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Diana’s Tales: Cruising Pt. 01

"My husband would be hurt if he knew the truth, but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, and I am always careful to protect him from my infidelities,"

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Author's Notes

"All charactors are over legal age Author’s note – This story was written in collaboration with Diana R. This story involves an older white woman along with two young black men. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Racist stereotypes abound in this story, so if that offends you, there are plenty of other stories on this site. Otherwise, enjoy."

“Welcome aboard the Pleasure Cruise, ma’am,” the concierge warmly said with a bright smile as I stepped onto the ship. 

I looked around in wonder. The cruise ship was, as they say, a floating city, and its immense size overwhelmed my senses. Passengers were slowly making their way onto the ship, stopping to take pictures every few feet, hopelessly trying to capture the massive scale of the vessel and its luxuries they would call home for the next week.   

“Are you traveling alone?” the porter asked as he transported my bags and led me toward my room. 

“Yes, it would appear that I am a single woman this week,” I declared. 

Truth be told, I was still steamed at my husband. We had been planning this vacation for almost a year, but he backed out at the last minute because “something” came up at work. We had already paid for the cruise, however, so I was going to be damned if I flushed the money completely down the drain, so I proceeded to take the vacation without him. I didn’t know anyone else on the cruise, but I was bound and determined to live it up and make him regret not going. 

I love my husband, and he provides a good life for me, but he’s constantly away from home, and I have a high sex drive, so I have not always been the most faithful wife. My husband would be hurt if he knew the truth, but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, and I am always careful to protect him from my infidelities, although there have been a few close calls over the years. 

Given my husband’s blatant preference for work over me, however, I was especially irked. My own anger only seemed to fuel my lust, and I was a cougar on the prowl. Maybe it’s my own insecurities, the last vestiges of vanity as I sought validation that men still found me desirable, but I found myself sizing up every man I passed along the way to my room, and I noticed that more than a few seemed to return my gaze. 

It was an adults-only cruise, so everyone on the ship was twenty-one or older, although I noticed an inordinate number of seemingly college-aged people as I followed the porter. I heard some of the younger people talking about how pumped they were for spring break week, and I realized that I must have coincidentally booked my cruise during college spring break. 

I admit, I have a predilection for younger men. I’m fifty-three years old myself, but I think the heart always wants what it cannot have. 

As we snaked our way through the ship’s corridors, I couldn’t help but notice the porter. He was a stout younger man, in his early twenties and of Hispanic descent, although he barely had an accent. He had a well-developed physique and firm ass that his uniform couldn’t hide. I made a mental note that his name tag said, "Ramon."   

“And here we are, ma’am,” Ramon announced as we arrived at my cabin. I unlocked the door, and he placed the bags in the room.

“Will you be requiring anything else, ma’am?” he asked politely.

“No, that’ll do for now,” I said as I handed him a tip. “Carrying bags around this ship must keep you in shape,” I said playfully.   

“Thank you,” he blushed. “That it does, and if there’s anything I can do to make your trip more enjoyable, please just let me know,” he said as he bowed.  

“I’ll be sure to do that,” I replied with a playful wink, my mind already imagining the naughty fun I would get myself into in the coming week.  

After he left, I quickly unpacked my bags and changed into a breezy short cotton dress. I looked in the mirror, even though I tend to regret doing so these days. I’m a fifty-three-year-old woman, and even though I’ve worked hard to maintain my 34C-29-35 figure, it’s painfully obvious I’m no longer a youthful beauty, although I’d like to believe that I’ve acquired some measure of elegance and grace along the way. I certainly don’t feel my age, although my short auburn hair owes as much to a bottle as it does my genes these days, but with age comes wisdom, or so they say.  

As I stepped out of my room, a young couple was just arriving next door. Ramon was their porter as well, and he threw me a wink as he closed the door behind them and passed by me. 

“Young kids on their honeymoon,” he said with a chuckle. “Too young to be tying themselves down if it’s me, but to each his own,” he said as he disappeared down the hall, ostensibly to help the next set of passengers. 

Feeling giddy with excitement, I went to do some exploration and seek new adventures. I marveled at the seemingly endless options for food and activities on the cruise. I try hard to watch what I eat, but the various dining areas were a glutton’s paradise, and I scanned the endless array of games, shows, classes, and other activities the cruise offered. 

