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Part IV – Pattie and Robert

"Pattie finally gets what she has been craving: not just any cock but this particular cock!"

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My name is Robert. I was born in a sleepy little oil town in southeast Texas, and now I live on the North Sea coast of Germany. How I came to live here in Ostfriesland, as this region of the country is called, is a story for another time. Suffice it to say that I have a house here, and I work as a software architect/designer/developer for large banks, insurance companies, and corporations in Germany.  When I look back on my life, I often wonder how a shy skinny little black kid from a sleepy little southeast Texas oil town, which smelled horribly from the stench of tar and oil wells, ended up living in Europe near the border with Holland.  Perhaps someday I might write that story, but not today.

This story you are reading took place a number of years ago in the city of Conroe, Texas, and it is about an amazing little pixie of a woman named Pattie, whom I had met at an outdoor barbecue party.  In attendance at the party were Karl and his wife Francine.  They owned an electrical contracting firm, and they were our party hosts.  Two other guests were Gina, the firm's business manager, and Don, her boyfriend.  Pattie and I were the final two guests.  Pattie was the new receptionist for the firm.  You already know that I am black, but in case you didn't know, Pattie is white, and her father is the ultra-conservative local town sheriff... just sayin'.  

If you have read the preceding stories about Pattie, then you already know that she is an attractive woman with a really cute face.  She has blue-green eyes, a small straight nose, a small somewhat pouty mouth, and her brunette hair hangs to just below her shoulder blades.  She also is four feet seven inches tall, weighs 80 pounds, and has the cutest little A-cup tits.  Pattie also is a multi-orgasmic sapiosexual (an intelligent unattached man makes her super horny).

Towards the end of the episode preceding this story, Pattie had playfully wrapped her hand around my cock before she released it and dove into the swimming pool at the party.  

Now, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am not used to some strange woman grabbing ahold of my dick, and I certainly was not expecting it.  I mean, sure, Pattie and I had been talking and flirting with each other right before she grabbed my cock.  We were doing... you know...  the usual things that people do when they are in bathing suits, half-naked, hot for each other, and full of Margaritas.  So, here's what happened next.

After Pattie splashed into the pool, I dove in after her, and the race was on.  For some reason, I can swim like a fish, but with her slender build, tiny muscles, and tiny hands, Pattie could move only half as fast in the water as I could.  I overtook her after making just a few powerful strokes, and I was waiting for her at the shallow end of the pool when she finally arrived.  As I was standing there in the waist-deep water facing her, Pattie swam straight up to me.  She raised her head out of the water and with both hands, she latched on to my upper arms.  In one smooth fluid motion, she went straight for my mouth.

Her boldness caught me somewhat off guard, and I knew right then, that her grabbing my cock previously had been no accident, as she had pretended.  Our lips locked in a deep soulful kiss.  Pattie stuck her tongue into my mouth, and I welcomed her advances in surprised delight.  Now all bets were off.  The reserved "gentleman" that I had been trying to be, no longer had a place here.  I didn't care the least that the other people at the party might be watching as I wrapped my arms around this beautiful, sexy woman.  My tongue snaked its way into her mouth and I savored the exquisite softness and delicacy of her lips on mine, the warmth of her mouth, the soft feel of her tongue, and the sweetness of the kiss.  It was as if the rest of the world no longer existed.  There were just the two of us... completely alone.  I could feel my growing arousal pressing against her stomach, and I knew she felt it too.  Pattie moaned softly into my mouth and rubbed her stomach back and forth against my swelling erection.

My left arm was wrapped around her tiny shoulders, and my right hand was behind her head, as our mouths danced together in hot, smoldering desire for each other.  The experience of that first kiss was indescribable.

After what seemed like an eternity, our lips slowly separated and we simply stared into each other's eyes, not saying a word.

Finally breaking the silence, I said, "You were a split second faster than me.  I was just about to do the very same thing to you, but you beat me to it."

"I knew you wanted to kiss me, Robert. I felt it. That's why I did it first.  It's obvious we both want the same thing."

