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Exploring the Caves of Crystal Part I and II

"The dark-skinned girl was so energetic that I had to take a day off to recover."

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Let me say up front that I am not a bad guy.

Well, I guess the only one who ever told me I was a good boy was my mama, but that is certainly not my fault at all.

It is a hard world out there and a guy has to be on his toes all the time and watch out for all the cocksuckers who would stab you in the back just to get your wallet. I will admit I had a bit of a drinking problem from time to time, but it was usually teamed up with how some piece of tail fucked me with a capital “F”. I think it was because I was a sentimental prick and I had a habit of mistaking a pretty smile and wide open knees as a sign of love or romance and not just some broad that wanted to get laid.

I solved that problem by fucking them all first and foremost, not caring what happened to them after that.

I have to be honest and confess I don’t know how I wound up in this sleazy part of Rio, but I do remember signing up for a six month cruise as a stevedore on a freighter out of Mobile after a weekend of boozing and running from the cops. It was all because of some silly disagreement over a stolen Mercedes motorcar. Let me hasten to assure you that I was not involved in that business at all. It was my dodgy cousins in New Orleans that were the car thieves and I never got involved in that sideline even as a favor for a relative.

I mean, shit, everybody in my acquaintance knows I only buy American and don’t mess with any foreign crap even if it came as a bona fide gift.

They waived my papers at the hiring hall, because it was a Friday night. Usually, they are pretty strict about those regulations, but I hit them at the right time and got my boarding pass stamped all correct and proper. All the regular union guys wanted to get out to the hustling and bustling bars and line up some cheap pussy before heading back home to mama and the kids.

Rio was like our third port of call and I have to admit it was beginning to look like this ship’s captain was not quite on the up and up. I made that assessment based on the shady characters he kept shuffling around in the passenger’s cabins. They had all the looks of some sort of mercenary gang being reassigned in a new location for reasons other than what was stamped on their passports.

I have to admit it piqued my curiosity, but I learned a long time ago curiosity killed the cat.

It wasn’t any of my business and that’s a fact.

The pay was good enough for me, so I turned a blind eye and a deaf ear.

Anyways, I got hooked up with nice-looking piece of dark skinned fluff with a backside that could do a loop de loop. That was down near the wharf where the rats were still king and bad things sort of happened unexpectedly.

Bottom line was she wore me out in a satisfying sort of way and made me miss the ship pulling out for the next port of call further south.

I was upset, but those things happen in life. Shamefully, I stayed with her until my money ran out.  That girl was so tight, I just continued to do her, right up until the time she ran away from me telling her friends I was far too horny for her liking. Personally, I think it was more the money issue than the sex looking at it from an unbiased point of view.  

I got a job of sorts with an expatriate Yankee bar owner called “Toots” who had tits that sagged down to her waist. She told me it was my job to tactfully get rid of the English speaking customers who looked like trouble. Unfortunately, “tactfully” often turned into a fist fight with no rules of conduct.  Naturally, I had to dump the bastards out in the gutter, so our place didn’t get a bad reputation. The old bitch had about twenty bar-girls working for her pushing drinks on the drunken sailors. Not surprisingly, one of the perks of the job was that I could periodically “inspect” them for fully functioning female parts and the welcoming attitude of their hard-working backsides. It was so rewarding that I even swore off the booze in order to keep pace with the supply of constantly-changing bar-girls needing emergency check-ups.

Toots was smart enough to have a real doctor on call to give the girls a clean bill of health on a weekly basis.

I liked that feature, because I sure didn’t want to catch anything nasty to slow me down in my pussy-inspecting duties.

The other bouncer was a real ugly pug called Rodrigo, who spent most of his time either picking his nose or spitting his tobacco juice out into a can in the corner. He was one of the ugliest guys I had ever met and I had met plenty of mean looking pricks in tough neighborhoods. For some strange reason, his desperate looks turned a lot of the bad girls on and they were constantly pestering him to “do them” before they shed tears of frustration right out in the open.

