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The All Star

"Becca joins the effort to recruit a basketball player to her college"

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Author's Notes

"This is a slightly different direction than my other stories. I hope you enjoy it! I really look forward to any comments or suggestions you might have."

I could tell that Jon was stressed out. He came home from work and buried his head in his computer. The two monitors were full of spreadsheets, social media, and news aggregators. He spent hours looking at them, furiously clicking through them. Our tiny two-bedroom apartment was filled with mouse clicks, keyboard clacks, and muttered curses.

But Jon wasn’t some Wall Street quant, he was a graduate assistant to the basketball program for a relatively small midwestern university. Jon had played hoops in high school and college, but after it became clear that he wasn’t going to go pro, he’d decided to make a push in the direction of coaching. I met him shortly after he started at the university and we’d been together since.

“What’s wrong,” I asked him.

“I’ve been working with this recruit from Florida, real stud center, but I think he’s on the fence. And I just lost two other kids in my portfolio. If I can reel this kid in, it’ll make my recruiting game so strong, I dunno, I might be able to push for an assistant coach spot somewhere, but if I lose him, I’m not sure I’ll even be here next year. I mean, I got Coach to offer him an official visit, but he’s been cagey.”

“Okay, well, there’s nothing you can do about that, right? That’s not your fault.”

“That’s not how it works, Becca, there’s stuff I can do, but the school can’t do. Ya know? It’s…. Well, it’s basically NCAA rules violations. That’s how this game works. Sketchy stuff rolls down hill. If something sketchy is going to happen, Coach wants plausible deniability.”

“So, like what, are you supposed to bribe him?” I asked. This was back before college students got NIL deals and it was easier to funnel money to recruits. Any hint of financial shenanigans would bring Jon’s career to a crashing halt.

He shook his head, “I dunno, not like I got the money to bribe him, and Coach didn’t leave a suitcase full of cash in my cubicle. But I gotta figure out how to bring him in. I mean, I’ve all but promised him he’ll start if he comes here. I message him every day. Like all of his tweets. Pretty much told him I’ll arrange for someone to handle his academics.”

I looked over Jon’s shoulder at the screen. Pictures of Deandre Jones were plastered over it. He was a good-looking high school kid with a strong middle-of-the-pack ranking. Not the kind of kid that was likely to get offers from top-notch contenders, but the kind of kid who was on the bubble, the exact kind of kid that Jon said Hillside University wanted to poach and develop. The kind of kid that might play here for a year and then transfer to a better school, but would have been a banger to have on the team for that year. And the kind of kid that if would go on to better things would improve the portfolio of everyone at HVU who’d recruited him. 

“Wellllll,” I drawled out as I thought, “one thing I know high school boys like is girls. I bet I could get V or Sarah to show him a good time.” Vanessa and Sarah were my two best friends from high school, and our exploits in high school were still legendary in the Hillside Valley community.

Jon looked at me, a little confused, “What do you mean?”

I gave him a sceptical look, “Oh c’mon, Jon. Sex. I bet you V or Sarah would ‘take one for the team.’”

“Do they even care about the team?” he asked.

I shrugged and jokingly said, “I meant for me, dummy. They’d do it for me if I asked.” Then I uttered the most blasphemous words to Jon, “They don’t even care about basketball.” I smiled and added, “But look, he’s a good-looking kid. I’m sure they’d be happy to temporarily join the recruit squad.”


Vanessa and I nominally shared a dorm room. “Nominally” because I was basically living at Jon’s apartment. But I kept my stuff in the room for the random “visit by parent” situation. They were already concerned that paying for my college tuition was basically paying for non-stop partying, which, to be fair to them, was entirely true. They wouldn’t have been at all happy to know I was also shacking up with a guy. 

Sarah had a dorm room three doors down that she shared with a nice-enough girl who was rarely there on weekends.

