I first met Jessie during the summer when she would come to the Senior League baseball games to watch her son play ball. I was the coach. As with most youth athletic programs, some parents come to the games, some don't, but as the season wore on and the team was winning ballgames, more of the moms were showing up and sitting in the stands behind our bench
Several of the moms were hot and dressed the part with short cut-offs and halter tops, but Jessie is the one that always stood out, and I'd sneak peeks at her as often as I could from behind my sunglasses. She was a knockout: probably fortyish judging by the ages of her kids, but she could easily pass for thirty, long and lean, maybe 5-7 or 5-8, nice ass, big smile, wild dark shoulder-length frizzy hair and a slight crook in her nose that I found irresistible.
Hers was the only black face in the crowd.
Her son James was one of the two best players on the team and the only black kid. He was a good kid with good skills and an attitude to match. He played shortstop and third base and I'd worked with him and helped him become a pretty good pitcher too.
My name is Rob. I'm six feet tall and about 165 pounds, thin from years of distance running in addition to the baseball, with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, German ancestry, about as white bread as you could get. That summer I was 28, unmarried, no kids, unusual for a youth league coach, as most coaches are parents of the kids playing. But knowledge of baseball was one thing I had to offer and it was one small way I was giving something back to the community.
James was a very polite kid, coachable and we got along well. He never mentioned his dad so I figured maybe there wasn’t one in the picture, and his mother always came to the games alone or with a friend. I never spoke to his mom that much other than to say Hi or Goodbye, or a brief few words here and there, but we shared glances and smiles before and after games and practices. I caught her checking me out a few times and she caught me checking her out too despite my trying to hide behind my shades. She'd just flash her little smirk and I knew she had caught me. When the season ended and the balls and bats were put away, I figured that the next time I'd see Jessie would be at practice the next spring, but I ended up seeing her just a few weeks later.
One of the fund raisers the league had every year was a big crab feast. After the season and the playoffs and the tournaments were over, the league would rent the Elks Lodge and hire a well-known band and bring in the crabs and the burgers and the beer trucks and five or six hundred people would pack the place, stay for hours drinking and eating and partying.
Naturally, I planned to attend and so I went with Geri, who was one of the league officers and another hot mom, sexy with brown hair, blue eyes, and a shapely bod. She'd show up at games in short shorts and tube tops with her sweaty nipples sticking through and gave all the coaches hard-ons.
They all wanted to fuck her for sure, but I'm the only one who ever did. She happened to live around the corner from me, so we were neighbors and had become friends. She was divorced and horny and I was single and there.
She had two kids at home so she'd come over to my house and fuck me every now and then. She'd call and ask what I was doing, I'd say oh not much, then I'd invite her over and five minutes later she'd knock on my door. We'd sit on the sofa and talk or watch TV or whatever and within a few minutes we'd be kissing, then our hands would be rubbing crotches, then unbuckling jeans, then pulling down pants and then my dick would end up inside her.
We'd usually fuck, then hold each other and talk for a while and then I'd finger her and she'd get hot and we'd fuck again. Then she'd say she had to get home to her kids and she'd pull her pants back on, kiss me goodbye and be out the door. I was strictly a maintenance fuck for her and we both knew it.
Geri and I had kept it discreet, and both knew it was not going anywhere, but she asked me to escort her to the crab feast. That way she wouldn't have to go alone and have all the other coaches hitting on her. So we went together, turned a few heads when we arrived, and then we each just mingled on our own.
I'd been there about an hour or so, talking to the various coaches and other people I knew, when I spotted Jessie. I had just gotten a beer and turned around and was scanning a few tables when I saw her looking at me. Our eyes met and we smiled simultaneously as she waved to me. She wore khaki shorts and a snug white t-shirt that hugged her slim torso and perky tits and gave perfect contrast to her smooth creamy coffee skin. I walked over to her table.
There was an open chair to her left and she urged me to sit. I did, and we said our hellos and I squeezed her left hand with my right. She briefly introduced me to the woman to her right, a woman I recognized but didn't know.
"So, how you doin', Coach?" she asked. "Enjoying the off-season so far?