I got to know him pretty well, because he was a smart fighter and he enjoyed showing me some tricks that saved my butt in future confrontations.

He never hurt a guy more than necessary.

We got a shipment of fresh “village” girls delivered from a derelict bus early one Sunday morning. It was about the only time that the place was nice and quiet, and the street mongrels were sleeping in the dust like defeated warriors after a losing battle.  

I was drinking my steaming espresso in the corner of the bar with my eyes still blurry with sleep. It escaped my memory if I had already added the coarse brown sugar already. I was hesitant to repeat that step because “too sweet” was just as annoying as no sugar at all. A tentative sip confirmed everything was in order.

I had been on the wagon for a couple of months then. 

My often abused body felt well rested, except for the wear and tear on my well-exercised dick from my bar-girl responsibilities to break the little darlings in on proper customer relations.

The three new girls looked a little scared and flustered because they had to run through the pelting rain. The mud had splashed their feet and legs almost up to their pretty knees and it was easy to see they needed a good bath before they could be put into service.   

None of them had shoes or rain gear.

Their clothes were clinging like tissue paper to their young, nubile bodies. Of course, I right away started to plan my priorities of “inspection” to fulfill my assigned duties. I concentrated on the pair in front with the big bazookas sticking out with youthful energy and the hint of ready pussy from the dark triangles of bushy black hair showing through their wet dresses in front. I barely looked at the little bedraggled one in the back who kept her head down and shivered the entire time. It was obvious that she was the “runt” of the litter no matter how you looked at it.  

Rodrigo grabbed her up like she was his long lost cousin and pulled her up the stairs to show her the room assigned for her “hostess” duties. I knew he would also be showing her the sturdiness of the bed and the way it bounced nicely with the weight of two people on top of it. I felt a tinge of pity for the little thing but I was all booked up with the two girls that tag-teamed me into exhaustion.  I spent most of the morning with those two girls, but my excuse was, I wanted them to feel welcome and understand what would be required of them.

They were both a couple of gigglers and I kind of liked that because it reminded me of silly schoolgirls entirely agenda free and a complete lack of deviousness. They proved to be hard little workers with good attitudes. Especially, when I was in the homestretch and ready to give them the juicy part of the moment of truth. I would have to give both of those girls an “excellent” grade for performance and that was God’s honest truth.  

That night was busy. 

We had a ship in from Cuba with a bunch of troublemakers, who kept telling me how much they hated “Yankees”. My boss wanted us to make the Cubans welcome because they always had a lot of cash and I suspected they were doing a lot more than just ferrying trade goods to nearby countries.  

It was almost funny, because I was about the only American in the place. I generally stayed silent and in the background, unless Toots told me to get busy and get rid of some drunk that was making a scene that disturbed the other customers.

Rodrigo was sticking close to the new skinny village girl, making sure she didn’t get bamboozled by some fast talking pussy-hound. I had to admit, the girl looked a lot better once she was cleaned up.  She had one of those exciting faces that made guys think she was innocent as a newborn babe.

When we closed the place up at about two AM in the morning, Rodrigo tossed the girl, whose name was Crystal, up over his shoulder and marched up the stairs with her to the laughter of the other bar-girls who all knew the power of his crude demanding cock. I professed disinterest, but in fact, I had to wonder what the girl’s pussy was like and how tight she was in that secret brown eye in the middle of her crack. It made me so horny; I grabbed the first working girl available and nailed her to my mattress making her grunt in surprise at my frenzied thrusting.

I was sound asleep still in the arms of my well-fucked bar-girl, when Rodrigo woke me up in the middle of the night telling me,

“Come on with me, Yankee, I want you to hear what my Crystal just told me about her village.”

