to have because of a political disagreement,” he said with a soft smile.

Damn him and that smile,” she said to herself. “I don’t hate you because of a stupid political argument.”

“Then why?” he asked showing his confusion.

“I hate you because you ruined me,” she said in a husky voice. “Because of you, I’ve haven’t been able to find another man to satisfy me.” She leaned forward and whispered, “No one can fuck me the way that you did. No one can make me cum like you did. Because of you, I’m always left wanting.”

The soft smile left his face showing a look of true concern. “I don’t understand.”

Lisa leaned in more. “Didn’t we have world class sex?”

“I thought we did,” he answered.

“We did, Mickey. It was astoundingly great. You left me like a melting scoop of ice cream every night,” she told him. “Not just once in a while, but every night. While we were together you took me every night. Every single night, Mickey, and left me exhausted but happy.”

“I never stopped wanting you,” he answered. “I couldn’t get enough of you.”

“And I felt the same way,” she admitted. “I would think about you during the day and get excited knowing that you would take me when we got home. And you took me, Mickey. You didn’t discuss it with me or ask what I wanted. You just took me and gave me orgasms until I couldn’t move.”

“I didn’t ask because I knew what you wanted.”

“How did you know?” she demanded as she sat back and stopped whispering.

“I just knew, Lisa. I always knew. I saw it in your big beautiful brown eyes. I felt it in the way you reacted to my touch.” He sat very still and looked into her eyes. “I just knew.”

They sat quietly until the waitress came to the table. “You need anything else, Mickey? How about some more coffee?”

“Yeah,” he answered, still looking at Lisa. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Sure,” Lisa answered as she kept her eyes on Mickey. When the waitress had left she told him, “A cup of coffee might cool me down.”

“How many men have you been with in the past five years?” he asked.

“Seven,” she answered. “No, eight would be correct… the eighth one and I broke up just about a month ago.”

Mickey sat there with his mind racing. How could someone so beautiful have been with eight different men in the past few years and not found one worth keeping? “So, what was wrong with these guys?” he finally asked.

He could see the sadness in her eyes when she answered, “They weren’t you.”

As they sat there in silence, the waitress returned with a fresh cup of coffee for Lisa and a refill for Mickey. “Just wave if you need anything,” the waitress said as she looked at the two people seated there staring at each other.

Lisa added cream to her coffee and took a sip.

Mickey watched her and again looked into her eyes as she sipped her coffee. Without considering if anyone nearby could hear, he said, “Take off your panties and give them to me.”

“What,” she said a little too loudly.

“You heard what I said,” he answered softly. Then with firmness in his voice, he said, “Do it.”

Lisa glanced around, quickly assessing if anyone was looking in her direction. She gave Mickey a pleading look which he rejected. Looking around once more quickly, she began to move around looking rather like a restless child. He saw her lift her butt off the booth seat for an instant and wiggle some more. Finally, she leaned over before sitting up straight. Then pressing her hand toward him, she said, “Here.”

Extending his hand toward her, he had just a quick glimpse of a small piece of black fabric as it dropped into his hand. Putting his fist in hip lap he rolled the fabric between his fingers. “It’s wet,” he said.

Lisa was obviously embarrassed, but answered, “I have no doubt about that.”

There was another long pause. She thought that he might still be feeling her damp panties.

“You’ve had eight men in the past five years,” he began. “Did any of them make you squirt?”

Lisa put her head down, not wanting to look at him when she answered. “No, Mickey. No one but you has even come close to making me do that.”

“Did you like it?” he asked.

Her head came up and she answered as honestly as she could, “I loved it, Mickey. There’s nothing quite like it. No sensation comes close, but you are the one with the secret. No one else could do it.”

He stared at her for what she thought was a very long time without speaking. Actually, it was only about twenty seconds before he spoke. “Do you remember our rules?”

Lisa thought for a bit before smiling. “I think so.”

“Good,” he said with his special smile. “I’m going to go pay the check and then we’re leaving.”

“Where are we going?”

“To my house,” he told her as he slid out of the booth. “We’ll leave your car here for now and pick it up later.” She saw him tuck the small wad of black fabric into his pants pocket as he walked away.

Before Lisa could even consider if leaving with Mickey was a good idea, he was back and extending his hand to help her from the booth seat. She slid across the seat feeling her bare bottom touching the cushion as she moved.