"Oh, okay I guess. Just going through the withdrawal symptoms, you know," I said.
She replied skeptically, "Withdrawal symptoms? You mean to tell me you miss the baseball? Or do you mean you miss the boys?"
"No, I miss checking out those hot moms in the bleachers!" I said with a grin.
She burst out laughing, an infectious cackle that drew a few glances. Slightly embarrassed, she covered her mouth with her hand. As she removed her hand her lips curled into a coy smile. “Anyone in particular?” she asked.
I pretended to be confused, trying to remember. “Uh, let me see, what was her name?” I said. “The real foxy one with the afro sheen…what was it? James’s mom. Was it Jessica?”
She blushed and shook her head. “You can call me Jessie.”
“Okay, Jessie. And you can stop calling me Coach. You remember my real name, don’t you?”
“How could I forget?” she asked. “All I heard from James all summer long was Mr. Rob this, Mr. Rob that. And thank you for being so good to those boys. I’ve talked to the other parents and we all agree that we were very lucky we got you for our coach.”
Now I blushed. “Aw shucks ma’am, thanks. And how is James doing these last few weeks without me yelling at him to stop dropping his shoulder?”
“Oh, he’s managing. It’s time to concentrate on school now.”
We chatted about James for a couple of minutes, and then I went to fetch a pitcher of beer. When I returned I poured our brews and continued the conversation.
“You have a daughter, too, right? College girl. What’s her name?” I remembered that she’d come to a game once.
“Right, Jackie. How’s she doing?”
“Oh, she’s fine. Off to college. She’s a junior at State University.”
“Good for her. Good school,” I replied. “That’s where I went.”
We talked a minute or two about Jackie and then there was an awkward pause.
“So,” I said. “Is there anybody else over there at Jessie’s house I should ask about?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“No. You sure?”
Her mouth twisted back to a sly grin, and then mine did too. “Well, we have a dog.” She was enjoying this.
“A dog,” I said. “How’s the dog?”
“She’s fine.”
We both wore grins and her brown eyes bored into mine.
“I’m pretty smooth, huh?”
She cackled again and I laughed out loud.
“Now comes the hard part,” I said as our laughter abated. “No pun intended,” I added, and she laughed again.
“Hard part. And what would be the hard part?” she asked.
“Well, after being so smooth, now is when I should probably ask for your phone number. But that would be phony because I already have your home number because I was always calling James about games and practice and whatnot. But you might not want me to call the house anyway because James might answer. So I guess I should ask you if you want to go out with me some time and…”
As I was babbling the band broke into “What Does It Take?” by Junior Walker and the All-Stars and I stopped cold and grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Please dance with me,” I said. “I’m not much of a dancer but I love this song.” I pulled her hand and she got right up and I led her out on the dance floor.
We danced close, my right arm around her back and my left hand holding her right. We moved in sync and our bodies touched here and there. We talked through our dance, and more at the table. I told her about the blues band I was in and the various gigs we had coming up. We danced to another slow tune. We talked some about jobs, about the baseball league, about music and movies, and whatever else came to mind. For close to three hours I was totally wrapped up in Jessie. The only time I spoke to anyone else was when I’d go to get another pitcher of beer.
When the band quit she excused herself to go to the ladies' room. When she returned she handed me a card with her cell number on it.
“I’m calling you tomorrow,” I said. “What time is good?”
“Anytime would be nice,” she said, our eyes glued. “If I miss your call, I’ll call right back.” Then her eyes diverted and glanced over my shoulder. “Good night, Rob, and thank you. And good luck with Miss Geri.”
Jessie walked out the front door of the hall and I was not the only one admiring her ass on her way out. When I turned around Geri was staring at me and she looked kind of pissed.
She kind of was. I reminded her that I was only there as her casual buffer zone date as she had requested, not to stand at her side for four hours protecting her from guys trying to get into her pants. I took her home and dropped her off and that was the last time I saw her for quite a while.
The next afternoon I called Jessie and she picked right up and said ‘Hello’, and I started right in.
“Hello, Jessie. My name is Rob and I’m a local baseball coach and I think that you are a beautiful, voluptuous, foxy, sexy, smart, witty, mysterious, incredible woman, and would you please go out with me?”
