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Part III -- Pattie meets Robert

"Pattie first gets her eyes opened by Gina, then she finally meets the mysterious Robert"

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I approached the front of my house and climbed the steps up to the front porch.  I said to myself, "Ok, Pattie girl, just keep going.  Don't look left or right, just straight ahead."  

Everything around me was deathly quiet.  The only sound that I could hear were my footsteps on the wooden porch.  I walked to the front door, unlocked it, and stepped into the house.  After closing the door behind me, I relocked it securely.  

Since I had showered less than an hour before, I simply undressed, slipped into a one-piece nightie, then brushed my teeth.  Finally, I switched on the nightstand lamp.  Almost immediately, I could hear the normal sounds of the night again:  the chirping of crickets, an occasional owl... then the banging on my front door.

I went to the front door, unlocked it, then opened it.  This sleepy little south Texas town has a sheriff by the name of Otis... my father, and there he was standing there.

Shining his flashlight directly into my eyes, he drawled, "Don't chew know better'n tuh open yer door like that in the middle of thuh night, baby guhrl?"

Squinting into the bright light, I said, "Will you turn that damned thing off?"  

He switched off the flashlight.

Pretending to have been just awakened from a sound sleep, I faked a yawn and said, "If you were trying to break in, you wouldn't be banging on the door, now would you, daddy?  Besides, your squad car is kinda hard to miss, you know.  It's almost three in the morning, what in the world are you doing here?"

"Well, ah was a-lookin' fer ye over at thuh 'Squeaky Saddle' an' uh couple uh folks there said ye left 'round midnight.  When ah drove bah here 'round ten after twelve, ah didn't see no lights ohn, so ah knocked ohn the door.  When ye didn't answer, ah got worried.  Ah been a-scourin' the entire town a-lookin' fer ye, hunny.  Man am ah glad yer alright!"

"Daddy, we've talked about this before now, haven't we?  You know how it really pisses me off to have you checking up on me like this!!" I added for emphasis, not nearly as angry as I was pretending to be.

"Ah knows it, hunny.  No need tuh cuss.  But ever since ah spotted that new coon in that thar black Mercedes a-runnin' loose 'round here, ah worry's 'bout muh baby guhrl, 's all," he replied looking down at the floor of the porch.

"Daddy, you know I love you, but you also know how I hate it when you make racist comments like that.  As you can see, I'm just fine.  Now good night, I need to get back to bed.  I have a busy day ahead of me in the morning."

"Good naht, baby guhrl.  Ah'm jes' glad tuh see yer alright," the relief was evident in his voice.

I watched as he turned and went back to his squad car.  He stood on the driver's side looking back at me over the roof of the car.  That was my cue to close and re-bolt the door, which I did after waving goodbye to him.  I really do love my daddy dearly, but he is stuck in his ultra-conservative, racist, narrow-minded outlook and I know that will never ever change.  

Actually, because I was brought up by him after momma passed away, I understand him completely.  He only is seeking to simplify his life and everything around him.  He is not a hateful man.  Towards me, he is very loving, affectionate, and protective.  We are white, which means for him that we are good.  For him, anybody not white is also not good: simple.  In his mind, it is not racism at all.  It's "expedient,"... "keeping things straight," so to speak.  

Whenever he encounters a nonwhite person, he thinks he knows everything there is to know about that person, no need to ask: it's simple.  That person is dangerous or at the very least, suspicious.  When he encounters a white person, it's also simple: he extends the courtesy (and dignity) to ask them what he might want to know about them.  That person is afforded the courtesy, respect, and dignity that he attributes to himself.  

He will never ever afford that same dignity, courtesy, and respect to a non-white person.  That would place such a person on the same level as himself.  Sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief, but he is my daddy after all, and I still love him.  I wonder that such a decent, loving, caring mind is fertile ground for racist hate-mongers.  

I often wonder how in the world they let this man swagger around in the uniform of a "peace officer" with his Stetson cowboy hat, black sunglasses, the big shiny black leather belt around his waist, and his big shiny badge.  Don't even get me started about him walking around with a loaded gun!

I blocked Otis and everything else out of my mind as I literally dove into bed.  I really was exhausted after the rigorous experience that I'd just had over the past couple of hours.  Sleep came over me in less than a minute.

