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Black Revival Preacher Breeds Lactating White Farmer's Wife

"Our church sponsors a religious revival, and the traveling preacher and others fuck me."

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Legendary Story

Life in a small farming community in northwest Mississippi can become very routine and boring. And although being active in our small, non-denominational, evangelical church and singing in the choir provides some badly needed social interaction, even that loses its luster after a while. My name is Jenny Sue, but most people call me Jenny. My husband, Jimmy, and I own a small farm outside of Greenwood.

Jimmy and I were high school sweethearts and got married right after graduation. I worked while he attended a community college and earned an associate degree in agriculture business. Then his father gave us four hundred acres of his large farm to help us get our start. We struggled those first few years, the way most new farmers do.

By the age of twenty-one we had a six-month old daughter that I was still breast feeding and we had been trying for two months to get me pregnant again. We wanted our children to be close in age, but I couldn't get pregnant as easily as I did with our first child. We were also having problems with our crops that year and didn’t have the money to get the expensive tests to see what the problem was.

Jimmy and I are very religious, and after previously feeling so blessed in our lives, we were wondering if we had done something wrong to cause our recent bad fortune. We are active in our church and had several, prayerful counseling sessions with Pastor Jordan, who is black. He told us that sometimes the faith of members is tested and that we should keep seeking answers to our challenges through prayer, and to look for opportunities to show our faithfulness. We are simple country people of average intelligence, although ignorant in some ways, and hopelessly naïve and trusting when it comes to following the advice and counsel of church leaders.

Two-thirds of the population in our area is black, and many white people are prejudiced towards them. Jimmy and I were raised with some prejudices, but we tried to be accepting of all people, which was good since our church is also predominately black. And black preachers are usually respected, even by some white people who're otherwise biased against black people.

I realized at an early age that I have a talent for music and singing. I was able to take advantage of and develop that ability in our award-winning, mostly-black choir which is very enthusiastic about our religious music. And despite the normal stereotype of powerful, black, gospel singers, I as a white woman am one of the favored soloists.

One Sunday at church Pastor Jordan announced that our congregation was sponsoring a traveling revival meeting. It was being held for one week in a tent in the field next to our church building. Many of our members were financially strapped and the pastor knew that we wouldn’t be able to provide enough money in offerings to fully compensate the revival group. So, he committed to Reverend Thomas, the charismatic revival preacher, that our members would provide room and board in our homes and transportation for his small group. He was looking for volunteers to house the men.

The entire revival group was black, and besides Reverend Thomas, there was Deacon Cecil, and the choir director, Brother Jeremy. There were also four band members and five other support personnel who helped to set up the tent and other facilities and to act as ushers and security for the meetings. They saved money by using the choir members from the sponsoring congregations, under the direction of Brother Jeremy. So, I knew that I would be busy with choir practices in the few days before the meetings began, and then during the actual meetings.

Jimmy and I met with Pastor Jordan after the church service and volunteered to house one of the men. He was pleased and said, “You're the first family to come forward, and it’s wonderful for you to help. You will receive many blessings to help with your recent struggles. And to help even more, I will assign Reverend Thomas to your home, and he will surely bless your family.”

I prepared our spare bedroom, and one and a half weeks later Reverend Thomas and his group showed up on a Wednesday morning. They travel in an old, converted Greyhound bus, along with a truck carrying the tent, chairs, band equipment and other props for the revival tent. Jimmy works long days on the farm, using his pickup truck, so I drove our car to the church to meet them.

Reverend Thomas is a big man at about six feet and three inches tall and weighing probably two hundred pounds. He is also handsome, looking a lot like the actor Danny Glover. The most amazing thing though is his infectious, charismatic personality and the aura of sanctity that he seems to have around him. That makes him very appealing and awe inspiring to those in his presence. It’s no wonder that he can mesmerize and teach large groups of people with his powerful sermons and deep melodic voice.

Our schedule was for the choir to practice with Brother Jeremy and his band every afternoon in our church, while the support crew set up the tent, preparing it for our first revival meeting on Saturday night. Our church choir practices were usually in the evenings when Jimmy was home to watch our daughter, so the afternoon practice sessions meant that I had to bring our daughter with me. The first practice was to be held on Thursday.

