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Diana’s Tales: Cruising Pt. 02

"“Do you always sleep naked?” he asked as his eyes feasted on my body. I nodded in the affirmative."

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Author's Notes

"Author’s note – This story was written in collaboration with Diana R. For those familiar with other editions of Diana’s Tales, then you already know what you are getting into if you proceed. This story (like all of Diana’s Tales) straddles the line between reality-based fiction and the ridiculous. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Racial stereotypes abound. Promiscuity and infidelity are flaunted. If any of these are triggers for you, please find another tale more suitable to your palate."

I returned to the ship after my beach encounter with Miguel. I was sitting poolside before heading to dinner in an hour. I saw my friends from last night, Javier, Chan, and Nigel, had lit a spark with some other young ladies also on spring break like themselves. They playfully splashed about in the water and held each other. I don’t even think they noticed me at first, and I’d almost swear they were purposefully avoiding eye contact with me, although Chan did end up giving me a muted wave hello a while later.

Although I wanted to be happy for them, I was admittedly a little disappointed, even though I couldn’t blame them. After all, I’d just explained earlier that afternoon to Miguel how we were basically strangers having no strings-attached sex. I knew any sex I had on this cruise fell under that code, and though I knew I should be thankful for the time I spent with them last night, the fact they had moved on to other women still stung. I saw my younger competition with their young, firm bodies, and I wasn’t sure how I could compete. Besides, they each had their own girl they were shamelessly flirting with, as opposed to last night when they all had to share me. The numbers worked in my favor last night, but I could understand why they would each want a female companion of their own.

Feeling blue and a little less than desirable, I ended up retiring early to my cabin for the night and calling room service for dinner. A half-hour later, there was a knock at the door.

“Room service,” a voice called out. He sounded familiar somehow, although I couldn’t quite place it.

As I opened the door, Ramon, the porter who brought my bags to the room on the first day stood there with a cart carrying my meal. “Ms. Diana, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance again,” he said warmly. “Please, let me bring your dinner into your room.”

Ramon stepped in, and I closed the door behind him, happy to see that he remembered me. Maybe I’d actually made an impression on him on that first day. I know he had certainly made an impression on me.

“Are you feeling a little under the weather, if you don’t mind my asking? We offer so many dining options, I’m surprised you are not out enjoying all that we have to offer. A lovely lady such as yourself could be living it up.”

“Oh, I’ve felt better I suppose,” I admitted. “But this is lovely. I’m sure I’ll be back out to explore the ship tomorrow.”

I sat down and admired his body as he finished preparing my meal. He set it up on a nearby table, placing the plate on a mat with salt and pepper shakers as well as silverware and napkins. He was dressed in the standard worker uniform for the ship. Khaki pants and polo shirt.

“You’re serving people all day long. When do you have time to eat?” I asked as he finished setting the table.

“This is actually my last task for tonight. I’m off the clock after this,” he replied with a smile.

“Do you have plans for tonight? Would you care to join me for dinner? I ordered way more food than I could hope to finish. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.”

“Oh, I’m honored, but they don’t like us mingling with the guests like that,” he replied, clearly trying to let me down easy.

I was still feeling the sting from Javier, Chan, and Nigel moving past me, however, and Ramon must have seen the disappointment on my face.

“I don’t mean to offend,” he quickly apologized. “It’s just, we’re here for a job. Some people are unscrupulous, and they’d try to take advantage of guests.”

“I don’t mean to get you in trouble. I just figured it’s nice to have some company and good conversation. I bet you have a girlfriend, anyway.”

“Actually, I don’t,” Ramon admitted. “I’m always away from home to work on cruises, so it makes relationships hard. Some people will try to take advantage of it. Some of the staff would spend all their time hitting on guests, basically harassing them if they didn’t have some rules in place.”

“Oh, I can imagine. Still, it’s too bad they discourage you from fraternizing with the guests. You have needs too,” I pointed out. “After all, what’s a little fun between adults as long as everything is consensual, and no one gets hurt. I mean, especially if you’re off the clock now.”

I knew I was guilt-tripping him, and I saw the struggle on his face. I smiled earnestly at him, and I could see him looking me over, trying to decipher my intentions. I had flirted lightly with him when he brought my bags to the room, and now I was practically begging him to stay. It shouldn’t be hard to read between the lines, but I decided to clear up any mystery for him.

“Just so you know, you wouldn’t be taking advantage of me. If anything, I’d be taking advantage of you. We’re both adults, and you yourself said you’re off the clock. I’m a grown woman, and I can take care of myself. I won’t force you to stay. I would never do that.”

I could see how uncomfortable he felt. His mouth was almost salivating, but his eyes were darting between me and the door, a worried look on his face, the threat of reprimand from his bosses clearly weighing on his conscience.

“It’s okay, you’re unsure. Maybe it’s not meant to be,” I said, finally breaking the awkward silence.