It seemed like just another minute later when the alarm went off.

"Shit!  Time to get up already?"

Hating the very thought of separating myself from my mattress, I literally dragged myself out of bed and went into the bathroom to start my morning ritual.  After getting myself cleaned up, I put on my bathrobe and went out to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cold cereal.  

I usually fix my sixteen-year old son Brian and myself a hot breakfast of some combination of pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, orange juice, milk, and coffee.  Brian was off visiting some of his high school friends for three weeks, so I opted for an "expedient" breakfast (remember that word?), but at least I got some milk and coffee in me.

Having finished breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen, got dressed, left the house, then hopped behind the wheel of my Toyota Celica GT.  I loved the way it roared when I stepped on the gas as I headed towards the office.  Otis was none too happy that I hadn't bought a Ford or Chevy.

I pulled into my normal parking space, got out, locked the car, and headed into the office towards what I expected to be anything but a normal workday.  I work as the receptionist for an electrical contracting company owned by a married couple named Karl and Francine.  Gina is the office manager.

Now, in case you haven't met any of them before, let me describe each one of them to you.

Let's start with Francine.  Picture in your mind that she and I are standing side by side.  I'm four-foot-seven-inches, she is seven inches taller than me at five-foot-two-inches with shoulder-length blond hair, in contrast to my brunette tresses which hang down to just below my shoulder blades.  

She has smooth alabaster skin in contrast to my slightly deeper pigmentation.  She has blue-gray eyes as opposed to my blue-green ones.  Francine also has a perfect voluptuous hourglass figure with her oversized 36DD tits compared to my little A-cup treasures and less-curvy figure.  She weighs eighty-eight pounds, and I weigh eighty.  I'm not exactly sure about Francine's sexuality, but I am a sapiosexual:  I stand ready to jump the bones of almost any single guy who has half a brain.

So, now that you know about Francine (and me too), let's turn to Gina.

I sometimes call her the "elf queen", because that is exactly what she reminds me of; a female elf, a rather tall slender female elf.  At five-foot-nine-inches, Gina is seven inches taller than Francine.  That makes Gina over a foot taller than me.  Yes, that's right, I am what you might call "tiny".  Gina is very thin at ninety-two pounds.  She has black hair, like mine, but her hair hangs just to the tops of her shoulder blades.  Now here is what earned her the title of elf queen:  her eyes.  They are the palest blue.  

When the light hits them just right, they seem actually to glow!  I've never seen anything like it before in my life.  Her tits are somewhat larger than mine at 34B, and at twenty-seven, she is ten years younger than me.  Gina moves her body in a smooth, fluid motion that makes her seem to float from one place to another instead of actually walking like a normal person.  She simply is drop-dead gorgeous, and she's super smart.  

As I walked through the front door, I mused, "I wonder how Gina would like it if I licked...?"  Whoa!  Where did that thought come from?  Maybe last night affected me a lot more than I thought.  Be careful, Pattie girl!  Don't let your sapiosexual nature get the best of you.  Gina may be smart and gorgeous, but she also is your boss, so keep a lid on it!

Uuuhh, where was I?  Oh yes, we've finished with the ladies, now let's turn our attention to the guys.  Don is Gina's boyfriend.  He stands six-foot-two-inches tall, weighs one-hundred-and-ninety-five pounds of solid muscle, and he has intense, dark gray eyes.  Karl is the company boss.  He's five-foot-ten-inches tall and weighs around one-hundred-and-eighty-five pounds.  

Karl is somewhat more "generous" around the middle and is starting to go bald on the top of his head.  Although he also is really smart, for some reason, he never particularly appealed to me sexually.  Besides, he's married to Francine.  "Attached" is off-limits for me... ok, except for that one exception last night... really need to rethink that rule, now don't I?

Gina was in her office working at her desk when I arrived.  As I glanced further down the hall, I noticed Karl and Francine standing there, talking with each other.  They waved 'hello', and I waved back and smiled before knocking on the door and going into Gina's office.

"'Morning, Gina.  How's things?"  (Remember, we are in Texas.)

"Oh, mornin' Pattie.  Glad to see you.  Kinda busy just now.  You got anything important, or did you just want to say hello?"