I heard her laughing on the other end. Then she said, “Hello Rob. Did you rehearse that?”
“No, I didn’t have to,” I said. “I have it written down.”
She laughed again and asked, “You want to take me out? You sure you’re ready for that?”
“Sure. What do you mean?”
“Well Rob, I’m a forty-year-old black woman and you’re a twenty-something white man. How old are you anyway?”
I told her I was twenty-eight.
“Okay, twenty-eight,” she went on. “I just want to…”
I cut her off and went back to my notes. “Hello, Jessie. My name is Rob and I’m a local baseball coach and I think that you are a voluptuous, beautiful, foxy, sexy, smart, witty, mysterious, incredible woman, and would you please go out with me?”
Through her laughter she said she’d love to go out with me. We set it up for Thursday night.
I had asked Jessie about going out Wednesday night but she had a commitment, and I had gigs Friday and Saturday, so Thursday it was. She wanted to meet at a shopping center where she would leave her car and then ride with me. She wanted to keep her personal life separate from her family life for now. Understandable, I thought, with a teenager at home.
She got out of her car and as she walked toward mine I admired her and knew we’d turn some heads that night. Soft, sleeveless red dress falling to just above the knees and those long smooth legs. That black frizz brushing her shoulder, her slim waist, that fine ass and her sweet mouth with the big smile.
I opened the door for her and she got in and we said our hellos. I started the engine but didn’t put the car in gear. I turned slightly toward Jessie.
I looked her in the eye and said , “Jessie, before we go I need to ask you a very serious question.”
“Okay. What?”
“Can I kiss you now?”
“Can you kiss me now?”
“Yes. I’ve been dying to kiss you for like four days now and I really want this date to go perfect. And I figure if we can kiss now and, you know, break the ice, then we won’t have the pressure later of will we kiss and when we’ll kiss or how we’ll kiss and…”
“Shut up and kiss me,” she interrupted. She put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me to her. Her lips were soft and slightly parted and within a few seconds, our tongues were enmeshed. It was a long slow kiss, the best first kiss I could ever remember as our mouths became acquainted. When we finally parted her hand kept our faces close. In a breathy voice she asked, “You happy now?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Me too,” she purred, and we kissed again and our tongues dove right in.
We had dinner at a nice restaurant with nonstop conversation and laughter. It was very natural and relaxed and comfortable, a stream of consciousness continuation of the hours we’d spent together at the crab feast. When I dropped her off at her car our kisses were again passionate and this time I placed a hand behind her head and ran my fingers through her hair. God, I loved having that kinky hair in my hand, I get hard just thinking about it. When we parted we made plans to go out again the next week.
The following Tuesday we met for lunch at a café near her work. It was a short and sweet lunch hour, but again free and natural. The hello kiss was a quick peck on the lips, but when we said goodbye she gave my tongue a quick little suck, then flashed me a quick little smile as we parted. When she was a couple of steps away I called her name and when she turned to face me I snapped her photo with my phone. She looked at me in mock anger.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she said.
“Took your picture. I’m going to blow it up to poster size and hang it on my wall,” I said.
“Better not,” she replied. “I might start thinking you’re some kind of pervert!” she said as she turned and walked back toward her office.
I saw her again later that week and we had a wonderful time together. We went to an outside jazz concert at the lakefront park, sipped wine, ate cheese and crackers, and talked. The conversation again was easy, and although it was an early night, her kisses at the end were more passionate than ever.
The following Thursday night I took her to a community theatre presentation of Guys and Dolls and drinks afterward. When I dropped her off we again did some heavy kissing and I again ran my hand through her sexy frizz. Our hands had begun wandering a little and I had my other hand on her ass. After a while, I pulled away.
I don’t know what caused me to say it, maybe it was because even though we’d only been together a few times our rapport and communication made it feel like much longer, but I said, “Damn, woman, you are dangerous.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked with bewildered eyes.
“When you kiss me like that and I have my hands in your sexy hair and on that sweet ass of yours I get a raging erection that about drives me crazy!” I said.
