My name is Christine. I am a stay at home housewife living a comfortable life with my husband, Tom.
I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago.
Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The company was headquartered in the Woodlands, approximately fifty miles north of downtown Houston. We bought a lovely four bedroom home that backs up to a private golf course. We have lived there for over twenty three years.
We raised two sons, who are now away at college; so we are adjusting to life as "empty nesters".
We have a good, solid marriage, with an adequate, albeit at times, somewhat boring, sex life. Neither of us had much sexual experience with others before we met, so we learned about the joys of sex with each other in our youth.
After the initial passion of our college days wore off, we fell into a bit of a routine where we typically would have sex once a week, usually on the weekend. I would climax more often than not. Our sex life was satisfactory, but not overly passionate, and certainly not creative.
To be honest, our weekly intercourse had become a bit of a "check the box" exercise, and I came to accept the fact that our sex life could not burn with white hot passion for years and years.
It never occurred to me to cheat on Tom, but I did occasionally fantasize about other men while masturbating, which I would typically do if I failed to achieve my weekly orgasm with my husband.
Our new neighbors:
When Demarcus and Jen bought the house next door, I immediately liked my new neighbors. They were a mixed race couple in their thirties. They were educated, charming, intelligent, full of energy and fun, and quite attractive.
Jen was more than simply friendly, she was genuinely warm and caring. Early in our friendship, Jen confided to me that she was not able to have children. She explained that knowing that Demarcus and she would remain childless left a significant emotional hole in their lives, and she tried to fill the emptiness by volunteering at various charities. Since moving next door, she had been volunteering at the local nursing home that catered to elderly dementia patients, two day a week.
As I said, not only was I touched by her sincerity and her kindness, I admired her.
She was also strikingly attractive. She had a tall, statuesque body. At five foot, ten inches tall, she had the long legs and figure of a model. She was an avid tennis player and had the sleek look of a well conditioned athlete. She had a blue-eyed, blonde, Swedish or Norwegian appearance that I envied.
Demarcus was a gorgeous black man. He was six foot, three inches tall. He had powerful build; a strong jaw and a broad smile that was both flirtatious and engaging. There was an impish, sparkle in his dark eyes that indicated a playful devilment under the strong, serious exterior. Yes, he was quite attractive. But more importantly, he was charming and intelligent. And as you might expect from a lawyer of his stature, Demarcus was articulate and knowledgeable on many subjects.
Yes, Jen and Demarcus made a strikingly attractive couple. And I would be lying if I denied that the contrast of Jen's statuesque, blonde, Nordic look against Demarcus's muscular ebony physique was part of the reason these two were so strikingly attractive together.
Jen and Demarcus quickly became an integral part of our social circle. At least once a month, we would go out to dinner together, or dine at one of our homes.
Although my yard backed up to a fairway, Tom had planted a large privacy hedge which blocked the golfers' view from our pool and patio. In the hot, humid summer months of Houston, Jen and I would frequently sunbathe around the pool in our backyard while the guys played early morning golf.
Jen got in the habit of lowering her top in the privacy of my backyard to sunbathe topless.
"I need to give the girls some sun. Demarcus loves to see my breasts tanned," she would say with a giggle.
This gorgeous lady was obviously very comfortable with her body and her sexuality. I found her poise and self-confidence very appealing. I wished I could be more like her.
Feeling a little wicked, I started to join her by lowering my top as well. I will confess, Jim liked my tanned breasts as well.
Jen's tits were slightly larger than mine, and her areolas were much larger than mine, but she looked damn sexy sunbathing topless by my pool. I like to think that I did too.
The fact that we could hear golfers looking for stray golf balls immediately on the other side of the hedge, and if they really attempted to do so, they could peer over the hedge and see us sunbathing topless, made this practice feel a bit more dangerous and exciting.
Typically, the guys would return early afternoon, change into their swim suits and after a jump in the pool, Tom would grill a late lunch for us on our outdoor kitchen.
It became a standing joke between the guys that they would try to finish golf early, and sneak home to catch us sunbathing topless. We teased them mercilessly by remaining topless until we heard the garage door open. We would be adjusting our tops when Demarcus and Tom would come through the patio to the pool, indicating that they missed catching us topless by a matter of seconds.
It was fun, harmless and just a tad naughty. I would flirt with Demarcus and Jen would flirt with Tom in a playful manner.
One Saturday afternoon, I jokingly asked Tom, "If you guys are so hell bent to catch us sunbathing topless, why don't you just look over the hedge when you play the fairway behind our house?"
Tom looked at Demarcus, and both men smiled broadly, before saying, "Who says we don't look over the bushes at you girls?"
I was not sure if they were joking or not.
An unexpected proposal:
Jen and I were chatting in my kitchen one Friday afternoon in early September.
"Demarcus turns forty next Saturday," Jen offered.
"Oh, that's one of the big ones. What do you have planned for him?" I asked.
"Well, I want to make it special, but I doubt I can give him what he really wants?" Jen said with a slight nervousness in her voice.
"Why? What does he want?" I asked slightly confused.
"Well, that's the thing...he wants you."
"Well, yeah, he has a bit of a crush on you. He has since we moved next door."
"Seriously? What are we talking about here?" I asked in a bit of panic.
Jen took a sip of her coffee while she gathered her thoughts.
"I hope you're not offended by this," Jen said cautiously. I sensed she was trying to determine whether or not to continue with this discussion.
"I'm not offended, just a little shocked. I hope you know that I have never done anything to encourage Demarcus to want me, or to make him think I was available."
Jen took my hand and said, "Oh no, not at all. Christine, Demarcus and I know you and Tom are as solid as a rock. It is obvious that you are deeply in love and your marriage is strong. Demarcus just finds you very attractive; and not just physically. He thinks you are sexy, and charming, and funny."
I felt myself blush at the compliment. Not really sure how to respond, I said, "Well, thank you...I guess."
My head was spinning a bit. I took a sip of my coffee before continuing, "Jen, would you be okay with this?"
"Well, yes. I guess it is only fair," she answered sheepishly.
"Why is that?" I asked. Again, I was puzzled.
Jen took a deep breath and said, "Well three years ago, for my thirtieth birthday, Demarcus gave me a similar present."
"Oh my. Seriously? Tell me more," I insisted. My curiosity was piqued now.
"Oh, you are going to think I am such a slut. But, before we moved here, I was finishing my masters degree in psychology at the University of Michigan. I had a crush on one of my professors; and well, I guess I mentioned it to Demarcus. Rather than get mad, Demarcus found my attraction to my professor intriguing. Occasionally, he would pretend to be the professor when we made love. It was harmless role playing, but it always got me off. Well, finally, for my thirtieth birthday, he arranged for me to have a birthday date with him."
"A date?" I asked for clarification.
"An all night date. For that one night was allowed to pretend that I was single. As a birthday present to me, Demarcus allowed me to have one night with this handsome forty six year old psychology professor. It was a gloriously sexy and emotionally fulfilling night. Jon fucked me senseless all night."
"The professor," she said cautiously before adding, "I think he enjoyed himself too. I got an 'A' in his class."
Jen stopped to take a sip of coffee and spent a few seconds studying me to determine if I was appalled. Truthfully, I was more intrigued than appalled.
"So what happened when you returned home? What did Demarcus do?"
"It was a bit awkward. He was interested in what happened."
"Did you tell him? I mean, did you tell him everything?"
I was simply unable to imagine coming home and telling Tom about how well someone else had fucked me.
"Demarcus was anxious to hear what happened. You have to understand that we had a very open and honest relationship, and Demarcus wanted to know the details."
"So you told him everything? How your professor friend fucked you senseless?" I could not process what my friend was telling me.
"You think that I an such a slut, don't you? I shouldn't have asked you to do this, should I?" Jen asked with a nervous tremor in her voice.
"No, not at all. You just caught me by surprise, that's all. So was this a one time thing, or are you and Demarcus swingers?" I asked, trying to understand the exact nature of my best friend's marriage.
I saw Jen's face turn bright crimson at my question. I had obviously embarrassed her.
