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Fucking My Neighbors' White Wives

"A black couple moves to Atlanta from London, and the husband fucks the neighbors' white wives."

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The weather in Atlanta, Georgia is almost always better than what my wife, Chelsea, and I experienced in London, and we enjoyed the warm days there. Chelsea and I were thirty-two years old and had been living in Atlanta for six months at the time of this story. She works for a medical device company headquartered in London, with several subsidiaries in the United States.

Chelsea is a research scientist and was chosen to move to Atlanta on a two-year work permit to establish a new research group. I work for a computer security company, and they allowed me to keep my job and move to Atlanta during Chelsea’s assignment, since I can very effectively work from home.

Chelsea and I are British Blacks, having immigrated to Britain from the Caribbean. We both have medium-brown skin tones and Afro-European facial features, from the varied bloodlines in our ancestry. Our varied genetic backgrounds also gave me light-green eyes which are unusual and mystical on a black man, and Chelsea’s eyes are light brown. We experienced no racism in Britain but were still worried about whether we would experience any bigotry in the American South.

My name is Malcolm, and, because of our good incomes, we were able to afford an upscale condominium in a development that has a nice pool, exercise facility, and many other amenities. We didn’t seen any other black couples living here, and although our neighbors were polite and welcoming to us, we still sometimes feel like we were being watched and treated a little differently. Maybe it’s just that being black, and having distinct British accents made the other owners curious about us.

Chelsea is a beautiful woman with big breasts and a shapely ass, and I am a decent looking guy, in very good shape. I played in a rugby league in London and am six feet and two inches tall and weighed one hundred and ninety pounds at that time. I am fit, muscular and rugged looking, even though I don’t work out excessively trying to get a more-chiseled appearance. I found a rugby league to join in Atlanta, so I was able to maintain my fitness, also with the help of having easy access to the gym in our complex.

Chelsea and I had been active sexually from the time we first met, and we usually fucked at least once every day, as well as having mutual oral sex. I just love her luscious tits and juicy pussy, and she enjoys sucking and fucking my big cock. My uncircumcised cock is eight inches long and very thick when it’s soft. It’s ten inches long and over six inches in circumference on hard. My cock and low-hanging scrotum are darker than my other skin color, almost black, and my testicles are egg-sized. Even after eight years of marriage Chelsea still can’t get enough of my thick cock and big balls.

I have been a pussy hound my whole life and fucked a lot of women before I met Chelsea. She also loves to fuck more than anything, but she was on the receiving end of many oral lesbian experiences in college too. There were a lot of white girls in her dorm who just loved the novelty of sucking her black pussy. She was happy to give them a taste of her sweet cunt, and loved seeing the white girls between her legs, sucking her pussy to orgasm.

We have many married friends in London, both black and white. It wasn’t that unusual for some of the wives to flirt with me because I’m in such good shape. When I was wearing tight shorts, they could sometimes see the outline of my big cock. It seemed like the white wives were especially flirty with me, and Chelsea and I used to laugh about it when we were having sex. She’d sometimes tease me about getting all those pretty white women so aroused, and how they would really enjoy fucking my big, black cock. I got the feeling that she wouldn’t have minded if a fucked those white women. But since Chelsea kept me satiated with our frequent sex, I had no reason to stray, and never cheated on her with those women.

Our first few months in Atlanta went very well, and I was enjoying working from home and being able to work out and go to the pool when I felt like it during the day. I sometimes even took my laptop PC down to the pool and could do my work from there at a table under an umbrella. But Chelsea’s job was becoming more and more stressful, as she hired more scientists for the research facility and established protocols and initiated new projects.

She was getting home late on most nights, and even began working Saturdays and some Sundays. Our sex life was beginning to suffer. In her heart she wanted to continue our usual routine of having sex every day, but she was so tired and stressed from work, that by the time we lived there six months, we were down to fucking only once a week. For the first time in our marriage, I was considering looking for other women to fuck, even though I felt guilty about it.

Finding White Pussy at the Pool

As Chelsea got more distant sexually, I was spending quite a bit of time down at the pool and became familiar with several groups of the women who live in the condos. I just assumed that many of their husbands made a good enough income that the wives didn’t have to work. There were two women who were there much of the time. They looked to be in their late thirties and are beautiful.