“Well, it’s good to know you’re a healthy, young male and not some pervert. And I might like to see that thing sometime,” she said with that coy smile.
I smiled and said, “Just say when.”
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and opened the passenger door and said, “I’ll remember that.” I watched her get into her car and drive away as my hard-on slowly abated.
About an hour or so later on my bed at home I was still so horny I whipped out my cell phone and my dick and jerked off looking at Jessie’s picture. Then I texted her and we had a brief conversation:
Just masturbated to your picture! J
Good. Only once?
Workin on #2
Good Good!!!!
Aaaaaaaah. C U Sunday?
Probably will let u know. Jackie home for wkend & not sure what time she’s leaving sun.
OK good night
Good night
The next night I was playing a gig and we had just started the second set when I was surprised to see Jessie and Jackie enter the club. She waved as they took seats at the end of the bar. I admit being distracted as I eyed these two fine looking women. Jackie was a slightly smaller version of her mom: an inch or two shorter but with the same fine features, that slim body, curvy butt, medium-sized titties pointing straight out. The only difference was Jackie’s hair was straight and long with some tan highlights. Both wore ass-hugging jeans, but Jessie had on a black designer t-shirt and Jackie wore a red blouse. Eyes were upon them.
When I sat down with them during the next break I grabbed Jessie’s hand and squeezed and thanked them for coming. I wasn’t sure whether to kiss her, not knowing what she may or may not have told her daughter, and her smile told me she understood. Jessie re-introduced me to Jackie. I’d only met her once before because she lived year-round near the university for about an hour and a half away and only came back to visit every few weeks or so.
The three of us talked and Jackie seemed a little uncomfortable and she was kind of quiet, but her eyes were a bit flirty. I asked her about her studies but she didn’t tell me a whole lot. The longest comment she made during that break was to say that she was glad her mother found a nice, decent, good-looking man but she sure hoped I wasn’t messing around and I better treat her right. When the time came to re-take the stage I asked them if they were going to hang around and Jessie said yes, they’d stay one more set.
When the next set ended and I walked toward the girls I saw Jackie gather up her purse and say something into her mother’s ear as she stepped off of her stool. When I reached the end of the bar Jackie looked right into my eyes and said, “Nice going, Coach, I dig your music. You play a mean sax and sing good too. Take care of my mama.” Then she turned and walked out.
I looked at Jessie and asked, “What’s up with her?”
“Nothing,” she said. “She likes you, she thinks you’re hot. She said when you sing and blow sax you don’t sound much like a white man. You have any idea what that means? Believe me, that’s a big compliment coming from her, she doesn’t hand out compliments easily.” She grabbed my hand, stared at me and said, “Look, she’s just being protective because I’m a single mom. I told her about us, I confided in her, she remembered you and how James looked up to you. I know her, she’s cool.”
“Then why did she run out?” I asked.
“She didn’t run out, she’s waiting in the car, giving me a little space, that’s all. Girl figures you want to kiss me and she was cramping our style.”
“Smart girl. Like her mom I guess. Should I walk you out now, or…”
“Nah, best to just get going, you got work to do,” she said, and started to get up. “And Jackie will be leaving Sunday in the early afternoon. I’ll call you and we can meet up after that if you like.”
“I like,” I said. “And thanks for coming tonight. It was a nice surprise.”
“Oh, my pleasure, I enjoyed it. Besides, I had to find out whether or not this man I’ve been seeing has any soul.” She had a twinkle in her eye and that cute little smirk on her face.
I asked, “Well, how did I do?”
She kissed me briefly on the lips and said with a wink, “I’ll let you know on Sunday.” Then she turned and headed for the exit. She didn’t look back and I kept my eyes on her ass until the door closed behind her.

On Sunday we met at the usual place. As Jessie got out of her car and walked over I admired how hot she looked. She wore sandals, white cotton shorts and a red tank top which showed off her strong shoulders and toned arms. I noticed she wore no bra, a first, and her nipples were poking through the thin red fabric.
