The scope of the market was tough.
Most people that lived never thought about making their careers their lives, and many less thought to make their lives into careers. What it was, for most people, was a base necessity. And it would be fair to say that work would always remain so for most of humankind for most of history.
People needed money to pay for food, rent, and their welfare. So a career was, for the most part, something most people just put up with having.
But that did not mean that people wouldn’t choose the one they liked the most if they could.
The Borghess Clinic for Expecting Parents had gone through ups and downs during its ten-year tenure. Dr. Jack Borghess was not a bad director, as far as June could say, and neither was he a bad doctor. For the most part…he was just unlucky.
“I am sorry miss, the doctor will take you as soon as he can,” June, a blonde college student of nineteen, smiled prettily at the Latina woman in front of her.
“Huh-uh,” the woman replied, “You’d think a big clinic like this would be quicker about this. Chica, if you just don’t got the doctors, just tell us. We’d be happy to re-schedule with a clinic that does.” Â
“I am really sorry ma’am,” June calmly responded, but inwardly she cringed; The Puerto Rican woman had hit the nail on the head.
The Borghess Clinic had once had four other specialists, but the changing economic landscape had done a lot to reduce that.
The death knell, however, was the changing demographic.
“Girl, you talk as though there are many other clinics that service women like us,” piped up the voice of a lithe but tall black lady currently sitting down in their waiting area, “And trust me, I’ve checked.”
“India doesn’t even have any,” a light-chocolate-skinned woman sighed from her seat. She was slightly less tall than June and had a red dot in the middle of her head.
“Japan does but…” a Japanese woman who was by far the smallest there hopelessly shrugged. She was a pretty thing with her dark hair, perky breasts, and tight butt.
Point in fact, all of the women there were knockouts. It was honestly no wonder they were married. The Latina had a huge ass and wide hips. Her breasts were decently sized, but it was her smoky eyes that called attention. The black woman would have been called “lanky” if she were a man, but her big breasts and big ass gave her body a certain accent even with her smallish hips. The Japanese girl was absolutely adorable, with wide eyes and a small nose. Her breasts looked big on her frame as did her ass. And the Indian was just flat-out exotic, with her silk dresses and robes. Garments that hid her huge tits and decently sized thighs, ass, and hips.
And then there was June herself.
She was a blonde student of medicine at the local college. She’d actually had to fight to get her position in this clinic, as a paid position practically guaranteed she would have all the “experience” she’d ever need in a resume, but things had long since gotten to the point that she wondered if she might not be better off…volunteering elsewhere.
Because as things were going, she had no idea how long the clinic would remain open.
“Ma’ams, we are going to help you out, so please calm down.” June threw her brightest most charming smile that she could. And for her trouble mostly got indifference as a response.
Fuck, that used to work so well.
“Listen, we’ve been here for hours, so I’d appreciate it if you just let us know if any of us are going to get serviced,” the Latina said as she walked back to her seat. The other three women there, being so different and coming from such a variety of backgrounds, gave her a commiserating look as she did. And wouldn’t they? They had so much in common.
These were the latest batch of women coming to the clinic to have children, and that alone was a struggle that women all over the world could understand well. However, they all also had other things that made them similar.
They were all in their thirties. They were all childless. They were all happily married. And, well, all of these three women had a certain biological facet that made servicing them all the more difficult.
That is to say, they were futas. As in, women who also possessed the male reproductive organs.
Generally speaking, their numbers had been growing in relation to the rest of the world populace for decades now, but they were still a minority everywhere. But then a person would expect that, possessing both sets of genitals, clinics like these would be more common due to problems conceiving children, right?
Well…no. Futa women were just as virile or fertile as any woman or man. But that did not mean that they did not encounter problems with their virility or fertility at about the same rate as them.
What once was just a short branch of medicine, was slowly turning into its own tree as doctors had to learn and familiarize themselves with the futa form.Â
Dr. Jack Burghess did, but precious others were the same. And, wouldn’t you know it, the population around June’s hometown had suddenly had an influx of futanari women.
“I tell you what,” June said as she looked at her clock. Uh, it was lunchtime, “I’ll go and check up on the doctor, alright?”
That seemed to mollify them as the blonde got ready to go and eat something. She’d pass by the doctor’s office on her way back, of course, and ask him for something to say. But she really needed a break.
Fate say fit to crush her plans, of course, because at that moment the titular doctor stepped into the waiting area from his office.