I overheard them talking and knew that one of the ladies, named Tammy, is a petite five feet and three inches tall and weighs maybe one hundred and ten pounds. She has stylishly cut, short, natural blonde hair and bright blue eyes that makes her look pixie-like. She usually wore a thong that barely covered her puffy labia and trimmed blonde hair, and the thick nipples on her firm, grapefruit-sized tits were barely covered.

Her friend, named Denny, is a strikingly beautiful brunette with shoulder-length hair and green eyes. She is taller than Tammy at probably five feet and six inches tall and weighed about one hundred and twenty pounds. She has fantastic cantaloupe-sized breasts and a very nice ass. She normally wore a little bit wider thong than Tammy did, but I could still see her thick camel-toe and some of her neatly trimmed pussy hair showing through the sides.

I didn’t normally go swimming, but wore a loose-fitting bathing suit that’s short, but not too skimpy. I don’t like seeing how some men wear those tight, brief swimsuits, trying to show off their dicks, which aren’t that big anyway. Sometimes I got mildly aroused looking at all the women, and especially Tammy and Denny. My cock gets about half-hard down one leg, and my big balls hang down the other. I began to notice that some of the women were selecting chairs and lounges with a view under the table to my crotch, and I have to admit to sometimes nonchalantly pulling the material up a little so they could get a glimpse of my cock and balls.

One hot mid-afternoon, Denny had already left the pool and Tammy was packing up to leave. She stopped by my table and said, “Hi, neighbor. I thought it was time to finally introduce myself to you. I’m Tammy, and my friend, Denny, and I have seen you sitting here by yourself almost every day for the last few weeks now, working on your computer. We can see your wedding ring and were wondering why a handsome guy like you never has your wife with you. Do you mind if I sit and talk with you for a minute?”

I closed the lid on my laptop to be polite and said, “Oh hi, Tammy, thanks for the nice compliment. I’m glad you stopped by, so please sit down. My name is Malcolm, and I have noticed you two sitting by the pool too, and just assumed that you were lucky enough not to have to work. I’m employed by a computer security company and can do my work from home, and that’s why I’m here so much.”

“My wife, Chelsea, has to work awfully long hours and most nights at her job, and she hasn’t had the opportunity to come down here yet, at least not when you two are here. If you don’t mind me saying so, I’ve been wondering the same thing about you and Denny. You’re both gorgeous women with wedding rings and I’ve never seen you here with your husbands.”

Then Tammy said, “I really love your sexy accent, Malcolm, and I didn’t realize that you are British. And thank you for your compliment too. Our husbands work long hours like Chelsea does, and they rarely come to the pool. One other reason is that Denny and I are in our late-thirties and our husbands are in their late-forties, so they don’t feel that confident about their appearance at the pool. And honestly, they don’t mind if we come down here and flirt with good looking guys like you.”

I was a little uncomfortable hearing her put down their husbands like that and said, “Oh come on now, Tammy, your husbands can’t be that hard to look at if they have beautiful wives like you and Denny.”

She replied, “No of course they aren’t that bad, and I’m mainly teasing with you. You can meet my husband, Tom, tonight if you want to. If Chelsea is working late again, we’d love to have you for dinner and get to know you a little better.”

Then I said, “Chelsea is working late again, but this is all kind of last-minute. Don’t you need to check with Tom to see if you can bring a guest to dinner?”

Tammy laughed and said, “Don’t worry about Tom. He always enjoys it when I invite a guest over. It will be fun getting to know you over dinner and some drinks. We are casual people, so a t-shirt and shorts will be fine. I need to run to get ready, so we’ll see you at 6:30 pm. We live in unit 302. It was nice to meet you, Malcolm.”

On the way back to the condo I was thinking about Tammy and our conversation. Chelsea and I had been worried about people in the South being bigoted, and that beautiful white woman was very complimentary to me. I got good vibes from her, and was looking forward to meeting her husband, Tom.

Fucking Tammy and Denny While Hubby’s Watch

I arrived at their condo right on time and brought one bottle of red wine and one bottle of white wine, since I didn’t know what Tammy was preparing for dinner. Tammy looked fantastic in a loose, short skirt and a tight camisole top with no bra that allowed me to see every bump on her areolas and thick nipples. I was surprised that Tom allowed her to wear such a revealing outfit during our first social event together, but I sure wasn’t complaining.