She got in and we kissed. We said our hellos and I told her that she looked especially hot. Then she put her left hand behind my head and plunged her tongue into my mouth and kissed me with a force that about took my breath away. The kiss was long and her right hand went to my crotch and grabbed my half-stiff cock, another first. The kiss went on and I grew in her grasp.
Our lips parted but her face stayed inches from mine, her hand still on my cock. She said one word.
“When?” I replied.
“Yes,” she said. “You said that when I was ready I should say when. I’m sayin’ when.”
We dove into another long kiss. She continued to rub my now-hard member and my hand went to her breast and I kneaded her taut nipple with my thumb.
“Take me home with you,” she panted.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m sure. Start driving,” she said, so I did. “Look, Rob, I’ve wanted to get into your knickers ever since the crab feast but I knew it was best to wait. But I’m tired of waiting, and every sign in the universe is telling me to fuck you!”
I didn’t know what to say. As I drove us to my house she explained in rapid-fire fashion.
“First of all, I’ve known since last summer that I wanted to fuck this man out on the ball field coaching my son if I ever got the chance. And now this man I want to fuck is jacking off to my picture on his cell phone and sending me text messages about it, so I know he wants to fuck me too. And that makes me wet so I have to masturbate thinking about fucking this man who wants to fuck me."
"Then, after we went to hear you play music Friday night, I’m sitting up late having a glass of wine with Jackie, and she asked me how’s the sex and I tell her I don’t know, and she pretty near fell off the damn chair she was so shocked and blown away that I wasn’t already fucking you. She didn’t mind telling me that if I didn’t want to fuck you to just let her know, and she’ll fuck you herself.'
'Then that night I’m sleeping peacefully and I have a dream about you. In this dream, I’m trying to get my mouth around that big white cock of yours but I can’t because your cock keeps flopping around. Then you lay back on the bed so it will be easier for me to get at, but in the dream, I was looking at you through a mirror or some dream-shit thing like that, so then you’re out of view and I can’t see you anymore and I never did get to suck it. Then I woke up and was all hot and shit so I had to get myself off thinking about it, and ever since then all I’ve been able to think about is sucking your cock, so I hope you don’t mind but that’s the first thing on my list."
"Then yesterday morning, get this: James is sitting at the kitchen table eating his Frosted Flakes and I’m standing there pouring a cup of coffee and he casually asks, “So how’s Mr. Rob doing?” So I play dumb and ask what he means and he says he knows all about it because the boys at school have been busting his chops because his mom’s doing the coach. But it’s okay because he knows you and he likes you but he wants me to be careful because we don’t want to have any little white baseball coaches running around the house!"
"So damn, Rob, I’m thinking I want to fuck you, and you want to fuck me, and we’re both playing with ourselves fantasizing about fucking each other, and my kids just naturally assumed we were already fucking each other anyway. And the rumors came from somewhere, so it’s safe to assume that there are parents and others assuming I’m fucking you. So I’m tired of waiting, the hell with it. I’m saying ‘when’ and goddammit, it’s high time we started fucking!”
When she was done we both started to laugh. My cock was swollen and solid as a brick by the end of that little monologue. After a brief silence, she asked me what I was thinking. I told her that if she’d gone on like that much longer my dick would break. She started rubbing my brick again and was licking my ear as I pulled into my driveway.
“I shaved for you,” she whispered.
When we were inside I started to ask her if I could get her anything but she muted my words with her mouth and tongue and started unbuckling my jeans. When she came up for air she glanced around the room as she put her hands inside my shorts and pushed down my pants, my cock bobbing in full salute.
“Sit on the sofa,” she said as she led me there.
“Don’t you want to go to the bedroom?” I asked.
“Not yet,” she said, as she pushed me down on the couch. She got down on her knees before me and pulled off my boat shoes and yanked off my pants. She looked at my cock and then at me. “Ooh, a wide body! I just knew you had a big cock. All last summer, watching you batting those balls all over the field, I was eyeing your balls, checking out your bulge and I knew you had a big one.”
She rose up and kissed me and then gazed into my eyes.
