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She Cums from Away Again (Pt 2)

"An innocent Asian girl returns for more advanced lessons"

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I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see Rose again.  I’d met her off an online dating site and even after we had the most timid of sexual encounters, she still declined to give me her number.  In the afterglow, we talked about getting together again.  Even the suggestion of anal sex as an alternative to stripping Rose of her virginity wasn’t completely rejected.  Rose’s biggest concern remained her uninformed belief that sperm could find their way to eggs no matter the orifice used.  Her childlike innocence was a big part of her charm.

To recap, Rose was twenty-two years old, 5' 3" and petite. She had straight black hair to her shoulders and a cute face with one dimpled cheek. She was of Chinese heritage and grew up in Newfoundland. She was bubbly and had a reproductive knowledge that a ten-year-old would consider deficient.

More than a week had gone by and she still hadn’t called, but eventually, I saw her back online.  When I messaged her with suggestions of another get-together, she seemed upset over what we’d done.  She said it was wrong because we weren’t in love.

Eventually, I soothed her enough to get her to call me.  Rose was uninterested in reminders about how much we enjoyed ourselves the last time we were together.  When I suggested starting over again without any expectations it seemed I’d found the right tack.  We talked for a while and I was eventually able to convince her to meet me again on Friday.

We met at the same bar and I had a couple of beers while Rose had tea.  Just like our previous date it seemed unlikely from our conversation that Rose would conceivably accept an invite back to my place.  Even though she had miraculously accepted my invitation the last time, given her regret I thought she’d be wary this time around.  I did slip a few inferences over what we did last time into our conversation.  Without going into the details, I managed to get her to admit she enjoyed her massage.  I told Rose I enjoyed her massage too, but I had to elaborate.

“But I didn’t give you a massage,” she responded at first.

“You did, but only to one muscle,” I reminded her.

When she looked puzzled, I slyly pointed down under my side of the table.

Still not getting it, I reminded her, “Remember what you did for me after?”

Finally blushing with the realization, Rose held her hand up to her mouth as she bashfully giggled.

This seemed a good sign.  When I finished my beer, I asked Rose if she'd like to come back to my place.  She seemed hesitant, so I mentioned that there was a book I got from the library she might like.

With her interest successfully piqued, Rose pressed me to tell her what the book was. 

I managed to hold out and Rose seemed happy to come back with me.  If for no other reason than to see what I checked out for her.

When we arrived in my puny apartment, I directed Rose to sit in the only place I could, the couch that I’d slowly undressed her on two weeks earlier. 

“Would you like another tea?” I asked.

“That would be nice.”

After turning on the kettle I pulled another beer from the fridge and sat down with Rose.  Atop my coffee table sat the book I’d picked up at the library.

“Would you like to take a look at the book I checked out for you?” I asked as I pulled the book toward her.

“Basic Human Anatomy,” Rose read off the cover before she started laughing.  “Why did you get this for me?”

I opened to the bookmarked page I wanted to get her to read.  “I remember that you had some unusual ideas about how you could get pregnant.  I thought I would try to put your mind at ease.”

Fortunately, Rose kept laughing without challenging my motives. 

Just as I was directing her to the well-illustrated section that I wanted her to read my kettle began to whistle.  “Oh, what kind of tea would you like?  I think I have chai, green tea and Earl Grey.”

“Chai would be nice,” Rose indicated as she began to read.

The human reproductive system usually involves internal fertilization by sexual intercourse. During this process, the male inserts his erect penis into the female's vagina and ejaculates semen, which contains sperm. The sperm then travels through the vagina and cervix into the uterus or fallopian tubes for fertilization of the ovum. Upon successful fertilization and implantation, gestation of the fetus then occurs within the female's uterus for approximately nine months, this process is known as pregnancy in humans.

“Milk or sugar?” I asked.

“No thanks,” Rose slipped in as she read to herself.

After finishing, Rose said, “I guess I knew, but I’m just so scared of getting pregnant.”  Then sheepishly adding, “It doesn’t really rule out the risk of oral or anal sex.”