"The same thing?  You mean like what they are doing over there?" I said, pointing over toward the picnic table.

There, the other two women (Francine and Gina) were on their backs next to each other on the tabletop, completely naked.  They were locked in a passionate kiss while Gina's boyfriend Don was kneeling between her legs on the soft grass.  Gina's legs were draped over his shoulders and he was licking Gina's pussy like a madman.  Having fucked Gina many times (with her boyfriend's full knowledge and encouragement), I knew all too well the taste and feel of her tight, hot, delicious pussy.  Gina once told me that Don goes absolutely bat-shit crazy with lust and walks around with a boner for days afterwards whenever she fucks me or Karl.  Oh, yes.  She fucks her boss, and with the full knowledge and consent of his wife, Francine. 

Karl was standing between Francine's spread legs, sliding his engorged cock slowly in and out of his wife's smoldering pussy as she lay on the picnic table kissing Gina.

Turning her head towards the picnic table, Pattie exclaimed, "Wow!  What a sight!  Oh, that is exactly what I mean, my dear Robert!  You up for it?"

"You already know I'm 'up', you tease," I said before turning her around to face me.  I placed a hand on each of her cheeks and savored another steamy wet kiss.  My cock came to full erection and was straining against my swimming trunks.

Panting, Pattie said, "Man, you're getting me so fucking hot, Robert.  My pussy is really starting to throb."

"Well, if I am causing that, we definitely need to do something about it, now don't we?" I said as I slipped Pattie's bikini top up and over her head, and placed it on the edge of the pool.  Her perky tits looked like delicious little cupcakes, just waiting to be devoured.  The nipples, of course, were hard and pointing straight at me.  For a few seconds, I just stared down at them in erotic delight.

"You have such exquisite breasts, Pattie.  They're absolutely beautiful!  They look like two servings of some delicious dessert."

"Oooh!  That's so sweet, Robert," she crooned. "It's so important to me that you like them.  I really want you to like them," she continued, apparently not realizing that she was repeating herself.

I then lifted her tiny frame out of the water and sat her on the edge of the pool.  As I reached for her bikini bottom, Pattie leaned back onto her outstretched arms and lifted herself up so that I could slip the garment from her tiny frame and place it next to the bikini top.  Just the sight of her pussy, with its pouting inner labia so near my mouth as she lifted up, was enough to start my cock throbbing.  Pattie sat back down, then she spread her legs invitingly, and I stepped between them.  She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me tightly to her before wrapping her arms around me again.  We locked together into another soulful, passionate kiss as I felt her rub her steaming wet pussy up and down on my abdomen, unashamedly rubbing her clit and smearing her pussy juices on me.  She reminded me of some feral animal in heat, marking her mate with her scent.  

I held her tightly to me, savoring the intimate contact we were sharing: the embrace, the kiss, her pointy nipples pressed to my bare chest, the rubbing of her clit on my abdomen.  It was immensely pleasurable and intensely erotic, and it also felt so completely natural.  This was a real woman, in her full sexual prime, basking in one of her most primal urges.  In that moment, she had laid claim to me.  I was her man, and truly glad to be so.

Easing back from her mouth ever so gently, I began to kiss my way softly along her left cheek.  Her skin was slightly cool and tangy from the pool water.  Continuing my journey, I kissed my way from her cheek to her ear.  I took the tiny earlobe into my mouth and sucked gently while sliding my tongue back and forth along the inner side of her earlobe.  Pattie started moaning softly.  After a minute or so, I released her earlobe and kissed my way to her neck where I nibbled gently down to her left shoulder.  Pattie was moaning a bit louder, as she continued to rub her pussy slowly against my abdomen.  When I reached her left shoulder, she placed her head on my left shoulder and kissed my neck tenderly.  Using my teeth, I softly nibbled my way forward until I reached the end of her shoulder.  Pattie's breathing was becoming heavier now.