Holding her hand, he led her into the parking lot and beside a large pick-up truck.

“What’s this?” she asked, staring at the truck.

“I call it BFT,” he said as he opened the passenger-side door for her.

“BFT?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said as he held the door. “Big Fucking Truck.” He took her hand to help her up into the cab, watching carefully as her skirt rode up her legs, exposing what he remembered as the creamiest thighs he had ever put his face between.

Once inside, Lisa looked around to be surprised at the luxury of this truck. She melted into the rich leather seats as she ran her hands over polished wood.

As Mickey moved behind the wheel he said, “I decided a while back that I needed a truck now and then for work. When I found this one I decided that there wasn’t any reason not to have a comfortable truck.”

“Oh, Mickey,” Lisa cooed. “This is beyond comfortable. It has almost an erotic feel to it.”

As he started the engine, Mickey looked over saying, “What are the rules for driving?”

She blushed again. “I remember,” she said softly as she pulled the hem of her dress half way up her thighs. As she did, she scooted down in the seat a bit and moved her knees apart.

“I’m glad you remember,” he said as he pulled the truck out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Once they were in traffic, Mickey reached over and put his hand on her leg with the last two fingers touching the inside of her exposed thigh. Her skin felt firm under his fingers and quite warm.

When his hand touched her leg, Lisa felt an immediate bolt of electricity run through his fingers directly to her sex. Her reaction was almost orgasmic as she tensed expecting his hand to move upward to find her wetness.

Holding his hand still on her leg and driving with one hand, Mickey said, “You know what I want you to do.”

Lisa didn’t say a word. She lifted the hem of her skirt until she could see the hairless skin between her legs. Opening her legs a bit wider, she placed a hand between them. She could feel her own body heat reflecting off of her skin as she closed her eyes and pressed one finger inside her very wet pussy. She groaned softly, but Mickey heard it.

As he had taught her to do years before, Lisa began to finger herself slowly, coating her finger as it moved in and out. Remembering his rules, she took the finger out, placing it in front of his face.

Mickey leaned forward and sucked her wet digit into his mouth. Taking his hand off of her leg, he took her hand in his and slowly pulled the finger out of his mouth. “You taste as sweet as ever,” he said without looking at her. Moving her hand back between her legs, Lisa understood that he wanted her to continue to finger herself. She hadn’t done anything so brazen since the last time she was with Mickey, but she didn’t hesitate to do his bidding now.

As her finger slipped back inside her hot, wet channel, her eyes closed again. In her mind, she could see the hundreds of times she had done this alone while she thought of Mickey and the myriad of ways he found to bring her to orgasm. Five years ago she had decided that she had given up all of her self-pride by allowing him to command her to do things like she was doing now. But at this moment she said, “Fuck self-pride. I want this again. I need him again.”


Once inside his front door, Lisa turned to watch Mickey close the door and lock it. She saw him reach into his pants pocket and remove her panties. He hung them on the doorknob and she felt a shiver run up and down her spine.

She was flooded with memories of hanging her panties on that knob each time she had walked into his house. After the first night, they spent together he had made a rule that she would not wear panties inside his home… ever. From that time on she had entered his house and immediately removed her panties before hanging them on the knob. She vividly recalled the excitement that ran through her body each time she walked away from the door knowing that her sex was uncovered and waiting for his attention.

Without saying a word, Mickey took her by the hand and led her into his living room. Stopping by his large leather couch, he indicated that she should sit. Once she was seated, he sat in the large chair beside the couch and eyed her calmly. “OK, Lisa,” he said. “Let’s talk.”

“I don’t want to talk,” she told him firmly. “I wanna fuck. Isn’t that why you brought me here?”

Mickey smiled. “After we talk.”

“You know how horny I am,” she said, looking a little exasperated. “I have no pride left. I practically begged you to bring me here. I’ve spent the past fifteen minutes sitting beside you with my fingers in my pussy. Why do we have to talk?”

“Because I want to know if this is a game,” he answered softly. “Is this a one –time fuck to calm your libidinal urges, or are you looking for something else?”

Lisa didn’t answer.

Mickey sat very still as he observed her. He could see that her breathing was not normal. Her chest was almost heaving. Her eyes were bright and watching him.