Tom is an average-looking guy about five feet and ten inches tall and a little overweight. He obviously isn’t into exercise and keeping fit, and I understood what Tammy told me earlier about why he doesn’t go to the pool very much.

They have a modern, clear-glass dining room table, and I sat on one side while Tammy and Tom sat on the other side. We had an enjoyable and tasty dinner, and I looked down though the table at one point and saw that Tammy’s skirt was riding up on her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties and her thick-lipped, blonde pussy was in plain sight and looked wet. I had not seen Tom look down, and just assumed that he was unaware of what Tammy was doing. My cock was about half-hard from looking at her, but I didn’t think it was noticeable in my loose shorts.

After dinner I helped them clean up and then we went into the living room to listen to music and talk. Tammy was talking about some issues she was having with her personal computer and Tom was talking about his business. I got the feeling that he’s a powerful and important man, being the owner of a successful construction company, but he was very meek around me. He went into the kitchen after a few minutes and I heard him talking on the phone.

When he came back, he said, “I’m really sorry, Malcolm, but there’s been a theft on one of our jobs, and I need to go talk with the police and make sure the rest of the property is secured. I should be back in an hour, so maybe you can stay and help Tammy with her computer problem.”

Tom left and Tammy led me to their bedroom. But instead of showing me to her computer, she turned and hugged me and said, “I’ve seen enough of your big cock at the pool and at dinner tonight, and I just have to feel it in me. We have plenty of time, so don’t worry about my husband.”

Tammy reached up and pulled my face down to hers and kissed me deeply. I offered no resistance and unfastened and dropped my shorts as she took off her skirt. We continued to kiss with my hard cock pressed up against her belly, and she pushed back a little to remove her top. Tammy pulled me back to the bed and I laid on top of her.

Her big breasts felt so nice pressed against my chest, and I felt the wetness of her blonde cunt against my cock. I tilted my hips back and pressed my cock into her hairy labia, as she gripped my thighs with her legs to pull me into her tight, married pussy.

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I then thought about protection and asked, “Before we go any further, do you want me to wear protection?”

She didn’t answer me immediately and I pushed hard to gain entrance to her pussy. My cock finally slid a few inches into her. She gasped when she felt my thickness and said, “Fuck, Malcolm, I’ve never had a cock this big in me. Move slowly at first so I can get used to your size. And I want to feel your big load of cum filling my pussy.”

Her pussy is tighter than Chelsea’s and it felt like she was massaging my cock with her vagina. I kept pressing with short strokes until I pressed against her cervix. Chelsea was breathing heavily and said, “Oh fuck, I’m so full of your cock, and now you’re pressing against the mouth of my womb. Fuck me hard now, baby, I need to feel your cum shooting into my cunt. Tom’s little dick has never been this deep in me, and I just love fucking my first, big, black cock. Fuck, Malcolm, you’re stretching me to the limit.”

She was being so talkative, and I didn’t know if it was for my benefit or her own. I continued pounding her tight pussy and she was having almost continuous orgasms. I finally lost control and ejaculated into her adulterous pussy. My cock throbbed and spewed for almost a minute, and she held me firmly inside of her with her legs. My cock was quickly softening, and Chelsea loosened her legs from around me.

She looked across the room said, “Oh shit, Tom, that was the most amazing fuck I’ve ever had. Now get over here and suck his huge cum load out of my pussy like you love to do. That’s all the sex you’re good for, honey, and I wouldn’t even be able to feel your little dick in me anyway, after fucking his huge cock.”

I was startled by her comments and quickly pulled my cock out of her and rolled off next to her. I wasn’t afraid of him physically but was just concerned about being caught fucking another man’s wife. Then I saw Tom standing naked in the corner of the room, stroking his little, four-inch dick. He had apparently watched the whole thing. I watched intently as Tammy spread her legs and raised her knees, as he climbed between her thighs.

He immediately covered her well-fucked, cum-filled pussy with his mouth. It was then apparent that the whole thing was a setup, and her comments during sex were mostly for his benefit. I was just a big-cocked pawn in their little game, and certain that was far from being their first time bringing in a stud to fuck her.