I kissed my way from her shoulder down to her left breast.  Cupping my right hand under her tit, I massaged the soft treasure for about a minute while the tip of my tongue playfully teased her nipple.  Finally, I lowered my mouth to the perky erect nipple and sucked on it gently.  Pattie gave out a loud moan, matching the moans coming from the two women on the picnic table.  She placed both hands behind my head and pulled me tighter to her breast, encouraging my efforts.  As I started sucking her nipple a bit harder, she kissed the top of my head before she rested the side of her head on top of mine.  Pattie closed her eyes and sighed in erotic delight.  I continued to suck the tender morsel for a few more minutes before kissing my way over to her right breast and lowering my right hand down to her hot, smoldering pussy.  

After rubbing the hood of her clit in a feather-light circular motion for a few seconds, I moved my fingers down to her hot, steamy opening.  Her slick juices were flowing freely and I had no trouble smearing a generous amount onto my fingers before bringing them back up to her engorged clit.  I did this a couple of times, getting her clit good and wet.  Meanwhile, with my fingers playing with her clit and my mouth on her right nipple, I could tell Pattie was rapidly approaching her first orgasm.  She was panting heavily, and started moving her hips more rapidly at first, then more and more urgently as I continued to rub her clit and suck on her nipple.

I was enjoying this immensely.  This woman had given herself totally over to her sexual arousal and was savoring the erotic sensations she was experiencing. I thought, 'It doesn't matter whether you're heterosexual or not, almost any woman would enjoy what I am doing to Pattie right now.'

She continued to moan loudly over and over before whispering, "Oh shit, Robert, don't stop.  You're gonna make me cum.  For God's sake, please, please, don't stop."

Pattie's movements turned into intensified humping and my fingers were sliding from her wet, slick opening up to her clit and back again. I then adjusted my hand movement with her urgent humping movement so that I could concentrate fully on her clit, rubbing it faster in tight wet circles.  That did it!

Pattie started wailing, "Oh, yeah.  Oh, yeah.  That's it!  Oh shit, oh shit, Robert, that's it!  That's... aaah... aaah... aaah, shit, I'm gonnna cum."

Pattie let out a loud moan as she clasped her arms tightly around my head and began bucking her hips wildly against my fingers.  I continued rubbing her clit frantically as she became gripped in the throes of her onrushing orgasm.  She was writhing in ecstasy and her entire body began shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm began to build higher and higher until finally, it exploded inside her.

"Oh shit... shit... shhhit... aaah," she let out a high-pitched scream as the full impact of her climax slammed into her with incredible force.  Pattie's juices flooded my fingers and smeared her entire pussy as her climax ripped through her.  She continued to ride wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure, bucking her hips wildly.

After a while, her humping motion slowed, and Pattie began keening softly as she came down from her climax.  She loosened the death grip from around my head, then she raised her head up from mine and started placing tiny kisses on the top of my head.

Just on a whim, I moved my fingers in another gentle circle on her soaked clit.  Pattie did not jerk or jump as I had expected.  Some women's clits become too sensitive to touch right after the woman has had an orgasm, but not Pattie.  When I moved my fingers again, she just moaned.

I slid my fingers downward until my fingertips once again were at her hot steamy opening, then I slipped two fingers into her soaking wet pussy, searching for her G-spot.  

When I found it, Pattie let out another moan, "Uuuh."  

My cock was aching to be where my fingers were, but I thoroughly enjoyed pleasuring this incredibly sexy woman to the absolute fullest.  I guess there was some semblance of the "gentleman" left in me after all.  I began rubbing her clit with my thumb as I moved my fingers in and out of her wet opening, always maintaining contact with her G-spot.

Holding on to my head again like her life depended on it, Pattie raised her bottom slightly and spread her legs as wide as she could to give my fingers better access to her pussy.  This time, however, I had other ideas.

Carefully lifting her arms from around my head, I placed her gently onto her back and kissed my way down to her shaved pubic mound.  The fragrance wafting up from her hot steamy opening was overwhelmingly intoxicating.  

I groaned in pleasure and inhaled deeply, "Mmm. Holy shit. The scent of your pussy is making me drool all over myself."

Just her womanly scent was enough to cause my cock to twitch over and over again.  My cock felt like a hot steel rod hanging between my legs as I bent down, preparing to sample Pattie's smoldering womanhood.  As my cock continued to twitch, pre-cum started dripping from the tip.