“Please, don’t be offended. You’re a lovely woman. If it was normal circumstances, I’d – “ his voice dropped off.

“I understand,” I assured him.

Ramon hung his head in shame as he turned to leave.

“Your tip,” I said, as I held out a bill.

“It’s okay, keep it. When you’re done with the meal, you can just leave the cart outside in the hall. Someone will be by to collect it,” he said somberly as he trudged off.

Well, this is a hell of a night, I thought to myself. The cart had a chilled bottle of wine in a bucket of ice, and I immediately grabbed it, figuring it was best to drown my sorrows. I poured myself a glass and pondered my own disappointment. I had fun with Miguel on the beaches of Escambron that afternoon, but this whole evening had turned into a train wreck. I couldn’t help but truly feel my age, and the thought frightened me. I’d heard my other girlfriends complain at various points how they felt invisible to men as they turned older. I‘d resolved that would never happen to me, but now I wondered if I was relegated to the same fate. Maybe time, my age, was finally catching up with me.

Next door, I heard the newlyweds in the throes of passion, obviously enjoying each other’s company. It only further depressed me, and I turned up the volume on the tv to try to drown out the bride’s shrill cries of pleasure. I poured myself another glass and drowned my sorrows, falling asleep on my bed watching reruns of shows that I remembered watching as if it was yesterday, although it pained me as I realized those shows were older than the newlyweds next door.


I awoke the next morning to a knock on the door.

“Housekeeping,” another familiar voice called out.

As I wiped the sleep from my eyes, Felix stood expectantly in my entryway, his eyes hopeful for a rerun of yesterday’s sex romp. In my eyes, he was like a dream, a reprieve after the rejection I’d endured the night before. He was validation that some young men did still find me attractive, that maybe I wasn’t destined to be just an afterthought.

A thin smile formed on my face. “Close the door,” I told him. “We only have a little time to play since you’re on the clock.”

He excitedly stripped off his clothes and jumped into bed.

“Do you always sleep naked?” he asked as his eyes feasted on my body.

I nodded in the affirmative.

“Naughty, naughty boy,” I playfully scolded him. “I thought the workers weren’t supposed to have relationships with the passengers.”

“Well, I won’t kiss and tell if you won’t.”

“Tell me, how old are you?” I asked, curious how badly I was robbing the cradle.

“Twenty-one. Am I too young for you?”

“No, I’d say you’re just perfect,” I replied as he spread my legs and prepared myself for him to enter me.

Ten minutes later, Felix was done having his way with me, and I laid in bed, a fully satisfied woman with his cum dripping out of my pussy and a smile on my face.

“Same time tomorrow,” Felix asked hopefully.

“I’ll be waiting for you. You give excellent room service,” I complimented him. He laughed as he opened the door to leave.

“Oh, there you are,” a woman’s voice called out. "We’re out of toilet paper if you could - “

Then I heard a gasp as the young newlywed bride stood just outside my door and caught sight of me naked on the bed. Felix quickly closed the door, but there was no doubt she knew that Felix was doing more than just making my bed.


An hour later, I was freshened up and left my room to find the day’s adventures. As I closed the door, the newlywed bride stepped out at the same moment with her husband. She looked at me indignantly, and I felt the weight of her judgmental stare. Her husband, on the other hand, looked at me in a different light, almost as if he was looking upon me as a sexual creature for the first time. I figured she must have confessed her suspicions to him, however, unlike her outrage, he seemed to harbor curiosity. She couldn’t help but notice his interest and gave him a sharp elbow jab.

I shook my head and moved past them, making my way to the main deck. As I stepped out into the bright morning sun, I was pleasantly greeted by the gorgeous landscape of Montego Bay. As I stepped off the boat, there were various buses staged to ferry people to local destinations, and I was contemplating which destination to explore when a booming voice called out in a thick Jamaican accent, “Hey there, sexy, what is a beautiful woman like you doing all alone?”

I turned around and was greeted by the sight of a 6’2” chiseled Adonis of a black man. He smiled, and his gleaming white teeth contrasted sharply with his coal-black skin. The sight of him left me shaking in excitement.

“Welcome to Jamaica. I could be your tour guide if you like,” he kindly offered.

I’d read about older women who visit Jamaica and end up in relationships with young local men. I knew right away that’s what I was facing. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, as they say. For the women, it gave them companionship and sex with men more handsome and younger than they could ever attract back home. Back at home, those older women were expected to be grannies who acted with propriety, but here they were free to pursue their lust-fueled fantasies in a foreign land where their friends and family could not judge them. For the men, the women often showered them with gifts and money that their country’s poor economy otherwise afforded little chance of obtaining.

I immediately recognized that was likely the case here, but I made a brief calculation and quickly decided our relationship could be mutually beneficial.

“And your name is?” I said with squinted eyes.

“Sanka,” he replied in a deep booming voice.

“Sanka, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Diana.”

He took my hand and bent down to give it a kiss.