“When you were with me,” he began, “We never made love. We fucked like a couple of wild animals. We fucked every day. Some days we fucked all day and into the night. I couldn’t get enough of you and you seemed to be unable to get enough of me. And then one day, you walked out the door and never returned. Why?”

“Let’s just chalk it off to being young and stupid,” she said softly.

“And now you’re older and smart?”

Lisa put her palms on her bare knees and looked at her hands. “If I had been smart I never would have left you. My pride got in the way, Mickey. I wanted to come back, but after each new day passed I became more embarrassed. After a month on my own, I decided that I could replace you. I rationalized that you were nothing more than a hard dick that pleasured me and that there were more of those to be found.”

“And?” he asked.

“And, I did find them,” she answered, still not looking at him. “In the past five years, I’ve been out with several dozen different men. I’ve spread my legs for eight of them, but none of them could satisfy me.” She looked up. Her big brown eyes locked onto his. “None of them was you, Mickey. It took me five years to figure it out, but I finally got old enough and smart enough to understand the problem. I need you.”

“You need me to fuck you?”

“I need that very badly,” she whispered. “I’ll get on my knees and beg if you insist.

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I want you to take me that way you did before. I want you to strip off my clothes and take away my pride. I want you to own me, Mickey.”

He sat still and quiet for what felt like a long time to Lisa. She hadn’t asked him if he was involved with someone else. Was that what he was thinking about? She had driven past his home maybe twenty times in the past two weeks trying to see if he had a woman living with him, but had discovered nothing.

He didn’t move but finally spoke. “Stand up.”

She did as he commanded and stood directly in front of him.

“Take off the blouse,” he told her.

Lisa immediately unbuttoned her silky top and tossed it to the couch, turning to face him.

He eyed her carefully before he spoke. “You still have great taste in lingerie.”

Smiling and beginning to feel comfortable that he wasn’t going to toss her out the front door, she answered. “You know that I have a weakness for sexy lingerie. How many thousands of dollars did you spend on my bare essentials?”

“Take the bra off,” he said.

The hook on the bra was in the front. Lisa opened it like a stripper. She slowly unhooked the clasp and opened it to allow her breasts to fall out of the lacy black wrapper. Like her blouse, Lisa tossed the bra onto the couch and turned to look at Mickey. “Do you still like them?”

“The girls are still a beautifully matched set,” he said with a small smile. “Now take off the skirt.”

Once her skirt had been tossed aside, Lisa was standing in front of Mickey wearing nothing but her shoes.

“I’m glad to see that you didn’t decide to grow your bush back.”

Lisa blushed slightly and told him, “Oh, I did grow it back. It was part of my defiance to you. I had it for about a year before I decided that you had been right. I looked better without it and it made me feel sexier.”

“Turn around,” he told her.

Turning to face away from him, Lisa spread her legs and stood still. She knew what he was doing. “Do you still like my ass?”

“Your ass is a work of art,” he answered.

“It’s yours, Mickey. Everything you see is yours.”

Quietly he stood up and issued another command. “Bend over.”

Lisa hesitated a second as she wondered if he was going to take her right now, but quickly put her hands on her knees as she bent over.

Mickey took one step toward her before he slapped her ass and held the cheek in a tight grip. “The one part of you that was never mine was this sexy fucking ass,” he growled in her ear, “But that could change.” Taking her by her shoulders, he turned her around. Putting a hand into her hair, he pulled her mouth to his, giving her a passionate kiss like she had not felt in many years.

When he broke the kiss, Lisa was breathless. She was panting and her eyes were unfocused.

Mickey spun her around, slapped her ass once again before he said, “Go to the bedroom and wait for me. I have to call the shop and explain why I’m gonna be late.”

Lisa didn’t need directions. Without looking back (because she didn’t want him to see her smile), she began walking to the master bedroom. The excitement began to bloom inside her once again and she enjoyed the burning feeling where he had spanked her.

“And take off those fucking shoes!” he called out as he watched her walk out of the room. He fished his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed his office. He hadn’t taken off any time for personal pleasure in five years, but today was a new day.


As Lisa walked into the bedroom, she felt a wave of familiarity wash over her. For all the time that she had lived with Mickey, she had loved this room. Her fingers slipped over the bed covers as she walked the length of the bed remembering all of the joyous days and nights she had spent here. She could almost hear the moans and groans of pleasure and feel the laughter they had shared. She touched the headboard and remembered hanging on it as she rubbed her pussy in his face and begging him not to stop. Lisa was surrounded by memories that made her feel warm and happy.