"Jen, I did not mean to embarrass you. I apologize," I said trying to ease her discomfort.
"No, it is me that should apologize. I should never have said anything to you about Demarcus's request, or his crush on you. But to answer your question, no, we are not swingers in the conventional sense of the word."
"Conventional sense of the word?"
"What I mean is we do not regularly hook up with other people," Jen said defensively.
"But you do sleep with other people occasionally?" I was genuinely curious to better understand what my best friend was telling me.
"It's not exactly like it sounds, but yes, there have been a few special situations. Demarcus and I have been married for twelve years. During that time there were four times when one of us has allowed the other to be with either an ex-lover, or someone for whom we have developed a special attraction."
"Are these all just a single evening, or did you have ongoing affairs?" I asked.
"Each situation was a single evening, no long term or ongoing affairs." Jen paused before continuing, "I assume you and Tom have never done anything like that?"
I laughed and answered, "Oh my, no. The wildest thing we've ever done was watch some internet porn together once."
Strangely, I was a bit embarrassed to admit to my friend that my sex life with my husband was so routine and boring.
"I'm sorry I even brought this up. I hope this does not affect our friendship," Jen said nervously.
"It won't. I'm not offended. In fact, I'm a little bit flattered. Demarcus is a very attractive man," I admitted honestly.
I thought for a moment and then added, "I am sure Tom would never agree to such a thing, but just out of curiosity, what did you and Demarcus have in mind for a present? Would he take me to a hotel?"
"I envisioned Demarcus spending an evening with you; a date. He would take you out to dinner, and perhaps dancing. The two of you would come back here to our house, where you could enjoy each other until noon the next day," Jen suggested.
"And you'd be here?"
"No, what I was thinking is that I would go over and keep Tom company at your house for the evening. But I would only do that if you and Tom were comfortable with the idea."
Jen paused and then added, "I know it's crazy. Forgive me for suggesting it. It's just that...well...I sensed a little chemistry between you and Demarcus, and I thought you'd enjoy this. I know he would. He's very good you know; and I mean very good."
Jen's last comment, telling me how very good her husband was, was not lost on me.
I thought for a moment before responding, "I just don't see how that would work out. I can't see Tom ever agreeing to this."
Jen simply answered, "I understand. I really do."
I was suddenly aware of my vagina seeping my lubrication into my panties. Jen's suggestion had aroused me considerably.
We changed the subject and chatted briefly before Jen excused herself, and returned home leaving me to ponder what might have been. I sensed that she was genuinely embarrassed and regretted broaching this subject with me.
On the other hand, Jen's proposal forced me to consider images that were arousing me.
I looked at the clock. It was three forty five. Tom would not be home for at least two hours. I slipped into my bedroom and I masturbated imagining what it might be like to spend an evening as Demarcus's date and lover.
The rest of the afternoon, my mind kept slipping back into imagining various scenarios with my handsome black neighbor. It was as if Jen had planted a seed in my mind's eye that spouted and was rapidly growing out of control. Despite all efforts to purge these thoughts from my mind, I kept wandering back.
I had never been with a black man. In fact, I was woefully inexperienced when Tom and I became a couple in college. The only man with whom I had ever achieved a climax was my husband.
Tom and I had occasionally watched some internet porn as a form of foreplay. I must confess, I found the interracial scenes the most stimulating. I realize that the actors starring in pornographic films do not represent a statistically valid sampling of the African American population; however, the black penises in those films were absolutely huge; much larger than the white porn star's cocks.
I could not help but wonder, how large was Demarcus's penis?
Yes, Jen had launched me down a path of very naughty thoughts and I seemed unable to control where my imagination was taking me.
Tom arrived home at his usual time. We were sitting at the dining room table, having grilled chicken and charro beans, when I finally broached the subject that had haunted me all afternoon.
"I had a very interesting conversation with Jen this afternoon."
I paused waiting for Tom to invite me to continue.
"Yeah, what did you two cook up this afternoon?" he finally asked. He was obviously preoccupied and not really interested in my girl talk with my best friend.
"She had a very unique idea for Demarcus's fortieth birthday present."
"Yeah, what was that?"
"Me," I said as I took a sip of my chardonnay.
"You? What are you talking about?" Tom sounded both confused and annoyed; however, he was now very interested in Jen's and my conversation.
"Apparently, Demarcus has told Jen that he has a bit of a crush on me. His fantasy is to spend one evening with me. It's crazy, I know. I told her it was crazy."
"Was she serious? Are you sure she was not just fucking with you? This doesn't sound like them at all," Tom responded incredulously.
"Yeah we talked about it long enough to convince me she was serious. Oh I made it clear we would never agree to something like that. Weird, huh?"
Tom was about to take a sip of his beer, but he set it down and sat silently for a moment.
"How do you feel about this? Were you offended?"
I smiled and said, "I was shocked to say the least. I was confused. I mean, it's not the sort of thing you expect your best friend to ask you. But in a way, I was flattered. It's kind of cute that he has a crush on me. I never knew."
"I can't believe he would tell his wife that he wanted you as his birthday present. Un-fucking-believable."
"Well, apparently, three years ago, when they were living in Ann Arbor, Jen was really attracted to one of her professors. For her thirtieth birthday, Demarcus arranged for her to spend the night with him. I guess she feels that she owes him a similar arrangement now that he is turning forty."
"Would you ever consider doing something like this?" Tom asked.
I was surprised at his tone, but he sounded as though he might consider allowing me to do this.
I took another sip of wine and said, "Oh my, no. I would never take that kind of risk with our marriage. I would never do that to you."
"What if I said it was okay? What if I let you do this one time?"
"Seriously?" I said with my head spinning.
"I don't know. Perhaps. I have to admit, the idea does have a certain appeal," Tom said while looking closely at me to gauge my reaction. "So, if I was okay with this, would you want to do it?"
"Promise you won't get mad?" I asked, seeking assurance that a truthful answer would not be held against me later.
"I promise. Tell me how you feel about doing this."
I took a deep breath, and speaking slowly, in a measured pace, I answered, "I was shocked when Jen first suggested it. I was even more shocked when she told me about her night with her professor friend. But, honestly, I can't stop thinking about what it would be like. Don't get mad, but I played with myself before you got home, just an hour ago. I was pretty wound up with naughty thoughts about Demarcus."
"Oh, you wicked little girl. You made yourself cum thinking about his big black dick, didn't you?"
I blushed, lowered my eyes and simply mumbled, "Uh huh. I did."
"So if we decided to do this, how would it work? Would you two go to a hotel?"
"The scenario Jen laid out would have me spending the night with Demarcus, and she indicated she would come over here to keep you company, if you wanted her to. I don't know if I could handle that part."
"You mean we would simply swap spouses for the evening? Goddamn, those two are a lot wilder than I ever imagined."
That night, Tom fucked me like he used to when we were in college. I guess we were both pretty wound up from the thought of me being Demarcus's birthday presentation. Or perhaps Tom was wound up with the thought of Jen spending the night at our house to keep him company while Demarcus and I celebrated his fortieth birthday next door. Regardless, both Tom and I fucked like we were back in college that night. I came twice.
Tom was on top of me, pounding me when I simply said, "I wonder how big Demarcus is? I wonder if I'd be able to even take all of that big black cock inside me?"
Tom grunted and stiffened. He came at the very suggestion that his cute little white wife's pussy might be too tight for his neighbor's big black erection.
Clearly, whether or not Tom would actually want me to do it, he found the thought of me being with Demarcus very stimulating. If I am honest, so did I.
The next morning, I got a phone call from Tom.
"Christine, are you alone?" he asked nervously.
"Yes, honey, I'm just sitting in the kitchen watching 'Good Morning America' and having some coffee. What's up?"
"I'm sitting here in my office with the door closed and I've been thinking about your conversation with Jen yesterday."
"Okay, what about it?" I asked. I actually suspected that I knew where this was headed.
"Would you want to do that? You know, be his birthday present?"
"Oh my. I don't know. I admit, thinking about doing that is kind of fun. But I would never do anything that would hurt you, or that you didn't want me to do," I answered.