“Sanka, tell me, where would you take me?” I asked, curious what kind of services he would offer.

“What does the lovely lady like to see? To the Doctor’s Cave. To the Rose Hall Great House. Or all women love shopping.”

He stepped up close to me, and he was tall enough that I had to crane my neck to look up into his face.

“Shopping sounds nice,” I replied. “Maybe I can model some outfits for you, and you tell me what looks good on me.”

“Perfect. But it is the woman who makes the outfit. I can already tell you that everything will look lovely on you. There’s a shopping district just a short cab ride away.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” I said with a laugh.

“It’s not flattery if it’s true,” he said with a wink.

A few minutes later I was modeling various bikinis for Sanka. It was a small shop with a tiny changing room in the back corner and only a small curtain for privacy. The curtain didn’t quite close all the way, and I caught glimpses of Sanka eyeing me as I changed outfits.

Each bikini I tried on was skimpier than the one before, as I went from trying on a French-cut bikini to a thong and then a G string.

“Wahoo!” Sanka applauded with excitement as I emerged with an ever-shrinking bikini. “You have a banging body. Show off them curves, mama. Sexy, sexy.”

I ended up buying the thong and the G string bikinis, figuring they would come in handy later on in the cruise, or maybe even later that day.

“How about something for me?” Sanka protested. “If am I with such a beautiful woman, you want me to look good, also, right?”

I knew he was hinting that I should buy him a treat, and soon he had a new pair of Air Jordans to replace the sandals he was wearing.

As we emerged from the shoe store, Sanka’s hands were all over me. Part of me wondered if I was almost paying for sex, although I could feel how firm and taut his muscles just from when his arm draped across my back, and I quickly decided that it was a wise investment.

“What would the lovely lady like to experience next in Jamaica?” Sanka asked.

“I’d like to experience Sanka,” I answered eagerly.

“Wahoo, I love a woman that knows what she likes!” he exclaimed. His voice radiated a jubilant excitement. “I can give you all the Sanka you can handle.”

A few minutes later, we were checked into a local hotel. The front desk clerk eyed me suspiciously as I registered for a room. When Sanka left briefly to examine the tropical fish tanks in the lobby, the clerk leaned across the counter and whispered, “Ma’am, I should warn you that he is just using you for your money.”

“It’s quite alright,” I answered with a wink. “Trust me, I’m using him every bit as much as he’s using me. I’ll be on a ship by nightfall and will never see him again.”

“Very well then. Room 336,” the clerk said tersely as she handed me a key card. “Enjoy your stay.”

I waved the key card at Sanka, and we were on our way up to the third floor.

I entered the room and walked over to the sliding glass door by the balcony. I was momentarily mesmerized by the sight of the white sand and blue waters of the beach below when Sanka came up behind me and his strong hands gripped my shoulders while his mouth leaned in to kiss the side of my neck.

“You said you want to experience Sanka. Are you ready?” he asked.

“I’ve been ready since I first laid eyes on you.”

“I can tell you came to party,” he said as his hands raced across my body.

He pulled the straps of my dress to the side, and the garment slipped down off me, leaving me standing in only my sandals and a thong.

“You have beautiful tits,” he commented as he leaned over and suckled on them. “So firm and juicy.”

The curtain right behind me was wide open. “What if someone sees us?”

“Then they will see that I am making love to a beautiful woman. What is there to be ashamed of?”

My arousal was quickly overcoming my common sense as Sanka’s hand slipped inside the waistband of my panties and his fingers began to probe my pussy.

“You’re a wet mama, ain’t you?” he declared.

I leaned back against the glass sliding door as he pulled my panties down and inserted a finger fully inside me. I spread my legs slightly to let him access me even more easily.

“Oh God, I’ve been needing this,” I sighed.

Sanka knelt on the carpet, and he brought his face to my pussy and inhaled deeply.

“I love the smell of an aroused woman,” he said aloud.

I could only smile at his awkwardly obvious observation.

And then his finger spread my labia, and he began to lick my exposed pink flesh.

“Oh God, that’s it,” I sighed deeply.

“You just enjoy yourself, and let Sanka take care of you, Diana.”

The stimulation of his tongue made me lean back even more heavily against the sliding glass door, and it suddenly slid open, causing me to fall backwards naked onto the balcony. I felt the warm ocean breeze and the smell of saltwater in the air. As I regained my balance, Sanka directed me to sit on one of the wicker chairs on the balcony.

I sat down and then spread my legs, inviting him to continue pleasuring me. He smiled naughtily as he scooted over to me on his knees. Then he buried his face back in my pussy and resumed eating me out.

We were only three stories up, and I could hear people, mostly tourists, passing on the walkway just below. Luckily, the balcony had a solid concrete wall for a guardrail, so no one could see what Sanka was doing to me. I raised my legs and rested my knees on his strong shoulders as he continued administering cunnilingus to me.