“Doctor Borghess!” the futa women suddenly stand up.
“Is it finally my time?/Are we really going to do this?/Please tell me you have good news?/Say something damn it!” all women spoke at the same time but the doctor raised his palms and quieted them down.
“Alright girls, I am sorry about my lack of communication, but it’s like this,” the older man sighed as he walked in front of them.
“The labs that I am using? They are booked for the next few months. I literally can’t take care of anyone right now,” the doctor said and, just like that, the mood fell.
Some were sad. Some were angry.Â
June was resigned. So this was it. The end of the clinic.
“So we came here for nothing?” the Japanese woman asked in a small voice.
“Not at all, Miss Saiko.” the Doctor shook his head, “I will be more than glad to send what information I have to the next clinic you go to. That ought to save time if nothing else.”
“However,” the doctor said as the women started glowering at him, “Have you girls thought about surrogacy?”
This was the sort of talk he should have had with every single woman there in private. June knew it was a serious breach of confidentiality.
But looking at his face, at how haggard and tired he was, well, she supposed he just wanted to get this over with.
“...what did you say?” the black woman asked as all the women there, to a one, seemed offended.
“I’ve got your husband’s sperm analysis, and they all check out,” the doctor replied, “So if you are willing…”
But he stopped when he saw how murderous their anger was getting.
“You know, I don’t think there is anything wrong with any of your sperm counts,” he spat out next, changing the rails so suddenly that the women got confused instead of angry.Â
Even June wasn’t sure where he was going with this.
“How do you mean, Doctor?” she actually asked, even though it was incredibly improper of her. But fuck it, she was about to be unemployed, so what did she care?
“Ah, June, perfect!” the doctor said as he put a hand on her shoulder that she could have probably made an official complaint about if she really cared about it, “You are a young, capable woman, right?”
“Yes?” she frowned.
“And at your school, your classes have gone over surrogacy, and talked about the networks surrounding them, right?” the man asked.
“Yes?” she asked again, a dip forming in her stomach as she feared where he was going with this.
“So you can help all of this lady with that, can’t you?” he asked and all of a sudden, he wasn’t the target of all these mothers-to-be.
June was.
“I…you really can’t be asking me this doctor,” June said as futa women started giving her considering looks. Appreciative looks.
Checking her out, essentially.
“I’ll give you a huge bonus,” he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
And, well, she hesitated.
That sealed her fate.
“How huge?” she found herself asking.
“Half a year’s worth of pay,” he whispered, nodding to himself, “Just make sure to record it and reference the clinic when you do. I can squeeze the insurances out that way.”
And then he left before she could even confirm her participation in this thing.Â
“Doctor!” she yelled as he walked out of the building, leaving her alone with some hungry-looking women all of a sudden.
“Surrogacy, uh?” the black lady asked as she eyed her up and down.
“I mean, my husband would love to do it himself, so why can’t I?” the Indian woman said with a smile.
“I am sure my husband wouldn't mind me using this thing,” the Japanese woman made vague gestures at her crotch.
“Speak for yourself, I have to jack if I want to get off with my prick.” the Latina scoffed, “You know what? Fuck it, I am in.”
“The only question is whose baby is she going to carry,” the black lady said as if it were obvious that it would be hers.
“You say that as if I wasn’t looking at her first,” the Latina replied, making the black lady glower at her.
“I am the only one who hasn’t been eyeing her like a piece of meat since we got here,” the Indian said, “So I think that the only one who’s been respecting her should be the one to impregnate her.”
“Um, I’ve been here the longest?” the Japanese woman tried to pipe in.
“I am paying thousands for this!” the Latina challenged every other woman there.
“As if we haven’t!” the black lady replied, meeting that challenge.
“Our babies would look so cute though!” Saiko sputtered out and the other women looked at her.
“...they really would,” she defended herself.
Left to their own devices, the argument would have deteriorated into a shouting match. Of that, June was sure. It might have even been in her best interests to allow it to. But there was one single problem: They were talking about HER.
“Hold on a fucking moment!” June growled and made the other women jump, “Mrs. Saiko, Mrs. Jimenez, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Gupta, what gave any of you girls the thought that I’d be okay with this?”
There was a brief silence there as all the futa women looked at her and then at each other.
And then, as one, they surrounded her.
“Chiquita, you are so adorable though!” the Latina, Mrs. Jimenez, motherly cooed as she grabbed June’s hands.