I could feel my vagina start to moisten as I said the words, "Would you want me to do that?"
Tom paused for a moment before saying, "I think I would. Christine, I have such a boner right now thinking about you doing that. That's why I have my door closed. The front of my pants looks like a tent right now."
"Are you sure? You might feel differently if it actually happened. You might be really jealous, or really mad at me afterwards."
"I promise you that I won't. Besides, Jen would be here to keep me company, remember?"
"I don't know how I feel about that. To be honest, I think I would be pretty jealous if I ever thought you liked being with her more than you liked being with me."
"Don't worry, that's not going to happen. I think you should talk with Jen today and find out precisely what she has in mind. How would this work? Is this a one time fling, or would Demarcus want a repeat performance down the road?" Tom instructed.
I agreed to talk with Jen and get some ground rules established. My head was spinning as I hung up the phone. My pussy was leaking profusely. I went back into the bedroom and got my favorite vibrator and made myself cum quickly.
I smiled at the irony of the fact that Jen's conversation yesterday was already responsible for me having four orgasms! Two with Tom last night and two masturbating while I imagined her husband fucking me.
I took a nice leisurely bath before getting dressed and calling Jen.
....Jen answered the phone. She immediately expressed concern that her request and forwardness yesterday might jeopardize our friendship. I reassured her that it would not. In fact, I told her that I had even discussed her request with Tom.
She grew silent before saying, "And how did he react?"
"Let's just say he was surprised, but not offended. He was...I don't know...I guess I'd say he was somewhat intrigued. Tell me a bit more of what you have in mind," I suggested.
"Are you considering doing this?" she responded. Her voice conveyed a nervous excitement.
"Let's just say that we have ruled it out completely yet."
Jen giggled nervously, "That's so great. Well, what I envisioned was Demarcus and I would come over to your house on Friday night. He would take you out, I would spend the evening with Tom. You would be Demarcus's for the evening. He would be free to do anything he pleases with you; you'd be his present to use as he saw fit."
"Just exactly does that mean, anything he chooses? Are you saying I'd be like his slave girl?"
"No, not like that. But you would be there to please him. I know that sounds bad, but what you need to understand is his fantasy is to please you like you've never been pleased before. And trust me, girlfriend, he can do it too. He is very, very good. But he likes being in charge. He is far more dominant than what you are probably used to."
"I see. And what are you and Tom going to be up to while your husband is trying to work his way into my panties?"
"Well, first of all, the smart money is that before the evening if over, you'll be begging Demarcus to 'free Willy' on you. But in answer to your second question, Tom and I will be enjoying each other's company. And that means whatever Tom and I decide it will mean. I think Tom is very cute. And Demarcus says I am allowed to do whatever Tom and I decide to do. So I guess it will be up to Tom whether we simply talk, or we get a bit more intimate. Regardless, this is Demarcus's night, not mine."
Jen and I discussed what was expected from both our men, and established a few ground rules. But largely, we agreed that for eighteen hours, from six o'clock Friday evening until noon on Saturday, we would assume the role of the wife of each other's husband.
I explained the plans to Tom when he got home that night. He was obviously intrigued by the thought of spending the evening with Jen. Additionally, the thought of me being with Demarcus aroused my husband.
Tom was disappointed when I told him that I planned to remain celibate for the next seventy two hours until my date with Demarcus. I wanted to be primed and hungry for whatever Demarcus had in mind for me.
Ironically, Tom did not seem to think that it would serve his purpose to refrain from cumming for the next three days. Tom did not want to start his eighteen hour 'fun fest' with Jen without having had an orgasm for three days. He indicated that he feared that he would 'go off' too quickly if he abstained. I invited my husband to do whatever he needed to do, but to do it "manually". My pussy was off limits until I returned to him at noon on Saturday.
My anxiety grew as Friday approached. It became increasingly difficult to refrain from masturbating as my date with my tall, handsome, black neighbor neared. My vagina and clitoris were on constant high alert as the hours slowly passed.
I took most of Friday afternoon getting ready for my date. I took a bath, shaved my underarms, legs and vulva. I dried myself, blow dried my hair, and applied my make-up. It was about four o'clock when I inserted my diaphragm to provide me the protection I needed for the night's adventures.
I selected a red cocktail dress, red gladiator pumps, and a matching red shear bra and bikini panty set. I also put on a red garter belt and nude colored stockings.
I put on a diamond pendant that Tom had given me for our tenth anniversary. I momentarily let my mind wander to a scene of me being naked with Demarcus tonight wearing only this diamond pendant. and my wedding ring.
I studied myself in the mirror, I looked good. The cocktail dress was fairly low cut, exposing a fair amount of cleavage, the skirt came down to just below my knees. There was a slit up the side that flared open as I walked, showing off my legs nicely. The dress accentuated my figure, highlighting my narrow waist and my round bubble butt. Yes, this dress was quite flattering.
Tom arrived home from the office around five thirty.
"My god, Christine, you look absolutely stunning."
"Thank you. I try to look my best."
It pleased me that Tom thought I looked good. I hoped that Demarcus would share that opinion.
I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago.
Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The company was headquartered in the Woodlands, approximately fifty miles north of downtown Houston. We bought a lovely four bedroom home that backs up to a private golf course. We have lived there for over twenty three years.
We raised two sons, who are now away at college; so we are adjusting to life as "empty nesters".
We have a good, solid marriage, with an adequate, albeit at times, somewhat boring, sex life. Neither of us had much sexual experience with others before we met, so we learned about the joys of sex with each other in our youth.
After the initial passion of our college days wore off, we fell into a bit of a routine where we typically would have sex once a week, usually on the weekend. I would climax more often than not. Our sex life was satisfactory, but not overly passionate, and certainly not creative.
To be honest, our weekly intercourse had become a bit of a "check the box" exercise, and I came to accept the fact that our sex life could not burn with white hot passion for years and years.
It never occurred to me to cheat on Tom, but I did occasionally fantasize about other men while masturbating, which I would typically do if I failed to achieve my weekly orgasm with my husband.
Our new neighbors:
When Demarcus and Jen bought the house next door, I immediately liked my new neighbors. They were a mixed race couple in their thirties. They were educated, charming, intelligent, full of energy and fun, and quite attractive.
Jen was more than simply friendly, she was genuinely warm and caring. Early in our friendship, Jen confided to me that she was not able to have children. She explained that knowing that Demarcus and she would remain childless left a significant emotional hole in their lives, and she tried to fill the emptiness by volunteering at various charities. Since moving next door, she had been volunteering at the local nursing home that catered to elderly dementia patients, two day a week.
As I said, not only was I touched by her sincerity and her kindness, I admired her.
She was also strikingly attractive. She had a tall, statuesque body. At five foot, ten inches tall, she had the long legs and figure of a model. She was an avid tennis player and had the sleek look of a well conditioned athlete. She had a blue-eyed, blonde, Swedish or Norwegian appearance that I envied.
Demarcus was a gorgeous black man. He was six foot, three inches tall. He had powerful build; a strong jaw and a broad smile that was both flirtatious and engaging. There was an impish, sparkle in his dark eyes that indicated a playful devilment under the strong, serious exterior. Yes, he was quite attractive. But more importantly, he was charming and intelligent. And as you might expect from a lawyer of his stature, Demarcus was articulate and knowledgeable on many subjects.
Yes, Jen and Demarcus made a strikingly attractive couple. And I would be lying if I denied that the contrast of Jen's statuesque, blonde, Nordic look against Demarcus's muscular ebony physique was part of the reason these two were so strikingly attractive together.
Jen and Demarcus quickly became an integral part of our social circle. At least once a month, we would go out to dinner together, or dine at one of our homes.
Although my yard backed up to a fairway, Tom had planted a large privacy hedge which blocked the golfers' view from our pool and patio. In the hot, humid summer months of Houston, Jen and I would frequently sunbathe around the pool in our backyard while the guys played early morning golf.
Jen got in the habit of lowering her top in the privacy of my backyard to sunbathe topless.