I leaned back in the seat and placed my hands on the back of Sanka’s short dreadlocks as his tongue worked magic on my pussy. He found my clitoris, and I knew that I was like putty in his hands.

“Oh, you’re so good at this,” I marveled. He looked up briefly, his pearly white teeth grinning at me, the juices of my arousal practically dripping off his chin.

“You want the full experience, right?” he intoned as he stood up before me. I licked my lips at the sight of his defined arms, his six-pack of abs, and strong chest. He was 6’2” of pure manhood, built like a professional athlete. Then he dropped his pants and eight inches of dark chocolate appeared, and suddenly my eyes were transfixed on his massive shaft. He was fully erect, the veins in his penis nearly popping out. It slowly swung back and forth before me, almost like it was placing a hypnotic spell on me.

“Is this what you came here for?” he asked.

“Yes,” I whispered hoarsely, barely able to talk. I’d had many affairs over the years, and I was used to being in control of sexual situations, but I felt completely at Sanka’s mercy.

He was an impressive physical specimen, and he knew it. He lifted my feet onto his shoulders as I lay spread before him while he positioned himself to enter me. My eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head as his manhood parted my pussy and the head of his cock easily pushed into my soaked pussy.

“Welcome to Jamaica,” Sanka smiled as I took in the full length of his cock.

I was conscious of all the tourists and passersby only a few floors before, and I tried to keep my voice down, but the effects of his cock and my arousal overwhelmed me. My body convulsed involuntarily as he thrust himself into me.

“Is this what you came here for?” he asked, repeating his earlier question.

I couldn’t even speak, but I whimpered softly, fighting to control myself. My arms reached around the back of the wicker chair to brace myself as he slowly ground himself into me, his cock turning my pussy into a gaping hole as if he was parting the Red Sea.

My eyes welled up with tears, and I cried softly in pleasure as Sanka reached down and fondled my tits as he continued to plow my pussy.

“You’re so big,” I finally answered him.

“I love seeing a mature woman like yourself lose your inhibitions.”

He was right. I had completely lost any sense of propriety, of decency, of shame.

“You brought me outside on purpose, didn’t you?” I asked him.

“You looked so elegant and sophisticated when you stepped off that boat. But I knew deep down inside what you wanted. I knew you were a cougar on the prowl. Did you find what you were looking for? I know I did.”

I growled at him, spreading my legs wider. “Fuck me harder,” I told him, no longer trying to keep my voice low.

Sanka just laughed as he began thrusting harder and faster.

“Oh God,” I cried. “That’s it, that’s it. Just like that,” I encouraged him.

He had remarkable endurance. Meanwhile, I was quickly approaching a climax. His cock was pumping into me with no end in sight, the thrusts coming in relentless rapid succession with no chance for me to even catch my breath in between.

“Is this how you wanted to be fucked?” he demanded to know.

“God yes, it is. Harder. Give it to me, God, don’t stop,” I replied, my words halting.

And give it to me he did. My body tensed up, my arms still wrapped around the back of the chair as I arched my back, pressing my tits upward as I climaxed. I wrapped my legs around Sanka and squeezed tight as the orgasm exploded. I tightened my pelvic floor, and I saw the surprise on his face as the extra pressure caught him off guard. A second later, his cock shot off inside me, filling me with his warm, sticky seed.

He laughed heartily after he was finished ejaculating. “What kind of voodoo magic was that you worked on me there?”

I grinned cheekily. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, too,” I winked. “Things the girls your age haven’t learned yet. That right there only comes with experience.”

Sanka just laughed as he threw a towel at me so I could clean myself off.

“You’re a freak, Diana, a freak,” Sanka declared as he shook his head at me. “You’re a handful. More than any one man can control.”

Though he’d only spent a few hours with me, I marveled at how Sanka already understood me better than most men, including my husband.


It was almost nightfall when I returned to the ship. I bid farewell to Sanka as he proudly wore his new Air Jordans and waved goodbye from the dock. We had spent the rest of the afternoon together, moving back inside the hotel room where I felt free to scream and cry in pleasure with every thrust of his cock as we engaged in a second and then a third round of sexual intercourse.

Sanka laughed at me as I struggled to walk back to the ship. I work out regularly to keep myself in shape, but he pounded my body to the point, I was sore all over, and I walked with a slight limp the whole way back from the hotel.

“You were walking just fine earlier,” he teased me. “I wonder what has changed since then. Hmm.”

“Yeah, that was before my body was rammed by eight inches of your monster cock all afternoon,” I admitted.

Still, even though my body felt sore and battered, it was a good feeling, almost like going home after a really good workout. As we passed other tourists in the streets, they looked oddly at Sanka and me. I felt their judgmental stares. I also saw a few other women close to my age with similar boy toys, and we exchanged knowing glances from the shared experience of our lust-fueled socially taboo relationships.