“Your skin is so white,” Mrs. Gupta, the Indian, gushed as she traced her fingers over her arms.
“You are so cute,” Mrs. Smith, the black lady, smiled at her as she caressed her blonde hair.
“You’re so pretty,” the Japanese woman actually went further than any of them and started caressing her boobs.
June was five feet and eight inches tall. A little above average, sure, but her blue eyes and golden hair were nothing if not stereotypical Northern European. Her tits were enormous, however, being double D cups that were more trouble than they were worth most of the time. Her butt was firm and shapely and, while her hips were just average, her thighs were enormous; She worked out!
After Mrs. Smith, June was the tallest woman there, but still felt drowned as the four women all crowded around her. Touching, poking, caressing, and generally making June feel trapped.
But between four women who were, by that point, adept at seduction and getting their way, well…
“I’ll…try,” June found herself saying as she found herself lying on a bed made of laps.
It wasn’t like she was a Lesbian or anything, but she was still experimenting with herself, and well…
All of these women were very pretty.
“Thank you, love.” the Black woman, who had June’s back on her lap as she caressed her arms, smiled at her.
“How about we make it random?” the Japanese woman, who had June’s feet on her lap, casually suggested.
June tried to stand up to look at her, but the hands of Mrs. Gupta, who had June’s head in her lap, kept her from doing so by pressing down on it.
“Explain.” the Latina demanded.
“It’d be fair, no? If we all took turns with her and whomever, well, took won, right?” Saiko did just that.
Another silence descended in that office.
“Are you really going to-” June started to ask.
“-But then who goes first?” the Indian interrupted her.
All the women there suddenly turned hostile to each other again, as they all started scheming ways to be the first one inside of June. A new fight was about to begin, but Mrs. Smith loudly cleared her throat and made a proposition they could not refuse.
“We are all afraid we are going to ruin her for each other, right?” the black lady asked.
“I just want to have children, honestly,” Mrs. Gupta replied as she casually caressed June’s head.
“Right, sure, but-” Mrs. Smith pointed at their baby mama, “None of us wants to feel like we are leftovers. That’s why we all want to go first.”
“There is also the fact that whoever goes first will probably impregnate her,” the Japanese girl grumbled.
“Then we can all go at the same time!” the black lady said as if that were obvious.
The rest of the women slowly nodded at that.
“No, the problem is who gets to penetrate her first. We all go one after the other, but that just means we are going to be ruining it for the one that comes next,” the black woman said. The other girls looked as if they hadn’t thought about that.
“So how about we make it so that we minimize that?” Mrs. Smith glanced over at June.
“” Mrs. Jimenez was the first to ask.
“We see who has the biggest dick and let the one with the smallest go first,” Mrs. Smith smirked as if she had been waiting for this question the whole time.
All three other women looked at her suspiciously, as if they had been set up, while Mrs. Smith radiated with confidence. In the end, though, none of them had a better idea.
Which is how June found herself locking up the office as all four women got naked.
“Impossible,” Mrs. Smith gasped as she looked at the results.
The smallest had turned out to be Mrs. Saiko, who was grinning as her erect futa pecker measured five inches.
“I mean, it’s bigger than husband’s, so I thought I’d lose…” she happily muttered as she looked at June in a way that made her gulp.
“I am happy with going second,” the Latina woman said with her six-inch cock.
“At least I am not going last,” the Indian woman said with sympathy, with her eight-inch dick hanging in the breeze, to the woman who had brought the idea up.
“How are you all so small?” Mrs. Smith said as her foot-long donger bobbed up and down.
“You really think a dick that size is average, don’t you?” the Latina critically said.

June, however, could not respond.
Her jaw was hanging off the floor.
She was going to get fucked with that?
She hadn’t even lost her virginity yet!
“Alright, take a seat, I am going to make you a mother.” Mrs. Saiko lasciviously licked her lips.
“R-right now?!” June screeched.
Things were going way too fast!
“Why did you think we asked you to lock the office?” the Latina asked.
“To get naked and measure your dicks!” June threw her hands up, “Nothing else!”
“Be reasonable about this, June,” one of the women who were making an unreasonable request said, “We’d all have to get together at a later date, anyway, so best to just get it done right now.”
“But-” June hissed.
“-Besides, we’ve all been stuck here for half a day, so we’d really like something to show for it,” the Japanese woman added in a small voice.
What could June say to that?
