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The Bride Wore Black!

"Julie found out her future husband cheated on her, but the limo driver helped her get over it!"

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Today was Julie's wedding day, the happiest day of her life. It was the day she had dreamed of for as far back as she could remember. And after thirty-two years of waiting and hoping, it was finally coming true!

All she had ever wanted was to be a devoted wife and mother. She'd had countless tea parties and baby dolls growing up. She helped her mother vacuum even when the vacuum cleaner was bigger than she was.

When she got a little older, she started helping her mother with the cooking – at first just getting the ingredients, but later chopping and even cooking a few things. All in preparation for the day when she would have her own home and a man to care for.

Julie had rehearsed her wedding numerous times as well. With her stuffed bear as the minister, her baby doll as her bridesmaid, and her imaginary fiance' waiting for her at the altar, she had walked the aisle more times than she could count. She wanted everything to be perfect.

She thought it was perfect once before. She had found a man who at first seemed to be her Prince Charming. But after a couple of years of marriage, she learned he was just another toad. So she divorced him and went on the hunt again – wiser and more cautious this time, however. 

Still, the heart is an easily distracted thing and before long it forgot the lessons it learned, and once again, her eye was caught by another man. This man was different, though. This man treated her the way she wanted to be treated – the way she deserved to be treated. And now she was about to devote her life to him and become his happy loving wife. 

Or so she thought.

Julie was waiting in the dressing room doing some last-minute touches and going over her vows when there was a soft knock on the door. She knew it couldn't be David, her intended, because it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. 

"Julie, can we talk for a minute?" said Diane, her maid of honor and very best friend in the whole world.

"Sure Diane, I was just trying to remember my vows – I'm so nervous!" Julie said.

"Well you may not need to," Diane said, looking down at the floor sadly.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Julie asked.

"Julie, I'm your best friend, you know that. And I would never do anything to hurt you ever. I know this is terrible timing, with you only minutes away from getting married. I tried to tell you before, but the timing was never right..." she said.

"What is it, Diane? Please tell me!" Julie insisted.

"David has been cheating on you!" Diane said suddenly, then clamped her hand over her mouth, surprised she blurted it out like that.

"WHAT?" Julie said, standing up suddenly.

"That's right. He's been fucking around on you with Carol Albright... It's been going on for about two months now, I guess. I overheard a couple of the other girls talking about it and wanted to tell you before now, but we could never get any time alone together.

"I'm so sorry, honey, that I had to be the one to tell you – and on your wedding day. But you deserved to know," Diane said.

"Are you sure it was David? Maybe it was someone who looks like David?" she said, hoping against hope that Diane was wrong.

"I'm afraid not, honey. It was David. He was seen getting into his Camaro – he's got the only candy apple red '69 Camaro with two wide white stripes down the hood, roof, and trunk. It's a unique car in these parts," she said.

Julie got very quiet and Diane became concerned. "Are you all right, sweetie?" she asked.

Julie snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, I'm fine. Listen, don't tell anyone about this. I want things to go on just as planned. I have an idea on how to handle this."

Diane didn't argue or push the matter. She was still friends with Julie and was happy with that. Julie said she would handle it in her own way, and that was what Diane let her do.

The wedding ceremony progressed. Julie walked down the aisle just as planned and even managed to look "radiant". She saw David standing there and kept her cool. Her father and three older brothers were on her side of the aisle, smiling and happy for her. 

The minister began speaking and she stood there just as she had practiced a thousand times. Finally, it came time to recite the vows each had decided to write to one another.

David began and his vows almost turned Julie's stomach. Had Diane not told her about him, David's words would have melted her heart. Now they just made her all the more furious with him. If they were anywhere else but in a church in front of witnesses...

Then it was Julie's turn. She cleared her throat and began her vows:

"David, today I stand here in front of you and all our dear friends gathered around us to declare that you are a lying, scheming, two-timing son of a bitch and if you think you are going to have my hand in marriage you are sadly mistaken!

"Yes, that's right – I found out about you and that man-stealing whore Carol Albright, you piece of shit, and just in time too. To think I ever thought of marrying you!

"You're lucky I don't cut your pecker off and drag it behind the car! Now get out of my sight, you fucking bastard, before I turn my brothers loose on you! And don't ever think of contacting me ever again!"

The whole crowd sat there dumbstruck, their mouths hanging open. David was horrified that she had learned of his secret affair. "I said, get out of here!" Julie screamed at him. David took off like he had been shot out of a cannon.

Before David could make it to the door to the church, though, Julie was surrounded by her bridesmaids like a protective wall, comforting her and keeping all the men away. Julie made her apology to the minister both for the outburst and for her choice of words. The minister was very understanding though, and then she was whisked away to one of the back rooms by her bridesmaids. 

