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Learning the hard way

"Lisa helps Will better understand Shakespeare's poetry."

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Competition Entry: Bookish Stories

“And that will be all for today guys.” Lisa addressed the group of students cheerfully, making sure to smile and nod at each one reassuringly.

“Make she you look over the poems we discussed, especially you Dagon.” She awkwardly smiled at the gigantic wall of jock that was Dagon.

“I’ll think about it teach.” Dagon said this over his shoulder as he made his way back to the center of his ‘fan club.' The moment he crossed the threshold into the hallway, he had a girl on each arm and many more fighting for his attention. Lisa didn’t understand.

She had heard all the rumors about Dagon. All of those extra “vitamins” he took made him lacking in the one department he boasted about the most. But even if the rumors weren’t true, she wouldn’t act like that over Dagon. He wasn’t her type.

When the noise from Dagon and his crowd finally faded, Lisa’s polite smile turned into a frowned at the thought of this new nickname. It was an improvement from nerd chick, but not by much. How, or why, he seemed not to know her name was a mystery; she wrote it on the board during every tutoring session she had ever given.

Forgetting about the nickname Dagon had given her, Lisa’s attention returned to collecting all her papers and her prized collection of poems she used for her literature tutoring session.

The list of the most recent grades earned by the students in her group fell out. She looked it over again.

Everyone that came to her tutoring sessions seemed to be improving little by little, except for one. Will, who still couldn’t manage to get higher than a C and the bare-minimum C at that.

“Ms. Lisa?” Lisa was startled from her train of thought by its subject, Will. She raised an eyebrow at him, both wondering what he wanted and why he had called her “Ms.” like we weren’t in the same class.

“I was wondering if you could help me out a little more. I know I’m at every session, but it just doesn’t want to click in my head.”

Lisa was shocked. Will had probably said more words to her just now than the entire time he had been going to tutoring. He always acted so stand-offish during the sessions, never trying to interact in any way with the rest of the group. This behavior would’ve been semi-understandable if the majority of the students were like Dagon, “macho bird-brains” to put it stereotypically, but the group was a diverse one.

Lisa never understood how people could be “bored” with literature, or not get the symbolism within a poem. Back in primary school, it didn’t make her the most popular girl, or the girl with many friends, but literature was something that she had always enjoyed.

“Hello? Earth to Lisa!” Will snapped his fingers near her ear, effectively bringing her away from her musing.

“Sorry, sorry. What did you have in mind Will?” Lisa’s face was once again red from embarrassment, and she dipped her head avoiding eye contact. She didn't talk to guys, outside of sessions that is.

She heard Will chuckle at her bashfulness.

“I thought we could set up a schedule. So we can meet for some one-on-one sessions.” Will’s demeanor was completely different right now. He almost sounded helpless. The more Lisa observed, the more he seemed just as shy as she acted. Lisa unconsciously bit her lip.

“Well, um, I’m free after every tutoring session. If you want, we could have one right now, or whatever, it’s up to you.” She tried to sound as confident as possible, willing her voice not to shake as she looked Will in the eye.

“Sure, it’s cool.” She noticed that he didn’t hold eye contact with her. When she looked him in the eye, his gaze fell, or he made an excuse to look away. “We can go to the cafe; it should be empty by now.”

Lisa sipped her Pumpkin Spice latte and flipped through the many pages of poetry within the book on her lap as she waited for Will to finish pouring an unnecessary amount of sugar and creamer into his coffee. She was pondering which poet they would start with when he finally made his way to their little booth near the back, and they sat in awkward silence for what seemed like forever.

“So.” They both started.

“Oh sorry, go ahead.” Lisa quickly apologized and put the rim of her cup to her lips, preventing her from interrupting again.

“It’s okay.” Will leaned back casually, smiling. “So this Shakespeare dude? Do you have any tips for better understanding what was up with him?”

Lisa stopped to think about ways that she had learned to get better at connecting the themes of poetry. Absent-mindedly her cheeks puffed up as she thought; it was something that happened when she had to think especially hard about a problem.

Will had noticed and chuckled a little at her odd facial expression.

“Quiet! I’m thinking!” Lisa snapped harshly, in a tone she had never used in front of Will before.

Immediately she blushed, her hand covering her mouth as her eyes widened in shock. She watched Will’s face for a response.

His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open slightly, his entire demeanor changed right before her eyes. A small spark of inspiration came to life within Lisa’s head.