“...fine.” June sighed and she began to think that she was very easily convinced.
The cheer that she got did not make her feel better as the small Japanese woman stepped forth.
And kissed her on the lips.
Her lips were soft as they worked her own, years of experience showing through as she too turns sucking on her lower and upper lip.Â
“Take a seat,” Mrs. Siako insisted again after she pulled away. June could only dumbly nod as she went to the desk she worked on and planted her ass on it.
“Hold up!” the black lady said, and the Japanese woman angrily looked at her.
“She still has her clothes on,” Mrs. Smith explained. The fingers of all the women there were twitching and the Japanese women nodded with understanding.
“Wha-THE FUCK!” June yelled as four sex-hungry women descended on her and pulled at her shirt, pants, and panties like a horde of locusts.
“I could have taken them off myself,” June sullenly said as she sat on her desk a few moments later, now completely naked.
“That’d be too much to ask of our baby mama,” the Latina replied with a smirk.
“Besides, it was hot,” Mrs. Saiko added as she grabbed June’s legs and spread them, making her already slobbering vagina feel the rush of cold clinic air.
“Just…get it over with,” June replied as she blushed and looked away.
“I’ll make you feel good,” the Japanese woman promised as she lined up her five-inch dick with her June’s puss.
Saiko grabbed June’s meaty thighs and slowly spread the mostly featureless virgin gash that June had over her prick.
“Oh, fuck,” June grunted as her vaginal lips were stimulated, and her clit was rubbed by that shaft. The interior of her never used birthing canal expanded with delicious heat as Saiko slowly pushed on and on.
“So good!” Saiko moaned as the head of her dick suddenly met a barrier.
“...really?” the Japanese woman’s eyes widen as she stopped, asking the blonde girl.
“Why are you so surprised?” June awkwardly asked.
“What’s going on?” one of the other ladies asked and Saiko turned her head.
“Oh, nothing,” she said with a wide smile as she bumped her hips forward, and broke past June’s maiden head.
“Fuck!” June hissed as she felt the piercing sensation of being deflowered and Saiko put her hands around her waist as she drew herself inside.
“Oh, these tits are going to feed my children,” she happily said as she leaned in and helped herself to a mouthful of them.
“Ooooh!” June moaned as Saiko bottomed herself.
The Japanese woman’s mouth made suction forces on June’s nipple as her hips withdrew from her puss only to slam down on it again.
And again.
And again.
“Come on, hurry up, some of us have to go home at some point,” Mrs. Smith said as Saiko was slamming rapidly into and out of June’s cunt.
“Just…a…second!” Saiko moaned as her balls clenched and she hilted herself as far as she would go inside of the blonde girl.
“Shiiit!” June moaned as she orgasmed along with her first futa mama, the heat of her semen splashing the inside of her vagina. She shuttered as her first sexual experience…was at her job, with one of her clinic’s clients.
“Alright, me next!” Mrs. Jimenez happily yipped and walked to the suddenly dizzy Japanese woman to pull her aside.
“Umm, she’s all yours,” Saiko said as she withdrew from June and made all the other women gasp.
Her dick was covered with June’s virginal blood.
“Oh, that’s cheating,” the Indian woman said with palpable jealousy.
“I didn’t even know,” Saiko shrugged as she stepped aside and collapsed on a chair.
“Well, whatever, I am going to make you bare my children anyway,” the Latina growled as she grabbed June’s chin with her fingers. And then pulled herself in for a kiss.
Mrs. Saiko had been romantic and loving in her lovemaking. Mrs. Jimenez? She was passionate.
She stole the air from June’s lungs, her lips insistently devouring them. She bit with her lips, drew moans from June’s throat, and, while she was distracted from that…she entered her.
The six-inch cock expanded her more than Saiko’s had, that was true, but her canal was already lubed up with semen and the remains of her virginal blood.
“Hmm, so tight,” Jimenez moaned into her lips as she reached farther than Saiko had as her crotch slammed into June’s vagina with a wet “smack”.
“If you have my baby,” Jimenez promised June as she broke their kiss and withdrew from her, “We can do this all the time!”
“Hey, that’s also cheating!” the Indian woman complained next.
“As if none of you would do that same!” Jimenez laughed as she slammed into June again.
 “Fuck,” June clenched her teeth as the Latina woman took up a pace and speed that left Saiko in the dust.
“Oh, come on, she can only do that because my sperm is in there,” Saiko grunted as Jimenez slammed herself into the blonde girl.