I picked up Reverend Thomas on Wednesday afternoon, and it was such an honor to have him in our home. We had a long conversation before Jimmy got home in the early evening, when we had dinner together. I let Reverend Thomas know about our recent struggles and not being able to conceive again.

He smiled and held my hand while saying in his deep, baritone voice, “Be strong in your faith and you will be blessed. I am an instrument to ease your suffering. I am confident that with six nights here, I and the other revival brothers will be able to help you conceive again, without having to pay for those expensive tests.”

It was easy to feel comfort from Reverend Thomas’s words. I felt the power of his presence as he seemed to peer into my soul. The only discomfort I felt was from his dark, probing eyes, as he stared at me, looking up and down my body, like his interest in me was more than spiritual. And even though I’m not biased towards black people, it was still a little unsettling for a pretty white woman like me to be alone with a big black man, whether or not he's a minister.

Now I don’t mean to brag, but I am five feet and six inches tall and weighed one hundred and thirty pounds at the time of the revival. Part of that weight was due to my big breasts which had grown from 36Ds to full and round 36Fs since I had been nursing our daughter. My hair is naturally-blonde and shoulder-length, and Jimmy says that my blue eyes are mesmerizing to men.

Later that first night after dinner, Reverend Thomas sat with Jimmy and me as we discussed our struggles. He held both of our hands as we prayed together, and then he continued to talk in his rich, melodic voice that was very comforting and almost trance inducing.

Then he said, “I will be able to help you only so far as your faith is strong, and you trust in me and follow my instructions. Tonight I am tired from my travels, so we will begin tomorrow night. Your trust is very important because the things I will be asking of you will seem unusual at first.”

We got up early on Thursday, and after eating a nourishing breakfast, Jimmy went to work in the fields as I took the Reverend to the church. I went back home and returned to the church at 2:00 pm for choir practice. Brother Jeremy is an excellent choir director, and he was patient with me when I took a couple of breaks to breast feed my daughter. I just sat in the front church pew with my breasts covered with a light blanket as I nursed her. Brother Jeremy seemed to be distracted by me, and he watched me the whole time, and was having a hard time leading the choir.

I learned that Reverend Thomas had told Brother Jeremy about how he was going to help us. When practice was over at 5:30 pm and I was walking out to the partially-erected tent to pickup Reverend Thomas, Brother Jeremy took me aside and said, “You are very fortunate that the Reverend has decided to help you. Trust in him, do exactly as he says, and you will be blessed. I will also stop by your home tomorrow night to help.”

It seemed unusual that the Reverend brought a bottle of sacramental wine with him to our home. When I questioned him about it, he explained, “A little wine will calm our nerves, and help to put you and Jimmy into a receptive mood to partake of my blessings.”

Jimmy and I almost never had any alcohol, except at communion at church. After having one glass each at dinner, we sat in the living room with the Reverend and had another glass, with me sitting between Jimmy and the Reverend on the couch. It didn’t take very long before Jimmy and I were relaxed and feeling no pain.

That’s when Reverend Thomas said, “Trying to solve the intimate problem you're having requires an intimate solution, one that might feel a little uncomfortable at first. So, let’s be less formal, and drop the Reverend and Brother and Sister lingo. You can call me Thomas, and I’ll address you as Jenny and Jimmy. And, Jimmy, everything that happens must be with your full approval and participation.”

Thomas took another sip of wine and continued, “In order for you to get the blessings you deserve, we will be sharing with one another. Jenny, you will first nourish me with the fruit of your motherhood, and then you will be blessed as you partake of my healing staff and the life-giving fruit of my loins. I have helped other couples this way, and it always works. The first thing that you must do, Jimmy, is to have the faith to remove Jenny’s blouse and bra so that I might be nourished by her.”

I could hardly believe how direct and authoritative Thomas was in telling Jimmy to remove my blouse and bra. I was not at all comfortable with how things were starting, but I was just mellow enough from the wine, and trusting enough in Thomas’ sincerity, that I was willing to go along with his efforts to bless us. Jimmy must have felt the same way, because he immediately began to unbutton my blouse. After taking it off he also unfastened and removed my bra.