"I need to give the girls some sun. Demarcus loves to see my breasts tanned," she would say with a giggle.
This gorgeous lady was obviously very comfortable with her body and her sexuality. I found her poise and self-confidence very appealing. I wished I could be more like her.
Feeling a little wicked, I started to join her by lowering my top as well. I will confess, Jim liked my tanned breasts as well.
Jen's tits were slightly larger than mine, and her areolas were much larger than mine, but she looked damn sexy sunbathing topless by my pool. I like to think that I did too.
The fact that we could hear golfers looking for stray golf balls immediately on the other side of the hedge, and if they really attempted to do so, they could peer over the hedge and see us sunbathing topless, made this practice feel a bit more dangerous and exciting.
Typically, the guys would return early afternoon, change into their swim suits and after a jump in the pool, Tom would grill a late lunch for us on our outdoor kitchen.
It became a standing joke between the guys that they would try to finish golf early, and sneak home to catch us sunbathing topless. We teased them mercilessly by remaining topless until we heard the garage door open. We would be adjusting our tops when Demarcus and Tom would come through the patio to the pool, indicating that they missed catching us topless by a matter of seconds.
It was fun, harmless and just a tad naughty. I would flirt with Demarcus and Jen would flirt with Tom in a playful manner.
One Saturday afternoon, I jokingly asked Tom, "If you guys are so hell bent to catch us sunbathing topless, why don't you just look over the hedge when you play the fairway behind our house?"
Tom looked at Demarcus, and both men smiled broadly, before saying, "Who says we don't look over the bushes at you girls?"
I was not sure if they were joking or not.
An unexpected proposal:
Jen and I were chatting in my kitchen one Friday afternoon in early September.
"Demarcus turns forty next Saturday," Jen offered.
"Oh, that's one of the big ones. What do you have planned for him?" I asked.
"Well, I want to make it special, but I doubt I can give him what he really wants?" Jen said with a slight nervousness in her voice.
"Why? What does he want?" I asked slightly confused.
"Well, that's the thing...he wants you."
"Well, yeah, he has a bit of a crush on you. He has since we moved next door."
"Seriously? What are we talking about here?" I asked in a bit of panic.
Jen took a sip of her coffee while she gathered her thoughts.
"I hope you're not offended by this," Jen said cautiously. I sensed she was trying to determine whether or not to continue with this discussion.
"I'm not offended, just a little shocked. I hope you know that I have never done anything to encourage Demarcus to want me, or to make him think I was available."
Jen took my hand and said, "Oh no, not at all. Christine, Demarcus and I know you and Tom are as solid as a rock. It is obvious that you are deeply in love and your marriage is strong. Demarcus just finds you very attractive; and not just physically. He thinks you are sexy, and charming, and funny."
I felt myself blush at the compliment. Not really sure how to respond, I said, "Well, thank you...I guess."
My head was spinning a bit. I took a sip of my coffee before continuing, "Jen, would you be okay with this?"
"Well, yes. I guess it is only fair," she answered sheepishly.
"Why is that?" I asked. Again, I was puzzled.
Jen took a deep breath and said, "Well three years ago, for my thirtieth birthday, Demarcus gave me a similar present."
"Oh my. Seriously? Tell me more," I insisted. My curiosity was piqued now.
"Oh, you are going to think I am such a slut. But, before we moved here, I was finishing my masters degree in psychology at the University of Michigan. I had a crush on one of my professors; and well, I guess I mentioned it to Demarcus. Rather than get mad, Demarcus found my attraction to my professor intriguing. Occasionally, he would pretend to be the professor when we made love. It was harmless role playing, but it always got me off. Well, finally, for my thirtieth birthday, he arranged for me to have a birthday date with him."
"A date?" I asked for clarification.
"An all night date. For that one night was allowed to pretend that I was single. As a birthday present to me, Demarcus allowed me to have one night with this handsome forty six year old psychology professor. It was a gloriously sexy and emotionally fulfilling night. Jon fucked me senseless all night."
"The professor," she said cautiously before adding, "I think he enjoyed himself too. I got an 'A' in his class."
Jen stopped to take a sip of coffee and spent a few seconds studying me to determine if I was appalled. Truthfully, I was more intrigued than appalled.
"So what happened when you returned home? What did Demarcus do?"
"It was a bit awkward. He was interested in what happened."
"Did you tell him? I mean, did you tell him everything?"
I was simply unable to imagine coming home and telling Tom about how well someone else had fucked me.
"Demarcus was anxious to hear what happened. You have to understand that we had a very open and honest relationship, and Demarcus wanted to know the details."
"So you told him everything? How your professor friend fucked you senseless?" I could not process what my friend was telling me.
"You think that I an such a slut, don't you? I shouldn't have asked you to do this, should I?" Jen asked with a nervous tremor in her voice.
"No, not at all. You just caught me by surprise, that's all. So was this a one time thing, or are you and Demarcus swingers?" I asked, trying to understand the exact nature of my best friend's marriage.
I saw Jen's face turn bright crimson at my question. I had obviously embarrassed her.
"Jen, I did not mean to embarrass you. I apologize," I said trying to ease her discomfort.
"No, it is me that should apologize. I should never have said anything to you about Demarcus's request, or his crush on you. But to answer your question, no, we are not swingers in the conventional sense of the word."
"Conventional sense of the word?"
"What I mean is we do not regularly hook up with other people," Jen said defensively.
"But you do sleep with other people occasionally?" I was genuinely curious to better understand what my best friend was telling me.
"It's not exactly like it sounds, but yes, there have been a few special situations. Demarcus and I have been married for twelve years. During that time there were four times when one of us has allowed the other to be with either an ex-lover, or someone for whom we have developed a special attraction."
"Are these all just a single evening, or did you have ongoing affairs?" I asked.
"Each situation was a single evening, no long term or ongoing affairs." Jen paused before continuing, "I assume you and Tom have never done anything like that?"
I laughed and answered, "Oh my, no. The wildest thing we've ever done was watch some internet porn together once."
Strangely, I was a bit embarrassed to admit to my friend that my sex life with my husband was so routine and boring.
"I'm sorry I even brought this up. I hope this does not affect our friendship," Jen said nervously.
"It won't. I'm not offended. In fact, I'm a little bit flattered. Demarcus is a very attractive man," I admitted honestly.
I thought for a moment and then added, "I am sure Tom would never agree to such a thing, but just out of curiosity, what did you and Demarcus have in mind for a present? Would he take me to a hotel?"
"I envisioned Demarcus spending an evening with you; a date. He would take you out to dinner, and perhaps dancing. The two of you would come back here to our house, where you could enjoy each other until noon the next day," Jen suggested.
"And you'd be here?"
"No, what I was thinking is that I would go over and keep Tom company at your house for the evening. But I would only do that if you and Tom were comfortable with the idea."
Jen paused and then added, "I know it's crazy. Forgive me for suggesting it. It's just that...well...I sensed a little chemistry between you and Demarcus, and I thought you'd enjoy this. I know he would. He's very good you know; and I mean very good."
Jen's last comment, telling me how very good her husband was, was not lost on me.
I thought for a moment before responding, "I just don't see how that would work out. I can't see Tom ever agreeing to this."
Jen simply answered, "I understand. I really do."
I was suddenly aware of my vagina seeping my lubrication into my panties. Jen's suggestion had aroused me considerably.
We changed the subject and chatted briefly before Jen excused herself, and returned home leaving me to ponder what might have been. I sensed that she was genuinely embarrassed and regretted broaching this subject with me.
On the other hand, Jen's proposal forced me to consider images that were arousing me.
I looked at the clock. It was three forty five. Tom would not be home for at least two hours. I slipped into my bedroom and I masturbated imagining what it might be like to spend an evening as Demarcus's date and lover.
The rest of the afternoon, my mind kept slipping back into imagining various scenarios with my handsome black neighbor. It was as if Jen had planted a seed in my mind's eye that spouted and was rapidly growing out of control. Despite all efforts to purge these thoughts from my mind, I kept wandering back.