As I made my way outside, the cool ocean breeze blew my dress up, revealing my thong underneath, although some young men got an eyeful of me and whispered about it amongst themselves afterward. I suppose I should’ve been embarrassed, but I’ve worked hard to maintain my figure, so I don’t mind showing it off sometimes. Besides, I was reminded, my husband wasn’t there, so he didn’t know what he was missing out on, anyway. I smiled at the boys, letting them know that I had caught them checking me out, and they seemed almost taken aback by my brashness. I laughed and then continued on my way, leaving those boys to pick their jaws up off the floor. 

Later, I found myself feeling hungry, so I went to one of the restaurants on board. For the first time, I felt alone since I didn’t know anyone else on the boat. I figured maybe I would just order my food to go, but as I waited in the restaurant waiting area, I saw some familiar faces. The young men I accidentally flashed earlier that afternoon were standing only a few feet away. 

By the look on their faces, I knew they recognized me, also, but I was feeling a little bold and frisky, so I went over and introduced myself.

“It seems we keep running into each other,” I said as I approached. 

I suppose they feared I would berate them for leering at me earlier, so they were initially defensive as I approached, but their body postures relaxed after they saw my outgoing demeanor.     

“It does seem that way. Maybe it’s fate,” one of them replied. “Would you care to join us for dinner?”

I looked over the three young men standing before me. They were easy to tell apart since one appeared Hispanic, one appeared Asian, while the other was a light-skinned black man. They all had nice builds and looked in shape, if not outright athletic, standing between 5’10' and 6 feet tall and weighing around 180 pounds.  

“As you said, maybe it’s fate. I would be delighted to join you young men,” I cheerfully replied.

During dinner, I learned that they were best friends on spring break from college.  Javier was the Hispanic one, and it turns out his family was from Peru, although he was born in the US. Chan was also born in the US, although he was of Korean descent, while Nigel was half black and half white.   

The cruise was all-inclusive, which included alcoholic drinks, and they downed several rounds of beer while I took in more than a few glasses of wine. The conversation flowed as freely as the alcohol, and it inevitably took on flirty and bawdy tones.     

“So, you guys caught me in a kind of awkward moment earlier today,” I said, reminding them of our initial encounter earlier that afternoon. 

They all looked a little embarrassed that I broached the subject. 

“It’s okay,” Javier finally responded. “It passed quickly, and, besides, it could happen to anyone. It wasn’t as bad as you imagine,” he assured me. “Besides, there are ladies out at the pool showing off more than you did there.”

“Thanks, but I know no one wants to see an old lady like me exposed like that,” I responded, feigning modesty.

“Oh, we – “ Nigel stammered, unable, or maybe unwilling to complete his thought. 

“He means, you may be a little older than us, but you’re still easy on the eyes,” Chan chimed in.

“A little older? I bet I’m older than your mothers,” I pointed out to them. 

“What are you, early forties?” Chan guessed. “Our moms are all in their late forties. My mom turns fifty next year.”

“Don’t you know it’s not polite to ask a lady her age?” I gently scolded them as I realized I really was older than their mothers. 

 “So, what’s a nice lady like yourself doing on a big cruise all by yourself?” Javier asked.

“Well, I’m married, actually.” They pulled back in surprise and suddenly looked a little worried, looking around as if my husband might appear out of nowhere. 

“So, where’s your husband?” Nigel asked.

“He decided work was more important than play, so he left me free to play by myself.”

“Oh,” my three young companions replied in unison.

“He wouldn’t be upset about you hanging out with us?” Chan asked.

“What exactly should he be upset about?” I replied. “Besides, he doesn’t care enough to be here, and what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right, fellas?”  

I immensely enjoyed having dinner with my new friends, and I decided to have some extra fun by finding small opportunities to give them clear views down my top. I leaned over the table to reach for the salt and pepper. I let the dress strap fall off my shoulder and pretended not to notice as the top of my dress pulled down to just above my areola. I caught each of them sneaking glances, enjoying an eyeful of my breasts as we continued to drink and dine.   

“You’re pretty cool for an older lady,” Javier commented. 

“Thanks, I think,” I said with a laugh. “They say you’re only as old as you feel. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but at least I feel young at heart.”

“You’re cool by our standards. You can hang with us anytime,” Chan agreed.

“Do you guys have any plans for after dinner,” I asked as our meal wound down. 