“Okay, what’s the sitch?” Sarah asked as she flopped down on the couch by my bed, “what’s the big hubbub, bub?” Sarah was brash in a way that complemented her appearance. At 5’6“, she was taller than me or Vanessa. Her long blonde hair poured past her startling blue eyes and over her shapely shoulders, cutting off just before the swell of her curvy D-cup breasts. She was curvey all the way down, with a butt that I’d have killed for and the kind of waistline that leave most dresses weeping tears of joy.

“Yeah, something on fire or something?” Vanessa said. In most ways, Vanessa was Sarah’s polar opposite. At barely 5’, she had a classical Asian build, and deep brown eyes framed by her chin-length bobbed black hair. She tended to come off as overly-seriously and intense. 

“Not exactly,” I said, “but I need a really huge favor. For Jon.”

That perked them both up. Vanessa cocked a delicately sculpted brow and Sarah actually snorted. Back in high school, a “favor” for a boy usually mean a “birthday gift threesome” or agreeing to fuck some guy’s “wingman” friend.

I showed them a picture of Deandre on my phone, “So, there’s this recruit. He’s a senior. And if HVU gets him, well, it could really help Jon’s career. But if he misses on him, well, the coaches aren’t going to be too happy with him.”

Vanessa, who knew as much about sports as I knew about brain surgery was nodding along, but Sarah who’d been recruited for varsity soccer looked up at me already anticipating what would come next.

“I thought coaches did all the recruiting,” Vanessa said.

“They do all the recruiting but the graduate assistants are expected to help communicate some of the, uh, unofficial perks of the school. Jon’s trying to get him to take a visit, and, if he does, he needs to have a really good time,” I said.

Vanessa kept nodding, and Sarah said, “Like, how good?”

I made a pensive face, “Like really, really good?” I suggested.

“Like two-girls-at-once good?” Sarah asked. Vanessa looked up at that, finally understanding, and made an Ohhh-I-get-it-now face.

“Something like that,” I admitted.

Sarah looked at the picture again, “Jesus, I haven’t fucked a high school senior since I was a sophomore,” she said.

“That’s not true,” Vanessa immediately countered, “you fucked that one guy, what’s his name, Jimmy van something-or-another.”

“Doesn’t count, I was just fucking him to get revenge on his brother, Billy. Billy’d already graduated.”

“I think it still counts,” Vanessa said.

I clapped my hands like an impatient teacher, “Girls, girls, can we focus a little on the issue at hand?”

Vanessa looked at me blankly, “What issue?”

“You know, whether you’re willing to help me out here?”

“Ohhhhh,” Vanessa said, “well, duh. Of course, I’ll help out.”

“Yeah, that’s a dumb question,” Sarah said matter of factly. “You set it up, we’ll knock it down.” Sarah turned to Vanessa and gave her a set of double finger guns with some pew-pew noises.

“Hell yeah,” Vanessa said, then finger-gunned me, “pew pew!”

“You guys are such idiots, I love you,” I said, jumping into them for a big hug.      


I told Jon the plan and then sent Deandre a Twitter DM.

Hi Deandre, I heard you’re considering Hillside University. I hope you’ll really consider it, we’re a great school with a great basketball team. You should come visit campus, I know you’ll love what you see!

For the next fifteen minutes, Jon was a basket case. He kept asking me if Deandre had DMed me back. When my phone finally chimed a return message, he practically jumped out of his skin.

Hey rebecca, appreciate it on my list of maybes!

Jon looked disappointed. “‘List of maybes,’ shit. We’re definitely not in the running.”

“Just relax, babe, let me handle this.”

Call me Becca! I hope you can move us up to your visiting list. Come visit campus, we have a lot to see. I’d be happy to show you around!!!

I like the sound of that. be my personal tour guide?

Absolutely, I’ll show you whatever you want to see!

that profile pic is so small, i’d love to see a real pic of u. u know, dont wanna get catfished like some folk lol

Sure, I wrote. I’d already planned for this, so I attached a picture of Sarah, Vanessa, and me all wearing HVU t-shirts. I’m in the middle!