I had never been with a black man. In fact, I was woefully inexperienced when Tom and I became a couple in college. The only man with whom I had ever achieved a climax was my husband.
Tom and I had occasionally watched some internet porn as a form of foreplay. I must confess, I found the interracial scenes the most stimulating. I realize that the actors starring in pornographic films do not represent a statistically valid sampling of the African American population; however, the black penises in those films were absolutely huge; much larger than the white porn star's cocks.
I could not help but wonder, how large was Demarcus's penis?
Yes, Jen had launched me down a path of very naughty thoughts and I seemed unable to control where my imagination was taking me.
Tom arrived home at his usual time. We were sitting at the dining room table, having grilled chicken and charro beans, when I finally broached the subject that had haunted me all afternoon.
"I had a very interesting conversation with Jen this afternoon."
I paused waiting for Tom to invite me to continue.
"Yeah, what did you two cook up this afternoon?" he finally asked. He was obviously preoccupied and not really interested in my girl talk with my best friend.
"She had a very unique idea for Demarcus's fortieth birthday present."
"Yeah, what was that?"
"Me," I said as I took a sip of my chardonnay.
"You? What are you talking about?" Tom sounded both confused and annoyed; however, he was now very interested in Jen's and my conversation.
"Apparently, Demarcus has told Jen that he has a bit of a crush on me. His fantasy is to spend one evening with me. It's crazy, I know. I told her it was crazy."
"Was she serious? Are you sure she was not just fucking with you? This doesn't sound like them at all," Tom responded incredulously.
"Yeah we talked about it long enough to convince me she was serious. Oh I made it clear we would never agree to something like that. Weird, huh?"
Tom was about to take a sip of his beer, but he set it down and sat silently for a moment.
"How do you feel about this? Were you offended?"
I smiled and said, "I was shocked to say the least. I was confused. I mean, it's not the sort of thing you expect your best friend to ask you. But in a way, I was flattered. It's kind of cute that he has a crush on me. I never knew."
"I can't believe he would tell his wife that he wanted you as his birthday present. Un-fucking-believable."
"Well, apparently, three years ago, when they were living in Ann Arbor, Jen was really attracted to one of her professors. For her thirtieth birthday, Demarcus arranged for her to spend the night with him. I guess she feels that she owes him a similar arrangement now that he is turning forty."
"Would you ever consider doing something like this?" Tom asked.
I was surprised at his tone, but he sounded as though he might consider allowing me to do this.
I took another sip of wine and said, "Oh my, no. I would never take that kind of risk with our marriage. I would never do that to you."
"What if I said it was okay? What if I let you do this one time?"
"Seriously?" I said with my head spinning.
"I don't know. Perhaps. I have to admit, the idea does have a certain appeal," Tom said while looking closely at me to gauge my reaction. "So, if I was okay with this, would you want to do it?"
"Promise you won't get mad?" I asked, seeking assurance that a truthful answer would not be held against me later.
"I promise. Tell me how you feel about doing this."
I took a deep breath, and speaking slowly, in a measured pace, I answered, "I was shocked when Jen first suggested it. I was even more shocked when she told me about her night with her professor friend. But, honestly, I can't stop thinking about what it would be like. Don't get mad, but I played with myself before you got home, just an hour ago. I was pretty wound up with naughty thoughts about Demarcus."
"Oh, you wicked little girl. You made yourself cum thinking about his big black dick, didn't you?"
I blushed, lowered my eyes and simply mumbled, "Uh huh. I did."
"So if we decided to do this, how would it work? Would you two go to a hotel?"
"The scenario Jen laid out would have me spending the night with Demarcus, and she indicated she would come over here to keep you company, if you wanted her to. I don't know if I could handle that part."
"You mean we would simply swap spouses for the evening? Goddamn, those two are a lot wilder than I ever imagined."
That night, Tom fucked me like he used to when we were in college. I guess we were both pretty wound up from the thought of me being Demarcus's birthday presentation. Or perhaps Tom was wound up with the thought of Jen spending the night at our house to keep him company while Demarcus and I celebrated his fortieth birthday next door. Regardless, both Tom and I fucked like we were back in college that night. I came twice.
Tom was on top of me, pounding me when I simply said, "I wonder how big Demarcus is? I wonder if I'd be able to even take all of that big black cock inside me?"
Tom grunted and stiffened. He came at the very suggestion that his cute little white wife's pussy might be too tight for his neighbor's big black erection.
Clearly, whether or not Tom would actually want me to do it, he found the thought of me being with Demarcus very stimulating. If I am honest, so did I.
The next morning, I got a phone call from Tom.
"Christine, are you alone?" he asked nervously.
"Yes, honey, I'm just sitting in the kitchen watching 'Good Morning America' and having some coffee. What's up?"
"I'm sitting here in my office with the door closed and I've been thinking about your conversation with Jen yesterday."
"Okay, what about it?" I asked. I actually suspected that I knew where this was headed.
"Would you want to do that? You know, be his birthday present?"
"Oh my. I don't know. I admit, thinking about doing that is kind of fun. But I would never do anything that would hurt you, or that you didn't want me to do," I answered.
I could feel my vagina start to moisten as I said the words, "Would you want me to do that?"
Tom paused for a moment before saying, "I think I would. Christine, I have such a boner right now thinking about you doing that. That's why I have my door closed. The front of my pants looks like a tent right now."
"Are you sure? You might feel differently if it actually happened. You might be really jealous, or really mad at me afterwards."
"I promise you that I won't. Besides, Jen would be here to keep me company, remember?"
"I don't know how I feel about that. To be honest, I think I would be pretty jealous if I ever thought you liked being with her more than you liked being with me."
"Don't worry, that's not going to happen. I think you should talk with Jen today and find out precisely what she has in mind. How would this work? Is this a one time fling, or would Demarcus want a repeat performance down the road?" Tom instructed.
I agreed to talk with Jen and get some ground rules established. My head was spinning as I hung up the phone. My pussy was leaking profusely. I went back into the bedroom and got my favorite vibrator and made myself cum quickly.
I smiled at the irony of the fact that Jen's conversation yesterday was already responsible for me having four orgasms! Two with Tom last night and two masturbating while I imagined her husband fucking me.
I took a nice leisurely bath before getting dressed and calling Jen.
....Jen answered the phone. She immediately expressed concern that her request and forwardness yesterday might jeopardize our friendship. I reassured her that it would not. In fact, I told her that I had even discussed her request with Tom.
She grew silent before saying, "And how did he react?"
"Let's just say he was surprised, but not offended. He was...I don't know...I guess I'd say he was somewhat intrigued. Tell me a bit more of what you have in mind," I suggested.
"Are you considering doing this?" she responded. Her voice conveyed a nervous excitement.
"Let's just say that we have ruled it out completely yet."
Jen giggled nervously, "That's so great. Well, what I envisioned was Demarcus and I would come over to your house on Friday night. He would take you out, I would spend the evening with Tom. You would be Demarcus's for the evening. He would be free to do anything he pleases with you; you'd be his present to use as he saw fit."
"Just exactly does that mean, anything he chooses? Are you saying I'd be like his slave girl?"
"No, not like that. But you would be there to please him. I know that sounds bad, but what you need to understand is his fantasy is to please you like you've never been pleased before. And trust me, girlfriend, he can do it too. He is very, very good. But he likes being in charge. He is far more dominant than what you are probably used to."
"I see. And what are you and Tom going to be up to while your husband is trying to work his way into my panties?"
"Well, first of all, the smart money is that before the evening if over, you'll be begging Demarcus to 'free Willy' on you. But in answer to your second question, Tom and I will be enjoying each other's company. And that means whatever Tom and I decide it will mean. I think Tom is very cute. And Demarcus says I am allowed to do whatever Tom and I decide to do. So I guess it will be up to Tom whether we simply talk, or we get a bit more intimate. Regardless, this is Demarcus's night, not mine."
Jen and I discussed what was expected from both our men, and established a few ground rules. But largely, we agreed that for eighteen hours, from six o'clock Friday evening until noon on Saturday, we would assume the role of the wife of each other's husband.