'Oh man,' I thought, 'I really want to stick my cock into this woman, and I mean right the fuck now.'

Resisting the urge with all my might, I continued to kiss my way to the hood of her clit.  By now, my cock was so hard, it was starting to hurt.

Pattie had placed her feet flat on the edge of the pool, so I grasped her legs behind the kneecaps and hoisted them towards her chest.  This placed her hot, wet, juicy pussy in just the right position for me to feast on.  I did exactly that.  With the flat of my tongue, I began to lick from the bottom of her pussy opening all the way up to just below her clit.  I absolutely love doing this, and I did it over and over again for about ten minutes, savoring the soft, smooth, velvety, pink wetness, and the exquisite womanly fragrance.

Pattie was languishing in the pleasurable sensations.  She was in a world of her very own, floating adrift on a sea of erotic bliss.  

"Oh shit, Robert, that feels so fucking good.  Oh shit, oh yeah," she moaned, as she grabbed the back and sides of my head with her hands and began grinding her hips gently.

Raising my head for a second, I said, "And you taste absolutely divine." Then I continued to lick her wet opening, still avoiding all contact with her clit.

After about five minutes of doing this, I switched tactics.  Without warning, I let my tongue slide slowly from the bottom of her wet opening, all the way up and over her clit.  Pattie almost lost her mind when I did that.  She bucked her hips violently against my chin as my tongue suddenly passed over her engorged, needy clit.  I kept licking from the bottom of her steamy pussy, then up and over her clit and back again.  This went on for another five or six minutes.  What Pattie didn't know was that I had another special treat in store for her.  

I placed my mouth over her clit, covering it with the hollow of my mouth without actually touching her clit.  I then let my saliva build up to form a tiny pool of liquid completely covering her clit.  Now and again I would flick the tip of my tongue randomly over her clit while the pool of saliva formed around it.  Each time my tongue touched her clit, Pattie would groan loudly.  Once the pool of saliva had formed to my satisfaction, I began to flick the tip of my tongue rapidly all over and under her clit, sometimes like a tiny jackhammer, sometimes rapidly licking up and down, and at other times rapidly licking side to side or even in circular motion all over her clit; always using feather-light touches.

Next, I inserted two fingers into her steamy wet opening and found her G-spot again.  This time I started moving my fingertips in circular motions on her G-spot.

Pattie was going out of her fucking mind. She tightened her grip on the back of my head and began grinding her pussy as hard as she could against my mouth.  With my lips padding my teeth against the erotic assault, I continued to arouse and tease her clit with the tip of my tongue and my fingers continued massaging her G-spot.  I really, really like doing this with a woman, but with Pattie it felt so different.  It felt incredibly more intimate.  It was more than erotic.  It felt as if Pattie had opened herself up to me so completely, that I could reach into the very core of her being.  I was really enjoying pleasuring this woman any way she wanted, for as long as she wanted, whenever she wanted.  I almost could feel what she liked to have done to her sexually, and believe me, I enjoyed doing every one of them for her (and for me as well).

Pattie started panting even more heavily.  Her chest started heaving.  Her abdominal muscles tightened and she lifted her upper body slightly. She continued to grind herself against my mouth as she panted, "Ah fuck, what are you doing down there to my pussy?  That feels so fucking good!.  Whatever you're doing... whatever... whatever it is, don't..."  Then she went over the edge again.  

"Aaah... Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck!  I'm gonna cum again."

Pattie exploded in another orgasm, this one even more intense than the first.  Once her orgasm started, I sucked Pattie's clit into my mouth and continued sucking on it gently.  I started moving the tip of my tongue back and forth on it while I sucked, savoring the taste and feel of her heavenly little button.  With my left arm wrapped around her right thigh, my left hand flat on her pubic mound, and the fingers of my right hand working her pussy, I could feel both her abdomen and her pussy spasming at the same time.  I continued my assault on her G-spot with the fingers of my right hand.  