"Just got a real quick question."


"Who is this guy, Robert Guerin?  Is he a new employee or something?" (I had only been working at the company for three weeks, and I thought I had met everybody.)

Gina stopped cold.  She very deliberately removed her reading glasses and placed them on her desk.  She gazed at me with her trademark non-smiling steely expression for about five seconds.  I could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

"Why are you asking me about Robert, Pattie?"

A little surprised at her reaction, I said, "I can't tell you exactly how I came across his name, but let's just say that I have it on good authority that you and he are a bit more than just good friends.  I also assume that you're not cheating on Don, so he's OK with this."

Gina burst out laughing.

"Holy shit, girl.  The NSA's nothing compared to you!  OK.  Yep, it's true, every bit of it.  I really don't have time to go into it all right now.  Karl is waiting for me to finish this contracting bid for the new shopping mall.  Let's hit the 'Squeaky Saddle' after work this evening, and I'll tell you anything you want to know."  

Gina chuckled as she shook her head, then added, "You really are amazing, sweet cakes!  See you this afternoon," and she waved me out of her office.  Donning her reading glasses again and chuckling to herself, she returned to her work.

Smiling, I left her office.  Oh, boy... jackpot!  Everything that Tolban and Molan had told me was right.  If this guy Robert is anything like I expect... ah, shit!  The day's just beginning and my pussy is starting to get wet all over again.  I started imagining what he might be like and what he might have to offer.

Then another thought suddenly hit me, "Did my drop dead gorgeous boss-lady just call me 'sweet cakes'?"  Don't go there, Pattie!

As you might imagine, the workday seemed to drag on forever.  I kept trying to imagine what Robert looked like.  How tall he was, how much he weighed, the color of his eyes, the texture of his skin, what his smile looked like.  

At last, mercifully, quitting time finally came.  As agreed, Gina and I drove our cars over to the 'Squeaky Saddle' honky-tonk.  Instead of sitting at the bar as usual, I suggested we take an isolated table in a far corner so we could talk without being overheard.  Just as we got ourselves settled comfortably into our chairs, there came a loud, obnoxious, bellowing male drawl.

"Well, looky whut we got here!  Why even'in' ladies.  Lemme buy you two fillies uh drink."  

It was Frank Downs, the local used-car salesman and self-proclaimed ladies man in town.  Actually, he was better known among us ladies as the village idiot. Turning a chair around backward and straddling it to face us, Frank sat down and shoved his cowboy hat back on his head.  Obviously, he thought he was being sexy.  

Folding his arms atop the backrest, he asked, "Well, whuddya  say, guhrls?" looking from one to the other of us.

Gina's blue eyes were blazing, and I was about to spit fire as I glared at him, "Go the fuck away, Frank!  Don't you remember what happened to you the night before last?  I will say this in one-syllable words so even your pea brain can understand.  Get-the-fuck-up-and-leave-Frank.  Now!  Do-not-come-back-Frank.  Got-it?"

Not the least bit phased by my outburst, Frank said simply, "Aw, now li'l filly don't go get yer dander up ag'in.  Ah jes' wohnna..."

Gina lost it.  She screamed at him at the top of her lungs, "Get the fuck away from this table, Frank Downs!  Now!!!"

All conversation in the bar stopped suddenly.  The only sound was the music.  Everyone was staring at us.  Horace, the bartender came over and laid a hand on Frank's left shoulder.

"Leave 'em be, Frank.  Cum ohn.  Ah'll pour ye one ohn th' house.  Cum ohn, now."

Reluctantly, Frank stood.  He turned the chair around and pushed it back under the table, looking totally perplexed.  It was evident that for the life of him, he couldn't even begin to fathom what was wrong.  Without a word, he turned and, shaking his head, went back to the bar with Horace.

The banter in the club resumed, and everything went back to normal.

Gina was still fuming, "I cannot fucking believe that moronic shit-for-brains idiot!!  Won't he ever get it?"

I started chuckling.  "Would you say that he's an idiotic moron... who doesn't know that he's a hopeless basket-case?"

Sniff, giggle

"Yeah, you're right.  That's it exactly!  He's just an idiotic moron!!"

