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Life After the Divorce: The Next Chapter

"Donna continues to enjoy her newly found sexual freedom."

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After my night with Tyler, there was an awakening within me. For so long I suppressed my sexual feelings but that was something I could not nor did I want to do anymore. That night with Tyler was amazing, and the nights to follow with him were just as amazing. Over time however, Tyler began to pull away, and I saw less and less of him. To be honest, this was fine with me, I enjoyed sex with him and cherished our nights together, but I too, did not want to become exclusive with him.

Quite frankly, I wanted to enjoy as much sex as I could with others. Like I said, this soccer Mom had had her sexual needs awakened. For too many years I was tied down to one man and I wanted that to change. I wanted to experience as many new sexual adventures as I could.

As months went by I did enjoy sharing my bed with other men and, I have to confess, a few woman as well, but I really do not think I was prepared for what happened next. The kids were going to be with their father for the weekend, and just after they left I got a call from my asshole ex-husband. When he calls it is never a good conversation and this one was no different.

He went on to tell me that because of some financial setbacks he was not going to be able to pay his part of our oldest son’s senior trip. This was a trip my son was talking about for months and was so looking forward to it. After a lengthy conversation which was mostly me calling him every name in the book, he agreed that he would not say anything to our son yet, and we would both look into ways we could get the money for the trip.

I was so upset from that discussion I decided I needed to go out tonight instead of staying home like I planned. I made a few calls to some friends to see if I could convince someone to go out for a few drinks with me. However, everyone already had plans and I was not able to secure a drinking buddy.

I decided I was going to go out by myself, so I wouldn’t sit home and stew over my stupid fucking asshole of an ex. The more I thought of him the more upset I got.

I went upstairs and started to look through my closet to pick out an outfit for the evening. Because we were having some unusually warm weather, I decided on a summery peach floral dress. The top was a halter which allowed me to go without a bra. Also, it was tight and short. I wore a pair of peach heels to highlight my long, toned sexy legs. After applying just a little makeup to enhance the sparking tones of my translucent green eyes, I added a pearl necklace to draw a man's attention to my ample cleavage. A final look in the mirror brought a smile to my face before I headed out: I liked what I saw.

I decided to go to a fairly new club in town called the “Play Pen,” that was highly recommended by a number of people. They had a DJ most nights, and, on a few occasions, they would have live bands performing. With my main purpose being there was for drinking, not socializing, I arrived at the club plenty early. Because of the sparse crowd, I was able to take a seat at the bar. I ordered a captain and ginger. Noticing the expensive décor, I suspected there would be a high scale clientele.

It didn’t take long and the place started to fill up. A huge black man sat next to me who was about 6’8” and very muscular. As he took his seat, we exchanged greetings, but we didn’t say much to each other for maybe a half hour or so. I guess he just needed to get comfortable enough to strike up a conversation, but finally he did.

He told me his name was Carl and he was quite new to the area. I asked him what brought him to the city and he told me it was his job. He just took a new position in an advertising agency and had to relocate for it. He went on to tell me where he was from but had not been home for quite some time, because there was just nothing there for him. As the conversation developed, he divulged quite a bit of details of his life and how he escaped the slums of his childhood. It seems the most common method of survival was to join a gang.

However, a teacher in middle school had recognized his potential as a basketball player, and he was able to become a standout in high school and qualify for a sports scholarship to a large university. This had been his ticket out of the ghetto. He was far more fortunate than his two brothers, with one killed by gunfire in the neighborhood and his other brother now in prison. I sat there in total shock with all these things so foreign to my life.

I have to confess I was enjoying my conversation with my new friend and I did get a little tingle when he asked why a pretty sexy woman like me is alone in a club. Well, I didn’t want to bore him with all the details so I just told him that I had a really bad day and all my friends had plans. I went on to tell him how I didn’t want to sit home alone so I decided to come out and enjoy the evening.

Soon as we began to know each other better, our conversation lead to more personal issues. I told him how I was divorced and about my kids. He lamented over his loss of a wonderful woman he lost because she chose not to re-locate with him. After telling him I was a teacher, he became a little more intrigued, and commented that he never had a teacher that looked like me. I smiled and felt yet another tingle shoot through my body, emanating from my heating up core.