Wow, r all u girls at HVU so hot!?! he wrote back.

LOL, well I told my friends about you, and they totally want to meet you. Sounds like you’re going to be an all-star someday! Our chance to say we knew you when!

Sounds tight, all 3 u gonna show me around?

For sure, we always party together. Let me know what weekend you’re coming and I’ll make sure they’re available.


Awesome, I wrote, does that mean you’re going to visit?

Definitely looking like it!

I smiled at Jon. He wrapped me up in a hug and gave me a big kiss, “Masterfully done, babe!”


Two days later, Jon came home elated. Deandre Jones had committed to an official visit.

“Are you sure Vanessa and Sarah are cool with this?” he asked nervously.

I waved him off, “Absolutely. They’re my girls, they’d never let me down.”

“So like, what’s the plan?”

“Pretty simple. Sarah and V are going to set up a party in Sarah’s room. We’ll invite mostly other girls, but a few guys so it’s not too obvious. I’ll walk Jones around the campus a bit. Take him to the game. Then we’ll go back to Sarah’s. Everyone has a few drinks, and then Sarah and V will take him over to our room and rock his world.”

Jon shook his head, “I mean, that’s crazy. But you’re sure?”

I gave him a kiss, “Jon, baby, trust me. My girls are going to blow his mind.


I met Deandre “Dre” Jones on the morning of his official visit. Even though I knew he was going to be tall, I was surprised by just how overall big he was. I remembered the reviews I’d read about him, “Built like a small Shaq, but without the obvious instinct, still growing into his frame mentally. Good developmental opportunity.” Obviously, I’d never met Shaquille, but if this was a small version of him Shaq must have been truly gigantic.

I wore a tight-fitting HVU t-shirt that amply showed off my full c-cup breasts and a short khaki pleated skirt. Dre looked me up and down, unabashedly checking me out, with a smile on his face. I introduced myself and walked him to the athletic center, pointing out various campus features, although I suspected the features he was checking out the most were my legs as he walked a few steps behind me. Once we got to the athletic center, passed him off to the first of the many coaching staffers he’d meet.

My duties were done until after the game that evening. Nominally, my job at that point was to take him to the dorm room he was staying in and introduce him to the RA and a few “floor liaisons.” But Jon had explained to me that this “rest” period really depended on whether the recruits came with their parents. If so, they were usually taken back to the dorm or given the chance to meet with the coaches again. But when recruits like Dre showed up alone, and over 18, everyone assumed that meant he was down to check out the school’s party life.

We walked back to my dorm, where V and Sarah already had the music bumping in Sarah’s dorm suite. Sarah was wearing a black-out HVU t-shirt, with a deep neckline that showed off inches of cleavage and a grey skirt. She’d complemented it by pulling her long blonde hair back with an HVU hairband like one of the cheerleaders. Vanessa, for her part, was wearing a short HVU skirt (which, honestly, I didn’t even know we had, and made a mental note to track one down) and a loose crop-topped HVU jersey. She stood behind the ad hoc bar piled with whiskey, vodka, and cold beers.

The rest of the party was six other girls and six guys, an appropriate mix of attractive and outgoing personalities. As we walked in, Sarah immediately pounced on Dre.

“Dre? Right, you’re the ‘official visit?’” she practically squealed, emphasizing “official visit” like other people might say “British Royalty.” I almost cringed that she was overplaying her hand, but Dre seemed to soak it up and nodded. I had to remember this was a high school kid who was used to being the king of the castles, used to be feted like an elite. 

“Hey everyone, this is Dre!” Sarah yelled out over the music, and everyone turned to look at him, most of the guys raising their drinks to him, the girls cheering. “He’s the hot center from Florida I was telling you about.” Then she looked at the giant pile of booze and said, “But he’s not officially here, right?” and she gave an overly dramatic wink. Everyone laughed. “You want something to drink, Dre?” she asked as she hooked her arm through his and directed him to the bar.