“True, but there is an infinite number of ways that won’t cause pregnancy.  They don’t specifically rule any of them out.  They’re only covering the specific way that pregnancy occurs.  Read a little further down the page too,” I said pointing to another section.


The human female reproductive system is a series of organs primarily located inside of the body and around the pelvic region of a female that contribute towards the reproductive process. The human female reproductive system contains three main parts: the vulva, which leads to the vagina, the vaginal opening, to the uterus; the uterus, which holds the developing fetus; and the ovaries, which produce the female's ova. The breasts are involved during the parenting stage of reproduction, but in most classifications, they are not considered to be part of the female reproductive system.

“See, it doesn’t mention your bum, mouth, ears, nose or any other part of your body.”   Then with a hint of suggestion, I added, ”Just your little pussy.”

Blushing Rose said, “Don’t say that.”

That turned out to be her only real pushback.  As we sat on the couch chit-chatting, I kept probing Rose with a stream of innuendos.  Whether she got them right away or they required a little explaining Rose never demurred.  All while radiating a veil of purity.

While offering her a massage had yielded better than expected results the last time she visited, I was hoping to rekindle her interest in showering together as our opening act. 

Looking over at her sitting on my couch I couldn’t help but admire the gentle curve of her back.  When she set down her cup, I reached over without forethought and ran my hand from her shoulder blade to the small of her back.  “You really have the nicest posture Rose.”

“Thanks,” she said with a smile.

Feeling encouraged I asked, “Any chance I could off you another massage?”

“Sure,” Rose said.

Moving closer I ran my hand under Rose’s sweater and around her midriff.  Rose contours were soft and smooth, but my access was limited.

 “Would you like to try that shower first?  I think you’d like it even more afterward.”

“I guess that sounds nice.” Rose agreed. 

As I led Rose to the bathroom, I couldn’t help but marvel over how pliant she became once her resistance fell.

Rose stood passively as I ran the water and found the ideal temperature.  Once I took my shirt off, I began helping Rose out of her clothes.  First, I pulled her shirt over her head, then after a brief struggle, she helped me take off her bra.  Then back to simpler clothing, I undid her pants and slid them down along with her underwear.  Rose took off her own socks, while I took off my pants.  My cock was hard and I made sure that it touched against Rose.

Rose couldn’t help but take hold of my cock while reaching out with her other hand to test the water.  Finding it to her liking she stepped in, drawing me with her.

Once we were wet and warm, I began washing Rose's body, paying extra attention to her pussy and ass.  With Rose relaxed, I left her sparsely pubed pussy lathered with soap and reach by the curtain to the sink to retrieve my razor.  I figured since Rose was so innocent and naive, I might as well accentuate those characteristics by pairing them with a smooth hairless pussy.

Slightly taken aback I had to assure Rose that I knew what I was doing.  From my knees, I carefully shaved away her hair.  Occasionally directing her to put a foot up on the side of the tub to allow for a thorough job.

Once finished, I rinsed her.  Then I handed Rose the soap so she could wash me.  Intuitively replicating my wash, she took extra care with my cock and ass.  Unsure yet how far I could get Rose to go once back in my bedroom I felt encouraged over the possibilities.

After drying each other we moved to my bedroom.  “Time for that massage,” I whispered as I led her onto the bed.

The last time with Rose, a massage served as the means to undress her. I could only wonder where this advanced starting point could lead.  While I still had to take my time, at least I knew a boldly placed hand wouldn’t send her fleeing.

Rose lay on her stomach.  Before joining her, I pulled a bottle of baby oil from my nightstand.  Straddling Rose’s butt, I held the bottle aloft and let a line of oil fall on her back.  Flinching at the chilled liquid, Rose let out a mild squeak.

I began rubbing the oil into her skin, gently kneading her muscles, slowly massaging her from shoulders to the small of her back.  Every so often I’d refresh the oil and reflexively rub the excess off on my rigid shaft.  Another positive sign was whenever I pressed my shaft down between Rose’s ass cheeks, she never resisted my periodic grinds.

I slid down a bit to better massage Rose’s little butt.  Each cheek was a joyful handful.