“We’re going clubbing,” Nigel offered up. “Would you want to check it out?”

Maybe it was the effects of the wine, but I was feeling plucky and decided to give it a shot.  

“I’m here to try new things,” I cheerfully replied, wondering if I wasn’t biting off more than I could chew.

A few minutes later, we stepped into a large, darkened room. Loud pulsing music blared while strobe beams raced across and revealed slices of the room in brief glimpses. 

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dim atmosphere, and I saw the floor was packed with bodies energetically bouncing in waves. It was certainly far different from any dancing I was used to, but the wine from dinner had me feeling warm and up for new challenges.

Even in the darkened environment, I was certain I was the oldest person in the room by at least 20 years. The room was teeming with college-aged kids living it up on spring break.    

“Care for a turn on the floor?” Chan said as he held out his hand. 

“I’d be delighted,” I shouted back, the loud music drowning out anything that resembled a normal talking volume. 

Chan intrigued me. Truth be told, I had cheated on my husband many times, but I had never been with an Asian man. I don’t judge people by their skin color, and yet, I find myself attracted to men of other races. I suppose it is the allure of the unknown. 

We found a small space on the crowded floor and Chan came almost uncomfortably close to me, although I welcomed his advances. It was just foreign to any dancing I had ever done before, although my dancing skills were limited, to begin with anyway. 

The next thing I knew Chan was basically grinding himself into me, although he wasn’t doing anything that much different from what everyone else was doing out on the floor. I decided to go with the flow as his hands started getting frisky and exploring my body. 

His bulge rubbed up against me, and I could tell that he was enjoying himself. We shared a smile as I felt his hands slide down and cup my ass. 

As a new song started, Chan took the opportunity to reposition himself behind me. Our bodies moved together to the beat as his hands raced across my front and explored. One hand fondled my breast while the other reached under my skirt. 

I reached back and cupped his crotch, letting my hand rub against his hard cock as he gyrated his hips, grinding his crotch into me from behind.   

I scanned the room, and I saw similar scenes all around as men and women were in their own little private worlds out there on the dance floor. 

“You seem to be enjoying this judging by how moist your panties are,” Chan whispered in my ear. 

“You seem to be enjoying it, also, judging by the bulge in your pants,” I answered.

We returned to Javier and Nigel after the song ended. I excused myself briefly to go to the restroom so I could remove my panties. I figured it would provide a nice surprise as I proceeded to take turns with Javier and Nigel out on the dance floor. Each one of them took the same liberties with my body as Chan had, and I enjoyed the feel of their hands all over me. It’s always gratifying to know that men, especially young men, still appreciate my body.

I enjoyed seeing the look of surprise on each of their faces as they reached under my skirt and realized they had an unobstructed path to my pussy, and I loved the feel of their fingers as they rubbed against my g spot and their fingers slipped inside my moist mound. 

I ended up taking several turns with each on the dance floor. By the last rounds, I was becoming shameless, letting the top of my dress drop down and exposing my breasts so they could fondle and suckle on them in the middle of the crowd. 

“Older woman, my ass,” Chan said after they’d all taken multiple turns with me. “I think you’ve worn us three out.” 

“I’m flattered, but I’d like to thank each of you, personally, if you guys are up for a nightcap,” I replied.

A few minutes later, I was back in their room as they stood in a small circle around me. Each of them was bottomless with their cocks out as I knelt on the floor and hungrily looked around, judging where to start.

“Since I’ve never actually tasted an Asian before, I think I’ll start with Chan,” I said as I took him into my mouth. My hands reached out to Javier and Nigel to jerk them off and keep them hard.

“Damn,” Chan sighed softly as I started sucking like a hoover on his cock.  

He was so excited; he only lasted a few minutes before he exploded in my mouth. I swallowed his load clean and then said, “I think I’ll try Peruvian next,” as I turned to face Javier. 

Just like Chan, he only lasted a few minutes 

“Tasty,” I said as I savored the taste of his cum on my tongue, “but I think there’s still room for dessert. I do like my sweets. I’m thinking maybe a little chocolate mixed with vanilla cream.” 

Nigel, who was half black, half white stepped forward. Javier and Chan sat idly by as I took on Nigel, enjoying the feel and taste of his cock in my mouth. My eyes darted to the side as I bobbed up and down on Nigel’s cock while Javier and Chan appeared transfixed by the sight of their friend taking a blow job. 

