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Interracial Gangbang in the Mountains

"A young married white couple gets stranded in the mountains, and the wife is gangbanged by Latinos."

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The White Mountains in New Hampshire are a lot of fun and a good place to get away from the crowded Boston area. However, the rugged and majestic mountains out West are much more fun for winter sports. My name is Megan, and my husband, Jason, and I were both twenty-four years old at the time of this story and making plans to start a family. We graduated together from Boston College and both found good jobs in Boston, which is fortunate, since it is very expensive to live there. We got married right after graduation.

Jason’s brother, Steven, was thirty years old then, and living with his family in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He knew that we were planning on starting a family and invited us to spend the holidays with them to enjoy skiing and snowmobiling in the mountains, before I would be burdened with pregnancy, and we were tied down with parental responsibilities.

It was sometimes hard to believe that Jason and Steven are brothers, even though they look a lot alike in the face. Jason is just over five feet and nine inches tall and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds, and he’s not muscular or athletic. Whereas, Steven is six feet and two inches tall and weighs about one hundred and ninety-five pounds, and he is very muscular and athletic. He and his wife, Sandra, take advantage of the sports of every season in the beautiful Jackson Hole area.

We were planning on staying with them for a week; three days before Christmas, and three days after. We enjoyed skiing with Steven and Sandra for the first two days, and then planned a one-day snowmobile trip high into the mountains for the next day. Jason has two snowmobiles, and each can carry two riders, so Jason and I would be riding one together. It was Christmas Eve, and the weather forecast was calling for a major storm to skirt the area at about 9:00 pm that night.

Our plan was to leave by mid-morning and reach the farthest point on our trip by 1:00 pm, so we could eat lunch, play in the snow for a couple of hours, and be back to the truck by 5:00 pm or so. That would allow us to avoid the storm and be home in plenty of time for the family’s Christmas Eve activities, since they live only a half-hour from the trailhead. We didn’t pack storm gear or most other safety equipment that they normally take on long rides, except for walkie-talkies, since there's no cellphone reception up there, and an emergency light, since we thought we had plenty of time to avoid the storm.

Steven serviced the snowmobiles to make sure they were gassed up and in good working order. Then we sat around and talked about the areas we would be riding in. He said that the nicer trails are right on the border of private property, kind of off the beaten path, and there are parts of the trail that skirt perilously close to dangerous drop-offs.

He explained further that, “We shouldn’t get separated up there, but just remember that the mountain people are wary of strangers. There are some people living off the grid up there. They don’t trust anyone and can be very protective of their surroundings. They don’t have any municipal utilities and are self-reliant and usually anti-government. The trail we’ll be on is used as a road by them, for access to their high, mountain property.”

He paused for a moment and continued, “I’m not trying to be a racist when I tell you that Wyoming’s demographics are about eighty percent white, with a majority of the remainder being Latinos. The area we’ll be in seems to have a large percentage of young Latino men, in their twenties and early-thirties. They are living in simple mountain cabins, totally off the grid, many of them without wives or other family members. They work odd jobs for cash in construction, logging, or mining when they need to. I’ve been up there before, so if we do encounter any of them, just let me do the talking, and we should be fine.”

It was a crisp, Christmas Eve day when we left the trailhead at mid-morning, with sunny skies and the temperature hovering around a typical fifteen degrees for that time of day and season. We were warm and toasty in the one-piece snowmobile suits, with long underwear underneath, and helmets that we borrowed from Steven and Sandra. It was quite a thrill riding that big machine for the first time, and we stopped at many overlooks to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The snow was fairly deep, but it was reasonably well compacted on the trail, since it was also used by the men living up there. We reached a high meadow in the middle of a forested area at about 1:00 pm, as expected, and enjoyed the picnic lunch we packed. We couldn’t see any cabins nearby but would find out later that there is one nearby in the forest. Then we raced and played on the snowmobiles in the meadow, with Jason and me taking turns on the machine.

We had been racing for about an hour when I steered into an area on the fringe of the meadow and had the misfortune of hitting a large boulder that was hidden under the powder snow. It was a glancing blow, and I wasn’t injured, but it tore the snowmobile track apart, and left that machine inoperable. The damage was too extensive for Steven to be able to fix with the repair kit he had with him.