Other than a few gentle caresses running down across her anus and the inside of her thighs, there was no focused attention given to her pussy.  Before doing that I instead moved down to Rose’s feet and began the achingly slow traverse back up her legs.

I loved every moment of it.  I loved the smoothness of Rose’s skin.  I loved the subtle, but notable tone of her calves and thighs.  I especially loved the welcoming spread of her legs and wetness of her pussy.

I massaged the insides of Rose's thighs and the bottom of her cheeks.  I was only able to take so much of the radiating heat and spreading moisture before I had to bury my face into her ass from behind.  Her fresh pussy tasted wonderful and felt so wet against my face.  Rose’s reactions seemed more acute than the last time I tasted her.  Her soft moans were deeper and her butt rose sharply pressing back against my face.

As her hips rose, I slipped my arms under her legs and my hands wrapped around to her cheeks.  Perched upon my elbows, my grasp of Rose’s backside kept her legs spread and pussy level with my face.  I could easily feast on Rose’s flower and puckered star.

I may have spent an hour eating Rose’s pussy and ass.  Not only do I like doing it, but history would suggest my efforts are appreciated.  While girls who liked to fuck would have pulled me up, in Rose’s case I wasn’t sure if this feast might again be our pinnacle.  Even though Rose accepted the penetration of my roaming digits, I figured my cock would trigger a stiffer reaction.  If I’d successfully educated Rose on the birds and the bees, my cock might have options other than her pussy.

Rolling underneath, I kissed the baby smooth skin above Rose’s clit.  Using my arms, I raised her torso, so that she was sitting on my face.  Rose was so light that I was able to easily pivot her around her on top of me.  As I guided Rose to face down my body, I tried to maintain my mouth's contact with her pussy as best I could.  No matter how well things were going I always had fears that at some point Rose would question what I was doing.  I figured a well-stimulated pussy would go a long way towards keeping unwanted thoughts at bay.

While sitting atop me having her holes licked, Rose still had broad enough focus to take notice of my cock.  I suppose it would have been hard to miss with its eye pointing right up at her.

“Are you cumming?” she asked. 

Lifting her up enough to take a peek, I could see a string of pre-cum forming a glassy line from the tip of my cock down to my belly button.     

“No, that’s just pre-cum,” I said.

“Oh, what’s that?”

“Even before orgasm when a cock’s excited it begins secreting.”  Then adding to the explanation, “It doesn’t taste bad and you can’t get pregnant.”

“Are you sure?” Rose dubiously asked.

“Absolutely, you saw the book,” I maintained.

“I don’t know,” she demurred.

Rather than trying to further reason, I figured my tongue could be more persuasive elsewhere.  Tucking back into her pussy and adjoining region I had Rose squirming on top of my face.  As she became more unsteady, she braced herself with her hands on my chest.  Next, I wrapped my arms around the back of Rose’s waist.  Holding her tightly, not only kept her pussy in place, it put more weight on Rose too.  Soon her arms gave out and she was lying face down on top of me.  It would have inspired a sixty-nine for most girls, but Rose just rested her cheek next to my cock.  She may not have been sucking it, but she was getting an ultra closeup view.

Soon I felt Rose’s hand fondling my cock.  She tentatively ran her fingers over my entire shaft and gingerly caressed my balls.  Eventually, she settled into gently stroking my cock beside her face.  Then perhaps overcome by proximity, I felt the first soft kiss against the side of my cock. 

I continued licking Rose’s pussy, happy with the growing frequency of her lips against my cock.  I thought I felt the occasional kitten tongue lap against me too.  Then without a doubt, a tongue ran from the base of my helmet up to my weeping eye.  I felt a minor surge in my cock at the surprise of Rose being so bold.

While licking Rose’s pussy, I was becoming very curious to see her mouth on my cock.  I didn’t want to lose any momentum by abandoning her pussy, but I found I was taking short breathers for a few looks.  The breaks not only let me concentrate on the unseen feel of Rose’s mouth, but gave me the sense that Rose’s motivation was self-sustaining.  She was engaged enough to use her mouth without her pussy being continually licked.