Pattie's orgasm was like a bomb detonating inside her.  Her pussy juices flooded out, covering my fingers, mouth, and chin with even more of her exquisite liquid.  The spasms went on and on for at least a minute and a half.  I didn't know if she was having one long extended orgasm or a string of shorter ones.  She was completely consumed by the pleasurable sensations that shot through her over and over again.  At long last, they finally began to wane.

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I thought, "What an incredible woman.  She is completely free and uninhibited with her sexuality.  I have never met anyone like her."

As she began to calm down from the intensity of her orgasm, I gulped down the pool of saliva which was not so little anymore.  Giving her entire pussy one long, slow, gentle, last lick, I straightened myself and stood up.  My back was killing me.  As I started to take a step back, Pattie grabbed me by both wrists.

She looked straight into my eyes, then she smiled demurely and said, "Where in the flying fiddely-fuck do you think you're going?  I am not finished with you yet, mister.  Not by a long shot!"

Her boldness surprised me once again, and I smiled down at her.  She sure was one feisty little Texas woman!


Pattie continues with the story ....

The one thing that I am certain of is that the information that I had been given about Robert was absolutely not exaggerated.  Gina told me that I would enjoy him, and so far, Robert had lived up to everything she had told me about him... almost.  There is just this one last thing that I desperately had to find out:  how that big cock of his would feel inside me.  I've had the pleasure of having some great cocks in the past, but I never wanted a particular cock as badly as I wanted this one from this particular man.  There certainly were two other men present at the party and I'm sure that either one of them would've jumped at the chance to fuck me, if I'd wanted, but all I wanted was Robert.  He was so strong, gentle, and loving, but above all, the man was so smart... and that made him irresistibly sexy.  

I wanted him to touch me and caress me, to make love to me.  He made me feel totally alive and like a real, fulfilled, complete woman.  I felt like Robert confirmed my womanhood.  He truly opened the floodgates of my cravings, and I was so sexually uninhibited with him.  It felt incredible.  It was like there was this sexual bond between us; an awakening, so to speak.  I really can't explain it clearly.  There was just this closeness.  He just made me feel so special.  I was his woman, and truly glad to be so.

When Robert finished going down on me, and the earth stopped quaking and spinning like crazy, I knew that the rest of my life would not be complete until I fucked this man.  I absolutely needed him close to me; inside me.  This was more than sexual.  Shit, I didn't know what the fuck it was, I just knew I would die without it.

Standing up from the edge of the pool, I grabbed Robert by the wrist and wordlessly led him over to the nearest lounge chair.  When we arrived, Robert took the initiative and turned me around to face him.  He lifted my chin with his hand and placed a tender kiss on my lips before reaching for the beach towel laying on the lounge chair.  

After gently drying my hair, he wrapped my body in the towel to dry the rest of me.  When he finished, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed my lover gently on the lips in a show of gratitude, then stared into his gorgeous hazel eyes.  Words were unnecessary.  We were speaking volumes to each other without uttering a single word.  God, I ached for this man like no other man in my entire life, and it didn't just stop at sex.  I knew right then, I needed to have this man in my life!  I didn't care that he also was fucking Francine and Gina.  He most likely would continue doing so.  For now, though, he was my man, and I had him all to myself.

He removed the beach towel from me and tossed it onto the lounge chair next to ours.  He then grabbed the fresh dry beach towel from the lounge chair next to ours and spread it out on our lounge chair.  I sat on the dry beach towel and Robert's cock was at my eye level.  I stroked his cock gently through his wet swimming trunks before reaching up and pulling the trunks down.  His fully erect cock sprang out and bounced up and down a few times as it was freed from its wet confines.  I continued to pull the swimming trunks down to his feet while relishing the sight of his strong muscular legs.  He stepped out of the wet garment and stood there in his naked splendor, a true Adonis.  

