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Game Day

"A visit to the stadium, turns memorable"

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The four of us took our seats at the stadium, we hardly ever got out together anymore. We were high school friends. Back in the day we were inseparable. But with new lives, families and jobs we hardly ever got to say hi, let alone get together so when Howard sent a group email that said he had tickets to a home football game. We all made plans to get that day off.

Terrence was the leader of the group, well that's how he acted anyway. He was a tall kid back in high school. But now he was overweight, graying hair. He had been married for a few years but then got divorced, then life hit him with all she had. With everything he was going through, he was barely keeping himself above water.

Howard was the timid one of the group. He had always been shy around women. So when he told us he had hit it big with an online cam site. None of us believed him, that was until we got all access passwords. Some of the women he got to go on the camera's were unbelievable. He was always short, but now he was short, balding and filthy rich.

Damien, well Damien was a trouble maker. No one thought he would see his twenties let alone his late thirties. In high school he always daring people to do things. But his bad boy image always got him the girls. But that changed when he met Desirae. He had said he met her threw an online site that catered to people behind bars. He talked to her while he was locked up for his last brush with the law. When he came out she set him on the right path, since then he had been straight, clean and sober.

Myself, what can I say. I was the token black guy of the group. I was into all the sports. Got lucky a few times in high school. But after I graduated, I made a few bad decisions that got me nowhere. Now I was a shift manager at the local grocery store.

“Come on!” Howard yelled. “Pass interference, my ass!” he shouted down.

“They can't hear you,” Damien said.

“They can't see either,” Howard laughed.

We had great seats just near the fifty yard line and a few rows back.

“No thanks,” Terrence said as the hot dog vendor walked by.

“I got it,” Howard said leaning over, he bought for all of us.

“You didn't have to,” Terrence said a bit embarrassed.

“No big,” Howard said stuffing his face. “How many times you saved my ass, from being stuffed in a locker?” he shook his face. “I owe you.”

Terrence smiled.

“You should have told me, you were hard up,” Howard said. “I got plenty of room at my house, you can stay there, until you get on your feet.”

Terrence looked relieved but also embarrassed

“Don't give me that look,” Howard shook his head. “We're friends, remember that!”

They shook hands.

“Think I am going to cry,” Damien laughed making the crying face.

“Shut up you!” I nudged him. “Wasn't too long that you were hard up.”

He nodded back at me.

“You're right. Thanks.” he nodded patting me on the back.

The last time he was in, I stuck my neck out for him. It was what got him to use the computers at the prison. If he hadn't he would of met his wife.

“I owe you big time for that.” He nodded up at me. I was taller than all of them standing just over 6'7.

“Four,” Terrence counted.

“Four what?” Howard asked.

“Four times that brunette down there has looked up this way.” he said motioning his head down close to the field.

We all looked but couldn't see who he was talking about.

“You're going to have to be specific, there are a lot of brunettes,” I told him.

Which was true, looking over the area, there were dark brown brunettes, to light brown.

“The one on the right of the huge muscle dude,” he said pretending to look at the field.

Then it happened down near the field, there were a bunch of people. One was a huge guy, but next to him was a brunette. Just as I looked down at them she looked back, but quickly glanced back at the field.

“She noticed us looking,” Damien said looking away.

“Yup,” I replied.

Then her friend next to her turned but only I was looking in their direction.

“She is looking for the blonde,” I said as I looked away.

“What?” Howard asked.

“The blonde is the one that is looking, the brunette is covering,” I said.

“How do you know?” Damien asked.

“The kids on the stock crew do it all the time,” I replied. I had seen the tactic thousands of times. One of the kids would look down the aisle in question. Then go tell the others. Then one by one they would all take turns.

“So who is she looking at?” Howard asked.

“Can't be me,” Terrence said.

“Could be,” Howard said trying to make him feel better.

“Nah,” Terrence said. “I'm way too big, too old and I scream desperation.” he said shaking his head.

None of us argued, we knew he was right.

“Can't be me,” Damien said. He had his beer in his hand, the wedding ring could be seen easily.

“So that leaves us two,” Howard smiled at me.

He looked like a kid in a candy store.

“You two look, while the two of us look at the game,” Howard smiled.

It took a while but then Terrence patted Howard on the shoulder.