“Yeah, whatever!” Jimenez dismissed her as June was quickly starting to work up another orgasm.
Shit, she might have to seriously think about Mrs. Jimenez's offer!
And then, it was done.
“Fuuuuck!” Jimenez moaned as she hilted herself and let her own Latina DNA go forth into June.
“Fuuuck!” June mimicked her as she also shuttered with her second orgasm.
“...well, that was fast,” Mrs. Gupta said as if she hadn’t expected it.
“S-shut up,” Jimenez replied as she withdrew from June, a steady river of semen gushing out of June, “I am fantastic while I last, and that’s all that matters.”
“If you say so,” Gupta dubiously said as she stepped up to June.
“J-just give me a moment to recover,” June begged, but the Indian woman was already pulling her off the desk.
“Sorry vava, but I have a husband to get to,” Gupta apologized as she gently led June into the floor.
“Oh, you’d love to meet mine!” Saiko gushed while Jimenez and Smith all nodded along with Gupta.
“Ahh, fine!” June grunted as the Indian woman helped get her on her knees. She only had two more to go after all.
What was Gupta doing?
“This is how you pleasure a woman!” Gupta said as she turned June on her side, put the suddenly top leg around her shoulder, and then inserted her eight-inch cock into her puss.
“SHIT!” June said as she was speared by the Indian futa cock, the appropriate seeming woman taking great relish and pushing her donger as far as it would go.
June groaned as the cock got to her cervix and slightly pushed it in, Gupta moaning as her hips simultaneously smacked into June’s crotch.
“Oh, come on, I didn’t need any special technique to satisfy her!” Jimenez complained and Saiko nodded with her.
“See? They can’t do this.” Gupta told June as she bent over to peck her on the lips, “Have my baby and you can have more of this.”
“I-I-I-” June didn’t know what she was going to say, but her brain tried to formulate a response. Sadly, none came out.
She had already orgasmed twice and, just like that, this Indian woman was drawing out a third!
Gupta slammed again and again into June, making her legs spread just a little bit more every time. It generated a slight amount of pain, but amidst this sea of sexual relish, that was just a spice that drove her mounting orgasm.
Until, with a moan, Gupta hilted herself down to the base of her cock as she came.
“Ooooh,” she moaned as her glans made June’s cervix bend slightly inwards, opening enough to allow the Indian woman to directly blast her womb with seed.
“Fuuuuuck,” June moaned as she shuttered YET again!Â
This was so hot.
This was so good.
…was this what she had been missing out on?
“Well, think about it,” Gupta asked the blonde white girl as she withdrew from her cunt, making a river of semen slip out of June’s gash.
“Well, I guess it’s my turn,” Mrs. Smith sighed as she walked over and helped an almost insensate June lie on her back.
“I am afraid I have nothing special like these girls,” Smith told the almost uncomprehending June as she spread her legs. She was about to get fucked in the missionary position. The most “normal” way of fucking that she’d gotten yet.
“But, if it matters, I’d love to give you more of this if you bore my babies,” She told the blonde girl as her foot-long black cock pressed against her, by now, bruised vaginal lips and frowned as her attempt at thrusting it in just made it slide around it.
“Hold on…” the black futa mama said as she aligned her dick with her hand and put it squarely into June’s gash.
And then, with a thrust that used all of her body weight, FORCED June’s vagina to spread around it.
“Fuck!” June hissed as the huge donger spread her out to the point that she thought she might break, her hands digging into the tiles of the floor as if she were going to scratch them.
This was…this was…
This was sooo goood!
“God, you are so tight!” Smith moaned as she slowly forced her vaginal canal to open up all over again. The testicle lubrication from three different women made it easier, though, and, soon enough, she was knocking at her cervix too.
“Just a little more…” Smith said and then, with one last thrust where she clenched all the muscles in her lower body to achieve…the black woman broke into June’s womb.
“FUUUUCK!” June screeched as her eyes almost rolled inside her head, the black woman moaning with relish as she bottomed out.
“...we can’t take this anymore,” Jimenez said as she got up from her seat and walked towards the pair.
“What’s wrong?” Smith stopped her fucking to ask. As if the convulsing June wasn’t obvious.
“We want another go,” Saiko said, apparently not nodding either as they both crowded around June’s face.
“W-whaat?” the blonde muttered as if she didn’t know where she was.
