The following day was Saturday; Karen could sleep late. While she dozed, half-awake, she dreamed about Brandee’s boyfriend Tayshaun. He and Karen were walking on a beach, which she suddenly realized was a nude beach. She couldn't stop obsessively glancing down at that massive cock, swinging back and forth. Everyone on the beach was white except Tayshaun and they were all looking at him. Ashamed at her own nakedness, Karen was nonetheless proud to be accompanied by such a young Adonis…but she was also worried Brandee would catch them and be angry.
She woke next to her husband, Craig, and put her arm around his sleeping body, which was facing away from her. She found his morning hard-on and began to fondle it, causing him to yawn and roll over.
He took off his pajama bottoms to give her better access. She looked at his cock in the early morning light, stroking it lightly.
"Did you call to make that appointment like I asked?" she asked.
"No, I did not. Will you suck it?"
"I don't want to wake the girls."
"How will sucking it do that?"
"Let's just do it. I'm already wet."
He mounted her missionary style. His cock slipped in with almost zero friction.
"Wow. You are wet. What's gotten into you?"
"I don’t know. I think I had a sexy dream."
He pumped for a while, as silently as possible to avoid waking their children. The only sound was the slushy liquid noises made by Karen's pussy.
"Oh God, I've never felt you so wet," he said. "It's like you're making splashy noises."
He rolled off her. "I can't cum like this. I can't cum quietly." But what he didn’t say was her pussy was too loose for him to cum.
Using a tissue, he wiped off her copious juices. Before Karen grabbed his cock again, she made sure it was totally dry. She hated touching her own vaginal fluids.
"I really think you should make that appointment."
"Ugh. This again. There's nothing wrong with my sperm, Karen."
"I could be an enlarged prostate or a cyst in your seminal duct. Or it could be Peyronie's disease, which can cause penile shortening. Do you want to risk a shorter penis?"

"Karen, all men experience a drop off in this area. It's just part of getting older. I'm forty-three. You can't expect me to shoot as much as I did in my twenties."
"A decrease in ejaculate volume could be a sign of something serious. If you're embarrassed, I can call and make the appointment for you."
"Damn it, Karen, you're a Dean. You haven't practiced medicine in years. And you were never a urologist. This is so totally not your area of expertise."
She kept stroking while inspecting her husband's genitals. She tried to picture what Tayshaun's cock would feel like in her hand. She probably wouldn't even be able to fit her hand around it. And load size? Probably like a bowl of creamed wheat.
"Okay, let's take another look then. Shoot it for me. Show me a healthy load."
"What, right now?"
She picked up her cell phone from the nightstand and shined the flashlight on his cock. "Yes now. Do it. Jerk it for me, hubby."
"All right," Craig said warily, and began failing away at his cock.
"Make this one as big as you can," she encouraged.
"Oh, ah. It doesn't work like that," he said, getting breathless. "Guys can't really control it. It depends on how turned on you are."
"Well, be more turned on then."
"Okay. I'll try. Could you show me your tits," he pleaded.
Still holding the cell phone, Karen took out one of her tits, tweaking the nipple until it hardened.
"Okay, here it comes," he said, between gritted teeth.
While Karen watched intently, his cock shot out one modest-sized dollop of sperm, landing near his navel, followed by two watery dribbles that trickled down the shaft onto his hand.
"You see? You used to be able to shoot up to your face. Four of five big shots," she said, adding testily, "How many times did you jerk off yesterday?"
He covered his head with a pillow. "Just once. Please, Karen, I don't want to talk about this anymore."
Karen turned off the flashlight and got out of bed, slapping his butt playfully. "I'll make an appointment for you later today. It's for your own good, you big baby."