After checking over the damage, Steven said, “Sorry, but these machines can only handle two riders, so you two will have to wait here while Sandra and I go back down the mountain and make a quick trip home to get my sled, so we can tow the machine down the mountain. We’ll go as fast as we can, but it will still be almost 7:00 pm, and long since dark, before I can get back up here. You can take my emergency light and the leftover food and drinks, and we can stay in touch with the walkie talkies. Just stay by the machine and build a snow cave for shelter if you need to.”

I have to admit that Jason and I were apprehensive about being left alone on the mountain that way, and with good reason. They had been gone for about two hours when the clouds moved in, the wind picked up, and the temperature began dropping fast. It seemed like the storm was moving in hours earlier than expected, and that was confirmed when Steven contacted us after reaching the truck and listening to the weather forecast on the radio.

He seemed in a panic himself when he said, “You guys better go ahead and dig in up there, since the storm has changed direction towards us. It is expected to be a blizzard, with heavy winds and three or more feet of snow. I still need to go home and get the sled, and I’ll try to make it back. I’ll be back to the trailhead in a little over an hour, and will contact you then.”

Jason and I dug down on the downwind side of the machine and packed the snow as tightly as we could to form a little cave against the wind, and the snow that was just starting. Within another hour, it was almost totally dark, and it felt like the temperature had dropped to below zero. The snow was falling heavily, and we were just wondering if Steven was going to make it back to us, when we heard from him on the walkie talkie.

He was back, and it was hard to hear him over the howling wind as he screamed, “I’m back at the trailhead, but there’s no way that I can come up to get you right now. The wind and snow are so heavy that I would risk driving off the mountain or getting stuck half way up there, and the temperature is expected to drop to minus twenty degrees or lower. I brought food and water with me, and will stay down here in my truck, and I’ll make it up there as soon as this weather lets up.”

We were panicking then, and when Jason stood up to repair part of our shelter that had caved in he noticed what looked like a flickering light in the window of a cabin nearby in the trees.

So, he screamed back into the radio to Steven saying, “I can see a light in a cabin, and I think we should take shelter there. It’s too risky to stay out in this weather.”

Steven shouted back, “That might not be such a good idea, Jason. If that cabin belongs to some of those younger, single Latino men, they might try to take advantage of a hot, beautiful, and sexy woman like Megan, and there’s not much you could do to stop them.”

Jason and I talked it over for a few moments and decided that we faced more risk staying out in that bad weather. I radioed back to Steven, “We’re really afraid of this storm, so wish us luck in the cabin, and let’s stay in touch during the night.”

We started slogging through what seemed like one hundred yards of waist deep snow towards the cabin, and I couldn’t help thinking about Steven’s flattering comment. I always attract a lot of attention from men and couldn’t blame him for noticing me. Jason has always been proud of the way I look, and never seems to get upset when men stare at me, and he didn’t react at all to Steven’s comment.

I am petite, at only five feet and three inches tall, and weighing one hundred and fifteen pounds, with brown hair and sparkling, light brown eyes. Some people say that I am kind of exotic looking, with a similar face and body to the actress Olivia Munn, except for my 34DD breasts that look huge on my small body, and I also have a big, cushy ass.

It took us about fifteen minutes to reach the tree line, where the snow wasn't quite as deep, and in only another few minutes we were at the cabin. It appeared to be one of those manufactured, modular homes, about twelve feet wide and fifty feet long, with a huge pile of firewood stacked between two trees by the front door. There were car tracks leading away from the cabin, and we weren’t sure if anyone was home.

We stood on the covered porch and knocked on the door for a few minutes, and when no one answered, we were in a quandary about what to do. We were freezing, but it seemed stupid to break into their home, especially after Steven told us how aggressive they could be with strangers. We were just getting ready to walk away, and take our chances in our snow cave, when an old Jeep Wagoneer came rumbling up to the cabin with two men in it, dressed in one-piece snowmobile suits like ours.

Those men came stomping up to the porch where we were standing, and one of them took off his fur-lined hat and asked angrily, “What the fuck are you gringos doing on our property? It was bad enough having to listen to you racing around on our meadow, and now you’re invading our privacy even more. What the fuck do you want?”

The man speaking looked to be Latino and has a Mexican accent. He looked a few years younger than us, and Jason was really nervous when he responded, maybe too contritely, saying, “We’re really sorry, sir, but we need your help. Our machine was damaged, and after my brother went back down the mountain to get a sled to pull us back down, that storm moved in earlier and with more ferocity than expected. He won’t be able to get back up here until the morning when the storm passes, and we were in a bad situation out on that meadow. We were hoping that you would give us shelter until he can get here.”