I mingled around the party, checking in with friends and having a few drinks. I watched Dre out of the corner of my eye and smiled when he slid his hand down to Sarah’s ass. Vanessa leaned over close to him, her hands flirtatiously touching his chest and biceps and she laughed brightly at something he said.

The natural Brownian motion of a college party moved us all around quite a bit, but Sarah and Vanessa stayed in Dre’s direct orbit even as he was introduced to everyone else and as people left and were replaced. I noticed that even while Dre was getting more and more comfortable with Sarah and Vanessa, he kept glancing at me, probably wondering if there were limits how far I, as his tour guide, was going to let this go. But the girls eventually guided him to the couch were they sat on either side of him, hanging on his every word. He had his huge arms over their shoulders, pulling them close. His right hand was under Sarah’s t-shirt rubbing her breast and his left hand was high up Vanessa’s thigh. Like I said, king of the castle.

But even there on the couch, Dre kept looking at me. And I increasingly got the feeling it wasn’t because he was looking for my permission, but because he was just liked what he saw.

I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was my fifth beer kicking in. Maybe it was the fact that even as V and Sarah draped themselves over Dre, I saw him still looking hungrily at me. Maybe, I told myself later, this was just too important to risk any mistakes. But after Sarah got up to go use the bathroom, I took her spot next to Dre on the couch.

“Are you having a good time?” I asked over the din of the music. I caught V’s eyes and cut mine to the side, signaling her to give me some space.

“Yeah, yeah, this place is more hopping than I thought it would,” he said as V excused herself.

“We know how to party,” I said, downing my beer. I crossed my legs as I turned sideways to face him, my skirt riding up, and I saw him looking down at my long legs. I leaned in a little closer, “Maybe you and I could take this party to someplace a little more private?” I whispered into his ear.

“Uh, yeah, yeah, that’d be great.”

“My room is just down the hall. C’mon.” I got up and Dre followed me. As we passed V on the way out, I blew her a little kiss and she just smiled knowingly at me.

I practically dragged Dre into my room, shut the door behind him, and then pushed him against the door. I tilted my face up and he leaned down to kiss me. Without delay, I slid my hands under the waistband of his shorts and wrapped my fingers around his bulging shaft.

“Mmmmm,” I moaned as I broke the kiss and looked down at his huge cock, stroking it hard, “these are exactly the kind of talents we need here at HVU.”

“You like it, baby?” he asked.

I ran my tongue over my lips, “I’d like it more in my mouth,” I said and then slid down to my knees. Dre watched as I parted my soft lips and slid the head of his cock into my warm, eager mouth. I looked up at him, tonguing the head, and pumping his shaft in both my dainty fists.

“I knew the minute I saw you that you like it black,” he said. He put his hand on the back of my head, his strong fingers palming me like a basketball, and began to thrust himself into my mouth. “Yeah, like that,” he grunted as he filled my mouth and throat. “I said, this girl here, she wants this black cock. Saw you looking at me all night and knew you wanted it. Didn’t you?” he asked and yanked my head back, his cock popping out of my mouth like a comically enormous lollipop.

“I want it so bad,” I moaned, a thick strand of saliva bridging my lower lip and the head of his cock.

“Damn straight,” he said kicking his shorts off and pushing himself back between my lips. He gripped the base of his shaft and guided his cock into my mouth, filling every inch of it. He pushed it to the side and watch it expand my cheeks, then rubbed the flat of his shaft against my tongue, and the head against the roof of my mouth and he grunted in satisfaction. “Swallow it, girl,” he said.

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I wasn’t sure if he was about to cum in my mouth, and I would have happily swallowed his cum, but instead, he pushed hard into the back of my throat. I squatted up on my tiptoes to get a better angle on him and then opened my throat to let his head push through. It stretched the back of my throat roughly as he guided his full length into my mouth and throat, moaning in deep satisfaction. His hand pulled me into his crotch until my nose was buried against his coarse dark pubic hair and my lips were fully around the base of his cock.

