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Redefining BBC

"A story with a wife, a husband, and a so-called BBC that plays out unexpectedly."

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The house was a riot. Hip Hop music blaring throughout, drinks flowing every which way, and the laughter at a max. Everyone was having quite the time at Ruby and Jayson’s 12th-anniversary party. They made sure to host it at their home, sending the kids away to spend some time with the grandparents. Matt, James, Keith, and I were the only work colleagues of Ruby’s to be there. Three white guys and a brown guy. The brown guy being myself. We were like tourists visiting a faraway land. The conversations, the dancing, and the party etiquette was a little alien to us.

Not that it wasn’t fun. We were curious, and quite excited if you will. It was a vibe of its own, created with only about a dozen people in total. Besides us from the office, there were two of Ruby’s friends from yoga, Kaylen and Jana, and Jayson’s friends from work: Neil, Tyrone, Clyde, and Shane.  The party was a whole lot of drinking. A whole lot of twerking. And a whole lot of lap dancing. The girls from yoga were quite flexible to say the least, and they loved pulling us guys every now and then to the sofa for some fun on the lap, but only when the music hit the sweet spot. The place had turned into a sort of quasi-strip club, with the girls taking turns to show us their abilities. If they weren’t dancing on our laps, they were dancing in the little space cleared up in the living room.  

The frenzied mania continued for about 30 minutes more, but things stopped momentarily for a short speech.

“Aight, everybody listen up!” It was Jayson’s friend Neil, standing on top of a counter, beer in one hand.

“We’re here for our good brother and sister, Jayson and Ruby!”

“Yeeaah!” everyone cheered.

“12 years married, 15 together! More than all of Tyrone’s 4 marriages combined,” Neil added.

Laughs erupted across as everyone looked at Tyrone. Even he found it funny, so there was no bad blood there.

“Without more waiting. Let’s give it up for Jayson and Ruuby!”

This was followed by a lot of cheering, whistling, and hooting, just as a space was cleared on the dance floor for the couple.

They stood right in the center, and Ruby began.

“Thanks to all y’all for been’ here. If you are here, you are the friends we consider family.”

Yet another round of cheering and hollering followed. I wasn’t surprised to be part of this group. I was very close to Ruby. Her confidant at work, and on the odd occasion, her personal life as well. We got a lot closer after her second pregnancy and her health took a turn for the worse. Nothing grim, just the typical weight gain and psychological toll it can take on mothers. Jayson, knowing that I was a gym junkie, wanted me to help her get back in shape. More of a casually gym goer himself, he couldn’t take on that responsibility.

But now, after pumping iron with me for two years, she was phenomenal. She had short hair like Halle Berry’s in that James Bond movie, only that it was blonde in this occasion. Blue eyes, and cute nose sitting above those thick lips. And her body was crazy to look at. Slender and lean with enough definition, the tiniest waist with a thick booty, and legs that were just as thick to follow. All of this was topped off with that caramel skin from head to toe. A boob job a year ago didn’t hurt either.

The guys and I see her 5 days a week, but for me, there’s an extra hour on those days, working out with her at the gym early in the morning or right after work wraps up. Point is, that I knew her quite well after all these years. We might have been so close that Jayson was starting to get jealous of it, which is what I thought when he started joining in on the workouts. But over time, it became clear that he wanted to look just as good standing beside his wife, and I was the one to help. We’ve gotten a lot closer as well. Every other Sunday is spent with him and Neil at the local bar.

“Like most of us gals, I was a little lost some time back, falling for the wrong kind of toxic dick every few months. Until a good one showed up,” Ruby added, gently rubbing Jayson’s crotch from above the jeans. A few whistles broke out as she looked into his eyes. “You got me going on the right side of everything, and I’m so glad I ended up meeting you at that playoff game. I could have been falling for the wrong guy again if I hit the bar that night.”

“I know right?” Jayson added. Everyone laughed as Ruby gave him a gentle slap on the cheek, and then it was a full on make out session right after.

“There ya go!” Tyrone hollered, but that had the effect of ending the kissing.

“I was supposed to hit a strip club with the guys after Kelly dumped my ass. Changed ma mind last minute. Imagine that,” Jayson reminisced.

“Yeah, Ruby, you cost the man a lap dance!” Neil shouted out.

“Did I? Well then, let’s fix that,” she answered.

Oohs and aahs broke out as Ruby called for a stool in the middle of the dance floor. Set in place, she shoved her man down, planting his bum right on it.

She loved wearing short dresses, the kind that sit well over the knees, revealing the thighs and a lot more if the angles were right. Tonight was the same with a leopard print dress, and here she was, straddling her man, rubbing and grinding him down while we showered her with dollar notes. Jayson took things in stride, cupping her breasts and squeezing them when the music hit the right note.