I burst out laughing.  It took me about a minute to compose myself.  Gina just stared at me in disbelief.

Totally baffled, she asked, "Pattie, what are you laughing at?  What the fuck is so funny?"

"It's a long story, Gina.  Let's just say that you and I are on the same page when it comes to idiotic morons."


"I suppose," she said dubiously.

By then Horace returned to the table.  "Sorry 'bout that guhrls.  Whudda ya have?  It's ohn th' house."

"Make it our usual planter's punch, Horace," Gina looked at me questioningly as she ordered for both of us.

I nodded in confirmation.

"Yew got it," Horace said before returning to the bar to prepare our drinks.

I turned to Gina, "All this other bullshit aside, I'm dying to hear all about Robert.  How did you meet him?  What does he look like?  How tall is he?  Does he have... ?"

"Slow down, girl.  He's a close friend of Karl's and he's a really nice guy, and 'no', he doesn't have a steady girlfriend.  I met him when he first came to the office about a year and a half ago.  He caught my eye the first time I saw him, but before I say anything else, there's something else that I need to clear up first."


"It's something you said earlier about my boyfriend, Don.  You see, Don and I have our sexual fantasies just like any other couple.  One of those fantasies is that Don likes the idea of me fucking other guys.  Actually, he likes to watch when he can, or when he can't be there, he likes for me to tell him all the details afterward."

"You gotta be shittin' me!!!  Big, hunky Don is a cuckold?  Really?" I asked incredulously.

"Yep.  At first, I thought it was kinda weird, but Don kept pestering me about how thinking about me with another guy's dick in my pussy really turns him on.  With his constant prodding, it took me about four months to get my head around the idea, then I began to think it might be fun.  Now I'm going to tell you something else, and you may not breathe a word of it to anyone, got it?"

"Sure.  What?"

Gina leaned in close and whispered, "Karl and Francine are swingers.  Both of them also are bi, and Francine is somewhat like Don:  she likes to watch her husband fuck other women."

"Holy shit!  Now that is news!!  How in the world do you know all this, and what's it got to do with..."

Just then Horace arrived back at the table with our drinks.  Placing them carefully before us, he drawled, "There yuh go guhrls.  Jes' lemme know if ye have any more trouble,"  then he turned and went back to the bar.

Gina continued, "I'm getting to the part about Robert.  You see, one night Francine, Karl, Don, and I were doing shots at that table over there," she pointed.  "All of us were getting pretty shit-faced when Francine dared me to make out with Karl.  I did.  Both Francine and Don got really turned on watching Karl and me.  Things heated up pretty quickly so we went over to their place.  Francine and Don watched while Karl and I went at on the living room sofa.  He really is quite good, you know, with his cute little pot belly."  

Smiling wistfully while curling a lock of her hair around her right index finger, she continued, "Don finally got to have his fantasy come true about watching me fuck another guy.  Francine was ecstatic watching Karl fuck me.  When Karl and I finished, she practically dove at my pussy, lapping up every drop of our juices.  She continued to lick me to a bone-jarring orgasm.  It was absolutely divine!!  I keep forgetting to ask her or Don if the two of them have ever fucked.  Anyway, so now Karl and I fuck whenever the mood strikes one of us.  But like I said, you cannot breathe a word of this to anyone, understand?"

"Holy shit!!!" I said again.  "This has got to be the greatest company in the world to work for.  Never in a million years would I have dreamed all this was going on.  It's a regular fuck-fest!  Don't worry, though.  I won't tell a soul, but what about Robert, Gina?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Well, it turns out that Robert and Francine fuck like rabbits whenever Robert comes up for a visit.  They don't even ask Karl if he minds, which he doesn't.  They just go off somewhere and fuck each other's brains out.  I had been wanting to get into Robert's pants myself for the longest time.  I finally jumped him while we were working on a project together in the office late one evening.  I decided it was my turn to have him, and it was incredible."

"Holy shit, Gina.  Just listening to you talk about all this sucking and fucking is making my pussy purr like a kitten.  My panties are getting absolutely soaked.  Is Robert really that good?"

"Indeed he is.  You should try him some time, if you ever get the chance.  I can't speak for the man, but if you can get him to fuck you, you certainly won't regret it.  As a matter of fact, tomorrow is Saturday, and he will be coming up from Houston to visit Karl and Francine.  Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"

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"No, not really.  Why?"