Scanning back up his muscular body, again I marveled at this magnificent specimen of manhood.  My gaze drifted back down to his crotch.  Mesmerized, I stared at his cock for a few seconds before I reached for the other beach towel (the one he had used to dry me with) laying on the other lounge chair.  I started drying his body with it.  After finishing, I tossed the beach towel back onto the other lounge chair and sat back down on the dry towel on our lounge chair.  His beautiful cock was still erect, so I gave the head a gentle kiss.  His cock was way above average size; it was about nine or ten inches long and really thick.  What struck me most was not particularly the size of his cock.  That surely was impressive enough, but most striking were the aesthetics of his cock.  The long, thick, smooth chocolate shaft was almost hypnotic to look at.  The beautiful delicate foreskin stretched shiny and tight over the head, but not quite covering the tip.  The thick triangular head itself which was revealed when the foreskin was pulled back.  Not only was the man himself gorgeous, but so was his cock.  I wanted to worship this piece of man-meat just like I felt he had paid homage to my pussy a few minutes ago.

I wrapped my left hand around his cock at the base and my right hand further up toward the tip.  With both of my hands stacked one after the other, he still had about three or four inches of cock left (granted my hands are tiny... but, still, that's a lot of cock).  Of course, there was no way my hand could fit all the way around his cock.  I placed my mouth at the tip and stuck out my tongue.  I licked the slick pre-cum which was leaking from the tip.  It was salty, smooth, and delicious.  

Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I barely managed to get the head in.  The corners of my mouth were being stretched painfully, almost to the point of the skin tearing.  I wanted so badly to feel this cock in my mouth, and I was determined to have it.  I pulled my mouth back and licked each corner with a generous amount of saliva, then tried again.  This time, it was a lot better.  Not only was I able to get the head in, but I managed to get in a couple of inches of the shaft as well.

Robert sighed in delight and closed his eyes as I gobbled the end of his cock and began to slide my mouth back and forth on it while at the same time, pumping him with both hands.  It felt really good simply to be able to touch his manhood with my bare hands and to hold on to it this way.  Being allowed to suck on it was an incredible bonus.

"Oh shit, Pattie, that is just fucking awesome."

I loved hearing that from my man.  Uh-uh, did I just say "my man"?  And did I just use the "L-word" too?  Get a grip, girl (now that is an apt phrase).  Shit, what's going on with me?

I began twirling my tongue around the head of Robert's cock, over and over again.  I coated the head with lots of saliva making sure it stayed good and wet.  He began moaning.

"Mmm... mmm... Holy fuck, that feels good."

It thrilled me to hear him say that.  I felt like I had just made quite an accomplishment.  My pussy starting leaking again at the sound of his words.  I was so proud that I was pleasing him... that he liked what I was doing.  It felt almost as if I knew instinctively what he liked having done to him sexually.  It felt like there was a bond between us and I relished sucking on his cock, no matter what size it was.  I even felt honored to be allowed to do so.  I started running my tongue back and forth on the underside of his cock head.  Slowly at first, but when he started gently moving his hips, I stepped up the pace.  

At that point, I was facing a dilemma.  If I kept this up, surely he was going to cum in my mouth.  I would not have minded that one bit except for the fact that I wanted him to cum in my pussy.

Robert solved the issue by announcing, "Shit, Pattie, you'd better stop because I'm about to cum in your mouth, and I want to do it in your pussy, the first time." And, rather offhandedly, he added, "And I know that's what you want, too."

I stopped cold on the end of his cock.  I was stunned. How in the flying fiddely-fuck did he know that?

I slipped his cock out of my mouth with a loud 'pop' and laid down on my back on the beach towel, spreading my legs in lewd, wanton invitation.  My hot, wet, juicy pussy was spread wide open for all to see.  My juices again were flowing freely and my pussy was open and soaking wet, but at that point, I didn't give a flying rat's ass who saw me like that. I stretched my arms up toward my lover, reaching out to him in additional wordless invitation.

Robert knelt between my legs and bent forward.  I joyfully wrapped my arms around him, and we kissed deeply again as he lowered himself gently onto me, his steel-hard rod sliding down along the wet, slick, folds of my opening.  Only this time, as we kissed, we both knew that it was the prelude to our genitals finally being joined.  We took our time.  It was almost spiritual:  man and woman, about to be joined together.  Our tongues found each other of their own accord.  We simply were along for the ride.  Instinct simply took over.  Our bodies somehow already knew each other intimately.  Again, we were just along for the ride.  