“Yeah, get it!” James shouted. Everyone was enjoying the strip tease.

Jayson loved it. But Ruby loved it more. She suddenly stopped the dancing and the crowd groaned in unison. But when she dropped the straps of her dress and it slid all the way down to the ground, the cheering erupted once more. There she was in her pink lingerie, a bra with barely much lace and a thong that showed all of her booty.

She was back on her man’s lap, and this time, he was not holding back, as his mouth sucked her breasts, switching from one to the next every few seconds.

“This is turning into a bachelor party from the looks of it!” I laughed.

Ruby looked my way to acknowledge the comment and did something unexpected. She beckoned Jana and Kaylen over. As they got closer to the action, she stepped aside.

“Have at him,” she said.

A collective “woah” erupted and the girls did have a go at him. Their dresses came off, and the only difference this time was they were both topless, revealing a set of breasts that would be too much for Jayson to handle by himself. Jana got on his lap and smothered him with her tits, while Kaylen went behind and started rubbing his shoulders.

“Take his shirt off!” Ruby demanded.

Jana followed the order, ripping his shirt in one swift motion. But she didn’t stop there. She went a step further and sucked his nipples, circling them with her tongue. Ruby got really close then and we thought she was going to grab her by the head and pull her away, but no. She pushed Jana’s head further into her man’s chest, encouraging more of the feasting.

“My turn!” replied Kaylen.

“Let’s see what ya got,” Ruby responded. She did have a mischievous side to her, but I didn’t think Ruby would go so far off the rails. Especially at an anniversary party celebrating her marriage of 12 years. It was fun right now, but could things go south?

If you thought Jana was wild, Kaylen took it to another level. When she started her routine all she had was her tiniest thong, and her lap dance got increasingly more daring as the song ticked on. She had her back to Jayson while straddling the man’s crotch, but Ruby’s next set of instructions changed that.

“Get that booty in his face, girl!” Ruby said while smacking those thick cheeks.

And that started the wildest move. While on his lap, Kaylen dropped her hands to the flow and her legs onto Jayson’s shoulders. He had a view of everything now, so much so that he could make a meal out of Kaylen. And he did. But only after Ruby pushed his head right into the mix.

He drowned himself in Kaylen, running out of oxygen while he inhaled all that was between the girl’s cheeks.

“Jesus Christ, man!” Neil shouted out while everyone whistled and clapped in surprise. Or was it shock?

Ruby shoved her man’s head further in until he just couldn’t take it anymore. She stopped and he took his head away, gulping for air as much as he could. Did he just eat Kaylen’s pussy?

“You like that, honey?” Ruby asked the love of her life while planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Yeah, baby,” he exhaled.

“Aight, when’s the bachelorette party, starting?” Jana inquired.

“Right about now!” Kaylen shot back, “alright, Jayson, move ya ass.”

She meant it, getting together with Jana to haul him away from the dance floor, and from the looks of it, it was Ruby’s turn now.

“Alright, Ruby babe, your turn to sit on the throne,” Kaylen added.

Ruby took her place on the stool and looked at Jayson in a sort of devilish, mock surprise.

“Go for it, babe,” he reassured her, “If I had my share, you should, too, ya know.”

“You heard the man!” Neil followed up in support. “Sooo, who’s it gonna be?”

Tyrone, Clyde, and Shane all approached the dance floor but Jayson shot it down.

“No way in hell is it gonna be someone from my office.”

“Come on man,” Clyde pleased, already midway through taking his shirt off.

That narrowed things down significantly. Way too significantly. All eyes shot our way. At the three white guys and the brown guy. The three tall, skinny white guys of average build, and the brown guy who was not so skinny. Well, the buff, brown guy if you will.

“I think we need some muscle in here!” Kaylen remarked, dragging me along until I was right in front of Ruby, seated on her makeshift throne.

I was turning red, feeling the blood rush to my face, extremely embarrassed at what was unfolding, but the dim lighting didn’t make this too obvious for the time being. Kaylen moved behind me and grabbed my chest, but it was the buttons of my shirt she was after. RIPPED!

“Fuck, he’s gorgeous,” Jana commented.  

There I was, shirtless for the time being, but other articles of clothing were soon to follow. Ruby enjoyed all of this, but it wasn’t Ruby that I was concerned about. I looked Jayson’s way to find him taking a drink from his can of beer. He raised it as a toast.

“Let’s see what you got, ma man.”

I wanted to be sure, though.

“Are you sure?” I asked him.

“I had another woman’s pussy in my mouth for two minutes. I think the lady deserves something, don’t ya think?”

“Are you sure?” I asked again, this time aiming the question at Ruby.

“Don’t think I’ve felt up another man since my bachelorette party. So, hell yeah!”

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A loud chorus of approval ran through the living room. This could go wrong so many ways.