“Grab the books and take me home, now.” She commanded, no shake in her voice now, no room for him to object. Lisa picked her coffee cup up and proceeded to through it into the trash bin nearest the exit. She continued outside and stood there, looking out into the parking lot.

For a second she thought that she had made a mistake and that he wouldn’t follow her out, but in seconds he was behind her, pointing her in the direction of his car.

The ride to Lisa’s off-campus apartment wasn’t a long one. Lisa refused to look in Will’s direction the entire way and didn’t return any of his small talk.

When they got there, she didn’t wait long for him to follow her up to the third floor where she resided. At the door, she unlocked it and stepped in. Turning around to Will she relayed another command.

“Take off your shoes before you step foot into my apartment.” Lisa pointed at the shoes and motioned towards the mat to the left of the door.

Next, she tapped on the glass top of her coffee table, apparently meaning that the books should go there.

Will took the clue and stood awkwardly in her living room after depositing the books on the small table. Lisa sat on the couch, legs crossed and arms spread out on the back of the sofa.

“I know how we are going to get Shakespeare to click in your head.” Nodding at the book, Lisa smiled devilishly. It was evident to her that Will was nervous, but also excited.

Lisa got up and placed a chair in the middle of the room, patting the cushion, inviting Will to have a seat. She held the back of the chair as he slowly sat down. Once he sat, she grabbed her book of poetry and opened it up to the page she had bookmarked, pointing to a line.

“Start reading here. It’s a pretty good poem. I’ll be right back. I’m going to change.” Lisa retreated inter her room, heading straight for the back of her closet, where her deepest secrets hid. There she retrieved her leather studded boots, her leather dress that laced up the sides, and her leather gloves.

Lisa was excited. She had never had a reason to wear the entire outfit before. Not only did she have a reason to wear it all but she was going to get to play in it as well.

Quickly Lisa donned her outfit and checked herself out in the mirror. Taking a dark lipstick from her case, she made her full lips as dark as they could get. As she assessed her reflection, she was nearly satisfied, but there was one important piece missing from her outfit.

Kneeling down and pulling a box from under the bed, Lisa opened it up and revealed a beautiful crop.

She posed with it in front of her mirror, loving the way she looked wielding the crop.

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Lisa imagined what it would be like if she got to use it on Will. It was time to go find out if he was even ok with this.

Lisa stepped into the doorway to the room where Will was. He sat reading her book, a look of confusion on his face. Forcefully, Lisa smacked her hand with the head of the crop which immediately got his attention.

She watched Will’s mouth drop as his eyes wandered over her leather-clad body.

With a devilish grin, Lisa made her way over to where he sat. She raised his chin with the crop so that their eyes met.

“How much did you read?” Looking down, Lisa saw that he hadn’t turned the page; he probably hadn’t even finished the first page.

“Tsk tsk tsk. What am I going to do with you?” Moving the crop from his chin, she motioned for him to stand. He stood without hesitation.

Walking around him, Lisa trailed the head of her crop against his torso, inspecting his body.

He wasn’t overly muscular, like Dagon, but she could tell that under the cotton of his shirt was a strong upper half. As she moved around behind him, she noticed another gorgeous part of Will’s body. His ass was perfect, and Lisa couldn’t help herself from giving it a playful, yet firm, smack with her crop. Will jumped at the unexpected contact.

To her dismay, his jeans left a lot to the imagination. She knew what the remedy for that was, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Standing in front of Will, looking as intimidating as possible, Lisa uttered two words.

“Pants, off.” Her eyes glared at him, daring him to disobey her order.

He shakily reached for the button and zipper of his jeans, fumbling for a moment before successfully undoing them.

Finally, his jeans dropped to the floor, revealing a pair of boxers, out of which flowed two beautiful legs.

Inspecting him again, now without the interference of his pants, Lisa was very impressed. Without his pants, she could enjoy the sight of his ass which was hugged by his boxer briefs.

“Very good. Now sit and let’s start reading some Shakespeare.” Will sat down and picked her book back up. Before he could open it again, Lisa took it from him.

“No, I’m going to read, and you will repeat after me, and then we are going to test you.” She flipped through the pages, searching for something. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for; her knowledge of the book's contents was equal to, if not greater than, her awareness of the back of her hand.

Clearing her throat, Lisa began to read.

“Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art/as those whose beauties proudly make them cruel. . .”