“Goddamnnn,” he moaned, holding me there, unable to breathe. He slid out maybe two inches and then thrust back in, over and over, abusing my throat. Then he looked down at me again and watched with deep satisfaction as he slowly slid each glistening inch of his massive cock out of me. I gasped for breath, my eyes watering.

“You’re so big,” I cooed, truthfully, as I leaned forward to lick his shaft, bottom to top. He gripped his cock by the base again and slapped it lightly against my face, smearing my saliva along my cheeks. His cock easily stretched from my chin to my forehead.

“You ever had a cock this big,” he asked with a grin.

“Never,” I said, as I buried my face down to lick his balls.

“Good, then you should be nice and tight for me,” he said, reaching down to pull me off my knees. He pushed me back against the bed and, as I started to fall backward, he spun my shoulder around so I fell face-first into the bed. I crawled forward, on all fours on the bed, and I heard him step up behind me. He flipped my pleated skirt up over my ass and, if he was surprised I wasn’t wearing panties, he didn’t show it because I felt the head of his cock pressing against my wet lips right away.

Dre didn’t ease into me, instead, he started working himself hard into me with thrusts. Between my wetness and the slickness from my blowjob, he had little resistance other than his girth. Feeling the bulbous head part me, followed by his forearm-like shaft, I moaned out loudly.

“Mmmm,” he moaned, “I love that tight white girl pussy.” He began pumping hard, his thighs slapping against my ass. I felt him pull his jersey off and toss it to the floor. He put his hands on my shoulder, pushing me down until the side of my face was buried in the blankets. He stood up on his tiptoes so he could thrust down into me, and I cried out in pain and pleasure. Each thrust felt like a jackhammer, and my bed creaked and cried out in protest almost as much as I moaned in satiated pleasure.

I squeezed his cock inside me, although it was so big that I felt like I barely fit around it. It felt amazing to have his huge shaft sliding all the way out of me and then slamming back down into me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so utterly filled, and Dre was reaching spots in me that were causing me to pant out heavy breaths as though, if he went any deeper, I’d pass out from it all.

“Oh fuckkkk,” I moaned as I felt an orgasm building inside me. Dre must felt it too because he suddenly began to thrust even harder and it seemed like his cock was swelling to an even larger size. “Oh god, I don’t know if I can take” I muttered.

He pinned me down hard with his hand on the back of my neck, “You’re gonna take it, girl,” he commanded. “Take it all.”

The commanding tone did it for me, and I felt the wave of the orgasm crash against me, my whole body tightened and relaxed in wave after wave, synced to Dre’s dominating thrusts. I moaned incoherently, gasping for breath, loving the feel of his weight bearing down as me as he assaulted my pussy.

As it slowly passed, I snaked my hand back between my legs and felt for his pendulous balls. When I found them, I squeezed them, and Dre slowed down. Now, instead of long deep thrusts, he was grinding against me as I massaged his heavy balls, imagining how full of cum they were.

“I want every drop of your cum,” I moaned.

“Oh you’re gonna get it girl, but you’re gonna have to work for it,” he said, as he swirled his cock in a deep clockwise motion around inside me.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” I promised. 

“Yes, you will,” he said with a sneering confidence that made me even wetter. Dre’s hands roamed over my ass, his dark black skin contrasting against my smooth creamy cheeks. His hips built up speed again as he slid his palms over my hips, up my waist, across my breasts and back again. I luxuriated in the feel of this stranger’s hands on my body.

A few minutes later, while Dre continued to pound at me, the door opened to the blare of music from down the hall. Dre jumped off me with a startled “Oh shit!” and Sarah and V staggered in. Dre dragged a sheet comically over his massive hard-on, hiding exactly nothing, but Vanessa laughed and held up a beer.