Tom continued to suck Tammy’s pussy for another ten minutes, and then he looked up at me and smiled. Before I could say anything or react, he leaned over and took my slimy cock into his mouth and started sucking it. I had never been sucked by a man before that, but in the context of me having just fucked his wife, I let him have his fun.

Then when my cock hardened in his mouth, he said, “Tammy’s right, this is a nice big cock, and it’s our first black one. Now do me a favor, Malcolm, and fuck her again, but this time I want to see it up close.”

He laid back on the bed as Tammy got on top of him in a sixty-nine position, and I moved in from behind to fuck her. I felt his mouth and lips on my cock and balls as I fucked his wife, and that time it took me a little longer to cum. When I finally ejaculated and pulled out of the way, Tammy sat on his face, feeding him my second load of cum.

We sat around and talked after the second fuck, and I learned that they had been living a cuckold lifestyle since before the night they were married. Tammy is a slut who was fucking around on him when they were dating, and they openly acknowledged that she married him for his money. As for Tom’s part, he’s an aggressive, in-charge businessman during work hours, but craves playing a submissive role with his slut wife and her lovers on his personal time.

Chelsea wasn’t home yet when I got back to our condo. I first started thinking it was an amazing experience to be able to fuck Tammy that way and even have her husband suck my cock and eat my cum from her cunt. But then I began to feel like I had just been used by them to fulfill their own fucked up, cuckold and interracial fantasies. I sat in front of the TV, barely watching a movie, and had a few drinks to calm myself down and relive in my mind the encounter with that white couple.

Soon enough I was feeling better about things and reasoned that if her wimpy ass husband wanted to give his wife to me to fuck for our mutual pleasure, then I was using them too. And I really liked watching Ed between Tammy’s legs, hungrily slurping down my cock cream like he hadn’t been fed for a week. It was even better when he laid there sucking my cock and balls clean, while Tammy looked on, watching her own husband suck a big, black cock. It never occurred to me that some white people could crave black cock and cum that much.

Tammy had obviously told Denny about our sexual encounter, because the next day at the pool Denny invited me to come to dinner with her and her husband, David. A similar scenario unfolded with Denny and David that night, and I was beginning to relish my role as the big-cocked, black man who was not only fulfilling their cuckold fantasies, but also giving me sexual relief by breeding those slutty, but sexy white women.

Chelsea Discovers My Infidelity

I continued meeting with and fucking Tammy and Denny, with their husbands there to fluff and clean me afterwards. They even introduced me to two of their friends, Jackie and Susie, who fucked me, except they were cheating on their husbands, and I got to fuck them without having onlookers. But about six months after I started fucking the married white ladies, Chelsea discovered my infidelity.

Chelsea came home earlier than expected one night, right after I had gotten home from fucking Tammy, and she was surprisingly in the mood for sex. I panicked as we got into bed, after trying to make an excuse to clean up. I tried to move into position to mount her, but she was in the mood for oral sex, and she turned around in the bed, in the sixty-nine position. I was hoping that she wouldn’t sense the aroma of Tammy’s pussy juices on my groin area, but no such luck.

She started sucking my cock, and then abruptly pulled back and asked, “What the fuck, Malcolm? I smelled enough white pussy in college, when those bitches got turned out eating me out, to know that you’ve been fucking behind my back, and her juices, whoever the fuck she is, smell and taste fresh to me. You’d better explain yourself, you fucking asshole!”

I explained briefly how I met the women and about the cuckold and cheating encounters, and then apologized, saying, “I’m so sorry, honey, but you’ve been so busy at work and not interested in sex when you are home. Those ladies were hungry for some of my thick, black fuck meat, and I mistakenly may have rationalized that you’d be okay with it. You used to tease me back in London about how much the white wives wanted my cock, and I figured that you wouldn’t mind me using white women that way.”

She was more accepting than I could have hoped, and she said, “Yeah, I know that I haven’t been receptive to you for sex for the past several months. I also remember teasing you about fucking our friends’ wives, and even thinking that it might be fun to watch you impale those white bitches on your meat. But shit, honey, I never thought you’d do it. Now that you have, though, I want to hear all the details.”

As I went into excruciating detail about my encounters, Chelsea began stroking my cock, and by the time I was finished, she was sucking it. Then I sucked her pussy before fucking her, and we had the best sex in months, all because of her arousal from hearing about me fucking the white wives. I had reawakened her lust, and she wanted more.