As the night went on we drank, talked, laughed and danced some, having a wonderful time together. Carl never said a word but my mind started to think about being with him in bed. I had never been with a black man, in fact, the only naked black man I ever saw was in a video. As the fascinations built, I would think realistically that I might be jumping the gun here. He has been nothing but a gentleman and may not have any interest in bedding me at all.

It was getting late and the crowd was noticeably thinning out in the club. That is when Carl leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. “I’m having a wonderful time, and I do not want this night to end. My place is only a few blocks from here. Would I be out of line to ask if you might like to go back there for a few drinks?

I felt myself become flushed as I sat there quietly for a few seconds. My mind wondered for what seemed like forever, as I started thinking of the possibilities both positive and negative. As I jolted back to reality I smiled and told Carl, “I would love to.”

I left my car in the parking garage as we walked the few blocks to his apartment. As we walked I was holding onto Carl’s arm and was in awe of just how big it was. He obviously worked out and his arms were very muscular and defined. I am not sure if I was so fixated on how muscular his arms were or with the color contrast of our respective skin tones. My mind wondered as I watched my small little white hands hold onto this large muscular black arm. It was turning me on just to see that.

Soon we stopped in front of a ten story brick building. “This is my place,” Carl said. We walked into the building and onto the elevator. Carl pushed the tenth floor and the elevator started upward. When we reached his floor the doors opened revealing Carl’s apartment right in front of us. At that moment it hit me that he must be doing extremely well for himself with this exquisite apartment in this neighborhood. The view was breathtaking. His apartment looked out for miles over the bay. I thought, “Holy shit!”

As I stood in the middle of his living room I softly whispered to him, “Your place is beautiful and the view is just breathtaking.”

Carl smiled and as he approached me as he said, “Not as gorgeous as you are.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately. I melted as I felt his strong arms pull me into his body. I felt Carl’s hands untie my halter top, as he broke our kiss and stepped backward. The top fell downward as my 38DD tits sprung into view. He stood motionless for a few seconds lusting over my perky and upright girls.

After what seemed like forever, I stepped closer to Carl and started unbuttoning his shirt. As the last button was undone my hands moved to his chest and I caressed his body. His chest was rock solid, stirring the passion in my loins. Slowly I pushed the shirt off his broad shoulders and the garment fell silently to the floor. I know he had to capture the lust in my eyes as my hands moved back to his chest. I leaned into him as I softly kissed his cheat, even allowing my tongue to circle his dark mocha brown nipples. Just the touch of his molten hot black muscular pecs had my honey pot on fire, with my moisture rapidly leaking down my thighs. What a magnificent black body.

Carl’s hands moved to my waist as he undid the buttons of my dress letting it slid down over my hips. The dress fell to the floor. With no panties to cover his view, I stood there naked in front of him in just my four inch Louboutins. Soon after lusting over the sight before him, he was so overcome with arousal a simple whisper escaped his full lips, “Wow!”

With me being so completely exposed, my passion building, I needed to see this younger, muscular, hot black man! Was it true what was always said about black men was true? I once again moved to him as my hands reached for his belt. I slowly undid it, and then I unbuttoned his pants; all the time my eyes were locked to his. Slowly I knelt in front of him, almost worshiping this ebony god before me. My hands moved to each side of his waist and I slowly I pushed his pants downward soon in a pool around his ankles.

Having seen naked black men in movies or on porn sites still didn’t prepare me for what was in front of my face. My mouth gaped opened and I muttered out, “Holy shit.”

Carl chuckled as he asked me, “Never been with a black man before have you?”

“No, never,” I replied.

“ It’s huge,” I gasped, as I couldn’t resist reaching out to take hold of it. “And it’s not even totally hard yet.” His cock was as big as my forearm but thicker! After the shock started to wear off my interest then started to kick in as I caressed it. Staring at it intently my tongue darted out and I licked up and down his shaft from his balls to his glorious crown. I can’t really explain the excitement I felt holding Carl’s big black dick in my hands and licking it. Carl looked down at me smiling and asked what I thought about having my first black cock.