Nigel succumbed in short order to my cock sucking prowess, and I was rewarded with another shot of ooey-gooey creamy ejaculate on my tongue.   

I sat back and wiped the cum off my lips and looked over my three new, now satisfied acquaintances. “Well, this has certainly turned into an eventful evening,” I remarked. 

“You know, if you want to party and hang out with us anymore on this trip, you know, we’re down with that,“ Javier offered. 

“Same,” Chan and Nigel agreed.

“It is much appreciated, gentleman, and I will definitely keep that in mind. I have a feeling maybe we haven’t seen the last of each other on this trip. After all, it’s only the first night. You gentlemen, take care,” I waved as I got dressed and left to return to my cabin. 

As I got back to my cabin, I heard my newlywed neighbors in the throes of passion, and it brought a smile to my face to be reminded of young love when everything is lust and passion. Then I remembered how I was returning from my own sexual adventures, and I couldn’t help but feel proud that I still retained a youthful passion and enjoyed sex, as opposed to so many of my girlfriends who had seemingly grown frigid over the years. Nevertheless, between the dancing and the nightcap, I was worn out but satisfied, and I was looking forward to a nice, peaceful sleep as I entered my room and retired for the night.     




I slept in the next morning, waking up to the bright morning sun coming through the cabin’s window. The brightness stabbed my eyes, and I closed them again as my mind drifted back to the memory of sucking off my three new friends the night before as my hands drifted down to finger my pussy. 

I was sleeping naked, and I couldn’t help but imagine them double and triple teaming me. I was deep in my fantasy and furiously rubbing away at my mound when I heard a loud gasp.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” a young man black man apologetically said as he stood in my room, only a few feet away. He backed away as I pulled the covers over my body and called out to the intruder.

“Hey! Come back here this instant!” I screamed at the obvious invasion of my privacy. I had every intention to report him to the cruise authorities. 

The stranger reappeared, sheepishly looking away and avoiding my punishing gaze. 

“Please, I knocked on the door and announced myself, but I heard no response, so I entered the room,” he apologized profusely.

“Announced yourself? Who are you? How could you even access my room? And why did you access my room?” I demanded to know, still indignant over the blatant invasion of my privacy.

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“I’m the housekeeping. There was no “do not disturb”, so I knocked and announced myself before entering. I guess you were, ahem… distracted or could not hear, and then, well, you know.”

Then I noticed he was dressed just like Ramon, the porter who had brought my bags to my room, and I suddenly felt like a jerk. I groaned in frustration at myself as I realized he must be a cleaner, someone in charge of turning rooms around like a hotel maid. It occurred to me I never placed a “Do Not Disturb” sign on my door, so maybe he really was just doing his job.   

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You really were just trying to do your job, weren’t you?”

“Please don’t report me, ma’am. I don’t mean any trouble.”

I looked at him completely differently now. No longer blinded by my anger, I saw that he was actually a nice-looking young man. He was younger, probably about the same age as all the college kids on spring break. He was beyond polite to the point of being fearfully apologetic for our misunderstanding. 

“Could you please close the door behind you so that no one can see me? I’m still not dressed,” I instructed him.

“Of course, ma’am,” he replied, almost jumping out of his shoes to appease me.

“No, stay, please,” I called out as he started to leave and close the door behind him. I wanted to apologize more properly to him. Now that I realized how badly I overreacted, I wanted him to understand that our sour encounter was entirely my fault. 

“I don’t know if this is appropriate,” he said as he closed the door behind him. 

“It’s okay. I feel bad. I didn’t mean to berate you for doing your job. I was completely at fault. I feel like I should make it up to you.”

“Please, I mean, I’m here now. If you want, I can tidy up your room real quick and then be out of your way.”

“Just relax,” I reassured him. “I trust we don’t need to let anyone know about our little misunderstanding this morning and that we can just keep it between us.”

“Of course,” he replied, seemingly relieved that I would not report him to his management.   

Now that the situation was defused, I realized that even with the shock of being interrupted, my pussy was still wet in arousal. I had not been able to finish rubbing it out, and as I continued to study his appearance, I found him more than attractive. He was almost six-foot even and 180 pounds of solid muscle. Unlike Nigel last night who was of mixed race, the man currently standing in my room was unabashedly black as coal. 