My melon-sized breasts were firm and swollen with milk, and Thomas got a big smile on his face as he watched them shift and jiggle in front of me. Then he leaned over into my lap and took my left nipple and areola into his mouth as he weighed and fondled both of my breasts with his hands. He looked into my eyes as he began sucking my nipple and my milk started flowing into his mouth. Jimmy had never shown any interest in sucking my lactating breasts, so I was surprised at how different it felt from when the baby nursed me. The harder he sucked me the more I felt a tingling in my pussy, and I was intrigued watching his thick, black lips, voraciously sucking on my lily-white breast.

He sucked my left tit for about ten minutes, as Jimmy looked on with a stupid grin on his face, and my pussy was tingling more and getting wetter and wetter. Then he pulled off of me and said, “Jenny, you're simply beautiful and your breasts are amazing. Now I need to move to the other side. So, Jimmy, change places with me as I feast on your wife’s other teat.”

They switched positions and he immediately leaned over from the left side and began sucking and draining my right breast. I was becoming ever more aroused with him sucking me that way, and I was feeling guilty that something that was supposed to be a blessing was causing such passion in me. I felt Thomas’ strength and was pleased that he was enjoying himself so much while feeding from my breasts. When I started breathing noticeably harder and rubbing his right thigh, he started gently rubbing my stomach and moving his hand farther down towards my crotch.

At that point Thomas pulled his mouth off my breast, and with some of my milk running out the corner of his mouth he said, “Oh my, Jenny, you have given so much of yourself to me. Now it’s time for me to give of myself to you. Let’s go into your bedroom so that I can complete your blessing. Jimmy, you will need to take off all your clothes so I can get a better understanding of any potential problems that might exist. And, Jenny, you must take off all of your clothes while Jimmy helps me off with mine.”

Even though I am a naïve and simple country girl, it was very clear to me what would be happening next. I went along with it not just because I was so aroused and ready to be fucked, but also because I wanted so much to have enough faith to believe in Thomas’ goodness and his ability to bless us.

Jimmy obediently took off his clothes as soon as we entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed as I removed my skirt and panties. Then I lay back on our bed and watched as Jimmy slowly unbuttoned Thomas’ shirt and unfastened his pants. I had heard from a couple of my girlfriends, in our junior and senior years of high school, that some of the black boys had unusually large cocks. That did little to prepare for what I saw when Jimmy pulled down Thomas’ pants and underwear.

His very black, uncircumcised cock looked to be soft and it was still about eight inches long and very thick. He also has huge, egg-sized, low hanging balls. Jimmy’s dick is only four inches long on hard, and it looks tiny next to Thomas’ big black one, even on soft.

Thomas lay back on the bed next to me and told Jimmy to stand in front of us by the bed. Then in a very polite way he said, “I can see part of the problem now, Jimmy. Your dick is too small to fully penetrate your wife’s tunnel of womanhood. That’s where my healing staff can help by opening the passageway to her womb, which will allow me to bless her by flooding her depths with the fruit of my loins. You can help too, Jimmy. Come up onto the bed and help me get my healing staff hard for your wife.”

I was surprised by how easily Jimmy obeyed Thomas’ commands, as he got up on the bed. He wasn’t sure what to do, so Thomas took Jimmy’s hand in his, placed it on his cock, and stroked it a couple of times to give him the idea. Jimmy’s white hand looked so small on that big, black cock, and we were both surprised at how quickly it grew longer and thicker. His cock is almost twelve inches long, and Jimmy’s hand just barely fit around it.

He continued stroking it as Thomas said, “Jimmy, you now need to show more faith by worshiping my staff with your mouth, to lubricate it and prepare me to heal your wife. You must show the same love to my staff that I will be showing to her love canal.”

It was hard not to be embarrassed for Jimmy as he struggled to take that huge cock into his mouth. I watched in awe as he sucked Thomas’ oozing foreskin before going down on the head and first few inches. I could tell from his mouth movements and the slurping sounds that my husband was really sucking on that huge cock. Thomas leaned over to kiss me as Jimmy continued sucking his meat.

His lips are thick and soft, and he pushed his long tongue deep into my mouth. My passion rose quickly, and I kissed him back the same way, even though Jimmy had never kissed me that way. I had never even touched a black man before that night. It was hard to believe that so much had happened, and with more to come.

Jimmy sucked that big cock for about five minutes, until Thomas pushed him away and said, “Now comes the crucial part. Jimmy, I want you to lie between my legs and hold my staff upright and, Jenny, you need to come over and straddle my staff, facing my head. We will begin your blessing with you on top, so we can more easily assess your ability to fully insert my staff of life into your lovely, wet sheath of love.”