He thought for a few seconds and said, “Yeah, no shit, gringo. The temperature is already at minus ten degrees, and the storm won’t pass over until several hours after midnight. You assholes should be better prepared when you come up to the high country like this. So, tell me, why the fuck should we help you? What’s in it for us?”

Jason had left his wallet back at Steven’s home, and my purse was in the truck, so I lifted my face shield and responded, “We don’t have any money with us, but if you give us shelter, Jason’s brother will bring some cash in the morning. How much do you want for giving us shelter for the night?”

They realized that I was a woman when they saw my face and heard my voice, and the man who had been speaking for them grabbed his crotch in a suggestive manor, and elbowed his friend before saying, “Look at this, Arturo, we’ve got us a little puta here. We don’t get much entertainment up here, so maybe we should at least invite them in, so we can talk about it.”

Then he looked at me and said, “I think that two thousand dollars is a fair price for saving you two from the storm, but let’s go inside and discuss it.”

I didn’t know at the time that puta was Mexican-Spanish for whore or bitch, but I still sensed a strong sexual connotation to his comment. I was so anxious to get in out of the cold, though, that we welcomed the opportunity to go inside. The front room was toasty warm, from the heat of a wood burning stove, and the room was illuminated by a gas light, likely powered by the propane tank that we saw in the yard.

Both men took off their snowmobile suits, and they were wearing long sleeved, thermal shirts and long johns underneath. They're about five feet and nine inches tall, and looked muscular and fit, probably from manual labor. They're both ruggedly handsome too, with light brown complexions, and looked to be maybe twenty years old. I also couldn’t help noticing rather large cock lumps in those tight long johns. The first one who spoke, who seemed to be the leader, is named Daniel.

We were still standing by the door when Daniel asked, “So, what’s it going to be, you two? Do we agree on two thousand dollars to stay the night, or should we discuss other possibilities?”

I knew that we couldn’t afford to pay them two thousand dollars, especially since we were going to have more expenses if we were able to get me pregnant. Jason nodded at me to reply to Daniel. He was likely thinking that I could appeal to his sense of fairness, and maybe turn on my charm that seemed attractive to so many other men.

So, I used my sweetest voice, and said, “My name is Megan, and my husband is Jason. Please be reasonable, Daniel. Jason and I have only been married for a couple of years, and we’re trying to start a family. We just don’t have that kind of money. Couldn’t we pay you something more reasonable, like maybe two hundred dollars?”

Daniel looked irritated when he responded, “What’s wrong with Jason, that he has to have his pretty, little wife speak for you guys? Is he some kind of maricon or something? Why don’t you two take those suits off, and let us get a look at you, while we think about it.”

I found out much later that maricon is the Mexican-Spanish word for a gay male, and although I had never known Jason to be an aggressive man, and I didn’t think there was any way that he's gay. As I mentioned before, he’s not a muscular or athletic man, and Daniel must have gotten the wrong idea when Jason was deferential to him in the beginning by calling him sir and deferring to me to speak for us.

Jason and I were wearing long sleeve and long john, moisture-wicking, synthetic underwear, that we had borrowed from Steven and Sandra, under our snowmobile suits. Although I was covered from head to toe, the navy-blue material was tight and really accentuated my tight, petite body, big breasts, and nice ass. We needed to get undressed anyway, due to the warmth of the cabin, so I just hoped that those men would keep themselves under control. The men watched my every move as we took off our insulated suits.

I had always been satisfied by Jason’s five-inch dick, although, before I met him, I had fucked boys with bigger cocks in college and enjoyed them even more. And standing there in front of Daniel and Arturo, I realized just how much bigger their cock lumps are than Jason’s and couldn’t help being impressed by them. They noticed me looking at them and smiled when they saw Jason’s little dick lump.

Daniel looked us over and said, “Damn, Megan, you are one, fine little puta. Maybe we can find a way to allow you stay for only one thousand dollars. We don’t get much female entertainment up here, so maybe you could do a little dance for us, while you’re taking off your underwear.”

It was then abundantly clear where things were headed, and when Jason stood silent, stunned at Daniel’s suggestion, I took matters in hand saying, “No way, Daniel, you can’t force me to take off my underwear, or force me to do anything else for that matter.”