I explained the plans to Tom when he got home that night. He was obviously intrigued by the thought of spending the evening with Jen. Additionally, the thought of me being with Demarcus aroused my husband.
Tom was disappointed when I told him that I planned to remain celibate for the next seventy two hours until my date with Demarcus. I wanted to be primed and hungry for whatever Demarcus had in mind for me.
Ironically, Tom did not seem to think that it would serve his purpose to refrain from cumming for the next three days. Tom did not want to start his eighteen hour 'fun fest' with Jen without having had an orgasm for three days. He indicated that he feared that he would 'go off' too quickly if he abstained. I invited my husband to do whatever he needed to do, but to do it "manually". My pussy was off limits until I returned to him at noon on Saturday.
My anxiety grew as Friday approached. It became increasingly difficult to refrain from masturbating as my date with my tall, handsome, black neighbor neared. My vagina and clitoris were on constant high alert as the hours slowly passed.
I took most of Friday afternoon getting ready for my date. I took a bath, shaved my underarms, legs and vulva. I dried myself, blow dried my hair, and applied my make-up. It was about four o'clock when I inserted my diaphragm to provide me the protection I needed for the night's adventures.
I selected a red cocktail dress, red gladiator pumps, and a matching red shear bra and bikini panty set. I also put on a red garter belt and nude colored stockings.
I put on a diamond pendant that Tom had given me for our tenth anniversary. I momentarily let my mind wander to a scene of me being naked with Demarcus tonight wearing only this diamond pendant. and my wedding ring.
I studied myself in the mirror, I looked good. The cocktail dress was fairly low cut, exposing a fair amount of cleavage, the skirt came down to just below my knees. There was a slit up the side that flared open as I walked, showing off my legs nicely. The dress accentuated my figure, highlighting my narrow waist and my round bubble butt. Yes, this dress was quite flattering.
Tom arrived home from the office around five thirty.
"My god, Christine, you look absolutely stunning."
"Thank you. I try to look my best."
It pleased me that Tom thought I looked good. I hoped that Demarcus would share that opinion.

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I poured myself a glass of chardonnay to settle my nerves. Sipping my wine, I said, "Are you sure about this? It's not too late to call this off."
"Baby, I want to give you this experience," Tom assured me.
"Yeah, and I suspect that you are looking forward to some quality time with Jen, too, aren't you?"
"Honestly, I think I am more wound up imaging what you'll be up to than I am about Jen. But yes, I think Jen and I will enjoy ourselves." Tom paused and then asked, "Are you taking your diaphragm?"
"It's already in place. I am like a boy scout...always prepared."
Tom laughed, "I guess you are at that."
"Tom, promise me that we will not let tonight mess up our marriage."
"I promise. It will spice it up, not mess it up."
"I'm counting on that," I said as I finished my wine.
I got up to refill my glass when the doorbell rang. Tom invited Demarcus and Jen in, and we exchanged hugs, as was our custom. However, this time the hugs felt slightly different; more sexually charged.
Tom offered our guests a drink. Both Demarcus and Tom had a scotch on the rocks, Jen had a screw driver. I poured my second glass of chardonnay.
Demarcus, placed his hands on my shoulders and held me arms length away. Looking me up and down, he said, "Christine, you look wonderful. You are beautiful."
"Thank you. You look very nice yourself."
Demarcus wore a custom made tan suit, a light blue starched shirt and tie. The suit made him look distinguished, intelligent and professional. It also accentuated his strong, powerful build
Jen looked gorgeous. She wore a black and white, halter style, sun dress with black, open toe, heels. I immediately noticed that she had painted her toe nails, something I had never seen her do before. I felt a momentary twinge of jealousy at how good she looked.
I turned to Tom and asked, "So what are you two going to do about dinner?"
Tom smiled and said, "I am going to cook for this beautiful lady. I have two nice filets, and some prawns that I will grill. I picked up some asparagus, too. Finally, I will serve up my world famous bananas foster."
Jen laughed, and placing her hand on Tom's knee, she said flirtatiously, "Oh my, that sounds wonderful. Tom, you need to know that it's a form of foreplay when a man cooks for me. It is very seductive."
Her flirtatious manner and her hand on my husband's knee triggered another twinge of jealousy.
We chatted politely for fifteen minutes, but truthfully, I heard nothing. My mind was elsewhere.
We finished our drinks and Demarcus and I prepared to leave. I kissed Tom on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "Have fun. Enjoy yourself. But above everything else, don't ever tell me that she's better in bed than I am, even if she is."
"Absolutely," was his response.
Demarcus walked me across his lawn and opened the door to his black Audi A6. As I sat down on the leather seats, I wondered, 'what would our neighbors think if they saw Demarcus and me leaving together like this?' I realized that anyone looking out their window would have considerable fodder for gossip.
As we backed out of the driveway, Demarcus took my hand in his and said, "Thank you for agreeing to be my date for the evening. Just being with you like this is the best birthday present I have ever gotten."
"You are quite welcome. I have been looking forward to it all week, myself."
We drove towards the interstate, and headed south, towards downtown.
"Demarcus, we need to dine somewhere away from this part of town. Neither you nor I can afford the type of gossip that would arise if some of our neighbors saw us out together."
"I understand. I thought we would dine down near the Galleria area. There is a wonderfully authentic Italian restaurant that I think you'll enjoy."
The fifty mile drive south to west Houston took a little more than an hour. Demarcus and I talked about our childhood, college, our marriage, and our dreams. He alternated between holding my hand, touching my shoulder, and squeezing my thigh as we drove. I was feeling very comfortable with him. I was also feeling a strange attraction and desire that I had not felt since Tom and I had first started dating in college.
There is a certain excitement that comes with a first date, first kiss and first anything. It had been a long time since I had felt the nervous excitement I was enjoying as Demarcus and I chatted in his car.
We pulled up to the valet parking at restaurant. Demarcus handed the valet attendant the keys, took his claim check, and opened my car door and escorted me in. I allowed him a quick glance up my skirt as I exited the car.
"Very nice. I love the color red," he said with genuine appreciation.
"I'm glad to hear that. I chose this outfit with you in mind," I replied coyly. I pretended not to know that he was talking about my panties, not my red cocktail dress.
We were escorted to a private booth towards the back. Once seated, Demarcus ordered a pitcher of sangria, and then leaned in close to me kissed me gently. It was our first kiss. And it was the first time I had ever kissed a black man. I felt naughty, and I liked the feeling.
The sangria arrived, and Demarcus poured us each a glass. He raised his glass and said, "Here is to the sexiest, most beautiful birthday present anyone has ever given me."
I clinked my glass against his and said, "Thank you."
"How do you feel right now?" he asked.
"Nervous, excited, scared, but happy and content."
Our conversation was interrupted by the waiter, who took our order. I ordered the shrimp diablo, Demarcus selected the veal picata. We also ordered house salads with no onions. The waiter left to turn in our order to the kitchen.
"Would you do me a favor, for my birthday?" Demarcus asked politely.
"I will if I can," I replied.
"Would you please go to the ladies room, remove those cute red panties and bring them back to me. I want to keep them as a memento of our date."
"Demarcus! I can't do that. Perhaps I will give them to you later, when we get home," I admonished.
"Christine, it will be so much sexier if you give them to me now. It will arouse me all evening, knowing my present has been 'unwrapped', so to speak, and is waiting for me under that sexy dress."
I took a sip of my sangria, and shook my head in disbelief. I remembered Jen telling me that Demarcus would want to be in charge.
"You are such a wicked boy. I guess it is your birthday," I agreed as I slid out of the booth.
In the ladies room, I slipped into one of the stalls, hiked up my dress, and unhooked my garters to allow me to remove my panties. I looked at the gusset of the red panties before folding them neatly. My panties were very damp, revealing the aroused state of my vagina.
I reattached the garters to my stockings and, with my damp panties folded neatly in the palm of my hand, I exited the stall.
As I walked back to the table, the silk material of my dress felt strange on my naked ass. I felt that every eye in the place was studying me. Could they tell that I had removed my panties? That I was wearing only a garter belt under this dress?