“I’ve been thinking about going down on you for two days. I’m going to suck your beautiful cock until you come. And I want your first orgasm with me to be the biggest one you ever had in your life and I want it to be in my mouth. I want to taste your sperm and feel it ooze down my throat. I want to make you shake and feel you quake when you shoot your dirty white boy cum into my mouth. Then when we go into that bedroom we are going to rock the fucking house. And it’s going to be good, I know it. I’m going to be the best piece of ass you ever had in your life.”
I was surprised by the dirty talk, but God, what a turn on. My cock was stretched to the max, busting at the seams and starting to ache a little. I was hoping I didn’t come too soon but at the same time I needed relief!
She lowered her head and began licking the head of my cock, then the length of the shaft, then my balls. I sunk both hands into her curly locks and gently massaged her scalp as her mouth explored new territory. Her hands crept up under my ass and she gripped my buttocks and spread my ass wide as her mouth covered the tip of my cock.
The fingers of both her hands inched toward the widespread crack of my ass and she dug her nails in. I jumped a little but her nails didn’t stop. Her fingers massaged the skin surrounding my asshole as her nails dug in. My hands rubbed her hair and scalp harder. I watched her lips slowly moving down the shaft of my cock, her mouth taking me in.
When all eight inches had disappeared and her lips were kissing my nuts she started bobbing her head, jerking me off with her mouth as her fingers massaged and her nails dug into my ass, all in rhythm and all in sync. I started pushing my groin into her, fucking her face.
Then she backed off and my swollen lumber slowly reemerged. After a cursory lick up and down my dick, she again took it in her mouth and started taking me into her, again slowly moving her lips down my shaft toward my balls. I couldn’t believe what a turn-on it was to see my turgid white cock slowly disappear into her big, sexy ebony mouth.
Again, once my rod was completely engulfed in her mouth and throat she started bobbing her head and her fingers fell into a rhythm. I gently swung my hips, and her nails dug deeper. One nail had found my asshole and the finger had followed so she was now finger-fucking me in the ass as she deep-throated me and we swung in unison.
Soon I could feel it coming, almost in slow motion, my cum moving up the tube of my elongated shaft, about to erupt. Jessie must have felt it too because her finger was plowing into my ass with a new urgent force and she backed off a little and began sucking my cock so hard I thought she might yank it right off. I let out with a long guttural groan, it must have sounded like a ten-foot bull gator in the springtime. I felt that load, as it rose through the hose, and Jessie moaned as she received it, sucking and swallowing as my body shook and I bucked in the grasp of her strong mouth.
As my spasms slowed and my spurts lessened she relaxed her grip on my pole and her finger slipped from my hole. When I finally rested she relaxed her mouth and backed off and I saw every inch of my whiteness reappear from behind those sexy dark lips. Her tongue appeared and licked her lips and she looked up at me.
“You taste good,” she said.
My hands were still enmeshed in her hair so I pulled her head up to mine and we kissed deeply, our tongues dancing in the slimy residue of my jizz. I pulled her tight and moved one hand down and held her ass as we kissed even deeper.
We parted lips and she said, “Was that good?”
I replied, “Jessie, that was the most incredible, intense feeling I ever had in my life! You are fucking unbelievable! God, I don’t know how I can ever top that for you…”
She interrupted by kissing me. This one was long and lingering, soft, and gentle. She nibbled my ear and whispered: “Fuck me.”
I took her hand and led her down the hall to my bedroom. I took off my shirt and tossed it on a chair and started to take her in my arms but she pushed me down so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. She started to undress for me, her skimpy top yanked off and tossed in the chair. Her foxy chocolate body was adorned by a gold stud filling her navel.
She walked to me and stood between my knees, her luscious torso right in front of my face. My arms went around her and I fondled her ass and lower back as I licked that shiny stud and kissed those beautiful tits and sucked her large nipples and they hardened in my mouth. She ran her long fingers through my hair as I sucked and kissed and she moaned as she pulled my head to her body.
“Rob, will you undress me the rest of the way?” she breathed.
I nodded and she stepped back slightly. I took the button of her shorts and unhooked it and then took the zipper and started it on its downward path and as the opening widened I could see she wore nothing underneath. Zipper down, I pulled her shorts southward to the floor and was almost salivating to catch my first glimpse of Jessie’s jewel. When I first looked at that big handsome shaved pussy I about got dizzy at the same time.