I stood rooted to the floor, unsure about what to do. But as it turned out, I didn’t have to decide. Kaylen pushed me slowly from behind, inching me closer and closer towards Ruby until I was right in front of her.

My co-worker and friend of so many years, sitting on a stool in nothing but her lingerie, placed her hand on my torso, feeling my abs before moving on to the chest. And she took a good chunk of it, giving the left pec a squeeze.

“Oh. My. God,” she exclaimed looking around, “it’s so hard.”

Kaylen took that as a sign for me to get even closer, pushing me right into Ruby so I was standing on top of her.

“You’re being very boring right now, sir,” she bemoaned.

“Ok, then,” I sighed, “you get one song.”

“Alright!” Kaylen chimed in and motioned towards the stereo, “play the next song.”

It was such a throwback. Nelly’s Hot in Here. And it did get hot after that.

I took Ruby’s hands and placed them on my chest, letting her feel the hardness of the muscle before sliding them down to my abs. She took her time here, running her fingers around the thick contours of my abs, tracing her way around them, and getting lower and lower.

I pushed forward even further, getting dangerously close to her face and she took a lick, running her tongue up and down my torso.

“Oh my god, he’s so yummy, baby,” she concluded, shooting a look Jayson’s way.

“Take a bite then,” Jayson granted permission with ease.

She sank her teeth into my stomach. Just a mild nibble that raised the hairs on my body, forcing me to grab the back of her head. Was this getting out of hand?

Apparently not.

I could feel a presence getting closer to me. It was Jayson.

“Here, have a drink, baby,” he told his wife, emptying the beer can onto my torso, the liquid dripping down my chest and abs.

“Damn, this getting wild!” another bit of commentary from Neil that time.  

Ruby dug in, licking the pouring beer off my body, but there was plenty of it getting down to my jeans and soaking them. Kaylen, behind me, crept up and moved her hands towards the zipper.

“Gotta take those off. Their getting wet,” she said.

One quick motion, and swoosh, she tugged them down to the ground. And there I was, in just my boxer briefs.

The small crowd erupted yet again, followed by a bit of a lull, as if some of them had seen something surprising, shocking, or even stunning. I could see it in the way Ruby’s eyes opened, the collective gasp by the women, and in Kaylen’s reaction when she peeked from behind.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ.”

I was hard. Stiff as a board. My cock pressing against my briefs. But I doubt that was the problem. I guess most people would expect that after performing a strip tease for an attractive woman. The problem, this time around, was that everyone could see the bulge. And they didn’t expect to see a bulge like that at all. Especially from someone like me. An unsuspecting, South Asian man. They probably thought it would be a pin prick. Something underwhelming or even manageable. But this, was definitely not manageable.

‘What in the world,” Ruby added.

“That a piece of work,” chimed in Jayson, “you wanna look don’t ya, baby?”

Ruby did.

“Take it off,” Jayson added encouragingly, and with her husband’s blessing, she worked on the reveal, grabbing my boxers from the sides.

Inch by inch, my boxers slowly crawled down, and inch by inch, my cock was uncovered.

One inch down.

She gazed at my neatly trimmed bush and the base of my cock. She gasped, knowing very well that one hand wasn’t going to be able to wrap around it.

Two down.

She couldn’t believe if it was going to get even thicker from there onwards. Perhaps it would.

Three down.

The slight trace of a thick vein could be seen and a bit of perspiration sitting around the skin, giving the piece of a meat a soft and smooth glisten.

“Oh, baby I don’t know,” Ruby said nervously.

“Yes, you do,” Jayson replied, a statement echoed by some others in the crowd, including Neil.

Four down.

Her breaths were heavy now, big gulps in and out. I knew damn well because I could feel her exhales on my cock. She was touching me with her breaths, making me harder. Imagine what her lips could do.

Five down.

Are we even halfway there yet?


“No one’s fitting that in their mouth,” Kaylen mused.


“Yep. Sounds about right!” Jana concurred.  


I could feel it rearing to be let loose, pushing against the constraints of my briefs.


This had to be bigger than any other cock in this room. The guys were silent from here on out.


Double digits territory. And she was close to seeing the tip now. My briefs were so far down my thighs, seconds away from unveiling me in my entirety.  


Ruby pulled the briefs all the way down to my feet and I was standing at attention, my cock snapping upright and almost hitting her face in the process. She dodged just in time.

“Jesus Christ!”

Sounds about right.

There it was. 11 inches of meat. 11 inches of-

“Big, Brown, Cock!” Kaylen exclaimed.


Ruby approached me once again, a hair’s breadth away from the tip, glossy and glistening with more than a fair share of pre-cum.

“Oh my God, guys,” she appealed.

“You just gonna look at it?” Neil asked, forcing Ruby to look at her husband.

Jayson knew what his wife wanted to do.