I handed Demarcus the folded panties. He subtly raised them to his face and inhaled deeply, before saying, "Thank you. You have a wonderful scent."
"You're welcome. Now put those away," I insisted.
"One more favor, please."
"And what would that be," I asked nervously.
"Lift your skirt so your bare bottom is on the leather," Demarcus instructed. His tone made it clear that this was a command, not a request.
I started to protest, but stopped my myself. His dominant approach was resonating with some submissive chord deep inside me. I felt a slight spasm in my vagina as he instructed me to raise up, and put my bare ass on the cold leather.
I could feel myself blush at the thought of doing as I was instructed to do.
"If I do that, I will leave a puddle of my juices behind. You are making me very wet," I confessed.
"I know I am. And I know you will leave a mark. Please do as I have asked."
With my face and neck burning crimson from the embarrassment and humiliation, I lifted my bottom off the seat and pulled the back of the skirt of my cocktail dress up and away. I lowered myself down.
I moaned slightly as the cold leather caressed my bottom and vulva, "Oh my, that feels so very strange. Cold and strange."
Before Demarcus could respond, the waiter delivered our salads.
As I started to eat my salad, Demarcus said, "The feeling of the cold leather on your ass is a reminder for you during dinner that tonight, you belong to me, and only me. Understand?"
His words were exciting me in a manner I cannot explain. I just nodded and said, "Yes, sir."
The shrimp diablo and veal picata arrived. Both meals were wonderful. We did not talk much during dinner. I was too distracted by the leather on my ass and vulva to really carry on a conversation.
We skipped desert. Both of us wanted to get back to Demarcus's home to consummate our birthday celebration. I was too embarrassed to look back at my seat when I exited the booth to see how obvious the wetness was that seeped out of me.
Demarcus held my door for me as I got into his black Audi A6. With the valet attendant standing behind him, he instructed, "Bare bottom on the leather."
With the valet watching in background, I blushed, closed my eyes, and lifted the back of my skirt so that my bare skin rested on the leather seat. I cannot explain why being humiliated in this seemingly harmless manner was so stimulating, but my pussy was literally leaking my lubrication from my arousal.
Demarcus drove the fifty or so miles back to the Woodlands, north of Houston with his right hand between my legs, massaging my left inner thigh, inches from my pussy.
"You can touch me, if you want," I suggested shamelessly.
Demarcus traced his fingers up my wet slit, barely grazing my clitoris. I arched my hips forward to increase his contact, but he pulled his fingers away, teasing me.
I started to slide my own hand between my thighs, to stimulate myself.
"Uh, uh, uh. No touching yourself until we get to the house," he commanded.
"Oh shit, I am so fucking turned on. I can't stand it."
"I know you are, Christine. I know you are. And I promise you, you will be glad you waited."
I was so attracted to this man. I squirmed in my seat for the entire drive to the Woodlands. By the time we pulled into his garage, I was prepared to give myself to him entirely.
He escorted me from the garage through the back entrance to his house. He led me to the stair case that leads to the second floor. He had me stand on the first step. At six foot, three inches in height, Demarcus towered over me. Even with my three inch heels, he dwarfed my five foot, four inch frame. By standing me on the first step, our heights were leveled.
He placed his hand on my cheek and raised my face to his. Our kiss was long and passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth.
He slid his hand between us, and traced his fingers between my thighs and found my very erect clitoris. I moaned, as I sucked his tongue into my mouth. I rocked my hips, humping against his fingers that were stimulating my clit.
Demarcus removed his hand. I moaned in frustration, "Please, don't stop. Shit."
He reached behind me, and slowly unzipped my dress. I lowered my arms to allow the black cocktail dress to fall off my shoulders.
Demarcus lowered the dress, and I stepped out of it.
I now was wearing my red bra, my red garter belt and my stockings and my red high heel gladiator pumps. My shaven pussy and bare bottom were exposed for his viewing. I am not certain why, but the garter belt and stockings made me feel more exposed and far more vulnerable than if I was completely naked. I felt like I had been dressed to expose and accentuate my private parts.
Stepping back, as he removed his suit coat. Tossing his coat on a chair next to the stair case, he said, "My god, you are beautiful."
I stood there, blushing under his gaze. I lowered my eyes, too embarrassed to look my black lover in the face as he studied my near naked form. Standing on the stair step, my movements were quite limited.
Demarcus removed his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and kicked off his shoes. He tossed his clothing, carelessly, on the chair on top of his suit coat. He quickly stripped down to a pair of black briefs.
I could not believe the huge bulge in the from of his briefs. It looked painfully uncomfortable the way his penis was straining against the black material, begging to be freed.
Demarcus stepped forward and kissed me again. I instinctively reached down and slipped my hand inside the overstuffed underwear and fumbled to free his cock.
Demarcus lowered his briefs and kicked them aside, leaving them on the floor in the entryway.
I was amazed at his size and girth. It poked straight out. Unlike Tom's six and a half inch penis, which stood straight up when erect, this eight or nine inch monster seemed too heavy to stand up. It seemed that it's size held it down slightly, keeping it more horizontal.
Very tentatively, I slowly allowed my fingers to encircle the dark shaft. I could barely get my tiny little hand around it. It felt strangely smooth, and very heavy in my hand. I was intrigued with the coloring as well as the size of this huge cock. It was not really black, but a deep, deep shade of purple. It was a shade of purple that I had not seen before, and it was strangely beautiful to me at that moment. The enormous head was slightly lighter in color than the shaft. It looked almost like a deep shade of pink.
I stepped down from the stair and kneeled on the carpet in front of my black Adonis. There in the entry way of my best friend's home, at the foot of the stair case, I studied her husband's large, black erection. I stroked it up and down a few times before leaning forward and kissing the pinkish-purple glans.
Kneeling in front of Demarcus I looked up and said, "You are a very big man. I don't know if this will fit inside me."
I kissed the large head again, before I opened my mouth taking the sensitive glans into my mouth. It actually hurt my jaw to have to open my mouth wide enough to take just the head inside.
"Christine, I promise you, we'll go slow," he assured me as he took my hand and helped me stand up. "Let's go upstairs to the bedroom where we can be more comfortable."
Demarcus guided me to walk in front of him, up the stairs. I felt so exposed and sexy, wearing only a bra, garter belt and stockings. Me bare ass wiggled in front of my black lover as I climbed the stairs.
"Goddamn, Christine, you have a beautiful ass," he remarked as he grabbed my butt.
"I'm glad you think so. And tonight, it is all yours."
As I entered the master bedroom, I realized that Jen was my best friend and this was the first time I had been in her bedroom. And I was entering her bedroom with her husband, whom she wanted me to fuck.
For a brief instant, my mind jumped to wondering what she and Tom were up to at that moment. Yes, this was a bizarre set of circumstances. I purged Tom and Jen from my mind and returned my attention to Demarcus.
I sat on the edge of the king sized bed and beckoned Demarcus to approach me. His erection swayed proudly in front of him as he walked. I took his cock in my fist and held it as if I was weighing it.
My voiced quaked nervously as I said, "Demarcus, that is the largest erection I have ever seen. I really do not know if I can take that thing."
Demarcus pulled away from me and laid on the bed on his back, and said, "You get on top. That way you can control the action."
I nodded and climbed over and straddled Demarcus. I wanted to do this, as a matter of pride. I wanted to show Demarcus, and to show myself, that I was woman enough to handle that large, scary erection.
Balancing my tiny frame with my left hand resting on Demarcus's muscular chest, I leaned forward, and took a hold of the massive tool with my free right hand. Lifting myself as high as I could, I directed the pulsing head towards my wet and dilated vulva.
I hovered over him, gently rubbing the thick head across my clitoris. His erection was so large that I had trouble raising up high enough to get the head to my opening.
I was scared and excited. I wanted to feel him, but I was still apprehensive that my tiny vagina could accommodate his girth or length. Yes, I had given birth, twice. But this was very different. I was scared.
As I touched the cockhead to my opening, I was amazed at how very wet I was.