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As I made my way across the ship, I decided I needed to finally catch up on my sleep. Much as I hate to admit it, I’m certainly no spring chicken, and I can’t pull off all night capers and constant partying until the wee hours like I used to do. I entered my cabin and retired for the night. I had started off the day feeling my lowest, wondering if maybe I was finally starting to feel my age. In my mind, I still feel like I did thirty years ago, even if I’m reminded of reality every time I look in the mirror. I don’t know where the years went, but the rejections I endured last night had left me in despair, wondering if maybe life was passing me by, if I was becoming invisible like so many of my girlfriends complained about. Today, on the other hand, felt like a rousing success, and a huge measure of redemption. Maybe I wasn’t a youthful beauty anymore, but I’d like to think I’ve gained a measure of elegance and grace since then, and it turns out there are still plenty of young men like Felix and Sanka who find women like me irresistible. I fell asleep that night to the sweet memories of Sanka filling my pussy with eight inches of chocolate cock and driving me to a mind-blowing orgasm on the hotel balcony while all the beach goers unwittingly passed by just a few floors below.


Felix paid me another visit the next morning. By now, his visits were becoming a daily routine, and they provided me with the perfect wake-up call to start the day. Afterward, I lounged around inside my cabin for the rest of the morning, still content to take it easy. By the afternoon, however, I was growing restless and ready to at least check out more of the ship.

We had left Jamaica and were spending the day at sea heading to our next destination. Still feeling like a day of relaxation was hugely appealing, I grabbed a book and made my way to one of the pools for a calm, peaceful afternoon of reading.

I put on my G-string bikini that I had bought just yesterday with Sanka, and then I put on a thin cotton wrap dress to protect my modesty on the way to the pool. As I entered the pool area, I found an empty beach chair tucked away in a corner. I laid the chair out flat, parked myself on it and pulled out my book for a tranquil read.

I felt a little bit out of place, as I quickly surmised that I was the oldest person in the pool area by at least twenty years. I was reminded all over again it was college spring break, and the pool was teeming with college-aged guys and girls splashing about. I didn’t mind, since it gave me some nice eye candy to admire when I took brief breaks from reading.

There were other pools on the cruise, but I chose this one since it was more lax on the dress code. My g-string fit right in with what other women wore, and most of them were topless, as well. I unbuttoned the wrap all the way down my front, and let it fall to the side. Although I wasn’t topless, the top of my bikini was equally revealing, covering the areolas on my C-cup breasts, but hardly anything more.

I soon found myself transported back to another world and the story of a middle-aged woman who rediscovers her sexual self on a cruise and ends up in a love triangle. My trashy romance novel was far from Pulitzer Prize worthy literature, but it made for great escapist fare, and the time passed quickly as I parsed through the protagonist’s series of romantic sexcapades.

As I placed the book down for a brief respite, however, I couldn’t help but wonder what my husband was up to. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the chair and disappeared into my own thoughts. My husband had texted me several times to check on me, but otherwise we had barely spoken since the cruise departed. I wondered if he regretted choosing work over play. Choosing work over me. I know I didn’t regret coming on the cruise, although my experience would have been vastly different if he had come along. I know I wouldn’t have been able to meet so many new friends and experiences. Still, all my sexual encounters were fleeting physical no strings attached relationships, and my husband gave me a foundation in my life otherwise missing, even amidst all his flaws.

“Fancy meeting you again,” a voice called out, pulling me back from my mind’s musings.

I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the sun. I held up my hand to block the sunlight and squinted my eyes, and there stood Chan, Nigel, and Javier smiling and looking down upon me.

“Indeed,” I replied, quickly composing myself. “Although, I thought you guys found yourselves some new honeys.”

They hemmed and hawed for a few seconds, clearly flummoxed.

“Relax,” I assured them. “It’s not like our relationship was anything more than physical. It wasn’t anything serious. Besides, you guys went from having to share one woman to each one of you getting your own girl.”

“Well, you see, that was kind of the problem,” Javier explained in his sultry Peruvian accent. “We initially hit it off because it turns out they go to college only an hour away from us. But then, that kind of became the problem. As the night wore on, they were already talking about introducing us to their family and acting like we were in long term relationships, and it’s like, dude, we’ve known you for three hours.”

“Yeah, and we’re just here to unwind and have fun. We ain’t looking to get hitched,” Chan chimed in.

“We’re sorry we ditched you – “ Nigel started to apologize.

I raised my hand to stop him. “No need,” I reassured them. “So now what?”

“Well, we really had a lot of fun with you the other night,” Javier said with a cheeky grin.

I raised my eye at them. “Are you guys going to, as you say, ditch me again afterward?”

“It’s not like that, we swear,” Chan insisted.

I just laughed at their earnestness. “It’s okay. We’re no strings attached, right?

“Wait, did you already find other guys to replace us with?” Nigel wondered aloud.

“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell,” I said as I thought over my encounters with Felix, Miguel, and Sanka since I’d been with them.