I followed him, because it was so unusual.  I was suddenly overly curious about what he was so excited about. When we got to his room, I saw Crystal in the middle of the wide bed. She was face down with her ass up high, like she was waiting for Rodrigo’s cock to be inserted any second. It was so sexy that I wanted to jump on top of her and continue where he had left off.

The delicious little thing looked back over her shoulder and gave me one of those “come hither” looks that makes your cock stick right out. I know all you guys know what I mean and a lot of you girls have already used it to get what you need at the right time.

“Tell him, Crystal honey; tell my friend, the Yankee, all about the caves.”

The girl with the twin globes of brown flesh crowning her bottom turned over.  I got a close-up shot of her pubic mound and the thatch of black hair that was dotted with Rodrigo’s spunk. She was so innocent looking and had such a shy halting voice that I wanted to arrest him on the spot for taking advantage of her inexperience. She looked up at me and smiled and started to wipe her pussy dry with some tissues from the bureau. That smile showed me that she was not as innocent as she looked on the outside.

“In my village, the village of San Isabella, we have the caves of crystal that sometimes we sell at the market to make money for our families. I was named Crystal in honor of the caves and how they have sustained us through the years when times are bad. I tell Senor Rodrigo about the funny stones I find in the back of the biggest cave where the ground has fallen away and showed me another cavern down below. See, he has the rock that I have kept as a keepsake of my memory of home.”

Rodrigo unwrapped the stone from the piece of cloth in his pocket. I saw an ordinary black stone, not unlike many others in the region, which resembled coal, more than actual rock. On closer inspection, I saw that it was shaped oddly and that the exterior surface was more like a shell than the actual rock itself. I rubbed it with my knife tip and found it flaked away and underneath was a hard surface of gemlike quality. I brought it up to the lamp and saw the light reflecting in every color of the rainbow inside and knew without a doubt that the thing was a rare and valuable diamond of gem-like quality. I hefted it in my hand and estimated the thing was around five to seven carets at least and was probably more valuable than the entire wealth of Crystal’s village and many other villages combined.

It was an effort for me to contain my excitement, because I could tell that neither Crystal nor Rodrigo knew the value of the treasure they had introduced me to. I was a bit reluctant to share my knowledge, before I knew the lay of the land.

“Well, this looks like a mighty fine crystal to me and I think that it might be worth our while to all make a trip to Crystal’s village to check out the caves and see if we might be able to buy some of them and make a profit. I still have most of my pay, because I haven’t spent any money since I got here. This looks like it might be a good investment for us, if you want to partner with me, my good friend.”

Rodrigo looked at me and said,

“It’s only fair that Crystal gets an equal share, since she is the one that found it. Is that all right with you, Yankee?”

The girl heard her name mentioned and watched us both with those secret eyes of her that sparkled even more than the diamond in Rodrigo’s pocket. She must have thought we were discussing her female assets because she spread her knees wide and spread her labia for us to see her pink inside and it was a “Crystal Cave” of special value.

I asked Rodrigo if he would be agreeable to sharing the girl between us, if she were willing.  He slapped me on the back, and said,

“Fine by me, Yankee, but I get the pussy, you get the tail.”

In all honesty, I have to confess that was my particular desire when engaged in such three-way exercises.  I loved to be buried in a female’s bottom, when she had her front stuffed with cock on the other side.

I fully expected the diminutive girl to squeal and make a racket because both Rodrigo and I had unusually large shafts that caused most females to hesitate before spreading their legs. However, Crystal just wrapped her arms and legs around Rodrigo and left her ass cheeks spread open for me to slide up deep inside her pretty brown eye. All she did was to gasp when I defeated her sphincter and I could tell she was no stranger to that unnatural way of taking cock. I wondered how many cocks she had entertained back there in her village, before coming to the port city and this particular den of iniquity.

It seems to me that I was filled with some sort of desire to show her how impressive my cock was in such matters.  I, admittedly, gave it to her back there about as hard as I have ever given it to a female with a willingness to take it up the ass without objection.