“What the fuck?” I blurted out.
Jessie cackled again and just about fell over from laughing, and soon I was laughing too. Right there in front of my face, on that beautiful body, inches above her luscious love tunnel the words FOR ROB were tattooed with an arrow pointing right at her open snatch.
I pulled her onto the bed and started kissing her but it was not easy because she couldn’t stop laughing. Finally, I gave up and started laughing again too.
“You should have seen the look on your face!” she managed to say through her giggles.
“All right, you got me,” I said. I kissed that cute crooked nose as the laughter ebbed.
“Oh, that was priceless! Wish I could have taken a picture of your face.”
I looked at the artwork and ran my fingers over the words and arrow. “Where did this come from?” I asked. It looked like a real tattoo.
“Yeah, Jackie. I asked her this morning. She’s a good little artist, and I told her today was the day, and would she help me play a little joke on you and she said sure. Then she got out some food coloring and went to work. You like it?”
“I love it. I hope it never comes off.”
“Goddam better come off unless you want ‘Jessie’ tattooed on that big-ass dick of yours!”
We laughed again and then kissed. She was on her back and I ran my hand over her lower body—legs, thighs, rump, belly, and teased around her pussy—and I saw her clit swell before my eyes. My lips softly danced over her pretty face, kissing her nose, her eyelids, forehead, chin, cheeks, and sometimes teasing her lips.
I moved to her neck and shoulders and then to those perfect tits, licking and chewing on those big hard nipples. My hand continued to roam and I made sure a finger would brush her anxious love button and slip into her slippery slot every now and then to remind her where I was headed. By the time my tongue was tickling that stud in her navel she was moaning and breathing heavy. She kept repeating, ‘Yes, yes, yes…’ as I worked my way down, and her groin writhed in anticipation.
I was licking the arrow that pointed the way to her open twat when I stopped and raised my head to hers and kissed her and she savagely sucked me in, and at the same time slipped two fingers into her pussy for the first time. I felt her gasp beneath our kiss and felt beads of sweat on her face. When we released I said, “Jessie, you are such a sexy woman,” into her ear and then headed back to where I’d come from.
I lowered my head down between her dusky thighs and maneuvered my hands under her ass. I gently massaged her shapely cheeks as I got into position and her pussy lips moved, welcoming me. Jessie’s clit was big and ready, the largest I’d ever seen. I dove in.
As I slammed my tongue into her gaping pit, I surrounded her love organ with my lips and I squeezed her ass cheeks with a pinching strength. She shrieked and grunted with delight. I nibbled her big fat clit and kept squeezing her sweet ass.
“Jesus Christ!” she uttered as her body shook. I kept my mouth tightly attached as she squirmed beneath me. She screamed ‘Yes’ about ten times before she shouted “Eat me, Baby!”
Jessie came. Damn, did she come. She came like nothing I’d ever seen in my life or even imagined possible. She squirted like a fire hose into my face, into my mouth, all over the bed. She bucked like a bronc, but I never let her tool out of my mouth, and I kept my mouth in place even after her throes subsided.
Her hands were in my hair, gently tugging my head toward hers, but I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I kept my lips plastered around her organ. I imagined her clit was the mouthpiece of my tenor sax and I was playing an extended solo.
“Yes....yes….yes….yes…” she kept moaning.
Her juices had soaked everything so my fingers and her ass were already well- lubed so I stuck a finger in her ass and started finger-fucking her.
“Yes,” she hissed. “Yes. You like my ass don’t you?”
I didn’t answer. I still had that glorious clit in my mouth and I wasn’t letting go. I sucked and stroked that baby with my aching jaws and my finger poked her ass over and over again.
“Yes!” she spit out, louder, her body rocking. “Yes! You know how to eat me, Baby! Got a man who knows how to eat pussy!”
She came again, her wet gush flying into my mouth and face. It wasn’t as big as the first one, but close enough. I felt like I might drown and started to gag at one point but my lips were not going anywhere.