“That’s alright. It cuts both ways, right? Anyway, are you still looking to play?” Javier asked.

“Monopoly?” I teased them.

“We’re thinking more like Twister,” Chan countered.

“Are you trying to sink my Battleship?”

“More like capture the flag,” Nigel added on.

“No one wants to be stuck with the Old Maid.”

“But everyone wants to capture the queen,” Javier responded.

“Checkmate,” I said as I bit my lip and squinted my eyes at them, pretending as if I was deep in thought, even though I had already made up my mind.

I placed my book back in my bag and took a deep sigh as they looked on with bated breath.

“There’s three of you and only one of me. Are you guys okay with that?”

“It didn’t stop us the other night, did it?” Chan pointed out. “Besides, I feel like we should be asking you that question.”

“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. I just hope your game is as good as your talk. Are you guys ready to go back and, as you say, play some games?”

Their eyes all bulged in excitement. A few minutes we were all back in my cabin. As soon as I heard the door click shut, I let my wrap fall off me to the ground.

“Holy shit!” Chan exclaimed. “I didn’t realize you were wearing a g string down there. I saw your tits were barely covered. You’re barely even dressed. Damn, woman.”

“I take it you like what you see,” I said as I turned around 360 degrees for them to see all sides of me.

Chan and Javier converged on me. Nigel stepped back and took a seat on a chair.

“We’re all friends. We know how to share. I can wait my turn,” he calmly stated.

“Oh my,” I whispered under my breath as Chan stood before me and kissed the left side of my neck. Javier stood behind me and kissed the right side of my neck. I closed my eyes, and I felt their hands all over my body, although I wasn’t even sure whose hands were doing what. One hand pulled down my top, exposing my breasts. One hand cupped my ass. Still another slowly ran through my hair while another reached inside my bikini bottom to the promised land.

I exhaled slowly as a finger ran across my labia. I was wet, and the finger easily slipped inside me. I opened my eyes to see Javier fingering my pussy while Chan moved down from my neck and started suckling on my tits. I was quickly growing weak in the knees.

They seemed to sense my unsteadiness, and they guided me toward a bed, and I laid on my back, spreading my legs for Javier. My hands reached and pushed down my bikini bottom, struggling for a half second before I finally managed to kick it off.

Javier was just to my side while Chan had crawled on top of me.

“It hardly seems fair. I’m all naked while you guys are still fully dressed,” I pointed out as I untied my top and threw it to the side.

“Give me just a second,” Javier promised as he leapt off the bed and practically ripped the clothing off his body.

Meanwhile, Chan looked like a kid in a candy store as he played with my tits. He fondled and caressed them, teasing my nipples and licking them as if he was savoring every lick.

He saw that Javier was done getting undressed and hopped off to do the same as Javier positioned himself in front of me. My eyes darted down to his hardened cock waiting at the entrance to my slit. Then we stared into each other’s eyes as he penetrated into me. His cock slid in and out of my pussy, and I couldn’t help but smile as he sliced into me, his cock filling me as my spine shivered in excitement.

Then what felt like a hard slab of meat slapped against my cheek, and I turned to see Chan with his cock in his hand tapping his manhood against me, offering himself to me.

“Feeling neglected?” I asked as I opened my mouth and took him in.

It had been a long while since I had last been double-teamed, and I realized how much I loved the feel of two cocks inside me. Javier’s hard meat inched its way in and out of me as he slow fucked me while I savored Chan’s cock in my mouth. I’d play with the tip of his cock, letting my tongue tickle against it and then slowly take in the full length of his manhood in my mouth. He moaned in appreciation and gently ran his hands through my hair.

I heard my cell phone ringing, but I just ignored it.

“It’s your husband,” Nigel called out in a rattled tone as he picked up the phone to look at the screen.

“Mmm-mmm” I mumbled as Chan’s cock reached to the back of my throat.

“Okay, I’ll bring it over to you,” Nigel responded nervously, clearly misinterpreting my response.

I panicked. Did I hear him correctly? The next thing I knew Nigel was holding the phone to my ear while he was busy signaling his friends to keep quiet.

“Diana, are you there?” my husband’s voice came through the phone.

I looked at Nigel in utter confusion, but he just shrugged his shoulders and then moved back to his chair. I was already so aroused, I didn’t want to lose the feeling, and I motioned to Javier to keep fucking me and then I reached over to Chan and jerked him off while I laid back down on the bed.

“Yes, honey, I’m kind of in the middle of something. Is there something you need?” I answered in a sweet bell-like tone.

My three young lovers could barely contain their snickers.

I turned my head back to the side to suck on Chan while my husband responded.

“I’ve been thinking, and I wanted to apologize. I’m just miserable here without you. I’m already out of town on business all the time. I should have put my foot down and refused this assignment.”

I looked up at Chan, and he mouthed “Put it on speakerphone.”