"Let me see if I can get Karl to fire up the barbecue grill tomorrow when Robert comes.  Maybe we can even have a pool party tomorrow night.  How does that sound?"

"A pool party!  With all of us half naked in swimsuits... right!  There will be alcohol... dancing... rubbing up against each other in the pool... right!  Robert will be there... I'm in!!"  As an afterthought, I asked, "Uh, Gina?"


"You don't seem to mind, but do you think Francine would mind if I made a play for Robert?  After all, you and Francine are fucking him and I don't want to intrude."

"Francine loves to watch her men fuck other women, and you're quite right:  I don't mind sharing Robert any more than Francine does.  Have at him.  Like I said, if you can get him between your legs, you won't be disappointed.  Just leave a little for me afterwards, when you're done with him!"

"I make no promises, Gina!"

"Bitch!" she grinned.

We continued our banter until around midnight, then we each drove home.  I couldn't wait to finally meet Robert the next day.

I awoke bright and early Saturday morning and after doing my usual morning ritual of getting washed up and dressed, I launched myself into my household chores; anything to get my mind off this guy I was dying to meet.  My pussy was pulsing with every heartbeat, my clit was engorged, and I was wet even before I could put the first load of laundry into the washing machine.  

Damn!  I hate it when I get this way.  I can hardly think straight... I need some relief.  No, wait.  I want to save the arousal for tonight.  I want to be hot as I can be when I finally meet him.  Something physical, I need to do something physical.  

I went out to the tool shed behind the house and pulled out the lawn mower.  Brian, my sixteen-year-old son, usually does the lawn, but today I needed something strenuous to burn off some of my sexual tension.  I attacked the lawn with a vengeance!  

I finished around noon, grateful that I had given my thoughts a rest for a couple of hours.  The problem now was that I was finished.  Hot and sweaty from mowing the lawn in the morning sun, I went into the house to pour myself a tall glass of lemonade.

I was savoring the icy coolness when the phone rang.


"Hey, Pattie."

"Oh, hey, Gina.  How's things?"

"I got everything set up with Karl.  He's going to throw a pool party tonight, so can you be at their place around six this evening?  Robert's definitely going to be there."

"Sure," was all I could say.  

"Great, see ya this evening," she said, and we hung up.

Did she have to mention his name again?  Shit!  My pussy was starting to pulse again I can feel it leaking my warm juices into my sweat-soaked panties!  And I still have six hours to go, shit!!  What in the flying fiddely-fuck do I do now?

I decided a cool shower would do me a lot of good, so off I went.  The coolness of the water cascading over my tired muscles really was soothing.  I soaped up my hair, then grabbed my favorite sponge, soaped it up, and ran it all over my face, shoulders, and arms.  I rinsed my face then started moving the sponge over my tits, caressing my hard nipples with it.  

I placed the flat of the sponge very lightly onto the tip of my left nipple and started to move the sponge around slowly in light tiny circles.  That felt oh so good.  Removing the sponge from my left nipple, I used my left hand to pinch, pull and twist the dark little knob.  

"Oohh!" I moaned softly.

Moving the sponge to my right nipple, I repeated the light circles.  The feel of the soapy sponge sliding over the tip of my nipple was exquisite.

"Mmmm!  That feels sooo good," I murmured to myself.

I moved the sponge lower to my navel, moving it in larger circles over my skin as I continued further downward.  It felt so sensual, but I still was trying desperately to keep my hands away from my needy pussy.  

I swear, I really tried to hold out, but it was just no use.  I finally gave in to my smoldering desires.  Putting the sponge on the soap rack, I slid the middle finger of my right hand down over my craving pussy.  Feeling the slick wetness that was oozing out of me, I rubbed the flat of my middle finger back and forth over my pouty inner lips.

"Ah, yes," I hissed.

Spreading my legs and squatting slightly, I inserted the finger into my hot, hungry, needy pussy, stroking slowly in and out.

"Ah, God, I need this!"

I inserted my ring finger next to the first one.  Curling both fingers slightly, I found my G-spot.  I began moving my fingers faster and faster, stroking myself.