I’m not a big moaner, but my body let Rose know that I was enjoying what she was doing.  When I tried to peek by her again to see, she swung herself off my face giving me an unobstructed view as she licked the head of my cock.  My cockhead looked red and swollen, glistening with pre-cum and Rose’s saliva.  I hadn’t really believed I could have gotten Rose to this point when suddenly she took the head of my cock in her mouth.  I was so excited it almost recreated with the same sudden rush of my first high school blowjob.

Then Rose lifted up her head and asked, “Am I doing this okay?”

“Yes, it’s great!”

“If it hurts, tell me.”

“Don’t worry Rose.”

Throwing me another surprise Rose pressed my cock against her face before taking me back in her mouth.  While that display increased my excitement, the brief interruption was enough to draw me back from a runaway orgasm.

Rose mostly sucked on the head of my cock, taking breaks to lick it like a lollypop.  It was hard not to enjoy considering Rose’s unexperienced reserve.  But after the initial rush of excitement, the limited technique began to show it might not achieve the ultimate results.  Even though Rose was showing a surprising enthusiasm, I didn’t want to be as aggressive as I otherwise might. 

With ease, I began with a hand on the back of her head and ever so slowly used it to establish an undulating rhythm.  Little by little the pace and depth increased until two hands held Rose’s head in place as I thrust into her face.  Rose’s braced herself against my thighs with enough resistance to suggest a certain boundary.  While knowing I couldn’t turn this into a completed face fuck, hearing Rose’s guttural responses and seeing the uncontrolled slobber over my cock was enough for me to feel a build-up that couldn’t be stopped.

Normally I don’t make any sort of announcement when I’m about to cum.   Not wanting to sour Rose, at the point of no return I declared, “Rose, you’re going to make me cum!!”

I didn’t outline a timeline (it was right away) or release her head, but she was warned.  When the ribbons of cum began erupting into her mouth I could feel her flinch.  She tried to lift her head away and at first, but I held her in place.  I relented after the initial surge letting her pull free.  She looked a little stunned with my cum drooling down of her chin.

“Please don’t stop!” I groaned.

Responding to my desperate tone she let me push her mouth back down on my cock to accept my remaining pulses.  I held her head in place until the last twitches ended and I could feel my hard-on fading.

When I released her, Rose lifted her face from my cock letting my load spill from her mouth. Though she might have swallowed some as a reflective reaction, most of my sperm was either a messy mass around her mouth or lathered about my cock.

Looking like a little kid who had tried to eat her first soft-serve ice cream, Rose drew a few deep breaths and declared, “That was a lot!” 

Then she sheepishly added, “You’re sure I can’t get pregnant?”

“Totally, sure.  You’re completely safe.  And thanks Rose, you did a really good job. That felt so good.”

“Really?  I didn’t know what to do.” Then after thinking a moment laughed and said, “You kind of guided my head like you did my hand last time.”

“Maybe, but it was your mouth and it felt really good,” I assured.  “Did you enjoy it?”

Wiping some cum from her chin Rose smiled and proudly said, “Yes, but can I go wash my face?”

“Sure, I’m gonna wash too.”

As soon as Rose saw herself in the mirror she exclaimed, “Wow, there’s so much!”

I turned on the water for her as she seemed a little bemused over what she could touch without expanding the mess.

After rinsing her hands, she cupped them together to splash off her face.  The sperm was determinedly clingy, forcing her to bring her face down to the faucet to wash off the heaviest build-up.  Satisfied her face was clean Rose turned off the hot water and began rinsing her mouth.  Something I never like to see, but excusable for a neophyte.

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Once she finished, I cleaned up my cock too and took a piss for good measure. 

When I got back to my room Rose had already started to dress. 

“Hey, you don’t have to do that yet,” I suggested with a smile.

Seeming a little bashful, Rose said, “I should probably be going soon.”

Taking hold of her I said, “Sure, but that doesn’t mean just yet.” 

I ran my hands down her body and without objection, slid her panties down.  Laying down with Rose again my hand gently traced across her skin while the other propped up my head.  Rose’s small body looked so nice.  Her light brown skin and subtle curves had me thinking cock-hardening thoughts.