Rodrigo was laughing at the way I was humping Crystal into his dick and he was forced to flood her long before he wanted just because her happy slit was squeezing him so tightly. I managed to shot my load inside her gut shortly after and the poor girl was floating in a puddle of sperm that ran down the insides of her legs like a faucet not fully turned off.

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We both got a week of vacation from Toots. She was curious at why the three of us wanted to go into the interior, when all the fun was right there on the pier and bar. I gave some lame excuse like it was a “family thing” for Crystal and Rodrigo and I wanted to make certain she was safe.

We left early the next morning and I was beginning to have wild dreams about becoming a rich man while I was still young and able to enjoy myself.

I was already plotting on how to corner Crystal and get a good taste of her feminine wares without upsetting Rodrigo because he was adamant about me only getting squatting rights to her pretty ass. I knew the girl was all onboard with that program because she kept pulling my inquisitive fingers down to explore her pretty little cave of Crystal.

In the meantime, I was more than satisfied with humping her pretty backside because she showed pleasing appreciation for my efforts in deep exploration. I couldn’t wait to experience her other assets and finally get inside the other caves of crystal to search for treasure that would make me a rich man.

When I dropped off to sleep with my dick still buried in Crystal’s backside, I dreamed about sparkling diamonds and oodles of money stacked neatly in my closet and under my bed.     






The gates of the prison were laced with barbed wire and I was real cautious about waiting until the doors were wide open before I squeezed out onto the dirty street outside.

My brain was still a little sluggish at six AM in the morning and the sun was just peeking over the top of the mountain range that stood between this built-up area and the coastal strip that was filled with bars and fishing villages galore like some other world of strangers with only money and girls on the mind and only lots and lots of booze in their bellies and damn little food to kill the hunger pangs.

It was just the opposite of the last year when I was eating three meals a day and booze was a commodity that never entered any conversation.

My understand was that Rodrigo was taken down by a pair of drunken Indians with razor blades instead of knives and all that was left of his ugly face was shredded skin and hanging eye-balls like a phony scene in some Hollywood Horror Show. We were not close in any sense of the word except for the fact that we had done some complicated work for some weird people over the years. He had saved my life more than once and we had shared some girls together including the oversexed Crystal.

I hoped the diamond was still in the drain trap at the bar but I knew there were more where that one came from.  I wondered if Crystal had survived the year of working as a bar girl and having to put out all three ways to make her way in the world. She was a fairly good looking girl a year ago and I hoped her ass had held up for those twelve months without any serious damage that would detract from her sex appeal. At least she had youth in her favor and even now, a year later couldn’t be any more than twenty years of age.

With Rodrigo out of the picture, there was only me and Crystal to split the reward from the diamonds and I had to admit that was the thing that kept me from giving up the ghost on the inside of that taste of hell they called a “prison”.

I looked in the mirror at the bus station and had to admit that I looked like an ex-con and I even walked like an ex-con because I sort of sidled rather than walked like a normal person. I was missing two fingers on my left hand because some idiot had slammed the door on my hand as I held on to keep from being stomped by a band of Indian gangsters with drug deals floating their boat. I made no bones about avoiding any kind of drug involvement because it was the quickest way to get your head chopped off by one of the cartels that organized that shit in this part of Central America.

The recent volcanic activity had adjusted the thinking of a lot of the rural based gangs because they could see the writing on the walls with money drying up for farming operations and suppliers heading for other places to get away from the danger and the stigma of inability to meet the demands of a growing economy to the north.

Most of that shit was coming in from the Middle East now and I was a firm believer of “buying American” even in the case of illicit drugs. The cartels had moved further south now, hoping to get the new demographics in the south to bolster their loss of income in the north. It was all “early days” for the DEA hotshots and they were in serious need of some informer to update them on the fast changing situation. I wasn’t volunteering for that job because it was low on the list for life expectancy stats and the real money was in smuggling people not drugs with a lot fewer consequences.