Recounting the rumors I had always heard, I admitted that his tool was simply overwhelming. He chuckled at my bewilderment and pledged, “well-baby I’ll be gentle giving you this ten inch cock since it is going to be your first.” I thought to myself, holy shit ten inches? This python will split me wide open!

Although the size did intimidate me, watching his big dick in my hands excited me. Watching as both my hands are wrapped around this huge thick black cock, seeing the dark skin against my white skin turned me on even more. Although it was massive I knew I wanted it in my mouth, I have always enjoyed sucking a man’s dick, and well, to boast a little, I have become very good at it. Holding it, I looked up into Carl’s eyes as I leaned in again. My tongue licking around his tip, I licked up the droplets of precum from Carl’s cock, loving that salty taste as well; just so fucking delicious.

Slowly I wrapped my lips around his tip and took him into my mouth. Moving slower down on his cock, I was amazed when I realized I had him down my throat. There was still plenty more cock for stuffing into my face, as I still had not reached my dainty Lilly white hands tightly wrapped around the base of this ebony shaft!

I moved my mouth up and down on Carl, as I stared into his eyes. His eyes closed and he let out a loud moan. That is the point that I love. I feel no better accomplishment than to have a man’s cock in my mouth, knowing it was my mouth and tongue that had brought so much pleasure to him. This has always aroused me in epic proportions and continues to do so to this day.

Even though I was very content to continue to knee before this gentle giant of a man, while sucking his beautiful prick, I felt Carl's large hands pull me to my feet, causing this fabulous tool to pop from my oral stimulation.

Without saying a word, he just picked me into his arms and kissed me, as he carried me to his bedroom. What a turn on it was to be carried to his bedroom and placed on the bed. As I lay there on the bed looking up at Carl, his hands moved to my breasts as he massaged and caressed them.

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Leaning down as he kissed my right nipple, using his tongue to circle around it. Then sucking my right nipple into his mouth, Carl pinched my left nipple. I felt both of my nipples reach an extended state, as each tip hardened and elongated. I felt so sensual and aroused, knowing I was going to give this man anything he desired that night. A lioness of molten desire was being unleashed and I was relishing every minute of our shared lust!

I watched as this giant black lover stood over me, drinking in every inch of my naked body, with adoration and arousal evident in those dark eyes, while I was exhibited so lewdly on the bed. When he resumed his attention with his mouth and hands on my sensitive breasts, I felt my body responding to his touch. I wanted him in me! I knew I wanted that big thick black cock in me! I wanted him to fuck me! I wanted to be his white slut for the night! Oh my god, I couldn't believe this was me. Even though I was only thinking these thoughts, I still can’t believe it was me thinking them. This was so out of character for me to think in this vein. Still this was what I wanted, and I wanted it now!

Overcoming the embarrassment of my thoughts, I reached to him as he continued to stand next to me. I took his cock in my hand again began to stroke it slowly. Carl was soon taking control. He started to kiss his way over my stomach as he moved his way to my already soaking wet smooth pussy. His hands remained on my breasts as he continued to caress them. He moved onto the bed and he settled between my legs. My legs open automatically as I wanted to give him full access to me.

Carl moved his mouth to my pussy as he slowly licked up my outer lips. As his tongue reached the top of my slit his tongue flickered over my hardened clit, which had emerged from her protective hood; yes, my little nub wanted to come out to play. A loud moan escaped from my mouth as I felt him licking and then sucking on my clit.

Departing from my sensitive nub, his tongue trailed south as he worked it deep into my soaking wet pussy. His thumb then replaced his tongue on my clit, teasing it in a circular motion. Feeling his tongue deep in me while rubbing my clit, I felt my juices boiling, as I was quickly approaching my orgasmic release. This gentleman certainly knew his way around a woman's cunt! I moaned that I was reaching the edge, but he never stopped stimulating my hot sex. He continued to lick my pussy and rub my clit, until my body started to shake and convulse with an explosive orgasm that ripped through me with the power of a runaway locomotive. Holy shit!