Daniel and Arturo laughed as Daniel said, “Listen, puta, I’m not forcing you two to do anything. You’re both free to leave anytime you want to. But if you decide to stay, then you’re going to entertain us and show us some skin. Who knows, if we really like what we’re seeing, we might even show you what real cocks look like, after seeing that pitiful little bump Jason has. You two talk it over, and just remember that the storm is getting worse.”

Jason and I went to the other side of the room and discussed it. We were both afraid of the consequences of going back out into the storm, and I knew that if we stayed, both of those men would end up fucking me. And after seeing their big cock lumps, I have to admit to being horny. I didn’t let Jason know that I thought they would fuck me, and just told him that they would be satisfied seeing me nude. Still, I was surprised that he agreed so quickly, and wondered if he suspected more might happen too, and was secretly agreeable to it. I wasn’t on my birth control pills anymore, since we were trying to start a family, but I thought that I still had a couple of days in the safe part of my cycle, in case they really did fuck me.

We went back over to the men, and I continued negotiating, saying, “Okay guys, I will strip down and show you my body, but that’s it. I’m not on birth control since we’re trying to have a baby, so there’s no way you’re fucking me. In addition, we’ll only pay you one thousand dollars for staying the night. But first, Jason needs to contact his brother to let him know that we’re in a safe place, and to not risk coming up for us until it is safe for him.”

Jason talked to Steven and let him know that we were okay, and then he sat in a chair as I stood in front of Daniel and Arturo, who were sitting on the couch. Daniel had turned on a battery-operated CD player, playing the Britney Spear’s song, ‘Gimme More’, which is known to be a song popular for strippers.

I started swaying and gyrating in front of them, and then slowly lifted my underwear top until they saw the bulging bottoms of my DDs appearing. They both began rubbing their cocks, as I pulled my top up farther, until my breasts were fulling exposed. I pulled the top off over my head, and continued swaying to the music, with my breasts shaking and jiggling heavily in front of me, as I began to lower my bottoms.

My bottoms were down to just above my pubis as I swiveled and gyrated my hips. Then, when my fat-lipped labia came into view, covered with a bush of neatly trimmed brown hair, the men’s cocks were hard. They looked huge in those tight long john bottoms, and I couldn’t help staring at them. I noticed that Jason was also staring, and on the edge of his seat to get an even closer look.

Then Daniel and Arturo started pulling off their tops as Daniel said, “You’re the prettiest little, white puta that I’ve ever seen, and your body’s absolutely fucktastic. It’s only fair that you be able to see us nude too.”

As I guessed earlier, they're very muscular and fit, not like they are pumped up in the gym, but lean muscles of men who work hard for a living. Their cocks had gone soft by the time they started pushing down their long johns, and I heard a little gasp from Jason when their cocks came into view. They're both uncircumcised, and their vein-covered cocks looked so thick and meaty compared to Jason’s, and they looked almost seven inches long on soft. Jason’s dick is circumcised, so I enjoyed seeing those men’s thick cock heads peeking out of their thick foreskins.

Jason and I continued staring at those big, brown cocks, and their egg-sized, low-hanging balls, as Daniel grabbed his cock and began stroking it before saying, “Both of you seem to like what you’re seeing, and you can get a closer look if you want to. We’ll let you stay the night for five hundred dollars if you get down here and suck our cocks while we get a feel of those big hooters of yours. Come on, puta, we’ve seen everything anyway.”

I really wanted to suck those big, brown cocks, and when I looked over at Jason and asked for either his approval or disapproval, he just kept staring at their cocks, and didn’t respond. I took that to mean that he was okay with it, but that he didn’t have the courage to admit it to either me or himself.

Daniel looked surprised when I dropped to my knees in front of him, and took his hardening cock in my right hand, as I reached over and gripped Arturo’s cock with my left. I began stroking both men, as they reached down to fondle my breasts. With my face so close to Daniel’s crotch, I was getting turned on from his manly, musky odor. I looked over briefly at Jason, just before taking Daniel’s cock into my mouth, and he was totally focused on me sucking that oozing, thick, brown cock, and I had never seen such a lustful look on his face.

That big cock felt and tasted so good, and it was much different than when I usually suck Jason. We normally have a lot of oral sex, and he loves sucking my pussy, but I never had to strain to get his dick into my mouth. With Daniel, my mouth was stretched wide open, and I sucked more and more of his thick fuck meat into my mouth. Daniel was moaning and thrusting as he placed his hands on my head to hold me in place, and I realized that his fully-hard cock was over nine inches long.