As I stroked her skin, I could feel Rose’s body relax.  As I sensed her give herself over again, I touched her parts that confirmed her continued willingness. 

Once it seemed like leaving was no longer a thought Rose entertained, I began sucking on her pert nipples.  As her body and any resolve melted, I moved down her body to lick the holes between her legs again.

Rose was moaning and obviously enjoying my tongue lapping and probing her pussy and asshole.  With any other girl, the next step would have been clear.  I knew Rose was too worried about pregnancy and a little too puritanical to accept a cock in her pussy.  Those puritanical tendencies did have possible workarounds and now that Rose better understood what would and wouldn’t get her pregnant there were other options.  Most girls, let alone virgins, would be unlikely to acquiesce to having someone fuck their ass instead of their pussy.  As a by-product of her innocence, Rose seemed to be missing some common hang-ups as to where she could be touched.  While she might have had prudish ideals, once she was undressed, aside from her fear of pregnancy, she responded easily to sensation.

I didn’t neglect Rose’s pussy, but I did increase my attention to her ass.  When I pushed my finger into her little bud, her running pussy was able to provide enough lube.  As I continued to munch on her I thought I better try the adding some K-Y to help open her ass.  Her pussy could have done the job of greasing up another finger for her ass, but I had bigger plans.  When the time came to transition to my cock, I wanted to make sure her ass would be slick and receptive.  In my mind, I was already thinking of how to brush aside any objections that Rose might raise when my cock began pushing its way into her ass.  Once I got to that point, I didn’t want an unsmooth entry disrupting my persuasion.

I rolled Rose over onto her stomach and spread her cheeks to bury my tongue as deep as it could go.  Rose even reached back to help hold her butt apart.  Certainly, a provident sign. 

Once I felt her ass crest back against my face with enough intent, I reached for the lube on the nightstand.  Wrapping one hand around her, I cupped her wet pussy while squeezing a chilly dollop of gel onto her surprised sphincter.  I held her tightly as her butt quivered.  I pushed one and then two fingers into her receptive ass.  While one hand toyed with her clit and pussy, I slowly worked my fingers in and out of her raised ass.

Sensing the time was as right as it would ever be, I took my fingers out of her and began running my cock through the grove of Rose’s ass cheeks.  Rose’s ass stayed up, pressing back against my shaft.  I pushed down my cockhead, slowly tracing along her crack, firmly across her greased-up starfish, and lightly across her pussy, making her flinch.  Then pressing against her, thrust my shaft across her clit from behind.

“No, don’t put it in me!” Rose said with a fright. 

Feeling her try to pull away from me I held her tight, “Don’t worry, I won’t put it in you.” 

“I don’t want to get pregnant,” Rose reminded me with a hint of concern in her voice.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful,” I reassured again.  Then I added with a nuance, “My cock will never go in your pussy.”

Up on my knees behind her, I inserted my fingers back into Rose’s upraised ass as I continued to grind my cock across her clit.

Once I felt the moment of tension pass, I got down behind her again and licked her pussy and her opening ass.  After about ten or fifteen minutes, trusting the effects of my tongue, I rose up again behind Rose.  This time used my weight to push her down flat and helpless underneath me.  Nibbling on her neck and ear while finding her asshole with the head of my cock, I whispered, “There’s a way you could feel what it's like to have a cock in you without losing your virginity.”

“What do you mean?” Rose asked. 

By way of explanation, my cock began to push into her ass. 

“No, I can’t,” Rose cried with panic returning to her tone.

“Don’t worry Rose, I’ll be careful,” I said as I inched further in.

“Please no,” Rose said from underneath me.  Her ass felt so tight, no doubt her resistance contributing.

“I’ll get pregnant,” Rose regressed to her familiar concern.

“I promise you won’t,” I assured.  “Remember the book.”

As I pushed into her, Rose released a moan that was part plaintive and part acquiescent.

My arms wrapped around Rose’s small body with my hands reaching underneath to her pussy.  It helped hold her ass in place and kept her distractingly stimulated.  Little by little my cock forced its way deeper into her tight little ass.