“Fiiine,” Smith moaned as she clenched June by her meaty thighs, “But the next time I go first,”
And then she withdrew her cock from June’s uterus.
“FUUU-hng?” June started to screech again but stopped as her mouth was stuffed with Japanese futa sausage.
“Oooh, the vibrations are sooo nice~” Saiko moaned as she pressed against June’s nose with her crotch.
“Oh, she’s got a strong grip too!” Jimenez joined in as she had somehow managed to get June’s left hand to go around her grip.
June was about to ask what they were doing when Smith thrust into her womb again and made her mind go blank.
“Alright, make some room then,” Gupta sighed as she walked towards the group.
June soon found herself surrounded on all sides again.
In her mouth, she had the happily thrusting Saiko, whose pre-cum she had to swallow to not choke.
Jimenez was getting off to her hands, which June couldn’t help but grip tightly as her nervous system was overwhelmed.
In her stomach was the Indian woman pushing June’s large breasts together as she fucked her cock into them.
And all the while, Mrs. Smith made a mess of her vagina.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” the black lady moaned as she thrust in and out of June’s cunt, piercing into her uterus with every thrust, “I-I am about to cum!”
“As am I!” Jimenez, the quick shot among them, moaned in June’s grip.
“Me too!” Saiko gasped as she almost released.
“Just a bit more…!” Gupta moaned as she pressed herself as far as she would go into June’s tits.
Me three! June maniacally thought as all four women used her up.
Jimeneze moaned as she shot ropes of futa cream into her neck and hair.
Saiko moaned as she filled her mouth with semen that then spilled out into her neck.
Gupta moaned as she filled the middle of her breasts with her Indian cream filling.
And Smith moaned as she discharged an incredibly large load of futanari semen directly into her womb.
June shuttered one last time as she was filled up, glazed, and fed all at the same time!
“Uh,” Saiko said as she took her dick out of June’s mouth and looked in consternation as the blonde girl didn’t immediately close it, “Do you think she’s fine?”
And then June took a drag of air that she dearly needed.
“She’ll be fine,” Jimenez happily said as she stepped away.
“Mothers need to be tough,” Gupta declared as she got off June.
“Yeah, well,” Smith said as she wasn’t able to immediately pull out of June’s womb, “Just give me a second.”
June was quickly getting over her orgasm. She was beginning to think thoughts again.
She-she would make it!
And then the black lady forcefully pulled her cock out of June’s cunt.
“FUUUUCK!” June screamed one last time as her uterus came down with Smith’s futa dick, effectively getting prolapsed.
And then she fainted, collapsing into the ground.
“...remember, I am going first next time,” Mrs. Smith reminded all the other women there as, apparently, she would not be getting to orgasm a second time like the rest.
“You know, you could come and live with us,” Saiko said as she lavished June with kisses, “My husband would love for the mother of our children to be with us.”
They were inside the clinic, in a room specifically made for “surrogate conjugacy” as June had insisted Dr. Burgess made. Apparently, the good doctor had been aghast at the gang-banged form of June when he had gotten back to the office. They had all misunderstood him, he had claimed. Said something about June just getting them in contact with an actual surrogate agency or whatever.
June honestly didn’t know; She had been out of it for a few hours after that.Â
Besides which, that had been nine months ago.
“I am sorry, Rei,” June told the mother of the baby in her womb by her first name, “But I am afraid I am bought out for the next five years.”
Somehow, the Japanese woman had been the one to penetrate her lone ovary. Washed amidst a sea of different sperm, it had been hers that had won out. And so, as part of the whole “surrogacy” thing that the experience had thrown the Burghess Clinic into, she had regular sex with the sire of her baby in the clinic. For its health, they had claimed and then promptly charged Saiko’s insurance company for.
Given how little futa biology was still understood, well, it worked.
“You sure they want to wait another year to have a baby, let alone five?” Saiko grunted as she pushed in and out of June’s cunt, the Japanese woman taking care to not pressed into June’s hugely pregnant stomach.
“I gave my word,” June caressed the face of the first mother of her children as they fucked.
They had all decided that June would have babies in the order that they had first fucked her after they had found out that Saiko was the mother if only to avoid being the one “left out”. In exchange, June was going to have two of Jane’s, that is Mrs. Smith’s, babies back to back in exchange.
She could not wait.
A career was something most people did simply to live in the world. Something they needed to have to truly experience what the world had to offer.
But June? June had found a career she could dedicate her whole life to...