“Sorry Howard Jarrad, you are not the one,” he said in his best Maury Povich voice.

“Yup, it's definitely Josh,” Damien said.

“Dammit, I would've loved to talk her into getting on my site,” Howard said shaking his head.

I was looking down at her, she was quite the thing to look at. She had on her Carolina Panther Jersey, very short jean shorts that just barely got past her ass, long blonde hair. She had sun glasses on so I couldn't really make out her face.

But then she turned to the man on her left, then gave him a hug and a long kiss.

“Well that's that then,” I said.

“Maybe she was looking at something else,” Howard said as he turned around and laughed. “Guys,” he smiled.

The huge blimp was floating above at the back of us, as well as the huge scoreboard. Stats and scores from other games were all over it.

“Shut it,” I said.

As the others laughed.

“Well it was interesting for a while there,” Damien laughed.

“Going to use the rest room and get another,” I said smiling.

I shook my head as I walked towards the vendor, there was a long line. I decided to go to the bathroom then come back.

The line wasn't any shorter when I came back, but I noticed the same blonde was now two people in front of me. I smiled at the four of us. Grown men in out late thirties acting like a bunch of high school kids.

As the line got shorter, I noticed she was wearing a wedding ring. She hadn't look back once.

When she got up to the counter she asked for a large soda, then paid for it. She turned then walked past, smiling at me. I nodded back.

I ordered a refill of my beer, then began to make my way back.

“Hi,” I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned to look, it was her.

“Hi,” I smiled back.

She caught up to me.

“So I saw you guys looking down,” she said.

“Yeah,” I said a bit embarrassed. “Sorry about that,”

“Nothing to be sorry about,” she said. We got to the tunnel for our area.

“Well, hopefully I will catch you staring again,” she smiled. “Might even give you something to stare at,” she waved as she went back down to her seat.

I shook my head, then joined the others. I didn't share with them what happened.

Throughout the game I would look down but never caught her looking back.

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But I gave it one more look, as the team was near the end zone, everyone was standing.

That's when she did it, she had her hands in the pockets of her shorts, as I looked down at her, she was staring at me, then gently pulled the back of her shorts down, just enough to see the top of her thong. She peered over her sunglasses, giving me a wink. Then she pulled her shorts back up. She looked back at the game but her hands stayed behind her.

I looked at the rest of them but either they were too busy looking at their phones or the game. I stole another glance at her. She looked over her shoulder. Then her hands began to make numbers.

First there was a four, then a six, then a seven.

“Holy Shit,” I said out loud.

“What?” Damien asked.

I cursed myself internally but without taking my eyes off her.

“Think I forgot to make the schedule for next week,” I lied.

Damien shook his head, then returned his attention to the game.

I had got all the numbers, it was a phone number. I punched them into the phone and sent a text message,

“Hi,” I sent,

There was nothing, then she reached around, grabbing her cell phone from her back pocket.

“Hey there,” she sent back,

“Did you like, what you saw?”

“Of course, Purple is one of my favorite colors,”

“Really? Black is my favorite,”

“Blonde is one of mine,”

“Well aren't we both lucky?”

With each text it got bolder and bolder, she kept staring at the big guy on her left,

“Why don't we discuss our likes, somewhere else?” she sent.

“Where did you have in mind?”

“Meet me at the food kiosk,”

She put the phone back in her back pocket, then said something to the big guy, who nodded, then gave her a kiss. She walked out, and through the tunnel.

“Going to the bathroom,” I said as I walked past the guys.

I walked to the food kiosk but couldn't see her. I stood around for a while but then I began to think I got set up for a laugh. I began to walk back, I was pulled by the arm into a side room along the hallway. It was her.

“Hi,” she said smiling at me.

We were in a small room, with old billboard signs, an old projector television and some chairs. It must have been an old storage room.

“Hi,” I said back she pulled me back onto her and began to kiss me. I kissed her back. Pushing her hard against the wall.

“Much better,” she said as she pulled her jersey off.

“Holy...” I began to say before she began to kiss me again.

She had the hugest pair of tits, I had seen on such a small frame.

“They're up here,” she said between our kisses as she took my hand from her waist, planting it on one of her huge tits.