Whenever I’ve fucked a reluctant girl’s ass, I always found their resistance intoxicating.  The plaintiff sounds and resistant tension against my penetration add to my excitement.  To varying degrees, they’re nervous to have their ass fucked, but can’t bring themselves to draw the line.  I can usually barely move inside them, but the added aspect of their timid suffering does something to me.  Under these conditions, I always seem to cum perplexingly fast.  It was lucky that I only came recently with Rose.  Otherwise, I’d be on a similar track.

No matter how often I take a reluctant girl in their ass, they commonly never learn to relax.  Rose was unusual in many ways.  Despite her lack of experience and reticence with men, she responded quite easily once touched.  So, when her body began to relax, differing from other wary sodomites, I shouldn’t have been surprised.  Little by little, almost imperceptibly at first, I could feel her ass rise up against me.   She was so small that even as my cock began sliding with increasing range, she remained unbelievably tight.

Rose began moaning softly at first, but as my pace and force grew, her delicate breaths increasingly gave way to deeper animal sounds.  It wasn't long before I couldn’t take it any longer.  I flooded her ass while releasing my own extended grown.

Pumping her deeply and slowly until I was drained, I collapsed on top of her.  I felt so dazed I think I almost fell asleep.  It was only the sensation of my softening cock suddenly popping from Rose’s ass that brought me to before I went completely out.

I rolled on my side and looked at Rose, who definitely had a freshly fucked look.  Her hair had become a messy nest around her head and her eyes were unfocused slits.  If I had to judge, after initial misgiving, she looked like she enjoyed losing her anal virginity.

Running my hands over her soft skin I asked Rose, “How do you feel?”

“Tired, but very good.”  Then she added, “Can we do it one more time?”

“Sure,” I assured her.  “I just need a little time and we can do again.” 

Then I added with a smile, “I’m so happy you enjoy that.”

I rolled on my back and pulled Rose to my side.  Her body felt good against me.  As a smoker at the time, there was one more thing I needed to relax and contemplate past and pending romps in Rose’s ass.  “I’m just going to grab my cigarettes,” I said starting to slide away.

Rose sat up and said, “I can get them.”

“Sure, thanks,” I said, happy to stay in bed.

I heard Rose go into the washroom, no doubt fetching my cigarettes was her pretense.   Her bottom probably felt quite different than it ever had before.

When Rose returned with my cigarettes and the ashtray, I’m not sure if she felt reassured about the state of her ass, but if she were concerned, she didn’t betray it.  “Would you like anything else?” she cheerily asked.

Thinking for a moment, I asked Rose to go back to the washroom, soak one of my facecloths in hot water and bring it back.

“Okay,” she agreed and headed back.

I could hear the water running as I lit my smoke.  Rose promptly appeared at the door of my room.  “Is this too wet?” she asked.

Seeing it dripping I suggested, “Just wring it out a bit more in the sink.”

Back again she held it out to me and asked, “How about now?”

It felt hot, but not too hot and just damp enough for what I had in mind.  Handing her back the cloth I told her, “If I’m going to fuck your bum again, I think you should wash my cock.”

“Oh, sure,” Rose replied.  Then she asked, “How do I do it?”

“Just take the hot cloth and gently wash my cock all over.  When we start again you may need to suck it to help get me hard.”

“Okay,” Rose agreed again.

I enjoyed my cigarette as Rose gently washed my cock and balls.  Other than pulling back my foreskin to make sure she washed my head I left it entirely up to her.  Once the cloth cooled, I pulled Rose back up beside me.  Taking the cloth, I put it on the end table freeing her hand up to stroke my cock while I relaxed with my smoke.

About halfway through my cigarette, I suggested to Rose, “Why don’t you use your mouth to bring me back to life?”

Looking up to me Rose asked, “What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you take my cock in your mouth, so you can feel it grown while you suck it.”

“Okay, sure,” Rose agreed.

A soft cock has a certain sensitivity and as soon as Rose took my reduced meat in her mouth, I felt the first twinge of recovery.  It wasn’t going to happen in an instant, but I enjoyed the play of my soft flesh in Rose's mouth. 