I straddled Thomas’ waist, and his massive cock was poised at my wet and hairy labia. Thomas held onto my breasts to balance me as I sank down on his massive tool. His cock head parted my labia, and as Thomas was leaning me over towards him to suck my breasts again, he said, “Oh my, Jenny, your slot is so tight and wet, and I know that I will be able to open the pathway to your womb. Continue to slowly sink down on my staff, and we’ll soon know how much you can take. And, Jimmy, I want you to participate by sucking my balls which are bursting with life-giving seed for Jenny.”

The pressure of his thick cock stretching my pussy felt so wonderful, and it was rubbing places inside of me that I never knew could feel so good. He continued sucking milk from my breasts as I slid farther down on his staff, and I also felt Jimmy’s forehead pushing against my ass as he sucked Thomas’ big balls. I was losing all sense of the spirituality of Thomas’ blessings, and becoming shameful and lustful in my desires. I began moving up and down on his cock, and it was soon bottoming out in my vagina.

That’s when he pulled off my breast for a moment to say, “Ah, that’s it, Jenny, it’s okay to enjoy these blessings, and I want to fully bury my staff inside of you. Swivel your hips and keep pressing down, and you’ll know the fullness of my blessings.”

I did as Thomas said, and I soon felt my insides shift, and then his shaft was fully inside of me. That’s when Thomas said, “This is so wonderful that you are taking all of me, and now we can change positions, so I can energetically deliver your blessings. Roll onto your back next to me, and Jimmy can get between our legs again after I am in place over you. And put that other pillow under your ass, to help you retain my seed after I cum.”

Thomas moved his big, black body over me, and I felt his cock pressing back into my pussy. He began fucking me with long, powerful strokes and I was shamefully having one orgasm after the other. Thomas leaned down to kiss me as he continued fucking me, and I was feeling an erotic, romantic attraction to him. Before that day, Jimmy had been my only lover, and I was learning what I had been missing from his small dick. I felt Jimmy between our legs, but it wasn’t that easy for him to suck either of us with Thomas pounding me so hard.

He fucked me that way for what seemed like fifteen minutes, which is a long time since I was used to Jimmy cumming in only a couple of minutes. Thomas started breathing hard and moaning as I felt his cock start to spasm.

He was gasping as he said, “Oh fuck, here comes your blessing, Jenny. And, Jimmy, it’s important that you suck my balls as I pump my juice and seeds of life into your beautiful wife.”

Thomas’ massive cock was throbbing and pulsing deep inside my pussy, and I felt his cum shooting into me. It felt like he pumped eight large spurts of his cum into me, and he began to slowly fuck me again with his deflating cock, that was still thick enough to seal my pussy. He stayed on me for about ten minutes, as I felt Jimmy down there, eagerly sucking Thomas’ balls and my pussy.

Thomas finally moved off me and said, “Jimmy, now it is important for you to suck my seeds out of Jenny, to prepare her to take your load. Then you can fuck her to deposit your seeds, and then suck my cock hard to fuck her again.”

I couldn’t tell whether Jimmy was still feeling the purported spiritual aspects of that experience, or if like me, he had been overwhelmed with the raw, sexual lust of the moment. In either case, he immediately covered my labia with his mouth and began to suck Thomas’ cum from me.

Thomas and I were both smiling down at Jimmy so voraciously cleaning my just-fucked pussy, before he leaned over to kiss me deeply. Jimmy sucked me for what seemed like ten minutes, and then he moved up to fuck me. I could just barely feel his little dick inside of me, but he was so aroused from everything that had happened, that it only took him two minutes to ejaculate. Thomas then made Jimmy clean his own cum out of me.

Jimmy went over to clean Thomas’ cock and balls, and in only about five minutes he was hard and ready to fuck me again. Thomas stayed in bed with us for most of the night and fucked me four times before going back to his room. In the morning at breakfast he tried to continue the conversation about giving us blessings with his big cock, but by then it was obvious to Jimmy and me that he was just using that ploy to fuck me.

The funny thing is that after a life of being religious and void of any sexual perversions, we were both so willingly giving ourselves to Thomas’ big, black cock. He had awakened the slut in me, and taught Jimmy the joys of being cuckolded by huge, black cock, and eating the sperm-rich cum.