She turned at looked at the extra-large mirror that was on the dresser beside the bed. How many times had she looked into that mirror to watch their two naked bodies in the throes of passion? She looked at her own naked body and hoped she could still please Mickey as she had in the past. Seeing her nipples reflected she touched them, feeling that they were hard with excitement.

She could feel the butterflies in her stomach when she pulled the cover back to the foot of the bed and saw the chocolate brown sheets that she had adored. Mickey had always complimented her on how beautiful she looked lying naked on those sheets. He had said her eyes were the color of the sheets until they turned red with the fire in her soul. She ran her hand lovingly over the sheets as her mind continued to display pictures from her past.

Lisa heard Mickey’s voice as he was talking on the phone and tried to decide how she should pose herself before he came into the room. Should she be on her hands and knees in ‘doggie style,’ as if offering him her sex? Perhaps she should simply stand with her back to him beside the bed so that he could lean her over the edge and take what he wanted?

She remembered once wearing a very sheer nightie and lying on the bed on her side as she waited for him to come into the room. Smiling, she remembered that day and how he was almost completely undressed by the time he reached the bed. Sighing, she recalled that his cock was like a piece of steel by the time he was beside her that day.

Finally, Lisa crawled onto the bed and placed herself in a sitting position leaning against the headboard. As much as this man loved her ass, he was obsessed with her tits. She decided that she wanted to make certain that his first view of her back in his bed would give him the best view of the fullness and size of her breasts. Once she was in place, she closed her eyes and tried to guess what would happen in the next ten minutes.

Mickey walked into his bedroom and saw Lisa propped up against the pillows with her eyes closed. “She’s even more beautiful today than she was five years ago,” he said to himself. As he walked slowly to the bed, he felt his desire building as his cock felt like it would burst through the fabric of his trousers. Once beside the bed, he grabbed Lisa by the ankles and pulled her sideways across the bed. He saw her eyes pop open in surprise as she slid over the sheets.

Lisa was lying across the bed with her feet on either side of Mickey. She watched as he tore off his shirt and tossed it aside. What she saw made time stand still. She could see the same burning desire in his blue eyes as she had the last time he took her. A shiver ran through her body as she prepared for a sexual tsunami.

Once again Mickey took Lisa's ankles and pulled her butt to the edge of the bed. He spread her legs open and looked into her glistening wet pussy. He looked into her eyes and said, “I’ll start here.”

He dropped to his knees and let her legs fold over his shoulders. His tongue pushed into her folds exactly at her hot opening and pressed its way up to her clit. He did the same motion several times until he heard Lisa moan. At that point, he kept his tongue on her clit while he pushed two fingers inside her dripping wet pussy.

Five years may have passed, but he knew that he could bring her to an orgasm in record time this way. His fingers worked her sensitive spot and his tongue teased her nub. He overjoyed with the aroma of her sexual arousal. He concentrated to make certain that his tongue and fingers were firm, but not pressing too hard. He remembered that she enjoyed it rough, but only to a limit. When she grabbed hands full of his hair, Mickey knew she was already nearing her first orgasm.

“Oh… Fuck… Mickey!” she cried out as her thighs pressed against his cheeks while her climax ran through her beautiful body. He smiled as he felt the muscles in her legs trembling just as they had done years before. His head was locked between her legs and his nostrils were filled with her scent. He ran his tongue around her clit once more and felt her jerk.

After a minute, she relaxed and unclenched her creamy thighs from his face. Standing he leaned over her. “Good?” he asked.

“I think you’re the devil,” she answered with a weak smile. “I haven’t felt anything like that since I was here last.” Lisa lifted her hand, fondly touching his face. “Your face is all wet,” she said.

“I wonder why,” he replied before dropping down on her and taking her in another passionate kiss. This time she could taste herself on his tongue and lips. His face was covered with her juices, something that only aroused her more. As they kissed she clawed at his bare back and tried to reach the front of his trousers, but Mickey moved away from her hand.

Finally breaking the kiss that seemed to never end, Mickey spun her around on the sheets once again until her feet were touching the pillows at the top of the bed. He stepped back and dropped his slacks, kicked them aside before dropping his boxers.

