Onto the second chapter of wife’s story…
Jaycee was a bit apprehensive to return to work after the management retreat event because she did not know how to respond if she saw Reuben again at the hospital. But Monday came and it was time for work, so she reasoned that she’ll just avoid the cafeteria for a while and not chance running into Reuben right away.
As the day’s passed, Jaycee took to taking lunches at the local restaurants and not in the hospital cafeteria and she didn’t see Reuben for a couple of weeks, until there was an all-managers meeting in the hospital conference room. That’s when she saw Reuben again; It was the first time she saw him since that night in Wrightsville Beach, and she studied him a bit more this time.
He was a few years older than Jaycee; he had a few specks of gray in his hair, and though he was at least six foot tall, he sported a bit of a paunch in his belly she hadn’t noticed before. He wasn’t that bad looking, but not handsome either.
While she was studying him, Reuben caught Jaycee staring at him and stared back and gave her a grin which surprised Jaycee and she looked away.
Now Reuben stared back at Jaycee, sizing her up and down from her wavy blonde hair, business suit and skirt, crossed legs in nylons and three-inch pumps. He caught a hint of thigh that suggested she was wearing thigh-high stockings and not panty hose.
Damn that bitch is hot and thought back to that night at Wrightsville Beach and how he and her wound up in his room. The girl had some skills fucking and sucking and she’s damn fine looking too. He felt his cock starting to stir, and he started to consider when he might have another opportunity with this blonde bitch.
As the meeting started there was discussion about a state-wide conference for local hospitals and management wanted a good representation that showed their diversity in management to the state board of health. That’s when eyes turned to Reuben as the cafeteria manager. “Reuben, how about you representing our hospital? You’re more than qualified and have been here the longest, so what do you say?”
“Sure, I’ll go, but just me?” Reuben asked.
“No, somebody else, maybe one of the ladies could accompany you… any ideas?” Reuben couldn’t believe his luck and he looked over at Jaycee and said, “I’d like Jaycee to come along. As the process improvement manager, she could really represent our hospital and what we plan to accomplish, if Jaycee is available.”
Jaycee was caught off guard by this and immediately thought how to say no when the CEO says he concurs with the recommendation, so it was a done deal.
Reuben’s toothy grin back at Jaycee sent a shiver down her back, but there a bit of tingle in her pussy that surprised her.
“Reuben let’s get together after the meeting to discuss travel plans and form an agenda,” Jaycee said, and with that, the meeting concluded.
After everyone had left, Reuben and Jaycee were left alone in the conference room. “I guess we’ll have to get a rental car and make reservations at the resort for a couple of nights,” Jaycee said.
Reuben was standing next to Jaycee and he wanted so bad to reach out and grab her by the hair and kiss her, but he simply said, “Agreed. I’ll get the car; you make the resort reservations. Do you want me to pick you up from you house?”
Jaycee thought she really didn’t want Reuben to know where she lived, but it would be easy enough for him to find her neighborhood since it wasn’t that big of a city anyway.
“No, let’s leave from here instead. I’ll just leave my car in the parking garage here.”
“Ok cool, we’ll do that. We might have some downtime while we’re there,” said a grinning Reuben. Jaycee felt that tingle in her pussy again, and said, “yes, we probably will. It’ll be nice to go to the spa there and relax around the pool.” Not quite what Reuben had in mind, but he’ll go with it for now.
Two days later, Reuben and Jaycee departed for Pinehurst, NC for the conference. It was about a 3-hour drive, and not much was said between the two. “So, how much time do you have left in the area?” Reuben asked.
Jaycee and her husband were due to transfer out of the area in a few months but didn’t know exactly when. Things were getting a bit tense with her husband lately. With the uncertainty of the move and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, her husband was getting stressed.
She thought he was too stressed, and it made their once intimate love making more an act of trying to get pregnant. Gone was the passion reduced to an act of sex… fuck until he cums in me and then he’s off to watch TV, she thought to herself.
“We don’t know when exactly, maybe in a few months,” Jaycee said.