"Julie, honey, can I come in?" She heard her father's voice outside the door. He cracked the door and saw his little girl, the youngest child in the family, sitting on the bed, tears streaming from her face and her makeup wrecked. 

"Oh, honey, I am so sorry. I know how much you wanted this. I wish there was something I could do..." he said.

"I just need to go for a drive... just get away from here and all this. Please, Daddy," she said, crying on his shoulder.

"Take the limo then, it's already paid for anyway. Just go wherever you need to go. But give me a call in a little bit so I know you are okay, all right?" he said.

Her father knew that taking the limo, even though it would cost him more, would be far safer than having her driving around in this condition. Plus, the driver would look out for her and make sure she didn't do something she shouldn't.

She ran out and got into the limo and with the simple command, "Drive. I don't care where just away from here!"

The driver took off like a flash even squealing the tires on his exit.

Julie's dad called the limo up a minute later and briefly, explained what had happened. "Take her wherever she wants to go locally but take care of her. Don't let her do something stupid. She isn't thinking clearly right now, and she needs you to watch out for her," he said.

The driver drove to a small park across town and pulled into it. He parked and then got out and opened the door for her. "Here you go, miss. This is about as far from the church as we can get and there's no one around but the two of us.

"Your father told me what happened and told me to watch over you. My name is Jerome. Would you like to sit and talk – about whatever you want to talk about?" he asked.

Jerome was a thirty-four-year-old black man, handsome and impeccably dressed. At six feet six inches tall, he had the build of an athlete.

"Thank you, Jerome," she said. They got out and he walked with her to a nearby picnic table and they sat down. 

"Jerome, what is wrong with me? Why can't I find a guy who will stay with me and stay loyal to me? Am I that hard to love? I just don't know. All I've ever wanted was to be a loving, doting, dutiful wife to my man. But finding that man is proving to be impossible!" she said, exasperated.

"Miss, I don't know you so I can't give you an answer, but maybe you are looking too hard... trying too hard. Love isn't something you can go out and get, it's something that is given. You can't earn it by being good or by doing good. It is something that one person gives you because they want yours in return.

"And apparently, your ex-fiance didn't. If you don't mind my saying so, miss, that makes him the fool, not you. He's the one who couldn't see the gift in front of him. He is the loser in this contest.

"Believe me, I've seen this movie before. He left you for some other piece of tail who he thought was hotter or younger or whatever. But she is going to use him and discard him like so much trash when she's done with him. Then she'll be off looking for another man to steal while he sits at home, wishing that he'd stayed with the one woman who would have stuck by him," Jerome said.

"I hope you are right, Jerome. But how about you, do you think I'm attractive?" she asked. 

"Oh, miss, I don't think..." he said.

"Julie, my name is Julie. And it's okay, I want your honest opinion. Do you think I'm attractive, Jerome?"

"Miss Julie, I think you are quite beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you. Your ex-fiance was an idiot to let something as fine as you go. I can't imagine what he could have possibly found that would make him turn you down," he said.

"Really, Jerome? You really think that?" she asked.

"Indeed, Miss Julie. I don't have a girl myself, but if I had one as fine as you I sure as hell wouldn't be looking anywhere else. You are very beautiful and would make any man proud to be seen with you," he said.

"Oh, Jerome! Oh, you don't know how much I needed to hear that right now. Thank you," Julie said, pulling him down to kiss her. 

It was only supposed to be a thank-you kiss, a little kiss of gratitude for making her feel appreciated. But as she kissed him, something else happened.

She felt it... a desire, a need for him. She hadn't planned it, and she didn't see it coming but there it was–Julie needed this black man.

"Jerome... I-I want you. I want you to fuck me. Please, Jerome, please–I need to feel like I am still desirable. Please take me someplace... any place... and fuck me. Make me feel needed and wanted. Please?" she said.

She looked up at this man, fully a foot taller than her, and her eyes implored him. He knew she needed this.

"Do you live alone?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I have my own place. Want to go there?" she asked.

"Well, we'd go to my place but it's a bit of a mess. Besides, I think you'd be more comfortable in your own home if that's okay with you," he said.

"That's fine with me, let's go!" Julie said.

"I have to take the limo back to the office and then we can take my car to your house. I'll take care of the paperwork tomorrow when I come in," he said. He opened the back door for her. "There might be someone in the office when we get there. No one is supposed to ride in the front seat of the company limos."

"I understand, I wouldn't want you to get into trouble on my account," she said. On the way back to drop off the limo at the company, Julie called her father and let him know she was okay... that she just needed some time alone to think and figure out what to do now and that she would call him again in a day or two.

Once the limo had been dropped off at the company, Jerome and Julie went to her place.

"Have a seat, baby. Would you like something to drink?" she asked.

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"Sure, whatever you have is fine," he said. She came into the living room with two glasses of wine. 