“Go on. Touch it.”

How could she say no? She wrapped one hand around the base. It didn’t manage. In came her second hand and voila, it was a perfect fit.

“Has anyone being able to take this?” she asked me.

“Once they get used to it. Sure,” I answered.

She stroked it a few times, feeling the warmth that ran through the entire length, holding it firmly in her hand as it looked to move wildly in the air, rigid in excitement. Then she moved to the tip, giving it a strong, tight squeeze, and tugging at it. My pre-cum oozed out, dripping freely onto her breasts.

“Ruby, you’re making a mess!” Kaylen shouted in jest, kneeling right beside her friend and licking the precum off her body.

“Well thank God you’re here to clean up,” she laughed before looking at Jayson. I did, too.

The man was transfixed. So were most of the others in and around us. The men at least. His wife was holding another man’s cock in her hands. She could feel it. Smell it. And taste it if she chose. Was it going to be his choice? Or hers alone? Did she need his permission, or could she do as she damn well please?

“What did Kaylen taste like, baby?” she asked her husband, in the sweetest possible voice, teasing him with her words while she stroked my cock.

“She was… sweet.”

“Think this cock will be sweet?”

“Could be. Could be salty.”

“Well, I haven’t had anything savory all night,” she complained, before taking one big lick of my tip. My cock danced. Up, down, and sideways as she let go of her grip.

“Damn, she went there,” Neil commented, blown away to say the least, despite Jayson also having gone there with Kaylen 15 minutes ago.

“What it taste like?” Jayson asked.

“Couldn’t tell. There wasn’t enough in my mouth.”

Before Jayson or anyone else could reply, Ruby went all the way in, cupping my ass with her hands and shoving my cock deep in her mouth. No reservations. No hesitation. Kaylen, always nearby, dropped in for support and encouragement, holding her friend’s head and slowly pushing it in further and further.

Ruby could barely get halfway through when she quit and pulled out, drenching my shaft in her saliva while covering her own mouth and chin in the drool. It always gets sloppy and messy with me. No exceptions.

“It’s so yummy, baby!” she told Jayson, out of breath, but full of excitement.

“I bet…  Are you full now?”

“Could I have a little more?”

A few seconds passed. He wasn’t sure. Did he enjoy this? Did he not?  

“That’s your call.”

Ruby was in rapture, and she couldn’t recognize the mixed emotions registered on her husband’s face. All she heard was Jayson giving her the freedom to choose. Whether it was willingly, or reluctantly, it didn’t matter to her. This was the biggest cock she’d experienced in her life, so even a few more seconds of tasting it would be worth throwing away 15 years of marriage.

She dug in again, running her tongue up and down the bottom of my shaft, then switching things up to show the sides some love. I closed my eyes, wanting to feel the sensations rather than see it.

She put in the work like an artist. Lathering every inch of me with her wetness before putting me in her mouth again. She went in just a little at first, her lips wrapped around the tip before she ventured further and deeper. In. Then out. In. Then out. And all this time her tongue swirled around my shaft, teasing every bit of skin to create a cascade of thrills.

But the animal in her came out and she attacked it with a ferocity I had not seen before. She choked, gagged, and slurped on it, forcing it down her throat as if she hadn’t eaten in months. I couldn’t hold on any longer. Was I going to cum?

But before I could find out, she stopped.

“Oh, baby, that’s wonderful!” she proclaimed, stood up, and then walked over to her husband.

She kissed him. Kissed him deeply. Kissed him passionately with the lips that were around another man’s cock a few seconds ago. I could see Jayson holding back while the saliva that was used to rinse my cock was now on his lips…. His mouth. But Ruby didn’t stop. She persisted.

She kept feeling her man. His chest, his back, and his crotch, while she peppered his face with wet, sloppy kisses. And suddenly, he gave in.

He kissed back like an animal, tongue wagging around her lips before finding its way into her mouth. She allowed it. This was raw, uncontrolled, and unbridled passion, ignited by foreplay involving another man’s cock. A brown man’s cock. A big brown cock. A cock bigger than his own. A cock bigger than a black man’s for a change.

“I think it’s our turn now,” she whispered in his ear, grabbing his arm, and whisking him away upstairs, just like that.  

A beat. Then silence. Just the music playing on the stereo.

“What the fuck just happened?” Matt asked, speaking for the first time in a long time.

“Something I’ve never seen before,” James replied, mouth gaping wide open.

I guess my part in the night was over and I had a lot of thinking to do, just to wrap my head around what happened, so I started pulling my boxers back up. Turned out, though, that Kaylen had other ideas. She stopped me from dressing and got a hold of my arm, dragging me off to some distant part of the house. I stumbled behind her, trying my best not to trip over my jeans sitting around my ankles.

The night wasn’t over from the looks of it.

Written by sena16
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