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I was so focused on sucking Daniel, that I hardly noticed when my hand was pulled off Arturo’s hard cock. It wasn’t until I looked over a few minutes later, that I saw Jason on his knees sucking Arturo’s big cock and fondling his balls. I was totally shocked at Jason but couldn’t complain too much since I was doing the same thing. I would have to get an explanation from him later, though. In the meantime, I started fondling Daniel’s balls since I then had a free hand, and I could hardly believe the size and weight of them.

We got to the point where Daniel was breathing and thrusting even harder, and I thought he was close to cumming. He caressed the side of my face with his hand and said, “Damn, girl, you really know how to suck a cock, but I’m getting close and I want to fuck that tight, white, fat-lipped pussy of yours. I was right about your husband too. Look at him sucking Arturo’s meat. You two can stay the night for free if you let me and all of my friends fuck you, with the extra bonus of your cock sucking husband to keep us hard.”

My mouth was full of his big cock, so I nodded my head to show that I wanted to fuck him. Then he pushed me back and said, “Head on into the bedroom, while I contact three of my friends. Two of them are a little older and married, but I know that all of them will enjoy some sweet, white pussy like yours.”

I looked back at Jason, who was then sucking and slurping noisily on Arturo’s balls, as Daniel used a walkie talkie to contact his friends. He was speaking excitedly in Spanish, and the only words I could distinguish were puta and maricon. We got on the bed together, and Daniel was sucking my breasts when Arturo and Jason came in to join us. Jason seemed meek, submissive, and embarrassed, and turned away when I looked him in the face, but that didn’t stop him from getting between Arturo’s legs again, to resume sucking his balls.

Daniel continued sucking my breasts as he moved up between my wide-spread legs, and I felt the huge head of his hard cock pressing into my labia. It had been almost four years since I had fucked a cock anywhere near that size, and it felt so good as he pushed inch after inch into me, until he was in me to his balls.

Jason looked over when he realized that Daniel was fucking me bareback, and he stopped sucking Arturo’s balls for a moment as he asked, “Don’t you have any condoms, Daniel? Megan’s not on the pill right now, and she could be close to her fertile time. Please don’t cum in her pussy.”

Daniel pulled off my tit and looked over at Jason, and laughed before saying, “Hey, fuck you, man. If your little puta wants to fuck, and you’re not man enough to care or to try to stop her, then it will serve both of you right if we give her a pretty, brown baby. Just keep sucking, maricon, and we’ll take care of your bitch for you.”

I didn’t think Daniel would last very long, especially after I had been sucking his cock, and it only took him a few minutes before he was moaning and breathing hard, as he pushed his big cock in me to the balls. I felt it throbbing and pulsing as he filled my pussy with his Latino seed, and I wrapped my legs around his ass to keep him inside of me. He stayed on top of me for another few minutes, continuing to fuck me with his softening cock.”

He finally rolled off me, and pulled Jason between my legs as he said, “Come on, boy, get her cleaned up so Arturo can have his turn, and then you can clean my cock for me. That way we won’t make such a big, fucking mess on my bed.”

Jason had never sucked my pussy after he fucked me, but he didn’t hesitate to get between my legs to suck me. At the same time, Arturo got onto his knees by my head, and I sucked his cock to get it hard again, since it had softened with Daniel was sucking his balls. Then Daniel moved out of the way as Arturo got between my legs to fuck me, as Jason was sucking Daniel’s cock clean.

Arturo was just getting into a good rhythm fucking me, when I heard what sounded like two trucks pulling up outside the cabin. Daniel pushed Jason away as he got up to answer the door, and he returned to the bedroom with three more men. The men got undressed, and two of them appeared to be in their forties, while the other was probably in his thirties.

The two older men are short and hairy, and it looked like their soft cocks are uncircumcised, and about as long as Daniel’s, but they looked even thicker. The younger man’s cock is also uncircumcised and thick, and maybe longer than Daniels. One of the older men, who they called Carlos, got up onto his knees by my head and pressed his very thick cock to my mouth, while the other one, named Tomas, pulled Jason down to suck him.

All the men were laughing and talking about us in Spanish, and it was clear that they intended to use us to their complete, sexual satisfaction. Arturo only lasted fucking me for about five minutes, and after he inseminated me, they pulled Jason over to clean me up again. Then the new, younger guy, named Jorge, rolled me over on the bed and began spreading and massaging my ass cheeks. He soon moved down to suck my asshole, and I knew when he spit a lot in my crack and hole, that he intended to fuck me there.