“Hmm, well I hope not to soon,” grinned Reuben.
On they drove in their own thoughts and arriving at Pinehurst around dinner time. They both checked in and went to their respective rooms.
After unpacking, Reuben calls Jaycee’s room… “Wanna get something to eat, Jaycee?” Reuben asked.
“Sure. I’ll meet you in the lobby, Reuben.”
Jaycee considered what to wear so she got out a sundress that didn’t need a bra and decided to go commando and put on a pair of strappy heels that complemented her toned legs and showed off her painted toes and perfect feet.
She took great pride in her appearance, though her husband would say she’s high maintenance for getting weekly pedicures and manicures, puts a lot of money into hair care, tanning salon and the occasional massage. Seems he’s stopped appreciating the efforts she puts into looking this good, she thought.
In the lobby, Jaycee sees Reuben approaching. She sizes him up and likes what she sees. Wearing casual slacks, sandals and loose-fitting shirt untucked, he looked more at home at a beach resort than a golf resort, but it complemented him.
Reuben also sees Jaycee and he likes what he sees too. “Damn, she looks good enough to eat right here. Going to have to play this just right tonight,” he thought.
“Hi Jaycee, you look nice tonight. I can’t imagine how your hubby lets you out,” chuckled Reuben.
Jaycee was very appreciative of Reuben’s remark, and said “you look very handsome Reuben out of your shirt and tie.”
They made their way to the restaurant and as they went, Jaycee caught the two of them walking together in the gift shop windows. She thought what a nice-looking couple, and caught herself… what is she thinking?
There’s that little tingle between her legs again, and just then, a dribble of pussy juice leaks down her inner thigh. Dammit, I should have worn underwear after all, but I’ll have to watch myself. She excused herself to use the lady’s room.

She goes into the toilet stall, takes some toilet paper to wipe herself dry, and she realizes she’s really moist down there. “Oh my, Jaycee what’s going on,” she asks herself.
After dinner, Reuben and Jaycee retire to the lounge for a drink. Jaycee orders a chardonnay and Reuben asks for a rum and diet coke. For just a minute they talk about what is going on tomorrow at the conference and what break-out sessions they’ll attend.
Then the discussion comes back to the two of them. “I haven’t seen you around work in a while, Jaycee. You been avoiding me?”
Jaycee says, “No Reuben, since the last time, I just thought it was too soon to see you again. But here we are.” Smiled Jaycee.
“I like that smile, Baby. I don’t see it often enough. Something been eating you?”
Jaycee goes into the situation at home, the stress of the move, hubby’s dispassionate attempts at sex to get pregnant, and how sex is not fun anymore.
“Damn Baby, is he a fool or what? You too fine to be ignored like that. If I recall, you get pretty fuckin horny when you get going.”
Laughing out loud, Jaycee said, “Well, you did get me going, but you also gave me some concern afterwards. I think you may have gotten some sperm in me before you pulled out, and you promised you wouldn’t,” Jaycee looked him in his eyes.
“Well, you didn’t make it easy, Baby. That fine pussy and mouth of yours, what’s brotha to do?” Reuben laughed.
“It would be nice to have sex for passion and not solely to get pregnant,” Jaycee said.
“You can have it both ways, Baby. You haven’t gotten pregnant with wimpy hubby yet, maybe your time is not meant to be. Maybe you were intended to have the 1 k*d and that’s it. Think of all the fun you’re losing out on just to get pregnant again.”
Jaycee contemplated Reuben’s remark for a minute. “Reuben, do you have children?”
“Yes, but they’re all with their mothers. I don’t really see them, and that’s ok. I don’t care to see their mothers and go through all that drama.”
That’s too bad she thought. He was blessed with those children and he doesn’t make the effort to connect with them. I wonder if he would do that with me, she thought.
Just then Reuben says, “Lets go back to your room this time and finish what we started.”
“I thought we did finish,” Jaycee replied.
“Well, let’s try something else.”
Reuben stood up and Jaycee joined him as they made their way to Jaycee’s room. When they got there, the telephone was ringing, and Jaycee answered it just in time.