Lisa’s eyes were riveted to him as he undressed. When at last she saw his stiff cock she sucked in her breath. “Oh god, but I want that,” she said to herself.

Mickey stepped back to the bed, standing so that his erect shaft was near her face. Lisa grabbed it with her hand and began to rub it across her face. How many times had she masturbated thinking of this beautiful cock? Now, at last, she held it once again. It was so incredibly hard, yet the tip so soft. She ran her tongue along the shaft and smiled as she remembered his taste. She licked the tip and smiled once again as she was reminded of the taste of his precum.

“Are you happy to have your favorite toy back?” he asked.

“Yes!” she blurted out. “I’ve missed it so much.”

Just as she took the head of his cock inside her mouth, Mickey pushed two fingers into her hot, drooling pussy. She moaned around his cock as she sucked half of it into her mouth. As his fingers began to move hard and fast, she took his cock out of her mouth saying, “Oh Mickey.”

“Did you think I forgot how you liked to be fingered?” he asked as he studied the wrinkles in her brow. “I haven’t forgotten anything,” he told her as her legs began to spread. He moved again, taking one of her full, round breasts in his hand. He squeezed it before putting pressure on the nipple. “I remember how you begged me to make you cum.”

“Oh Mickey,” was all she could manage to say as she felt his fingers fucking her pussy and rubbing once again over her sensitive spot. “Oh god,” she cried out when he tightened the pressure on her nipple. Lisa could feel her own extreme wetness and knew what was going to happen. Only Mickey could do this to her. She felt the orgasm building and knew that within just a few seconds her body would respond to what he was doing to her. She felt the pressure building and raised her ass up off the bed as if asking for more.

Mickey had done this to her many times before and her reaction was always the same. She would explode in orgasmic bliss and cover his hand with her ejaculate. With his free hand, he took a handful of her hair and pulled her face up off the bed. He pressed his cock into her mouth just two seconds before her orgasm.

He saw the muscles in her toned legs begin to shake and felt the walls of her pussy tighten around his fingers. With her ass at least a foot off of the sheets, her orgasm washed over her as she squirted her juices. She screamed with pleasure around the cock in her mouth and her entire body trembled.

When Lisa dropped flat on the bed, her body felt almost numb and all she could say was, “Oh fuck.”

Taking his fingers out of her, Mickey rubbed his ejaculate covered finger on her lips and on her nose so that she could smell the beauty of her own body. Lisa opened her mouth and he put his fingers on her tongue so that she could also taste her own sweet cum.

Lisa thought that she might have gone to sleep. She opened her eyes feeling happy but exhausted. She turned her head and saw Mickey standing beside her. He appeared to be watching her. His strong hand was stroking his dark, angry looking cock. “He’s not through,” she thought to herself.

Once he saw her eyes open, Mickey spun her on the bed again. This time he put her head on the far side of the bed. He took her ankles in his hands and opened her legs once again. He pushed her legs back until they were pressing against her breasts before he climbed on and mounted her. She was so wet that his thick cock slid all the way in without a stop.

“I know what you want, baby,” Mickey whispered to Lisa when his face was inches from hers. “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, just the way you like it.” He began to move, loving the hot, wet, silkiness of her vagina.

The only words that could be used to describe what happened would be… he fucked her like a wild man. Without any question she loved it. She bellowed and grunted. Frequently she seemed to growl at him, begging while crying out, “Fuck me, Mickey. Fuck me.”

She orgasmed again in that position before he moved her again and made her get on top of him. Her strength was waning, but she did her best to keep up with him. He held onto her breasts while his cock hit her like a jackhammer. When she had her fourth orgasm, she collapsed on his chest, panting and wanting to go to sleep.

With his cock still inside her, Mickey allowed her to rest for two minutes before he flipped her over and got her up on her hands and knees. “I know that you always loved to do it doggie,” he said as he slapped her round ass cheek. The slap seemed to revive her a bit as it also aroused her.

Once in position behind her, Mickey sunk his cock into her pussy once more, holding her hips and diving to her depths. He slapped her ass once more and Lisa began to move. She shoved her body against him seemingly to take him even deeper than he had been before. Her sounds were growls and moans which turned into a loud whimper before she reached one more orgasm and fell flat on the brown sheets.