By the time I butted my cigarette, the growth was evident.  It was nice to sit back and watch this budding cock sucker shed her reservations and diligently work my cock back up to size.

It took a while, but I didn’t feel in a hurry.  I gently ran my hands through her hair while she sucked on my cock.

At one point I pushed Rose off my hardening shaft and said, “Don’t forget my balls.”

With a gentleness that I’m sure stemmed from a concern over causing injury, she took my nuts carefully in her mouth.  I could feel her tongue softly circle my orbs.

Eventually, I pulled her back up to my cock.  While she sucked me a thought came to my mind. With Rose seemingly over her tentativeness, I was wondering if I could get her to lick my ass.  I wouldn’t normally consider it with a girl so inexperienced, but Rose was such a blank slate.  I thought there was a good chance she’d do it.  She certainly seemed to have liked having it done to herself, including accepting fingers and now a cock up her ass.  So, to the degree she’d demonstrated any inclination, it was positive.

I pushed Rose’s head off my cock again and she moved again lick on my balls.  This time though, instead of just spreading my legs, I began lifting my knees and rolling up my ass.  My feet were resting on Rose’s back ready to assist in guiding her into position. With a hand on her head, I raised my nuts and Rose responded easily when I guided her mouth to the underside of my balls.  Lightly holding her head down, I continued rolling my ass up toward her mouth.  I felt her tongue caress my taint, increasing the anticipation.  Then without direct instruction, Rose ran her curious taste buds across my asshole.

I moaned at both the sensation and the excitement of what I’d achieved with this naive virgin.  Clamping on her head with my legs, I pushed her face tight again my ass and felt Rose's tongue deeply probe me.  She’d obviously been observant when I’d licked her ass and was able to return the favour in kind.

Once I felt her tongue inside me, I released Rose from my squeeze.  I let her lick my ass on her own and she didn’t disappoint.  Without reserve, she licked all around my hole and though my crack.  She spread my cheeks and forced her tongue as deep as she could inside me.  Whatever tentativeness or clumsiness she’s shown in her other first efforts, Rose was a fast study at providing rim jobs.

While she licked my ass, I casually stroked my now fully hard cock.  I even had some pre-cum starting to bubble up.  I enjoyed Rose’s tongue as long as I could, but I had the urge to cum again.  I would have been happy to jerk off while she licked my ass, but Rose wanted another ass fuck. 

I pulled Rose back up and offered her the juices seeping from my cock’s eye.  Then pushing her mouth down on me and forcing my cock to the back of her throat.  Pushing back against me, my cock sprang free.  With her eyes watering, she caught her breath before taking me back in her mouth.  Rose was becoming quite an unreserved cock sucker too.

When I had enough, I rolled Rose over and got down between her legs.  Her little bald pussy was so wet and hot.  It was almost a shame not to fuck her, but she had another delectable hole.  I rolled Rose’s butt up to get access to her ass that was still agape.  Normally I’d have spent more time devouring Rose’s holes, but both of us were more than ready.

Spreading her legs with her feet over my shoulders I pressed my cock head against Rose’s clit making her moan a concerned, “No…”

I didn’t respond, other than grinding the shaft of back and forth between her pussy lips. 

Before Rose became too distraught, I grabbed the tube of gel and applied a generous dollop to my cock and another into her open cavity.  I stroked myself to grease up my shaft and used the head of my cock to work the KY into Rose's welcoming ass.  Then with a slow thrust, I pushed back into Rose’s ass.  This time I smoothly penetrated her to a receptive moan.

On her back with her legs apart, I fucked Rose with long deep thrusts.  I loved looking down at her little untried pussy.  Its glistening pink insides peeking open with every thrust into her ass.  I could feel the heat of her cunt against me whenever I drove all the way in and little stings of fluid adhered and stretched between us as I pulled back.

I was fucking Rose hard and deep.  This innocent little virgin was turning into a real anal slut.   She looked so hot under me as I fucked her.  Getting a little carried away by the moment I told her to open her mouth.  When she did, I let a long string of spit drop into her mouth. Equally carried away Rose accepted it keeping her mouth open as it fell.