"Aahh, that feels so good," I groaned loudly.

I knew I should have taken care to make it last longer, but I was beyond caring at that point.  Removing the fingers from inside my opening, I slid them up to my engorged clit.  I started moving the fingertips in fast tight circles, trying desperately to satisfy the burning, seething, ache deep down inside me.  My left hand went up to my hard protruding left nipple.  I pinched and twisted it.  The exquisite feeling from my nipple connected directly with my pussy.

"Oh, shit...  ohh...  oohh!"  I could feel the rumbling of the storm starting to build deep within me.  I began rubbing my clit faster and faster.  Almost before I knew it, my orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer!  

"Oh, my God!  Aaahhh... aaahhh... aaahhh!!" I squealed, the suddenness and intensity caught me completely off guard, almost causing me to lose my balance.

The walls of my pussy clenched tightly together, then released and started throbbing over and over.  My entire abdomen from front to back was pulsing in rhythm as my orgasm roared through me like an erupting volcano.  With eyes squinted tightly shut and my two middle fingers frantically rubbing my engorged clit, I just surrendered to the exquisite release and let it wash over me like the cascading water from the shower.  

Finally, mercifully, the sensations began to subside.  I removed my hand from my clit and just stood there letting the water flow over me from head to toe, enjoying the delicious afterglow.

"Oh man, did I fucking need that!  Now at least I can think straight again," I muttered to myself.

I finished my shower, rinsed out the sponge, and put it away.  After drying myself, I decided to take a short nap.  Completely exhausted, I flopped naked onto the bed.  Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep satisfying sleep.

The next thing I knew, I was awaken by the rays of the low-hanging evening sun shining directly through my bedroom window into my eyes, blinding me.

"Shit!  I wonder what time it is?"

The clock on the nightstand read 6:13.  I'd be a little late getting to Karl and Francine's pool party, but not all that late.  I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth again.  After donning my bikini, I put on my makeup, combed my hair, then slid on a one-piece wrap around dress and sandals.  I grabbed my purse and was off to the pool party.

When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that I was the last to arrive.  The entire property is surrounded by an eight foot high concrete wall affording complete privacy.  I had been here a couple of times before, so I knew to walk along the driveway, which ran the length of the right side of the house, down towards the double-garage at the end.  The garage was placed sixty feet behind and to the right of the house.  

Between the garage and the house was a huge flagstone patio stretching across the entire width of the house and extending to the left side of the garage (as you're facing it), then extending down the full length of the garage.  The Olympic-sized pool was centered in the patio, with the leading edge of the pool being lined up with the front of the garage and extending beyond the length of the garage further into the backyard.

Still walking along the driveway, somewhat lost in my own thoughts, I almost walked right past the big black Mercedes.

"Holy shit!" I thought, "What's Tolban doing back here so soon, and how in the hell does he know Karl and Francine?  Strange."

I stepped around the corner of the house and onto the patio where the party already was going full swing.  The pool was surrounded by several deck chairs (each, covered with a towel) and Francine had set up two tables near the sliding glass doors leading into the kitchen.  The tables were heaped with a variety of chips, dips, potato salad, mixed green salads, breads, vegetables, and desserts.

Of course, no pool party is ever complete without ice cold beer and soft drinks.  I also noticed that everyone except Karl was dressed only in their swimwear (he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, swimming trunks, and flip-flops).  Karl was standing at the barbecue grill on the far side of the patio, to the right of the two tables with all the food.  He was just putting on some delicious looking steaks.  

Francine hurried over to me and curled her right arm around my left.

"Well hello there, stranger!" she said.

She looked stunning in her bikini.  How the woman managed to walk upright with those 36DD tits mounted on her chest, defied all known laws of physical science.  

"Glad you finally made it.  There is someone here who's dying to meet you."


"As if you don't know!  By the way, isn't his brand new black Mercedes simply out of this world?"

I thought to myself, "Francine, you have absolutely no fucking idea how true those words are!" 

So, it's Robert's Mercedes, not Tolban's, I realized, a bit relieved.