Lisa’s mind was in a fog. Her fingers and toes were numb. She wasn’t really certain where she was. She just knew that she was nothing more than a limp noodle, completely incapable of moving a single muscle. At this moment she understood the meaning of the word ‘bliss.’ She felt Mickey getting off of the bed but simply didn’t have the motor skill functions to turn her head and look at him. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Lisa’s eyes opened when she felt Mickey get back onto the bed. He was between her legs. As she was face down on the bed, she couldn’t see him but thought she could feel that he was on his knees. She felt one of his hands on her ass. She felt the second hand touch her ass. His hands were warm and felt good. She wanted to close her eyes again, but they flew open when she felt one of his fingers pressing against her crinkled opening.

She started to say something but felt his finger slide into her ass. She tried to tighten her muscles, but simply could not. She barely had the strength to say, “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting ready to make you mine,” Mickey said in a soft but firm voice. “This is the one part of you that I’ve never taken. I’ve dreamed of this beautiful ass for a long time, Lisa. Today it’s mine.”

Lisa was ready to object, but she felt a second finger glide into her ass. They were obviously coated with some kind of lubricant because they slipped in so smoothly. While she wanted to object she still didn’t have the strength. The fingers moved in and out, slowly and skillfully. The part of her mind where her lust lived began to wake. What he was doing was naughty. It was dirty. And it was beginning to feel very good.

She felt him move again. He stretched his body out over hers and she felt the hot tip of his cock touch her back opening. He put his mouth beside her ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck your beautiful ass now, Lisa. I’m going to fuck it the way I’ve always wanted to and fill it with my essence.”

The next thing Lisa felt was the thick head of his cock pressing into her ass. Had she wanted to stop him she wouldn’t have been able. She felt her ass stretch wider and wider until his thick cock began to fill her up. He pressed it into her slowly allowing her body to stretch to accept his size. While she had expected it to hurt, it didn’t. In fact, the deeper it went, the better it felt. When she felt his pubic hair pressed against the softness of her bottom, she knew he was fully inside her.

Mickey was perfectly still for a long minute. One again he whispered in her ear. “I’ve always loved your ass, baby. I’ve always wanted it.”

“Then fuck it,” Lisa answered. “Fuck my ass and leave your cum in me, Mickey. I’m yours. All of me is yours. Take it.”

He moved slowly at first, but passion and desire assumed control. Mickey drilled her ass the way he had dreamed. It was his turn to be loud. He groaned and muttered unrecognizable words. The bed began to creak under his repeated thrusts.

To Lisa’s complete surprise, she not only enjoyed what was happening to her, but she felt another orgasm building inside her body. She suddenly felt like a train speeding through a tunnel and about to burst out into the sunlight. She screamed as the massive orgasm rampaged through her body. The muscles in her anus suddenly came alive and grabbed Mickey’s cock like a fist.

He had fought off his own orgasm since the moment he first touched his tongue to Lisa’s pussy. He had concentrated on satisfying her as no one ever had. He knew that he had been successful in that regard, but now it was his turn. Mickey thrust himself into Lisa as deeply as he could and growled as his hot sperm flew out of him like a fire hose. His thrusts slowed, but he wasn’t able to stop until his last drop of stamina was gone. He collapsed on Lisa’s back with his cock still hard and buried in her ass.


Two hours passed before Mickey awoke. When he rolled off of Lisa his motion woke her as well. Lying on his back he smiled at her. “How do you feel?”

“I feel like a sixteen-year-old girl that just gave up her cherry,” she answered with a smile.

“Is that good or bad?” he asked.

Reaching out her hand, Lisa touched his cheek. “In this case, it’s very, very good.”

“I’m glad,” he said taking her hand and holding it tightly.

Lisa stared into his eyes and said, “Once again you’ve rocked my world, Mickey. I won’t ever be the same. I hope that you want me now because I belong to you.”

Mickey rolled closer to her, throwing his leg over hers and rubbing his hand over one of her ass cheeks. “You don’t have to worry about being wanted, Lisa. You’ve been a bad girl and we’ve wasted five years. I don’t want to waste another second.”

“Maybe you’ll need to punish me,” she said with a smile.

Mickey lifted his hand and brought it down hard on her ass. “You may need a good, hard spanking.”

Lisa could feel the burn from where his hand had struck her. She knew that when she looked in the big mirror she would see his hand print. She closed her eyes, smiled and said, “I can’t wait.”

Written by JefferyB
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