Lisa paused, waiting for Will to repeat the lines. She watched him lick his lips and fidget with the hem of his shirt.

Without notice, Lisa brought the head of the crop against Will’s exposed thigh, causing him to gasp. He looked up at her, his eyes wide with shock. She returned the look with a rigid one and repeated the line once more.

“Thou art a-as tyrannous, so as th-thou art as those whose beauties proud . . . proudly make them cruel.” Will stuttered nervously but got out the words verbatim.

“Good, now what do you think he is trying to say?” She began pacing circles around Will’s chair, drawing lines with the crop.

“Um, he is talking about someone. Someone who is tyrannous?” Will flinched, waiting for another impact. Lisa lifted the crop again but brought it down softly this time. “And ‘as’ means he is comparing her to others, others whose beauty makes them cruel?” Gently she traced circles on his thigh, watching him shiver at the sensation. She could tell that he was loosening up a little; his legs opened up as her crop traced closer and closer to his inner thigh.

“For well thou know’st, to my dear doting heart/Thou art the fairest and most precious jewel.”

This time Will did not hesitate to repeat the words she spoke, and needed no prompting to explain it.

“He is telling her that she knows that, to him, she is the fairest.” As Will finished, Lisa stood in front of him. Reaching up under her dress, she removed her panties and held them out with one finger.

Closing the gap between them, Lisa put the wet cloth under his nose. He immediately breathed in the smell of her panties. Moving them to his lips, he didn’t need encouragement when he took them in his mouth, and soon he had sucked on them so much that they were more covered in his saliva than her juices.

Taking away his small reward, Lisa began reading the next lines.

“Yet in good faith some say, that thee behold, /Thy face hath not the pow'r to make love groan. /to say they err I dare not be so bold, /although I swear it to myself alone;”

Again, Will repeated the lines word for word.

“This line is about people saying the woman he likes isn’t all that beautiful. . .” He trails off, apparently stumped about the last lines. His face had fear written all over it.

Shaking her head in dismay, Lisa motioned for him to stand. Hesitantly, he obeyed, his hands remaining over his crotch.

“Take off your shirt, quickly.” Lisa watched him lift it over his head, momentarily revealing his erection. As he tossed his shirt aside, his hands returned to their position as barriers. His exposed physique caused a trickle of juice to escape from between her legs and drip down her thigh.

Walking closer to him, Lisa pushed his arms to his sides, removing them from in front of his crotch. As she slipped a finger into his waistband, he gasped. She pulled at the waistband and released, letting it snap against him and cause him to jump.

“Now these.” Stepping back, Lisa gave him room to remove his last article of clothing. Will’s cock sprang forth.

She stood there for a moment, admiring his tool. Unconsciously she bit her lip. Her sex ached from the intense desire that filled her at the sight of his cock.

She quickly collected herself and began with the next line.

“And to be sure that is not false, I swear/A thousand groans but thinking on thy face; /one on another’s neck do witness bear/Thy black is fairest in my judgment’s place. . .”

Will’s repetition was shakier this time, his nakedness causing him to be more nervous than before. He proceeded nonetheless.

“To prove how he feels he swears to groan. . .” As he talked, Lisa placed her knee against his crotch, causing a moan to escape his mouth and interrupt his explanation. He continued.

“His groans are proof that he believes her dark complexion is the most beautiful.” His eyes lit up as he realized the connection between them and the poem Lisa had chosen. Will’s eyes ran over her body as if, distracted by all of the activity, he hadn’t noticed her dark complexion.

Lisa grinned and leaned forward.

Will reached out; his hands nearly touched the ends of the strings holding Lisa’s dress together before he stopped and looked up at her again. His eyes begged for permission to free her, starting with her hips and moving up to her breasts.

She nodded once, and he slowly began to undo her dress.

As he untied her dress, Lisa tossed the crop and her book to the side, the latter in a gentler manner.

With the last of the strings undone, the dress fell away from her body. As it did, her plump c-cups bounced free. Will’s breath, hot and close, caused her large, dark chocolate nipples to harden.

Will was breathing hard now, and he had begun to leak pre-cum all over his lower abdomen. Lisa could tell that he wanted to release, and she did too. Her sex screamed for attention.

Leaning down so that her lips were next to his ear, she whispered a question.

“What’s my name?”

Another moan escaped Will’s lips.

“Mistress. . . .”


Written by hellacute
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