"This wine was supposed to be for my wedding night, but there's no sense in letting it go to waste!" she said, "I'll be right back, I'm going to change into something less..." she said, giving him a sexy look at she turned the corner.

Julie came back a few minutes later wearing a sexy white wedding lingerie set. She wore a lacy revealing bra, skimpy lace panties, white stockings and heels, white gloves, and her wedding veil.

"This was supposed to be a gift for someone else but since he didn't want it, what do you think?" she asked turning around and modeling her outfit.

"I think you look amazing," he said.

"Aww thank you, Jerome. I'm glad you like it. It's funny I am wearing white because I was supposed to get married, you know the whole wearing white because I'm supposed to be a virgin on my wedding day thing. I'm not, but that's the tradition. I am, however, a virgin when it comes to sex with a black man. I've never even seen a black man's..." she said.

"Well, come take a look and see what you think," he said with a grin.

Julie walked up to him slowly and knelt down in front of him spreading his legs and moving closer between them. She ran her hands up his thighs until they got close to his crotch. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip.

Then she rubbed her hand over his crotch and felt a large bulge there. She gripped it and felt how big it was and how hard he was getting. Running her hand up the length of it she tried to figure out how big he was.

That can't be right! she thought to herself. Julie had been with a few men before–some of them pretty good sized too–but she had never felt anything as big as he seemed. 

"Go ahead, take it out," he said. Julie looked up and then went to work on his pants. When she pulled his pants down the bulge in his boxers was even more impressive. She pulled his pants completely off then slowly pulled his boxers down. 

His cockhead peeked out of the top of his drawers first. And it was a very impressive mushroom-shaped dome with a large pee hole. She started pulling the boxers down further and the more she pulled them down, the more of his cock shaft appeared. The thing seemed to go on forever!

"Oh!" she said, then "Oh my!" Finally, when it was revealed in its entirety, she exclaimed, "OH MY GOD!"

Jerome sat there on her sofa sporting a cock that was every bit of ten inches long and three inches in diameter!

"That's the most incredible thing I've ever seen! I didn't even know they could get that big!" she said her eyes wide as saucers. She looked at the massive man-sausage, unconsciously licking her lips.

"C-can I?" she asked. He nodded and Julie reached out tentatively touching it, stroking it with her fingertips. She jumped a bit when it twitched, then she wrapped her small hand around it. She was amazed when her fingers barely touched as she held it.

"That's ten inches of Alabama black snake in your hand right there!" he said with a smile. "Go on, give it a taste and see what you think of it."

Julie gave it a little lick, testing it, before giving another, long lick. She started at the base of his massive shaft, licking up towards the tip with long strokes using the flat of her tongue. Getting into it now, she worked her way around the meaty pole, making sure its entire length was coated with her saliva before moving to the huge swollen head.

She laved all over it and ran the tip of her tongue around the underside of the rim. When she was satisfied his whole cock had been adequately caressed and loved on, she looked up at him and put the tip to her mouth.

Julie wasn't sure she could take the monster into her mouth but she would give it her best. She pushed it past her lips and opened her mouth as wide as she could, managing to get the head inside her mouth then began sliding down the mighty shaft. She had only gone a little way before she could feel the tip at the back of her throat. She stopped just shy of her gag reflex, not wanting to gag and choke on the enormous tool.

"That's okay, I haven't met many women that could handle swallowing my cock!" he said, almost bragging.

That was enough for Julie. She prided herself on her cocksucking skills... she wasn't going to let this challenge go so easy! She had taken on large cocks before, admittedly not as large as this, but she wasn't the type to back down without a hell of a fight. 

Julie backed his cock up about an inch so she could get a good breath of air. Then she pushed back down on him bringing him right to the edge of her gag reflex.

She began swallowing and as she swallowed, she pushed down on him while her throat was open to get the tip of his cock past her gag reflex–much like avoiding a closing door by quickly going through it.

Once the head of his cock was past her gag reflex, she pushed on down taking him further and further down her throat. She worked him down as far as she possibly could–down until there was only about an inch or so left to go.

Then, running out of air, she pulled back, choking and gagging as he came out of her mouth. She sucked in a could deep breaths trying to calm her desire to gag and then she took in another deep breath and tried again.

She reached the same point and had to pull back. This time, however, she brought up a lot of saliva with it and it ran down her chin to land on her tits

"Damn girl, you suck cock like a porn queen!" he said.

Julie took that as a compliment and Went back down on him once more. She pushed herself this time and was able to push past the point she had stopped actually touching his stomach with her nose before she pulled back and brought another mass of saliva up with his cock. 

Jerome took his cock, covered and dripping with her saliva, and smeared it over her face, then smeared it some more with his hand. "Now you look like a proper whore!" he said.