I had never been fucked in the ass before, but I was so turned on at that point that I didn’t care. I found out that they intended to double penetrate me when Jorge laid on his back and pulled me on top of him on my back, and he started pressing his big cock against my asshole. He pushed and pushed, until his cock head popped into my sphincter. He must have known that it would hurt a little, because he held still for a while, until he started pressing more of his cock into me. And after he was buried to the balls in my ass, Carlos got on top of me, and pushed his huge cock into my pussy.

I could never have imagined how good it would feel being sandwiched between those two men, and their big cocks were stretching and touching every inch of my ass and cunt. Then they started fucking me, with alternating strokes, and I was having one orgasm after the other on their thick cocks. When I looked over, Jason was sucking Tomas, as Daniel and Arturo were recovering from their ejaculations.

Those men fucked me aggressively for what seemed like ten minutes, until they both emptied their balls into my body. Then the men laughed as they watched Jason sucking me clean, before he cleaned both of the men’s cocks. They took turns fucking my mouth, pussy, ass, and Jason’s mouth for the next four hours, until midnight, when the three other men left to go home. By that time, I had been fucked almost twenty times, and Jason had eaten me out after each fucking.

Jason and I were relaxing in the bed with Daniel and Arturo after the other men left. I was amazed at myself for what a slut I had become, and surprised at Jason for his obvious hunger for cocks and cum. That whole experience had awaked the slut in me and when, after a short nap, those men wanted to fuck me two more times each, I was only too happy to accommodate them. We went to sleep after that, at about 2:00 am, and I didn’t wake up until we heard Steven’s voice crackling over the walkie talkie.

It was 7:00 am, and he called to say, “The weather broke a few hours ago, and I’m on the trail now to come and get you. I should be there in about an hour, and I’ll meet you out by the machine.”

We acknowledged his message and let him know that we were okay, and then Daniel and Arturo fucked me two more times before we got dressed to meet Steven. It took us another fifteen minutes to trudge back out to the meadow, and since that was our first time alone all night, I finally got a chance to question Jason about being willing for me to fuck those men, and for his obvious attraction to their cocks, balls and cum.

Jason was teary-eyed, as he said, “I’m so sorry honey, but when I saw their big cock lumps, some of my memories from my senior year in high school came flashing into my consciousness. I have always enjoyed the way other men flirt with you and have had fantasies of you being with other men. When I saw their big cock lumps, and sensed that they intended to fuck you, I kind of lost control.”

I wanted to know about his memories and asked, “What could have possibly happened in high school that would affect you that way?”

He responded, “Well, I can give you the short version now, and explain more when we get back to Boston. It happened after my senior prom, when my date and I, and three other couples, all stayed in a hotel together after the prom, sharing two, king-sized beds. We were all drinking, and it didn’t take long for everyone to get naked and start having sex."

"The other boys have big cocks, and everyone started teasing me about my smaller dick. One thing led to another, and before long the other boys were fucking my date, as well as their own, and they convinced me to suck their cocks. As disgusting as that might sound, the whole thing turned me on. I’ve never had a chance since then to do anything like that but have always thought about it when I saw other men flirting with you.”

He paused for a moment, when we were still about five minutes from the machine, and saw Steven out there, and then asked, “And what about you, Megan. I would never have imagined that you would be so eager to fuck those men. I’ve definitely seen a new side to you too.”

We still had a few minutes to talk, and I replied, “Well, I had some experiences in college that influenced me. Before we met, I had dated several boys, all with cocks much bigger than yours. When I saw the size of Daniel’s and Arturo’s cock lumps, and realized that you weren’t trying to discourage them, I decided to go for it. Plus, I knew that if we were kicked out of their cabin, we probably wouldn’t have survived the night. So, it looks like we’ve both learned a little about each other. I don’t know how you’re feeling about this now, but for me, I’d like to continue finding big-cocked men to fuck, and I like having you clean me up afterwards.”

Jason couldn’t easily respond, since we were within a few steps of Steven. But, I could tell by his body language that he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of us having a continuing cuckold relationship.

Steven needed our help loading the snowmobile onto the sled, and then he said, “I’ve really got to hand it to you two. I would never have guessed that those men would have given you shelter, much less let you stay for the whole night. You must have been very convincing, and I assume that Megan’s looks had something to do with it.”