“We’re here to party, bitches!!!” she yelled and practically ripped her top off.

Sarah sauntered over to the bed where Dre was still wide-eyed looking around like he’d been caught his cock in the cookie jar.

“Mmmm,” Sarah purred and she reached out and spread her hand over Dre’s muscled pecs, her alabaster white fingers contrasted against his slate black skin “Becca, I can’t believe you were going to keep this one all to yourself,” she said with a wink at me. Still standing over him, she reached under the sheet and wrapped her hand around Dre’s slick shaft. “Oh my,” she exclaimed, “I just have to see this.”

She knelt down, pulling the sheet down as she went, and lowered her head to Dre’s lap, taking his cock into her eager mouth.

“What the fuck,” Dre exclaimed, still in shock, as Sarah’s blonde head bobbed up in down in his lap. 

V sat on my lap and smiled at him, her nipples already hardening, “Like I said, we’re here to party.” Then she leaned over to kiss me. I turned my face up to her and slid my tongue between her soft lips, tasting the beer and whiskey. I reach up, wrapping my arms around her, and cupped her breasts softly, gently massaging her small, firm nipples. She broke the kiss and took in my sweat-drenched hair, “You look a mess, girl,” she said playfully and then leaned back down to kiss me again.

Dre watched us kiss, our tongues dancing in and out of each other’s mouths. He watched as I pushed her skirt off and then slid my fingers between her parted thighs. V moaned into my mouth as I teased her clit. She tugged down my own skirt and lifted my top off. Then, with both of us fully naked, she turned back to face Dre, leaning her back against me, her head on my shoulder.

I reached around with both arms. I slid my left arm up to tickle and tease her nipple, the right slid down to her closely shaved pubic hair. She parted her legs and I parted her lips with my finger as I began to explore her. I kissed her neck, and her jaw, and licked at her ear. Both of us kept our eyes locked on Dre’s.

“Mmmmm, lovely,” she sighed. Then she reached out and put her hand lazily on the back of Sarah’s head, who had been dutifully gobbling down Dre’s cock the entire time. “That looks delicious,” she said.

Sarah murmured in the affirmative, unwilling to stop. Dre simply sat there, taking in the tableau of V stroking Sarah’s hair while being fingered by me.

V turned to kiss me again and then said, “This is wonderful, Becks, but we’re ignoring our guest of honor.” With that, she pushed off me enough to slide down to her knees and I quickly followed.

Sarah, who had been working Dre’s whole shaft followed the cue and began to focus on just the head. Vanessa draped herself over Dre’s left leg and began licking and kissing his shaft. I slid down between the two of them and suckled his balls.

“Holllllly fuck,” Dre moaned and the three of us smiled our way up and down his dark shaft, happily sharing him. Although, Sarah, as she was wont to do, occasionally got greedy and pushed us out of the way to hungrily deepthroated him. She’d long bragged that she gave the best head out of all of us, and I could tell she was eager to prove it. And while none of us had any qualms about black guys, Sarah had a particular affinity for them.

Vanessa made way for Sarah and began kissing Dre’s chest and licking his nipples.

“You have such a big cock, Dre,” she cooed as she fingered herself. “I want you to fuck me, just like you were fucking Becca. Will you fuck me hard like that?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dre said quickly

At this, Sarah lifted her head from Dre’s cock for the first time since she’d walked into the room. Vanessa swung her leg over Dre’s lap. She mounted herself just over his twitching, saliva-coated cock, “Will you? Will you make me your bitch? Your dirty little bitch?”

“Hell yeah, bitch,” she said, grabbing Vanessa’s hips in his meaty hands and pulling her down as he thrust up into her, pushing himself all the way to his base. Vanessa let out of scream of ecstasy that was so loud Sarah and I almost started laughing. Even over the booming music of the party next door, there was no way everyone on the floor didn’t hear her.