He stood up and pulled her quickly to her feet ducking under and catching her at the waist with his shoulder and hefting her up to carry her, fireman style, over his shoulder to the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed and she landing on her back giggling with her legs splayed wide open.

Grabbing her legs he pulled her closer to him. He pushed her legs up over her shoulders and spread them wide, opening her pussy and ass to his view and his use. 

"Hmm, which hole should I choose? Well, I don't think that tight little ass is quite ready for my big black cock so I'll just go for your sweet pussy for now. Maybe next time we can try to stretch that pretty ass out some," he said.

Jerome slapped her eager pussy with his cock a couple of times, hitting her squarely on the clit causing her to gasp. Then he slid his hard fat cock between her slick pussy lips to tease her some more.

"So the pretty white girl wants a taste of dark meat, does she? Is that what you want, slut? You want me to fuck your lily-white cunt and show you what a black man feels like?" he asked.

"Oh God, please! Please, Jerome, please! I need to feel that beautiful black cock in my pussy! I need to feel it stretching me, filling me, and making me feel like a woman again! Please fuck me, baby, please!" she cried.

"Well, I guess you've earned it, after the day you've had. Your father did tell me to take care of you... Just consider this taking care of you," he said.

"Yes! Please, Jerome, take good care of me! I need a hard, deep, caring fuck! Pleeease, please take really good care of me baby!" she whimpered.

Jerome took hold of his steel-hard cock and aimed the huge throbbing head at her drooling, hungry hole. He pushed into her just a bit until his cockhead was seated on her pussy entrance. Not needing to guide his cock anymore, he took hold of her legs and kept them wide and out of the way as he pressed himself slowly into her.

"Ohhh Goddd!" she moaned as his cockhead spread her pussy wide and stretched her.

He slid into her slowly, an inch at a time, so she could feel every ridge and every bump. Julie had never felt so stuffed or so stretched–it was amazing!

"Oh, fuck, baby! Oh, your cock feels so wonderful filling me up like this! Now fuck me with that black meat, you magnificent bastard! Fuck me like I've never been fucked before! Make me your slut.. your black, cock-loving white whore!" she moaned.

He pushed deeper into her, past the deepest point anyone had ever been before. And still, he kept going.

A moment or so later he felt his cock bump up against her cervix and he knew that was as far as she could take him. Any further and he might risk damaging her. He took note of how deep he was and was careful not to go past that point.

Gathering himself and getting into a good position he began moving in and out of her. Starting slow and deliberate at first he let her feel his mammoth cock sliding against her sensitive walls. 

"Ooh, oh!" Julie cooed and moaned her pleasure as the hard fat cock slid inside her, touching every delicious point and nerve she possessed. Julie began writhing and squirming on the bed, her mind being enveloped by the waves of pleasure assaulting it.

With her pussy properly lubed and stretched to size now, Jerome felt comfortable in increasing the speed and rhythm of his thrusts. He began fucking her faster, although just as deep, making her moans increase to cries and screams of wild abandon.

"Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Fuck me, fuck me, you beautiful black bastard! Fuck my pussy like you own it! Harder! Fuck me harder! Oh, God! Ohh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Julie threw her head back and forth scratching and clawing at the sheets as her world spin wildly out of control. He pounded into her like he was trying to punch a hole in her pussy and Julie loved every bit of it.

She had never been fucked so hard, so deep, and so thoroughly. She could feel the rumblings of a mind-blowing earthquake of an orgasm coming on strong and she couldn't wait to feel it.

"Ohhh Myyy Godd!" Julie screamed when it hit her.

She twisted up like a pretzel thrashing and going berserk, her mind and her world both shattering into a million silvery shards and spinning off into space. 

"I'm cumming! Oh dear God, I'm Cuuummminnggg!" she screamed again and then her dam broke and she spewed a flood of sweet juices out of her like a broken water main. Julie had never "squirted" before but she made up for it with this eruption.

Like a whale coming up for air, she shot her juices out of her covering his stomach and crotch and soaking the bed in her wet appreciation. Her hips flopped and shook until she finally collapsed out of breath and still leaking her honey from her saturated pussy.

Jerome looked like he's just come out of the shower–at least from the chest down, but he didn't mind; seeing the moaning, delirious, white woman laying on the bed still moving her arms in search of something tangible to hang on to was enough for him.

He crawled onto the bed pulling her to him and holding her until she was lucid enough to know what had happened. She nuzzled into his thick wiry-haired chest purring happily.

After a bit, she looked up at him. "Thank you, Jerome, thank you for being here for me. You've made today a much better day for me. "Would you do one more favor for me though?" she asked.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Would you... stay the night? Please, I don't want to be alone tonight – my wedding night," she said.

"Of course Julie. Just think of me as your wedding present!" he said, as he leaned down and kissed her.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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