I still had the covers pulled up to cover my naked body, but one of my hands drifted down, and began to finger my pussy again under the blanket as I lay before him. I knew it was probably a desperately bad decision, but I was horny, and, as they say in sports, sometimes the best ability is availability. 

“Come here,” I whispered as I let the blanket drop down while my hand motioned him to come closer. 

He gasped as my breasts were revealed to him and he caught sight of my other hand still fingering my mound. 

“So, you promised me we’d keep this all between us, right?” I asked him.

His eyes grew wide as saucers as he slowly nodded his head. 

“Good, because I could use a little help with something. What’s your name?”


“Good morning, Felix. I’m Diana,” I said, as I laid back down on the bed and spread my legs before him. Using both hands, I spread my pussy wide open for him. “How long do they give you to clean each room?”

“About ten minutes,” Felix softly replied, his eyes glued to my body. 

“Instead of spending the time on the room, how about spending those ten minutes on me,” I offered.

It was as if a light bulb went off in his head, and he sprang into action. Within seconds, he kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants to the floor. He was well-hung, and I was gratified to see he was turned on by me. The next thing I knew he jumped on top of me, and my body shivered as his cock pushed up against my drenched pussy. 

“That’s it, big boy. Please. Don’t keep a woman waiting. I’m ready for you,” I said as he mounted me. 

He smiled as his hand reached down and he inserted himself into me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his cock spreading my labia. The head of his cock slowly entered me, and then he plunged the rest of his member in one quick thrust. 

His face softened and turned into a quiet confidence as he realized I wasn’t playing a trick on him.

“Please,” I urged him. “I need a good hard fuck.”

If there was one thing I knew about Felix by this point, it’s that he knew how to follow directions. He began fucking me with youthful vigor, the headboard slamming against the wall as he pounded my body into the mattress. 

His cock sawed into me, and it felt as if the tip of his member was reaching my cervix. My eyes nearly went to the back of my head as his cock plowed the depths of my pussy, instantly filling a need that my fingers couldn’t meet. I was tense with excitement and anticipation, still nursing my arousal from when I was masturbating before he entered my room, but his cock turbocharged me, sending me through the roof, and I felt unable to control my own body and reactions. My muscles tensed up, and I wrapped my legs around my young lover to hold on as he relentlessly pounded me with forceful thrusts. My fingers dug into his back, almost ripping through the fabric of the uniform shirt he was still wearing. 

“Oh God!” I screamed. “That’s it. That’s what I need. Please don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I begged him.

My words of encouragement seemed to have the desired effect as he grew emboldened to ride me even harder and faster. I wanted to be fucked hard, and he delivered. 

He bucked wildly, pumping his cock into me, each thrust feeling as if his cock penetrated deeper than the last and feeling as it if reached parts of me that had never been touched before. I was already edging hard when Felix dipped his head down. His mouth clamped down on my breasts, and this last bit of stimulation propelled me over the finish line. 

I was as if I was having an out-of-body experience as if my body was going limp, yet I was energized, all at the same time. I closed my eyes, feeling almost as if I might pass out from the intensity of my orgasm while I struggled to keep my breath as he impaled himself inside me and shot his load, his warm seed firmly implanted inside me.

My body almost felt like it was paralyzed, unable to move as Felix pulled out of me, his black cock glistening in my juices and his cum as he hurried to grab his clothes. 

“I’ve got to get to the next room,” he said ruefully. “You never know when my boss will walk through to check up on me.”

“Maybe you can fix up my room tomorrow morning again,” I said hopefully, still basking in the glow of my orgasm. 

“You can count on it,” he promised me.




We were ported in Puerto Rico, and I wanted to spend the day exploring the local beaches. I cleaned myself off, making sure I was presentable after my morning fuck session, and then I gathered the things I would need to spend the afternoon on the beach. 

I went through my swimwear, determined to pick the sexiest swimsuit I could find. When I had packed for the cruise, I was still mad at my husband for canceling last minute, so I packed some of my sexiest outfits and clothing for the trip. I put on a thong bikini and then wore a beach dress to cover myself up while going between the beach and the boat. 

I work hard to maintain my body, and I’m proud of the fact that, even though I’m fifty-three years old, I still have the same figure I did when I was in my twenties. I know there are some guys who may be turned off by seeing an older woman like myself dressed in a skimpy bikini, but experience has also told me that there are plenty of men out there who still find me attractive. Quite honestly, I still enjoy the attention, especially from the younger men. 