The bus was the absolute pits but it was still a lot better than the inside of the prison.

I looked out the dirty window at the dismal countryside and wondered why anyone would want to live in this country of thieves and prostitutes and lots of pricks like me just looking to make a fast buck the easy way and not break my back doing hard labor.

A young housewife across from me was opening and closing her legs like a telegraph signal giving me little flashes of her pretty pink panties and her tan line that was an inch or two below her panty line. Her face was hard like a slab of granite with absolutely no smile to speak of and eyes that broadcast her eternal sorrow at living in this shitty place. Yet, when my glance fell down to those almost sheer panties, I saw her hairy muff pressing against the fabric and I knew she was probably wet as a porn star in the place where it really counted. She lifted her knees a bit on top of her duffel bag and I saw that her panties were wedged into her crack and I could see the edges of her brown-eye staring at me like some visitor from an alien planet just waiting for me to reach out and welcome her to my world with a little nudge from my hungry cock.

I think she could read my mind because she squirmed on that seat and her panties got pushed to one side and I saw her pink crinkle in the sea of brown, blinking out Morse code for “all hands on deck”. She moved to the tiny rest room all the way in the back and I followed at a safe distance sliding inside behind her without attracting any interest from the other passengers.

Once inside, she leaned over the dirty sink and washed her face with a little towel wipe allowing me to bang on her puckered crinkle with my hard as a rock cock finally finding a small purchase inside with the bouncing on the rough road beneath us. She pushed back like a girl with a mission to get my dick all the way up and I cooperated by humping her heart-shaped bottom with all the gusto I could muster after a full year without practice. I hoped her little yelps of pleasure were drowned out by the rattle of the ancient bus and I just grabbed hold of her hips knowing my draining would be on us a lot quicker than either of us wanted but maybe that was best under the dangerous circumstances of being discovered as perverts in a state approved mode of transportation for all residents regardless of race, creed or color of skin. I wondered where Americano Yankees stood in that mix because the graffiti on the streets was pretty one-sided against them and I guess that included me as well.

When I started to drain, her knees grew noticeably weaker because my spurts were forceful after a forced period of non-use due to being incarcerated with no choice in the matter. Each time I mustered up a sizable long line of creamy male juice, she mumbled her submissive thanks like I was favoring her with a gift from the Gods like a powerful visitor from outer space.

We made our way back to our seats without a glance from anybody except the thin-faced driver that was one of those characters that never seemed to miss a single trick.

The bus was stopped by a gaggle of dirty-shirted banditos just before the edge of the town of our destination pretending to be government agents collecting our “fee” for travel. Fortunately, they were not a greedy bunch and merely looking for enough to buy some beer down at the local entertainment center.

The place was a seedy jumble of dubious chairs and a bar that never got clean no matter how many times it got wiped off. I followed my sweet little new housewife type inside and bought her a coffee like we were old friends and not just recently introduced ass-hole buddies that didn’t even knew each other’s names.

I remember thinking that I would take the combination of a plain-looking face and a sweet, soft yielding ass any day as the early thirties skirt filled me in on her history including the fact that her ex-husband beat her every day with his belt, and her name was appropriately Dulcina.

There was an excess of lazy-looking, shiftless males sprawled out in a siesta-like state of repose leading me to push one over to make room for my bathroom buddy to rest her fine bottom. The bartender was a one-eyed guy that looked like he never intended to shave ever again.

As it turned out, Dulcina was familiar with the area because her sister lived in one of the dismal hovels buried in a jumble of dwellings off the main road. She took me by the hand and led me there like the Pied Piper, and I followed because I had no plan to speak of. The sister was actually one of the prettiest young girls I had seen for a long time and she had no less than three little ones running in every direction but always coming back to grab hold of her thin fabric dress in a way that I would have loved to emulate. I have to confess that her posterior presentation was enough to make me hard between my legs and I suspect that Dulcina was frowning because she spied my lack of loyalty to her own exciting package of down low goodies just waiting for another ride on the merry-go-round.