“That’s it,” she moaned and then settled herself down to ride his big cock as he relaxed back onto the bed. “I want all that big. Black. Cock. Inside me. Make your dirty little slut,” she begged him. Because Vanessa’s jam was definitely dirty talk. The dirtier and filthier the better. She leaned down, wrapping her delicate arms around Dre’s shoulders, her mouth next to his ear and said, “Make your black cock loving whore.” 

Dre responded by shoving up hard into her and she quickly match his rhythm, impaling herself down on him as he thrust up. “That’s it, stud,” she moaned, “use me. Give me all that black cock. Yes, oh yesssss. Wreck my pussy, baby, that’s it, wreck it.”

I was amazed. When Dre had been fucking me, I’d barely been able to think straight, but Vanessa monologued like a professional porn star, getting Dre more and more amped up.

Sarah stripped off her clothes and pulled me up to the adjacent couch. She licked my neck and collarbone, then down to my tits where she sucked and lick my nipples.

With his free hand, Dre slapped Vanessa’s ass and she squealed in delight. “Yes! Make me cum stud, I want to cum all over your big black cock” she screamed. He smacked her ass again and again. I was mesmerized by the sight of his black cock thrusting up into Vanessa’s narrow frame, its engorged veins clear even from the couch. It seemed impossibly large compared to Vanessa, and for a moment I thought it must be poking her lungs because it was so huge. I looked at the one paw-like hand on her delicate hip. The red palm print on her ass where he was smacking her like he was riding a horse.

“She’s quite the show,” Sarah whispered to me. “God knows where she fits it all.” I stifled a laugh.

Just then, Vanessa pushed herself straight up, digging her nails into Dre’s chest, and let out a primal scream of pleasure, climaxing as hard as I had just moments before. She went from her steady patter of dirty talk, to screaming, to panting over the course of seconds, and then slouched down like a deflated toy, with Dre’s cock still inside her. For his part, Dre kept thrusting up into her, and V let out a series of soft exclamations with each thrust. Then he looked over at Sarah and me.

“I ain’t fucked this one yet,” he said aggressively, looking directly at Sarah “and she looks like she needs some black dick, too, doncha?”

Sarah smiled smugly, “Why don’t you show me what you got, big guy?”

He looked back up at V, and it was clear he wasn’t quite done with her as he continued to pump her tiny body full of cock. Then he glanced from Sarah to me. “Why dontcha eat out her pussy for me?”

Sarah looked at me and then said, “Love to.”

I sprawled back on the couch and Sarah crawled between my legs. She lowered her face between my thighs and ran the tip of her tongue between my swollen lips. I shivered in anticipation and looked up to see both Dre and Vanessa looking over at me. Dre’s eyes were locked on Sarah as her blonde hair fell against my creamy thighs. Vanessa looked me directly in the eye and winked.

I moaned as Sarah’s tongue slid into me. However much she liked to brag that she was the best cocksucker among us, she was no slouch going down on girls either. She pressed her mouth hard against me, her tongue sliding in and out, curling up and pulling me into her mouth as she gently sucked at me. I moaned, breathing deeply, and pushed down into her, wanting her as deep inside me as she could go. She responded to my urges, her head rhythmically pumping between my legs.

I reached down and grabbed her fine, soft blonde hair, bundling together, and pulling it back into an ad hoc ponytail. I did it both to guide her to exactly where I wanted her mouth and to ensure that Dre had the best view possible.

Dre slapped Vanessa’s ass loudly and then said, “Get down there and have ya girl eat you out.” I looked up just in time to see Vanessa dismounting, Dre’s long, black cock sliding inch by inch out of her. She had to lift herself to get clear of the engorged monster. She came over to where my head was resting on the couch. Then she straddled my face with her knee next to my head.

I looked down at Sarah briefly and then lifted my face up between Vanessa’s legs. She parted them for me, perching one of her dainty feet on the bedframe, and then reached out to steady herself with one hand on the nearby desk. I wasted no time, sliding my tongue into Vanessa’s pussy and, as best I could, matching Sarah’s rhythm.