The weather was pleasant and breezy as I made the half-hour walk from the San Juan port to the Escambron beach. The sky was a deep blue with barely a wisp of a cloud in the sky, and the ocean waters were clear as the waves gently lapped against the sandy shore. There was plenty of room still on the beach, and I found a nice spot where I spread out my towel and laid out for a tan. I had a good steamy romance novel, and I quickly made my way through its pages while I soaked in the sun. 

The lovemaking scenes in the romance novel made me highly aroused though, and I became moist and desperately wanted to touch myself between my legs, but I didn’t want to be so lewd with dozens of people in close proximity. I put down my book, afraid that I couldn’t resist the temptation to openly masturbate if I continued reading. I sat up so I could cool off for a few minutes while I took a look up and down the beach. I recognized a few faces that I’d seen on the ship, but otherwise, there appeared to be a mix of locals and tourists enjoying the ocean and the sand. 

“Excuse me, senora,” a voice called from behind. 

I turned around and saw a young man with a cooler holding forth an iced water. “Water for $1,” he said. 

I realized I failed to bring a drink or any snack with me. “Sure, I’ll take one,” I decided.

“You are from the mainland,” the young man asked as I fumbled through my bag looking for cash.

“I am. I came on the cruise ship. I’m just here on a day’s excursion. You live here, I take it,” I replied, happy to make small talk as I handed him the money. 

“I was born and raised here,” he proudly answered. He had a thick Spanish accent, but his English was still easily understood.

“It’s a beautiful island. You’re lucky. It’s like living in paradise.”

“It is like anything else in life. There is good and bad. It is beautiful, yes, but we have many problems.  Jobs are scarce. Life is becoming hard over here. Many people are leaving for the mainland.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I replied.

“I have been walking all morning. It is very nice talking to you. Do you mind if I sit for a few minutes to rest?”

“Please do. I am Diana, by the way. And you are?”

“Miguel. So, what brings you to our island?”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miguel. And I came to see your beautiful beaches and scenery. This is far different than where I come from.”

“What do you do on the mainland?” he asked me.

“I am retired, but I used to be a college guidance counselor.”

“Retired? You don’t look old enough?” His face showed his surprise at my admission.

“Why thank you, but I did retire early. How old are you?”

“I am nineteen. I would like to go to college, but my father passed away a few years ago. I have to help make money for my mother and my siblings, so I sell these waters in the afternoon, and then I work in a restaurant in the evenings.”

I still felt the arousing effects of the romance novel. I had chosen the novel because it was about an American woman who visits the Dominican Republic and ends up in a steamy relationship with a local while on vacation. There were enough parallels between the story I was reading and my own current situation, that I started looking at Miguel in a different light. I wondered if my life could mirror the story I was reading, just substituting PR (Puerto Rico) for DR (Dominican Republic).   

There’s something liberating about being in a foreign land. I was almost anonymous. Back home, I was a married woman, but here, no one knew me, and no one back home would know if I partook in some indiscretions. I had already taken advantage of that fact on the cruise a few times, obviously, but I was wondering if maybe this wasn’t another opportunity.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Miguel?” I asked, as I sought to explore the possibility. 

“No, I am always working. Besides, I have no money. The girls, they want a sugar daddy,” he said with a laugh. 

“You’re a catch,” I said with a wink, curious to test if he would flirt back.

“I am the fish that gets thrown back when caught on a hook. No one wants me.”

“I think you’d be surprised.”

His ears perked up as he seemed to finally catch my signals. 

“What are you saying?” he asked cautiously.

“If it were me, I don’t think I could keep my hands off you.”

He eyed me curiously, trying to gauge if I was serious.

“You are just toying with me to make me feel better. You don’t really mean it,” he finally responded.

“Do you want me to prove it?”

“And how would you do that?” he scoffed. “We are in the middle of a public beach. There are people all around. There is no privacy.”

“Take off your shirt, empty your pockets, and then follow me,” I said with a wink as I stood up. “Leave your things here. It is safe.” 

I took his hand and led him into the water. The sand turned from warm and dry to wet and cool as we waded out into the surf. The waves were softly rolling in and crashing into the shore before ebbing back into the sea. 