He waited a moment for a response, and when neither of us spoke up, he said, “Well, we better get going, and we should be home before noon. The family waited to have our usual Christmas Eve activities, and we’ll celebrate everything today. Megan, you need to ride with me, while Jason sits on the machine on the sled, since two grown men are too much weight much for my machine, while towing the other one.”

We started the ride down the mountain, and Steven followed the tracks he made coming up. The strange thing is, as sore as my pussy and ass were from being fucked so many times, the vibrations coming through the machine seat were turning me on again. I was hugging Steven’s waist, with my breasts pressed up against his back, and I imagined that he could feel them, even with both of us wearing those thick snow suits, whether he could or not.

I felt his muscular torso, and with all the bouncing around on the machine, I occasionally let my hands drop down to his crotch, like it was an accident and I was just trying to hold on. Jason couldn’t see me since he was behind us on the sled. When after the first hour, Steven didn’t react by moving my hand away, I got bolder.

His legs were spread, sitting on the seat, and I took off my glove, before letting my right hand drop down and grip and fondle the sizeable lumps of his cock and balls. He still didn’t pull my hand away, and as his cock hardened, I found out that he's not only bigger and stronger than Jason, but he's also better hung.

Those one-piece snow suits are made with one long zipper in the front, that stops just below the belly button, and Steven’s suit has a flap with another zipper below to allow men to piss without taking off the snow suit. When Steven hadn’t taken my hand away after rubbing his cock for several minutes, I took things a bit farther. I pushed my fingers into the flap, and slowly pulled down the lower zipper. He turned his head to glance back at me as I slid my hand into the open zipper, and felt his warm, thick cock.

It was hard to do much in the tight confines of the snow suit, but I managed to stroke his cock and fondle his big, hairy balls. His cock is uncircumcised, felt over nine inches long, and even thicker than Daniel’s. Steven spread his legs as far as he could, and tilted his hips back, to give me better access, which made it clear that he was enjoying me playing with his cock and balls.

I stroked and fondled him that way for about a half hour, until with maybe only fifteen minutes to go to get to the truck, he squirmed in the seat as he ejaculated into my hand. I didn’t want to leave a mess, so as he glanced back at me again, I brought my hand out, and lifted my face shield momentarily, as I licked his big cum load off my hand. Then I reached back down to zip his pants up and close the flap, before hugging him tightly to let him know that I enjoyed our impromptu little dalliance.

Steven was all smiles when we got back to the trailhead and loaded the sled and snowmobiles into his truck, and I sat between him and Daniel on the half hour drive back to his home. Daniel and I were both tired from the previous night of sucking and fucking, and he fell asleep on the ride home. I took that opportunity to snuggle up against Steven, as he put his arm around me, and I rubbed his cock as he fondled my breasts.

With all the Christmas activities and a big meal that afternoon I didn’t have a chance, for the rest of the day, to be alone with Steven and talk about our encounter. Although, he was always watching me, with me flirting back, when no one else was looking, and I had the distinct feeling that it would be easy to get him to fuck me. Daniel and I went to bed early that night, and fell asleep exhausted, sleeping until mid-morning the next day.

The next day was Saturday, and Steven was planning on staying home and working to repair the snowmobile, while Sandra was taking the kids shopping in the city. Jason decided to go with Sandra and the kids, but I told him that I was still very tired and wanted to stay home to take a mid-day nap. My real reason for staying home was to spend some alone time with Steven, and that would give us about three hours.

After the others left I went out to the garage where Steven was working, and he was pleasantly surprised that I decided to stay home. It was cold out there, so I asked him to come inside with me, so we could talk.

We got settled on the couch in the family room, and he smiled as he looked at me and said, “Wow, Megan, what a naughty little girl you were to jack off your brother-in-law on the snowmobile yesterday. What got into you, sweetie? I’ve only seen you a couple of times in the last two years, and I’ve never known you to give even a hint of being slutty like that.”

I smiled back and responded in a teasing way, “Well, it’s all your fault Steven. I heard what you said to Jason yesterday about me being a hot, beautiful, and sexy woman, and it made me think that you’re not too bad yourself. Did you mean what you told him, and does Sandra know that you’ve had those kind of thoughts about your sister-in-law?”

He thought for a few seconds and replied, “Sandra knows that I have a wandering eye, and I think that she’d readily agree that you’re damn hot. She hasn’t been that receptive to me for sex for the last few months anyway, so when I felt your hand on my cock, I welcomed it. But be honest, Megan, something had to have happened in that cabin. Those men wouldn’t have let you stay there without some kind of payment, and I’d like to know for my own benefit in dealing with them in the future.”