Then I started singing. And humming. And growling. This was a time when being a player of a wind instrument came in handy. I needed air but I had decided beforehand that I wanted this fine woman to have three orgasms before I stuck my dick into her. I continued to serenade her from down under.
As her clit throbbed with my growling vocalizations, I snuck a second finger into her asshole and I felt her rubbery rim stretch.
“Damn, boy, you do love my ass, don’t you? Oh, fuck…”
She put her hands in my hair and mashed my head into her crotch and she slung her pussy into my face. After ten or twelve sloppy slams she unloaded again and I drank her chocolate sauce for the third time. Now I was ready to fuck her.
We wasted no time. I moved on top of her and she groaned as she guided my nightstick into her swelled gash. I started slip-sliding away, my slimy penis bathing in her fountain of love. I began swinging my meat into her oven and soon we were cooking.
“Fuck me, Baby, with that big fuckin’ cock! Oh, fuck!” She grunted loudly, over and over as I pounded her. Harder, harder, our loins slapping with liquid thwacks, our bodies gliding on a sheen of Jessie juice. “Fuck me Rob, you fucking animal! Jesus Christ, I needed you to fuck me, you horny fucker.”
Her dirty talk surprised me but amped me up, and I inserted my finger back into her ass and started fucking her as hard as I could, slamming my cock into her pussy and reaming her lovely asshole with my finger.
“You dirty horny motherfucker!” she shouted. “You know how to eat my pussy, you dirty white boy, and you know how to fuck my pussy with your big-ass white motherfucking cock and now you got your fucking fingers up my ass.” I was getting close and she must have sensed it because she then yelled, “You better dump your white load in my black pussy, I can’t take much more fucking the way you’re fucking me…”
She let out a squeal and I felt her gush rush over me and within several seconds I emptied my creamy payload, six or seven spasms worth, deep into Jessie.
As we eased out of our convulsions we kissed gently and deep, and she held me tight and wouldn’t let me back out of her, she kept squeezing my spent equipment with her sugary walls.
“Just found out one thing,” she said softly when our lips parted.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“My man definitely has soul!”
“I found out something too,” I added.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“For a fine, upstanding baseball mom mother-of-two, you sure can fuck. And talk raunchy.”
She blushed and said she was sorry.
“Don’t be,” I said. “Keep it up. What a turn-on!”
We held each other for a few minutes and then we started getting into more lovemaking. We repeated our earlier performance. Soon she was licking my cock. I wrapped my legs around her upper back and squeezed her close. She took me in and I fucked her mouth as hard as I could and when she sensed I was ready to come she sucked me dry. Then I ate that pussy again while listening to more dirty talk, and I climbed up on her and slid into her and fucked her nice and slow.
We lay in each other’s arms and of course, we started kissing and fondling and soon my dick was hard and I mounted Jessie again. As I placed my cock at the entrance of her shaft I made sure I soaked my fingers with her wetness. I eased my cock back into her.
“Oh, My God, you’re going to fuck me again, aren’t you?” she gasped.
I did. I stretched her ass crack and pushed two slimy fingers into her stretched asshole and then I started banging. I was hitting her hard this time, heaving my cock into her cunt and my fingers into her ass in perfect cadence. She was getting into it too, pushing back, and swinging her hips into me. We were like two animals in mating season.
Then Jessie noticed the time and said she had to get going. She said no, she didn’t have time to shower, and besides, I would probably try to get in the shower with her and fuck her again anyway and that might just about kill her and she didn’t want to die naked in some man’s shower stall. So I drove her back to her car and when we were kissing goodbye I grabbed a tit and she slapped it away. She said no, down boy, she had to go, but this had been one of the best days she’d ever had and nothing could make her feel any better than she did right then so please save it for next time.
Later that night she sent me a text message with a photo of her big brown sugar pussy with the FOR ROB and the arrow pointing to it. She thought I might enjoy the souvenir before she scrubbed off the artwork. I sure as hell did, too.
After that night, over the next few weeks, we got into a routine of mad fucking dates. She’d come over and we’d tear it up. Sometimes we’d have a drink first but usually, she had some fun, creative ideas to make things interesting.
End of Part 1