Laying there breathing raggedly, my body still tingly from my blissful release, I felt Carl move on top of me. He leaned in and kissed me, as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. Tasting my juices on Carl’s mouth and tongue as we kissed, my hands moving up and down on Carl’s back caressing him as our hot passionate kiss continued. I could feel his hard cock against my leg as he lay on top of me. I wanted it in me; I wanted him to fuck me with that big black dick and I wanted it now!

This hedonistic craving for cock was something completely foreign to me. I was conflicted as to whether this need was due to loving this feeling of being a total slut or was I just craving his big black cock. Actually, it didn't matter. I simply knew I wanted that huge tool in me with an urgency I had never before experienced.

Breaking our kiss I whispered in his ear, “Carl, take me. Take me now! Put that huge black cock in me and fuck me!” I could hear the words coming out of my mouth, but I could not believe what I was saying. With that Carl adjusted himself between my legs and I could feel his thick cock resting against my hot wet lips of my needy pussy. Reaching between us he guided his tip, pushing it splitting my nether lips, as he slowly entered me. At first with just the tip, he stopped making sure I was adjusting to his girth. Slowly, he pushed into me a little at a time. Feeling Carl opening me and filling me with that huge dick, I felt uncomfortable as well as hurting at first.

As I became more and more accustomed to his size, Carl started to move in and out of me at a faster pace. With his cock buried deep within me, I felt the weight of his body with every thrust. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and neck, as I pulled him tighter on top of me. My moans turned to screams of pleasure and Carl fucked me faster and harder.

My breathing became shallower as I felt my second orgasm build. “Yes, YES, I’m going to cum I screamed.” With that I could feel Carl thrust faster and harder into me. Once again my body started shaking, as I rode wave after wave racking my body as I reached my second orgasm. This second orgasm was so powerful; I may have actually lost consciousness momentarily.

Carl moved off me and took me in a loving embrace. I felt a deep sense of protection, as my breathing returned to some sense of normalcy. I laid my head on his broad smooth chest. It took a few moments until I looked down and noticed Carl’s cock was still rock hard. I looked back at him confused as I asked him, “didn’t you cum?” Carl smiled at me and told me that it was nothing new it usually takes a while before he does cum.

Never experiencing this before I was fascinated, most men cum quickly, and once done, are either asleep or out the door in record time. I didn’t have many men that outlasted the woman. I reached down, took hold of him and I started to slowly stroke him. He whispered,” Suck me a little baby.” I moved down to his cock still glistening with my juices all over it. My mouth opened as I started to move my mouth up and down on him once again. It excited me so much watching his thick big black cock slide between my lips and down my throat. I loved sucking this stud's fabulous prick; the feel of him getting even harder, the throb of his heartbeat as the blood rushed to fill his tool just felt so incredible in my mouth; on my tongue and into my throat … mmm.

As I regained my composure I took his dick out of my mouth and climbed onto his hips. Taking hold of his big piece of meat I lowered myself onto it in my favorite cowgirl position. Feeling it spread me open again as it touched parts deep inside me. As I rode Carl’s cock his hands reached up as he cupped my tits squeezing and caressing them as I rode him faster. The site of this large black man’s hands on my tits and me sitting on him riding his cock drove me once again to an amazing orgasm.

I collapsed on top of Carl. As I regained my senses, I once again realized that Carl was still hard in me, with the lips of my hot cunt settled on the base of his cock and the head firmly pressing against my cervix. I felt so full as I sat up and looked him in the eyes and simply asked, “Still nothing?” He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders as he laughed.

I moved back between his legs, as his cock popped out of my pussy and fell onto his stomach. The sound of his dick slapping against his stomach filled the room. Moving between his legs I once again took it in my hands holding it as I wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked it once again.

Before long Carl pulled me off his cock and told me to get on all fours on the edge of the bed. He stood behind me holding his cock as he thrust it into me doggie style. I felt his dick spread me open for yet another time as he began ramming it in me deeply. I have always loved to be fucked doggie style because it seemed you could always feel the man embedded deeper into you. This, however, was a little different, since well, to be honest, I don’t think I wanted to feel Carl in me any deeper. He had already gone where no man had gone before!

