The warmth of his breath sent her body into trembles. She could feel the lust from it as it seeped into her own flesh, infecting her with the same disease. His roaming hands cleaned her body of gloom and loneliness, they would follow her every command to satisfy her sexual desires.
“Teddy,” she moaned innocently, “make my problems go away. Take me far away from this place and give me what I’ve been longing.”
He spun her around and locked eyes with her. They were green and dying, like flowers without sunlight and water.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” he said while his right hand crept between her thighs slowly. Two stealthy fingers disappeared up her dress and discovered no panties. Neil Armstrong has landed on bare nakedness.
His brown eyes were calm and mysterious, examining her porcelain petite body for signs of weakness. Her short dirty blonde hair barely touching her neck, face littered with freckles and red lipstick went well on her twenty-something face.
“Get naked.”
The command was simple and firm, she followed it without hesitation and kept her eyes on his. Velvet lingerie was revealed while shedding the dress, she removed her black heels and tossed them aside like keys. Her feet were clean and thankfully they weren’t ugly, her toes were painted light blue and that turned him on quite a bit.
“Take the lingerie off slowly,” he said, the words slipped from his lips softly. Hannah began to do what she was told, unveiling small breasts in the need of touch. Slowly, she took off the panties gracefully, sliding down her smooth legs without any delay. Not a single hair could be found on her body, even her pussy was bald and that made him overload with lust.
Teddy grabbed Hannah and lifted her up by the hips, nearly elevating her head to the ceiling. Her legs dangled freely, she was confused by this action because it was the first time being lifted like a cheerleader and tall heights weren’t a friend. She was ready to ask him what he was doing until her eyes nearly crossed each other. She choked on several sounds as the sensation of his tongue made her hyperventilate. Her arms shot up to the ceiling for help, pleasure and the fear of falling made her palm the ceiling with both hands.
“O-oh-m-my god,” she stuttered. “Ohmygod!” She screamed it all in one word.

This was the first time in her short sex life a man had found her spot, it was the first time a man pleased her before pleasing himself. He licked that clit like there was no tomorrow. It was magical, if eating pussy was an Olympic sport, he would definitely bring home the gold for his country. She was ready to cum, her nails clawed at the ceiling as her body tensed up, she wouldn’t dare bite her bottom lip for the fear of it bleeding. She began muttering a sexual language that has yet to be translated, the waterworks were ready to spray everything in sight.
“T-Teddy I’m g-g-going t-to cum—Imgoingtocum!”
He stopped. Teddy planted Hannah back to the floor nonchalantly, his mouth wet from the flowing river that was about to become a raging tsunami. Hannah was baffled by being back on her feet, she was so close to a climax and for some reason, he stopped. Her legs were shaky from the excitement while her mind flooded with questions.
“Why did you stop?” The question came out desperately with a bit of anger. Teddy’s smirk to the question added fuel to the fire.
“You really thought I was going to let you cum this early?” He chuckled at his own question. It was a game to him, it was torture and playfulness all meshed together. He loved the desperation on her face, the hunger for sex in her eyes was lush green. “Don’t worry, you’ll reach your climax before we're done. But first, you’re gonna have to work for it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Get on your knees and open your mouth.”
Confusion struck her but she did as he said, the cold floor welcomed her virgin knees. She waited patiently as he unbuttoned his pants, they fell down to his shoes dramatically. His boxer briefs were short and gray. The size of his dick never came to mind, but damn, what was up with that imprint? It was thick and had some length, was this the BBC she had heard from others and wondered what if?
Hannah couldn’t take her eyes off it. The bulge hypnotized her and she would do whatever it wanted. Only Teddy's voice broke her trance, this thing was going to be a problem.
“I remember saying to open your mouth,” he said firmly. He knew he had her where he wanted, this was going to be very fun.
To be continued.