They were real. I began to squeeze her boobs through the bra. I bent down and began to kiss the top of her chest.

She moaned in delight.

“Now I want to see,” she looked up at me. It was too dark in the room to see what color her eyes were. There was a small amount of light coming from one of the only working long incandescent light bulbs but that was it.

I unbuckled my belt, then pulled down my pants, she reached into my boxers.

“Jackpot,” she smiled as she slid down the wall. She took my dick out, then began to suck on it. As it got hard she slapped it on her tongue.

This was unbelievable I thought to myself.

She took it deep into her mouth again. She slid back up turning around. I reached around her, grabbing her huge tits, my large hands were no match for them.

“A boob man huh?” she said as she looked back at me. “How about this?” she said as she reached back, pulling down her shorts. Her nice bubble butt was exposed only leaving her thong.

“Love that too,” I said.

I lowered myself to a knee, I pulled her thong to the side and began to lick her from behind. My finger slid into her, she was soaking wet.

“Oh fuck me,” she said looking back and down at me.

I stood up, grabbed her by the waist then pushed myself into her.

“That's what I needed,” she purred.

I reached around pushing my hands under her bra. I began to fuck her hard, squeezing on her large tits.

“Oh damn, that's it!” she said through gritted teeth. “Fuck me!” she screamed.

I took my hands from her tits, grabbing a firm hold on her waist, I began to fuck her harder, slamming into her over and over. She was moaning so loud she had to put her hand over her mouth.

“Is this what you want?” I asked

She nodded, still with her hand over her mouth.

We could hear people passing in the hallway, through the door.

“They can come in any minute,” I said. “See you're blonde ass, being fucked by a black guy!” I said to her.

She was nodding, I could see her biting her own hand. I pulled back on her hair.

“You want them to see you?” I asked as I was going harder, the noise of us fucking filled the small room.

She nodded again.

“Say it!” I said.

“I want them to see me,” she said

“See you what?” I asked pulling her hair harder.

“Being fucked, by a big black fucking cock!” she screamed at the door.

I pulled out of her, turning her around and moving her so that she was against the door.

She looked at me with wild eyes, I had seen that look before. She wanted to be fucked, not made love to. Not to be kissed and caressed but fucked and used.

I grabbed her by the waist and pushed myself back into her. She jumped, wrapping her legs around me.

“You came here to get fucked! Didn't you?” I whispered into her ear.

She shook her head.

“Not till I saw you, No,” she said. She lowered her down, to my neck. She pushed my shirt back then bit my shoulders.

I held her head there, as she bit harder. I loved the pain.

I fucked her hard the door was knocking backwards.

She put her hands back behind her, pushing off of the door. I was standing in the room with her legs wrapped around my waist, her hands around my neck.

I cupped her ass and brought it against me.

The noise was deafening inside the room. I thought anyone passing the room, would hear us. Between the moaning, the sound of our bodies hitting each other.

I was cumming, she knew it too. She looked down at my face.

“Cum inside me!” she said looking into my eyes.

I brought her down onto me. I could feel her legs tighten around my waist.

“Look at me,” she ordered.

I held her there, both of us staring at each other as I came deep inside her.

I put her down, we both gathered our clothes.

She looked out the door, then smiled. She blew me a kiss then ran out the door.

I took a look then made my way to get a beer, then joined the guys.

“What the hell happened to you?” Howard asked.

“I had burrito's last night,” I smiled with a shrug.

They laughed and began to make jokes, but I just smiled back. My phone went off.

“Thank you,” she sent.

“I should be thanking you,” I replied. “Didn't get your name.”

“No names,”

I nodded, it was better that way.

“Not this time anyway,” she sent.

“There is going to be a next time?”

“Most definitely!”

I looked down, she put her phone back in her back pocket. She wrapped her arm around her husband, then rested her head against his shoulder. I just smiled.

After the game, the four of us said our goodbyes.

“Hopefully it won't be two years till we hang out together,” Terrence said.

“Nah,” I replied. “We will get together again soon.”

We all drove our separate ways.

I pulled into my parking spot at my apartment. When my phone went off again. I looked at it. It was a picture of large pair of tits in a purple bra.

“Something to remember me by,” it said.

I nodded and put my phone away.

Written by Anonymous
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