My heart was pounding in my chest and my knees were a bit wobbly as she took me by the hand and led me over to one of the picnic tables under a shady palm tree.  Sitting there with his back to us talking to Gina and her boyfriend Don, was a guy who obviously was Robert.  He was wearing dark blue swimming trunks and sunglasses.  His muscular back looked like someone had poured soft light milk chocolate all over it.  I waved to Don and Gina as we drew near.

"Hi!" I said.

Hearing us approaching, Robert turned around to face us as he shifted the sunglasses to the top of his head.  His dark hair was cropped very short and was cut neatly around the edges.  His hazel eyes and somewhat wide nose confirmed his obvious ethnicity.  He also had very thin lips.  I noticed that his ears stood up sharply with little space between them and his head.  This had the affect of making them look almost pointed, when he faced directly towards you.

Francine addressed him, "Robert, I'd like you to meet our new receptionist.  This is Pattie."

Coming to his feet, Robert extended his hand as he smiled at me, "Pleased to meet you at last, Pattie.  Gina has told me so many wonderful things about you."

I could hardly believe my eyes!  His skin color was just the tiniest bit darker than Tolban's, his carriage and demeanor, those intense eyes, that melodious voice... but most important of all, the distinct ring of high intelligence!  My jaw dropped.  I stared at this Adonis in open-mouthed amazement, not able to utter a single word.

OH-MY-GOD! I thought.  He was almost a carbon copy of Tolban!!

"Pattie?  Are you alright?" he asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Huh?  Uuhh, yeah.  Sure, I'm fine.  I'm pleased to finally meet you too, Robert.  Sorry... uh, I didn't mean to stare, but you bear an incredible resemblance to someone I know," I stammered as I took his warm "cozy" hand into mine.  

I said to myself, Keep it together, girl.  Maintain eye contact.  Sure, he reminds you of Tolban, but whatever you do, do not scan down his body and don't you dare look down at his package! 

Through gritted teeth, I kept my eyes locked on his face as I smiled and released his hand.  Gina was snickering to herself as she watched me practically drool all over myself.  I just glared at her.  That made her start to chuckle audibly, the bitch!

You know me well enough by now to have guessed what my entire lower anatomy, especially my pussy, was doing:  yep, somersaults.  I needed to get a grip on things.  I needed to get away from this man for just a few minutes, and I mean right the fuck now, or I was going to jump him just like I had done to Tolban.  Shit, those damned hormones were making me want to pull my fucking hair out!!

"Please take a seat and join us," invited Robert jesturing towards the picnic bench.

"Thanks.  In a minute, just let me go over and say hello to Karl.  I'll be right back."  

Aaarrrggghhhh!!! I thought to myself.

Grabbing Francine by the hand, I hurried her over to where Karl was puttering with the barbecue grill.  Half-way there, I panted, "He is just too fucking gorgeous!  Where in the world did you ever find such a fine specimen of manhood?"

"Actually, we didn't find him.  He found us."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind... long story... tell you some other time," she breathed, her tits bouncing up and down with each step.  "Hi, sweetheart.  Look who's here," beamed Francine to her husband Karl.

"Hey, Pattie girl.  Glad to see you made it.  You're just in time.  The steaks just got done."  He turned and called to the three sitting under the palm tree, "Food's up y'all!  Grab a plate and let's get started."  He always cooked extra steaks in case anyone wanted seconds, so there was plenty for all.

Everybody piled their plates with various foods, and we all ate together at the picnic table under the palm tree.  My steak was delicious, and I was famished.  The conversation flowed freely, with topics ranging from sports, to entertainment, to current events.  I was seated in the middle with Karl to my left and Robert to my right.  Across the table, Don was seated in the middle with Francine to his right facing Karl, and Gina to Don's left facing Robert.

The whole time we were eating, I had to force myself to keep my eyes from roaming all over Robert, although I did brush my knee against his "accidentally" a few times.  Gotta keep stoking the fire, you know!

After everyone finished eating, we all pitched in clearing off the picnic table.  After we were done, Francine brought out a huge pitcher of Margaritas.  The rims of the glasses already were salted, and the lime wedges were hanging just right.  The conversation continued until well after dark as the alcohol flowed freely, and we all were starting to feel it's affects.  Karl had already switched on the patio lights and the ones in the pool as well.

During a lull in the conversation, Robert turned to me and asked me to tell him a bit more about myself.