The next thing I knew, Robert's cock was moving gently back and forth inside me.  He didn't even have to grab hold of his cock to guide it to my steamy opening.  His cock seemed to find the mouth of my gaping pussy all by itself.  The welcomed intrusion had happened before I even realized it.  For a second, Robert and I simply were bystanders, observing our bodies enjoying each other.  Then suddenly the passionate urges and the rush of erotic sensations slammed into both of us, and we were no longer bystanders, but active participants, and I started moving with him in our erotic dance.  

I cannot even begin to describe the incredible pleasure I felt in that first instant.  I moaned in complete erotic abandon as Robert began making love to me.  His powerful body was so strong, yet he was oh so gentle in his intensity.  I humped back toward him with all the intensity and passion I had in me, grinding my pussy against his body every time he thrust forward.  We were not just mindlessly humping each other.  Robert sometimes would insert only the first couple of inches of his cock, and fuck me that way for a while, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.  At other times, he would go somewhat deeper, and then sometimes he would go all the way in.  I had been so wet that I had absolutely no trouble at all taking his entire length into my pussy when he chose to push it all the way in.  

I wanted him to feel that this was HIS pussy to enjoy as much and as long as he wanted, whenever he wanted it. This was MY man.  This was MY cock to enjoy as much and as long as I wanted.  We shared an intense passionate bond with each other.  God, he felt so good inside me.  I wanted him never ever to take his cock out of me.  This is where he belonged.  As irrational as it sounds, in that moment, I wanted him to stay inside me for the rest of my life.  His cock fit into my pussy so perfectly.

Robert was moving slowly in long, deep, deliberate strokes.  Each time he bottomed out, his wet-smeared pubic bone contacted my clit.  After we had been fucking like this for about ten minutes, I started to feel that familiar surge... the rush of heat was starting to build from the smoldering embers.  His cock felt so fucking good in me.  We started moving faster, but always in rhythm with each other.  The pace kept increasing until were fucking each other with total and complete abandon.  The sweat from our lower bodies created slapping noises as we slammed into each other.  Louder and louder... the heat and passion built higher and higher.  I could feel the smoldering embers burst into a raging flame at the very core of my being.  The flame spread to my pussy.  Robert's wonderful cock moving relentlessly in and out of me was like a bellows blowing on the flames raging in my hot, steamy, wet pussy.  I began to moan again.

"Oh...  Oh, shit, oh shit!  Aaah, don't stop, keep fucking me, Robert.  Aaah...  Keep going, I'm almost there."

Robert began to moan, as well. "Oh God yeah, Pattie.  Shit, yeah,  Oh, this is so fucking good!  Mmm... mmm... Uuuh, shit. Here it comes."

Robert unleashed all of his pent-up arousal, and was shoving his huge black cock in and out of me with a vengeance, over and over again.  The intense energy of his powerful thrusting and the increased tempo sent Robert over the edge and he released all of himself into me, flooding my insides.

"Aaah,  aaah, shit," he roared loudly.

As soon as the first hot squirt of his cum hit my insides, I felt like another bomb detonated in me as my orgasm exploded.  My pussy was throbbing uncontrollably and Robert's hot shaft felt like an erupting volcano spewing more and more of his hot searing lava into me.  He squirted it so wonderfully deep into me, feeding the flames in my hungry pussy.  Just the very thought of his beautiful cock moving back and forth inside me was enough to set me throbbing in a second orgasm even before the first one ended.  

This second orgasm was incredibly intense, and my pussy was squeezing Robert's cock over and over again.  That was awesome, but before the second orgasm was even finished, the mother of all orgasms hit me as the next thought entered my mind.  I began imagining what that beautiful black cock must look like inside me, not only while it was moving back and forth, but also while it was shooting all that wonderful hot cum deep inside me.  What a picture to have in my mind!  That thought alone made me dig my fingers into Robert's back and hold on to him for dear life as I spread my legs wider than I ever thought possible, pressing my heels into the lounge chair so I could push my hungry pussy even harder towards my lover.  I was trying with every fiber of my being to wrench from him the sexual satisfaction and release that I so desperately craved.  