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I drove Thomas to the church early the next day, and he said that I should come back at 1:00 pm for choir practice instead of at 2:00 pm. When I arrived, Thomas took me and my sleeping baby to the bus, where Deacon Cecil and a black woman, named Violet, from the support crew were waiting for us.

Violet took my baby over to the tent while Thomas said, “Thanks for coming early, Jenny. I told Cecil about the blessings that I gave you last night, and he is anxious to bless you too. So, I was hoping that we could help you out together before choir practice. Then tonight, both Brother Cecil and Brother Jeremy will come home with us to continue your blessings with me.”

It was a little upsetting that they thought I was so stupid that I didn’t realize what they were doing. I thought about challenging them on their deception, and then decided that if they enjoyed the ruse of me being fucked to receive their blessings, then I would just enjoy it and get all the black cock and cum that I could.

So, Thomas began by saying, “As I told you before, Cecil, we made good progress last night with Jenny and her husband. Her pathway has been opened as never before, and now we need to continue her treatments. You can go first and get a taste of her blessed mother’s milk, while you begin using your staff. At the same time, I’ll let her prepare my shaft.”

The three of us went to the bed in the back of the bus, and I took off my blouse, skirt and underwear as the men got undressed. Both men have muscular, lean bodies, and I was impressed with Cecil’s cock, which is a little shorter than Thomas’, at about eleven inches long, but it's even thicker. They placed a pillow under my ass as Cecil moved between my legs and began sucking milk from my breasts, as he quickly slammed his cock into my pussy. Thomas was on his knees by my head, pressing his cock to my lips, which was a first for me since Jimmy had done all the sucking the night before.

I loved sucking Thomas’ big cock and tasting his oozing precum, while at the same time being fucked by Cecil’s noticeably thicker girth. Cecil must have been excited to be fucking my tight, white, farm-wife pussy, since he only lasted about five minutes before shooting a huge load of his Negro seed right into my cervix. He stayed in me for about ten minutes, slowly fucking me with his softening cock, just as Thomas had done the night before. And with the pillow under my ass, that meant that almost none of his cum escaped my pussy during that time.

Cecil finally pulled his cock out of me and moved up on his knees by my head as Thomas took his place between my wide-spread legs and oozing labia. Cecil pushed his slimy horse cock to my mouth, and I began sucking him as Thomas began deep-stroking my cunt. I struggled to take Cecil’s thick cock head and foreskin into my mouth, but I loved the meaty taste and texture of our juices and his massive cock. It only took Thomas about seven or eight minutes to cum, since I had been sucking his cock to hardness while Cecil was fucking me, and he soon added his load of virile cum to my fuck hole.

Thomas kept slowly fucking my pussy for another seven minutes or so, and then pulled out before saying, “We would like to ‘bless you’ one more time before choir practice. But since we only have a half hour, and Cecil and I need a little recovery time, we’ll need to show you how you can enjoy the fruits of both of our loins at the same time. That will involve me pushing into your nether hole, since Cecil’s shaft is thicker than mine, and there should be plenty of lubrication running down from your two previous ‘blessings’.”

I’ll admit that I’m not that well educated, but I did know that my nether hole is my asshole. It was a little scary thinking about being fucked there, but Thomas had not hurt me so far, and I trusted in his judgement. The men lay beside me on the bed and casually sucked milk from my breasts, which just turned me on even more. They were finally ready when we had only about fifteen minutes until I had to go.

Thomas lay back on the bed as he said, “Okay, Jenny, now you can lay on your back on me, and slide down until you feel my shaft push up against your back hole. I can already feel that there is plenty of our juices running down there, and I’ll slowly push down on your shoulders which will press the head of my shaft into you. We can go as slowly as you need to, so we can minimize any pain. I’ll know when we’re ready for Cecil when you're comfortable moving up and down on it.”

Thomas pressed down, and I swiveled my hips slightly, as his big cock began to penetrate my anus. I heard the squishing of our juices and felt a little pain as his fat cock head pushed through my sphincter, and then I got the most pleasurable sensation of having my rectum filled with his big cock, as I felt his balls pressing against my ass cheeks. I began moaning and moving back and forth on his cock, as Thomas began to pivot his hips fucking into me. That was Cecil’s cue to get on top of me and fuck his thick horse-cock into my pussy.