Chelsea Gets Involved Too

Chelsea still didn’t have a lot of free time, but she wanted me to introduce her to the women I had been fucking. She wanted to force them, if need be, to suck her pussy, as payback for fucking me behind her back. Little did she know how anxious those sluts would be to eat her out.

I was already scheduled to have dinner with Denny and David the next night, and Denny was confused when I saw her at the pool the next day, and said, “I’ve got a little surprise for you. My wife has been wanting to know what I’m doing on the nights when she’s working late, and I mentioned that some couples had been treating me to dinner. She knew that she’d be getting off early tonight and asked if she could join us so she could meet some of our neighbors too.”

Denny looked both surprised and disappointed, as she said, “Yeah, sure, that’s fine, but that will spoil our fun for the night. Maybe you’ll be able to come to my place tomorrow morning, to take care of my pussy, even though David won’t be there.”

I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, and I didn’t even know how Chelsea would approach her. So, I said, “Don’t worry, Denny, Chelsea is an outgoing woman, and it was bound to happen sooner or later. And yes, I’d be happy to fuck you tomorrow morning.”

Despite her initial disappointment of having my wife join us, Denny got along well with Chelsea, and by the end of dinner, they were talking like old friends. David was also talkative, and I could tell that he was smitten with her big breasts. There was also the novelty of conversing with a beautiful black woman, in an intimate social setting, probably for the first time in their lives.

We finished dinner and went into the living room to drink more wine and talk. Chelsea surprised them, saying, “It’s really been nice of you to welcome Malcolm into your home on so many evenings for dinner. And, Denny, I also appreciate the way you’ve been feeding Malcolm’s huge, black cock with that sweet, white pussy of yours, and how obsessed you are to satisfy your craving for his ebony cock.”

David and Denny were stunned that she knew about me fucking her, and Chelsea paused to let her words sink in. Then she continued, “But, you were luring my husband to cheat on me, and I think it only fair that you suck on my black pussy. It’s all pink on the inside anyway, and if you want to continue fucking my husband, then your going to have to eat me out.”

Denny awkwardly replied, “Uh, when did you find out that, uh, a few of my friends and I were fucking Malcolm?”

Chelsea began unfastening and pushing down her shorts, as she replied, “I smelled and tasted your little slut friend’s pussy on my husband’s cock last night, and he told me everything. Now, you guys can continue having your fun when I’m not around, by getting between my legs to suck my pussy, or this infidelity will end right now.”

Denny was recovering from being found out and smiled, before saying, “It’s been a while, since college, when I experimented with my roommate and a few other girls, and I’ve never sucked a black pussy. But this all sounds like an enjoyable price to pay for fucking your husband on a regular basis.”

She fell to her knees between Chelsea’s legs, and moved down to suck her pussy. Chelsea held her head in place as she humped and squirmed again Denny’s mouth, as the sucking sounds and pussy aroma permeated the room. It only took a few minutes before Chelsea had a screaming and squirting orgasm in Denny’s mouth, and she kept sucking my wife for a few minutes afterwards.

David and I had been rubbing our cocks while watching that hot lesbian scene, and I said, “Okay, ladies, let’s take this to the bedroom.”

I fucked Denny while Chelsea and David watched, and then Chelsea got to watch as David cleaned her pussy, and she especially enjoyed watching David suck my cock clean. She told me later that it turned her on watching a white man submit himself to me that way.

Following that first night with Denny and David, Chelsea joined me whenever she could on my nights fucking all those white women. Chelsea and I were also fucking more too, and she really enjoyed having the white ladies between her legs and sucking her pussy. We continued meeting with and fucking those women until the end of Chelsea’s assignment, and we somewhat reluctantly moved back to London.

New Relationships with Old Friends

Our friends in London welcomed us back with open arms, and we started partying with them again. Things were different that time, though, thanks to what our experiences in Atlanta taught us.

We had gained valuable insights into the factors motivating couples wanting to be cuckolded, and when the white women flirted with me, like in the old days, I was receptive to them. Some of them chickened out when I called their bluff, but we found three of the white couples who were seriously interested in having cuckold relationships.

Chelsea and I continued our fantastic love lives after that, with the addition of me having three white wives to fuck, and she had the ladies sucking her wet pussy.

Written by edlangston
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