I told Steven the whole story, from them demanding two thousand dollars, until they lowered the amount after I stripped for them. And when I started telling him about sucking and fucking those men, he was rubbing his cock over his jeans.

He listened intently and then said, “Holy fuck, Megan, that’s an almost unbelievable story. But tell me, where was Jason when all of that was happening? I can’t imagine him giving you up to them.”

It didn’t seem right to out Jason to his brother for being a cock sucker, so I told him a half truth about Jason’s experience in high school that planted the seeds for him wanting to watch other men fuck me. And I didn’t tell him about how he sucked the boys’ cocks in high school.

Steven thought for a few seconds and said, “Yeah, I think I remember him telling me something about that. But fuck, high school and a girlfriend from the prom is one thing, and letting your beautiful wife be fucked by a bunch of Mexicans is another. What the fuck got you so turned on to do that?”

I described how big their cocks looked in the long johns, and how it was hard to resist them. After I explained that, Steven unfastened and pushed down his jeans and underwear, leaving his big, soft cock laying across his thigh.

Then he asked, “So tell me, Megan, how do I compare to those men?”

His cock was thick and meaty, and rather than answer him, I leaned down and took his oozing cock head and foreskin into my mouth, while fondling his plum-sized testicles with my hand. I sucked and licked as much of his fuck meat as I could into my mouth, as he pulled up my t-shirt and unfastened my bra. Then he rubbed my breasts with one hand as he reached down to rub my ass with the other. It felt so taboo having sex with my brother-in-law that way, but we both wanted it so badly.

Steven’s big cock reached its full, thick, almost ten inches very quickly, and he pushed me back on the couch, and pulled down my stretch pants and panties. He moved over me and first sucked my breasts, before moving up to kiss me, while pressing his hard cock into my labia.

But before he penetrated me fully, he said, “I know that you and Jason are trying to start a family. Does that mean that you aren’t on any kind of birth control right now? I’d sure hate to knock you up.”

I thought that I had just entered my fertile time, or was close to it, but I lied to him, saying, “I’m not on any birth control, but I’m in the safe part of my cycle. What’s the difference anyway, when you consider how many times those Mexican men inseminated me? Please, Steven, I’ve just got to feel your bare cock in my pussy, and I want to feel your cum shooting into me too.”

Steven kissed me as he pressed his big cock into my waiting pussy. He bottomed out quickly, and began fucking me with long, slow strokes, which gave me one orgasm after the other.

After we broke the kiss, I said, “Damn, Steven, how can one brother have a cock that’s so much bigger than the other? Your big cock feels so good inside of me, and I could fuck you all afternoon.”

We fucked three times that afternoon, and I sucked his cock clean each time. I also sucked his cock and balls while we were resting between fucks, when he wasn’t sucking on my swollen breasts. We swore an oath not to tell our spouses, and I douched before we took a long, hot shower together to remove all traces of our infidelity. The others came home just after we were dried off and dressed, and Steven was back out in the garage, while I was napping in the bedroom.

Steven and I were able to fuck one more time over the next day and a half before we left, and we found some time in private for me to suck him off one more time, and for him to suck my breasts. But I did fuck Jason one time too, just to give him a chance to impregnate me. Then Jason and I were off to Boston, where we returned to our normal lives. There was one big difference, though.

We talked about everything that happened in that mountain cabin and decided together that we wanted to pursue the cuckold lifestyle. We started thinking about friends and coworkers who might want to fuck me, and before we had a chance to approach anyone, we got a big surprise.

Two weeks after we got home, I missed my period. Jason was excited because there was at least a chance that he's the father, but we knew that the odds were greater that one of those Mexican men had impregnated me. I couldn’t tell him that it was more likely that his brother is the father, since he fucked me before Jason did, in my most fertile period.

We were nervous, expectant parents for nine months until the baby was born, worried about what others would think if it was a brown baby. It was a big relief when our baby boy was white and looked a lot like Jason. Of course, since Jason and Steven look so much alike anyway, I knew that there's a good chance that it's Steven’s baby.

As the years passed, we did get into the cuckold lifestyle with Jason’s boss and my supervisor. We also had vacations with Steven and Sandra, almost every year, either in Jackson Hole or Boston, and I always found a way to suck and fuck Jason when we were together. As our son got older, it became apparent to me, since he's taller and more muscular, that Steven is really the father of our son.



Written by edlangston
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