With all my might, I bucked my hips and fucked Robert like my very life depended on it.  I let out a loud high-pitched scream as this last orgasm hit me.  There was no time for a panting build-up with this one; no time to prepare.  It just was suddenly there.  Once my orgasm had slammed into me, it raced through me like a runaway locomotive, relentless, overwhelming, and non-stop.  The spasms went on and on for what seemed like an eternity.  My eyes were squinted shut in abject ecstasy as I rode wave after wave of the orgasmic pleasure that had consumed me so completely.  I could hear nothing.  I could see nothing.  The only thing I could feel was the seething, throbbing, exquisite sensations starting at the very core of my being and spreading to my pussy and my nipples.  

The orgasmic spasms caused the walls of my pussy to clamp together hard once again, powerfully squeezing Robert's engorged cock over and over again.  Involuntarily, all of my spasms were milking him completely dry.  Just the thought of me milking him with my pussy caused a wave of post-orgasmic after-shocks to shoot through my body.  I knew I was in danger of cumming all over again just at the very thought of having his gorgeous cock in me.  I dare not even think again about how his cock might look as it squirted its wonderful cum into me.

Finally, mercifully, the spasms began to wane.  I opened my eyes, and for a few seconds, I had no idea where I was or even who I was.  I was so disoriented, I felt like I had completely lost my mind.  I'd just had three mind-blowing orgasms, one after the other, and each was more intense than the one before it.  I know it sounds crazy, but for the sake of my own sanity, I knew I had to get Robert's cock out of me, or I was going to start orgasming all over again and I was afraid I would never stop.  If he stayed inside me a minute longer, I knew I would be hopelessly addicted not only to his cock but to the man himself.  I was beginning to fear that from now on just looking at him might be enough to make me cum.  I did not want to develop an insatiable craving for this man, not just for his cock, but for the man himself.  No, Robert was just too damned dangerous!

I pressed my thighs against the sides of his body and eased my pussy off his wonderful cock.  Coated with our combined juices, he plopped against my slick wet opening.  Our juices began to flow out of my pussy onto the beach towel.  

A whole series of incoherent thoughts started racing through my head. 'Well, much as I hated to do it, at least I did manage to get his cock out of me before I started cumming again.  This man is just too damned dangerous.  What in the flying fiddely-fuck am I supposed to do now?  I have no idea what to do next.  I'm totally confused.  I feel like I have completely lost control of myself.  I need to get away from Robert and clear my fucking head before I go absolutely bat-shit crazy.'

But I knew that the thought of being away from Robert would drive me even crazier.

Robert, ever the gentleman, kissed me tenderly on the lips before he raised himself and rolled to my right.  As he did so, his wet cock left a smeared streak on my right thigh.  I loved having that picture in my head: his wet cock on my thigh!  I rolled onto my right side, facing Robert, then scooted backward to make more room for him on the lounge chair.  My right hip squished into the cold, slick wetness that had flowed out of me and into the towel.  We lay on our sides facing each other.  It was a tight fit, but we couldn't seem to get physically close enough to each other without him actually being inside me.  Looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, I felt he was indeed inside me.  He was inside the very core of my being.

Robert began caressing my back gently with his right hand.  The feel of his touch on my skin sent chills through my entire body.  It just felt so right, like this was exactly what we should have been doing.  That was the right place.  That was the right time.  Those were the right things to do.  I scooted over as close as I could to Robert and pressed my left leg in between his legs.  The entire lengths of both of our bodies were in full contact with each other.  

I wrapped my left arm around this incredible man, then I closed my eyes and nestled myself snugly against his neck.  I was savoring the sweetness of the moment, his manly fragrance, and the awesome power of his very presence.  I kissed his neck tenderly.

I was completely exhausted.  The last thing I remember thinking before drifting off into a contented nap was, 'What do I truly feel for this man?'






Written by TexasEagle
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