It’s hard to find words to describe the wonderful feeling of having both of my holes stuffed with thick, black cocks. And in addition, I loved the idea of being sandwiched between those two lustful black men who I knew were just using me for their carnal pleasure. I don’t know how they could reconcile their worldly lust with their professions as holy men, and at that moment I didn’t care. I just loved their thick, meaty cocks fucking my married holes.

My big breasts were shaking like jello as I was pounded from above and below, and the men got into a good, alternating rhythm that was giving me almost continuous orgasms. It took the men ten minutes that time, before they buried their cocks to the balls in my ass and pussy, as I felt the syncopated throbbing of those huge black cocks as they inseminated me. I only had a few minutes to suck their cocks clean and wipe away as much of their cum as I could. Then I walked almost bow-legged over to the tent for choir practice.

Brother Jeremy and the band members, who you remember travel with the revival, smiled when they saw me walking wobbly up with my hair tussled and the flush in my cheeks from just having been fucked twice each by two of their big-cocked, black bosses. They seemed to know full well what had happened, and likely knew that Thomas and Cecil had fucked many other white farmer’s wives like that over the years.

And as I found out later, the band members had gotten their fair share of white pussy too. The choir members from our church seemed oblivious to what had happened, and they would have never expected that sort of behavior from any of us.

We started the choir practice, and I tried to concentrate on my solos for Saturday night. It was hard, though, with the feeling of my stretched pussy and asshole, and the feeling of their cum leaking from me and running down my inner thighs. I finally took a break to breast feed my baby. I was able to use an extra diaper to nonchalantly wipe up the cum, and I sensed that Jeremy and the band members saw what I was doing when they whispered among themselves and laughed about it.

Following practice, I took Thomas, Cecil, and Jeremy home with me. Jimmy looked surprised to see three, big black men with me, but he didn’t try to argue about it. We had dinner and then I put the baby to bed, before the black men, Jimmy, and I went to our bedroom.

Thomas started trying to talk about ‘blessings’ again, and I cut him off saying, “Look, Thomas, Jimmy and I have figured out that the only blessings going on here are that you and the others get to fuck my married, white pussy. And, you have taught Jimmy and me to love your big, black cocks and cum. So, let’s just fuck and enjoy it.”

We started having sex at about 8:30 pm, and it wasn’t until 3:00 am that we finally all fell asleep exhausted on our bed. I was being fucked in every possible combination, with those men using my mouth, ass, and pussy. Jimmy was sucking their cocks to hardness and cleaning them after each ejaculation, and he even sucked Thomas off.

The funny thing is that when Jimmy watched me being fucked in the ass the first time, he decided that he wanted to be fucked in the ass too. So, those three men had five holes to use, and I think that each of them ejaculated four times before the night was over. Everyone slept in a little on Saturday morning, and before I took the men back to the revival tent, they each fucked me again. After being used to only Jimmy, I was amazed at their sexual prowess and staying power.

There was a short choir practice on Saturday afternoon, before the revival meeting started at 7:30 pm that night. The sermon, choir performance, and other music went very well. It was humorous listening to Thomas’ fire and brimstone sermon on the evils of lusting after the flesh, knowing that he had been fucking another man’s wife for three days.

That night, after all the attendees and our local choir member had left, Thomas took Jimmy and me to the bus with him, Cecil, Jeremy, and the four band members. One of the five support personnel is a black woman, who volunteered to take care of the baby back in the tent while we were busy in the bus. I’m sure that she got all the fucking she could handle when they were on the road.

That night I fucked and sucked all seven of those men, multiple times, and by the time we left the bus at 2:00 am, the aroma of cum and pussy juice was strong and permeated the bus. My pussy and ass were very sore on Sunday morning in church, and I had a hard time sitting in the choir chairs. It was surreal seeing Thomas and Cecil sitting up in front with the pastor, with Jeremy leading his band members in music for the congregation, so we could sing some of the new music from the revival meeting. Church was over at noon, and there was another revival meeting scheduled for that afternoon at 5:30 pm.

Right after church Pastor Jordan asked Jimmy and me to meet with him in his office, and of course we obediently went there to see him. We sat down, and Pastor Jordan said, “I was so happy to hear from Brother Thomas that you have both been very receptive to the blessings that he and his staff have given you. I just wanted you to know that I and a select few of our deacons will be more than happy to continue those blessings after the Brother Thomas and the other revival members leave town on Wednesday. So just continue with what you’ve been doing, and I know that you will receive all the blessings you seek.”