After my initial panic, I had calmed down, still, I’m not sure what came over me. I should have cut the conversation short with my husband and just told him I’d call him back later, but Javier was still rock-hard inside me, and I looked around the room and saw my three young studs surrounding me, and I made what would surely prove a poor decision in hindsight.

With one press of a button, my husband’s voice filled the room.

“I’m sitting here in a hotel room all alone, and I’m just missing you. I can’t help but think how much fun we could be having on that cruise,” he spoke, his voice now reaching clear as day for everyone to hear.

My three young lovers had been struggling to keep it down, but now they fell completely silent, although the shocked look on their faces was priceless.

Javier was so unsure what to do that he pulled completely out of me.

“What kind of fun?” I asked my husband, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

“I’m pretty horny right now. I’d fuck you silly if I was with you,” he responded.

“I’m pretty horny myself. I wish I had a good hard cock inside of me,” I answered as I motioned for Javier to insert himself back into me.

Javier looked confused, but he obliged, and I let out a soft moan.

“What kind of things would you do to me?” I asked my husband

“You sound like you’re getting yourself worked up already. I love it when you’re lying on the edge of the bed, and I’m standing with your ankles up on my shoulders while I fuck you.”

I lifted my legs up and rested them on Javier’s shoulders. Javier picked up on my lead and started slowly moving his cock inside me.

“I love it when your cock fills up my pussy,” I cooed back.

I was talking to my husband, but my eyes were laser-focused on Javier, letting him know my words were meant as much for him as for my husband.

As they realized what was happening, my young lovers couldn’t help but giggle and snicker.

“Is there someone there with you?” he asked.

“No, I’ve just got the tv on in the room. It’s just the background noise,” I said casually as I glared at my cohorts and shushed them with my eyes, although I couldn’t help but grin, knowing I was fully complicit in everything.

“That’s probably a good idea,” my husband conceded. “If you’re like me, you’re getting all hot and horny with our talk. Knowing how hot to trot you are, are you sure you’re able to keep yourself out of trouble on that cruise without me there?”

“What do you think? I’d invite a gaggle of three young studs back to my room and let them fuck me senseless,” I jokingly suggested.

My young lovers struggled to contain themselves.

“You’re such a slut, I bet you’d enjoy that,” my husband playfully said.

“Too bad you’re not here to see it,” I teased him.

“Damn it, Diana. That dirty mouth of yours. You come off as a sophisticated woman, but you’re the epitome of the old saying, ‘A lady in the streets, but a slut between the sheets.’ That’s you in a nutshell.”

“Why don’t you tell me more about all the things you’d do to me, or that you want me to do to you,” I encouraged him.

“You’re so filthy. I love having those lips of yours wrapped around my cock. Those lips, that mouth that has spoken at so many official university functions, such wise and eloquent words you’ve spoken, and yet, your lips if only those college kids knew the filthy way you talk in the bedroom, and the naughty things you like to do.”

“Mmm-mmm,” I mumbled as I took Chan back into my mouth. I’d been jerking him off the whole time, and he was still stiff as a rod, his member filling my mouth.

“They all think you’re a nice respectable older lady. But I know you’ve still got a banging body. I’ve overheard some of the college kids talk about you before. I don’t think they realized I was your husband. A lot of them talk about how they’d like to fuck you.”

“Oh honey, I’m getting so horny. Why don’t you keep telling me about all the things you’d do, and I’ll let you know how it makes me feel.”

All the while, Javier was growing more comfortable, and he was steadily fucking me harder and harder. I put the phone, still on speakerphone, down on a pillow next to me so I could better focus on sucking off Chan.

“I love how your tongue will tickle the tip of my cock while you’re tugging on my shaft and playing with my balls. Those damn nails of yours scratching against my balls while you’re sucking on me just drives me wild.”

“Mmm-mmm” I mumbled lustily, my mouth still filled with cock.

Everything my husband mentioned, I did to my young lovers. They were growing more bold, and now they were enthusiastically going along with everything. I loudly slurped on Chan’s cock as I ran my lips all over his manhood.

“I recognize the sound of you sucking cock there. You always slurp so loudly like that when you get into it, I can just picture you playing with your dildos. I know you packed them to keep you company without me there.”

It was all too much for Chan, and he tensed up and shot his load inside my mouth. His hot, gooey cum coated the inside of my mouth, and I gagged as it reached against the back of my throat and almost went down the wrong pipe.

As I let Chan fall out of my mouth, I let out a primal scream, the whole situation overwhelming my senses.

“Listen to you, getting yourself all worked up. You’re running short of breath, barely able to speak. Your voice going all high-pitched. I think you’re getting close to an orgasm.”

“Fuck you,” I spit back.

“You can’t help yourself, can you?” he taunted me.

“God, you know I can’t,” I conceded, admitting I was succumbing to my arousal.

Javier was pounding himself into me, and I was afraid that the sound of his body slapping into mine might sound alarms to my husband, although he didn’t seem to make the connection. I found myself breathing heavier and moaning and crying in pleasure that much more to distract my husband so he wouldn’t notice that I wasn’t by myself.