The sister’s name was Corazon, and she was truly a sweetheart.

There was no husband in evidence and I got the story from Dulcina that he had been arrested for treason against the State.

That didn’t sound very encouraging and it was explained with some stumbling that he was caught stealing milk from the State-run dairy in the co-op farm next to the soldier’s barracks right next to the highway. Apparently, any crime against the State was considered treason regardless of one’s political views regarding government control.

I broke out some coins from my stash and the oldest child ran down to the grocery store to get milk and bread for the hungry kids and for our coffee brewing on the stove. I think that little act of generosity made the pretty mother a whole lot more attached to me than before because she perched her pretty ass right on my knee, much to Dulcina’s distinct disgust.

It was apparent to me that I was suddenly a bone of contention between the two sisters, and I sort of enjoyed the excitement of being wanted by two such fine looking pussies after a full year of female-free incarceration.

The sister’s house was actually on the side of town that led to the Caves of Crystal, and I knew that later during the hours of darkness, I would be able to make my way to the hiding place and liberate some of the diamonds from their uninterrupted rest.

I happened to overhear the two sisters discussing me when they thought I was asleep.

Corazon:  “You mean you already had his big dong up your big fat ass?”

Dulcina:  “My ass is not fat, you silly cow. I don’t like how you plunk your married woman cheeks on his knee like that. You should be more responsible with three kids to look out for in this dangerous world.”

Corazon:  “Tonight in bed, I deserve to get his dick in my ass because you already took it all the way up like a greedy little puta. He can do you in your pussy after I get his cream.”

My erection was quivering like a bowl of jelly under the thin blanket in anticipation of getting pussy and ass at the same time.

Dulcina: "That is fine with me, but you should help out by using your sinful fingers in his back door when he is ready to cream me. I want him to shoot inside me so hard that it makes me do the shakes with my legs and I have to scream with my beautiful 'little death'."

Corazon: “That is good by me. You have to let him kiss me first because I want the taste of his manly lips and his tongue in my wet mouth before you get your chance.”

They seemed to reach an accord and I was in a state of agitation as they settled down for the night on both sides of me with the children in the back room behind the closed door that kept them from seeing their mother in the midst of sinful copulation with a complete stranger and their aunt in the middle of things.

I allowed them to follow their imagined script and it was shortly later that my cock was buried to the hilt in the pretty sister’s soft, sweet rump like a satisfied sword of comforting masculine poking pleasure. Corazon’s heart-shaped cheeks captured my dick completely and I gently twisted her nipples to give me more leverage on her pretty ass.

Dulcina was kissing and even licking my bottom the whole time and it only made me more frenzied in humping her pretty sister’s bottom with hard thrusts that threatened to knock her right off the narrow bed. We could hear the kids in the other room giggling and laughing and I had the hope that they didn’t suspect what sins their mother was committing in the next room with the strange Yankee and their fun-loving aunt with the big bottom.

I knew that the expedition to the Caves of Crystal were not on the agenda for that evening when Dulcina wrapped her long, shapely legs around my waist and locked her ankles together as my shaft split her sweet slit in two parts like slicing a piece of pie. The other sister was riding my back like some imp from the lower regions and the sensation of her happy tits rubbed my skin with the heat of hell-fire pushing me ever deeper inside the willing Dulcina, waiting expectantly for my explosion of cream deep inside her cave of sweet surrender.

They had me captured between them and I remembered the ecstasy of my endless spurts inside Dulcina with her pretty sister frantically pumping her tiny fingers into my posterior entryway like some enchanted nymph with a need for kink.

The next day, I made myself busy repairing the storm damaged porch with the two women proudly watching me sweat under the noonday sun.

The Caves of Crystal would have to wait for another day.    





Written by 3FingerKelly
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