Most of the beachgoers seemed content to lay out in the sun. There was a volleyball game going on down the way, and there were some lovers strolling up and down the shoreline, but there wasn’t anyone within 50 feet of us. When we’d gone far enough, I sat down on the sea floor, and the water reached up to just above my chest, rising to just below my chin at the wave crests.       
“Sit down in front of me,” I told Miguel. He looked a little confused, but he followed my direction. 

As the ocean breeze blew inland, the soft roar of the waves lapping against the shore and drowned out any other voices. We were almost secluded in our own little world just a few dozen feet into the ocean. We turned our backs to the beach and faced out to the endless sea.

I had my arms and legs wrapped around Miguel from behind, spooning his body as we faced away from the beach and out to the ocean.  

“It’s amazing to think how far the ocean stretches, isn’t it,” I marveled as my hands reached under the water to Miguel’s trunks. 

He jumped a little as my hand slipped inside his trunks and my fingers wrapped around his penis. 

“Why don’t you lower your swim trunks,” I suggested as I rested my chin on his shoulder and lightly kissed the side of his neck. 

He quickly complied, giving me easier access to his manhood.

“There, just like I promised. I told you I didn’t think I could keep my hands off you,” I said with a cheeky grin.

Miguel nervously looked around, but he seemed to calm down as he saw there was no one nearby. The rest of the beach crowd seemed oblivious to our presence as they played in the water or sunned themselves on the beaches. His cock quickly grew hard in my grip, and I slowly pumped his cock in slow, measured strokes as he leaned his head back into me. 

“Are you sure this is safe?” he asked, obviously still nervous. 

“I can stop if you’d prefer,” I offered.

“No, no, I think it’s okay. I can keep an eye out.”

My other hand pulled down the top of my bikini, revealing my breasts, although they remained under the water level. Miguel turned in surprise as I pressed my naked chest against his back and rubbed my nipples against his skin. 

“Would you like to touch them?” I invited him as he looked down at my chest. He half turned to face me, and then his hand slowly came over to caress my breasts. I smiled and sat still as he fondled me while I inhaled deeply. 

At one point, the ocean level dipped low enough between the wave crests that my breasts were revealed, but I was still turned away from the shore, so I don’t think anyone noticed. Or at least I hope they didn’t.   

Miguel’s hands played with my titties as I continued jerking him off.  

“Who are you?” Miguel asked in disbelief.

“What do you mean?” I responded, somewhat mystified since I felt we had made a real human connection. 

“I mean, I’m not complaining, but why did you pick me? We just met. I’m nothing special. I can’t offer you anything.”

I laughed heartily. “You’re offering me plenty enough,” I replied as I gripped his cock even tighter. “I’m only here for a few hours before my cruise takes off. I don’t expect we’ll ever see each other again, but that’s part of the beauty of this, isn’t it? Two strangers creating a memory, sharing a secret, that we’ll recall fondly for the rest of our lives. I’m quite enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“It is like a dream,” Miguel admitted, finally relaxing again.  

“I’m a woman who enjoys sex. I like bringing satisfaction to men, especially young men such as yourself. I like you well enough, but I don’t fancy this is anything outside of a random hook-up. It’s quite romantic, though, in some sense, isn’t it? Me, the older American woman, just lying on the beach all alone, reading her smutty and trashy romantic novel when a strong young man comes along to bring her romantic book to life. And you, the young upstart enterprising Puerto Rican man enchanted by a mysterious older woman into a romantic interlude on the beach.”   

I continued jerking off Miguel under the water as his body stiffened and he leaned his shoulder on mine for support. The water was clear enough, and I saw his cum shoot forth, the string of semen floating in the water for an instant before quickly washing away with the next wave rolling by. 

“Thank you,” Miguel said softly. “Is it alright if I kiss you?”

I laughed at his innocence. “I just jerked you off and you’ve been fondling my breasts and slipped a hand to my pussy, and you’re worried if I’d let you kiss me.”

I leaned over and we shared a long romantic kiss. 

“I guess it turns out this story has a happy ending,” I said as we broke the kiss. 

“You were right,” Miguel told me.

“About what?” I wondered.

“This is a beautiful thing. Two strangers creating a memory, sharing a secret, that we’ll recall fondly for the rest of our lives.”




To be continued….

Written by wendy52
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