“I bet that pussy’s getting worked out good,” he continued. “I can hear the bed squeaking. Your body is probably writhing all over the place in pleasure.”

“You have no idea,” I said without a trace of irony.

“Also, those damn kegel exercises you do. It drives me crazy when you tighten your pussy on me. It’s like I’m helpless to resist, and you can just make me cum instantaneously whenever you want,” he reminded me.

Following my husband’s directions, I tightened my pelvic floor, and I saw the surprise on Javier’s face. It’s one of my favorite tricks. It was the same look that Sanka had the day before when I did the same thing to him.

In an instant, Javier buried himself in my pussy and shot his load. I looked up to see him fighting the urge to grunt and vocalize his orgasm. I brought my finger to my lips to remind him to be silent, and he controlled himself, nodding in acknowledgment and smiling in appreciation.

“You have no idea how worked up you’ve got me,” I breathlessly called out to my husband.

“You know what I love the most, though. It’s when I roll you over and fuck you doggy style. You always get so loud and cum so hard. You’re such an insatiable slut,” he shouted out. My three young lovers almost looked embarrassed to overhear my husband talking so lewdly about me. I just gave them a sly grin, however and rolled over on the bed after Javier pulled out of me. Then I turned around and gave Nigel a wink, inviting him to come over and take his turn.

“You mean, when I’m on all fours on my hands and knees, and then you take me from behind?” I asked, confirming how my husband liked to take me.

“You just can’t get enough cock in your pussy, can you?” he responded.

“I love a good hard cock in my pussy.”

“Even after I’m done with you, you’ve got all your toys, and I’ll use your toys on you and get you off again. You’ve got that one dildo you love so much. That big black one. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you love black cock,” he pointed out, clueless as to how true that statement truly was.

“Oh God,” I screamed as Nigel plunged his cock deep inside me right on cue.

“You get so sopping wet, it’s just dripping off you and getting everywhere.”

“I’m so fucking wet,” I confessed.

“That pussy of yours is like a faucet once you get turned on.”

“God help me,” I pleaded.

“You’ve got that suction dildo you sometimes put on the headboard, and you’ll suck it off while I fuck you from behind. It’s as if you can’t get enough cock inside you.”

I motioned Javier and Chan to come over in front of me, and I proceeded to alternate between them, sucking off one while jerking off the other. Whereas my husband was lucky to last 5 minutes when we had sex, my young lovers were already recovered and ready for round two.

“I’ll be fucking your pussy so hard from behind, your whole body is propelled back and forth on that dildo on the headboard,” my husband said, describing our lovemaking routine.

I grunted and squealed in delight as my body was pushed and pulled on Javier’s cock. I tasted the remnants of his cum lingering on his cock and noticed the subtle differences in how he tasted versus how Chan’s cum tasted.

“You love it when I slap that ass, don’t you?” my husband taunted.

I moaned my approval, and then Nigel slapped my ass as he fucked me harder and harder.

“Listen to you. Slapping your own ass to get yourself off. Jesus, I hope the people next door can’t hear you carrying on like that.”

I garbled an incoherent response, my mind mush as my climax approached.

“You’re so fucking close. Let me hear you cum,” my husband urged me, although I required little encouragement by this point.

My mouth was still stuffed with cock, and all I could offer was wordless moans in response.

“Let me hear it. I want to hear my wife scream in pleasure.”

I pressed my legs together, tightening myself around Nigel’s cock, and the extra pressure and sensations pushed me over the edge. I let Chan fall out of my mouth and my face dropped to the mattress as I screamed in perverse pleasure.

Nigel reacted similarly, losing control, his cock bulging in my pussy as he buried himself balls deep into me as streams of cum spurted forth, reaching to the deepest recesses of my pussy.

I was just lifting my head to catch my breath when Javier and Chan simultaneously orgasmed again, each of them shooting several streams of cum that landed on my hair and face as I continued jerking them off. After the semen assault finally subsided, I could only open my right eye as a glob of cum covered my left one.

“I bet you look like a hot fucking mess right now,” my husband said, his commentary more prescient than he could imagine.

“I’d be ashamed if you saw me like this,” I deadpanned.

“You’d better wash up before you leave that room,” he commented.

“That would be wise,” I admitted.

My three young lovers still surrounded me, all of them now fully satisfied with softening cocks, all trying to suppress their gleeful laughter.

“As aroused as you are, maybe you should just stay in that room. You’re so horny, you’re liable to jump on the first cock you see.”

“Based on the way you tell it, I’d need two or three cocks to satisfy me. Did I tell you this cruise is during spring break week? The ship is full of college-aged kids.”

“Jesus, Diana. When they see you, they probably just see their mom’s best friend or their aunt. If only they had a clue what you’re really like.”

“If only,” I replied softly.


To be continued…..

Written by wendy52
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