The bed creaked as Dre got up and then I felt the couch shift as he knelt down behind Sarah. I slid my head back a little so I could watch. Dre position himself directly behind Sarah, one hand on her hip, the other at the base of his cock, and pushed into her. Sarah moaned hard but kept tongue-fucking my pussy.

Suddenly, I felt Sarah’s whole body stiffen up and I looked down to see her wide-eyed. Although her mouth was still against my pussy, she had stopped moving and I heard a muffled exclamation from her. I looked up at Dre and saw that he was once again gripping the shaft of his exposed cock. And then I realized what he was doing, she was trying to work it into Sarah’s ass.

I have to admit, my first selfish thought was “Better her than me,” because there was no way that thing was going in there.

Sarah reached one hand back to Dre, I assumed to push him off, but instead, she dug her claws into the back of his thigh and actually seemed to be urging him forward. She reach her other hand up and grabbed mine, squeezing it hard like a child does before getting a shot.

In disbelief, I saw Dre’s tree-like cock slowly disappearing between her ass cheeks. Sarah’s eyes were squeezed shut, her hand white-knuckled against mine. She turned and rested her head against my abdomen as she began to quickly pant.

“Holy shit,” I heard Vanessa whisper, as she had now turned around to see why everything had stopped. Dre couldn’t have been more than half inside her, slowly working his cock into her like he was trying to fit his foot into a too-tight boot.

“That’s it,” he said encouragingly. “Just a little more, baby, just a little more.” My mouth fell agape, “a little more” had to be a good solid four inches still. Still, I was amazed he’d even got that doorknob-sized head in.

“I knew the minute I saw you,” he whispered, “knew you were the girl who could take this up the ass.” He grunted as he twisted and pushed into her. “Can’t you girl, you can take it, can’t you?”

Sarah was biting down hard on her lower lip, but she nodded and I saw her hand on the back of his thigh squeeze him forward.

“You can do it,” I found myself whispering to her in encouragement. I patted her hair with my free hand, soothing her, “you can do it.” Vanessa turned around, lengthwise along my body, and kissed Sarah’s neck.

With excruciating slowness, Dre’s cock disappeared into her, until, with one last thrust, his hipbones hit her ass. “Yesssssss,” he groaned victoriously.  He slowly, carefully, began to stoke himself in and out of her, looking down at her ass like a conquering hero.

But, within a few full strokes in, Drew looked up at me and then pulled himself out of Sarah’s ass in one stroke. She gasped, but he didn’t even look down at her. Instead, he stepped up to me, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me down to my knees on the floor in front of him. His dark cock pointed at my face like a flagpole and he said, “You said you wanted every drop of my cum….”

I started to respond, but before I could, he grabbed the back of my head and forced himself into my mouth. I could taste my friends on him. I had to concentrate on not choking as he fucked my throat hard. For the second time that night, I was ready to swallow his cum, but he pulled out, pointing his cock, and I had just enough time to close my eyes before he shot his huge load all over my face.

Dre let out a massive “Ahhhhhhh,” as hot globs of sticky cum landed on my cheek, my lips, and my forehead. I opened my mouth and Dre unloaded into it, covering my tongue. Just when I thought it would never stop, I felt his cock press against my lips, and I immediately started to suck his quivering cock.

I felt Sarah and V slide down next to me. From her short bobbed hair, I could tell that Vanessa was licking the cum off my face, while Sarah was helping me minister to Dre’s now softening cock.

I wiped the cum away from my eyes to look up at Dre smiling down at the three of us kneeling on the floor at his feet.

“Well,” I said, returning his smile, “I hope we’ve made a strong case for Hillside.”

He let out a loud earnest laugh as he watched the three of us, like sex slaves, cleaning ourselves and his cock, and said, “Godddman, girls, I’m ready to sign my letter right now.” 

Written by Sarahxx80
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