I thought for a moment about ending the charade of receiving ‘blessings’ when I was little more than a whore to those men. But then, I reasoned that since we had to live in the same town with Pastor Jordan and the deacons, it might be easier on all of us to pretend that there was some noble purpose to being fucked by them. It would allow them to maintain their façade of righteousness, and I would still be getting all the black cock and cum I wanted.

So, I responded, “Yes, Pastor, Jimmy and I would appreciate very much being able to continue receiving those blessings.”

Thomas, Cecil and Jeremy stayed at our home again on Sunday night, and they were keeping my breasts drained so much that I had to start substituting formula for the baby sometimes. And even though Jimmy did his best to keep up with cleaning my pussy and their cocks, our sheets were soaked with dozens of cum loads from that night and the previous nights. The room was permeated with the smell of sex, and I liked the smell of their cum so much that I was reluctant to change the sheets.

There was no practice on Monday, but I went to the tent anyway, and ended up fucking not only Cecil, Jeremy, and the band members, but also the four men on the support crew, while Violet took care of my baby. It seemed like an endless round of being fucked in my ass, pussy and mouth, with them using towels from the bus to wipe up as much of their cum as they could after each fucking. Then we took a partial break on Monday night, with only Thomas coming home with us after the revival meeting.

We did pretty much the same thing on Tuesday, except that since that was the last night of the revival, Thomas, Cecil, and Jeremy came home with us after the meeting. We sucked and fucked those men until the wee hours of the morning, and then slept in until I took them back to the revival at around noon.

The crew had already taken down the tent and packed the chairs and other items into the truck, and they were ready for the trip to their next revival in a city two hundred miles away. Thomas had a meeting with Pastor Jordan before they departed at about 1:00 pm, and he and the other choir members were there to see them off. We said our goodbyes, and as the other choir members left, Pastor Jordon invited me to come to his church office to talk. The baby was sleeping in her car seat/carrier, and I sat her down on the chair in front of his desk, while he invited me to sit on the couch next to him, on his right side.

He took my little white hand in his big black hand and said, “Brother Thomas told me that you and Jimmy were very enthusiastic about receiving repeated blessings from him and all of the male members of his crew, and as I said after our services on Sunday, my deacons and I stand ready to continue in the same way now that the revival group has gone."

"I would like to come to your home tonight to share with you and Jimmy my healing wand and the fruit of my loins, but right not I’d like to suckle from your beautiful, milk-swollen orbs that Brother Thomas told me so much about. And since we will be spending so much time together in the future, I’d like for you and Jimmy to just call me Jordan when no one else is around.”

Jordan didn’t even wait for my acknowledgement before leaning over to kiss me as he began to unbutton my blouse. His big, black lips are soft, and I enjoyed the feeling of his long tongue probing my mouth. When my blouse was unbuttoned, he leaned over my lap from the left side, and reached behind me to unfasten my bra. He smiled broadly as my 36F, milk-filled breasts swung free and jiggled in front of his face. He immediately latched onto my right areola and nipple and sucked hard, swallowing hungrily as my milk began to flow. I felt that wonderful tingling in my pussy as Jordan sucked hard on my breast, and I knew that I couldn’t wait until that night to be fucked by him.

He had been sucking me for about ten minutes when I reached out with my left hand to rub his thigh, and he loudly moaned and gurgled my milk as he repositioned himself. I then began rubbing the huge, hardening lump in his pants. And since my right breast had been mostly drained, that was a good time to change sides.

As he was moving over to sit on my right side, so he could lean over and suck my left breast, he unfastened his belt and pants, and lowered the zipper as he said, “Me oh my, Jenny, if I had known what a little vixen you are over all the past years, I would have approached you sooner. Damn, girl, for seeming to be so sweet and innocent, you sure are hot to trot right now.”

He engulfed my left areola and nipple as I reached down with my right hand into his open pants to rub his hardening cock in his tight, white underwear. He began sucking me even harder as I pushed down his underwear and pants, as he lifted his ass to help me. His cock is uncircumcised and looked to me to be over twelve inches long and is so thick that I couldn’t close my hand around it. He humped my hand as he continued draining my milk. When I felt that my breast was almost drained, I leaned down beside him, in a side-by-side sixty-nine position, and took the oozing head of his thick, black cock into my mouth. At the same time, he pulled up my dress and pushed down my panties, before pushing his long tongue into my very wet labia.