Wanting to fuck her deeper, I pulled one of her legs down and straddled it.  Rose began flinching with her moans and I imagined splitting her in two as I fucked her.  The thought of wrecking her tiny ass had me on the edge, encouraging me to fuck her harder to let loose in her.

At the point of no return, I drove into her ass, letting go my initial burst.  I had a competing thought of cumming in Rose’s mouth.  While I think most girls would resist, I had a feeling that Rose just might not know any better.  Besides, despite her lack of experience, Rose had natural sexual responsiveness.  Pulling my shooting cock from her ass, I quickly position it in front of her face.  I sprayed her with cream before pushing into her mouth.  Rose gulped away, swallowing sperm for the first time.  No less than from a cock straight out of her ass.

She kept sucking until my drained cock shrunk in her mouth.  Spent, I flopped down in the bed beside her and for the first time we kissed.  I reached back to turn off the light with Rose snuggling up to me.  It was the last thing I remember until I woke up hours later with Rose still naked beside me. 

I was still half asleep, but my cock wasn’t.  Fully hard, I pressed against Rose’s sleeping body.  I began running a hand across her soft skin. Feeling along her smooth stomach and up the subtle rise of her tits, I gently touched her nipples.  It was enough to send whispered messages through her nervous system.

When my hand slid down to her pussy, Rose's body shivered in groggy supplication.  From behind, I slid cock though her legs to guide it with my hand.  I ground my cock back and forth across her still juicy pussy.  Ready to find my target, I used my hand to block entry to Rose’s pussy.  Meanwhile in her sleep Rose’s ass had contracted to its normal restrictive character.  Pushing into her again felt impossibly tight.  The initiation of my entry had the effect of nudging Rose from her deepest sleep.  There seemed a hint of crankiness over being disturbed in such a way.  There was a bit of a whimper in the tone of her sleepy moans.

As tight as Rose felt, I could feel her ass pushing back against me.  Even though I was entering her without lube, Rose's ass still felt slick from earlier applications and ejaculations, no doubt making it easier on her tight little ass.

On her side, I slowly worked my cock up Rose’s ass once again.  With a hand in her pussy I could feel my cock sliding in and out Rose’s ass.  Rose was getting so wet I had to lift my finger to her mouth to let her have a taste.

I rolled on top of Rose and with her flat on the bed, I fucked her ass from behind.  I started off slowly, feeling her body pinned under me and her breaths against the side of my face.  Eventually, I propped myself up with my arm to give my thrusts more leverage.  With Rose moaning under me I erupted once again in her ass.

I collapsed on top of her.  It was still dark outside, but I could hear birds starting to chirp as I drifted back to sleep. 

My brief doze was interrupted by a panicked sounding Rose, “Oh my God, what time is it?”

“Maybe around 4:30 or 5,” I estimated.

“Why did you let me sleep?” an increasingly agitated sounding Rose demanded.

“I didn’t know you didn’t want too,” I said.  “I fell asleep too.”

“I’m going to be in so much trouble,” almost sounding like she might cry.

“Sorry Rose, I didn’t know.”  Thinking how I could help, I suggested, “Do you want me to call you a cab?”

“Yes please,” she said with some urgency.

I called while Rose hastily dressed.

Looking out front while we waited, I tried to calm Rose.  She at least became a little more resigned as we talked.  I thought it was about the best opportunity that I’d get to see if she was ready to give me her number.

“No,” was her testy reply. 

“Come on,” I urged.  “After all we did together don’t you think it would nice to see more of each other?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.  I’m in enough trouble.  I don’t want to risk my dad picking up the phone.”

The cab arrived quickly, bringing an end to my efforts. 

As Rose left all I could do was ask her to call me.

After a few weeks I gave up on the hope that Rose would call and I never saw her again on the dating site.

Then around four months later, I was surprised when a distraught Rose finally called.  In tears, she told me she was pregnant.  I was even more shocked when she said I was the father.

Written by Uranus999
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