His strong big hands were holding my waist as he rammed his dick in my sloppy hole faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Both our bodies were glistening with sweat as our moans mingled together in a chorus filling the room. Suddenly Carl pulled out of me. I was confused at first as to why he pulled out of me, but quickly realized he wanted me in a different position. He guided me onto my back at the edge of the bed. He remained standing as he hiked my legs over my head. With my high heels still on, he took hold of my ankles, as he hiked my legs high into the air. This opened up my pussy, as he rammed his dick hard into me. His thrusts were harder and faster and I thought this has to be it. He must be close. He's finally going to cum. With every thrust into me my tits bounced and wiggled, appearing like shock waves moving through them, as they rocked back and forth on my chest. Looking up into Carl’s face, I could see he was getting ready to cum.

Knowing he was finally getting ready to blow his load, mixed with the hard deep thrust of his black meat into me, and brought me to the brink of my fourth orgasm. With that Carl clinched his teeth, closed his eyes tight, and moaned loudly as he thrust hard and deep into me. Feeling his cock throb and pulsate as he filled me with his hot thick creamy cum! Carl’s excitement brought me to another orgasm, this one stronger and longer than any of the previous three releases of the evening. My cunt was overflowing as his seed oozed out of my gaping hole trickling down the crack of my ass and pooling on the sheets below me.

Carl fell onto the bed next to me as we both lay motionless next to each other. Not saying a word our heavy breathing filled the bedroom. As I started to come back to reality I couldn’t believe the night I just had with this wonderful lover. Feeling obligated to him after giving me so many orgasms I wanted to show him how much I loved it. Words couldn’t have expressed it so I leaned over took his cock again into my mouth and sucked him clean. He loved it this extra attention. I guess it was something that not many women had done for him, but as I said before, I do so love to suck cock and have no qualms to use my mouth to clean a man’s cock of our mixed excretions, after we have fucked. It is just so deliciously dirty; I love it.

After I made sure he was totally cleaned I moved up next to Carl. He wrapped his strong muscular arm around me as he held me and I lay snuggled up to him our sweaty bodies together as one, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

In the early hours of the morning, I woke up and quietly started to get dress to leave. Thinking to myself this is just like one of the sluts in the movies sneaking out after a hard fuck. Carl’s voice startled me, when he told me I didn’t have to leave, and I could stay as long as I wanted. I crawled back onto the bed, kissed him on the lips softly and thanked him for a wonderful evening, but I did have to go because I had early morning plans and needed to get home.

As much as I wanted to ask if I could see him again, I restrained myself from asking. Not sure why, but maybe I was afraid he would tell me no, or maybe for the first time tonight, I was being a lady and waiting to be asked. Either way, I was thrilled when he then asked me if he could see me again. He barely got the words out of his mouth when I screamed, “Yes,” back at him. He asked me to leave my number on the tablet next to the bed and he would give me a call.

As I got dressed and left the apartment, I was walking on air because he wanted to see me again. However, it was short lived when I realized walking back to my car that was my first “walk of shame.” I quickly dismissed those feelings, not caring, since that amazing fuck was well worth any embarrassment.

Once home I realized that I was so totally worked up as I thought about Carl. I tried to determine if it was caused by him being such a gentleman, remembering his hot muscular body, the size of his fabulous cock or simply the amazing fuck he had given me. I concluded it was probably a little of all of these factors. However, the main overriding factor of all was I simply got off on the contrasting color of our skin. It had always been so taboo in my mind, but seeing my lily-white skin against his beautiful black body aroused me no end, and to this day continues to enhance my arousal.

Yes, to this day, Carl is still a part of my life. Although we are not exclusive, nor do we want to be, we do enjoy each other sexually. It has evolved into a very hot and exciting relationship that serves both of our needs and desires!

Oh and by the way, the ex is still a fucking asshole, but I was able to get the money for my son and he went on his senior trip.

Just another happy chapter of my life after my divorce.

Written by Soccermom
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