"Well, let's see.  I was born and raised in the city of Conroe.  I got married at nineteen to my husband, Jeff.  My son Brian came along a year later.  Jeff and I were married three years before he decided to run off to Dallas with another woman."

"I'm sorry to hear about your husband abandoning you and little Brian."

"Oh, that was over thirteen years ago, it doesn't really matter anymore.  My only regret is that Brian had to grow up without having a father present.  What about you, Robert?  Tell me something about yourself."

"Well, I grew up in a little oil town here south east of here, near the border with Louisiana.  That's where I got my last name.  It's Creole-French, you know."

"Hm, no.  I didn't know that."

"Yep.  I moved to Washington, D.C. to live with relatives when I was a teenager.  I finished high school there before enrolling at Howard University."

"Uh-huh.  What did you major in?"


Oh, fuck!  That's it.  That's the other connection to Tolban... science, I thought. 

Robert continued, "After finishing at Howard, I went on to work for NASA mission control down in Clear Lake City."

"I've been there.  It's beautiful.  Clear Lake really is a salt lake which opens into Galveston Bay."

"That's exactly right.  Ever since I can remember, I have always felt this urge to learn more and more about outer space.  I can't explain it," Robert mused.

Man, we seemed to be hitting it off really well...  the urge was starting increase as I stared into those mesmerizing hazel eyes of his.  Robert didn't know he was talking to a sapiosexual.  Smart makes me horny: real, real horny, and he was real, real smart.  I could feel my pussy swelling up and my clit getting hard... again!  It actually was throbbing from the rush of blood, and it was driving me bat-shit crazy.  I needed to cool off, and I had the perfect solution.

"Say, Robert, speaking of all this water, care to take a dip in the pool with me?  We can continue talking there, if you'd like."

"Sure, Pattie.  Good idea."

I winked at Gina sitting in front of Robert, watching us the whole time with a smirk on her face.

Robert and I walked side by side over to the shower area, to rinse off before jumping into the pool, each of us grabbing a towel from a nearby lawn chair.  I walked a bit "unsteadily" next to Robert, hoping he'd take notice.

When we reached the shower, I undid my wrap-around dress, and hung it on a nearby wall hook.  Turning to my right, I noticed Robert was taking in the sight of me removing my dress.  I smiled at him.  Good boy!  I finished rinsing off, and as I walked towards him I casually let my eyes roam.  Just as I suspected:  this Adonis did have a nice package.  The entire appraisal took about a second and a half.

"Your turn," I said, smiling, letting him continue to take in my bikini-clad pixie form.

"You certainly are lovely, Pattie."

"Why thank you, kind sir," I replied as I watched him take his turn under the cascading water.  

It was almost mesmerizing just watching him rinse himself.  I almost could imagine what he might look like naked in the shower.  My hungry pussy was pulsing, and I could feel my slickness all over again.  When he finished, I grabbed his hand and led him over to the edge of the pool.

"Ok, now.  On the count of three... whew!  Hang on a sec, the alcohol really is getting to me," I said, swaying towards him, juuust right.  

As Robert reached to put his arm around my waist to steady me I turned my back slightly towards him.  I then positioned my left hand level with his cock and just waited (ladies, you know the move!).  When he took that inevitable step forward to catch me, his cock went straight into my waiting hand.  Gotcha!

I held onto it as I turned and grinned at him.

"Oohh, what have we here?  I was trying to reach for your arm.  I bet you did that on purpose, you naughty boy!"  I teased, still holding on to his cock as it started to swell in my hand.  He was getting aroused.  Good sign!!

He laughed, "Oh, of course.  I've been planning that all night.  Uuuhh, you haven't let go yet, do you plan on holding on to it like that for the rest of the night?"

I gave his swelling cock another little squeeze before I released it, and said, "Oh, it definitely is nice.  Now, down tiger.  Let's try this again.  On the count of three, ok?  One... two... ", then I dove in.  "Three!" I said laughing as I resurfaced.

"That's going to cost you!"

"Promises, promises," I teased again before swimming away as fast as I could.  He dove in after me.  Got him right where I want him!  

He might be smart, but I've got him aroused and doing exactly what I want... chasing after me... until I catch HIM!!!


Written by TexasEagle
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