It was her husband and he wanted to tell her they finally got an appointment at the fertility clinic in Raleigh for next week. He sounded very excited and that warmed her heart, then she glanced over at a now naked Reuben sitting on the sofa.
“Ok, we’ll talk more when I get home Thursday. Love you!” and she hung up.
“Hmm mister, you make a lot of assumptions,” grinned Jaycee.
“Shut the fuck up and get naked too but leave those shoes on.” commanded Reuben.
Jaycee pulled her dress up over her head and now completely naked except for her heels.
“You been commando like that all evening? Damn girl, you continue to amaze this brotha.”
Reuben’s cock was already rock hard, and Jaycee also noticed. She came over to him, kneeling for a better look at his manliness. She really didn’t get a good look at it last time, so she takes the huge cock in her hand, examining the veins, the mushroom head and the full balls hanging down.
“My Reuben, you certainly are well equipped.” Kissing the head and licking up and down the erect shaft, she works it into her mouth.
“Damn Baby, you got some skills. You do that to hubby?”
“MMMM no,” she mumbles with her mouth full of his cock.
Sucking Reuben was giving Jaycee great pleasure and she had great tingling in her pussy. As she’s sucking Reuben, she reaches down and starts to rub her pussy and starts to leak pussy juice onto the carpet.
Moaning with a mouthful of cock, Jaycee brings herself to wave after wave of orgasms. Reuben is enjoying the point of view and tells Jaycee, “Save some of that pussy for me,” and stands her up and guides her to the desk and turns her around.
He runs his hard black cock up and down her ass, and then crouches down he enters her sopping pussy.
“Oh my, Oh my,” Jaycee whispers. The sensation is something she’s not felt ever, and she starts to fuck him back.
Reuben knows he’s got her hooked on black cock now and is driving deep into her pussy and she’s responding like a slut in heat.
“Get over on the bed for a proper fuckin,” Reuben pulls out and watches Jaycee’s wobbly legs walk to the bed.
Reuben lays back and guides Jaycee on top of him. “Now ride me. Fuck me until I blow my nut all up in you,” Reuben tells her.
Jaycee dutifully does so, guiding his massive manhood into her trimmed, blonde pussy. As she’s riding him, he’s got her ass cheeks in his hands and his mouth sucking on her 34C tits.
The sensation they are both feeling is ready to put them over the edge, and Reuben has no intention of pulling out this time as he tightens his grip on her ass.
Jaycee is in bliss. She’s missed this passion for so long, and now she has this man that is so horny for her and has such a manly cock inside of her.
Reuben is starting to feel a nut coming on, and he knows its all going in her.
He’s fathered six children with four other women, and this will be his first white bitch to knock up.
He raises his hips high into Jaycee and begins to spout his black seed directly into Jaycees waiting womb.
Jaycee feels the warm cum enter her, and her mind is swirling with lust… she doesn’t care anymore, just fuck me, are her thoughts.
Jaycee collapses on top of Reuben and lay there for what seems an hour. They both actually doze off in that embrace. Reubens cock eventually softens and slips out of Jaycee’s pussy leaving a trail of semen leaking out of her and his semi-soft cock glistening with his cum and her juices.
When they awake, Jaycee rolls off of Reuben and cuddles up to him. Reuben holds her tight and whispers into her wavy blonde hair, “You like that, Baby? You just got fucked like it was supposed to be.”
“Yes, Reuben, you fucked me like it was meant to be.”
“What happened to this crazy business before about wearing a rubber or pulling out?” Reuben asked.
“It’s risky I know, but I just feel I’m missing out on too much with trying to get pregnant. My husband and I are going to Raleigh next week to the fertility clinic and see what our options are. It would be ironic if now I’m pregnant.” Jaycee lamented.
Reuben lays there staring at the ceiling with a grin. “Baby, you got nothin to worry about. I’m sure it’ll all be ok with you and hubby.” Then he thought to himself, not a chance; this bitch has my black baby in her now.