We sucked one another that way for about ten minutes before Jordan said, “Your love tunnel seems hungry for my shaft of life right now, and I can’t wait to see what it feels like to impale a pretty, sweet, young, white farmer’s wife on my staff. Lay back and spread your legs for me, girl, and get ready for my blessings. But first, put this pillow under your ass.”

Jordan’s cock is longer and thicker than the other men I had fucked in the past days, and his cock felt tight inside of me, even though they had paved the way for him. He soon had his massive fuck tool buried to the balls in my pussy.

He seemed to be half muttering to himself and me as he said, “Oh, my dear, sweet, Jenny. Your pussy is so tight on my shaft, and not all fat and sloppy like my wife’s, even when she is willing on rare occasions to give it up it me. And shit, girl, no woman has even been able to take my whole shaft like you're doing. Brother Thomas was sure right about everything he said about you.”

I had already had four orgasms on his massive cock by the time he pushed deep inside of me and I felt his meat pulsing and throbbing, filling my womb with his Negro cum. I knew that he wanted my ass on the pillow so most of his cum would stay inside of me, and he slowly stroked me with his thick, soft cock as it made loud squishy and slurping sounds in our combined wetness. He kissed me deeply with his soft lips and long tongue and stayed on me and inside of my pussy for at least fifteen minutes.

He finally pulled out of me, with a loud slurping sound, as he said, “Thank you for your faith, Jenny. I know that you have received the best of my blessings, and I look forward to meeting with you and Jimmy tonight to continue our efforts.”

I went straight home after fucking Jordan, after being with him for an hour. Jimmy just happened to be at home when I arrived, and after telling him everything, he dove between my legs to clean my well-fucked pussy. We had already eaten dinner and put the baby to bed before Jordan came over at 8:00 pm. He walked in and surprised us by having Deacon Jefferson with him. Jefferson is shorter than Jordan, at about five feet and nine inches tall, and he is also much heavier, at what I would guess to be over two hundred and fifty pounds.

Jordan said, “I hope you don’t mind, but since Jenny and I got acquainted this afternoon, I thought that Jefferson would like to be involved tonight.”

We went to our bedroom, and Jordan made all the same comments that Thomas had done to justify their actions in the name of giving us ‘blessings’. So, it took a little time as they went through all the steps of having us undress and then Jimmy undressing them. I was impressed with Jefferson’s uncircumcised cock which, at nine inches long isn't as long as Jordan’s, but it's even thicker. The men lay on either side of me sucking milk from my breasts as Jimmy went from one to the other, sucking them to hardness. Then I squatted down over Jefferson’s massive bull cock, taking him inside of me on one plunge.

I rose and fell on Jefferson’s cock as he held onto my breasts to balance me, while Jimmy continued to suck Jordan’s cock and balls. It didn’t take Jefferson very long to cum, and his throbbing cock was moving my body as he inseminated my married, white pussy. When I pulled off him, Jordan pushed Jimmy down between my legs to suck my pussy clean. Then Jordan took his first turn of the evening in my pussy, as Jimmy cleaned Jefferson’s massive cock and balls. Those men had to get back home to their wives at a decent time, so we couldn’t take as long between fucks as I had done with the men from the revival. And by 10:00 pm, each of them had ejaculated three times in my pussy, ass, and Jimmy’s mouth.

That was the start of almost endless fucking with Jordan, Jefferson, and three other Deacons. They sometimes come to our home, either individually or in groups, but at other times Jimmy and I meet them at the church for ‘meeting nights’, when we start at about 6:00 pm and fuck until 11:00 pm, with no interruptions.

One week after that revival group left our town, I missed my period. Jordan was happy to hear that we had solved our fertility problem and made a big deal about how the blessings helped us. Although, I knew from the timing of events that Thomas had probably impregnated me on that first night fucking me in our home.

A year has now passed since the beginning of those events, and Jimmy and I are raising a beautiful, black baby boy along with our daughter. We still fuck Jordan and the Deacons whenever they want my pussy, and it is only a matter of time before I am impregnated again by a big-cocked black man.



Written by edlangston
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