Once I had him lined up at my opening, I felt him arch his hips slightly and the head passed into me about an inch.
“Wait, not too fast. Don’t hurt me,” I cautioned as the thick ridge of his head was just past the outer ring of my opening. I felt stretched open and full.
I was trying to adjust to the first few inches which just inside my opening, when I caught our reflection in the large mirror over Jen's dresser. Demarcus and I were quite a sight. The contrast of my tiny white frame astride his dark black muscular one was stark.
With approximately two inches of his erection inside my vaginal opening, the six inches of thick cock that remained outside my pussy and looked sexy and scary. The head throbbed inside me as I waited to adjust again to its girth. The scene was more erotic than anything I had ever seen.
I raised up a bit and tried to lower myself down further; a loud gasp escaped my lips as I felt my vagina being wedged open and stretched wide again. Despite my arousal, I still needed time to adjust to the massive length and thickness.
I tried to lower myself down on him further, but the pain was too intense. I had to stop. I was struggling to lower myself down on this massive erect penis. I only had about three inches in me, but it was stretching me too far and too fast.
I looked at Demarcus and said, “I don’t think I can do this. You're just just too big.”
I was almost crying. It was actually more painful than I was expecting.
Demarcus reached up between my breasts and unhooked my bra. After releasing the clasp between my tits, he pulled the cups and exposed my breasts. He took my right breast in his hand and caressed it, and said, “You can do this. Just work it slowly. Just relax and go slowly.”
He slowly raised his hips, forcing himself deeper inside me. I felt a spike of pain shoot up through my core as the large head wedged further into me, suddenly prying my vagina open.
I yelped, “Oh shit, fuck, it hurts…stop….don’t push…it hurts too much…I can’t do it. “
Demarcus remained motionless. I could feel each pulse of his penis as he lay there, on his back, allowing me to adjust.
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes from the sudden and unexpected pain. With this huge dick stretching me to the point of pain, I started to cry a little. I wanted to give up; I wanted to abandon my plan of fucking Demarcus.
Demarcus said, “Christine, don’t move….let yourself adjust to it right there. Give yourself a chance to adjust and to open up. Just hold still….”
I held myself motionless, nearly half of his large penis inside, and half outside my tightly stretched vagina.
I panted, as I had during child birth, attempting to relax and adjust to the pain. “Hee, hee, hee,…”
I panted for a minute or two, as I remembered my Lamaze training. I thought to myself 'if I can deliver a baby, I can take this huge dick inside me. '
I waited hoping that I would dilate further. After fifteen or twenty seconds, the pain subsided, and was replaced with a sense of fullness that was not unpleasant.
“Are you okay?” Demarcus asked with obvious concern.
“I think so. I think I’ll be okay. I just need to go slowly.” I said, my voice quaking with a combination of fear and excitement. I did want to do this. I wanted to do it for me, and for Demarcus.
And if I am honest, I wanted to do this for Tom, too. I wanted to be able to tell him about how his wife fucked the biggest cock he could imagine.
I slowly raised myself about two inches, and ever so carefully, I lowered myself down again. I seemed to have gained a half inch or so. I repeated the motion; raising myself up and lowering myself as far as I could without experiencing pain. This time I was sure of it; I had taken him deeper inside me, without the searing pain.
“Oh shit, you're going into me.” I exclaimed, my voice cracking with excitement. I began to believe I could do this.
I raised and lowered myself slowly, yet again, at Demarcus’s encouragement, taking myself a half an inch deeper with each cycle. I glanced over at the mirror and saw there was three inches of ‘unused cock’ remaining outside of me.
I felt the huge rigid cockhead deep inside me, pressing firmly against the front wall of my uterus. Squatting astride Demarcus like I was, I was forcing his cock into me at a very different angle than when Tom usually fucks me. In this position, the head of his cock was forced against my front vaginal wall, and this excited me tremendously.
The large glans of his penis had found my g-spot. I was able to grind down on him and force the pressure into my g-spot. The fullness had aroused me like never before. I knew I was going to cum just like this. There was little question in my mind, I was going to cum soon; I could feel it building inside me.
Demarcus was rocking his hips now, stroking in and out of me, but he was careful not to impale me with too much too quickly. He was obviously used to allowing women to come to grips with his size slowly.
But he was fucking my pussy. As I raised up and pulled most of him out of me, I looked down and could see a thin white coating covering the first six or seven inches of his shaft, displaying precisely how much of his cock I had been able to accommodate to this point.
The milky white coating was quite distinctive against the deep purple-black color of his large erection. It looked like someone had painted the first six or seven inches of this thick black cock with a thin coating of skim milk.
I had never noticed the white milky lubrication from my pussy on Tom’s cock before. I assumed the dark contrast of Demarcus’s skin color made my feminine lubrication much more obvious now.
But the fact that the last two to three inches of Demarcus’s cock did not display my juice told me precisely how much of this huge penis was being unused; and how much more of Demarcus I needed to accommodate if I was going to claim I took him all. The distinctive milky white line of demarcation told me precisely how much of this large black cock I had allowed to penetrate me. This was a very erotic and very arousing sight.
But I simply could not take him deeper. He was striking against my inner organs, he would not fit. He was too long.
Demarcus pulled me forward, pressing my breasts against his chest and began to fuck me while he held me tightly. With each stroke he would grind the head of his penis into my g-spot.
I started rocking my hips, grinding my clitoris against his rigid shaft as he slid in and out of me. My arousal continued to build.
I felt my orgasm building inside of me, and my movements became faster and more dramatic. “Oh shit, I am going cum.”
I started fucking Demarcus with a passion, pushing myself down as far as I could, grinding the head of his penis deep inside me.
Suddenly, I felt my vagina simply open up.
Moaning loudly, I came violently, with a large and long series of convulsions rocking my tiny frame. Demarcus was pushing up against me with each thrust.
“Oh god, I am cumming. Oh, don’t stop….fuck me hard….just like that....just like that...oh fuck...don't stop...oh god….” I said as I pushed down to meet Demarcus’s upward thrusts. The head of his cock was buried deep in my abdomen.
As I came, Demarcus arched his hips up, fully impaling me, I felt a surge of pain mixed with intense pleasure as his cock pulsed deep inside of me. Demarcus hugged me tightly, holding my against his chest as his loins stiffened. I heard him grunt as a series of spasms quaked through his body. I knew he was ejaculating. I could feel his penis throbbing deep inside me, shooting ropes of his sperm into my pussy.
We lay there panting, our sweaty chests sliding against each other as we tried to resume normal breathing.
I contracted my vagina, as I attempted to milk his penis with my pussy.
I lay across Demarcus’s chest panting in a post orgasmic bliss. I was sweating, and panting. Leaning forward, I kissed his nipples and chest in gratitude.
Kissing his chest, I contracted my vagina and hugged Demarcus’s cock which pulsed inside me in response. I loved the slow rhythmic throbbing of his large penis as it emptied the final few drops of semen inside me after my powerful orgasm.
We lay coupled together for five or ten minutes, savoring our slow descend from the bliss of a climax.
Demarcus rolled me onto my back without withdrawing from me, and began to slowly fuck me again. I felt him growing hard inside me. I wrapped my legs around his torso. As I felt his balls slapping against my up turned butt, I knew that I had done it. I had taken all of him.
After five or six minutes, he came inside me again.
We made love a half a dozen times over Friday night and Saturday morning.
I felt deeply conflicted as I sat on the back patio, wearing Jen's robe. I was naked underneath. Demarcus had made me a espresso. It was a few minutes after eleven. I felt like Cinderella as midnight approached.
"Demarcus, last night was wonderful. Thank you."
"No, thank you Christine. This was my best birthday ever."
I turned to look at him and said, "I will never forget being with you. It's going to be difficult just being neighbors now. Do you think we will ever be together like that again?"
"I think that depends upon you, Tom and Jen. There are four people involved here. It's not just up to me."
I nodded and said, "I guess I better get dressed and get home."
"Would you like to take a shower?"
"No, I'll clean up when I get home."
coming soon: Chapter 2 - I return to my husband